093 - 4 - New Headway Intermediate. Workbook With Key - 2012, 4th - 102p

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mao Headway Intermediate Workbook with key Liz and John Soars Headway _ Intermediate Workbook with key John and Liz Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS > = ria Tenses 1 Recognizing tenses 2 Producing tenses 3 Tenses and time expressions ‘Auniliary Verbs 4 Auxiliary verb or full verb? 5. Asking questions 6 Replying with questions 7 Negatives 8 Short Answers Pronunciation 9 Phonetic symbols - vowel sounds 10 Word stress Vocabulary 11 Grammar words 12 Word formation 13 Words that go together 14 Different meanings Prepositions 15 Verb + preposition 9 Listening 16 The world of work 9 re Present tenses 1 Recognizing tenses 10 2 Producing tenses a 3 Questions un 4 Negatives i ‘Adverbs 5 Adverbs oftime and frequency 12 Pronunciation 6 sat the end of a word 2 Present simple and Continuous 7 Questions and negatives 2B States and activities 8 Present simple or Continuous? 14 Present Passive 9 Recognizing tenses 15 10 Office life 15 Vocabulary 11 Adjectives that describe character 16 Contents Sete See SERIES o-ROM AUDIO BANK UNITES sasLNKS Phrasal Verbs 12 Phrasal verb + noun (1) "7 Listening 13 Whats cooking? 7 Past Tenses 1 Recognizing tenses 18 2 Producing tenses rr 3 Questions 0 4 Negatives » Past Simple and Continuous 5 What was he doing? What did he do? 19 Past Perfect 6 What had happened? 20 7 Past Simple or Past Perfect? 20 8 ate, was eating or had eaten? 20 Past Passive 9 Past Simple passive 20 Love on the Tube 10 Questions and negatives a Vocabulary ‘marriage, and death 2 Prepositions 12 inl at/on for time 2B Pronunciation 13 Phonetic symbols ~ consonants 24 Listening 14 Memories 24 Cz] Modal and related verbs 1 Recognizing verb forms 25 Obligation 2 have to/ don't have to 6 3 Questions with have to 26 4 Forms of have to 26 5 must and have to 2 6 Talking about obligation 7 7 musi don't have tol didhit have to 27 8 should for advice 2B 9 Modern Manners 2B Permission and ability 10 can and be allowed to 2» Obligation and permission 11 The pain and pleasure of being a teenager 2» Phrasal verbs. 12 Separable or inseparable? 30 Listening 13 Aradio phone-in 30 Vocabulary Revision Crossword 1 3 Future forms 1 Recognizing tenses 32 will 2 Predictions 3 3 Questions and negatives 33 4 Offering to help 33 going to 5 Whats going to happen? 4 will or going to 6 Planned or spontaneous? 4 Present Continuous 7 Making arrangements 35 Expressing the Future 8 will, going to, or the Present Continuous 35 ‘may/might/could for possibility 9 We may go to Ialy 35 All future forms 10 The lottery winner 36 Prepositions LL Adjective + preposition 37 Listening 12 Friends of the earth 37 Question forms 1 Matching questions and answers 38 Questions 2 Questions with what which /whose 39 3 Questions with how 39 4 More questions 39 5 Questions with a preposition 40 6 Questions in context 40 Tenses and questions A place of my own 41 Adjectives 8 ~ed/-ing adjectives 2 Adverbs 9 Position of adverbs 2 Vocabulary 10 Antonyms: 43 Pronunciation 11 Word stress 4B Phrasal verbs 12 Phrasal verbs in context (1) 4 Listening 13. My favourite room 4“ Present Perfect or Past Simple? 1 Who's who? 5 2. Choosing the right tense 46 3 been or gone? 46 4 Time expressions 7 Present Perfect passive 5 Active or passive? ” Present Perfect Continuous 6 Simple or Continuous? 48 7 Producing imple or Continuous 48 8 Replying with questions. 48 9 Correcting mistakes 48 Tense review 10 A newspaper story ” Vocabulary 11 beand have 50 Prepositions 12, Noun + preposition 50 Pronunciation 1B Sentence stress 31 Listening 14 Applying for a film course 31 ne Verb patterns 1 Going to work in Africa 52 2 ~ing forms 33 5 Infinitives with or without fo 53 4 Which two are possible? 54 5 Reporting verbs + infinitive 54 6 Using a dictionary 54 7 A dangerous moment 55 Phrasal verbs. 8 Phrasal verbs without anoun 56 Pronunciation 9 Weak sounds/Sentence stress 57 Listening 10 Interview with a stuntwoman 57 Vocabulary Revision Crossword 2 58 Conditionals 1 Recognizing conditionals 59 2 Types of conditional 60 Possible conditions 3 if+ will might! must/should 60 Improbable conditions 4 What would you do? or Impossible conditions 5 Life-changing decisions e 6 Questions and ansivers 2 should/might/could have done 7 Past possibilities 6 8 Advice about the past 6 Pronunciation 9 Linking in connected speech (1) 63, Verb forms for unreal situations 10 What a mistake! 