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Antonio Julião Nhamirre - 10.0089.


ELT-PP Module 1 Summary





Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 3

Presenting new Vocabulary …………………………………………………… 4

Asking Questions ……………………………………………………………….. 4

Presenting structures …………………………………………………………… 4

Teaching reading lesson …………………………………………………………5

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….. 6

References ………………………………………………………………………. 7


This piece of writing will bring a brief summary of ELT-PP module. Right at the
beginning will be presenting aspects related to teaching new vocabulary. Here will be
brought basic procedures and techniques that should be used to guarantee good
learners’ comprehension when teaching new vocabulary. On the one hand, asking
questions will assume the second position in this paper. When a teacher addresses a
lesson, there is always necessity of checking learners understand. For this reason,
questioning strategies and types of questions will be displayed so as to help facilitators
and or teachers pose questions in accordance to aim they wish to reach.

On the other hand, structures as bases for sentences generating must be clear when
presented. In addition, good structures lead to great spoken and written languages.
Because of this, it will be presenting in a detailed way how to identify a structure and
how it is used.

Finally, there will be teaching reading procedures. From these procedures, two main
parts will be developed: pre̵ reading and post̵ reading stages. Within these stages there
will be covered aspects that make lesson enjoyable and interesting.


 This paper carries as objectives:

 To illustrate different ways of teaching new items
 To bring questioning strategies, structure and how should teach reading lessons.

This paper is structured the following way: Index, introduction, development, conclusion
and references.

ELT-PP is a subject that provides the basic procedures and techniques to enhance
performance and practice in English language teaching.

During the study of ELT-PP module we focused on the following contents as structured:

Presenting vocabulary, asking questions, questioning strategies, presenting structure

and teaching reading lesson

In teaching new vocabulary, we simply say a word in charge clearly and write it on the
board, drill the students and use real object to show the meaning. The meaning can be
shown through visual aids, by giving examples, by combining techniques and or
vocabulary expansion.

Apart from that, asking questions can help us notice students understand, give them
opportunity to practice the language, find students awareness towards the matters.
These questions can be dived into three groups taking into consideration the aim we
wish to achieve. An alternative question would help them decide between two different
given objects which one to choose, for example. On the one hand, yes or no question
would help them give direct answers. On the other hand, WH-questions will need them
bring a detailed information about the posed question. When it comes to questioning
strategies, a teacher can pose a question to whole class, he can also name a student to
provide answer, etc.

The other aspect that we covered is presenting structures. Structures help students
write and speak the language confidently. The structures are important in that they help
us generate many sentences

A well given structure can result a variety of sentences. Consider the following structure
‘I LIKE TO’ for example.


1. Hear people talk about famous people.

2. Visit rural areas on holidays.
3. Meet university students to gain more experiences.
4. Listen to my teacher as he explains.

When we present a structure it is relevant to show its meaning and its usage. The
structure meanings can be shown visually and based on situation. Some structure may
look unclear. Nevertheless, contrasting structure may lead to great appliance of them.

In order to make reading lesson enjoyable, the teacher should give guiding questions as
the students read, reads and asks the students to follow the reading on their books and
finally let them read loud again on their own. The second part of the reading, teacher
reads and ask the students to follow. After that, answers are discussed to the questions.

Another way of making the reading lesson interesting is by providing pre̵ reading
activities, presenting new words, giving brief introduction of the text and or giving oral or
written guiding questions.


Throughout this writing I concluded that ELT-PP is a subject which covers aspects that
help facilitators and or teachers perform and practice the teaching. It brings basic
procedures and strategies of which we should follow and most of cases apply during a
lesson progressing. For teaching new vocabulary many strategies can be followed but
a realia or visual aid can help students grasp the meanings easily. Further, making
question will depend upon the output you intend to. It is said to be used for checking
learners’ comprehension and or awareness of the matters. While for structures, they
help students produce variety of sentences based on one structure. It also helps to
identify one sentence structure. In addition, guiding questions are as important as brief
introduction of the text when it is to teach a reading lesson. In a nutshell, ELT-PP equips
teachers with required theories than should be taken in practice in the classroom.


Language Teaching Principles and Practice Module 1 (ELT-PP)

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