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IIT Delhi Robotics Club

Volume 3, No 2 24th April,2010

ROBOCON -Danvir Singh

S ince the first appear-

ance of a robot in a movie
ganized by Doordarshan
(DD) in association with
the host institution,
robots test the ability of
the robot to complete the
task, combating different
in 1927, robots have in- which has been the Ma- strategies by their oppo-
trigued us through innu- harashtra Institute of nents for efficient comple-
merable appearances in Technology(MIT), Pune tion of the tasks. Reliabil-
fictional stories in the since 2005. The winner of ity of the robots is a major
media, be it the print or the the national level Robo- factor that decides the
film. ABU Robocon, short con competition then winner of the competition.
for Robotic Contest, which represents the country at The team with higher
is an interesting game- cum- the international level. number of points is de-
intellectual exercise for bud- This national level com- clared the winner of the
ding engineers, determined petition attracts teams match between the 2 op-
to innovate and create ma- from practically all the posing teams. The compe-
Inside this issue: chines for producing desired top-notch engineering tition involves building
results. This competition is colleges from across the and deployment of both
Indelible Experi- 2 organized annually at the country. Due to this it automatic, i.e. robots with
ence of Robotics Asia Pacific level by the has been the primary intelligence, and remote-
Asian Broadcasting Union. competition in which the controlled manual robots.
Preparation for 2 This international competi- Robotics Club of IIT
After many years of sin-
tion has found participation Delhi has been participat-
from 20 countries from the ing since 2003. cere hard work, grit and
Legacy of the Ro- 3 determination, the IIT
region since its inception in
Every year the theme of
2002, India being one of Delhi team has been able
the competition is re-
Robotics Xplode 3 them. to create a standard of its
leased by the host nation
The international level com- of the ABU Robocon, own in terms of the robots
Robotics in Vision 4 petition is preceded by the consisting of head-on that it makes for the com-
national level competitions matches between the petition.
Robowars 4 organized. In India, the na- competing teams. The
tional level Robocon is or- assigned tasks for the

A word by our Mentor -Prof S.K Saha

We’re also on the
I t is really heartening to see an-
other newsletter coming within four
their 24 x 7 robot called
"Robomuse" during IIT Delhi's
Open House, I2Tech 2010 which
http:// months of its previous one. It shows is being held on April 24, 2010. the enthusiasm of the students work-
All the best and keep up the
ing with robotics club. I am happy to
good work!
know that the students will showcase
their Robocon 2010 robots, along with
Page 2 Robodiary

Indelible Experience of Robotics

-Sanjay Dhakar
Prof. S.K. Saha
(Team mentor) I wanted to do some-
thing practical using the
on the makeshift field.
I did my most of the learn-
been able to stick to the
initial timeframe but then
to err is to be human. We
Danvir Singh Sethi
technical knowledge. So I ing in my 2nd year. In the can only hope that we keep
(Team Coordinator) joined the robotics club in second year, I was a part of learning from our past mis-
Sanjay Dhakar my first year. Before joining the planning process and takes and keep improving
I didn’t had any idea about the entire focus was on per- upon them. That’s what
(Electrical Coordinator) what robotics is. The whole forming outstandingly in we actually did this year.
Pawan Kumar experience of Robocon I Robocon this time. It was a We were able to follow the
would say was magical help- priceless experience to ob- timeline upto satisfactory
(Mechanical Coordinator)
ing me both on the profes- serve the complete team level.
Parag Jain sional and personal front. I working like maniacs to
I must say in these 3 years
(Electrical) was surprised with the en- reach the final goal in
the level of robustness,
Kamal Gupta ergy I felt as soon as I January. I must admit our
design and accuracy of our
(Electrical) landed in Pune for the com- maximum output comes
robots has increased tre-
petition. All the doziness when we are under maxi-
Vyom Jain mendously. I am greatly
acquired during the train mum pressure. No doubt
(Mechanical) thankful to the Robotics
journey went away as we our chances would have
Abhijeet Rathore club to make these 3 years
saw tens of robots running increased manifold had we
(Mechanical) of my college life special.
Kishor Kumar
(Mechanical) Preparation for Robocon 2010
Rohit Kushwaha