64 Vocabulary 11 make and do 65 Listening 12 Scams 65 Ca [Noun phrases 1 The $100 laptop 66 Articles 2 Indefinite article -a/an 7 3 Definite article -the 7 Noarticle 4 ‘Things in general 68 5 Article or no article? 68 Possessives 6 myand mine 69 7 Apostrophe Sand s* 9 all and every 8 Position ofall 69 9 all/every/ everyone 8 Pronouns 10 myself each other! co) Vocabulary 11 a suitcase luggage 70 Pronunciation 12 Diphthongs a Phrasal verbs 13 Phrasal verb + noun (2) 7 Listening 14 Lostand found a Ca ‘Modal verbs of probability — present 1 must could might cant 2 Matching lines 3 Why ishe late? Pronunciation 4 Linking in connected speech (2) Continuous infinitive 5 Conversations ‘Modal verbs of probability — past 6 must have/might have/may have/ cant have 7 Rewriting sentences Tenses review 8 Itshard to believe Vocabulary 9. Word formation — adjectives to Prepositions 10 Verb + preposition Listening Shaksper? 72 2 7 Ca Reported Speech 1 Reported speech to direct speech 2 Direct speech to reported speech 3 Reporting words and thoughts 4 Interview with a bank manager Reporting verbs 5 Verb + infinitive 6 ask and tell Vocabulary 7 Ways of speaki 8 Other reporting verbs Phrasal verbs 9 Phrasal verbs in context (2) Pronunciation 10 Ways of pronouncing ow Lister 11 You werent listening! Vocabulary Crossword 3 Tapescripts Answers Verb patterns Irregular verbs Phonetic symbols a ea 80 80 81 sl 82 2 3 4 oy 85 92 99 101 102 Tenses - auxiliary verbs Pronunciation — phonetic symbols: vowel sounds EEE Vocabulary — introduction Prepositions - verb + preposition Reni iced Tenses 1 Recognizing tenses LONDON - FRANCE'S SIXTH-BIGGEST CITY Read the text, Use the verb forms in italics to complete the chart. ‘There are over 300,000 French people living in London today. Present Simple (x4) Ithasa larger French population than towns such as Lille. works Why do they come to the British capital? ALAIN GATIMEL, 30, works in the City. He says “Vlove living in London. It's dynamic and extremely international. People come hereto find work, but then realize that it’s really exciting. My company is owned by Past Simple (x3) ‘an American bank, and I'm going out with an American Girl. I stay here for another Five or six years! Present Continuous (11) Past Continuous (x1) ANNE-MARIE DUBOIS, 1, came to London three | years ago to learn English, and has been here ever since. “I met my boyfriend while | was working in the Savoy Hotel Present Perfect (x1) | was employed in Accounts. | now think of London as my t home. We're going to get married next year Present Perfect Continuous (x1) etl CELINE ABADIE, 26, fund a job in two weeks. Future forms (x2) "Unemployment is high in France, especially for young people. know friends in Paris who have been looking for work for six months she said. "There isa sense of Present Simple passive (I) D)) stom an crv erin Eland Eventing is possible! Past Simple pasive (x1) 2. Producing tenses Complete the sentences using the verb in the box and the tense given. make 1 PRESENT SIMPLE work for a company that makes. printers 2 PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE ‘The printers in China, 3. PRESENT PERFECT We big profit this year. take 4. PAST SIMPLE I my daughter to the 200 yesterday. 5. GOING To FUTURE I her to the cinema tonight. (6 PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE “This photo of her on holiday last year. be 7 PRESENT PERFECT 1 to every country in Europe on business 8 PAST SIMPLE ‘This time last year I in Prague. 9) ue FUTURE Next week I in Madrid. work 10. PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1 at home this week. 11. AST CONTINUOUS I in Rome the week before last. 12 PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Vim tired. 1 hard recently. 3. Tenses and time expressions Put the verb in the correct tense for the time expressions, everyday, twice a week. ‘on Friday mornings. 1 Heusually 9088 (go) jogging. last year in 2004, six months ago. 2 1___Ggojrottay for five years. since uly allour ives. Alive) here at the moment? these days? this week? 4 What you (do) next week, 5 1__(see)you.. fate, tonight. Auxiliary verbs 4 Auxiliary verb or full verb? Is the verb in bold used as an auxiliary verb (A) or a full verb (F)? 