The Boston Globe - Vol. 300 No. 059 (28 Aug 2021)

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abcde Saturday, August 28, 2021

‘We honestly don’t know where all of these people are coming from.’
JAY SKOWRONEK, co-owner of Murphy’s General Store in Harwich Port
Blast does
Crowds continue to flock
to airport; death toll from
explosion nears 200
By Adam Nossiter

Hundreds of Afghans desperate to flee the Tali-

ban continued to crowd Kabul’s airport Friday,
even after one of the deadliest bombings in the
country’s history, as the death toll from the previ-
ous day’s blast neared 200 with hundreds more
wounded, keeping the city’s hospitals grimly busy
all day.
The size of the crowd at the airport had
dropped sharply, however, with fear paring the
numbers down to hundreds from the thousands of
previous days. The suicide bombing ripped right
into the jostling throng Thursday afternoon, piling
an adjacent sewage canal with corpses. Health offi-
cials said at least 170 civilians had been killed, and
likely more.
The attack also killed 13 US service members,
and one of the first to be identified was Rylee Mc-
Collum, 20, a Marine who had been on his first
overseas deployment, according to his father. He
was one of 10 Marines, two soldiers, and one Navy
medic killed in the attack, according to defense of-
On Friday, the Pentagon changed its earlier
statement that there were possibly two suicide
Maeve Mullaney, 5, admired the display at Ducks in the Window in Chatham. Some Cape shops had a successful summer. blasts set off at the airport by ISIS-K, the Afghan af-
filiate of the Islamic State group, instead saying it
was just one. The explosion hit right near the air-
By Alexandra Chaidez AFGHANISTAN, Page A6

After a season of incessant rain, the surging Delta variant,

and even a coyote attack on the beach, it seemed like Tropical
Storm Henri — arriving at the end of what should have been a
busy seaside weekend — could officially have doomed the
Cape’s summer.
Janey forming
But the message coming from business owners this week
has been much more positive. Tourists have seemed unde-
terred by the weather, they said, last weekend and all summer
plan to update
long. Business has been steady and in some cases better than
expected, with customers determined to make the most of
their time off, whatever the challenges.
voting precincts
“I’ve been here for 41 years,” said Felisberto Barreiro, the
owner of Alberto’s Ristorante in Hyannis. “This is the best Proposal aims to even out
summer we’ve had in 41 years so far.”
Others didn’t go quite that far. Many businesses have strug-
numbers; wouldn’t take
gled to hire workers this summer, and the COVID outbreak in
Provincetown created additional challenges for businesses on
effect before city election
the Outer Cape. But through it all, there was a sense that peo- By Emma Platoff
ple wanted to get out of their homes and escape to the beach In Harwich Port, (from left) Katherine Civitello, Kara Prichard, and GLOBE STAFF

CAPE COD, Page A4 Cara O’Toole shopped for gifts at Murphy’s General Store. After decades of political neglect, Acting Mayor
Kim Janey and Boston elections officials are quiet-
ly shopping a plan to redraw some of the city’s vot-
ing precincts, an effort that advocates hope will
equalize disparate wait times at the polls.

Birth control law baffles insurers, pharmacies The city’s plan — which is subject to change and
would not go into effect before this fall’s mayoral
election — would add more than a dozen precincts
in some of Boston’s fastest-growing neighbor-
Advocates say Mass. didn’t publicize rule supply of birth control pill packs, non Alessandroni, a 24-year-old hoods, according to a draft of the proposal ob-
rather than meting them out state legislative aide whose 12- tained by the Globe and confirmed by city officials.
that allows 12-month prescriptions monthly or quarterly. month prescription sent her on a Boston’s arcane maps have left some voters,
But women continue to report contraceptive odyssey in May. particularly in densely packed neighborhoods,
By Stephanie Ebbert The emergency measure was that they’ve been denied such long- The inaction has frustrated ad- waiting in long lines at the polls while their neigh-
GLOBE STAFF rushed into law in the early Trump term prescriptions by doctors, vocates and sponsors of the bors enjoy a speedier process, and advocates say
Massachusetts residents are still era when the president tried to gut pharmacists, and insurers who in- ACCESS law — “An Act Relative to those burdens fall all too often on communities of
being denied easy access to long- the Affordable Care Act’s guarantee sist they’re not entitled to what the Advancing Contraceptive Coverage color. In one dense Chinatown precinct, for exam-
term birth control prescriptions of free birth control. The law en- law promised. and Economic Sec urity in our ple, more than 7,000 voters must share one polling
they were guaranteed under a bill sured contraception would remain “Honestly, everyone at every State” — one of whom accused place; in a precinct near Brookline, that number is
Governor Charlie Baker signed into free in Massachusetts, and re- turn was like, ‘I don’t know what Baker of being “indifferent” toward under 500.
law nearly four years ago. quired insurers to cover a year’s you’re talking about,’” said Shan- CONTRACEPTION, Page A10 PRECINCTS, Page A4

California parole
A lobster in the hand is worth more than
that Sirhan B.
Sirhan should be
freed on parole
after spending
you’d think — once you add up the gear
Say ahhhhh more than 50 By Billy Baker
years in prison for assassinat- GLOBE STAFF

Satuday: Cooler, less humid. ing Robert F. Kennedy. A2. CAPE ANN — Not enough is made of the first person
High: 69-74. Low: 62-67. to eat a lobster, for that early human was a special kind
Sunday: Another nice day. Boston Public Schools will pay of maniac. Hunger will make people do desperate things,
High: 74-79. Low: 66-71. $650,000 to five families who but think of all the starving people who came before who
alleged the Mission Hill K-8 were still like, “Dude, I’m not touching that thing.”
Sunrise: 6:05 Sunset: 7:25 That’s because lobsters are terrifying. They are 90
School improperly responded
Comics and Weather, D4-5. to an elementary-age student’s percent weapon. Even after you put the bands on their
Obituaries, C10. sexual assaults of fellow stu- claws and cook them, they’ll find a way to pull a knife on
dents. B1. you.
That’s reason No. 1 why I had never so much as
VOL . 300, NO. 59
Boston tech company Toast touched a lobster, let alone eaten one. Reason No. 2:
* filed paperwork to make an Who has that kind of money?
Suggested retail price initial public offering for what Then I went armed snorkeling.
$3.00 will be one of the most antici- The guy who introduced me to this activity last sum-
pated deals of the year. D1. mer, my buddy Doc, kept referring to it as “spearfishing,”
and he seemed weirdly excited by the idea of shooting a
Florida school districts can le- fish, sticking it in a bag tied to his waist, and then troll-
gally require their students to ing it behind him as it bled out.
wear masks, a judge ruled. A3. LOBSTER, Page B3
A2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

Parole board urges release of RFK assassin
Sirhan has served the coronavirus pandemic,
Sirhan said he had little memory
He said that seeing Sirhan at
the hearing had made him feel
erybody who I’m related to.”
In 2016, a deputy district at-
over 50 years; of the assassination itself, but he more compassion for him. torney in Los Angeles County
said he “must have” brought the “I spent my life sort of avoid- said prosecutors and the Los An-
governor must OK gun into the hotel. ing words like ‘killed,’ ‘assassin,’ geles Police Department were
“I take responsibility for tak- ‘assassination,’ and Sirhan’s unified in believing that “the se-
By Nicholas Bogel- ing it in and I take responsibility name in general,” said Douglas riousness and the gravamen of
Burroughs for firing the shots,” he said. Kennedy, who was 1 at the time the crimes committed by this
NEW YORK TIMES Sirhan, much of his short hair of his father’s assassination. “So prisoner are too abhorrent to
California parole commis- turned white, was seated in I’m grateful for today’s hearing justify his release.”
sioners recommended on Friday front of a computer and wearing just to demystify some of that.” Sirhan, who is being held at a
that Sirhan B. Sirhan should be a blue uniform with a paper tow- Many of the questions at the prison near San Diego, was con-
freed on parole after spending el in his chest pocket. hearing on Friday focused on the victed of murder and initially
more than 50 years in prison for Shortly after midnight on Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and sentenced to death over the ob-
assassinating Robert F. Kennedy June 5, 1968, Kennedy gave a Sirhan at one point began crying jection of Senator Edward M.
during his campaign for presi- victory speech at the Ambassa- when he spoke about refugees Kennedy of Massachusetts, who
dent. dor Hotel in Los Angeles follow- suffering in the Middle East. wrote that “my brother would
The recommendation from ing his victory in the Democratic “Whatever I would want to not have wanted his death to be
the two commissioners does not primary in California. As Kenne- do in the future, it would be to- cause for the taking of another
necessarily mean Sirhan, 77, will dy, a senator from New York, wards resolving that peacefully,” life.” But Sirhan’s punishment
walk free, but will most likely walked through the hotel’s pan- he said, but he added that he became a life sentence when Cal-
put his fate in the hands of Gov- try, Sirhan shot him with a re- wanted to “disengage” from the ifornia’s top court temporarily
ernor Gavin Newsom, a Demo- volver. Five other people around conflict because he was too old. struck down the state’s death
crat facing a recall election that Kennedy were shot as well, but Barton, one of the commis- penalty in 1972.
will determine his political fu- they all survived. sioners, said he feared that In 1975, prison officials said
ture. A spokeswoman for News- Kennedy died the next day, Sirhan would become a “symbol Sirhan would be freed on parole
om declined to say whether he less than five years after Presi- . . . to foment more violence.” in 1986, but that date was later
would approve the recommen- dent John F. Kennedy, one of his An odd coalition has urged rescinded by a panel that said
dation, only that he would con- brothers, had been assassinated. prison officials to release Sirhan the officials had erred.
sider the case after it is reviewed Sirhan, who is Palestinian At Friday’s parole hearing, Sirhan B. Sirhan (pictured in over the years, including those On Friday, Teresa Meighan,
by the parole board’s lawyers. and was born in Jerusalem, said 1968) said, “I take responsibility for firing the shots.” who say he has served his time the other parole commissioner
The parole hearing was the in a television interview from and others who believe that he is who reviewed the case, asked
16th time Sirhan had faced pa- prison in 1989 that he had killed The Los Angeles County thought Sirhan should be re- not the real assassin. Sirhan if he would be angry if
role board commissioners, but it Kennedy because he felt be- Sheriff’s Department submitted leased. His son Robert F. Kenne- Still, many people have op- the board recommended parole
was the first time no prosecutor trayed by the senator’s proposal a letter to the board that it said dy III attended the hearing but posed his release, saying the but it was reversed.
showed up to argue for his con- during the campaign to send 50 was on behalf of the Kennedy did not address the board. crime was heinous and came “I would lose a little bit of
tinued imprisonment. George military planes to Israel. family and opposed Sirhan’s re- In a telephone interview, amid a painful series of assassi- faith because of the repetition of
Gascón, the progressive and di- Douglas Kennedy, one of lease. One of the commissioners, Douglas Kennedy, a correspon- nations — including the killing it, because America’s word is big,
visive Los Angeles County dis- Kennedy’s sons, attended the Robert Barton, said he had also dent for Fox News, said his fami- of the Rev. Martin Luther King and it should hold,” Sirhan said.
trict attorney who was elected hearing on Friday and urged the taken into account confidential ly was split over Sirhan’s release Jr. two months earlier. Sirhan also said he was grate-
last year, has made it a policy for commissioners to release letters that opposed Sirhan’s re- and that he respected the vary- “There are definitely mem- ful to have been spared from exe-
prosecutors not to attend parole Sirhan, a Jordanian citizen who lease. ing views. Emphasizing that he bers of my family who are under- cution and promised that he
hearings, saying the parole would likely be deported, if they Robert F. Kennedy Jr. met was speaking only for himself, standably not compassionate to- would live a peaceful life.
board has all the facts it needs to did not think he was a threat. with Sirhan in 2017 and said in a he said he believed that Newsom ward him,” Douglas Kennedy “Over half a centur y has
make an informed decision. “I do have some love for you,” letter to the board that the Sher- should follow the recommenda- said. “And I think their views passed and that young impulsive
At the hearing, which was he told Sirhan at one point, who iff’s Department’s letter did not tion of the parole board and ap- should be respected. This issue kid that I was does not exist any-
conducted virtually because of nodded and lowered his head. speak for him and that he prove Sirhan’s release. was the seminal moment for ev- more,” he said.

Breyer says host of

factors will determine
when he leaves court
Who will choose or liberal. Drawing a distinction
between law and politics, Brey-
successor weighs er wrote that not all splits on
the court were predictable and
on his decision that those that were could gen-
erally be explained by differenc-
By Adam Liptak es in judicial philosophy or in-
NEW YORK TIMES terpretive methods.
WASHINGTON — Justice In t h e i n t e r v i e w, h e a c -
Stephen Breyer says he is strug- knowledged that the politicians
gling to decide when to retire who had transformed confirma-
from the Supreme Court and is tion hearings into partisan
taking account of a host of fac- brawls held a different view, but
tors, including who will name he said the justices acted in
his successor. good faith, often finding con-
“There are many things that sensus and occasionally sur-
go into a retirement decision,” prising the public in significant
he said. cases.
He recalled approvingly “Didn’t one of the most con-
something that Justice Antonin servative — quote — members
Scalia had told him. join with the others in the gay

body appointed who will just STORM PREP — Corey Williams stacked bags of ice onto a cart Friday at a gas station in Jefferson, La., in
reverse everything I’ve done for ‘I don’t think I’m advance of Hurricane Ida, which struck Cuba the same day. The National Hurricane Center warned the rapidly
the last 25 years,’ ” Breyer said
during a wide-ranging inter- going to stay [on intensifying storm could speed across warm Gulf waters and hit Louisiana as a Category 3 hurricane Sunday.
view Thursday. “That will inevi-
tably be in the psychology” of
the Supreme
his decision, he said. Court] till I die —
“I don’t think I’m going to
hope not. . . . Daily Briefing
stay there till I die — hope not,”
he said. There are many
B r e y e r, 8 3 , i s t h e o l d e s t
member of the court, the senior considerations.’ Blood injected into food in UK Md. court to review teen’s life term
member of its three-member STEPHEN BREYER LONDON — A 37-year-old The prosecutors say he ANNAPOLIS, Md. — youths, news outlets report.
liberal wing, and the subject of Supreme Court justice man accused of injecting food then engaged in similar be- Maryland’s highest court has The order issued Wednesday
an energetic campaign by liber- items in three London super- havior at nearby Tesco and agreed to take up the case of scheduled oral arguments to
als who want him to step down markets with syringes of blood Sainsbury’s grocery stores. Lee Boyd Malvo, who is serv- begin in January.
to ensure that President Biden rights case?” he asked in the in- appeared in court Friday and Elghareeb, who lives near ing life in prison for his role in Malvo was 17 when he and
can name his successor. terview, referring to Justice Neil was ordered into custody until the stores, is charged with the 2002 sniper spree that ter- John Allen Muhammad em-
The justice tried to sum up Gorsuch’s majority opinion last his next hearing. contaminating or interfering rorized the Washington, D.C., barked on a killing spree that
the factors that would go into year ruling that a landmark civ- Leoaai Elghareeb, a lawyer, with goods. He did not enter a region. left 10 people dead and three
his decision. il rights law protects gay and was arrested after a man en- plea during a preliminary Malvo’s lawyers argue that wounded in Maryland, Virgin-
“There are a lot of blurred t ra n s ge n d e r w o r ke r s f r o m tered a Waitrose store in west hearing at Westminster Mag- his punishment goes against a ia, and the District of Colum-
things there, and there are workplace discrimination. London’s Hammersmith area on istrates’ Court. 2012 Supreme Court ruling bia. Others were killed as the
many considerations,” he said. Breyer made the point more Wednesday and started “throw- Police have advised custom- barring mandatory life sen- pair made their way to the
“They form a whole. I’ll make a broadly in his new book. ing around” syringes filled with ers who bought products at the tences without parole for juve- D.C. region from Washington
decision.” “My experience from more blood and injecting them into three stores to discard them. nile offenders and Malvo state. Muhammad was execut-
He paused, then added: “I than 30 years as a judge has food items, prosecutors said. ASSOCIATED PRESS should benefit from Mary- ed in 2009.
don’ t like making decisions shown me that anyone taking land’s new law enabling pris- Malvo has claimed that the
about myself.” the judicial oath takes it very oners convicted as juveniles to six life-without-parole terms
The justice visited the Wash-
ington bureau of The New York
much to heart,” he wrote. “A
judge’s loyalty is to the rule of
More students freed in Nigeria seek release once they’ve
served at least 20 years.
he received in Maryland are il-
legal in light of US Supreme
Times to discuss his new book, law, not the political party that MINNA, Nigeria — Over- country’s north that other The state Court of Appeals Court decisions saying manda-
“The Authority of the Court and helped to secure his or her ap- joyed parents welcomed home child hostages could eventual- granted a “bypass” review in tory life-without-parole sen-
the Peril of Politics,” scheduled pointment.” 90 young schoolchildren who ly be delivered. Malvo’s case and that of two tences are unconstitutional for
to be published next month by Breyer said he was wary of had spent three months held “The happiness can’t be others serving life sentences juveniles except in rare cases.
Harvard University Press. It efforts to increase the size of the by gunmen in northern Nige- quantified,” said Yahya Aliyu for crimes committed as ASSOCIATED PRESS
prompted questions about ex- court, saying it could erode ria, though authorities con- Babangida, 54, a teacher
panding the size of the court, public trust in it by sending the firmed Friday that one of the whose two children aged 7 and
the so-called shadow docket, message that the court is at its kidnapped children had died 17 were among those released.
and, inevitably, his retirement core a political institution. during the ordeal. Some of the abducted pu- For the record
plans. “Think twice, at least,” he Meanwhile, elsewhere po- pils were just 4 years old, he
The book explores the na- said of the proposal. “If A can lice announced that a second said. Several were undergoing ª Correction: Because of an editing error, a headline in the
ture of the court’s authority, do it, B can do it. And what are group of 15 students taken medical treatment after their Weekend section of Friday’s Globe misidentified the theater that
saying it is undermined by la- you going to have when you earlier this month also were release late Thursday. is presenting “Hurricane Diane.” The play is a production of the
beling justices as conservative have A and B doing it?” freed, raising hopes across the ASSOCIATED PRESS Huntington Theatre Company. The Globe regrets the error.
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Nation/World A3


Biden considers booster after 5 months Judge

President Biden said his ad-
ministration is considering
whether to start booster shots of
the coronavirus
VIRUS vaccine as soon
NOTEBOOK as five months
after people re-
mask ban
ceive a second dose, a move that
would accelerate US plans by
Fla. schools can
three months. mandate use
Soon after Biden made the
comments — at an Oval Office By Terry Spencer
meeting with Israeli Prime Min- and Curt Anderson
ister Naftali Bennett on Friday — ASSOCIATED PRESS

a White House official said there FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. —

had been no change in the plan Florida school districts can legal-
to administer boosters after ly require their students to wear
eight months. masks to prevent the spread of
Biden nonetheless said he COVID-19, a judge ruled Friday,
talked with infectious disease ex- saying Governor Ron DeSantis
pert Anthony Fauci about the overstepped his authority when
possible timeline change earlier he issued an executive order
in the day, signaling his interest banning such mandates.
in studying the issue. Leon County Circuit Judge
Biden told Bennett that he’s John C. Cooper agreed with a
“considering your advice that we group of parents who claimed in
should start earlier” in adminis- a lawsuit that DeSantis’s order is
tering boosters in the face of the unconstitutional and cannot be
Delta variant, he said. One of the enforced. The governor’s order
questions, Biden said, is: gave parents the sole right to de-
“Should it be five months?” cide if their child wears a mask
Relying substantially on data at school.
from Israel, Biden’s senior health Cooper said DeSantis’s order
team announced a plan this People crossed nearly empty streets in the central business district of Auckland, New Zealand, Friday. By early next week, “is without legal authority.”
month for any adult to get a New Zealanders should know if a new lockdown is working to stamp out the country’s first virus outbreak in six months. His decision came after a
booster, beginning Sept. 20, if three-day virtual hearing, and
it’s been eight months since their 29 million people in England tian had an important message months after hospitalization, more restrictions might be need- after 10 Florida school boards
second shot of either the Pfizer- found that the risk of developing for employees this week: The found that while many symp- ed as the coming days unfold voted to defy DeSantis and im-
BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. blood clots was higher after natu- highly contagious nature of the toms improved over time and and the state tries to keep in-per- pose mask requirements with no
That plan is still subject to au- rally contracting the coronavirus Delta variant meant more of many of the 479 people who had son schooling on track. parental opt-out. Districts that
thorization by the Food and than after getting a vaccination. them needed to get vaccinated. been employed when they got “All options are on the table,” have done so include Miami,
Drug Administration. The study based on national He didn’t use those exact COVID had returned to their Ms. Brown said in an interview Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tam-
The Biden administration cit- vaccination and hospital admis- words. original job, 49 percent of pa- this week. pa, Jacksonville, West Palm
ed warning signs that vaccine ef- sions data, published Friday in “Over the past few weeks, the tients still had at least one health Oregon’s aggressive approach Beach, and others. Cooper’s rul-
ficacy is waning over time, and the British Medical Journal, ana- fight has changed with the rise problem. in restoring pandemic safety ing will not go into effect until it
that the shots aren’t as effective lyzed people who had taken a of the B. 1.617.2 variant — a very And shortness of breath and rules is a stark divergence from is put into writing, which the
against the Delta variant. The first dose of either the Oxford- aggressive form of the virus,” he mental health issues such as states in the South, where out- judge asked the parents’ lawyers
variant is highly contagious and AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech wrote, using the scientific term. anxiety or depression were breaks have been even worse but to complete by Monday.
fueling an increase in coronavi- coronavirus vaccine between De- In May, the World Health Orga- slightly more pre valent 12 where many governors have re- Cooper said that while the
rus cases around the country. cember and April. nization assigned names to key months later than at the six- sisted requirements for masks governor and others have ar-
But some health experts say It looked for complications variants using letters of the month mark, the researchers re- and vaccinations. gued that a new Florida law
it’s not yet clear if boosters are up to 28 days after getting a vac- Greek alphabet. ported, saying the reasons for But with the arrival of the gives parents the ultimate au-
needed for all adults, including cine or being naturally infected, Most haven’t stuck around that “worrying” increase were Delta variant, Oregon has be- thority to oversee health issues
the young and healthy. it said, and found that although long enough, or wreaked enough unclear. come one of a handful of states for their children, it also ex-
BLOOMBERG “there was a slight increase in havoc, to become household The researchers also com- where cases and hospitalizations empts government actions that
blood clots with both vaccines, names. Delta — unfortunately pared the patients in the study have escalated beyond even the are needed to protect public
CVS limits purchases of OTC … the risk of blood clots was very for Delta — was different. The with people in the community records set during the worst part health and are reasonable and
rapid tests for virus much higher in people who went variant accounted for 93.4 per- who had not had COVID but had of the pandemic last year. l i m i t e d i n s c o p e . He s a i d a
CVS is limiting customers’ on to catch covid-19.” cent of new infections in the similar pre-existing health con- NEW YORK TIMES school district’s decision to re-
purchases of rapid, over-the- Researchers estimated that of United States by the end of July. ditions and other characteris- quire student masking to pre-
counter Covid-19 tests, with a out of 10 million people vacci- WASHINGTON POST tics. After 12 months, COVID Myanmar says it will vent the spread of the virus falls
maximum of six packages avail- nated with the AstraZeneca survivors had worse overall vaccinate Rohingya within that exemption.
able online and four in its phar- shot, about 107 would be hospi- Long COVID sufferers can health than people who had not BANGKOK — A spokesman The law “doesn’t ban mask
macies, as the spread of the delta talized or die because of low have lengthy recovery been infected. for Myanmar’s military-installed mandates at all,” Cooper said
variant spurs demand. platelet counts — about one- One year after becoming ill NEW YORK TIMES government said Friday that during a two-hour hearing that
Put in place this week, the ninth of the risk of the same con- with the coronavirus, nearly half COVID-19 vaccines will be given was conducted online because of
limits apply to Abbott Laborato- ditions in the infected. It also of patients in a large new study Oregon deploys National to members of the country’s per- the resurgent pandemic. “It
ries’ BinaxNOW along with a found that for every 10 million were still experiencing at least Guard to hospitals secuted Rohingya ethnic group. doesn’t require that a mask man-
test from the startup Ellume, ac- people vaccinated with the Pfiz- one lingering health symptom, Facing a tenfold increase in The Muslim minority was the date must include a parental
cording to an e-mail from a CVS er shot, an extra 143 cases of adding to evidence that recovery coronavirus hospitalizations target of a fierce counter-insur- opt-out at all.”
spokesperson. Both tests are ischemic strokes were observed, from COVID-19 can be arduous since July 9, Oregon leaders have gency campaign in 2017 that The judge also noted that two
available without a prescription. almost one-twelfth the amount and that the multifaceted condi- deployed the National Guard to some critics charged amounted Florida Supreme Court decisions
Surging interest in rapid vi- after a natural infection, it said. tion known as “long COVID” can hospitals, dispatched crisis to ethnic cleansing or genocide. from 1914 and 1939 found that
rus tests have made the products Cases of blood clots or last for months. teams to the hardest-hit regions The Rohingya face widespread individual rights are limited by
a scarce commodity at some on- “thrombocytopenia and throm- The study, published Thurs- of the state, and ordered educa- discrimination and most are de- their impact on the rights of oth-
line retailers and in certain boembolic events” have been re- day in the journal The Lancet, is tors and health care workers to nied citizenship and other basic ers. For example, he said, adults
stores. The renewed demand for corded after some vaccines in believed to be the largest to date get vaccinated or lose their jobs. rights. have the right to drink alcohol
testing has arisen just as the Denmark, Germany, Austria, in which patients were evaluated Now, Governor Kate Brown Government spokesman Ma- but not to drive drunk, because
highly contagious Delta variant and Britain, which led to limits one year after being hospitalized has gone beyond what any other jor General Zaw Min Tun made that endangers others. There is a
threatens many people’s plans to being put in place on the Astra- for COVID. It involved 1,276 pa- state has done in battling the the announcement at a news right to free speech, but not to
return to work and school this Zeneca vaccine. tients admitted to Jin Yin-tan summer surge, requiring that conference in the capital Naypyi- harass or threaten others or yell
fall. BLOOMBERG WASHINGTON POST Hospital in Wuhan, China, who both vaccinated and unvaccinat- taw, where he also said the au- “fire” in a crowded theater, he
were discharged between Jan. 7 ed people wear masks when thorities are trying to vaccinate said.
Blood clot risk is higher from Delta Air Lines CEO urges and May 29, 2020. gathering closely in public, even 50 percent of the country’s popu- In that same vein, he said,
virus than vaccine, study says employees to get vaccinated The researchers, who also when outdoors. The measure lation this year. school boards can reasonably ar-
A major study of more than Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bas- evaluated the patients six took effect on Friday. She said ASSOCIATED PRESS gue that maskless students en-
danger the health of other stu-
dents and teachers.