Rohit Goyal
T he Robcon 2010 theme
was announced on 24 Au-
In the meantime, we
formed 4 separate teams
among ourselves so that
proved, with small im-
provements in the design
of the robots and the algo-
(Mechanical) gust 2009, after the ABU we could come up with rithm used for running the
Robocon 2009 was held in different ideas in few days. robots. After the near suc-
Japan. Thus after discus- cessful testing of the Kha-
Himanshu Gupta The members of Robotics fra robots in January, the
(Electrical) sions to understand the Club were then divided
rules, the Robotics Club last robot was focused on.
Rohit Taneja into 3 teams working on
members were divided into This year another new fea-
(Electrical) three different robots. In
5 teams, comprising of ture added to the robots
Prashant Joshi order to work on a parallel
around 6 members each. As were integrated circuits for
(Electrical) done annually, the differ- basis, several manufactur-
ers were approached but the robots, with all the
Manas Paldhe ent teams were to come up components of the electri-
they failed our expectation
(Electrical) with some initial ideas and cal circuitry for running
and hence once again we
Pawan Gupta designs for the robots the robot on a single board
were dependent on our
(Electrical) which were then discussed previous manufacturer. instead of different con-
and analysed in detail by nected circuits of the PIC
Ashwini Kumar Pal
all the members and then This year we were able to microcontroller, the motor
the feasible designs were meet most of the deadlines drivers etc.
Kamlesh Suwarnakar combined to prepare the and able to prepare the
(Mechanical) best design for the compe- basic structure of the three So by the end of February,
Nihit Kumar tition. This was like an robots in a fairly working all the four robots were
(Mechanical) internal competition condition till the first week complete, with good reli-
among the members of the of December. After the ability. Thus we reached
club, termed as Internal initial testing, the robots Pune with a sense of
Idea Competition. were continually im-
achievement in itself.
Volume 4, No 1 Page 3

Legacy of the Robotics Club -Rohit Taneja

“ I find that
down to quarter finals in 2010, though we lost our
obotics Club of IIT 2005. Then again the club first match against IIT the harder I
Delhi has always been a achieved the status of Bombay and were out of work, the
semi finalist in 2006 be- the competition, we
place where some of the
sides 2 very eminent played the match with
more luck I
most hardworking indi- seem to have”
viduals strive to achieve awards in the form of Best vigour and enthusiasm.
perfection in the field of Design for Manual Robot Out of the 47 teams, the
Robotics. Our primary aim and Best Manual Opera- IIT Delhi team was
has consistently been per- tor. In 2007, we achieved ranked fourth according
forming our best at Robo- complete perfection in the to the total number of
con – The annual Robotics form of winners of the points scored in the
competition. It was the national Robocon. We League matches. R OBOTICS
vision of Professor believe that “Robocon” is
We still continue to learn
S.K.Saha that gained real a lot, not only in the field
grounds in the year 2003 of robotics but also about
when IIT Delhi actively project management and P ART 1
participated in Robocon most importantly about
for the first time. Marking team work. Our activities
the beginning of a work- have been on a rise for the
group as well as a trade- benefit of not only the
mark journey, the legacy more of a passion for Ro-
club members but also for
still continues after quite botics’ enthusiasts than
the IIT student commu-
many years. The very first just about competing and
nity in general. It is a
attempt at Robocon acted winning. In 2008, we
prominent aspect that the
as an enormous boosting again achieved success by
club has seen good engi-
force to our motives and reaching the semi-finals
neers as well as emerge
actions as we reached the and most importantly Cybernetics profes-
from its system and hope-
semi finals. We reached winning ‘The Best Manual sor Kevin Warwick
fully this development
semi finals again in 2004 Award’. In 2009, we again
reached quarter finals. In
calls himself the
trend will continue to rise.
but got slightly pulled world’s first cyborg,
with computer chips
Robots Xplode in Kharagpur -Ravikant implanted in his left
arm. He can re-
Our participation in mines on a grid of white final round of the event. We
Xplode event held at IIT lines over a black base; could have won the event motely operate
Kharagpur, was very en- and another to find the but in a view to compete doors, an artificial
riching and interesting. shortest path avoiding with the top teams from hand, and an elec-
This was the first ever these mines. 16 teams across the country we in- tronic wheelchair.
robotics competition I qualified for the second creased the speed of our
participated it and was round on the basis of per- robot which resulted in de-
stunned by the enthusi- formance in the prelims creased reliability.
asm of the participating where the parameters were The enthusiastic culture at
teams and the level of the total time taken and Robotics Club at IIT Delhi
competition. numbers of mines effi- was very helpful. I was of-
As many as 55 teams par- ciently detected. course nervous as it was my
ticipated in the competi- In the second round, both first event but the support
tion, where we were sup- the robots were simultane- and experience sharing by
posed to make two ously operated and the the fellow members gave me
autonomous bots, one of shortest path was judged . the required confidence to
which could detect metal We were able to reach the compete with the top teams.
Page 4 Robodiary