1 [A] Have you ever been to China? F) ‘They have three children 2 LJ Ido my homework every night. Where do you come from? 3] ‘they are lovely children. ‘They are learning English. 4 | What time did you get home? We did a test at school today. 5 [1 England has won the World Cup once. England has some beautiful countryside. 6 (| Iwas having supper at 8.00. was at home. 7 L] Mysister does yoga every week What does your father do? 8 [| Mysonisat school. He is taught French by my old teacher. Unit + A world of difference 5 5. Asking questions 1. Read the Amazing facts. Some information is. missing. Write questions to get the information. Amazing facts 1 The human heart beats times a year. 2 The solar system was formed ____ years ago. 3 people are born every day. 4 Oil was first discovered in Saudi Arabia in & The US spends ‘on defence every year. 6 Right now, the International Space Station is fying at 7 Shakespeare had ____ children. 8 ______people were killed in the Second World War. 9 The British Prime Minister earns _a year. 10 The average marriage in Britain lasts years 1 How many tines does the human heart beat a year? 2. How long ago 2 3. How many 4 Whe 2 5 How much 2 6 How fast 7 How many 2 8 How many 2 9. How much ? 10. How long 2 @ Listen, check, and complete the text with the answers you hear. 6 Unit! + Aworld of difference Replying with questions Reply to these statements with a question. 1 Joan's writing an email ‘Whos she writing to_ 2 2 David speaks four languages. wh 3. I got some great presents for my birthday. What 2 4. Joy and Eric paid a lot of money for their house. How much 2 5 I'm going to the cinema tonight. What 2 6 We had a wonderful holiday. Where 2 Bye! See you later! Where —_________? 8 Jamal’ talking on the phone. Who 2 Negatives Everything that A says is wrong! Complete corrects him, 's lines as she 1 > Jane and Ann live in the centre of town. They don't lve inthe centre. They live in the suburbs! “They had a lovely holiday. . Itrained every day! Jane works in the City. Shea teacher! Ann's got a brother. . She’ an only child ‘They've shared a flat for years. ‘They only met last August! “They have alot of friends. . They don't know anybody! Jane went to university. . She let school at 16! Ann has to work at night. ee ee She’ a librarian! 8 Short answers : Pronunciation Read the conversation. Complete the sentences with aaa — " 9. Phonetic symbols - vowel sounds 1 Look at the symbols for vowel sounds. ‘A. Hi Sal. haven't seen you forages. Have you been away? (1) Yes, Ihave . ve been in Australia for six months. Shorten sounds —— - ‘A. Wow! Did you have a good time? mee = dae tee “ ze Sl nla fo sun er S (2)Yes, iewas amazing © iP si ‘A. Were you travelling around? Ss Da PEE! (OEE EE! (EEE S (3)No, When I first got there, | stayed tt tt in Sydney for three months. ‘The symbol /:/ means the sound is long. ‘A. Don't your uncle and aunt live there? 7 S (ayes, _ stayed with them for a few weeks, Lone ove sons then | gota place of my own with friends. fi fot a: he fs see ar more | two bird ‘A. Did you rent a flat? S. (5) No,we -We rented a house near the beach, Then we went up the east coast. — | — |— |— | — ‘A. And what did you think of Australians? They're really nce, aren't they? S (6)Yes,__. Very easy-going, 2. Write these words under the correct symbol chart in Exercise 1. ® Listen and repeat ‘A. Don't they spend alot of time outdoors in the sunshine? (7) Yes, __. But the sun doesn shine all the push heart red—=—=cool_=hot eat time On the way back | went to Thailand, Have rn four —hit’ == about first bus you been there? buld friend group foot = flat_——wash A (8)No, But Id love to, What are you doing does meet stat walk work doctor now? Are you looking for ajob? @ Listen, check, and repeat. S (9)yes, ut it isnt easy. Do you have any ideas where | could look? D> Phonetic symbols p95 ‘A (10) No, Sorry. But 'm sure youl manage. ‘Anyway, Sal i's good to see you aga, 10) Word stress eae oe oe oo creat @ Listen and put the words in the correct column according to the stress pattern. typical education foreign immediate ambitious regret Internet economic mobile reception comet. community country polite important grandfather population experience @ Listen and check Unit + Aworld of difference 7 Vocabulary Tl Grammar words B Words that go together Match words