Concern grows over doctors who share misinformation DeSantis has dismissed the
recommendation from the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Pre-
Some call for the lives of people sick with
COVID-19, a tiny number of
line Doctors, in generating huge
audiences for their bogus
caused the pandemic volun-
teered to surrender his license
choose the option that works
best for them,” the website
vention that people wear masks,
questioning its legitimacy and
suspending or their medical peers have had an
outsize influence at propelling
claims. The statements by them
and others have contributed to
to the California Medical Board.
“Publicly spreading false
In the video that spread
saying it is not applicable to Flori-
da. But Cooper said the state’s
revoking licenses false and misleading informa- vaccine hesitancy and a resis- COVID-19 information may be widely this month, Stock is medical experts who testified
tion about the virus and vac- tance to masks that have exac- considered unprofessional con- shown speaking to a Mt. Vernon during the trial that masking is
By Davey Alba cines. erbated the pandemic in the duct and could be grounds for Community School Corporation ineffective in preventing COVID-
and Sheera Frenkel Now there is a growing call United States, public health of- disciplinary action,” Carlos Vil- board meeting in Fortville, just 19’s spread are in a distinct mi-
NEW YORK TIMES among medical groups to disci- ficials say. latoro, a spokesman for the east of Indianapolis. Standing nority among doctors and scien-
Standing before a local pline physicians spreading in- The doctors often stand in Medical Board of California, with his back to the camera, tists. He also said that while De-
school board in central Indiana correct information. The Feder- lab coats and use simplified said in a statement. and speaking at a rapid, nearly Santis frequently states that a
this month, Dr. Daniel Stock, a ation of State Medical Boards, medical jargon, lending an air But Chaudhry said it was im- monotone clip, he opens his Brown University study conclud-
physician in the state, issued a which represents the groups of authority. possible to know how many statement with the line, “Every- ed masks are ineffective, the
litany of false claims about the that license and discipline doc- They often take advantage of states had opened investiga- thing being recommended by study’s authors wrote that no
coronavirus. He proclaimed tors, recommended last month a ready audience online by tions into doctors spreading the CDC is actually contrary to such conclusion should be drawn.
that the recent surge in cases that states consider ac tion livestreaming news conferenc- misinformation. Such investiga- the rules of science.” Then he se- “I don’t say that the governor
showed that the vaccines were against doctors who share false es, and keep interest alive by tions are typically not publi- lectively cites academic studies has time enough to read a report
ineffective, that people were medical claims, including sus- promising new evidence that cized until a decision is reached to give the impression that that thick, but his advisers do ...
better off with a cocktail of pending or revoking medical li- will expose corruption and sup- and the process can take many widely held medical advice, and that statement is incorrect,”
drugs and supplements to pre- censes. The American Medical port their arguments. months. such as wearing a mask and get- Cooper said.
vent hospitalization from the vi- Association says spreading mis- Some state medical boards Stock, 59, did not respond to ting vaccinated, does not work. The governor’s office said Fri-
rus, and that masks did not help information violates the code of have disciplined doctors for several requests for comment YouTube, which forbids vid- d ay t h at Co o p e r ’s d e c i s i o n
prevent the spread of infection. ethics that licensed doctors their conduct during the pan- for this article. He has been a li- eos that spread false informa- wasn’t based on the law and the
His appearance has since be- agree to follow. demic. In December, the Ore- censed doctor in Indiana since tion about the virus, said it state will appeal it.
come one of the most-viewed “When a doctor speaks, peo- gon Medical Board ordered an 1989, a year after he graduated would not take down the full Craig Whisenhunt, one of the
videos of coronavirus misinfor- ple pay attention,” said Dr. Hu- emergency suspension of the from the Indiana University video of the meeting that the attorneys representing the par-
mation. The videos — several mayun Chaudhry, president of medical license of a doctor after School of Medicine. He has school board had put online. ents, called DeSantis’s actions in
versions are available online — the Federation of State Medical he violated a state order by not worked in several hospitals, ur- David A. Keltz, a spokesman the case “atrocious’' and called
have amassed nearly 100 mil- Boards. “The title of being a wearing a mask, or requiring gent care centers, and private for the Indiana attorney gener- him “a bully in the room that is
lion likes and shares on Face- physician lends credibility to patients to wear masks. The rul- practices in the state, according al, said the office could not dis- beating up children.”
book, 6.2 million views on Twit- what people say to the general ing bars the doctor from prac- to a profile on LinkedIn. cuss whether any complaints About 6 in 10 Americans say
ter, at least 2.8 million views on public. That’s why it is so im- ticing medicine in Oregon until On Stock’s website he sets against Stock were under inves- students and teachers should be
YouTube, and over 940,000 vid- portant that these doctors don’t the governor lifts the state of himself apart from convention- tigation. Keltz said the state required to wear face masks
eo views on Instagram. spread misinformation.” emergency issued for the pan- al medicine. “By presenting pa- would issue a public statement while in school, according to a
His talk’s popularity points Stock joined physicians in- demic. tients with all of their treatment about any such investigation poll conducted this month by
to one of the more striking par- cluding Dr. Joseph Mercola and In January, a San Francisco options — whether that’s a pill, only if the office decided to file a The Associated Press-NORC
adoxes of the pandemic. Even Dr. Judy Mikovits, and a group doctor who had been falsely lifestyle change, therapy, or sup- formal complaint with the Indi- Center for Public Affairs Re-
as many doctors fight to save that calls itself America’s Front- claiming that 5G technology plements — I help patients ana Medical Board. search.
A4 Nation/Region T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

Businesses on
Cape find a
steady summer
uCAPE COD break of more than 1,000 infec-
Continued from Page A1 tions raised the first alarm na-
after long months of restric- tionally about breakthrough cas-
tions and uncertainties, busi- es in fully vaccinated individu-
ness owners said. als. Just eight people were
“People are excited to get eventually hospitalized, and zero
back to the new norm, and they deaths have been connected to
see the Cape as a safe spot to the cluster. But the news — and
come visit and enjoy the beach,” growing concerns about the
said Paulo Paraguay, the owner threat of breakthroughs — was a
of Kandy Korner in Hyannis. jolt.
Paraguay, who was raised in Yar- The outbreak was ultimately
mouth, said business has been a success story for the vaccines,
brisk at his store this season, and protecting people from severe
he’s already gearing up for the illness and death. But fears of a
Cape’s “second summer” be- new surge put a damper on what
tween the end of September and was initially shaping up to be an
Columbus Day. extremely busy post-pandemic
Just down Route 28 in Har- summer.
wich Port, Jay and Heather “It was gangbusters,” once
Skowronek, the owners of Mur- the state lifted restrictions on
phy’s General Store, said they’ve restaurants around Memorial
had a “very busy” summer. Day weekend, said Bob Mon-
“ We honestly don’ t know tano, the owner of Montano’s Sarah Crowell photographed her son, Tristan, 4, who was posing as a pirate outside Mrs. Mitchell’s Gifts in Hyannis.
where all of these people are Restaurant in Truro. “It was like
coming from,” said Jay. people were less concerned fi- Dan Murray, the general media attention that came with Even though the Biden ad- “ We j u s t h a d a c u s t o m e r
Heather predicted the wave nally about corona, and were manager of the Beachcomber in them “deflated” sales in July and ministration approved an in- come up from North Carolina,
of business will continue for at ready to let go and get back into Wellfleet, said his restaurant cut business in half well into Au- crease in the number of H2-B specifically for our store, and he
least the next month, with lots of their usual routines.” didn’t see “much of a drop-off ” gust. A succession of rainy week- seasonal, non-agricultural work- was like, it was just a great ex-
visitors still to come. And with After the uptick in COVID in business, even after the out- ends — which prevented cus- er visas in April, bureaucratic cuse to get out of North Caroli-
more companies putting off cases, he saw a much higher break in nearby Provincetown. tomers from eating outside — hurdles and COVID travel re- na,” said Anna Nelson, the assis-
their return-to-office dates, the number of takeout orders, which “At the beginning of the sum- didn’t help, either. strictions continued to make it tant buyer at Ducks in the Win-
Cape could stay busy into the fall typically bring in less money mer, we were told everything “There was a lot of expecta- difficult for seasonal workers to dow, a store in Chatham that
as people work remotely. from alcohol sales. Though it has was going to be OK, and so peo- tions and excitement about how enter the United States. claims to have the largest selec-
“We saw more people than still been a “very busy summer” ple made plans,” he said. busy it was going to be, and Paul Niedzwiecki, chief exec- tion of rubber ducks in the
expected coming in May and for the restaurant, the cluster Murray said the Beachcomb- things seemed to be going in utive officer of the Cape Cod world.
June, and I think that’s probably was a setback, he said. er has scaled down the live mu- that direction,” Anderson said. Chamber of Commerce, said res- Guevara said she’s hopeful
going to carry on into Septem- “It seems like Delta came sic options this summer but now “And then it just petered out, taurants especially have gotten about the future, despite the
ber,” she said. “From what I’ve along and kind of put a lot of plans to stay open until Oct. 2 — sort of like going out in a whim- squeezed by labor shortages. challenges.
heard from other people, there’s pause in some people, so it weeks beyond the usual closure per rather than a bang.” Some places are working with “Everyone is happy to be out,”
still a lot of vacation rentals that bumped us backwards a little right after Labor Day. Staffing shortages and astro- half the staff they normally have she said. “There’s a lot more
are booked into September and bit,” Montano said. “Although “For better or worse,” Murray nomical housing costs also in the summer, forcing them to hope. People are willing to spend
even October. ... A lot of people our numbers are still great, said of the pandemic, “I think a posed challenges. Karina Gue- close one or two days per week ... more easily this year than pre-
are still around.” when you have a high percent- lot of people are just over it.” vara, the owner of six gift shops or shut their doors for a lunch or vious years.
The story grows a bit more age of to-go, it’s obviously going Still, sales skidded at some and clothing boutiques in dinner service. “They’re going to be shop-
complicated the closer you get to to lower your check average. . . . Outer Cape businesses amid the Chatham and Provincetown, Still, many owners remain ping next season for sure.”
Provincetown. The number of people coming outbreak. Rob Anderson, owner said the decline in the number of optimistic, given high vaccina-
After more than 100,000 rev- through the doors is still very of the Canteen, a waterfront res- international students working tion rates in Massachusetts and Alexandra Chaidez can be
elers descended there over the high, but the dollars sometimes taurant in Provincetown, said on the Cape affected her retail the consistent demand from reached at alexandra.chaidez@
Fourth of July weekend, an out- get affected by that.” the infections and the national business. tourists this season.

Janey is forming a plan to update voting precincts GOP nears

uPRECINCTS One voting rights advocate
win as voting
Continued from Page A1
A diverse array of civic en-
who didn’t want to be quoted by
name for fear of antagonizing
bill passes in
gagement groups has long been
pushing for the city to equalize
city officials likened the new pro-
posed maps to a tiny dam strug- Texas House
the precinct sizes. But bureau- gling to contain a massive river:
cratic inertia and the tug of pow- It will hold, but only for so long. By J. David Goodman
er between city and state have Without a long-term commit- and Reid J. Epstein
left the same lines in place for ment, the advocate said, the NEW YORK TIMES

decades even as the face of Bos- plan feels more like a “political AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas
ton has changed dramatically. stunt” than a sincere effort at House of Representatives passed
Voting precincts typically form lasting reform. a sweeping election overhaul bill
the building blocks for political “I do think it’s important that Friday, clearing a major hurdle
districts, meaning efforts to if the city is taking a look at this in a monthslong push by Repub-
change the lines can be not just a right now, that they think about licans to introduce a host of new
logistical challenge but a politi- change in a sustainable and voting rules.
cal morass. long-term sense that doesn’t just Passage of the bill came a
Now, city elections officials address inequity as it is today week after a handful of Demo-
want to add polling places in but that could prevent inequity crats returned to the state Capi-
some of the densest neighbor- as it could occur down the road,” tol, effectively ending a 38-day
hoods. The changes would not said Common Cause Massachu- walkout that included the flight
affect the entire city’s maps but setts executive director Geoff of much of the party’s state House
rather target the most crowded Foster, who attended the Janey delegation to Washington and
voting precincts. meeting this month remotely. drew national attention to the
Janey and other city officials The timing of the effort has fight over voting rights in Texas.
pitched the plan to advocates at People waited to cast their ballots in Super Tuesday voting at Boston City Hall in March 2020. not escaped notice, nor has the It signaled the end stages in
a mid-August meeting, accord- group of people invited to weigh the most protracted battle in a
ing to five attendees, and intend some said the proposal does not city officials legal cover to ignore sions that have given rise over in so far. nationwide Republican cam-
to hold a public meeting on the go far enough to solve the city’s the gaping disparities in the cur- the years to political communi- City Councilors Andrea paign to harden election rules in
proposal in the coming weeks. problems. And others pointed to rent maps. ties that are loath to be divided. Campbell and Michelle Wu, two response to false claims about
Janey’s office reached out to re- the timing — weeks before a hot- The issue has the attention of Advocates who have been of Janey’s rivals in the mayoral the integrity of the 2020 presi-
districting leaders at the State ly contested mayoral election in Beacon Hill. Nearly a decade pushing new precinct boundar- race, have taken an interest in dential contest.
House and will brief them on the which Janey and several city ago, in a 2012 report, state legis- ies for years celebrated that the the issue of Boston precincts, The House’s version of the
precinct plans at a meeting in councilors are candidates — as lative leaders took issue with long-passed-over issue is getting pushing through 2019 a city or- bill, which passed on a nearly
September, said state Represen- evidence that Janey is seeking Boston’s unchanged precinct some attention. Boston League dinance that requires Boston of- party-line vote of 80-41, will be
tative Mike Moran, the Brighton last-minute political points, es- lines, warning that they made it of Women Voters president Ker- ficials to review precincts every considered by the state Senate
Democrat co-leading redistrict- pecially given that the precinct difficult for mapmakers to en- ry Costello, who attended the five years, although it does not before it can be sent to the desk
ing efforts. sizes have been a known prob- sure equal voting access while meeting with Janey, said it was require them to be redrawn so of Governor Greg Abbott.
City officials did not publicly lem for years. Several of Janey’s following other redistricting re- “refreshing” to see how much ef- that they are equal sizes. The bill would ban voting
release the plan, nor have they rivals have pushed for changes strictions. fort the city had put into the But both said Janey’s admin- changes that were introduced
briefed all members of the City to Boston precincts in the past. In most of the rest of the plan. istration has not reached out to last year by local officials, like
Council about it, but they con- Chinese Progressive Associa- state, precincts cannot exceed “We’ve been laboring in these them about the latest plan. drive-thru polling places and 24-
firmed details of the proposal tion executive director Karen 4,000 residents. But Boston’s fields for a long time so it’s nice “The timing of this push is hour voting; greatly empower
this week after the Globe ob- Chen, who attended the August largest voting precincts, in Chi- to see the harvest might finally surprising and doesn’t make partisan poll watchers; limit the
tained a draft of it. meeting with Janey, lauded the natown and the Seaport, contain come in,” Costello said. New Bos- sense, frankly,” Wu told the mailing of absentee ballot appli-
The Board of Election Com- city for a “thoughtful” proposal more than 7,000 registered vot- ton precincts would be “one of Globe. She said that since the cations; and increase civil and
missioners is expected to vote on and a commitment to increasing ers. Others number under 1,000, the big accomplishments of the city did not take up the proposal criminal penalties for voter fraud
the plan in early October, a city voter access. and a voting district serving the decade” for her organization, sooner, it should wait until after and for election officials who run
spokesperson said, adding that After waiting so long for the Boston Harbor Islands has been she said. the state’s ongoing redistricting afoul of the election code.
the plan does not require the ap- precincts to change, she said, home to just one. Still, some advocates said the process has concluded — and The legislation has long been a
proval of the City Council or the “something should just happen.” The city’s draft plan aims to current proposal leaves some- that any conversations on the is- priority for Abbott, a Republican,
state. “I don’t think we need to wait keep precincts no larger than thing major to be desired: fu- sue should bring more people to who pledged to repeatedly call
“We can’t have fair access to until it’s perfect,” she said. about 2,000 registered voters ture-proofing. the table. “If we’re truly talking special sessions until lawmakers
the right to vote if one of our pre- Civic engagement groups each. The draft plan would mod- about reprecincting, it would sent a voting bill for him to sign.
cincts has more than 7,000 reg- such as Common Cause Massa- It targets parts of downtown, ernize the city’s current voting need to be a citywide conversa- The bill passed the state Sen-
istered voters, and another has chusetts and MassVOTE, as well including Chinatown, the North maps, but it would not require tion and not a stopgap measure.” ate this month, but because the
less than 600,” Janey said in a as the Chinese Progressive Asso- End, and the South End, as well the city to equalize precincts on A city spokesperson said that House made changes and
statement to the Globe. “I look ciation, have been pushing for as Charlestown and the Seaport. a regular basis in the future, the elections department has amendments, the Senate must
forward to public discussions of more than a decade for the city It would add nine precincts in meeting attendees said. If the been working with city council- review it again. Both chambers
a new voting precinct plan that to equalize precinct sizes. crowded Ward 3, splitting up a city faces no requirement to ad- ors for more than two years to are controlled by Republicans.
reflects our population growth, Most Massachusetts cities Chinatown precinct that has just precincts regularly, fast- identify necessary changes to The Senate can vote to concur
promotes voter access no matter and towns must reexamine and more than 7,000 voters. It would growing neighborhoods will precincts, and that the council with the changes, which would
where residents live, and helps roughly equalize their precinct also strip away one Roxbury pre- quickly crowd the new precincts, will be “further engaged” before send the bill to Abbott, or to
us work towards a more equita- lines every 10 years, on the same cinct in Ward 8, where some pre- too, creating the same issues. the elections board votes on the send the legislation into a con-
ble Boston.” timeline as the decennial census. cincts currently tally under That would mean that in just a plan. ference committee, in which dif-
Advocates praised the city for But Boston has been exempt 1,000 registered voters. few years, it will once again fall ferences between the two cham-
taking up an issue that’s long from that state law for a century, City officials do not intend to to outside advocates to demand Emma Platoff can be reached at bers’ bills would be worked out
been allowed to languish. But a fluke of history that has given change the city’s wards — divi- the city make changes. behind closed doors.
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A6 Nation/World T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1


What is known about

the Islamic State Khorasan
By Azi Paybarah Center for Strategic and Inter- Qaeda broke away and estab-
NEW YORK TIMES national Studies, “and envi- lished a so-called caliphate, an
Shortly after a bombing at- sions its territory transcending Islamic theocracy, in large parts
tack killed masses of people nation-states like Afghanistan of Iraq and Syria. At its peak,
Thursday, including at least 13 and Pakistan.” the territory was the size of
US troops and more than 170 The name Khorasan trans- Britain. That breakaway fac-
civilians outside Afghanistan’s lates to “The Land of the Sun.” tion, called the Islamic State, or
main airport, President Biden Khorasan refers to a historical ISIS, was savvier about social
vowed to get revenge. region that includes parts of media than Al Qaeda and began
“We will not forget,” Biden Iran, Afghanistan, and Paki- specializing in a cinematic ap-
said from the White House. stan, according to the Center proach to brutality. The Islamic
“We will hunt you down and for Strategic and International State also appealed to a young-
make you pay.” Studies. er generation of fighters, in part
Here’s what we know about by promising immediate glory
the group that claimed credit What are its roots? and rewards for those willing to
for the attack. The myriad terrorist organi- fight its enemies.
zations that have waged war on In 2015, the Islamic State
What is the Islamic State US forces and allies are inter- announced that it had accepted Afghans with a dead body atop a car Friday after the deadly attack in Kabul on Thursday.
Khorasan? locked and at times in competi- the loyalty of a new branch in
The group, known as Islamic tion with one another for su- the Khorasan region. the group has been responsible was “the founder and leader of said at the time that “getting rid
State Khorasan Province, premacy. for roughly 250 clashes with ISIS, the most ruthless and vio- of the leader does not get rid of
ISIS-K or ISIS-KP, is an Afghan The terrorist attacks that Who are its enemies? US, Afghan, and Pakistani secu- lent terror organization any- the organization.”
affiliate of the central Islamic killed nearly 3,000 people on Like other terrorist groups, rity forces. where in the world.” Trump The Islamic State, he
State group in the Middle East. American soil on Sept. 11, Islamic State Khorasan has tar- More recently, Islamic State went on to say, “We obliterated warned, “has created a new
Islamic State Khorasan, found- 2001, were orchestrated by Al geted US forces, their allies, K ho ra s a n l e a d e r s h av e d e - his caliphate, 100 percent, in structure that is less central-
ed in 2015 by disaffected Paki- Qaeda, the terrorist group led and civilians. But unlike the nounced the Taliban’s takeover March of this year.” ized, and it will continue, even
stani Taliban, is smaller, newer, at the time by Osama bin Lad- others, the group openly fought of Afghanistan, saying that the Clearly, it was not 100 per- without al-Baghdadi.”
and embraces a more violent en. In response to those attacks, with other extremist Islamic or- group’s version of Islamic rule cent. In 2016, a year after it was
version of Islam than the Tali- US forces invaded Afghanistan, ganizations, such as the Tali- was insufficiently hard line. Before Baghdadi’s death, he founded, Islamic State Khoras-
ban, which just toppled the US- ousting the Taliban government ban. had expanded the organization an was at its peak size, with
backed government of Afghani- that shielded bin Laden, and Islamic State Khorasan has But didn’t the United States and given subordinates consid- about 3,000 to 4,000 fighters,
stan after a two-decade insur- then invaded Iraq, where Presi- been mostly antagonistic to- destroy the Islamic State? erable latitude to act. Islamic according to analyst estimates.
gency. dent George W. Bush said a pro- ward the Taliban, and the two In October 2019, then-presi- State encouraged followers to That figure was cut in half after
Islamic State Khorasan “dis- active strike against terrorism groups have fought for turf, dent Donald Trump announced act alone or in small groups. the group was targeted by US
regards international borders,” was needed. particularly in eastern Afghani- the killing of Abu Bakr al-Bagh- Hassan Abu Hanieh, a Jordani- airstrikes and Afghan comman-
according to a report from the Years later, a branch of Al stan. Since 2017, experts say, dadi, saying in a speech that he an expert on extremist groups, do raids.

Deadly blast does not stop desperate Afghans

Continued from Page A1
port’s Abbey Gate, at a security
chokepoint that squeezed to-
gether an enormous crowd that
US troops were checking for en-
A US drone strike early Satur-
day killed a militant in ISIS-K,
US officials said. The officials
gave no immediate information
on the person killed, including
any possible link to the suicide
It was not only fear that
trimmed the crowd at the air-
port Friday, what had been a
constant mass since the Taliban
assumed power nearly two
weeks ago. Taliban fighters with
Kalashnikov rifles kept people
farther away from the airport’s
entrance gates, guarding check-
points with trucks and at least
one Humvee.
Flights to evacuate people al-
ready within the airport re-
sumed soon after the bombing.
But the airport itself was largely
locked down Friday.
US and Taliban officials have
been consulting for days about
security around the airport, and
at times cooperating to help
groups gain entrance. But the
bombing brought changes in the
Taliban’s methods, in particular,
on Friday. At its southern and
eastern gates, Taliban gunmen
said that almost no one was al-
lowed to come close, and that all
entrance gates were closed. Re-
ports about any new entries to
the airport at all were sparse, Afghans wounded in the airport attack lay on beds at a hospital in Kabul. The death toll neared 200 with hundreds more wounded.
and unconfirmed.
Further, State Department of- want to be killed in this cursed town Kabul. He i s tr ying to been realized, Zakhilwal said. There were also further re- designated for refugees. In the
ficials have warned people to country,” he said. “I don’t want nudge the Taliban toward what “By and large, their treatment of ports that the Taliban have been west, several thousand people a
stay away from the airport and to live here anymore. I hate this he calls a more “inclusive” gov- the population is not as bad as searching the homes of former day are also crossing into Iran,
shelter in place because of new country. I hate all these killings.” ernment. expected,” he said. “They are not government officials in Kabul. UN officials said.
terrorism threats. A government worker who Both exercises — the walk very visible. You don’t see a heavy “This is the eighth time that Before the Taliban takeover,
The unit of McCollum, one of lives in the Macroyan neighbor- and the nudging — are proving presence of them in the city.” the Taliban came to my home in about 4,000 to 8,000 people
the Marines killed in the blast, hood of central Kabul said he to be challenges. In the normally But “the mental security is Kabul, searched for me and took would cross the border from
had deployed from Jordan to Af- was not surprised people were bustling and noisy Shahr-e Naw not there,” he said. my private vehicle, and directly Spin Boldak, Afghanistan, into
ghanistan to provide security and still congregating at the airport’s neighborhood, once alive with Among the ex-Afghan offi- threatening my children and Chaman, Pakistan, on a typical
help with evacuations, his father, gates. street vendors and jostling pe- cials meeting with Taliban repre- kids,” Halim Fidai, a former offi- day. Since the Taliban seized Ka-
Jim McCollum, said in a phone “It is better to get killed while destrians, there is now an unset- sentatives is Zakhilwal’s old cial who served as an adviser to bul, the number has jumped
interview Friday. He said his son trying to leave than stay here,” tling silence. And so far his en- boss, former president Hamid the president and as a governor threefold, according to Pakistani
had been guarding a checkpoint he said. “People are trying to counters with the Taliban have Karzai. While the former offi- of eastern Khost province, said officials and tribal leaders.
when the explosion tore through leave the country at any price.” not yielded the results he had cials are hoping the Taliban will in a tweet. An official at the Pakistan
the airport’s main gate. In much of Kabul, the streets hoped for. include at least some of them in Ahmadullah Waseq, the dep- ministry overseeing refugees
The US government said that were quiet and largely deserted “It’s awfully quiet,” he said their government, the signs so uty of the Taliban’s culture com- said the government was allow-
more than 100,000 people have Friday. from Kabul on Friday. “It’s really far are not encouraging. mittee, rejected reports that the ing only Pakistani citizens, Af-
been evacuated so far. And one “There were a lot of people in calm. You don’t see many wom- “Now that they have taken Taliban had conducted house-to- ghans seeking medical treat-
US military official said that this area before the collapse, but en out there. Not even close to the whole thing, there might be house searches in the capital. ment, and people with proof of a
flights to begin the final evacua- now it is like a ghost town,” the the usual number. And the mar- temptations within them not to With four days remaining un- right to refuge to cross.
tion of US military personnel government worker said about ket looks depressed. You don’t go for the type of inclusive gov- til an Aug. 31 deadline for the The country’s officials have
and equipment were beginning central Kabul. “You can’t find see people shopping. There are ernment that would be the result United States withdrawal, a date said repeatedly that they will not
Friday night. people. Everyone is afraid to the juice sellers in Shahr-e Naw, of a political settlement,” Zakh- that President Biden has said he allow new refugees to enter Paki-
Despite the risk and the ob- leave their house.” but not many people drinking ilwal said. intends to keep despite domestic stan’s cities. The government in-
stacles at the airport, citizens On the day after the attack juice.” T he fe w government ap- and international pressure for stead plans to establish refugee
continued to flock to what many and nearly two weeks after they Zakhilwal, an economist who pointments made so far suggest an extension, the evacuations camps near the border inside Af-
see as the last chance to get out. seized control of Kabul on Aug. was sharply critical of the gov- that the Taliban are more inter- were on pace to fall well short of ghanistan.
“People are still risking their 15, the Taliban continued to re- ernment of President Ashraf ested in filling positions from providing an exit for everyone Nearly 3 million Afghan refu-
lives and going to the airport to veal little about their intentions Ghani in the days before it fell, within their ranks rather than who wants to leave. gees have been living in Paki-
leave the country,” said a female on the shape their government said the country was “in a very naming “professionals,” he said, That left Afghans scrambling stan, driven out by the Soviet
journalist in Kabul. “It is the on- would take. depressed economic situation.” noting the Taliban’s choice for to find a way out of the country. Union’s invasion of Afghanistan
ly hope.” Omar Zakhilwal, a former Af- An acute cash shortage has led acting head of the central bank: In the southwest, thousands in 1979 and the ensuing civil
Another Kabul resident who ghan finance minister, spoke by to skyrocketing prices. Few AT- Hajji Mohammad Idris, a mem- of people have been trying to flee wars.
had been at the airport Thursday phone Friday of his meetings Ms are functioning. ber of the movement. News re- into Pakistan, gathering daily
and lost a friend in the bombing with Taliban officials and of his So far, the worst fears about ports have indicated that Idris near the Spin Boldak-Chaman Material from the Associated
vowed to go back Friday. “I don’t daily walk to his office in down- the Taliban appear not to have has no formal financial training. border crossing, the only one Press was used in this report.
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Nation/World A7