“A Dream Is
Robotics In Vision       ­Himanshu 

Your Creative technical support for petitions are a great
Vision For Your Robocon is well devel- learning experience and
Life In The Fu- oped, the club can now can be very motivating
obotics start focussing on other for the less experienced
club of IIT Delhi came fields of robotics and lot. The club will be
up in 2002. Since its other competitions as developing support for
formation, it has come well. Moreover, the small robots as we feel
a long way in terms of strength of the club has that we should now
R OBOTICS development and tech- been increasing and focus on other types of
nology. From soldered now the club has a robots also. The club
F UN FACTS circuits to well designed wider member-base will be participating in
PCBs, from nuts and than that required just other robotics competi-
bolts to aluminium for Robocon. This in- tions also and for this
PART 2 welding, H-bridge relay creased strength can be we will develop techni-
circuits to Sabertooth used to represent the cal support for smaller
motor drivers, the club club in other competi- competitions. The club
has improved by leaps tions round the coun- will become more active
and bounds. The club try. Besides, if the club within as well as out-
has been participating participates in other side IIT Delhi. In order
in Robocon for nearly a robotics competitions, to help the 1st yearites,
decade now. As a result, the members will get the club will conduct a
the club has a well de- more exposure. Even series of workshops on
veloped technical sup- more significantly, the the basics of ‘Robotics’.
port for Robocon. It novices will learn faster Another set of work-
There are currently has become a great if they make the robots shops will be held be-
4,000 robots serving place of learning robot- themselves. fore the technical festi-
in the US Military, ics and things related to
Starting next semester,
val - Tryst. These will
including reconnais- it. Today, the club is a be primarily dealing
the club aims to launch
symbol of majority of with the problem state-
sance Talon bots ‘Robotech’ again with a
technical initiative by ments given in tryst.
that scout for road- students.
new vigour. Robotech
side bombs in Iraq is an initiative by Ro- Hence, in a way the
However, this has led botics Club to help the club aims to be a whole
and PackBots that to limiting the club’s first years gain an ex- hearted devotee for
unsuccessfully activity to a very small cellent entry in this development of Robot-
poked around for field of robotics, field by participating in ics in its true sense
Osama bin Laden’s namely, big robots such robotics competitions throughout the insti-
hideout in Afghani- as those required for held in various techni- tute as well as outside.
Robocon. Since the cal festivals. Such com-

Robowars has been phe- profound knowledge of tacular to watch and
nomenal in spreading the robotics and its implemen- extremely difficult to
cult of robotics through- tation, knowledge of mate- design. Such competi-
out the technical institu- rials, as well as a sound tions appeal to the
tions in India. Building a sense of organization and young enthusiasts out to
robot capable of fighting financial management. prove their technical
a battle in a weapon- The variety and brutality prowess the “fast and
loaded arena involves of weapons used is spec- the furious” way.

Edited and Compiled by: Dhruv Mishra, Gaurav Mishra & Saruchi Goel

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