in A with a grammar term in B. Match a word in A with a line in B. Lola) ee 1 (Al wit, want 2 prepostion prep) 1 Bigom business = 2 Limite 6 the interet 2 Di she. bin b adjective ad) 3 Own © aphotogaph 3 Clavtree adverb (adh) 4 Elsen d bene 4 Cleanmust d- modal auliay verb § Fhake a 5. [| slowly, always @ pronoun (pron) 6 Lido f aprize 6 (| nice, pretty F fullverb 7 (study & anappointment 7 [| bigger, oder 8 countnoun () 8 [Clleave your best 8 Ltolike hh uncount noun (U) 9 (la i comparative adjective 10 Jomat.under superlative adjective 14 Different meanings 11 hoping ting 1 infinitive with o (inf with to) Look et the dictionary entry for the word v Cth 1 -ing form ofthe ver (ing form) course BC fastest hottest 1m past participle (op), 4 | done, broken 1 definite article ‘course /kos/ noun 15 (ice, weather © indefinite article 1 [C] a course (in/on sth) a complete series ‘of lessons: ve enrolled on an English course. + A course in self-defence. 2 [C] one of the parts of a meal: a three-course lunch » | had 12 Word formation chicken for the main course. 3 {C] an area where golfis played or where certain types of race take place: a golf course « a racecourse 4 [Ca course (of sth) a series of medical Complete the sentences using the word in CAPITALS in the correct form. 1 My brother is a musician, MUSIC treatments: The doctor put her on a course of radiation therapy. 5 [C,U] the route or 2A trumpet is a________instrument. MUSIC direction that sth, especially an aeroplane, 3 Idriveavery car, ECONOMY ship, or river takes: We changed course and sailed toward land. 4 spend more than I earn. I must ECONOMY 5 give governments advice about finance. ECONOMY, 6 have alot of responsibility for their staff; EMPLOY aaaiel he werd eoursein the senesices with a meaning 1-5 in the dictionary entry. 7 the rate in the UK is about 5%, EMPLOY . Tm on a course of antibiotics _ 8 I'mself. I don't work for anyone else. EMPLOY b. My daughter did a course in interior design, — © Wehad to run a five-mile cross-country course, dA three-course meal consists of a starter, a main course, and a dessert, __ The road follows the course ofthe river. _ 8 Unit] + Aworld of difference Prepositions Listening 15 Verb + preposition 16 The world of work 1 Complete the sentences with a preposition from 1 @ Listen to an interview about Polish people (Poles) the box living in Britain, In which order (1-6) do you hear about the following? of about to at with for as on why Poles come to Britain how people in Britain regard these new immigrants 1 [think you're wrong. I dontt agree ____ you atall permits and documentation needed in Britain 2. You look worried. What are you thinking 2 the Polish population now living in the UK 3 Look that pictur. Is it beautiful! how easily Poles setle in Britain 4 sagen. the first large group of Polish immigrants to the UK 5 Ifyouhavea problem, talk____the teacher, 2. Now answer these questions. 6 A. What were you and Alex talking __? 1. What is different about the most recent wave of 8 Ohjiiiandshan immigrants to Britain? ean as 2. What happened in 2004? 7 We might have a picnic tomorrow. It depends 3 Why can Poles find jobs with British companies before the weather. they come to Britain? 8 A What do you think __ Pete? 4 Why are British employers keen to employ Polish B I really ike him workers? ‘Whe Che casket tdi py 5. Why dont peopl fiom te alder Polish community tick always welcome the new arrivals? 10 A. Tvelost your pen. Sorry. 3. Complete the extracts from the interview with the correct B_ yall right, Dont worry it, form of the verbs in brackets 11 A. Whatare you looking __? B_ My coat. Have you seen it? 12 Henry works aan difven 1 Now. you. {probably hear) that the Polish community in tain ___ {grow faster than anyother ‘at the moment, but {you know) that the total umber of Poles ving in Britain (Pow estate} 0 i P 0 be thee quarters of milion? l 1 $ i 2. Soare these all Poles who (ative the UK M 4 R k ft T recently? fs No, they arent. Many of them (ive) here for along time, About 200,000 Poles (settle) in Britain after 1945, and about 150,000 of those _— {still live) here in the carly 190s, 9 Yes, she the European Union (expand) n 2004, Palish people {take advantage) of the opportunity a to relocate here without restrictions. @ Listen again and check, Unit! + Aworld of difference 9 \ Present Simple