Taliban success
seen as boost for
extremist groups
By Zeina Karam stitute of International Rela-
BEIRUT — A few days after In a twist, the Taliban victory
the Taliban takeover of Afghani- also boosted the fortunes of their
stan, a convoy of militants drove rivals in Afghanistan — a local
through the city of Idlib in branch of the Islamic State net-
northwestern Syria in cars bear- work. On Thursday, the affiliate
ing the group’s white-and-black claimed responsibility for the
flags, honking horns and firing suicide attack that killed scores
their guns in the air. of people outside Kabul’s air-
The celebrations by an Al port, including 13 US service
Qaeda affiliate in a remote cor- members.
ner of war-torn Syria were an ex- The Taliban now must con-
pression of the triumph felt by tend with an emboldened Islam-
radical Islamic groups from the ic State, which is challenging
Gaza Strip to Pakistan and West their rule with militants that are
Africa who see America’s vio- far more radical. The group’s
lence-marred exit from Afghani- ranks have been bolstered after
stan an opportunity to reassert the Taliban freed prisoners dur-
their presence. ing an advance through Afghani-
An Afghan family, whose members asked to not be identified for security concerns, is living with a relative in Pennsylvania. For such groups, the chaotic stan.
US departure following the col- An editorial in the Islamic
THOSE WHO LEFT lapse of security forces it had State group’s newsletter last

Family hopeful after escaping Kabul

trained for two decades is a gift, week derided the Taliban, accus-
underlining their message that ing them of collaborating with
Washington eventually aban- the United States.
dons its allies, and that defeating “America actually did it. They
powerful armies is possible with finally raised a ‘Mullah Brad-
By Maryclaire Dale enough patience. ley,’ ” the editorial said, using a
ASSOCIATED PRESS “The success of the Taliban name it has coined for the Tali-
PHILADELPHIA — An Af- opens the way for radical groups ban in an apparent reference to
ghan couple who arrived in to step up their recruitment op- the US fighting vehicle. The
Philadelphia this week navigat- erations globally. It is much easi- group also promised a ne w
ed the streets of Taliban-con- er for them now, and there is phase in its “blessed jihad”
trolled Kabul with their six chil- more receptivity,” said Hassan against the West.
dren for three days before mak- Abu Haniyeh, an expert on Is- Analysts say the Taliban’s suc-
ing it onto a rescue flight. lamic militants based in Am- cess and the US withdrawal gal-
The 36-year-old father, Mo- man, Jordan. vanizes and gives a motivational
hammad, who asked to be iden- Despite the billions of dollars boost to America’s adversaries
tified only by his first name to spent by the United States and and jihadi groups around the
protect relatives still there, had NATO over nearly 20 years to world.
worked for a security company build up Afghan security forces, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the
at the US Embassy and then for the Taliban seized nearly all of leader of Lebanon’s Shiite mili-
a defense contractor since 2004. Afghanistan in just over a week tant group Hezbollah, said in a
He first applied for an Ameri- amid the US troop pullout. The speech Friday that what is un-
can visa in 2018. By the time fundamentalist group swept into folding in Afghanistan “is a por-
the visa came through on Aug. Kabul on Aug. 15 after the gov- trayal of America’s full defeat
8, the Taliban was making its ernment collapsed and embat- and the US demise and failure in
way toward Kabul, and would tled President Ashraf Ghani fled the region.”
move on the city a week later. the country. In northern Syria, a statement
When the y did, Moham- Since then, tens of thousands by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Al
mad’s relative near Philadelphia of people desperate to escape a Qaeda affiliate there, said the Tal-
— where the family is now stay- country governed by the Taliban iban victory proved no occupa-
ing — urged him to hurry to the have been trying to flee or al- tion can last forever. The leader
airport, even though he had not identified only as Khan, also to case. with children’s clothes, but had ready have been evacuated in a of the radical Palestinian Islamic
yet booked a flight. protect relatives back home, has Their mother had enjoyed to leave it behind at a stopover mammoth Western airlift. Hamas movement, which rules
The family made it within 55 made three airport runs this running their busy household in Qatar, where thousands of “The events unfolding in Af- the Gaza Strip, congratulated the
yards of the US military on their week for family arriving from in Kabul, where the couple said evacuees faced sometimes diffi- ghanistan have given jihadi Taliban’s leader on the “demise of
first attempt, on Aug. 16, only Afghanistan, some of them US their two daughters along with cult conditions. groups and US adversaries rea- the US occupation.”
to be pushed back by the crowd residents or citizens who had their four sons could have gone They landed at Dulles Air- son to celebrate, and America’s In Pakistan, the leader of
and return home. They soon been visiting when Kabul fell. to college, or even graduate port on Saturday, then were allies in the region reason to feel Jaish-e-Mohammad, Mohammad
learned at least two people had His family has had as many school, given the progress they held at a hotel for several days anxious,” said Abu Haniyeh. Azhur, used the group’s publica-
died that day trying to cling to as 22 people fill their suburban saw during the US-led occupa- until their paperwork cleared “They now feel that America tion to cheer the Taliban victory,
the departing US aircraft. and they were sent to Philadel- might drop them one day, same saying it will inspire mujahedeen,
T h e n e x t d a y ’s j o u r n e y phia. as it did the government of or holy warriors, “the world over
proved equally futile, and their ‘People like us who made it to the They have been aided by sev- Ashraf Ghani.” to continue their struggle for Is-
children grew frightened seeing eral non-governmental agencies There are concerns that Af- lam.” The group’s fighters took
Taliban forces fire their weap- airport and then to the plane were very along the way, and are still look- ghanistan will once again be- credit for the 2019 attack in the
ons into the air. The youngest of
the children, ages 3 to 16, want-
happy thinking about the bright future.’ ing for an apartment, but ex-
pressed nothing but gratitude
come a base for militants to plot
against the West, much like the
disputed Kashmir region that
killed 40 Indian soldiers and
ed to give up. MOHAMMAD, father of six who worked for a security company at Thursday, when explosions Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that trig- brought the nuclear-armed
“I was scared myself. I didn’t the US Embassy killed scores of people at the Ka- gered the US invasion. neighbors to the brink of war.
want to show it to my kids,” said bul airport they had left just “This is the story that is going Amir Rana, executive direc-
Mohammad’s wife, also 36, who days earlier. to impact and influence jihadi tor of the Islamabad-based Paki-
asked that her name not be home, where the smell of qabli, tion of the past 20 years. “People like us who made it fighters around the globe for the stan Institute of Peace Studies,
used for her family’s safety. an Afghan chicken and rice “People got educated, places to the airport and then to the next decade, the same way as the said the events in Afghanistan
“At the end, I was thinking, dish, and green tea waf ted got built, it helped our econo- plane were very happy thinking victory over the Soviets in Af- could inspire hard-line Sunni
‘We might get hurt. It will be a through the first floor on Thurs- my,” Mohammad said. “The way about the bright future,” Mo- ghanistan in the ’80s inspired groups who are waging sectari-
little hard to get there. But we’ll day, as the newly arrived young- of life was getting better in Af- hammad said, “but also, look- the jihadis around the world an battles against Shi’ites. The
have a future,’’’ she said through sters — the 3-year-old in a ghanistan. We could have bene- ing back to the city, they were during the whole 1990 s and anti-Shi’ite groups Lashkar-e-
a cousin, who translated for the bright red Tommy Hilfiger T- fited if they extended their stay.” sad because they lost every- even after wards,” said Elie Janghvi and Sipah-e-Sahaba
family and has taken them in. shirt — squealed and ran up The family left Kabul with thing. The country was in cha- Tenenbaum, director of security Pakistan have championed the
The cousin, who asked to be and down the center hall stair- just a single backpack stuffed os. Dark days were coming.” studies center at the French In- Taliban victory.


Young dad-to-be was among 13 US troops killed in Afghanistan

ASSOCIATED PRESS rine,” Cheyenne McCollum said of Rylee McCollum’s friends, de- sent back to Afghanistan to as- the military after high school, he
A young husband with a Friday. “He’d carry around his scribed McCollum as “a good sist with evacuation efforts. did so with the intention of pro-
child on the way who wanted to toy rifle and wear his sister’s kid,” who was resilient, smart, “This was something he al- tecting our nation and demon-
teach history one day and an- pink princess snow boots and and courageous. ways wanted to do, and I never strating his selfless acts of ser-
other man who always wanted he’d either be hunting or he was Stone read a note that his seen a young man train as hard vice.”
to serve in the military were a Marine. Sometimes it would wife, Kim, sent to their son Eli as he did to be the best soldier Cuellar concluded, “ The
among the 13 US troops killed be with nothing on underneath, Stone, who is also in the military he could be,” Schmitz said of his brave never die. Mr. Espinoza is
in a horrific suicide bombing at just a T-shirt.” and deployed elsewhere: “I re- son. “His life meant so much a hero.”
Afghanistan’s Kabul airport, “Anybody who met him just member standing in our kitchen more. I’m so incredibly devas- White House press secretary
which also claimed the lives of loved him,” she added. “He was and telling y’all to run the other tated that I won’t be able to see Jen Psaki said at her briefing
more than 100 Afghans. so excited to be a dad and he way if you had to go in first. And the man that he was very quick- Friday that Biden would look for
As military personnel were was going to be a great dad.” She both of you saying, ‘If we die do- ly growing into becoming.” “any opportunity ” to honor
going through the grim task of said her brother wanted to be a ing this, we die doing what we Lance Corporal David Lee those who died in service to
notifying the troops’ next of kin, history teacher and a wrestling love.’ I never knew that would Espinoza, a 20-year-old Marine their country. She did not rule
some of their names emerged coach once he completed his come true, so hold onto all the from Laredo, Texas, was also out a possible visit by Biden to
Friday before the government Rylee McCollum, a Marine service. great memories. I know he killed, US Representative Henry Dover Air Force Base in Dela-
formally announced them. Elev- and father-to-be, was killed “We want to make sure that would want all of his brothers to Cuellar said Friday. ware, where the remains of ser-
en Marines, one Navy sailor, and in Thursday’s bombing. people know that these are the stay strong and fight hard.” The congressman’s press sec- vice members killed in action
one Army soldier were among kids that are sacrificing them- L ance Corporal Jared retary, Dana Youngentob, said are returned.
the dead, while 18 other US ser- portunities to honor the service selves, and he’s got a family who Schmitz, 20, was one of the oth- Pentagon representatives visited Psaki said Biden would not
vice members were wounded in members who lost their lives. loves him and a wife who loves er Marines who died in the at- Cuellar’s Washington office to reach out to any of the families
Thursday’s bombing, which was Rylee McCollum, a Marine him and a baby that he’ll never tack. His father, Mark Schmitz, inform him of Espinoza’s death. until the Pentagon finishes noti-
blamed on Afghanistan’s off- from Wyoming whose wife is ex- get to meet,” she said. Another told KMOX Radio that the Ma- Cuellar’s office also received an fying next of kin. She said it then
shoot of the Islamic State group. pecting a baby in three weeks, sister, Roice McColllum, told the rines came to his home in official death notice from the is up to the families to decide
US officials said it was the was among those killed, his sis- Casper Star Tribune that her Wentzville, Mo., at 2:40 a.m. Fri- Pentagon. whether they want to take the
most lethal day for American ter, Cheyenne McCollum, told brother was on his first deploy- day to give him the grim news. In a statement, Cuellar said president’s call.
forces in Afghanistan since the Associated Press. ment when the evacuation in Af- Schmitz said his son, who Espinoza “embodied the values “It’s important to note that
2011. The White House said “He was a Marine before he ghanistan began. grew up in the St. Louis area, of America: grit, dedication, ser- this may be the worst day of
President Biden will look for op- knew he was allowed to be a Ma- Regi Stone, the father of one was among a group of Marines vice, and valor. When he joined their lives,” she said.
A8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1



Should Boston go back

to an elected school committee?

he question has loomed large in recent ability muddled and gave officials easy ways to deflect school districts with the largest racial achievement
years as frustration with a school district responsibility on education. It was hard to exercise gaps,” researchers wrote. Returning to an elected school
that fails far too many kids only keeps democratic accountability at the ballot box, but now it’s committee may not rewind the city to 1974, but there’s
growing: Is it time to bring back an elected easy: If you don’t like the schools, vote out the mayor. reason to fear it would be an unrepresentative body.
school board in Boston? If he had run for reelection, former mayor Marty All of this year’s major mayoral candidates favor, or
Two Boston city councilors have filed a petition to are at least open to, reducing the mayor’s influence
do so, while a group of education advocates is looking over the school committee — or, to put it another way,
to put the question, in a nonbinding referendum, to
The seemingly endless debate none of them, if elected, want to be fully responsible
Boston voters for the November general election. about the district’s governance for the schools. Annissa Essaibi George supports keep-
It’s an unfortunate distraction. The seemingly end- ing a majority of committee members appointed by the
less debate about the district’s governance structure
structure only diverts attention mayor, but she would also have a minority selected by
only diverts attention from the far more pressing need from the far more pressing need the City Council. John Barros and Kim Janey favor “ex-
to focus on educational inequities in the classroom. ploring” the possibility of a hybrid body that will have
Nor is the proposal a good idea: Whatever the current
to focus on educational inequities both elected and appointed members, with Janey be-
school committee’s flaws, the current structure is bet- in the classroom. lieving strongly that “there has to be direct account-
ter for the city and ultimately no less democratic that ability to the mayor.” Michelle Wu and Andrea Camp-
an elected school committee would be. bell would implement the hybrid model; and under
Boston is admittedly an outlier, the only municipali- Walsh would not have been able to point the finger at Wu, the board would be majority-elected. All candi-
ty in Massachusetts where the mayor appoints mem- anyone else for the district’s struggles on his watch. To dates would give the student representative voting
bers to the school committee. That’s no accident: The the extent that the current school committee has power, while Barros would add an extra student seat to
board’s history, when it was a directly elected body, is a failed, that’s a problem with the mayor who picked the the committee.
narrative of dysfunction, corruption, and racial divi- members, not with the governance structure. Currently, the mayor appoints all seven members of
sions. The committee’s inaction eventually resulted in The contention that an elected school committee the committee based on recommendations issued by a
court-ordered busing to desegregate the schools in would be more democratic is dubious. Boston suffers 13-member nominating panel, which interviews appli-
1974, which threw the whole city into tumult and from dismally low voter turnout in municipal contests. cants publicly but deliberates behind closed doors.
scarred a generation of students. With memories of In off-year City Council elections, turnout is in the low Members are paid a $7,500 annual stipend. There is a
that crisis still raw, Mayor Ray Flynn championed a to mid-teens of the electorate — in 2019, it was 16.5 student who serves on the board but does not have vot-
measure 30 years ago to make the oldest school board percent. In mayoral elections, turnout hovers around ing power and is not paid.
in the country an appointed body. 30 percent. That’s still abysmal, but it gives mayors The worst part about the never-ending squabble
The passage of time, and the huge changes in the and their appointees a much stronger case for demo- over the committee’s makeup is that it serves as a dis-
city since the switch in 1991, suggests to some that the cratic legitimacy. traction from tackling the actual problems in the
appointed board has outlived its purpose. But the ap- And the sliver of the electorate that votes in munici- schools. Mayoral candidates should be running on
pointed system has value, even in a city decades re- pal elections does not typically reflect the demograph- their visions for closing racial achievement gaps, rais-
moved from the busing hostilities. ics of the city. A recent study out of Brown University’s ing graduation rates, and reversing enrollment de-
The chief value of the current system is that it Annenberg Institute for School Reform found that vot- clines. Those are tough issues to solve. But how mem-
makes one person — the mayor — ultimately account- ers who elect school boards tend to be much whiter and bers of the school committee are selected is a whole lot
able for the state of the schools, so that voters know ex- wealthier than the student population in the public less important than how willing the city’s leaders are to
actly whom to blame when things go wrong. One of the schools. The demographic disparities tend to be “most confront the reasons the district continues to disap-
flaws of the old system was that it left lines of account- pronounced in majority nonwhite jurisdictions and point so many Bostonians.


Supreme Court’s damaging

‘Remain in Mexico’ ruling
he US Supreme Court delivered
an extraordinary immigration
order this week.
It was a stamp of approval for
former president Donald
Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” border program
— officially called the Migrant Protection Pro-
tocols — which was adopted in early 2019.
The controversial policy forced certain asy-
lum seekers arriving at the US-Mexico border
to stay in Mexico to await their hearings. The
Supreme Court’s order allows a lower court
ruling ordering the Biden administration to
reinstate the program.
Not only does the order break with long-
standing legal precedent, it also underscores
a damning reality that has been hard to con-
tend with — that Trump’s inhumane and anti-
immigrant agenda is going to have a long tail,
one that may last decades.
It cannot be overstated how cruel and pu-
nitive Remain in Mexico was on the ground.
By forcing more than 71,000 asylum seekers,
mainly from Central America or Cuba, to wait
in Mexico, the US government was putting
these already vulnerable individuals at great-
er risk. According to human rights advocates,
there were more than 1,500 publicly reported
cases of murder, rape, torture, kidnapping,
and other types of assault perpetrated against
asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico un-
der the policy. MPP led to the creation of the
first refugee tent camp at the border, in Mata-
moros, Mexico, where more than 2,000 mi-
grants were living in miserable conditions.
That such a heinous policy has been af-
firmed comes in no small part due to the Maricela, who was separated from her granddaughters after they crossed the border and was returned to Mexico without them
“anti-immigrant judicial pipeline,” as an im- by US authorities, speaks on the phone at a makeshift migrant encampment in Reynosa, Mexico on Aug. 6.
migration law attorney called it. Although
MPP hasn’t been in place since the pandemic end the program and required it to comply — and for good reason. “Suppose, for exam- neighbor south of the border — a Mexican
began in March of last year, the Biden admin- with the lower court’s decision. ple, that Mexico agrees to work with the Unit- shanty town became Trump’s much-maligned
istration moved to officially terminate it in Technically, the case is still on appeal; but ed States to reinstate Trump’s policy, but only wall. It also enabled the United States to flout
June. But a lawsuit brought by two states — to comply with the court, the Biden adminis- if the United States agrees to turn over its en- the fundamental premise behind the asylum
Texas (naturally) and Missouri (strangely) — tration has to make a “good faith effort,” per tire supply of COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote legal process: We are a safe haven for legitimate
challenged the policy’s cancellation by Biden. the lower court ruling, to reinstate MPP while analyst Ian Millhiser. “Or only if the United cases, not a country that sentences asylum
A US district court judge in Amarillo, Texas, the case continues. It does, however, still al- States agrees to fork over a trillion dollars.” seekers to danger in a foreign country.
who was appointed by Trump, sided with the low the Biden administration to try again to Of course, Mexico is not bound by the Even more shameful, earlier this month
plaintiffs in a ruling derided by immigration end the program. Biden must not give up the court’s decision. It’s unclear what Mexico will news reports surfaced that some officials in
analysts as highly flawed (one expert said the fight. His administration must double down do with its newfound leverage. But why the Biden administration were considering
“decision reads something straight off of Fox on his attempt with a more aggressive legal wouldn’t they exercise it? Nor is it apparent adopting a gentler version of MPP to deal
News”). strategy that leaves nothing to chance. what a new iteration of Remain in Mexico with migrants showing up at the border, the
When the Justice Department appealed, Because Remain in Mexico requires the would look like. highest number in two decades. That shows
the conservative Appeals Court for the Fifth cooperation of a foreign government, the The Trump administration had claimed just how an ugly policy from a former presi-
Circuit upheld it. Then came the blow from high court’s ruling has foreign affairs implica- MPP would work as deterrence. In reality, it dent risks becoming a permanent stain.
the Supreme Court this week denying an tions. As others have noted, SCOTUS is allow- was “a humanitarian and due-process disas-
emergency appeal from Biden. The order ing the federal judge appointed by Trump to ter,” Claudia Flores, of the Center for Ameri- Marcela García can be reached at
stated that the Biden administration proba- effectively make foreign policy, which the Su- can Progress, said in a statement. The policy Follow her on
bly violated federal law when attempting to preme Court has been wary of meddling with allowed Trump to outsource the issue to our Twitter @marcela_elisa.
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e A9


Heat pumps: a green solution

with more than a few gray areas
Mass Save can do more Operating costs of a new
to push the process system can be daunting
Thank you, Sabrina Shankman, for high- What is old is new again. Back in the 1960s,
lighting the huge gap between aspiration homeowners were lured with lower electrical
and action on the climate crisis in Massachu- rates if they ultra-insulated their home and
setts (“A climate fix, slipping out of our installed electric heat. This worked for a time
grasp: Heat pumps could replace fossil fuels until it was deemed that offering a discount
in homes, but state is slow to convert,” Page for high-use electric-heated homes was not
A1, Aug. 22). fair to other consumers. This caused these
To solve this problem, Mass Save needs to homeowners to be stuck with homes that
do two things: First, continue to push weath- they could not afford to heat. These homes
erization. It works in every house and build- tended to be either sold at a loss after a po-
ing to immediately reduce carbon emissions tential buyer asked to review the electric bills
and energy costs. Then, when one does go or converted to fossil fuel heating systems,
electric, installation costs and energy bills requiring a large investment.
are much lower. Your article failed to note that Massachu-
Second, make heat pump conversions setts and Rhode Island have among the high-
easier by providing generous incentives est electric rates in the country — ranked
when one’s boiler or furnace fails, and then third and second, respectively. Are the power
heavily promote this program through con- generating companies willing to offer a guar-
tractors who are the first point of contact anteed discount for homeowners willing to
when a home’s old system breaks down. make the investments in heat pumps?
That’s when people have to buy a replace- I would have liked this article to compare
ment heating system, so we should make it Ben Butterworth, senior manager for climate and energy analysis at Acadia Center, the operating costs of these new modern
the easy or default choice at that time. has heat pumps installed at his Melrose home. Butterworth said that of the five cold-climate heat pumps, which can function
ROBERT COOPER contractors he spoke with, only one was comfortable fully converting his oil-burning in temperatures as low as minus 13 degrees,
Boston heating system to heat pumps. to standard fossil fuel heating systems. It’s
not enough to simply say that they are be-
The writer is the CEO at Embue, a Massa- greenhouse gas emission and is virtually al- coming more efficient. I am not surprised
chusetts company that makes apartment ways a bad economic choice for consumers. When paired with good that only 461 homes were converted to heat
buildings run more efficiently. Consumers should first invest in insulation
and similar measures.
insulation, proper indoor pumps on a plan to convert 100,000 homes.
Many homeowners would be willing to
Kudos to Sabrina Shankman for pointing out Home heating systems are a long-term in- air quality measures, and, accept little financial payback by investing in
the need to electrify heating and to the short- vestment. We should be promoting the use of heat pumps for the sake of the “climate fix”
comings of the Mass Save program in that re- heat pumps in all new homes and at any even better, solar panels, so long as the ongoing operating costs would
gard. time someone decides to replace a heating going electric is a win-win. be at least equal to their current fossil fuel
But electrifying leaky and inefficient system. The challenge is the 25 percent or so heating systems.
homes is a waste of resources and money. of homes in New England that have radiators CHARLIE RUTZ
Even 100 percent renewable electricity is not and no duct work. There is, at the moment, Wellfleet
carbon free: A lot of fossil fuels are used in no widely available heat pump system that of Sunday’s Address section), and it is heated
manufacturing and transporting wind tur- can substitute for a boiler in a house that and cooled primarily with Mitsubishi air-
bines and solar panels, and a great deal of continues to use radiators. Retrofitting these source heat pumps rated for New England There’s another solution
pressure will be put on the electric grid if we homes to accommodate heat pumps results winters. We love the comfort, efficiency, and
all electrify. in the more than $21,000 in costs mentioned cost savings, paired with our SunBug solar
to consider
Programs advocating for electrification of in Sabrina Shankman’s article, an amount panels that pay us about $2,000 a year in re- Sabrina Shankman’s front-page story de-
heating must therefore equally advocate for that will rarely pay for itself in energy cost newable energy credits. Our National Grid tailed some of the questions surrounding the
weatherization of homes. That is often not savings. electric bills are enviable — even with charg- notion that electric heat pumps are a wel-
the case, as programs define their missions Reengineering a home heating system is a ing our Chevy Volt. come and cost-effective solution to combat-
very narrowly. In our own home, by insulat- complex task, one where it is easy to make a But after nearly seven years in the home ing climate change in Massachusetts.
ing the attic, walls, and basement, with Mass mistake leading to frozen pipes or other seri- and minimal maintenance on the heat Her report detailed the high costs associ-
Save covering between 75 percent and 90 ous consequences. The Globe would have pumps, this summer it was time for a tune- ated with electric heat pumps, their perfor-
percent of the cost, we reduced our demand been much better off discussing alternatives, up. A few of the room units seemed to strug- mance deficiencies, and the failure of state
for heating by almost 40 percent. Now we hybrid systems, and other ways that home- gle to maintain temperature. It turns out energy officials and the utility-controlled
are ready to install heat pumps. owners can contribute to greenhouse gas re- some of these air handlers were still clogged Mass Save program to persuade homeown-
HALINA BROWN duction. with construction debris, and others had a ers and heating contractors to join the move-
Newton EVERETT SHOREY buildup of dust, even the beginnings of ment to “electrify” 1 million fossil-fueled
Arlington mold. homes by 2030. With a paltry 461 homes
The writer is chair of the Newton Citizens Some important lessons learned: making the switch last year, the state needs
Commission on Energy. The writer is a consultant who represents R Clean the air filters monthly to clear out to reassess its climate change strategy.
the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refriger- dust and allow maximum airflow. The heating oil industry has a proven,
ation Institute, the trade association of fur- R At the end of cooling season, run a fac- drop-in solution that is reducing greenhouse
Many caveats and pitfalls nace, boiler, and heat pump manufacturers, tory-recommended cycle to dry out the air gas emissions now in Massachusetts: renew-
on US Department of Energy efficiency stan- handlers so condensation doesn’t breed able biofuels blended with heating oil. The
to making this switch dards. He is also a commissioner of the Block mold. greenhouse gas emissions from biofuels are
The Globe should be commended for taking Island Utility District, the electric utility on R Schedule annual service to keep the sys- 66 percent to 82 percent less than emissions
on a complex, technical topic like heat Block Island. The opinions expressed here are tem running optimally. from traditional heating oil. Using biofuels
pumps and their implications for climate his own and do not necessarily represent R Especially in heating season, “set it and requires no heating system modifications
change. But there are nuances to this topic those of either organization. forget it” at a consistent temperature for best and costs about the same as regular heating
that need to be taken into account. performance. oil.
Ultimately, burning fossil fuels in homes Nearly any home can be a good candidate The state’s heavy reliance on heat pump
for heat needs to be replaced by electricity From electric car to for air source heat pumps. When paired with technology while establishing a totally re-
and heat pumps. However, this seems to as- good insulation, proper indoor air quality newable electric grid is a laudable but chal-
sume that electricity is generated using re-
solar panels to heat pumps, measures, and, even better, solar panels, go- lenging goal, and decades away. Meanwhile,
newable resources. Using more electricity in they’re making it work ing electric is a win-win for home occupants contrary to what some believe, energy offi-
New England means burning more natural As an energy efficiency proponent, owner of and the climate. cials here should embrace the accelerated
gas to create that electricity. We are years, if an all-electric net-zero-energy home, and a NATALIE HILDT TREAT use of liquid biofuels as a pathway for imme-
not decades, from switching to electricity former staff member of the Northeast Energy Salisbury diate reductions in carbon emissions.
that does not result in the consumption of Efficiency Partnerships, I appreciated Sabri- MICHAEL FERRANTE
natural gas. na Shankman’s story about heat pumps. The writer served as NEEP’s public policy President
There is no immediate imperative to My husband, Tom, and I built our modu- outreach manager for nearly eight years, ad- Massachusetts Energy Marketers Associ-
switch to heat pumps. Pulling out a heating lar, super-insulated BrightBuilt Home in vocating for building efficiency programs ation
system prematurely has minimal effect on 2014 (such homes were featured on the front across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Wilmington

abcde Fo u n d e d 1 8 7 2


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A10 The Region T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

