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——T = pe MY MeTHER Ar Sixry. Six __ 7 Pesan: ste ot donegey Ais MY ied od | | Question and Answers !- —_F / 1) What is the Kind of Pain and ache that the poot hex mather is growing old and pale, the will die Seon | i oa they itl-ged- Sepainted - Tinie and Adoath ‘naive Spare | ——___|_anyone . et even the poets mothey and so, she has te | | tase hears 7 —__a:| Why ave the young trees described as sprinting? | While the poet was oh hey way to te airport, she_| | saw the trees beside tho oad uihich seemed to be | | yunning fast.as. che Was travelling in a coy - Tt Seemed as if they we Sprinting heme - the pact | tries to Show the diflevence between her pale and | week mother who looked like covpse_and_the trees __| Hot running and weve ful) at lit ———3-_Why_has_the poet brought in the image of the _meyvy ——_| childven ‘spilling ovt of their homes’? The_paet+ _byings_in the image of the mer, children to ——__|_show the deep contrast between the Joy and happiness af the life which Can be n_in_the merry children land the passivity of life which be felt by looking Jat the ashen face afthe old mother who is ald decaying compared 42. the —late——— Why has the mother been— Winter's moon? IT a mat ba bean compte do the late MART | noon ‘ becavie the mann in the winter asso — ———+ Lim. ad_and_appenrs_[:fe less, it cloesnt—Tooke-shinga— een awly athe. raed mother. dvetaageing-+-het—— + sbecome.dull, he. colouris-similox— to oo thot okt dull-and has lest its. youth —-She-—— 8.) What do the: peorhiip puards-of the poet and. hex Smile» signify 2 i The_poet’s parting words ‘see you Soon, Amma” show 1 the_pain_and.feor-ot lasing her mother — Bus — \shat is the ‘sadness’ that the poet rete ia the poem 7 —The_sadnes phat dhe poe} refevi da inthe 2pn keeping quit’ is the Cadness af n understanding ene ‘self and: nature. Muman beings “ina _tyen factivities-heve/no time for indys cpecian and Yh —_ Hhitaten sition selves with death: or lestya, cHitn peated snl a What symbol tvom.qatuve. deas. the Peet inveke teSay that theve Cun be life. under Oppavent fulness? Me poet uses the earth asa Symbol to show phat _ | there_con. be_lite under appovent stillness i hthe eoxth i still att night sand also dvving. winder — tan eveingthing conic dead - Hainave— this stillness e_the sign xX i ee Pik ot n He post says that we should Jock to the Fath to understand pow {| é. il n ip i [ | Which is c t + [ f to in * k ping” vit 2 | xo: ment thoy | canbe, veryone keep. De LL. Them: nt | would be extyaordinarily teangwvil, ulith nan | of the hyctl. ~bustle of the Fregsil Evenzied _werld . Although it may seem a-Jittle strange in | the beginning, it wovld eventvally bying us all | tagother What ave the cdiffevence kinds ot wavs metioned _in the poem? what _is Nevuda's altitude doward pres ways 1 | the different Kinds 04 woxs mentioned inthe peam | skeeping quiet* axe green_wars*, wars with gar. and _wars_ with five .Nevuda considers Hese ways as dbsteuctive and_tutile_acdirciti Vand death -Ne, he deesn't advocate cithey total inactivity — cr death. He makes it quite Clear tha ~shovld..not be confused with“ tota| inactivity — 01 equated to-it-- Tolal_inactivicty brings death within alrite where hinds eee eipecl tek tor_unrl gy "r. ev hoo. advises our action in futvre - THE THIRD LEVEL Fe aoe eee tataalng estas in obout Je - uo yowds each Dvd ilbets vloes the thivd's level vefevs te? ae The third level_s1e fests 40H, Legrand centro). _——-tation—Suhuay which will Corry passengers to ——Léralesburg-illinais.the_ststion's thircl stay wos 0 Lmeans—of_veliee fvom jhe haysh nelaties of everdees \ tikes for chaxtiy the narvode L 2. weld charely. ego back to the tickets Countey. onthe third level to buy tickets 40 Cralesbirg fay him. d_ bie wike 2 _____Na.chavley wovld never ge back +o the ticket, Counter on the thivel level to buy ticket De you think that the thivd level was a mediven | ok escape fr avley 2 why ? In 2eality the third level is Hy reation ——0£ chevley's own mind fantasy and whirr, | ye is inabiliting jn +h wa Vid Wah ie is Lull_of insecurity tear, war, worries Atrass and ion. vont with them edn i certnal stedsans. parte word quar nd the tension ridden worid Loft tho pyressent I fe | Ba you an_interseclion ot time ahd space Lin the sénvy 7 t the _int dion of time and space is 2. | trea ble_bimes in the story -Chavley tries to vd is ve: | day curvehey 5: Appavent ilegicality sometimes tuyne ovt 4p bea __ futuristic projection? Discuss? { | 21 which illogical at A _paint of Hime, praves to be logic ja +e prave_tebe_usefvl in ovr furture -chorley a vu it i cf o HV tension and werry of the modeyn world. DEEP WATER leuwdoes douglas make_clear_to the readers. [| the sense_ot ponie that. gxipped_him_as_he_almost. wned.? describe the details that_have_mode the ed drncntetns erate = a belay describes the incidenk_vividly le __ | described what_he experienced with visval as dleseribedes Lwell.as avditovy Imaginary. He mentions to reader the Series of events that went on his mind -——__. He compoves the _olshe feet depth of the pool te ninety teeth show that it-teck_tonyer_thon_he _amtipated:——___ i “2. How did clougler_ovex come his fear 2 | n_claugler grew up. he_teok the help_of Van_instructer £0 learn swimming He Sam new | miles acvoss lake wheatwovth and swem the whole _ length of the shove and back of wavm Ke Ja, | then she_overcame_his fear of wotey. 3.| wh jes wnt ilcbhoo. I ‘ie his nat it 2 = longer meaning does he draw fvam_bhis_expevience. The signitionce of davglas recount at his —_|childhond experience is that it was the basis_an_which | ——_-he_made_hisfiren_mind to _avevc! - | drew a lenger_meaning_fram—this_experien. | there is tervar_anly-io-thefeax_of death .All_ one | to fear is tear itselt- 5: hy did Ds oug lat go_to_lake Wentworth inne Harp shiv | Douglas went to lake wentworth in new Harmashive Atter his vignrous swimming pyactice he was stilt not very sure If his tevvay f: atey had left him. “so he wonted +p try out his swimming skills at lake wentworth £-_ When Dough y realised that he was inking » hou | did_he plan to save himself? { So. ould_rnc ig_jump to | Comeback to the surface like a Cork -Then_he would — | lie flat on the - suxba, f water and padd to th _edge of the pool - Z._lalhy di fer _to go te mca cwimming pool — oe te tearm swimming 2 When Douglas decided to _overcame_his childhood fear — ‘ef water he preferred to go to ymen Swimming pool iP three feat end: and_althou | it was nine feet at the other end the drop was qwite

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