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High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Manansala, Dominic H.1, Martin, Marilen2

School of Chemical, Biological, and Materials Engineering and Sciences, Mapua University, Intramuros, 1002
Metro Manila, Philippines

I. Introduction Further discussing the process

that occurs during HPLC, the
In the study of Biology, more
presence of a high pressure, typically
specifically, but not limited to, in the
around 400 atm, forces the solvent to
field of applied laboratory medicine,
pass through a column which is filled
samples are actively collected and
by adsorbent. In technical terms, the
treated. Following this is completing
immense pressure allows the mobile
specific methods and procedures in
phase to proceed to the
order to determine distinct
aforementioned column known as the
components found in the mixture. One
stationary phase [ CITATION Jimst \l
of the more common methods used in
13321 ].
experiments similar to this is a
method called “High-Performance Being an advanced and highly
Liquid Chromatography” or HPLC sensitive, HPLC machines are able to
[ CITATION Hig20 \l 13321 ] which is read and detect various magnitudes of
basically a more developed technique interaction between the components in
derived from column the mixture and the adsorbent present.
Chromatography. The HPLC machine has the ability of
doing so by considering the
Briefly differentiating the two
differences in chemical and physical
techniques mentioned, column
properties. Additionally, the concept
chromatography heavily relies on
of polarities is also heavily applied.
gravity which allows the solvent to [ CITATION Ver16 \l 13321 ]
drip down in the column. On the other
hand, HPLC utilizes a high-pressure Before proceeding with the
pump instead of gravity which makes discussion of polarities and property
the process quicker relative to column differences, it is important the two
chromatography. major types of HPLC namely “normal
phase” and “reverse phase”. The two
types can be distinguished in the technique alongside the function of an
polarities of their mobile and HPLC machine. (2) Successfully
stationary phases. For the normal- complete an HPLC analysis on the
phase HPLC, the mobile phase is drug sample (3) to determine the
considered to be non-polar and is then effects of external factors and
followed by a polar stationary phase. parameters (temperature, humidity,
The reverse-phase simply has these mobile and, stationary phase
two polarities reversed [ CITATION composition)
Lak19 \l 13321 ]. Among the two types,
II. Methodology
this experiment utilizes the reverse-
phase type. This is generally the more This experiment was executed
common type being that is it relatively through Labster which is an online
more ideal towards the retention of virtual laboratory simulator.
organic analytes [ CITATION Mat13 \l 13321 Prior to proceeding with the
actual experiment, the HPLC machine
For the components in the was calibrated. This is completed by
mixture found in the sample, each forcing incremental pressure through
have their specific interactions with the column beginning with 0.1
the beads inside the column which is mL/min for 10 minutes. After such, a
affected by the polarity of the volume of the subject solvent was
stationary phase and the analyte itself. utilized to flush out interferents that
Ultimately, this yields different rates may be contaminate the whole
of elution for the distinct components experiment.
while flowing out the column. After calibration, the sample
In displaying the signal peaks was then prepared accordingly. Using
caused by the elution rates, a a mortal and pestle, the drug sample
chromatogram is produced. The peaks was powderized to aid in dissolving it
are caused by the detected retention in water.
times which indicates which With the needed preparations
component eluted first up to the last completed, the process of HPLC was
[ CITATION Chr \l 13321 ]
commenced starting by injecting the
The success of this experiment prepared drug solution into sample
is then guided by these set of injector for the HPLC machine to be
objectives: (1) to understand HPLC as able to process the sample following
a chromatographic separation constant conditions. A chromatogram
of the signal detect will be yielded Being the component with the
accordingly. lowest value for retention time,
Metformin hydrochloride was
For the next half of the
detected first being the peak is found
experiment which focuses on the
at around the 5-minute mark.
effects of external factors such as
Followed by Povidone which was
temperature, the components in the
detected by the 9th minute and then
mobile and stationary phase were
finally at the 16-minute mark is
swapped with acetonitrile and C-18
magnesium stearate. The differences
respectively. However, prior to doing
in retention time and absorbance are