Mass. birth control law baffles insurers and pharmacies

uCONTRACEPTION bill. The law also called for the cate on this particular mandate
Continued from Page A1 state insurance commissioner than any other mandate in my
its implementation. to ensure compliance, but advo- recent history,” she said.
“It’s the administration’s job cates say they have seen no evi- But state lawmakers frus-
to implement a law,” said that dence of enforcement. trated by the lack of attention
sponsor, Senator Harriette L. A spokeswoman for the Ex- from the state, are mounting a
Chandler, a Worcester Demo- ecutive Office of Health and ne w e ffor t to publicize the
crat. “It was their job to ensure Human Services, Kayla Rosa- ACCESS Law, recently budget-
that pharmacies and health rio-Muñoz, did not directly an- ing $500,000 for a public
plans knew of the new benefits swer a question about the de- awareness campaign by the De-
that they were mandated to lays. partment of Public Health.
provide. It seems that the ad- Instead, she said in a state- “I think it’s fair to say that
ministration’s responsibility fell ment: “MassHealth is commit- we are feeling incredibly frus-
through the cracks.” ted to implementing the trated by the leadership failings
Chandler was among the fe- ACCESS Law and has contin- of the Baker-Polito administra-
male leaders who stood behind ued to communicate with its tion at this point,” said Rebecca
Baker when he publicly signed members, health care provid- Hart Holder, executive director
the bill into law in November ers, pharmacies and other of NARAL Pro-Choice Massa-
2017. At the time, Baker called stakeholders about the law’s re- chusetts, which championed
it “a great day in the Common- quirements.” the law.
wealth of Mass.” Baker, who made his name While it’s unclear how many
But the administration still in health care management as a patients are requesting the
has not finalized regulations state health secretary and chief medication and being denied,
dictating how pharmacies executive of Harvard Pilgrim it’s clear few are getting it. Only
should dispense contraception Health Care, is a Republican 32 of the 25,000 Harvard Pil-
under the state’s Medicaid pro- governor who supports abor- grim Health Care members
gram, MassHealth, whose exist- tion rights. However, late last who had prescriptions for oral
ing regulations limit contracep- year, he angered activists by ve- Governor Charlie Baker signed the ACCESS bill into law in 2017, when the fate of birth contraception last year got 12-
t i v e p r e s c r i p t i o n s to t h r e e toing a bill that protects and ex- control protection in the Affordable Care Act was unclear. month supplies, according to
months. The new regulations pands abortion rights under spokesman Philip Tracey. This
were proposed in 2019 but nev- Massachusetts law. (The Legis- language explicitly applies to from her health care provider, when that prescription was year, only 45 have filled them.
er finalized. The Division of In- lature overrode his veto.) members of the state Group In- she reached out to a reproduc- about to run out, she was un- Harvard Pilgrim has since com-
surance sent a bulletin alerting Bir th control pills — ap- surance Commission, which tive rights advocate, who con- able to refill the remaining nine bined with Tufts Health Plan to
private carriers to the changes proved by the FDA more than covers state employees like tacted the Division of Insurance months’ worth; it had been form Point32Health, and has
in August 2020 — nearly three 60 years ago — have traditional- Alessandroni. and the Massachusetts Associa- voided in the pharmacy’s com- been reminding providers,
years after Baker signed the ly been refilled by prescription And it should cover tion of Health Plans. puter system after she accepted pharmacies, and members of
every month or three months. MassHealth members like Ales- The answer seemed baffling- the limited order. the availability. Likewise, the
Some in the medical communi- sandroni’s sister, who she said ly simple. That led to a series of pan- Massachusetts Association of
BOSTON GLOBE MEDIA ty initially worried about ex- was denied a long-term pre- “It was just that the pharma- icked calls to her doctor’s office, Health Plans launched a public
1 Exchange Place, Suite 201 panding that to 12 months, not- scription in July — even though cist didn’t know how to input where a nurse told her the doc- awareness campaign for con-
Boston, MA 02109-2132 ing that patients often switch MassHealth had sent a bulletin sumers in March, after Com-
The Boston Globe (USPS061-420) the pill they’re taking, based on to pharmacies saying it was monwealth magazine first re-
is published Monday–Saturday. particular health effects, noted permitted during the pandemic ‘It seems that the administration’s ported on the limited use of the
Lora M. Pellegrini, president and that the change should be- law.
Periodicals postage-paid at Boston, MA.
Postmaster, send address changes to: and CEO of the Massachusetts come permanent. responsibility fell through the cracks.’ State Senator Cindy Fried-
Association of Health Plans. Alessandroni said she SENATOR HARRIETTE L. CHANDLER man, an Arlington Democrat,
Mail Subscription Department What would they do with the helped her sister navigate the said she was led to believe regu-
300 Constitution Dr. extra packets in their medicine health care bureaucracy after lations were imminent six
Taunton, MA 02783 cabinet? Would they be tempt- fighting her own battle. When the code correctly,” Alessandro- tor was tiring of rewriting pre- months ago, when she ad-
YEARLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES ed to share with a friend who she first sought her own pre- ni said. scriptions for patients in the ex- dressed the issue with officials
FOR NEW ENGLAND also wants a change? scription, Alessandroni said, Another woman, 34, who act same predicament. at MassHealth.
But some people remain on her doctor wasn’t aware of the formerly worked in health care “There’s a lot of people who “I can’t imagine what the
Seven days .....................$1,612.00
the same pill for years, and re- law, then her pharmacist would policy, and who did not want to might just give up on it and say, problem is,” said Friedman.
Daily (6 Days).................$1,060.80 search shows they are less likely not honor the 12-month pre- be identified because of her ‘I can’t get my birth control pre- “ What are you to think?
Sunday only.......................$520.00 to have a lapse — and an unin- scription, even after she proximity to politics, said two scription so I’m going to just That women don’t matter?” she
For all other mail subscription rates and tended pregnancy — if they showed him the Massachusetts CVS pharmacies refused to fill stop taking it,’” she said. asked. “No one’s ever explained
information, call 1-888-MYGLOBE or visit have a 12-month supply on General Law citation. her 12-month prescription. One Pellegrini, who represents to me why this is difficult to hand. “The pharmacist is like, ‘I did not have enough medica- 16 health plans, did not fault do.”
The ACCESS law does not don’t know what this law is and tion on hand; the second was the Baker administration, say-
Free newspaper reading service for apply to those who are self-in- your insurer did not preap- only willing to dispense three ing her plans and providers Stephanie Ebbert can be
the visually impaired: Contact sured — including employees of prove this, so you can’t have it,’” packs, and she gave up protest- were made aware of the chang- reached at Stephanie.Ebbert
Perkins Braille &Talking Book Library at many large companies that Alessandroni said. ing in a long pharmacy line es from the start. Follow her on
800-852-3133 or handle their own plans. But its After getting the runaround amid the pandemic. Then, “We have done more to edu- Twitter @StephanieEbbert.
Metro B
ComfortZone B6

T H E B O S T O N G L O B E SAT U R DAY, AU G US T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / M E T R O

Harvard’s chaplains select an atheist as their new leader

By Andrew Brinker of leaders from more than 20 different verge from those of some atheists, is a ‘It’s a milestone of
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT faiths. strong-held faith in community.
The new head chaplain at Harvard “It’s a milestone of inclusion,” said The author of the New York Times inclusion. It marks
began work this week, directing the
university’s more than 40 religious
Epstein, who started as the school’s
humanist chaplain in 2005. “It marks
bestseller “Good Without God,” he is
quick to emphasize the “good” of irreli-
that people who
leaders who connect with and guide that people who have serious disagree- gion, rather than the fact that it is have serious
students from a wide array of faith ments around important things can al- “without God.”
backgrounds. There’s just one rather so have serious cooperation and real Epstein joined the chaplains at
unusual twist: He’s an atheist. love and mutual respect that is bigger Harvard in 2004, serving as the assis- around important
Greg Epstein, 44, the longtime than their difference.” tant to Thomas Ferrick, the universi-
head of Harvard’s humanist chaplain- Epstein is an atheist and a human- ty’s first humanist chaplain. Now, as things can also have
cy, was unanimously elected by his
peers to represent the chaplains, a
ist, meaning essentially that he be-
lieves humans can be moral and ethi-
head of the group, he aspires to pro-
mote collaboration across faiths and
serious cooperation.’
group that has functioned at the uni- cal without the guide of religion. At bolster the work of leaders with whom GREG EPSTEIN (right),
Harvard’s new head chaplain CODY O’LOUGHLIN/THE NEW YORK TIMES
versity for centuries and is comprised the core of his beliefs, which he said di- CHAPLAIN, Page B5

New poll:
Wu ahead
of pack in
mayor race
Essaibi George is second
in tightly bunched field
By Danny McDonald

With mayoral candidates barreling down the

home stretch of the preliminary contest, City Coun-
cilor Michelle Wu is leading the field, with the other
three women in the race — Councilor Annissa Essai-
bi George, Acting Mayor Kim Janey, and Councilor
Andrea Campbell — bunched together at her heels
in what appears to be a battle for second place, ac-
cording to a new poll.
The Emerson College/7News poll was released
Thursday night, less than three weeks before the
Sept. 14 preliminary, and showed Wu with 24 per-
cent support. The poll of 600 likely Boston voters
found Essaibi George with 18 percent support,
closely followed by Janey with 16 percent, and
Campbell at 14 percent.
John Barros, a former POLL RESULTS
Above: Shoppers wore masks as they waited to enter a store on Newbury Street on Friday. Below: Masked visitors inside Quincy Market. economic development
chief for the city, drew Wu 24%

What to know about Boston’s indoor mask mandate just 2 percent.

A quarter of likely
voters are still undecid-
Essaibi George 18%
Janey 16%
By John R. Ellement censed capacity. ed, according to the
GLOBE STAFF poll, which has a margin Campbell 14%
A new indoor mask mandate for all public What about gyms, museums, and theaters? of error of 3.9 percent-
spaces in Boston went into effect Friday morn- People can patronize stores, gyms and fitness age points. Barros 2%
ing, part of an effort to blunt the spread of the centers, theaters, museums and cultural and his- The results add some
highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant as an torical sites — all while masked. Performers can clarity to a crowded and
estimated 50,000 college students arrive for the shed masks provided they are at least six feet historic race that has continued to be murky, in part
fall semester. Here’s what you need to know: away from another person. because of a relative lack of public polling this elec-
tion season. Thursday’s poll showed Wu enjoys
When did Boston’s mandatory indoor mask Who will enforce the mandate? strong support among “somewhat likely voters,”
mandate take effect? How long will it The city’s Licensing Board and the Boston with 35 percent of people who identify as such plan-
remain in place? Public Health Commission, with the backing of ning to back her.
The new mandate went into effect at 8 a.m. various city agencies if needed, will enforce the But among “very likely voters,” the contest ap-
on Friday. Acting Mayor Kim Janey said indoor mandate. Janey has said that “may be part of it,” pears much closer. In that cohort, 22 percent said
masking will be required until a recent surge in but that the city would seek to work with estab- they plan to vote for Wu, 21 percent support Essaibi
COVID-19 infections eases. lishments. George, 17 percent Janey, and 15 percent Campbell.
A June poll conducted by Suffolk University and
I’m vaccinated. Does it apply to me? what about my business? We are not open I have more questions. Who do I contact at The Boston Globe showed Wu and Janey pulling
The mandate applies to all people in indoor to the public. City Hall? ahead of the rest of the pack and Essaibi George in a
public spaces regardless of vaccination status. The mandate is focused on public spaces. So Business with licenses issued by the Licensing second tier with Campbell. Thursday’s poll suggests
masks are not mandatory at private gatherings, Board are urged to contact the board via e-mail at Essaibi George may have since leap-frogged Janey in
Do my children have to wear masks? at businesses that do not engage with the public, Others with ques- support among Boston voters.
Children 2 years or older must be masked or events held in outdoor spaces. tions are asked to call 311 or e-mail small- According to the new poll, Black Bostonians are
while indoors in public spaces. backing the two Black women in the race at higher
Can I still eat at restaurants? rates than the other contenders, with Janey garner-
Does the mandate apply when I am at home Yes. But you have to be masked except when John R. Ellement can be reached at ing 31 percent support and Campbell 24 percent
or at a friend’s house? What about a consuming food or drink. Businesses with licens- Follow him on Twitter with this group.
gathering at a park or an outdoor area? And es from the city License Board can maintain li- @JREbosglobe. POLL, Page B4

For Jimmy Hayes, City schools to pay families

Dorchester Youth $650,000 in sex assault case
Hockey was ‘where Parents cited unwanted touching by child
By Naomi Martin The families of two girls who

it all began’ GLOBE STAFF

Boston Public Schools will pay

$650,000 to five families who alleged
brought the initial lawsuit will each re-
ceive $88,527 after attorneys’ fees, with
the parents of the four other children
By Emily Sweeney the Mission Hill K-8 School improperly receiving slightly less in damages for
GLOBE STAFF responded to an elementary-aged stu- each child.
In Jimmy Hayes’ obituary, one that was written far too dent’s sexual assaults of fellow students, Despite a change in leadership, the
soon, people are asked to honor his memory by donating to allowing their six children to be victim- Mission Hill K-8 School has continued
Dorchester Youth Hockey, the local youth hockey program ized, court records show. to face allegations of improper handling
where he launched a career playing the sport he loved. A federal judge on Monday accepted of misconduct. Earlier this month, co-
Even after finding success at Boston College and as a the settlement, in which BPS admitted leaders Geralyn McLaughlin and Jener-
pro in the National Hockey League, the 6-foot-5-inch, 215- no wrongdoing. The agreement came ra Williams were placed on paid admin-
pound Hayes always remembered his roots in Dorchester. after the judge ruled the parents’ allega- istrative leave and a search is on for
“Jimmy never forgot where he came from,” said Shaun tions carried enough weight to “shock their replacement, a BPS spokesman
O’Sullivan, a longtime board member of Dorchester Youth the conscience.” said.
Hockey. “Every experience he had, he brought it back to The settlement, first reported by Neither McLaughlin nor Williams
the neighborhood.” Hayes grew up on Westglow Street and Universal Hub, was reached after the could immediately be reached for com-
spent countless hours skating at the Devine Rink on Mor- parents alleged the school failed to pro- ment Friday evening.
rissey Boulevard. tect their children from a boy’s repeated The leaders’ removal came after an
Hayes’ obituary states that in lieu of flowers, donations unwanted sexual touching, exposing of internal investigation found credible ev-
can be made to Dorchester Youth Hockey. genitals, and kissing from September idence that the school didn’t act appro-
On Monday morning, members of Dorchester Youth 2014 through November 2016. All chil- priately after receiving complaints
Hockey will hold a special stick salute on Hallet Street dur- Jimmy Hayes celebrated a goal while playing for dren involved were age 4 or 5 in 2014, about at least one student being mis-
HAYES, Page B4 Boston College in 2010. court records state. SETTLEMENT, Page B4
B2 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

Cyberattack hits BPL computer network New England

in brief
Staffers revert to all transactions by hand at all lo-
cations,” BPL spokeswoman Nat-
“In the meantime, all loca-
tive employee or patron data
has been disclosed,” the library
pen and paper to sha Fee wrote in an e-mail. tions will remain open, patrons said. BOSTON
The computer network was will still be able to check out “We apologize for any incon-
check out books attacked on Wednesday and the books, and some online services venience this outage may have 30-year-old man dies after shooting
system used to conduct electron- remain operational. This is an caused patrons,” Kurt Mansperg- A 30-year-old Mattapan man has died from injuries suffered in a
By John R. Ellement ic checkout of books, among oth- ongoing situation and the li- er, the BPL’s chief technology of- shooting last weekend, police announced Friday. Atonni Diaz
GLOBE STAFF er tasks, and most of its capabili- brary will update patrons and ficer, said in a statement. “Thank died Thursday night at a hospital, police said in a statement. He
Staffers at Boston Public Li- ty remained offline, the BPL said staff about services and impacts you for your patience as our was shot around 12:30 a.m. Sunday on Woodbole Avenue. The
brary branches were using pen Friday. Libraries themselves re- on its website,” the BPL said in a team and law enforcement offi- search for Diaz’s assailant or assailants is ongoing, police said. A
and paper to check out books in mained open and some online statement. cials work to restore our digital motive was not publicly disclosed.
the wake of a cybersecurity at- services continued to function, No evidence had emerged in- services and protect the library
tack that largely shut down the the agency said. dicating that personal informa- from future attacks.” NEEDHAM/WESTON
BPL’s computer network, the But most of the network was tion of patrons or employees had
agency said Friday. down and there was no date set been compromised. “There is John R. Ellement can be reached 1 killed, 2 hurt in separate crashes
“We are currently handling for the restart by the city’s IT de- currently no evidence that sensi- at One man was killed and two seriously injured in separate crashes
on Interstate 95 in Needham and Weston, according to State Po-
lice. Around 10:20 a.m., troopers responded to a report of a crash
involving a car and a tractor-trailer on the northbound ramp to
the Massachusetts Turnpike. A 73-year-old Milford man was driv-
ing a 2010 Toyota Camry that collided with the tractor-trailer
unit, State Police said in a statement. He was trapped in the vehi-
cle and pronounced dead at the scene. He was not immediately
identified. The truck driver, who is from Plainville, Conn., was
taken to Lahey Hospital for treatment of serious injuries, State
Police said. The second crash occurred around noon in Needham.
A 29-year-old Norwood man was critically injured after the Toyo-
ta 4Runner he was driving struck a Ford van near Great Plain Av-
enue, State Police said in a separate statement. The Toyota rolled
over and the man was ejected. He was taken to Beth Israel Dea-
coness Medical Center in Boston where he remained in critical
condition Friday evening, the statement said. The van driver was
not injured. Both crashes remain under investigation.


Man dies from gunshot wound

Authorities are investigating after a man was shot on Thursday
and died early Friday morning in the hospital, the Plymouth dis-
trict attorney’s office said in a statement. Officers were called to
102 Walnut St. at 6:01 p.m. Thursday for a report of an unre-
sponsive man on the sidewalk, the statement said. Officers found
a man, later identified as Maxwell Gervais, 21, of Brockton, on
the sidewalk with a gunshot wound to his head. Gervais was tak-
en to Good Samaritan Hospital and then transported by helicop-
ter to Boston Medical Center, where he died at 1:52 a.m. Friday,
A cooling mist was available Friday for tourists on the Freedom Trail at the Charlestown Navy Yard near the USS Constitution. the statement said. The district attorney’s office is asking anyone
with information to call police detectives at 508-941-0200.

Sixth hottest summer in Boston, so far NANTUCKET

Regulators extend whale protective zone

24 days of temps Weather Service says.
The 24 days was the sixth-
There could be more 90-de-
gree days before the year is over,
will still be some uncomfortable
days with high humidity and
The federal government said it’s extending a voluntary protective
zone designed to help rare whales into September. The National
90 degrees or highest number of days at 90 said National Weather Service temperatures in the upper 80s. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the protective
and above in Boston. The re- meteorologist Bill Simpson. Saturday is expected to be zone is located south of Nantucket and it’s designed to help North
higher this year cord for most days 90 and above Heat waves have happened much cooler, with a high tem- Atlantic right whales. The whales number only about 360 and are
was sizzling-hot 1983, when 30 in Boston as late as the fourth perature of only 74. But the vulnerable to ship collisions, so NOAA has asked mariners to
By Martin Finucane days reached that mark. Re- week of September, the fore- high is expected to rise to 79 on slow down when near them. An aerial survey team sighted the
GLOBE STAFF cords have been kept since casters noted in a tweet earlier Sunday and then return to the whales in the area on Aug. 25. NOAA said the slow zone has been
Yes, it’s been that hot. With 1872. this week. mid-80s Monday and Tuesday extended through Sept. 9. There is another slow zone southeast
the mercury again edging over Friday was the fourth day of Ninety-degree days are hap- before another cooldown, fore- of Nantucket until Aug. 31. The agency has asked that mariners
90 degrees Friday in Boston, the the year ’s fourth heat wave. pening earlier and more often, casters said. avoid the areas or transit through them at 10 knots or less. (AP)
city has now seen 24 days with (New England heat waves are the Globe reported in June.
temperatures of 90 or above so defined as at least three days of Simpson said a “little bit of a Martin Finucane can be GLOCESTER, R.I.
far this year — and there could temperatures 90 degrees and cooler period” is ahead for the reached at martin.finucane@
be more ahead, the National above). next couple of weeks, but there School board backs off mask objection
The school committee, which earlier this week voted to allow par-
ents to request “conscientious objections” to the state’s universal
school face mask policy, is now backing off that decision, while

Residents sue Northampton over tree removal still looking into the legality of the mandate. Parents received au-
tomated phone calls and e-mails on Thursday saying that the dis-
trict intends to comply with the state Department of Health’s
By Alexandra Chaidez the requirement for a project vent the city from cutting and itor were not available Thurs- school masking protocols, which do not allow conscientious ob-
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT like the one on Warfield Place. removing the trees before an of- day to comment on the lawsuit. jection exemptions. The protocols allow exemptions for people
Two Northampton residents The tree removal is part of a ficial hearing was held. John McNally, the residents’ who cannot wear a mask because of a disability, and for those
have filed a lawsuit claiming multi-street paving program In an e-mail to a resident lawyer, said that while most who would be placed at risk by wearing a mask. Glocester super-
the city broke two laws to re- planned by the city. that was forwarded to the cases require the defendants to intendent Pat Dubois and school committee chair Jon Burl-
move cherry trees on a quiet The lawsuit also claims that Globe by the mayor’s office, respond within 20 days, they ingame confirmed Thursday there were no plans to go against
residential street. the city took down the trees Narkewicz said the tree remov- are planning to give the city the state’s regulations. The vote Monday came days after Gover-
On July 29, the city of North- “without any prior warning” al was completed by the time more time if needed. nor Daniel McKee issued an order requiring students, staff, and
ampton cut down the row of despite previously informing the restraining order was ap- Lois Ahrens, who lives on faculty in the state’s schools to wear face coverings during the up-
Kwanzan Japanese cherry trees neighbors that they would be proved and was “deemed Warfield Place and filed the coming school year, regardless of vaccination status, as a means
that lined Warfield Place, de- notified of any times when moot.” lawsuit, said although the suit to control spread of the coronavirus. (AP)
spite strong opposition from parking is prohibited. Instead, Two people were arrested won’ t make the trees “reap-
those who live on the street. residents say that members of for climbing the trees to keep pear,” residents are trying to
The lawsuit, filed Wednes- the Northampton police de- crews from removing them. send a message to Northamp-
day in Hampshire Superior partment, fire department, and The suit requests that the ton officials.
Court, says that the city violat- Department of Public Works ar- court issue a permanent re- “Even though the trees are
ed state law by refusing to hold rived without any warning on straining order forbidding gone, we still want to be on re-
a public hearing before the the morning of July 29 with tow Northampton from removing cord as saying that the city
trees came down. trucks to begin clearing the any public shade trees without shouldn’t have acted in this way News Advertising
In an inter view with the trees. a hearing; residents also ask and that they shouldn’t act this CONTACTS, TIPS, COMMENTS DISPLAY
Globe last month, Northamp- That same day — and just that the city replace the cherry way going forward,” she said. Switchboard: (617) 929-2000 (617) 929-2200
(617) 929-7400
ton Mayor David Narkewicz hours after the city workers had trees with “mature cherry
said the city did not have to arrived on the street — Warfield trees” that are at least 25 feet Alexandra Chaidez can be CLASSIFIED
hold such a hearing as state law Place residents obtained a tem- tall. reached at alexandra.chaidez@ (617) 929-1500
allows for an exemption from porary restraining order to pre- The mayor and the city solic- (617) 929-7483

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Today is Saturday, Aug. 28, the Half Moon, reached present-day streets of Chicago as the Demo- death for the 2009 shooting
240 th day of 2021. There are Delaware Bay. cratic National Convention nom- rampage at For t Hood that
125 days left in the year. ºIn 1941, Japan’s ambassador inated Hubert H. Humphrey for claimed 13 lives. On the 50th an-
ºBirthdays: Former Defense to the United States, Kichisabu- president. niversary of Martin Luther King
Secretary William S. Cohen is ro Nomura, presented a note to ºIn 1988, 70 people were killed Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at Lottery
81. Actor David Soul is 78. For- President Franklin D. Roosevelt when three Italian stunt planes the Lincoln Memorial, President
mer MLB manager and player from Japan’s prime minister, collided during an air show at Obama stood on the same steps FRIDAY MIDDAY 5970 LUCKY FOR LIFE
Lou Piniella is 78. Actor Barbara Prince Fumimaro Konoye, ex- the US Air Base in Ramstein, as he challenged new genera- Payoffs (based on a $1 bet) Aug. 26 9-12-31-36-45
Bach is 75. Actor Debra Mooney pressing a desire for improved West Germany. tions to seize the cause of racial EXACT ORDER Lucky Ball 14
is 74. Singer Wayne Osmond relations. ºIn 1996, the troubled 15-year equality. All 4 digits $5,320 Jackpot: $1,000 per day
(The Osmonds) is 70. Actor Dan- ºIn 1955, Emmett Till, a Black marriage of Britain’s Prince ºIn 2016, six scientists complet- First or last 3 $745 MASS CASH
iel Stern is 64. Olympic gold teen from Chicago, was abduct- Charles and Princess Diana offi- ed a yearlong Mars simulation in Any 2 digits $64 Aug. 27 7-9-15-16-27
medal figure skater Scott Hamil- ed from his uncle’s home in Any 1 digit $6 Jackpot: $100,000
cially ended with the issuing of a Hawaii, where they emerged af-
ton is 63. Actor Emma Samms is Money, Miss., by two white men divorce decree. ter living in a dome in near isola- ANY ORDER MEGA MILLIONS
Aug. 27 1-10-44-47-56
61. Actor Jennifer Coolidge is 60. after he had supposedly whistled ºIn 2005, New Orleans Mayor tion on a Mauna Loa mountain. All 4 digits $222 Megaball 23, Megaplier 3
Movie director David Fincher is at a white woman; he was found Ray Nagin ordered the city to ºLast year, actor Chadwick First 3 $124 Jackpot: $288,000,000
59. Country singer Shania Twain brutally slain three days later. evacuate after Hurricane Ka- Boseman, who played Black Last 3 $124 PREVIOUS DRAWINGS
is 56. Actor Billy Boyd is 53. Ac- ºIn 1963, more than 200,000 trina grew to a monster storm. icons Jackie Robinson and FRIDAY NIGHT 5884 Midday Night
tor Jack Black is 52. Actor Jason people listened as the Reverend ºIn 2009, the Los Angeles Coun- James Brown as well as the regal Payoffs (based on a $1 bet) Thursday 8935 4798
Priestley is 52. Olympic gold Martin Luther King Jr. delivered ty coroner’s office announced Black Panther on screen, died at EXACT ORDER Wednesday 4663 7203
medal swimmer Janet Evans is his “I Have a Dream” speech in that Michael Jackson’s death the age of 43 after a four-year All 4 digits $4,462 Tuesday 4578 8198
50. Rock singer-musician Max front of the Lincoln Memorial in was a homicide caused primarily battle with colon cancer. On First or last 3 $625 Monday 9113 1435
Collins (Eve 6) is 43. Actor Armie Washington, D.C. by the anesthetic propofol and Jackie Robinson Day across the Any 2 digits $54 Sunday 8201 6168
Hammer is 35. Rock singer Flor- ºIn 1964, two days of race-relat- another sedative, lorazepam. major leagues, the Houston As- Any 1 digit $5 FRIDAY NUMBERS
ence Welch (Florence and the ed rioting erupted in North Phila- ºIn 2011, a suicide bomber tros and Oakland Athletics joint- ANY ORDER AROUND NEW ENGLAND
Machine) is 35. Reality TV star delphia over a false rumor that struck inside Baghdad’s largest ly walked off the field following a All 4 digits $372 Maine, N.H., Vermont
Alana Thompson, a.k.a. “Honey white police officers had beaten to Sunni mosque, killing 29 people moment of silence, draping a First 3 $208 Day: 3-digit 813 4-digit 3055
Boo Boo,” is 16. death a pregnant Black woman. during prayers. Black Lives Matter T-shirt across Last 3 $208 Eve: 3-digit 544 4-digit 0752
ºIn 1609, English sea explorer ºIn 1968, police and anti-war ºIn 2013, a military jury sen- home plate as they chose not to Rhode Island 3635
Henry Hudson and his ship, the demonstrators clashed in the tenced Major Nidal Hasan to play.
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Metro B3