and Continuous - active and passive Pronunciation of -s at the end of aword + States and activities EEE Vocabulary — adjectives that describe character Phrasal verb + noun (}) ee es Present tenses 1. Recognizing tenses Read the text. Use the present verb forms in italics to complete the chart. SCOTTISH ARTIST, BORN AND BRED [ANNIE McLEAN is one of Scotland's most famous living artists. HENRY LUCAS went to visit her on her island paradise. Present Simple (x8) ‘Annie McLean was born in St Andrews on the east coast of Fife, tes Scotland, She tained at the College of Fine Art, in Edinburgh. She lives on the Isle of Lohan in Scotland with her husband, Duncan, and her three children. Home is a 300-year-old Present Continuous (x5) farmhouse which overlooks the sea. It is a working farm, and Duncan keeps sheep, chickens, and pigs. ‘Annie paints animals and wildlife. T paint what I see around me’ she told me, ‘birds, animals, trees, and flowers. I find my work totally absorbing. | work outside in the open air for as long as iis light, rom dawn uneil dusk ~ about 16 hours a day summer, though less now because it's winter: Present Continuous pasive (x) Her work is becoming increasingly popular, and she is planning to open a gallery on the island. ‘Ar the moment lin working on a seties of wild flowers, she said to me aver coffe in her studio. “The sleof Lohan isinhabited by 700 people who are employed mainly in che ishing industry. The population i fing because young people are leaving te island to look for work. The island is being developed as a tourist destination ~ 50,000 visitors come very year — but it is big enough for Annie to escape and find her inspiration. Oa» Present Simple passive (x2) 2. Producing tenses Complete the sentences using the verb in the box and, the tense given, paint 1 PRESENT SIMPLE ‘Annie paints animals and wildlife. 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS ‘At the moment she flowers. find 3. PRESENT SIMPLE She her work totally absorbing, 4 PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE Alot of rare birds a series of wild on the island, think 5. PRESENT CONTINUOUS Annie of opening a small gallery. (6. PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE She____to be one of Scotland's most. important artists know 7. PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE Her work. all over the world, 8 PRESENT SIMPLE She ‘most of the people on the island, work 9 PRESENT SIMPLE She in the open air from dawn until dusk. 10. PRESENT CONTINUOUS She only. six hours today because its winter, Questions Here are some answers to questions about Annie McLean, Write the questions. 1 Where does + On the Isle of Lohan in Scotland. 2 Howmany ‘Three. 3 What He’ a farmer, 4 2 Animals and wildlife. 5 Where In the open ai. 6 doing at the moment? She's painting a series of wild flowers. 7 young people Because there aren't any jobs. 8 50,000. Negatives Correct the information in these sentences. 1 Annie lives in Ireland. ‘She doesn't lve in Ireland. Shelves in Scotland. 2. Her husband grows fruit and vegetables. 3. Annie paints portraits. 4 She’ painting a series of wild birds. 5. ‘he people on Lohan are employed in farming, 6 Young people are leaving the island to get married. ema acsd 1 Adverbs 5. Adverbs of time and frequency ut the adverbs in brackets in the correct place in the sentence. Some may go in more than one place. 1 Ldrink coffee. (never /in the evenings) | never drink coffee in the evenings. 2. How do you see Julie? (often / these days) 3 [goto the cinema, (hardly ever any more) 4. [bump into my old girliriend (From time to time) 5 Doyoucome here? (often) 6 I don't cook. I eat out, (much /usually) 7 Tsee my grandparents. (only/once a fortnight) Pronunciation 6 -satthe end of a word “The pronunciation of -s at the end of a word can be /s/, zl, lz. 1 {S/__ Inthese words, the final -s is pronounced /s/ @ Listen and repeat. shops hits parents laughs likes stops chefs-»—=—shates-— months wants 2 fal Inthese words, the final -s is pronounced /z/ @ Listen and repeat. friends comes. —shas_—eggs. goes news gives does. sees clothes lessons sings_—=—=stravels pens. moves 3 fia] Imthese words, the final -s is pronounced /iz/ @ Listen and repeat. rurses washes rises watches brushes misses switches buses challenges places wages revises 4. Put these words into the correct column, changes surfs—maths sells buildings : loves beaches weeks organizes._—_learns 8 Lwash my hair, and I have it cut. Geeagekieeyaont), sentences wants breathes cooks matches we | a ha 9. Children play on their own outdoors. (rarely / nowadays) groups Jobs lunches 10. I spend commuting. (three hours a day /sometimes) 12 Unit2 + The wo @ Listen, check, and repeat. PP Phonetic symbols p95 Present Simple and Continuous 7 Questions and negatives Read the text and do the exercises Complete the questions in the Present Simple. 