so was the washing and re-
affected by the degree of interactions
conditioning of the machine by
between the non-polar silica beads
allowing new variables to be flushed
found in the column.
In dissecting and discussing
III. Results and Discussion
each peak that is found on the graph
After the completion of the above, Metformin hydrochloride
HPLC processes, the following (C4H12ClN5), which is highly polar,
chromatogram were produced and yielded the fastest relative retention
analyzed. time [ CITATION WFa11 \l 13321 ] caused by
the low degree of interaction between
the silica beads which is non-polar,
allowing it to be detected quicker as
soon as it was injected. The strong
absorbance peak of this component is
explained by the occurrence that it
exited the stationary phase
Following this component is
Figure 1. Absorbance VS Retention Povidone (C6H9NO)n as shown by the
(at 25 Co) middle, small-sized peak in the graph.
Regarding the position of this peak on
Observable from Figure 1 are the middle of the graph, it indicates
three peaks with distinct degrees of that its retention time is not the fastest
absorbance and value for retention (in nor the slowest relative to the drug
minutes). components. This is due fact that this
compound is soluble in non-polar as Figure2.Chromatogram
well as polar solvents [ CITATION JRS20 \l comparison (Normal VS Extreme
13321 ] Additionally, it is observable conditions)
that it has the weakest absorbance
For the next half of the
peak out of the three. These
experiment, a comparative analysis
observations are made possible by the
was done. Between the two
fact that Povidone is an organic
chromatograms shown in Figure 2, the
substance that contains a hydrophobic
left chromatogram shows the readings
or non-polar group and a hydrophilic
and detections subjected under normal
or polar group causing a variance in
conditions (25 Co and 40% humidity).
the interactions in the mobile and
The chromatogram on the right was
stationary phase.
oppositely conditioned being it was
Lastly for this graph, it is subjected to relatively more intense
observed that the largest value for conditions (40 Co and 95% humidity).
retention time was detected and
The motive for this section of
identified as Magnesium stearate
the experiment is to identify how such
(Mg(C18H35O2)2). This phenomenon is
external factors such as humidity and
caused by the structure of the
temperature affect the readings for
compound which makes it non-polar
absorbance and retention times for
or hydrophobic [ CITATION Mag \l 13321 ].
certain compounds in a sample.
With that, it tends to actively interact
with the non-polar silica in the Initially, it can be observed
stationary phase. The increase in between the two chromatograms, that
degree of interaction yields a the retention time and degree of
consequence of an increase is the time absorbance for Povidone and
of retention inside the column. magnesium stearate are similar with
the possible presence of miniscule
discrepancies, which can be securely
However, for the first peak,
which is the identified metformin
hydrochloride, it can be observed that
there seems to be a small yet
quantifiable discrepancy between the
degree of absorbance at normal
conditions compared to the extreme chromatograms in terms of retention
one. time and absorbance. The success in
the completion of the technique
Note that the degree of
allowed the further understanding of
absorbance or the area under the curve
the mechanisms that takes place in an
corresponds to the concentration of
HPLC machine together with the
that specific components in the
polaristic effects and interactions
sample, the slight decrease in the
between molecules.
“height” of the peak indicates that
there is a loss in the concentration at For the next comparative half
an extreme condition [ CITATION Int \l of the experiment, it is determined
13321 ]. This occurrence can be that the change in the environment or
attributed to the possibility of the conditions affects the compound
compound degrading. The increase in possibly through thermal degradation
temperature causes the breakdown of as seen in the decrease in
the components found in the concentration for metformin
compound possibly forming other
hydrochloride [ CITATION Mic18 \l 13321 ]
products [ CITATION Typ \l 13321 ].
Additionally, for the References
comparative analysis of the two given
chromatograms, it indicated that the
components present in the sample are
able to function even with the changes
in environment while noting the small
degradation possible for metformin
After the completion of the
entirety of the experiment, the
objectives were effectively sufficed.
The theory and application behind
chromatography, more specifically
HPLC, were demonstrated and
applied by identifying the components
present and analyzing the
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