Judge tosses case over March 20, 2020

Mass. COVID-19 cases

Confirmed, by date case was
August 27
In Mass:
A ‘swarm’ of quakes
UMass Boston, Lowell 85
reported to the state
(Cumulative total: 703,961) 1591 new
rate: has residents in
vaccine mandates 2.75%
Peabody rattled
ASSOCIATED PRESS assertion that the policy is “arbi- Mass. COVID-19 deaths Patients with
A federal judge on Friday dis-
missed a lawsuit challenging a
trary or not based in science,”
the schools “based the decision
Confirmed, by date death was
reported to the state
currently in
City looking for presentation and answered
questions from concerned resi-
requirement that students at upon both medical and scientif-
(Cumulative total: 17,847)
6 new
hospitals: answers after dents.
the University of Massachusetts
campuses in Boston and Lowell
ic evidence and research and
guidance and thus is at least ra-
572 3 seismic events
He also spoke about what
could happen in the future.
be fully vaccinated against the tionally related to these legiti- Beginning July 13, the state will report coronavirus statistics Monday-Friday. “Earthquake swarms that
coronavirus in order to return mate interests.” SOURCE: Mass. Department of Public Health GLOBE STAFF By Emily Sweeney I’ve studied have typically last-
to campus. The judge also noted that GLOBE STAFF ed weeks to months,” Ebel said.
Students at the schools sued students who refuse to get vac- Officials in Peabody called “I don’t know when this swarm
in July, asking the judge to find cinated may still take online preventing further spread of “It also sends a strong mes- in an e xper t to disc uss the began. People are reporting
the vaccination mandates to be classes or defer their enrollment COVID-19 on campus, a virus sage to those higher education earthquakes that have shaken events back in February.”
unconstitutional. The UMass a semester. But even if the poli- which has infected and taken institutions across the country the city and rattled residents’ It’s unclear why so many
Boston student also alleged she cy meant they would be de- the lives of thousands of Massa- that are putting the well-being nerves in recent weeks. earthquakes have occurred in
was improperly denied a reli- prived of a UMass education, chusetts residents,” she wrote. of their campus communities John E. Ebel, a professor in Peabody lately. “Earthquakes
gious exemption. their argument still fails, she UMass President Marty Mee- first as we all begin a new aca- the Department of Earth and can pretty much happen any-
US District Judge Denise said. han applauded the ruling for al- demic year,” he said in an e- Environmental Sciences at Bos- where,” he said.
Casper said the schools have a “Moreover, the balance of eq- lowing the school to “continue mailed statement. ton College and senior research Ebel said there could be no
strong interest in reducing the uities tips in Defendants’ favor taking the steps necessary to An e-mail seeking comment scientist at the Weston Obser- more events, or more small
spread of the disease. And she given the strong public interest protect the health and safety of was sent to an attorney repre- vatory, spoke to concerned resi- earthquakes could occur. He al-
found that despite the students’ here that they are promoting — our students, staff, and faculty.” senting the students. dents at a public meeting on
We d n e s d a y a n d s a i d w h a t
they’ve been experiencing is ‘Earthquake
known as an “earthquake
swarm.” swarms that I’ve
“It isn’t unique to Peabody,
it’s happened in other parts of
studied have
New England,” said Ebel, who’s typically lasted
also the author of the book
“New England Earthquakes:
weeks to months.
The Surprising History of Seis- I don’t know when
mic Activity in the Northeast.”
Ebel said seismic instru- this swarm began.
ments detected three earth-
quakes that occurred in Pea-
People are
body over the past month: a 1.4 reporting events
magnitude earthquake on July
25, a 1.2 magnitude ear th- back in February.’
quake on Aug . 4, and a 1.3 JOHN E. EBEL,
magnitude earthquake on Aug. senior research scientist at the
18. Weston Observatory
The earthquakes in Peabody
have been low in magnitude. A
magnitude 4 earthquake might
cause an unstable knickknack so couldn’t rule out the possi-
to fall off a shelf, and a magni- bility of a larger earthquake. He
tude 5 earthquake could cause estimated that there’s about a 5
walls to crack, he said. percent chance of a larger (but
When the quakes have oc- not damaging) earthquake oc-
c urred, residents have de- curring, and less than a 1 per-
scribed hearing what sounds cent chance of a larger, damag-
like a loud boom. ing (magnitude 5 to 6) earth-
“It’s a very quick boom, an quake.
explosion,” Ebel said. “If it’s “We don’t really know what
wintertime, you might think the chances are of that earth-
you heard the furnace blew up quake being centered here,” he
in the basement. In the sum- said. “It’s certainly much, much
mertime, people often compare less than 1 percent. There is a
it to an explosion. It’s just a chance, but the chances are
boom, and then it’s gone, but small.”
it’s noticeable to people who If a strong earthquake were
are right near the epicenter.” to occur, Ebel said people are
Ebel said the quakes in Pea- better off staying inside and
body appear to be occurring a taking cover under a piece of
mile or less below the surface heavy furniture, such as a table
of the earth. or desk.
Peabody Mayor Edward A. “People are hurt and killed
Bettencourt, Jr. said he first in earthquakes by things falling
learned of reports of loud on them,” he said.
booms and explosions being Ebel said the chances of a
heard by residents back in Feb- damaging earthquake happen-
ruary. ing here is quite low.
“These are very real,” Bet- “I couldn’t rule out a bigger
tencourt said at the meeting on earthquake happening, but the
Wednesday. “The earthquakes probability is very, very low,” he
that are happening, what’s said.
been taking place in Peabody, is
very real and we need to ad- Emily Sweeney can be reached
dress it and find out what’s tak- at

HOVER CRAFT One way of keeping cool during the recent heatwave was to be flying above
the water on a Hover Glide Foil in South Boston
ing place here.”
At the meeting Ebel gave a
Follow her on Twitter

A lobster in the hand is worth more than you might think

uLOBSTER in my hands. Maybe it was the “Did you get one? You are so and then we dove, and dove, and
Continued from Page A1 warm pee in my wetsuit. But for I gave the state $55 for a recreational manly,” they probably shouted, dove some more.
For reasons that involve the
movie “Jaws,” that didn’t appeal
whatever reason, I resolved that
it was time to become a free lob-
lobster permit. Then I headed to a dive but I couldn’t quite hear them
on account of everything being
Then one day, I rounded a
rocky point off the coast of Cape
to me. But I was intrigued by the ster eater. shop for a $45 dive flag, a $75 weighted drowned out by the dazzle com- Ann and there, in a little canyon,
idea that my $10 saltwater fish- As soon as we got out of the ing off me in that moment. was the lobster I had been look-
ing license allowed me to walk water, I got online and gave the belt to hold me down when I dove to That’s when I looked down at ing for. Right size. Right depth.
into the ocean carrying a spear state $55 for a recreational lob- the bottom, a $10 lobster gauge, and a my hand to see that the lobster And, most importantly, he was
gun. Just the thought made me ster permit. Then I headed to a was the size of my palm. It may preoccupied with eating a crab.
feel like James Bond, only hand- dive shop for a $45 dive flag, a $30 bag to put them in. have been a crayfish. Before either of us really knew
somer. $75 weighted belt to hold me “Just a baby. I’m gonna let it what had happened, I had him
Doc had an extra gun, and down when I dove to the bot- go and find a monster,” I lied, my measured and stuffed in my bag,
though I had no plans to use it, I tom, a $10 lobster gauge, and a son has been killed by a shark in on, filled with a bunch of people heart still beating at a panic pace and was kicking for shore. It was
figured carrying it might muffle $30 bag to put them in. But the Massachusetts. In that same pe- I knew, which kind of put the as I contemplated how I was go- a glorious moment in seafood
the “Jaws” music in my head, so most important thing I bought riod, we’ve produced two fa- pressure on. ing to release this thing without history.
I went along for the sightseeing. was the only tool you are al- mous Wahlbergs. So, statistically I was barely 100 feet offshore it coming back and killing me. I raced home, and my chil-
Almost immediately on that lowed to use lobster diving in speaking, I was twice as likely to when I spotted a lobster, and For the rest of the summer, dren were in disbelief when I
first dive, I completely forgot Massachusetts, something called become a famous Wahlberg as I countered the fear pulsing we dove and tickled, and I even placed the lobster on our kitchen
about the tautog we were sup- a “tickle stick.” I chose one with a was to be killed by a shark. Sim- through my veins by repeating a managed to grab a few more, but floor. That’s when reason No. 3
posed to be looking for, because I pink handle for some reason. ple math. mantra: each time I’d surface and realize arrived.
became preoccupied by the lob- A tickle stick, I learned, is a I felt decidedly less James You are 180 pounds of man the underwater magnification “You’re really going to boil it
sters, which were absolutely ev- thin rod, about three feet long, Bond-y on that third dive — meat. You are 180 pounds of had again made me mistake a alive?” one of them asked.
erywhere, just sitting there for with a slightly angled tip. It cost armed only with a pink tickle man meat. midget for a monster. Even What happened next was its
the taking. Suddenly, it felt like $18, and the idea is that you stick — but it was so much easier I took a breath through my when the season ended and win- own melodrama, that involved
reason No. 2 had been removed. stick it in the hole behind the to swim, and I was quickly able snorkel and dove down slowly, ter came, lobsters continued to much quiet screaming from me
Free lobster! lobster, use the angled tip to tick- to spot two claws peaking out of but the lobster saw me coming taunt me in my dreams, whis- and probably the lobster. But I
I just had to get over reason le it on the tail, and hope it a hole, dive to the bottom, and and turned to fight. There was pering: You are 180 pounds of did it. I cooked and ate a lobster,
No. 1. Because the state of Mas- marches out to turn around and get the stick in to tickle the lob- no turning back now, so I used mashed potatoes. and it was … OK. Maybe a tad
sachusetts does not allow divers fight whatever was behind it. ster’s behind. the tickle stick to kind of flip him When summer returned, I weird because, as one of my chil-
to shoot lobsters. Nor does it al- That’s when you grab it. Alleged- No one was more surprised around, and reached down with was on a mission. I didn’t even dren said, “I kind of feel like I
low the use of snares or nets. No, ly. than me when it worked. The my other hand and all my cour- care that a lobster diver down know the guy.”
the Commonwealth’s rule for Before our next dive, I real- lobster promptly walked out of age and quickly grabbed it in the the Cape had allegedly been But something about the
lobster diving is far more inti- ized there was no way I was go- its hole, turned around, and re- armpits. I may have had my eyes swallowed by a whale. Plus, it primitive act made me feel con-
mate and horrifying. You have to ing to be able to grab a lobster vealed itself to be roughly the closed. But when they opened, had occurred to me that you nected to that anonymous mani-
grab them with your hands. with both my hands full, so I left size of a brontosaurus. Whatever there was a lobster securely in could make a solid argument ac who first ate a lobster.
Typically, this would be the the gun in the car, grabbed the breath remained in my lungs left my hand, and that hand was that there were four famous Plus, think of all the money I
stuff of nightmares. None of the tickle stick, and told myself what in a scream. leading the way toward the sur- Wahlbergs, on account of their saved.
lobsters I saw even had the rub- I always tell myself when the Several more dives went like face, where I blasted through reality show, so my odds of get-
ber bands on their claws. But “Jaws” music starts playing in this. Then one morning, Doc like a superhero, making sure I ting killed by a shark got halved Billy Baker can be reached at
something came over me on that my head: and I arrived at the beach to find created enough of a splash for again. Follow
first dive. Maybe it was the gun In my lifetime, only one per- there was an exercise class going everyone on the shore to notice. I paid the state another $55 him on Twitter @billy_baker.
B4 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

Boston schools to pay $650,000 in sex assault case

uSETTLEMENT dents’ genitals and touched and works for BPS and was dis- a boy were sexually assaulted by her clothes while they were on situation, which [BPS] ad-
Continued from Page B1 kissed their genital areas prior to missed from the suit because of the student, the complaint said. the playground, the complaint dressed as best it could,” the city
treated between 2014 and October 2014. But the school qualified immunity, which pro- The following year, the par- said. said. “[BPS] took developmen-
2019, the spokesman said. BPS took no actions such as closer tects state and local officials ents of a different girl asked for a The school leaders’ inaction tally appropriate, swift action in
declined to release the investiga- monitoring, assigning an aide, from personal liability, did not safety plan, the complaint said, to protect students after learn- trying to ensure that both the
tion Friday, but said it was a sep- expulsion, or warning staff to respond to a request for com- and Gavins told staff not to pro- ing of A.J.’s repeated sexual as- Plaintiffs’ and the alleged perpe-
arate case than the one involving protect other students, the com- ment Friday. vide one or respond to the par- saults “was deliberately indiffer- trators educational and emo-
the settlement. plaint said. The plaintiff parents also al- ents’ requests, according to the ent and unreasonable,” and trau- tional needs were met.”
Superintendent Brenda Cas- Around October 2014, A.J. leged that teachers weren’t ade- c o m p l a i n t . T h a t y e a r, A . J. matized the victims, the US District Judge Allison
sellius has directed additional “digitally penetrated” one of the quately trained to file 51A re- groped that girl in her chest and complaint said. Burroughs in 2019 allowed the
training, support, and resources plaintiffs’ daughters, prompting ports; out of many known sexual genital areas, and forced her us- “The sexual assaults and at- lawsuit’s main points to contin-
to the school to ensure a “safe, a teacher to file a report called a assaults involving A.J., only one ing threats of violence to kiss mosphere created by the un- ue. She wrote that the parents’
culturally affirming, and wel- “51A,” which launches an inves- led to a 51A report, court docu- him and expose her genitals, ac- checked sexual assaults caused allegations that school staff
coming learning environment tigation by the state Department ments said. cording to the complaint. Staff severe disruption of the minor knew of other sexual assaults by
for all” students, the spokesman of Children and Families and is One of the girls “lived in fear” witnessed these assaults and re- plaintiffs’ education,” the com- A.J. but the principal discour-
said, adding: “The physical, so- required under the state’s “man- of being assaulted again by A.J., ported them to Gavins, the com- plaint said. aged them from filing 51A re-
cial, and emotional health of our dated reporter” law, according to who remained in the same class- plaint said. In response, the city argued ports that would prompt investi-
students is the top priority of the the complaint. room with her for several The following school year, the the complaint was based on “fac- gations, the subsequent sexual
Boston Public Schools.” According to the complaint, months, the complaint said. girl was assigned to sit next to tual falsehoods.” The city also assaults on the plaintiffs’ daugh-
In the case that reached set- the school’s then-principal, Ayla Even when he was moved, he A.J. and he again assaulted her, said the school district is respon- ters were a “foreseeable and di-
tlement, parents alleged in an Gavins, discouraged staff from still interacted with her, which forcibly kissing her and touching sible for educating all students, rect result of Defendants’ ac-
August 2018 federal complaint filing 51A reports and one teach- retraumatized her and “deprived her chest, which staff reported not just the victims, and given tions.”
that school staffers were aware er was fired for filing one. The her of her education,” it said. to Gavins, according to the com- their ages, it could not involve
the student, identified as “A.J.”, city disputed the complaint’s During the 2014-15 school plaint. In October 2016, A.J. the police. Naomi Martin can be reached at
had forcibly exposed other stu- facts; Gavins, who no longer year, at least four other girls and grabbed the girl’s genitals over It was “an extremely delicate


TRUCK STOP A worker at the Tendercrop Farm in Wenham took a break in the shade inside the truck that he was loading flowers into.

For Jimmy Hayes, Dorchester hockey was ‘where it all began’

uHAYES en years in the NHL, including ple,” said O’Sullivan. “It’s just so
Continued from Page B1 two seasons with the Bruins. ‘Words can’t sad. The family is hurting. The
ing the funeral procession for “In life Jimmy achieved many whole community is.”
Hayes, who died unexpectedly things, but one of his proudest describe how Visiting hours will be held
Aug. 23 at the age of 31.
Timmy Berardinelli, 40, a
accomplishments, alongside be-
ing a husband and father, was
much he cared Sunday between 1 p.m. and 8
p.m. at Florian Hall at 55 Hallet
close friend of Hayes, recalled making his childhood dream of about Dorchester St. in Dorchester.
how he started playing for Dor- being a professional hockey A funeral Mass will be said at
c h e s t e r Yo u t h Ho c k e y a s a player come true,” reads an obit-
Youth Hockey’ St. Ann’s church on Neponset
Squirt, which is the level of uary posted by John J. O’Connor TIMMY BERARDINELLI Avenue in Dorchester on Mon-
hockey for kids 10 years old and & Son Funeral Home. “Jimmy Close friend of Jimmy Hayes day at 10 a.m., and if the church
under. lived for hockey at a very young reaches capacity, services will al-
“His grandfather taught him age and was determined to have so be livestreamed at Florian
how to skate at a very early age,” success within his career. The Hall. The funeral will also be
said Berardinelli. “He played hockey community brought so plays for the Philadelphia Flyers, livestreamed online. The Dor-
Mite hockey in Charlestown, much joy to his life.” always made a point to connect chester Youth Hockey stick sa-
and in Squirts he came over to “Words can’t describe how with the kids in the Dorchester lute for Hayes will take place at
Dorchester Youth Hockey. It was much he cared about Dorchester Youth Hockey program, whether 10:30 a.m. on Hallet Street.
a great place to start out. Linda Youth Hockey,” said Berardinelli. it was hosting a skills clinic, Donations in Hayes’ memory
Perkins and Charlie Pero were “It was his foundation. His com- speaking at a banquet, or play- can be made to Dorchester
two of his favorite coaches.” munity. That’s where it all be- ing a game of street hockey with Youth Hockey c/o Phil Olsen, 38
Hayes continued to play for gan.” them. Laban Pratt Road, Dorchester,
Dorchester Youth Hockey until O’Sullivan recalled how back Jimmy Hayes went from Dorchester Youth Hockey all the way “They always had time for MA 02122, according to his obit-
he was a Bantam and then went in his college days Hayes and the up to the National Hockey League. the kids,” said O’Sullivan. “They uary.
on to play for Noble and rest of the Boston College hockey shared what they had and paved
Greenough School in Dedham. team would come out to Dor- “They had all the kids out on around, . . . and they were so gra- the way for everybody else.” Emily Sweeney can be reached
From there, he went on to win chester and hold skills sessions the ice,” said O’Sullivan. “There cious.” O’Sullivan said the loss of at
an NCAA championship at Bos- for the kids in the neighbor- would be a bunch of snotty O’Sullivan said Hayes and his Hayes has been “devastating.” Follow her on Twitter
ton College and then played sev- hood. nosed kids just following them brother Kevin, who currently “He touched so many peo- @emilysweeney.

New poll shows Wu is ahead in tight race for Boston mayor

uPOLL for her. their top issue, 13 percent said This year’s race was cracked t i o n . Mo r e t h a n 60 p e r c e n t of the Delta variant of COVID-
Continued from Page B1 The poll also showed that “something else,” 12 percent list- w i d e o p e n w h e n Ma r t i n J. thought shops, restaurants, and 19, while 30 percent said they
T he poll showed Essaibi voters under 30 prefer Wu, ed crime, and 10 percent said Walsh, the incumbent mayor offices should require proof-of- were somewhat concerned.
George and Wu, meanwhile, while voters over the age of 65 health care. who was planning to run for a vaccination, according to the The poll was conducted Aug.
with the same support — 24 per- prefer Janey. Those between 30 Of the five major candidates, third term, was tapped to be poll. While Janey has instituted 23-24 and surveyed 600 likely
cent — from white voters. For and 44 years old liked both Wu the top two vote-getters from the President Biden’s labor secre- some significant moves to com- voters through texting to mobile
the city’s Hispanic voters, 23 — 32 percent — and Essaibi Sept. 14 preliminary will ad- tary. Janey became acting mayor bat COVID-19 pandemic in re- phones, robo-polling to land-
percent favor Wu, 20 percent George — 29 percent. Voters in vance to the Nov. 2 general elec- once Walsh left City Hall. The cent weeks, including an indoor lines, and an online panel of
support Janey, and 19 percent the 45-to-64 range were fairly tion. Whoever wins the general entirety of the race has played mask mandate that goes into ef- people who opted in to be polled
are backing Essaibi George, ac- evenly divided in their support becomes the next mayor of Bos- out amid the unprecedented fect on Friday, she has so far de- on various issues.
cording to the survey. Wu, the among the four women candi- ton. COVID-19 pandemic. clined to institute proof-of-vacci-
daughter of Taiwanese immi- dates in the race. Whatever happens, history is Regarding the pandemic, 71 nation requirements for public Danny McDonald can be
grants, has a dominant lead Housing was the top issue pretty much guaranteed. For the percent of Boston voters thought spaces and venues. reached at
with Asian voters in the city, when considering a candidate first time, Boston, barring any- that large venues like concert A majority of Boston voters
with 73 percent of these voters for 19 percent of voters, while 16 thing unforeseen, will elect a halls and sports stadiums — 56 percent — said they were Follow him on Twitter
saying they plan to cast ballots percent ranked education as mayor who is not a white man. should require proof-of-vaccina- very concerned about the threat @Danny__McDonald.
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Metro B5

Harvard’s new head chaplain By former

is an atheist, elected by peers Boston Globe
uCHAPLAIN In 2019, a survey by the Har-
Continued from Page B1
he fundamentally but respect-
‘It’s great to have vard Crimson found that nearly
17 percent of students there
fully disagrees. someone who was identified as atheist.

One colleague applauded his
coming from a At the forefront of move-
ment at Harvard is Epstein,
“It’s great to have someone really non- who presents humanism as a
who was coming from a really way for atheists to reject the ex-
non-traditional background,”
traditional istence of a higher power while

said the Reverend Adam Law- background.’ still being part of a faith com-
rence Dyer, a Unitarian Univer- munity.
salist who is the chaplains’ head THE REVEREND ADAM “The way Greg talked about
of diversity, inclusion, and be- LAWRENCE DYER humanism was really powerful
longing. “Especially as this is an for my own faith formation,”

institution that has a lot of tra- said Mary Ellen Geiss, who was
ditions.” part of a humanist group with
Epstein said his professional s t e i n’s n a m e w h i l e r e a d i n g Epstein when she was a gradu-
journey was influenced heavily about humanism on the chap- ate student at Harvard. “And it
by his childhood in Flushing, a lains’ website. He reached out was faith formation, even
neighborhood in Queens, New to Epstein months later during though it wasn’t a faith in God.
York. In the 1980 s, he said, a difficult time. It was a faith in humanity and a
Flushing was considered one of “It was illuminating,” he said faith in community and a faith
the most religiously diverse of their Zoom meeting. “I left in myself and what I could be,
communities in the world.
“I saw early on that there
was no one right way to be hu-
the conversation feeling much
more grounded. Humanism, it’s
kind of filling the void that oth-
as I contributed to our larger
As head chaplain, Epstein
man,” said Epstein, who noted
his mother left Cuba for the US
at age 13. “There was no one
ers fill with religion.”
Epstein has encouraged him
to begin talking to his friends
communicates directly with the
office of Harvard’s president.
He’ ll still guide students
right way to believe, there was
no one right way to disbelieve.
The most important thing was
about their faith, “to under-
stand what they believe, and
why they believe it,” Esteva
through tough conversations,
but his focus now is the good of
the community as a whole.
that we were all human beings.”
In his 17 years at Harvard,
Epstein said his main focus has
Sueiro said. At a friend’s invita-
tion, Esteva Suerio observed
Ramadan last April, participat-
“ Who cares whether one
community grows or another
community grows?” said Ep-
are sold
been the students. To them, he ing in the daily after and the af- stein. “We have to grow our re-
is a mentor who guides them in ter-sunset meal of Iftar, he said. lationships with one another.
good times and bad. He’s intro- Epstein’s ascent aligns with Christians, Jews, Buddhists,
duced some to humanism for an uptick in irreligion across Hindus, Muslims, humanists,
the first time, and encouraged the US and at Harvard over the atheists — we have to put up a
them to explore and under- past several decades. A Gallup united front against the forces
stand other religions. poll in March found that 21 of inhumanity and the impulses
“He’s a very good conduit to percent of Americans — up of inhumanity. And I think we
all the different faiths,” said Lu- from just 8 percent in 2000 — can do it.”
is Esteva Sueiro, a sophomore do not identify with any reli-
who began identifying as an gion, and that Millennials in Andrew Brinker can be reached
atheist before enrolling at the particular are turning away at
Ivy League college.
He first stumbled across Ep-
from organized religion in in-
creasing numbers.
Follow him on Twitter at
“At a time when too many people engaged in
public life are talking past each other, Diane Hessan
makes a very strong case for doing less of that
Access your Globe account online: and much more listening.”
—CHARLIE BAKER, governor of Massachusetts

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B6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1


x Black
Owned Bos.
Market kicks
off two-day
special event
By Riana Buchman


eaport x Black Owned Bos.

Market will celebrate Black
Business Month with a
weekend-long celebration
on Aug. 28 and 29.
An extension of the monthly
event will take place in a tented area
on Seaport Common and feature more
than 30 businesses, including Nor-
wood’s Emerald City Plant Shop and
Hope Design, a Roxbury-founded, so-
cially conscious clothing and accesso-
ries brand.
The pop-up was born from an Au-
gust 2020 shopping event with the Sea-
port and Black Owned Bos. and has
since grown to feature more than 70 lo-
cal BIPOC businesses and entrepre-
neurs through its monthly iterations.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has
posed challenges for many traditional

Mix master
brick and mortar retailers, the outdoor
pop-up marketplace has worked to cre-
ate guidelines for social distancing in
an attempt to keep both creators and
shoppers safe.
“At the heart of a commercial dis-
trict in Boston, Seaport Common has
been a phenomenal location to kick off
the Seaport x Black Owned Bos. out-
door market,” said Jae’da Turner, Paint-matching whiz Fritz Proctor IV is the Bob Ross of TikTok
founder and managing director of
Black Owned Bos., in a press release.
“As a pop-up, the market is a one-of-a- By Dana Gerber ing which paints to mix, the order in Proctor has raised over $2,500

kind experience — creating a sense of GLOBE CORRESPONDENT which to blend them, and the precise through a GoFundMe (which he ad-
belonging and community for the ven- ritz Proctor IV’s TikTok amounts to use is “muscle memory.” vertised on his TikTok) for Niagara
dor partners and all of the patrons. I videos are flourishes of “It’s hard to fool the camera,” he Falls City School District’s art pro-
am excited to see how the relationships vivid pigments. He mixes said. “I have to get it pretty close.” gram to provide students with art
fostered at the market can continue to bright crimsons, cobalt But swatch cards aren’t the only supplies, scholarships, and cultural
turn into long term impactful business blues, and titanium models he uses. In his more than 200 field trips.
opportunities in the Seaport district whites to produce a color — whichev- videos, Proctor has re-created the “My goal is to just get more peo-
and beyond.” er one he’s decided to re-create that buttery yellow hue of a slice of ple to be interested in art, because
DJ Knzwrth will provide live enter- day. Velveeta cheese, the dusty beige of it’s totally changed my life,” he said.
tainment on Aug. 28, and DJ Slick Vick As @fritzdoesart, Proctor follows the Mona Lisa’s face, and the tea “I genuinely believe that the more
takes over on Aug. 29. Masks are op- a standard format in most of his vid- green of a dollar bill. Sometimes, people that create art, the happier
tional, and hand sanitizer will be pro- eos. He picks out a color swatch card, fans will give him challenges, like people will be”
vided for guests, who are advised to grabs his trusty palette knife, and blending the color black without us- Proctor said that in April 2022 his
maintain social distancing throughout slaps together globs of oil-based ing black paint. own work is slated to be on display at
the event. Contactless payment is pre- paint on a table until he arrives at a “I’ve had to move into materials, the Buffalo Art Movement gallery, in-
ferred when possible. perfect match. He then dabs the props, things that are iconic,” Proctor cluding a huge painting of Rafe’s
The monthly pop-up market will paint on the swatch card, proving the said. “Every day is like: What am I Chasm in Gloucester — “I’ve fallen in
continue through the fall, with upcom- two are all but indistinguishable. going to do next?” love with the North Shore,” he said.
ing dates on Sep. 26 and Oct. 17. The videos fall somewhere be- Each video, he said, can take him One of his reasons for moving to
Presented by Seaport at WS Develop- tween ASMR and art, but whatever up to a half hour to make, and the Massachusetts was the potential for
ment. 1-7 p.m., Aug. 28; noon-6 p.m., they are, they’re working: He’s process is complicated by the fact nature paintings of the Bay State’s
Aug. 29. Seaport Common, 85 Northern racked up 6 million followers since that he has to match the color to landscapes. He saves all the colors he
Ave, Boston. More information at bos- he started his account last August. what is perceived through the lens of mixes to use for his own pieces, and
TIKTOK “That whole paint-mixing process the camera, not what he sees. he occasionally posts time-lapsed
has been part of my studio practice Proctor, who called paint-mixing TikTok videos of him painting Top: Fritz Proctor IV, known
as a painter,” said Proctor, 24, who “a bit of a meditation,” rarely posts around Massachusetts. on TikTok as @Fritzdoesart,
Riana Buchman can be reached at works out of his Malden home. “One tutorials to teach viewers to mix Though he continues to cultivate demonstrated his paint-mixing day my wife, Blair, was compliment- paints themselves. However, he said his fine art career, he said part of the skills this week on Boston
ing [me] on how therapeutic it was. he occasionally leaves videos up in price for becoming viral for this Common. Above: A screenshot
... I put [up a video] and it just start- which he doesn’t think the color is a niche skill is learning to let go of his of a video by the artist, who has
ed going crazy.” perfect match, and noticed that view- ego. “It’s kind of like a Bob Ross sce- amassed 6 million TikTok
Proctor, a painter by trade, said ers began picking up on the errors, nario,” he said. followers.
paint mixing is a skill necessary to too. Money from sponsorships and
make the right colors for his own “With the TikTok, my real goal is monetization from his TikTok and every day, and that’s come true,” he
works. He attended the Fashion In- to try to get people interested in art YouTube videos allowed Proctor to said. “It’s [taken] on a life of its own,
stitute of Technology in New York be- without them actually knowing,” he leave his job as a sign painter for the so I’m just a vehicle for it.”
fore finishing a studio art degree at said. “I want people to be aware Massachusetts Department of Con-
the University at Buffalo. about color. And they see, ‘Oh, it servation and Recreation.
After learning the ins and outs of needs purple.’” “My dream was to quit my job Dana Gerber can be reached at
color theory in college, he said know- A native of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and be a full-time painter and paint
An image from Seaport x Black
Owned Bos. Market 2020.