1 How fast 300 km/h (190mph), How many passengers. 800. 3 How long ‘Two hours 48 minutes 4 How much 125,000 yen. 5 How many women 1,300. Complete Kumiko Mogi’s questions in the Present Continuous, 6 What 7 Who: 8 How many bags 9 What books or newspaper Write the negative sentences, 10 Mogi /not sell/ ice-cream /winter. 11. People/not want beef or rice /breaktast. 12. She/not have whisky. 13. The trolley girls/not sit down, 14. Mogi /not turn /back towards customers. 15. She/not want/ doa different job. biel) 33. ie) FAST FOOD ON JAPANESE TRAINS KUMIKO MOGI is, at 27, far and away ‘the most successful snack saleswoman on the Japanese train network. Bullet trains travel eee at mmm km/h and carry lm passengers, but they hhave no dining cars. Mogi works on the train that goes from ‘Yamagata to Tokyo. The journey takes lm. Ordinary wagon girls average about 25,000 yen (£110) on the sixchour return Journey. Mogi earns lm. ‘She is more successful than all her colleagues, and she is, ‘now an instructor to the fmm women who work on the East Japan Railways bullet trains. “The important thing in this job,’ she says, i to know the ‘customers. I size them up very carefully as they are getting on the train, and I ask myself these questions. + What the passengers |wear? + Who |they travel with? + How many bags they carry? + What books or newspapers they |read?* Based on the answers, she decides what people will want to eat and drink. ‘it's hot, I sella lot of banana cakes and ‘ced coffee for breakfast. No ice-cream in winter. People buy lunchboxes of beef and rice. I also have dried fish, salted beef ‘tongue, and beer. But no whisky.” 'No seats are provided for the trolley girls. They carry on selling until the door opens at the terminus. Unlike her competition, she pulls her trolley, she doesn't push it. ‘never turn my back towards the customers. I can look at their faces all the time and work out what they want." Does she want to get promotion and do something. different? ‘Of course not,’ she replies. You can see that 1'm perfect for this job.” ENS States and activities 8 Present Simple or Continuous? Remember the verbs that rarely take the continuous cine womectanl | think suppose prefer love like mean care remember forget 1 Complete the sentences with one of the verbs from the box. have belong ‘own cost depend need owe matter contain consist have consist depend belong prefer not matter need cost. «sell owe hope look own remember not suit 1 This book belongs_to me. 2 Britain. « population of 60 million. 3. Water of hydrogen and oxygen. 4 ‘Lforgot your book again. Sorry! a You can bring it later? 51 a haircut. My hair is too long, 6 you this flat, or do you rent it? 7 Petrol overa pound a litre 8 T've borrowed so much money. How much do 1 you? 9 You lovely. Where did you get that dress? 10. Congratulations on your wedding. I you'll be very happy. 11. The jumper fits you very wel, but the colour you. 12 Wemight have a pienic. It ‘on the weather, 13 like both tea and coffee, but I tea. 14 You nice, What perfume are you wearing? 15 1 when you were a litle girl. You were lovely. 14 Unit2 + The working week 2. Complete the pairs of sentences, Use the verb in bold once in the Present Simple and once in the Present Continuous. 1 come Klaus from Germany. We ‘on the ten o¢lock train. 2 not have He any children He a holiday this year. He's too busy. 3 see I the dentist next week. I think I need filling. I ‘what you mean, but I dont agree. 4 not think Thave an exam tomorrow, but I about it. 1__ she’s very clever. 5 watch Be quiet. my favourite TV programme. Talways it on Thursday evenings. 6 not enjoy We this party at all. The music is too loud. We ig parties. 7 use ‘This room usually for big meetings. But today it for a party.

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