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Life on social media

How well do you know social media ?

a) Complete the following sentences with the correct information :
Facebook / Google / Picaboo / Twitter
- The largest social media in the world is ………………………………………………………….
- Snapchat started as an app called …………………………………………………………………..
- Two hundred and eighty is the character limit for posting on …………………………………………..
- Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded …………………………………….

b) The table below shows information for six of the world’s top social media websites. Can you
guess the website from its description?
Twitter / Facebook / QZone / LinkedIn / Instagram / VKontakte

Name of Country What can you do? Approx. users

website: of origin
USA Share your photos and videos 800 million
USA Express your ideas, write to friends, share 2.2 billion
photos and videos
Russia Write to friends, share photos and videos, 97 million
play games
USA Look for job opportunities, promote your 106 million
professional skills
China Write blogs, send photos, listen to music, 563 million
watch videos
USA Express your ideas in short sentences (280 336 million
characters max)

 Match each word or expression with its defintion

FoMo / delete / digital footprint / a hashtag / a newsfeed / peer pressure / social media /a
screen addict

………………………………………………. : websites and applications which people use to create and /or
share messages, ideas, images, videos as part of an online community.

………………………………………………… is someone who uses his/her mobile devices a lot.

………………………………………is when you remove apps from your mobile device

…………………………………………………refers to one's unique set of traceable digital activities, actions,

contributions and communications manifested on the Internet or digital devices.
………………………………………(fear of missing out) is when you are afraid to miss the latest news.
………………………………………………is the influence others have on you.

………………………………is a word or phrase that comes after a #sign to identify a topic on social

………………………………………….is usually the initial page that you see on a social network, showing your
videos, photos etc from the people who follow you.

 Find the correct translation for these expressions :

Come across / float around / keep in mind / stay in touch

Circuler de manière incontrôlée :

Tomber sur :
Garder à l’esprit :
Garder le contact :

 Match each word with its synonym

be hooked on   compulsive
obsessive   abandon/ stop
crave for   be addicted to
quit   keep in contact
stay in touch   erase
delete   desire, long for

. Look at the words and phrases in bold and circle the correct option to complete the
1. The school in Townsville promoted the summer concert using the hashtag/handle
2. Yesterday, Martin shared a photo of his new painting and it already has hundreds of
3. During the last X-Factor, I followed/friended all the contestants on Instagram.
4. Anna first heard about the Paris marathon when she saw a video about it on her Facebook
status update / newsfeed.
5. Public figures like politicians and journalists often get trolled/blocked on social media by
people who don’t agree with their ideas.

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