Three Mass. drive-ins listed among the best in the Northeast



et’s all go to the ton, just short of a hundred

movies. miles away in Western Massa-
Three Massachu- chusetts. The drive-in is now
setts drive-in movie closed for the season.
theaters — Mendon There were only about 300
Twin Drive-In, the drive-in at surviving drive-in movie theaters
Wellfleet Cinemas, and West in the US as of May 2020, accord-
Springfield Drive-In — are ing to previous Globe reporting.
among the best in the North- But drive-ins were given new life
east, according to an unranked during the pandemic due to their
list by USA Today. built-in socially distanced lay-
Mendon Twin, which opened outs. In their 1950s heyday, there
in 1954, is located about 40 were over 4,000 drive-ins operat-
miles southwest of Boston on a ing in the country.
16-acre piece of land. With a Looking to pack a road-trip
snack bar slinging freshly made Mendon Twin (left) and Wellfleet Drive-In are two of the best drive-in theaters in the Northeast, according to USA Today. into your drive-in movie experi-
popcorn and Dolby Digital ence? Other top picks from USA
sound broadcast over visitors’ Open until Labor Day, Men- the Cape, opened a few years af- Double features of “Free ings. Admission is $15 per per- Today include the Rustic Tri
car radios, Mendon Twin pairs don Twin is currently showing ter Mendon Twin, in 1957. A Guy” and “Jungle Cruise” are son and the snack bar offers View Drive-In in North Smith-
modern amenities with nostal- double features of “Candyman” mini-golf course is on the currently on tap, with showings comfort food like pizza, nachos, field, R.I., the Mansfield Drive-
gia. Its Pop’s Beer Garden, which and “Old” as well as “Free Guy” grounds if you want to show up of “Grease” and “Dirty Dancing” and chicken fingers, and a dairy In in Mansfield Center, Conn.,
opened in 2014, serves up six and “Jungle Cruise” on its two early and putt a few rounds, and as well as “Jaws” and “Jurassic bar boasts ice cream, soft-serve, and the Four Brothers Drive-In
draft beers and wines by the screens, with tickets at $30 per there’s an indoor cinema for Park” to come next week. Mov- and milkshakes for a sweeter Theatre in Amenia, N.Y.
glass to make even the most car. when you want to trade the ies are shown rain or shine, and treat.
family-friendly movie a little The drive-in at Wellfleet Cin- front seat of your car for a front- tickets are put on sale three to The West Springfield Drive- Dana Gerber can be reached at
more adult. emas, the only drive-in spot on row seat. five days in advance of show- In is the farthest trek from Bos-
Sports C
PGA: BMW Championship, noon, Golf, and 3 p.m., NBC
Women’s hockey: World quarterfinal (US-Japan), 3:30 p.m., NHL
Baseball: Red Sox-Indians, 4:05 p.m., NESN, FS1
NASCAR: Coke Zero Sugar 400, 7 p.m., NBC
MLS: Revolution-NYC, 7:30 p.m., Ch. 38
Listings, C8
T H E B O S T O N G L O B E SAT U R DAY, AU G US T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / S P O RT S

Sunday, 6 p.m., Ch. 4, NFL

has been
Rookie RB says Patriot
veterans are supportive
By Jim McBride

FOXBOROUGH — Rhamondre Stevenson

has been a big deal this preseason.
The 6-foot, 246-pound rookie running back
with the broad shoulders and light feet has
rushed for 194 yards and four touchdowns in
two exhibition games for the Patriots.
The Oklahoma product has surprised many
with an impressive combination of vision,
burst, and power. What has surprised Steven-
son the most is how welcome he’s felt since
landing in New England.
“I would say how supportive all the vets are,”
he said Friday. “They’re just always [there with]
a helping hand. I could go talk to any one of
these guys and they’re going to point me in the
right direction. So, I’ll say that’s the biggest sur-
prise and the thing I’m grateful for.”
One of the veterans that Stevenson leaned
on was Sony Michel, who was traded this week.
Stevenson’s torrid training camp actually was
one of the reasons the club dealt Michel. Ste- Jonathan Araúz, who was called up from Triple A Worcester and arrived just before game time, hit a three-run home run in the eighth.
venson believes the relationship will continue,

Sox offense arrives late

“Yeah, of course,” he said. “He’s been a men-
tor for me while he was here and I don’t think
that’s going to change for us.”
Though Stevenson has moved up the depth
chart as a result of Michel’s departure, he hasn’t
really thought about it in those terms.
“Honestly, I try not to even get into the busi-
ness side of that or anything,” he said. “I’m here.
If he was here, I would still be working as hard
Home run in eighth
as I would work after whatever happened and
whatnot. So, I don’t think that really changes caps comeback win
anything for me.
“I just know that I’ve got to work hard — and By Julian McWilliams
I wouldn’t even say harder or anything like GLOBE STAFF

that. You’ve got to work hard and just stay fo- Red Sox 4 Jonathan Araúz wasn’t supposed to
cused on the task at hand.” be here.
One of the people helping Stevenson stay fo- Indians 3 Not in Cleveland, at least. Not im-
cused is veteran coach Ivan Fears, a stern task- mersed in this moment. But sometimes you’re
master whom the rookie appreciates. thrust into that moment unexpectedly with little
“He’s an older coach, he’s been here for a time to process. Only the expectation to perform.
while, so he’s seen a lot of backs,” said Steven- On Friday at Progressive Field, Araúz had his
son. “He knows what it’s supposed to look like moment against Indians reliever James Kar-
and the steps a person needs to take — especial- inchak.
ly a running back — to be successful in this The Sox offense looked weary the entire eve-
league. So, I just feed off anything he says and ning against the Indians. Yet with no outs in the
just try to learn from him.” eighth and Cleveland hanging on to a two-run
PATRIOTS, Page C2 lead, Araúz struck a match with a go-ahead three-
run home run, what was ultimately the deciding
factor in the Sox’ 4-3 victory.
Just like his homer that suddenly changed the
complexion of the game, Araúz ’s day happened at
a rapid pace.

ºRed Sox’ Hernández tests positive for

COVID; Arroyo deemed in close contact. C5
Eduardo Rodriguez allowed three runs and threw 109 pitches in seven innings to get the win.
Kiké Hernández tested positive for COVID-19,

Full swing: Araúz had good timing which meant a trip to the COVID-related injured
list. Christian Arroyo was considered a close con-
tact, so that put him there, too.
Peter Abraham around 5:30 p.m. That’s when the Red Sox called on Araúz and
Four hours later, Araúz was the hero in one of Yairo Muñoz, both of whom were with Triple A
ON BASEBALL the unlikeliest victories of the season. And maybe Worcester in Buffalo. A three-hour trip via the
one of the most important, too. WooSox team bus got the pair to Cleveland a little
CLEVELAND — It’s about a three-hour ride After twice failing to bunt, Araúz lined a three- more than an hour before first pitch. Both were in
from Buffalo to Cleveland, a relatively straight line run homer to right field in the eighth inning as the the starting lineup, and it was Araúz who ended up
southwest on I-90 along the shore of Lake Erie. Sox beat the Cleveland Indians, 4-3. being the difference maker.
Jonathan Araúz and Yairo Muñoz were not ex- It’ll take a few days before we know if this “It meant a ton,” Araúz said afterward. “Obvi-
pecting to take that ride on Friday afternoon. But game is what galvanizes the Red Sox. But how ously I’m very aware of what happened today, what
the Red Sox needed two players in a hurry after could it not? happened to the team, and where the team was at.
Christian Arroyo and Kiké Hernández went on the “Those are fun. That’s why I do this, to enjoy It’s my first home run of the year. It was a huge
COVD-19 related injured list. stuff like this,” manager Alex Cora said. “I know I home run. I know I’m not going to forget this
Running back Rhamondre Stevenson has Fortunately for the Sox, Triple A Worcester was suffer and I get frustrated. But this is very gratify- home run.”
been surprised at how supportive vet- playing in Buffalo. The WooSox team bus carried ing … Games like that, this is why we’re here.” The Red Sox had just three hits in the game to
erans on the Patriots have been. Araúz and Muñoz to Progressive Field, arriving ON BASEBALL, Page C5 RED SOX, Page C5

Wide receiver Flowers sends How low

positive charge to BC football can he go?

(left) shoots 60,
but misses short
By Trevor Hass tian. putt for 59. C6
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT “But I’m asking you the question,” Flowers per-
Midway through Boston College Football Me- sisted. Vaccine
dia Day on Monday, with his teammates scattered Flowers, a junior and a preseason all-ACC first- mandates
throughout Fish Field House, Zay Flowers ap- team selection who has a strong chance to be the NBA personnel to
proached quarterback Phil Jurkovec with a re- first Eagles wide receiver drafted since 1987, is al- be vaccinated;
cording device in hand. ways one to maximize the situation in front of Astros, Nationals
The wide receiver, who bounced around all af- him. He was an all-ACC first-teamer last year, just do same. C6
ternoon, leaned toward Jurkovec and asked him a the second BC wide receiver to earn that honor,
thought-provoking question: “What do you have and it’s likely his best is yet to come. ‘I can’t
in your heart from this camp that you feel like you Once a three-star recruit who didn’t receive a breathe’
need to get out?” steady stream of offers until his junior year at Uni- LA police tased
Flowers tried to keep a poker face before his versity School in Florida, the 5-foot-10-inch, 177- Pelicans’ Hayes in
signature smile inevitably appeared. pounder has developed into one of the most ex- struggle July 28.
Jurkovec shrugged, grinned, and said it was plosive receivers in the country. His optimism, Sports Log, C8
more a question for teammate Brandon Sebas- BOSTON COLLEGE, Page C8
C2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

Closer look at new acquisition Wade


Is the No. 17
really a curse
By Tom Westerholm Wright, a close friend who was the
BOSTON.COM STAFF victim of a homicide in 2015. Accord-
The Patriots acquired rookie cor- ing to Wade, Wright helped shelter

for Patriots?
nerback Shaun Wade from the Ra- him and kept him away from vio-
vens Thursday, sending a pair of fu- lence in Jacksonville, Fla., even as a
ture draft picks for a player once con- violent lifestyle began to consume
sidered a first-round talent. Wright himself.
By Christopher Price Here are four things to know In return, Wade tried to convince
GLOBE STAFF about Wade. Wright to join him at Trinity Chris-
When it comes to the Patriots, forget 13 being R He was Player of the Year in tian Academy, where the duo could
the unluckiest number. It’s 17. high school. play football together in a safer envi-
According to Pro Football Reference, 17 players Prior to the 2020 season, Wade ronment.
have worn No. 17 for the Patriots dating to 1968, was one of the best defensive players But Wright began pulling away
nine during the Bill Belichick era. That includes in college football. A five-star recruit from his friends, and he was found
current No. 17, wide receiver Kristian Wilkerson. coming out of high school, he was dead in December. Police ruled his
Some have been high-profile acquisitions, such USA Today’s High School Defensive killing — one of 113 that year in Jack-
as Antonio Brown. Others have been early draft Player of the Year in 2016. He was sonville — a justifiable homicide.
picks, such as Aaron Dobson and Chad Jackson. named Defensive Back of the Year at Wade wore Wright’s AAU basket-
And others have been under-the-radar players the All-American game that year as ball number — 24 — throughout his
who appeared to be good fits in New England. well. time at Ohio State and hoped to wear
The odds suggest that someone, somewhere R He was ejected from the 2019 it in the NFL, but he was No. 29 in
along the way would have been able to distinguish NCAA semifinals for targeting Trev- Baltimore. In New England, Wade is
themselves with those digits. But over the last 20 or Lawrence. likely out of luck again; No. 24 be-
years in New England, being assigned No. 17 has In 2019, Ohio State took on Clem- longs to the top cornerback on the
been a jinx, a red flag that says regardless of your son in the Fiesta Bowl, which was al- roster, Stephon Gilmore.
football pedigree, you should be renting month-to- so a semifinal of the NCAA playoffs. Still, expect to see Wade sporting
month instead of year-to-year. Ohio State took a 16-0 lead, but on the letters “BLIC” for “Balling Like
Consider the candidates: third and 5 late in the second quar- Shaun Wade was selected in the fifth round of the draft by the I’m Coby” on his apparel in the NFL.
Antonio Brown (2019): After initially choosing ter, a massive gap opened up in Ravens this year, but his credentials appear better than that. R His lack of development in
No. 1 after he was signed, Brown switched to No. Clemson’s protection in front of 2020 wasn’t unusual.
17 (the number his father Eddie wore in the Arena quarterback Trevor Lawrence. Wade “Just hit me right in the side of the proved costly to his draft stock. Wade was chosen in the fifth
League), and played one game with the Patriots took off and dragged down Lawrence head,” Lawrence told ESPN. “That Wade and Ohio State turned the round of this year’s draft, but as one
before being released following a flurry of legal is- for a huge loss. Wade scampered off was a hard hit. Gave me a little sting- tables the next season when they AFC scout told, plenty of
sues. He is now flourishing with the defending Su- the field, only to hear from team- er, knocked me down for a little bit. again faced Lawrence and Clemson players went through the same issues
per Bowl champions in Tampa Bay as No. 81. mates that they thought he was “I just hate to see a great player in the semifinals. This time, the last season.
Riley McCarron (2018): McCarron spent the about to be kicked out of the game. like him have to miss the rest of the Buckeyes claimed a 49-28 victory. “He didn’t really show what every-
bulk of the 2017 and 2018 seasons on the New “I was like, ‘For what?’ ” Wade told game. I could see a penalty, whatever. Wade tied for the team lead in tackles one was hoping to see [in 2020], but
England practice squad. One game, no catches in ESPN a year later. But that was kind of tough.” with nine. that doesn’t mean he can’t still be
2018. The answer was targeting. No Clemson rallied and won as Wade R He wore No. 24 in college to that guy,” the scout said.
Bernard Reedy (2017): Reedy had two games player is allowed to hit an opponent remained in the locker room. The honor a late friend. “If you want to talk about draft
in 2017, zero catches. That season, he good-na- with the crown of his helmet, and sting of that loss, according to his In a n e m o t i o n a l f e a t u r e o n prospects who didn’t develop much
turedly said he was going to be the one to break Wade crashed his helmet into Law- family, propelled him to return for published in March, Wade in 2020, Shaun Wade is just one
the curse of No. 17. He was waived a few months rence’s. another season in college — which talked extensively about Jacoby name on a long list.”
later. Reedy played for Tampa Bay and Arizona, as
well as the reborn XFL and CFL.
Aaron Dobson (2013-15): Statistically, Dobson
was the most productive No. 17 of the last 20 sea-
sons, and had the number the longest. He had 53
Saints nix
catches for 698 yards and four touchdowns in
three seasons with New England, and is now out
of football.
game with
Greg Salas (2012): The season after Taylor
Price was let go, the former Ram — coming off a
27-catch cam-
Ida looming

Louis in 2011 The New Orleans Saints can-

— was as- celed their home exhibition game
signed No. 17 set for Saturday against the Arizona
when he ar- Cardinals because
rived in 2012.
NFL of the potential for
The receiver NOTEBOOK Hurricane Ida to
played one reg- batter Louisiana’s
ular-season coast with wind as high as 140
game for the miles per hour by Sunday.
Patriots that After initially moving kickoff up
season and by seven hours, the Saints an-
didn’t record a nounced the subsequent decision
catch. (Two Friday night to cancel the game
Mercurial wide receiver years later, came after consultation with city of-
Antonio Brown lasted one he’d catch 23 ficials in New Orleans, governor
game with the Patriots. passes for the John Bel Edwards, the National
Jets.) He is Weather Service, The Department
now working for the University of Hawaii. of Homeland Security, and the NFL.
Taylor Price (2010-11): Three years after Chad Ida struck Cuba on Friday show-
Jackson was let go by the Patriots, they gave the ing hallmarks of a rapidly intensify-
number to Price, a third-round draft choice out of ing storm that could speed across
Ohio in 2010. He fared no better than Jackson, warm Gulf waters and slam into
spending a year-plus in New England, catching Louisiana as a Category 4 hurricane
three passes for 41 yards. on Sunday, the National Hurricane
Chad Jackson (2006-07): A second-round pick Center warned.
out of Florida, Jackson was one of the biggest dis- If so, the storm would strike the
appointments in recent franchise history. In 14 Dont’a Hightower (right) likes what he sees in the team’s rookie quaterback, a fellow Alabama alumnus. Louisiana coast 16 years to the day
games over two injury-marred seasons, he caught after Hurricane Katrina leveled
12 passes for 152 yards and three touchdowns.
Near the end of his career with the Patriots, he was
asked if he had any advice for young pass catchers
in New England. “Yeah,” he replied with a straight
Stevenson enjoying support parts of the Mississippi Coast and
ruptured storm protection levees
around New Orleans on Aug. 29,
2005, causing about 80 percent of
face. “Don’t get hurt.” uPATRIOTS missed session of the summer. linebackers Anfernee Jennings, Cam the city to be affected by flooding
Dedric Ward (2003): Ward had a brief stopover Continued from Page C1 Cornerback Shaun Wade, who McGrone (NFI), and Terez Hall, and that in some neighborhoods left on-
with the Patriots in 2003, playing four games and . . . was acquired from the Ravens Thurs- defensive linemen Nick Thurman ly roofs above water.
finishing with seven catches for 106 yards and a Center David Andrews and All- day, made his debut. The rookie is and Byron Cowart. The Saints also had a preseason
touchdown. He spent eight seasons in the league, Pro kickoff returner Gunner Olszews- wearing the No. 26 previously worn The club released tight end Ka- game the Saturday night before Ka-
playing for New England, the New York Jets, Mi- ki were not spotted during the win- by Michel, though it was red, indicat- hale Warring three days after claim- trina struck little more than 24
ami, Baltimore and Dallas. If there’s an exception dow in which media were allowed to ing he’s not ready for contact. ing him on waivers from the Texans. hours later and the team wound up
to every rule, in this case, Ward might be the one. observe practice Friday, though cor- Tight end Hunter Henry, defen- He participated in Wednesday’s prac- being displaced to San Antonio for
For the record, the curse hasn’t been limited to nerback Jonathan Jones was present. sive back Myles Bryant, and running tice and made an acrobatic catch all of the 2005 regular season. The
receivers. Arguably, the most productive No. 17 in Andrews (undisclosed) and Jones back Brandon Bolden also wore red from Mac Jones during individual Saints played just four home games
franchise history might have been quarterback (lower body) left Thursday’s joint shirts. drills but did not see any team snaps. in Louisiana that year, all at LSU’s
Mike Taliaferro, who was with the Patriots from practice session with the Giants ear- Also not spotted: quarterback Jar- . . . Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge. The
1968-70. In that stretch, he completed 45 percent ly. Andre ws did ge t his helme t rett Stidham (PUP), receiver N’Keal Dont’a Hightower had some high Saints also played three home
of his pass attempts for 3,920 yards, 27 touch- knocked off on a play, but it’s uncer- Harry (shoulder), tight end Matt La- praise when asked about fellow Ala- games in San Antonio’s Alamo
downs and 44 interceptions. Backup quarterbacks tain whether that’s when he was in- Cosse, cornerback Stephon Gilmore bama alum Jones this week. A nine- Dome and one in Giants Stadium.
Tom Owen (1976-81) and John Friesz (1999-2000) jured. This was Olszewski’s first (PUP), safety Joshuah Bledsoe (NFI), year veteran who often serves as the Saturday’s game with Arizona
also wore No. 17. quarterback of the defense, Hightow- was to be the exhibition finale for
That brings us back to Wilkerson, the 17th No. er likes Jones’s demeanor. “I’ll just both clubs, a day after an Associat-
17 in franchise history. He did start the preseason say with Mac, he’s a terrific kid,” said ed Press source confirmed an earli-
with a team-high six catches for 39 yards in the 22- Hightower. “He works hard. Real er ESPN report Friday that the club
13 win over Washington, a game in which he near- smart dude. He’s going to go over the had decided to make Jameis Win-
ly hauled in a touchdown pass from Mac Jones. edge. I’ve been impressed with him ston its Week 1 starter at quarter-
That was followed by three catches on three tar- in OTAs and how hard he works. Ac- back.
gets for 36 yards in garbage time against the Ea- tually found out [Wednesday] he’s
gles. All in all, it was a good start. (For some con- been looking at some of the defensive Mahomes on target
text, if Wilkerson had six catches while wearing plays so he can kind of conceptually Patrick Mahomes was nearly
No. 17 in a regular-season game for New England, see how they kind of work. I give him perfect Friday night, throwing for
it would be the second-most productive afternoon credit for that, because not a lot of 117 yards and two scores in his only
for any No. 17 since Dobson had seven catches in a young guys would see that as an op- two chances with the ball and lead-
2015 game against Buffalo.) portunity, and he did that on his ing the host Chiefs to a 28-24 victo-
“Just doing what the coaches coach in the class- own. You can take that for what it’s ry over the Vikings in their exhibi-
room and having good fundamentals out there,” worth. The kid works hard. I’ll leave tion finale. Mahomes was sharper
Wilkerson said after the Patriots routed the Ea- it at that.” . . . Joejuan Williams said than he'd been his first two exhibi-
gles. “Doing all you can do. The ball will come if he introduced himself to Wade at tions, finishing 8 of 9 with the only
you do the right things and make the right plays, practice. “He looks like a smooth miss a throwaway with nobody
so hopefully I can keep on doing that.” dude, so I look forward to getting to open . . . The Colts’ depth chart at
Ultimately, could he be the one to reverse the know him more and then going from quarterback took another hit. Rook-
curse? Only time will tell. If he does survive cut- there.” . . . New Orleans named ie Sam Ehlinger was knocked out of
down day, just to be safe, he might want to check Jameis Winston its starting quarter- the exhibition finale with a knee in-
out some other options for numbers. And make back after his camp battle with Tay- jury in a 27-17 win over the host Li-
sure he doesn’t get hurt. som Hill. The Saints are set to visit ons. With Carson Wentz recovering
New England in Week 3. from foot surgery, Ehlinger is com-
Christopher Price’s Point After newsletter appears peting with second-year quarter-
on He can be reached at Jim McBride can be reached at back Jacob Eason to possibly take Follow him on Rookie quarterback Mac Jones (shown at Thursday’s practice) is a Follow the team’s first snap in two weeks
Twitter at cpriceglobe. “real smart dude,” according to one veteran Patriots teammate. him on Twitter @globejimmcbride. when the season opens.
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C3

Auto Dealer Directory

Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo Herb Chambers Chrysler-Millbury* Herb Chambers Honda of Seekonk* Herb Chambers Lexus of Hingham* Herb Chambers Porsche of Boston*
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525 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Wayland 888-293-8449 877-851-3362 866-237-9636 Boston
888-379-9853 855-778-1912
Kelly Chrysler* Herb Chambers Honda of
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Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo Westborough* Herb Chambers Porsche
353 Broadway, Route 1 North, Lynnfield 25 Providence Highway,
of Millbury* 350 Turnpike Rd, Rte 9, Westborough Burlington*
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2 Latti Farm Road, Rte 20, Millbury 877-207-0329 62 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, 877-338-9671
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Kelly Honda*
Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo
540 Lynnway, Rte 1A, Lynn
of Warwick 781-595-5252
1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI Herb Chambers Dodge of Danvers*
Herb Chambers Lincoln of Norwood*
401-262-2020 107 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
1130 Providence Hwy, Rte 1, 877-831-2139 Herb Chambers RAM of Danvers*
“The Automile,” Norwood 107 Andover Street, Route 114,
Herb Chambers Dodge of Millbury* Herb Chambers Hyundai of Auburn* Danvers
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2 Latti Farm Rd, Rte 20, Millbury
Audi Brookline Herb Chambers* 888-318-7927
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Mirak Hyundai 2 Latti Farm Road, Route 20, Herb Chambers Maserati of Boston*
1165 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington Millbury
527 Boston Post Rd, Rte 20, Wayland
Audi Burlington Herb Chambers* 781-643-8000 888-293-8449
62 Cambridge Street, Rte 3A, Burlington
Herb Chambers Fiat of Danvers*
107 Andover Street, Rte 114, Danvers Herb Chambers Maserati of Millbury*
2 Late Farm Road, Rte. 20, Millbury
Herb Chambers INFINITI Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
Herb Chambers Fiat of Millbury*
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2 Latti Farm Road, Rte 20, Millbury
Bentley Boston, a Herb Chambers 312 Turnpike Rd, Rte 9, Westborough Company*
Herb Chambers Maserati of Warwick
Company* 855-878-9603 529 Boston Post Road, Rte 20,
1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI
533 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Wayland Wayland
855-647-4873 855-647-4873
Kelly Infiniti*
155 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
Colonial Ford of Marlboro
428 Maple St, Marlboro, MA
Flagship Motorcars of Lynnfield*
Herb Chambers BMW of Boston* 888-201-6427 Cityside*
Herb Chambers, 385 Broadway, Rte 1 N,
1168 Commonwealth Ave, Boston 790 Pleasant St, Rte 60, Belmont
866-803-9622 781-641-1900
Colonial Ford of Plymouth Jaguar Sudbury Herb Chambers* 877-337-2442
11 Pilgrim Hill Rd, Plymouth, MA 83 Boston Post Rd, Rte 20, Sudbury

