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Cast of Characters

Danny - a very bright and energetic student. But everything changed when the pandemic struck.

Lucia - the mother of Danny and wife of Fernando, a typical nagging mom and wife

Fernando - the strict father of Danny and husband of Lucia,

Kelly, Vincent,Steven, Sophie - the school friends of Danny


The present


Everything seems quite normal and going on according to the natural processes of flow of life. But
something happened that disturbed and stopped the flow. All the things that people normally do is
halted or either controlled. A pandemic spread throughout the whole world. Everyone needs to take
care and follow the government's protocols and rules to avoid being infected and stop the widespread
ot the virus. Everything is affected by the pandemic, even the schooling / studying of the children. They
need to transfer from a traditional way to the new normal type of studying. This is where the story of
are protagonist, Danny, starts.

Settings: At Danny's house. Specifically, Danny's room

At rise: Danny is at front of his laptop. The device is on his online class but his mind is not there. His
mind is wandering somewhere. He'll came back to reality when he heard his teacher's voice.
Teacher's voice:

Okay class, that would be all for today. Goobye

(the rest of the class responded aside from Danny. He'll turn of his laptop and go downstairs where he
will see his mother preparing lunch at the kitchen. She will talk to her)


Hey, Danny how's your schooling?

Danny :

Still the same mom

Lucia :

Oh, What do you mean by that? (She will stop preparing the table and seat near Danny)


Nothing's new mom, you don't have to ask everyday about it.

(Lucia won't sense that Danny has a problem and she won't asked him. She will just nag at him)


Son, whatever that bothers you don't let it affects your studies. You know that the living is very difficult
(Danny won't say a word. He will bow his head while clenching his fist under the table)


(she'll continue speaking) ... and another one, make sure that you will get high grades don't make me
mad and waste our money.

(While the two are in the kitchen talking, Fernando enters with a mad and disgusted face. Lucia noticed
and asked him)


And you Mister?. What happened to you and you look mad? Do you have a bad day at work?


Ah!, I'm not just mad. I'm very very mad. Those ungrateful rascals ( he will hit the table with close fist.)


Why? What happened? Stop that, you're making me nervous.


(He will reply to Lucia with gritting teeth, he's still clenching his fist, looking outside from the kitchen

They fired me just because I don't make it on time. They disregarded all of my contributions to the
company just because of a simple mistake.

(He'll notice Danny )

And what's the problem of this punk, huh?


Eh, don't mind him, he's just sulking.


( He will push Danny's shoulder)

Hey you, I don't have job now. You won't be able to continue your studies. You know, I shouldn't have
support your studies eh... I just waste my money on you.


( She will sigh out of frustration and anger) We should have just build a business instead of educating
this child. He always get low marks. (Looks to Danny)


I no longer know where he inherited the stupidity


Let's stop this discussion for a while and eat.

( Danny eat silently and didn't utter even a single word. Afterwards he go up to his room)

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