Herb Chambers BMW of Sudbury* 855-398-6813 866-268-7851

Mercedes-Benz of Boston*
128 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Sudbury
Herb Chambers, 259 McGrath Highway,
Herb Chambers Ford of Braintree* Somerville Herb Chambers Toyota of Auburn*
75 Granite Street, Rte 37, Braintree 800-426-8963
809 Washington Street, Rte 20,
Herb Chambers Jeep of Danvers*
Mercedes-Benz of Natick* 855-872-6999
107 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
Herb Chambers Ford-Westborough* Herb Chambers, 253 North Main St,
Herb Chambers Cadillac-Lynnfield* 877-904-0800
Rte 27, Natick
395 Broadway, Rte 1 N, Lynnfield 310 Turnpike Rd, Rte 9, Westborough Herb Chambers Toyota of Boston*
866-233-8937 877-207-6736 32 Brighton Avenue,
Herb Chambers Jeep of Millbury* Boston
2 Latti Farm Rd, Rte 20, Millbury
Mercedes-Benz of Shrewsbury* 877-884-1866
Herb Chambers Cadillac-Warwick* Kelly Ford* 888-293-8449
760 Boston Turnpike Rd, Rte 9,
1511 Bald Hill Road, Rte 2, Warwick, RI 420 Cabot Street, Rte 1A, Beverly
877-206-0272 978-922-0059
Kelly Jeep* 888-551-7134
353 Broadway, Route 1 North, Lynnfield
Colonial Volkswagen of Medford*
340 Mystic Ave, Medford

Best Chevrolet* 781-475-5200

Herb Chambers Genesis*
Herb Chambers MINI of Boston*
128 Derby St, Exit 15 off Rte 3, 735 Southbridge St, Rte 12 & 20, Auburn
1168 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Hingham 877-287-9139 Kelly Volkswagen*
Herb Chambers Kia of Burlington* 888-994-1075
800-649-6781 72 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers 93 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, Burlington 978-774-8000
Mirak Genesis
Herb Chambers Chevrolet*
1165 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington
90 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers Wellesley Volkswagen*
877-206-9332 231 Linden St, Wellesley
Colonial Nissan of Medford
104 Mystic Ave, Rte 38, Medford
Mirak Chevrolet* Herb Chambers Lamborghini Boston*
1125 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington 531 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Wayland
781-643-8000 855-647-4873
Herb Chambers Honda in Boston* Kelly Nissan of Lynnfield*
720 Morrissey Blvd, Boston 275 Broadway, Rte 1 North, Lynnfield
Herb Chambers Volvo Cars
877-205-0986 781-598-1234
1120 Providence Hwy, Rte 1,
Herb Chambers Chrysler-Danvers* Herb Chambers Honda Burlington* Land Rover Sudbury Herb Chambers* Kelly Nissan of Woburn* “On The Automile,”
107 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers 33 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, Burlington 83 Boston Post Rd, Rt 20, Sudbury 95 Cedar St, Exit 36 off I93 & I95, Woburn Norwood
877-831-2139 877-842-0555 866-258-0054 781-835-3500 888-920-2902

Please call (617) 929-1314 to include your dealership in this directory. *For more information on this dealer, please visit

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C4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1


Brantley lf 5 0 3 2 0 0 .320
Díaz 2b 4 0 0 0 1 2 .298
Gurriel 1b 5 0 1 1 0 1 .315
Alvarez dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .283
Correa ss 4 1 1 0 0 2 .276
EAST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Bregman 3b 3 1 1 0 1 2 .278
Tucker rf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .274
Tampa Bay 80 48 .625 — — 9-1 W5 Meyers cf 4 1 1 2 0 1 .311
*New York 75 52 .591 4½ — 10-0 W 12 Maldonado c 3 1 0 0 1 0 .177
Totals 36 5 9 5 3 10
Boston 74 56 .569 7 — 5-5 W2
Toronto 66 61 .520 13½ 6½ 3-7 L2 TEXAS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Kiner-Falefa ss 5 0 2 0 0 0 .267
Baltimore 40 87 .315 39½ 32½ 2-8 L1 Ibáñez 3b 5 1 2 1 0 1 .263
AGarcía rf 5 0 2 0 0 3 .246
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Lowe 1b 5 1 1 0 0 1 .255
*Chicago 74 55 .574 — — 5-5 W1 Peters cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .167
Solak 2b 3 1 2 0 0 0 .234
Cleveland 63 63 .500 9½ 9 6-4 L1 JaMartin lf 4 0 2 1 0 1 .190
Detroit 62 67 .481 12 11½ 4-6 W1 Pozo dh 4 1 1 1 0 1 .200
Trevino c 4 0 1 1 0 1 .227
*Kansas City 57 70 .449 16 15½ 7-3 W1 Totals 39 4 13 4 0 10
*Minnesota 55 72 .433 18 17½ 4-6 L1 Houston ..................... 000 000 500 — 5 9 0
WEST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Texas..........................000 112 000 — 4 13 0
LOB—Houston 7, Texas 9. 2B—Gurriel (28),
*Houston 75 52 .591 — — 5-5 W2 Alvarez (25), Meyers (4), Lowe (18), Pozo (1),
*Oakland 70 58 .547 5½ 3 2-8 L5 Trevino (11). HR—Ibáñez (6), off Odorizzi.
DP—Houston 1.
*Seattle 69 59 .539 6½ 4 6-4 L1
*Los Angeles 63 66 .488 13 10½ 4-6 L2 Odorizzi 5 6 2 2 0 5 4.46

*Texas 44 83 .346 31 28½ 3-7 L2 Maton W 3-0 1 3 2 2 0 2 4.96
YGarcía 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.15
Stanek 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.93
Pressly S 20 1 2 0 0 0 0 1.90

Otto 5 2 0 0 0 7 0.00
Cotton 1 3 2 2 1 1 6.23
BrMartin BS 2;
1 3 3 3 1 0 3.61
L 3-4
Evans 1 1 0 0 0 2 4.76
EAST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Benjamin 1 0 0 0 1 0 6.62
*Atlanta 68 58 .540 — — 8-2 L2 Cotton pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. In-
herited runners-scored—BrMartin 2-2. HBP—
*Philadelphia 63 64 .496 5½ 6½ 2-8 L3 by Odorizzi (Solak). NP—Odorizzi 88, Maton
New York 61 67 .477 8 9 2-8 L4 15, YGarcía 12, Stanek 15, Pressly 10, Otto 73,
Cotton 27, BrMartin 19, Evans 12, Benjamin
Washington 55 72 .433 13½ 14½ 5-5 W1 GAIL BURTON/ASSOCIATED PRESS 20. Umpires—Home, Roberto Ortiz; First,
Miami 53 76 .411 16½ 17½ 2-8 L1 Chad Fairchild; Second, CB Bucknor; Third,
Yandy Diaz follows through with an RBI single in the Rays’ three-run first inning against the Orioles. Kerwin Danley. T—3:15. A—29,286 (40,518).
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak
*Milwaukee 78 50 .609 — — 7-3 L1 TWINS 2, BREWERS 0
Cincinnati 71 59 .546 8 — 6-4 W2

Bauer case to
St. Louis 65 62 .512 12½ 4½ 4-6 W1 RAYS 6, ORIOLES 3 CARDINALS 4, PIRATES 3 MILWAUKEE AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Wong 2b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .287
*Chicago 56 73 .434 22½ 14½ 4-6 L1 ST. LOUIS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Urías ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .246
Pittsburgh 47 82 .364 31½ 23½ 5-5 L1 Edman 2b 4 1 1 3 0 0 .261 Yelich dh 3 0 1 0 1 1 .251
Lowe 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .232 Goldschmidt 1b 4 0 3 0 0 1 .286 AGarcía rf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .275
WEST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Cruz dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .273 O'Neill lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .271 Bradley Jr. rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .172

WFranco ss 3 1 0 0 1 0 .270 Arenado 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .255 Cain cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .239
*San Francisco 83 44 .654 — — 8-2 W5 Meadows lf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .236 Molina c 4 0 1 0 0 0 .259 Tellez 1b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .275
*Los Angeles 81 47 .633 2½ — 9-1 W3 Phillips lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .214 Carlson rf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .255 Piña c 2 0 0 0 0 0 .178
Sosa ss 3 1 1 0 0 2 .265 Narváez ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .286
*San Diego 68 61 .527 16 2½ 2-8 L4 Díaz 1b 4 1 1 1 0 0 .255 García p 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
Wendle 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .272 Peterson lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .265
Gallegos p 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
*Colorado 58 69 .457 25 11½ 6-4 W1 Margot rf 3 1 1 2 0 0 .255 Carpenter ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 .184
Reyes 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .203
Totals 32 0 5 0 1 8
*Arizona 44 85 .341 40 26½ 6-4 W2

extends leave
Kiermaier cf 3 1 0 0 1 1 .240 Reyes p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
* — Not including late game Zunino c 3 1 1 3 0 0 .211 Bader cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 .246 MINNESOTA AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Happ p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Buxton cf 3 0 0 0 1 2 .358
Totals 32 6 5 6 2 5
DeJong ss 2 1 1 0 0 0 .201
RESULTS Polanco 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .272
Totals 33 4 9 4 1 6
BALTIMORE AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Refsnyder lf 4 1 1 0 0 2 .265
FRIDAY Mullins cf 5 1 2 1 0 0 .308 PITTSBURGH AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Donaldson dh 2 1 1 2 2 0 .250
Mountcastle 1b 5 0 0 0 0 2 .260 Gamel cf-rf 5 0 0 0 0 1 .259 Sanó 1b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .215
Hayes 3b 4 0 0 0 1 1 .247 Jeffers c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .206
Boston 4 at Cleveland 3 Houston at Texas Mancini dh 4 1 1 0 0 0 .257 Chavis 2b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .381 Kepler rf 3 0 2 0 1 0 .211
FROM WIRE REPORTS Santander rf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .253 Moran 1b 3 1 1 1 1 0 .287 Astudillo 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .257
St. Louis 4 at Pittsburgh 3 Chi. Cubs at Chi. White Sox Hays lf 4 1 2 2 0 1 .243 Stallings c 4 1 3 0 0 0 .240 Simmons ss 3 0 2 0 0 1 .225
Tampa Bay 6 at Baltimore 3 Milwaukee at Minnesota Pasadena, Calif., police on Friday presented to Urías ss 3 0 2 0 0 0 .282 Tsutsugo rf 3 0 1 1 1 0 .224 Totals 31 2 8 2 4 10
Severino c 4 0 1 0 0 0 .236 Stratton p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Cincinnati 6 at Miami 0 San Diego at LA Angels prosecutors their investigation of Dodgers pitcher Jones 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .118
Newman ss 3 0 1 1 1 0 .224 Milwaukee.................000 000 000 — 0 5 0
Alford lf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .173 Minnesota..................200 000 00x — 2 8 0
At Detroit 2 Toronto 1 NY Yankees at Oakland Trevor Bauer in the case of a woman who said he Gutierrez 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .206 Peters p 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Totals 36 3 10 3 0 5 Difo ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 .269 LOB—Milwaukee 7, Minnesota 9. 2B—Cain
Washington 2 at NY Mets 1 Colorado at LA Dodgers choked her into unconsciousness, Underwood Jr. (8), Kepler (17). HR—Donaldson (20), off Lau-

Arizona at Philadelphia Kansas City at Seattle

NOTEBOOK punched her repeatedly, and had Tampa Bay................300 000 300 — 6 5 1 p
0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 er. SB—Kepler (9). DP—Milwaukee 1.
Baltimore...................000 200 001 — 3 10 0 Polanco ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .208 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO ERA
San Francisco at Atlanta anal sex with her without her con- E—WFranco (9). LOB—Tampa Bay 2, Balti-
Mears p
Reynolds cf
0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
1 0 0 0 0 1 .299
Lauer L 4-5 4„ 6 2 2 2 6 3.61
Cousins 1‚ 2 0 0 0 3 0.82
more 8. 2B—Severino (13). HR—Zunino (27),
THURSDAY sent during two sexual encounters. Baseball offi- off Scott, Mullins (23), off Mazza, Hays (14),
Totals 33 3 8 3 5 8 Strickland 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.46
St. Louis.....................000 030 100 — 4 9 1 Norris 1 0 0 0 1 0 5.91
At Boston 12 Minnesota 2 San Francisco 3 at NY Mets 2
cials also extended his paid leave for the seventh off McClanahan. DP—Tampa Bay 2. Pittsburgh..................000 011 010 — 3 8 0
E—Edman (6). LOB—St. Louis 6, Pittsburgh Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO ERA
At Baltimore 13 LA Angels 1 At Cleveland 10 Texas 6
time, until Sept. 3. Tampa Bay
McClanahan W
8. 2B—Goldschmidt (26), Sosa (6), Bader (10), Albers W 1-0 5‚ 3 0 0 1 2 0.96
6 8 2 2 0 4 3.59 Chavis (2). 3B—Goldschmidt (2), DeJong (1), Alcala 1 1 0 0 0 1 5.00
Cincinnati 5 at Milwaukee 1 At Miami 7 Washington 5
That development moves the matter to Los An- 9-4
Tsutsugo (1). HR—Edman (8), off Peters. SB— Coulombe 1‚ 1 0 0 0 2 3.04
Mazza S 1 3 2 1 1 0 1 4.97
Chi. White Sox 10 at Toronto 7 LA Dodgers 4 at San Diego 0
geles prosecutors, who will decide whether or not to Alford (2). SF—Edman. DP—Pittsburgh 2. Duffey
Colomé S 8

0 0 0 1 3.61
0 0 0 2 4.44
Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Arizona 8 at Philadelphia 7 NY Yankees 7 at Oakland 6
charge Bauer. The DA’s office did not immediately MaHarvey L 6-
Happ W 3-0 5„ 3 2 2 3 4 2.22
Inherited runners-scored—Cousins 1-0,
6 4 3 3 1 4 6.18 García 1‚ 1 0 0 2 2 2.89
Duffey 1-0. HBP—by Albers (Piña). NP—Lauer
At Pittsburgh 11 St. Louis 7 Kansas City 6 at Seattle 4 respond to a request for comment. 14 Gallegos 1 3 1 1 0 0 3.11
102, Cousins 24, Strickland 19, Norris 14, Al-
Scott 1 1 3 3 1 0 4.31 Reyes S 29 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.50
Bauer has been in limbo since late June, when a Diplán 2 0 0 0 0 1 2.51
bers 88, Alcala 12, Coulombe 20, Duffey 6, Co-
lomé 13. Umpires—Home, Brian Gorman;
Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO ERA
California woman filed a request for a temporary HBP—by McClanahan (Urías), by Mazza Peters L 0-2 5 6 3 3 0 4 3.07 First, Jeremy Riggs; Second, John Tumpane;
Third, Adrian Johnson. T—3:22. A—20,280
(Santander), by Scott (Margot). NP—McCla- Underwood Jr. 2 2 1 1 0 2 4.20
restraining order. The woman alleged that during nahan 78, Mazza 39, MaHarvey 87, Scott 26,
Mears 1 1 0 0 0 0 5.40 (38,544).
Stratton 1 0 0 0 1 0 3.68
two sexual encounters this spring, Bauer choked Diplán 23. Umpires—Home, Bill Miller; First,
Inherited runners-scored—García 1-1.
her unconscious and then sexually assaulted and re-
Doug Eddings; Second, Gabe Morales; Third,
Brian Knight. T—2:25. A—7,155 (45,971).
HBP—by Peters (O'Neill), by Underwood Jr. YANKEES 7, ATHLETICS 6
(Carlson). NP—Happ 88, García 31, Gallegos
peatedly punched her, leaving her hospitalized. 15, Reyes 12, Peters 78, Underwood Jr. 31,
Mears 12, Stratton 19. Umpires—Home, Chad
Thursday night game

Earlier this month, a Los Angeles judge denied REDS 6, MARLINS 0 Whitson; First, Bill Welke; Second, Chris Con- NY YANKEES AB
LeMahieu 2b-1b 5
0 0 0 1 .266
roy; Third, Ben May. T—3:18. A—12,662
Rizzo 1b 4 1 1 1 1 1 .204
the woman’s restraining order, ruling that the wom- CINCINNATI AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Wade pr-ss 0 1 0 0 0 0 .278
an didn’t clearly express her boundaries concerning India 2b 5 0 0 0 0 2 .272 Judge rf 4 1 2 1 1 2 .287
Naquin cf 4 1 3 1 0 0 .277 NATIONALS 2, METS 1 Gallo lf 3 1 1 3 1 1 .207
rough sex, including by sending him texts saying Castellanos rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .319 Stanton dh 4 1 1 1 0 1 .267
WASHINGTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Sánchez c 3 0 1 0 1 1 .220
she enjoyed being choked unconscious. Votto 1b
Moustakas 3b
1 0 0 0 .275
2 2 0 0 .217
Robles cf 3 1 0 0 0 3 .204 Gardner cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 .214
Escobar ss 4 0 2 0 0 2 .277 Urshela 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .274
Following her request for the temporary re- Farmer ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .260 Soto rf 4 0 0 1 0 1 .297 Velazquez ss 3 1 1 0 0 1 .250
Barnhart c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .262 Bell 1b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .245
straining order, The Washington Post reported Bau- Schrock lf 1 1 0 0 1 0 .298 Kieboom 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .242
Voit ph
0 0 0 0 .264
9 7 4 9
er had also been subject to another order of protec- Aquino ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 2 .187 Thomas lf
Adams c
0 0 0 2
1 0 1 2
Miley p 3 1 1 1 0 0 .163
tion last year in Ohio, sought by a woman who Hoffman p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .133
García 2b
Espino p
1 0 0 2
1 0 0 1
Canha rf 4 0 0 0 1 3 .233
Marte cf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .355
Totals 36 6 9 4 1 6
made similar allegations. Bauer’s representatives, Machado p 0 0 0 0 0 0 — Olson 1b 4 1 0 0 1 1 .275
Parra ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 .244 Lowrie 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .252
who declined to comment Friday, have denied the MIAMI AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Clay p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Harrison lf 4 2 2 1 0 1 .271
Rojas ss 3 0 0 0 1 0 .270 McGowin p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Moreland dh 3 1 0 0 1 0 .227
allegations of both women. Chisholm Jr. 2b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .251 Hernandez ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .298
MaChapman 3b 2 1 2 2 2 0 .225
Finnegan p 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
Bauer has said through representatives that ev- Aguilar 1b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .262
Totals 33 2 6 2 2 17 Murphy c 4 1 1 1 0 3 .224
Alfaro lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .243 Andrus ss 4 0 1 2 0 1 .230
erything that happened between the two was Anderson 3b 4 0 1 0 0 3 .244 NY METS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 34 6 7 6 5 12
Sánchez rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .235 Nimmo cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .289
“wholly consensual” in the nights they spent togeth- De La Cruz cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .348
Alonso 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .260 NY Yankees...............024 000 001 — 7 9 0
Lindor ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .224 Oakland......................002 310 000 — 6 7 1
er in April and May at his Pasadena home. Jackson c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .115 Báez 2b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .244 E—Murphy (5). LOB—NY Yankees 5, Oak-
Thompson p 1 0 1 0 0 0 .143 Conforto rf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .216
MLB has appeared to be waiting on the resolu- León ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .188 Davis 3b 3 0 0 0 0 3 .285
land 6. 2B—Rizzo (1), Judge (18), Velazquez
(3). HR—Gallo (30), off Kaprielian, Stanton
DomSmith lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .241
tion of the criminal investigation before deciding Guenther p 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
Nido c 2 0 1 0 0 1 .235
(23), off Kaprielian, Gardner (6), off Kaprie-
lian, Harrison (2), off Abreu, MaChapman
IsDíaz ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .194
Villar ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .248
whether or not to suspend Bauer, and for how long. Campbell p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Mazeika c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .204
(20), off Taillon, Murphy (15), off Taillon. SB—
Wade (13), Marte (18), Andrus (12). CS—
Totals 31 0 6 0 3 7
The league first put him on paid administrative Hill p
Drury ph
1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
1 0 0 0 0 0 .280
Judge (1).
Cincinnati.................. 100 400 010 — 6 9 0 NY Yankees IP H R ER BB SO ERA
leave on July 2. Miami.........................000 000 000 — 0 6 2
Hembree p
MCastro p
0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
0 0 0 0 0 0 — Taillon 3„ 4 5 5 3 4 4.18
TODD KIRKLAND/GETTY IMAGES Familia p 0 0 0 0 0 0 — Abreu 1‚ 1 1 1 1 2 4.33
E—Jackson (1), Rojas (7). LOB—Cincinnati
The Giants’ Buster Posey, who missed two games Rays make it six straight 4, Miami 7. 2B—Naquin (23), Castellanos (32),
McNeil ph
EdDíaz p
1 0 1 0 0 0 .247
0 0 0 0 0 0 —
Loaisiga W 9-4
0 0 0 3 1.74
0 0 1 2 2.23
Votto (17), Moustakas (10), Miley (2), Alfaro Totals 30 1 4 1 1 11 ArChapman S 24 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.77
with left knee discomfort, returned Friday and Shane McClanahan won his fifth consecutive (14), De La Cruz (5), Thompson (1). HR— Washington...............002 000 000 — 2 6 0
Naquin (19), off Thompson, Moustakas (6), NY Mets.....................000 100 000 — 1 4 1 Oakland IP H R ER BB SO ERA
launched a two-run home run in the first inning. start, Mike Zunino hit a three-run homer, and Tam- off Campbell. SB—India (9). DP—Cincinnati 2; E—DomSmith (2). LOB—Washington 7, NY Kaprielian 5 6 6 6 1 8 3.65
Miami 1. Petit 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.06
pa Bay won in Baltimore, 6-3, to move to 16-1 this Mets 3. 2B—Adams (4), García (6). 3B—Lindor
(2). HR—Báez (25), off Espino. CS—Parra (1). Chafin 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.32
Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO ERA
season against the Orioles. Miley W 11-4 7 6 0 0 1 5 2.74
DP—Washington 1; NY Mets 1. Romo
Trivino L 5-7 „
1 1
0 0 2 0 2.88
1 1 1 0 2.55
The Rays have won six straight overall, have an Hoffman 2 0 0 0 2 2 4.13 Espino W 4-4 5 3 1 1 0 7 4.13 Diekman ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 3.02
........2021........ Team .......2021 vs. opp ....... .......Last 3 starts ....... Machado 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.45
AL-best 80-48 record, and maintained their seven- Miami IP H R ER BB SO ERA Clay 1 0 0 0 0 2 5.50
Inherited runners-scored—Abreu 2-0,
Diekman 1-0. NP—Taillon 78, Abreu 32, Clay-
Thompson L 2-6 5 6 5 3 1 1 3.16 McGowin 1 1 0 0 0 2 4.08
game edge on the Red Sox. Guenther 2 2 0 0 0 1 7.20 Finnegan S 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 2.77
Holmes 20, Loaisiga 30, ArChapman 13,
Kaprielian 99, Petit 13, Chafin 12, Romo 28,
Campbell 2 1 1 1 0 4 7.91 NY Mets IP H R ER BB SO ERA Trivino 14, Diekman 4. Umpires—Home, Todd
Eovaldi (R)
Quantrill (R)
2.50 Phillies briefly delayed by tracing IBB—off Thompson (Schrock). WP—Hoff-
Hill L 0-2
5 5 2 2 0 8 4.83
1 0 0 0 1 1 6.09
Tichenor; First, Will Little; Second, Tony
Randazzo; Third, Nestor Ceja. T—3:43.
man, Guenther. NP—Miley 109, Hoffman 25, MCastro 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.46 A—8,147 (46,847).
NY YANKEES AT OAKLAND, 4:07 p.m. Jean Segura singled with one out in the 11th in- Thompson 73, Guenther 21, Campbell 24. Um- Familia 1 0 0 0 0 3 3.55
pires—Home, Ryan Blakney; First, Fieldin Cul- EdDíaz 1 1 0 0 0 3 3.55
Cortes (L) Off 2-1 2.56 6-1 0-0 3.0 0.00 2-1 18.2 3.38 ning to give the Philadelphia Phillies a 7-6 victory breth; Second, Edwin Moscoso; Third, Brian HBP—by Hill (Robles). WP—EdDíaz. NP—
Montas (R) Off 9-9 3.84 12-13 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 18.0 2.00
over the Arizona Diamondbacks in a game delayed O'Nora. T—2:28. A—7,119 (37,446). Espino 68, Machado 16, Clay 14, McGowin 19, GIANTS 3, METS 2
KANSAS CITY AT SEATTLE, 4:10 p.m. Finnegan 11, Hill 91, Hembree 19, MCastro 13,
26 minutes due to contact tracing after the Phillies Familia 16, EdDíaz 18. Umpires—Home, Tripp Thursday night game
Hernández (R) Off 4-1 3.97 5-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-0 19.2 2.75
put pitcher Zach Eflin, catcher Andrew Knapp, and
TIGERS 2, BLUE JAYS 1 Gibson; First, Laz Diaz; Second, Rob Drake;
Third, Gerry Davis. T—3:03. A—20,274 SAN FRAN. AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Anderson (L) Off 6-8 4.07 12-11 0-0 6.0 1.50 1-0 16.2 2.16
(41,922). Wade Jr. rf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .248
ARIZONA AT PHILADELPHIA, 6:05 p.m. infielder-outfielder Luke Williams on the COVID-19 TORONTO AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Slater ph-cf 0 0 0 0 1 0 .226
La Stella 2b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .246
Mejía (R) Off 0-0 3.60 0-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 5.0 3.60 injured list . . . The Twins announced righthander Bichette ss
Semien 2b
1 0 0 0 .281
0 0 1 1 .269
BRAVES 6, GIANTS 5 Estrada ph-2b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .296
Gibson (R) Off 9-5 3.06 13-10 0-1 6.0 4.50 2-1 20.0 2.25 Bryant 3b 4 1 1 2 0 3 .268
Kenta Maeda will have season-ending elbow sur- Guerrero Jr. 1b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .311
SAN FRAN. AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Crawford ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .296
CINCINNATI AT MIAMI, 6:10 p.m. Hernández dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 .301 Slater cf 3 1 0 0 0 0 .223
gery performed Wednesday in Texas. The Tommy Dickerson rf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .262 Bryant 3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .267
Flores 1b
Dickerson lf
0 0 0 1 .246
0 0 0 1 .239
Gutierrez (R)
Alcantara (R)
John ligament replacement procedure, which Gurriel Jr. lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .269 Wade Jr. lf
Ruf lf-1b
0 0 0 1 .245
0 0 0 3 .274
Yastrzemski cf-rf 4 1 2 0 0 1 .222
Palacios cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Casali c 2 0 0 0 0 0 .216
would likely keep Maeda out for 2022 as well, is one Espinal ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .292 Posey c
Flores 1b-3b
1 2 0 1 .313
2 1 0 0 .249
Tromp pr-c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .222
Smith 3b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .077 Wood p 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Manoah (R) Off 5-2 3.18 9-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 15.2 5.17
of several options under consideration, Twins man- Valera ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .233
Yastrzemski rf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .222
Ruf ph 1 0 1 1 0 0 .280
Estrada ss 4 1 1 0 0 1 .294
Totals 33 3 6 3 1 8
Ureña (R) Off 2-8 6.19 7-10 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 11.0 7.36 ager Rocco Baldelli said. Also Friday, Minnesota Grichuk ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .244 La Stella 2b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .254
McGuire c 3 0 1 0 0 2 .268 Gausman p 2 0 0 0 0 0 .200
HOUSTON AT TEXAS, 7:05 p.m. center fielder Byron Buxton was reinstated from the Totals 33 1 6 1 2 7 Dickerson ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 .239
Nimmo cf
3 0 0 1 .294
Watson p 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
Valdez (L) Off 8-4 2.94 10-6 1-0 6.0 0.00 1-1 19.2 1.83 injured list after missing 55 games while his broken DETROIT AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Littell p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Lindor ss 5 0 1 0 0 2 .224
Allard (L) Off 3-10 4.86 3-12 1-1 7.0 9.00 1-0 18.1 3.93 Totals 33 5 7 4 1 7 Báez 2b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .244
left pinkie finger healed . . . Victor Reyes hit a Grossman lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .236 Alonso 1b 4 1 2 2 0 1 .262
ST. LOUIS AT PITTSBURGH, 7:05 p.m. Schoop 1b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .287 ATLANTA AB R H BI BB SO Avg. DomSmith lf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .243
pinch-hit tiebreaking inside-the-park home run in Candelario 3b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .275 Albies 2b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .257 Villar 3b 2 0 1 0 2 0 .249
Wainwright (R) Off 12-7 3.10 15-10 3-0 23.0 0.39 2-1 23.0 0.78 Soler rf 4 2 3 3 0 0 .274 Pillar rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .206
Brault (L) Off 0-2 1.93 0-4 0-2 9.0 3.00 0-2 14.2 1.84 the eighth inning and the Detroit held on to beat Cabrera dh 4 0 1 1 0 1 .251 LJackson p 0 0 0 0 0 0 — Conforto ph-rf 0 0 0 0 1 0 .218
Haase c 3 0 1 0 0 0 .239 WiSmith p 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
TAMPA BAY AT BALTIMORE, 7:05 p.m. Toronto, 2-1. The Tigers said it was the first pinch- Cameron rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .177 Freeman 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .293
Mazeika c
McNeil ph
0 0 0 0 .204
0 0 0 0 .244
WCastro 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .219 Riley 3b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .302
Patiño (R) Off 3-3 4.53 5-5 0-0 3.1 10.80 1-0 15.0 4.80 hit, go-ahead, inside-the-park home run in the ex- Short ss 2 0 0 0 0 0 .143 Swanson ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .266
Carrasco p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .000
Means (L) Off 5-6 3.50 7-12 0-2 20.1 6.20 0-3 14.1 8.16 d'Arnaud c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .228 Drury ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .284
pansion era (since 1961) . . . Wade Miley pitched Reyes ph 1 1 1 1 0 0 .224
Duvall lf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .224 J.Davis ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .291
CHI. CUBS AT CHI. WHITE SOX, 7:10 p.m. HCastro ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .274 Totals 33 2 9 2 4 7
six-hit ball over seven innings, Tyler Naquin hom- Hill cf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .247
Pederson cf-rf
Fried p
2 1 0 0 1 0 .238
2 0 0 0 0 1 .325 San Francisco...........200 000 010 — 3 6 0
Mills (R)
Lynn (R)
ered and extended his major league-leading hitting Totals 31 2 7 2 0 4 Minter p
Heredia ph-cf
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 .226

NY Mets.....................000 002 000 — 2 9 0


streak to 16 games, and Cincinnati beat Miami, 6-0 Toronto......................001 000 000 — 1 6 1 Totals 33 6 9 6 1 3 LOB—San Francisco 5, NY Mets 9. 2B—La
Detroit........................000 100 01x — 2 7 0 San Francisco...........210 100 001 — 5 7 0 Stella (6), Báez (12), Villar (13). HR—Bryant
. . . Jorge Soler hit a go-ahead, three-run homer, Joc E—Cimber (1). LOB—Toronto 7, Detroit 5. Atlanta....................... 011 000 40x — 6 9 1 (24), off Carrasco, Alonso (29), off Wood.
Houser (R) Off 7-5 3.44 14-6 0-1 5.0 3.60 1-0 14.2 0.61 DP—San Francisco 2.
E—d'Arnaud (1). LOB—San Francisco 3, At-
Barnes (L) Off 0-3 6.56 1-3 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-2 14.0 8.36 Pederson made a leaping catch at the wall for the fi- 2B—Bichette (22), Guerrero Jr. (21), Can-
lanta 4. 2B—La Stella (7), Albies (33). HR— San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO ERA
delario 2 (36). HR—Reyes (4), off Mayza. DP—
WASHINGTON AT NY METS, 7:10 p.m. nal out, and Atlanta rallied to beat San Francisco, Toronto 1.
Posey (16), off Fried, Flores (16), off WiSmith,
Soler (6), off Littell, Duvall (28), off Gausman.
García W 5-3
2 2 2 5 4.08
0 0 0 2 2.66
Nolin (L) Off 0-2 9.00 0-2 0-1 3.0 12.00 0-2 7.0 9.00 6-5, to end the Giants’ five-game win streak. All-Star Toronto IP H R ER BB SO ERA SB—Slater (11). DP—Atlanta 1. Leone „ 1 0 0 2 0 1.50
Stroman (R) Off 9-12 2.84 12-14 1-1 9.1 4.82 2-1 18.1 2.95 Matz 6 4 1 1 0 2 3.81 San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO ERA Álvarez ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 2.12
catcher Buster Posey started after missing two Cimber 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.05
Gausman 6 6 2 2 0 2 2.49 Rogers S 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.89
SAN FRANCISCO AT ATLANTA, 7:20 p.m. Watson L 2-1 ‚ 2 3 3 1 1 3.48
games with discomfort in his knee, and hit a two- Mayza L 4-2 1 2 1 1 0 1 3.76 Littell BS 1 1„ 1 1 1 0 0 2.93 NY Mets IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Webb (R) Off 7-3 2.84 14-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-0 19.1 1.40 Carrasco 7 3 2 2 0 5 6.94
Ynoa (R) Off 4-3 2.89 6-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-2 15.2 4.60 run homer . . . Yasmani Grandal was in the starting Detroit IP H R ER BB SO ERA Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Lugo L 3-2 0 2 1 1 0 0 3.27
Fried 6 5 4 3 0 5 3.54
Manning 6 6 1 1 1 5 5.46
SAN DIEGO AT LA ANGELS, 9:07 p.m. lineup and cracked two homers in the AL Central- Funkhouser 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.87
Minter W 2-4 1 1 0 0 1 0 4.05 Loup
0 0 1 1 1.04
0 0 0 2 3.75
LJackson 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.03
TBA Off — — 0-0 0-0 1.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 — leading White Sox’s 17-13 win over the crosstown Cisnero W 3-4 1 0 0 0 1 0 2.72 WiSmith S 29 1 1 1 1 0 1 3.83 Lugo pitched to 3 batters in the 8th. Inherit-
Suarez (L) Off 5-7 4.06 2-6 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-3 14.1 5.65 Soto S 16 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.27 Inherited runners-scored—Littell 2-2. ed runners-scored—Álvarez 3-0, Loup 2-0.
Cubs, who lost infielder David Bote after he HBP—by Fried (Slater). WP—Gausman. NP— HBP—by Wood (Pillar), by Lugo (Casali).
WP—Mayza. NP—Matz 85, Cimber 8, May-
Gausman 91, Watson 13, Littell 19, Fried 93, NP—Wood 82, García 28, Leone 19, Álvarez 3,
COLORADO AT LA DODGERS, 9:10 p.m. sprained his right ankle when he stepped on a ball za 23, Manning 83, Funkhouser 10, Cisnero 16, Minter 19, LJackson 13, WiSmith 18. Um- Rogers 8, Carrasco 78, Lugo 9, Loup 24, May
Soto 8. Umpires—Home, Cory Blaser; First,
Gray (R)
Price (L)
during batting practice at Guaranteed Rate Field. Adam Beck; Second, Phil Cuzzi; Third, Mark
pires—Home, James Hoye; First, Mark Carl-
son; Second, Chris Segal; Third, Jordan Bak-
17. Umpires—Home, A. Johnson; First, B. Gor-
man; Second, G. Gibson; Third, J. Riggs.
Team rec. — Record in games started by pitcher this season Patrick Wisdom had two homers for the visitors. Ripperger. T—2:32. A—17,259 (41,083). er. T—2:54 (0:35 delay). A—35,586 (41,184). T—3:07. A—25,000 (41,922).
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C5

Hernández positive
for COVID-19, will
be out indefinitely
By Peter Abraham and
Julian McWilliams Red Sox 12, Twins 2
GLOBE STAFF Thursday night game
CLEVELAND — The Red Sox Refsnyder rf 5 0 0 0 0 3 .265
Rooker lf 2 0 0 0 2 1 .192
will be without Kiké Hernández Donaldson dh 2 0 0 0 1 1 .249
Cave cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .188
indefinitely after the super utili- Sanó 1b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .215
Arraez 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .306
ty player tested Jeffers c 3 1 1 0 0 2 .211
RED SOX positive for Kepler ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 .207
Astudillo 3b-p 4 1 1 2 0 0 .257
NOTEBOOK COVID-19 on Gordon cf-3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .236
Simmons ss 3 0 1 0 1 1 .221
Friday. Totals 30 2 3 2 5 12

Another utility player, Chris- BOSTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg.

Hernández ss 4 2 1 0 1 1 .258
tian Arroyo, was deemed a close Schwarber dh-1b 1 1 1 0 4 0 .400
Martinez lf 5 0 0 0 0 2 .280
contact of Hernández’s and will Devers 3b 5 1 2 3 0 0 .276
MBarnes p 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
miss at least this weekend’s se- Verdugo rf 4 0 1 1 1 1 .287
Vázquez c 4 1 0 0 1 0 .254
ries against the Indians. Arroyo 2b 3 1 0 0 0 0 .264
Hernández, who told report- Duran cf
Dalbec 1b-3b
3 3 1 0 1 1 .225
4 3 3 7 0 0 .235
ers in April that he had been Totals 33 12 9 11 8 5
Minnesota.........................000 020 000 — 2 3 2
vaccinated, has a breakthrough
Boston...............................031 015 20x — 12 9 0
case. Manager Alex Cora said E—Gant (1), Gordon (2). LOB—Minnesota 8,
Boston 6. 2B—Schwarber (4). HR—Astudillo (7),
Hernández is experiencing off Sale, Devers (30), off García, Dalbec 2 (16), off
Gant, off García. SB—Devers (4). DP—Minnesota
symptoms. 1.
“They will be out for an ex- Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Gant L 0-2 4 3 4 4 3 3 6.75
tended period of time,” Cora Barraclough 1 2 1 1 1 1 10.80
García 1„ 4 7 7 3 0 10.45
said before Friday night’s 4-3 Garza Jr. ‚ 0 0 0 0 1 3.26
Astudillo 1 0 0 0 1 0 2.25
Red Sox victory.
A player who tests positive is Boston
Sale W 3-0
5‚ 2 2 2 2 8 2.35
generally out for 10 days per Whitlock
1„ 0 0 0 0 2 1.60
1 1 0 0 2 0 4.90
Major League Baseball’s proto- MBarnes 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.83
Inherited runners-scored—Whitlock 2-0. HBP—
cols. Because Hernández is vac- by García (Arroyo), by Sale (Donaldson), by
cinated, he could miss less time. MBarnes (Kepler). WP—García, MBarnes. PB—
Jeffers. NP—Gant 68, Barraclough 29, García 48,
Red Sox reliever Adam Ottavino walked the leadoff hitter in the ninth, but he finished off the Indians for his ninth save. Arroyo could be out for up to Garza Jr. 4, Astudillo 20, Sale 80, Whitlock 20,
Richards 24, MBarnes 26. Umpires—Home, Chris
seven days. Guccione; First, Cory Blaser; Second, Phil Cuzzi;

Late homer gives Red Sox a jolt

Third, Mark Ripperger. T—3:33. A—33,746
The Sox are already without (37,755).

right fielder Hunter Renfroe,

who went on the bereavement
list Thursday. gressive team testing wise
Jonathan Araúz and Yairo throughout the process.
uRED SOX didn’t give us enough innings to way through the Red Sox lineup Muñoz were summoned from “It’s not Kiké's fault. I know
Red Sox 4, Indians 3 Continued from Page C1 win the game.” in dominant fashion. Triple A Worcester, arriving just for a fact that he’s been great
At Progressive Field, Cleveland
BOSTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Cleveland’s eight. But Araúz ’s It was a different story Friday. Allen came into the game before game time from Buffalo. about all this stuff and taking
Muñoz lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Schwarber 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .353
homer shifted the weight just Rodriguez gave his team more with a 9.13 ERA, yet the Red Sox When the lineup was an- care of his family for obvious
TraShaw 1b
Bogaerts ss
0 0 0 0 0 0 .273
4 0 0 0 0 3 .299
enough in the Sox’ favor to pull than a chance, turning in seven made him look like Sandy Kou- nounced less than a half hour reasons . . . It’s something that
Devers dh
Verdugo rf
4 0 0 0 0 0 .274
3 1 0 0 0 0 .285
out a win. It came after a pair of innings, enough time for the Sox fax. Allen gave the Indians six before first pitch for Friday we don’t control. We’re fighting
Dalbec 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .236 unsuccessful attempts at a bunt. to get the offense going. His only strong innings of one-run ball, night’s series opener, Muñoz an invisible enemy.”
Vázquez c 3 1 0 0 1 0 .252
Duran cf 3 1 1 0 0 0 .228 He reset himself, and made a dif- hiccups on the evening were a allowing just one hit and strik- was in the leadoff spot, playing The Sox are one of six teams
Araúz 2b 2 1 1 3 1 1 .226
Totals 30 4 3 3 3 7 ference in an even more impact- two-run shot by Jose Ramirez ing out five. left field. Araúz, at second base, yet to have 85 percent of their
Straw cf
4 0 0 0 0 2 .266
ful way. and a solo homer by Yu Chang. The Sox scored their only run batted ninth and hit the deci- core group of players, coaches
AmRosario ss 4 1 1 0 0 1 .287 “I do believe in his mind-set “It feels really good,” Rodri- off Allen in the fifth inning when sive three-run home run in the and staffers vaccinated.
Ramírez 3b 4 1 3 2 0 0 .262
Reyes dh 2 0 1 0 2 0 .257 after not getting the bunt down, guez said. “It was good to go sev- Vázquez grounded into a double eighth inning to rally the Red
a-Giménez pr-dh
Ramos c
0 0 0 0 0 0 .186
4 0 0 0 0 1 .203 he was like, ‘I’m not going to en innings. That was the best play that scored Verdugo. Sox to victory. Gonzalez to Astros
Zimmer rf 4 0 2 0 0 2 .249
Miller 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .169 strike out in this situation,’ ” part and to keep the game where But Araúz came through and, “We have to find a way to Marwin Gonzalez was desig-
Chang 1b 3 1 1 1 0 0 .208
Mercado lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .225 manager Alex Cora said. “Be- it was. Now it’s about winning as a result, so did the Sox keep moving forward and keep nated for assignment,then re-
Totals 32 3 8 3 2 6
Boston............................... 000 010 030 — 4 3 1
cause that was a very short, com- games.” “I didn’t necessarily change playing good baseball,” Cora leased by the Sox earlier this
Cleveland..........................000 200 100 — 3 8 0
a-ran for Reyes in 9th. E—Dalbec (10). LOB—
pact swing and his takes were on The Red Sox managed just anything,” Araúz said “I just said before the game. month. But the utility player
Boston 3, Cleveland 4. 2B—Dalbec (16). HR— time.” one hit through seven innings, wanted to make sure I put a Hernández found a land-
Araúz (1), off Karinchak, Ramírez (30), off Rodri-
guez, Chang (6), off Rodriguez. SB—Giménez (7). Following Eduardo Rodri- before Christian Vázquez drew a good swing on it.” has started ing spot Friday
Runners left in scoring position—Boston 1
(Vázquez), Cleveland 3 (Ramos, Miller 2). RISP— guez’s recent outing against the walk off Karinchak and Jarred 108 games this with his old
Boston 1 for 4, Cleveland 0 for 5. GIDP—Vázquez,
Ramos, Miller. DP—Boston 2 (Araúz, Bogaerts, Rangers when he lasted just 3„ Duran followed with an oppo- Julian McWilliams can be season and is team, signing
Schwarber), (Rodriguez, Araúz, Schwarber);
Cleveland 1 (AmRosario, Miller, Chang). innings, Cora offered a blunt as- site-field single to left, setting reached at fifth on the a minor league
Rodriguez W sessment of his starter. the stage for Araúz. team with an deal with the
7 8 3 3 1 2 109 5.12
Richards 1 0 0 0 0 2 9 4.86
“There’s not much to talk On the other side, Indians Follow him on Twitter .811 OPS. He Astros.
Ottavino S 9 1 0 0 0 1 2 20 3.51 about with him,” Cora said. “He starter Logan Allen worked his @byJulianMack. has hit .300 Gonzalez
Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Allen 6 1 1 1 1 5 88 7.53 with a .937 was one of the
Young 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 8.44
Karinchak BS 5; OPS since the better Sox de-
0 2 3 3 1 0 17 4.14
L 7-4
Parker 2 0 0 0 1 1 30 2.01
All-Star break. fenders up the
Karinchak pitched to 3 batters in the 8th. HBP— Arroyo has middle, partic-
by Allen (Verdugo). WP—Allen. Umpires—Home,
Nick Mahrley; First, Ron Kulpa; Second, Nic Lentz; hit .264 with a ularly at sec-
Third, Ramon De Jesus. T—2:58. A—20,881
(34,830). .777 OPS in 53 ond base, and
games. This provided a vet-
marks his eran presence
INDIANS — Rosario singled to center. Ramírez fourth time on for the club.
homered to left on a full count, Rosario scored.
Reyes singled to center. Ramos grounded into a the injured list Nevertheless,
double play, second baseman Araúz to shortstop TONY DEJAK/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Bogaerts to first baseman Schwarber, Reyes out. this season. he couldn’t get
Zimmer struck out.
FIFTH INNING Cora said Red Sox shortstop Xander going with the
RED SOX — Verdugo was hit by a pitch. On Al-
len’s wild pitch, Verdugo to second. Dalbec safe more roster Bogaerts (above) makes the bat, slashing
on failed fielder’s choice, Verdugo to third.
Vázquez grounded into a double play, shortstop moves are play to get the Indians’ Oscar .202/.281/285
Rosario to second baseman Miller to first base-
man Chang, Verdugo scored, Dalbec out. Duran
coming, per- Mercado in the third inning. in 271 plate
grounded out, second baseman Miller to first
baseman Chang.
haps as soon appearances.
SEVENTH INNING as Saturday. One could be acti-
INDIANS — Zimmer singled to right. Miller
grounded into a double play, pitcher E.Rodriguez vating utility player Danny San- Eovaldi next up
to second baseman Araúz to first baseman
Schwarber, Zimmer out. Chang homered to right tana off the injured list. He has Nate Eovaldi takes the ball
on a 2-1 count. Mercado flied out to right fielder
Verdugo. been out since July 22 with a against Cleveland’s Cal Quant-
RED SOX — Karinchak pitching. Vázquez strained left groin. rill on Saturday, and Tanner
walked on a full count. Duran singled to left,
Vázquez to second. Araúz homered to right on a The Sox have had 10 players Houck will pitch Sunday in the
full count, Vázquez scored, Duran scored. Parker
pitching. Muñoz grounded out, third baseman land on the COVID-19 related series finale against the Indians’
Ramírez to first baseman Chang. Schwarber
grounded out, shortstop Rosario to first baseman
injured list this season. Most Eli Morgan.
Chang. Bogaerts struck out. have missed only a game or Houck has a 3.43 ERA in 39
Bobby Dalbec ended up with a throwing error on Bradley Zimmer’s infield hit in the second. two. innings this year. He tossed 4
Bench coach Will Venable innings in his most recent start
was recently away from the against the Twins, allowing

A full swing: Araúz arrived in nick of time team for 12 days after testing
positive. First base coach Tom
Goodwin also missed time after
three runs on eight hits while
striking out six.

being in contact with Goodwin Julian McWilliams reported

uON BASEBALL “We’re all excited about it for and ordered to quarantine in from Boston. Peter Abraham
Continued from Page C1 sure,” said Adam Ottavino, who Canada. can be reached at
Cora has been juggling flam- walked the leadoff hitter in the “We’ve been very disci-
ing chainsaws for a few weeks, ninth, then closed out the Indi- plined,” Cora said. “Just talking Julian McWilliams can be
trying to work around injuries ans for his ninth save. to other people on other teams, reached at
and roster changes as the Sox Araúz probably will be back we probably are the most ag-
plummeted down the standings. in the lineup on Saturday after-
The latest blow came Friday noon.
with the loss of Arroyo and “I feel ready,” he said. “I feel I
Hernández. On the first day of a
seven-game road trip, Cora’s pre-
game session with reporters was
somber because Hernández, one
of the team’s hottest hitters in
prepared myself. It’s been an up-
and-down season for me. I’ve
had some things not go my way.
I think if I can continue to keep
my focus on what I can do today
Reeds Ferry
If it says Reeds Ferry, you got a good one...

the second half, could be out as to help the team and how I can
long as 10 days. fit within the lineup to help the
Araúz, an athletic infielder club, that’s what I’m going to
who was a Rule 5 Draft pick rest on.”
from Houston before the 2020 Ottavino said some victories
season, figures to be playing a lot mean more than others over the Own a Better Quality Shed
until Hernández returns. course of a long season. Built by Reeds Ferry
He had driven in only two “There are some, but some- Buy direct from the builder at
Reeds Ferry and own a higher
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the Sox this season. ment,” he said. “For sure, some- storage sheds with vinyl clapboard or
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But on a night when the first After twice missing on bunt attempts, Jonathan Araúz hit a times you look back on it and be Reeds Ferry with Free Delivery and
five hitters in the order were 0 three-run homer in the eighth, then had a ride in the dugout. like, ‘That win really got us going Installation throughout New England.

for 19, Araúz delivered against in the right direction.’

hard-throwing righthander when he got the call to come down, I have to move them over “Hopefully this is one of
James Karinchak after Christian here, didn’t necessarily change somehow. Move the runners, those.”
Vazquez drew a walk and Jarren
Duran singled.
his approach after twice missing
on bunt attempts.
make good contact.’ ”
Cora called the 100-m.p.h. Peter Abraham can be reached at
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get that home run,” Araúz said. via an interpreter. “I said, ‘All crowd of 20,881 and put the Follow him on Twitter
Araúz, who was sleeping right, if I didn’t get the bunt charge through the Sox players. @PeteAbe.
C6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

NBA: team personnel

must be vaccinated
Mandate covers ers, facility operations workers,
and more.
ESPN, with Thursday the dead-
line to either “show proof of vac-
any close to clubs The NBA said exemptions
will be made in the cases of
cination or offer a medical or re-
ligious exemption.” Those who
FROM STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS unionized workers who cannot fail to do so will be fired.
All NBA team personnel who be forced to be vaccinated, and “As a company, we have a re-
will be near players and referees for those with religious or docu- sponsibility to do everything we
must be fully vaccinated against mented medical reasons. can to keep one another safe
the coronavirus this season, the Those not fully vaccinated, and felt that mandating vac-
league told its clubs in a memo the NBA said, “will be prohibit- cines was the absolute right
on Friday. ed from having in-person inter- thing to do for our employees
It essentially covers anyone action with, or being within 15 and our community,” the team
who will travel with teams; be feet of, any player or referee.” said.
around the bench areas; have They would also not be permit- Both teams have dealt with
access to home, visiting and ref- ted to travel with teams and significant COVID-19 outbreaks
eree locker rooms; and those would have to wear face masks the last two seasons, with star
working at the scorer’s table. at all times inside team facili- players Juan Soto, Trea Turner,
The league also said in the ties. Jose Altuve, Alex Bregman, and
memo, a copy of which was ob- Training camps for all 30 Yordan Alvarez among those to
tained by the Associated Press, NBA clubs begin in late Septem- lose time due either to positive
that the policy may be updated ber, with preseason games in tests or close contact.
when federal agencies release early October and the start of Though they are the first
Tajon Buchanan, scoring on D.C. United’s Jon Kempin Aug. 18, will remain with the “expected guidance related to regular-season play Oct. 19. baseball teams to do so, multi-
Revolution on loan for the remainder of the season before joining Brugge in January. booster shots.” Also Friday, ESPN reported ple NHL and NFL franchises

Buchanan wants to win

Team personnel will need to non-playing, full-time employ- have made similar decisions, as
be fully vaccinated by Oct. 1; ees of both the Houston Astros has the MLB commissioner’s of-
game-day personnel by the time and Washington Nationals must fice. Mandates do not apply to
of a team’s first home preseason be vaccinated for COVID-19, players, who are covered by

‘everything that’s possible’

game, which means early Octo- making them the first two Ma- their respective unions, and
ber. jor League Baseball teams to in- would thus need to be agreed to
Among the groups of person- stitute compulsory vaccination. through collective bargaining.
nel required to have vaccina- Houston instituted the poli- Also, the US Open tennis
tions are coaches, medical and cy first, and also included the tournament will require proof
By Matt Doherty Buchanan will remain with versity or coming here as a rook- performance staff, equipment three minor league teams it of vaccination to enter Arthur
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT the Revolution on loan for the ie, and then just taking another staff, front office members, owns. Washington announced Ashe Stadium, as mandated by
Tajon Buchanan’s transfer remainder of the season before step forward last year in my sec- team and arena security, media its policy on Aug. 12, according the New York City mayor’s of-
from the Revolution to Club joining Brugge during the Janu- ond season and obviously an- relations, social media produc- to a statement by the team to fice.
Brugge KV in Belgium took ary transfer window. other bigger step this year,” Bu-
months to unfold. A Brampton, Ontario, native, chanan said.
As the 22-year-old enjoyed a Buchanan has taken a unique On Thursday, Buchanan’s
breakout third season with the path to soccer stardom. In high monumental week continued
Revolution, followed by a strong school, the overlooked Buchan- when he was called in to the Ca-
showing for Canada during Ju- an transferred to Legacy High nadian National Team for three
ly’s Gold Cup, conversations School in Colorado to improve World Cup Qualifying matches
ramped up as European clubs his collegiate prospects and aca- on Sept. 2, Sept. 5, and Sept. 8.
coveted the versatile midfielder. demic standing in time to enroll Even with his career rising to
Buchanan had his sights set at Syracuse. new heights, Buchanan ac-
on Brugge all along, saying the But after the Revolution knowledged he still has unfin-
club felt like a family from the drafted him ninth in the 2019 ished business with the MLS-
beginning . Af ter skipping SuperDraft , Buchanan ap- leading Revolution. Buchanan
Wednesday ’s MLS All-Star peared in just 10 matches as a hopes to add an MLS Cup to his
Game for a visit to Belgium, Bu- rookie and did not become a résumé before he embarks for
chanan finalized the record-set- full-time starter until last Sep- Belgium.
ting $7 million transfer deal tember. “You know realistically, this
Tuesday. Buchanan took a massive is my last year here so I’m trying
“I thought about it over the leap in Year 3, ranking third on to win everything that’s possi-
last months, to be honest, this the Revolution with six goals ble: Supporters’ Shield, Eastern
wasn’t just a week or two thing,” and becoming a staple in the Conference, and MLS Cup,” he
Buchanan said Friday. “I’ve club’s midfield. said. “I’m super excited and su-
been thinking about my future “I think that’s my mentality: per happy at the same time. I’m
for a very long time. And since to keep wanting to get better as ready to finish the season on a
the beginning, Club Brugge just a player, to keep pushing myself strong note and then head over
felt like a family that I wanted to no matter what team I was on, there [to Club Brugge] and try
join.” whether that was Syracuse Uni- and do bigger things.”

Streaking Revolution begin


Bryson DeChambeau made two eagles and eight birdies for a 12-under-par 60 at the BMW.

stretch run vs. New York City DeChambeau overpowers

By Matt Doherty

With the Major League Soc-

cer All-Star game in the
BMW course to shoot a 60
rearview mirror and 12 games FROM STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS Chambeau had an even better Masters in the Swiss Alps with
left on the regular-season sched- Big, wide, and soft Caves Val- look than that. five birdies in a 5-under 65.
ule, the New England Revolu- ley in Owings Mills, Md., didn’t His wedge landed some 25 The South African enjoyed a
tion will begin the stretch run of stand a chance against Bryson feet beyond the flag and the superb up-and-down at the
the season when they visit New DeChambeau spin caused it to zip back to- 17 th to keep his card bogey-
York City FC Saturday (7:30
GOLF o n Fr i d a y i n ward the hole, 6 feet below the free. He is 11-under par overall,
p.m.) at Yankee Stadium. ROUNDUP t h e B M W cup. a shot ahead of Andy Sullivan
New England (15-3-4, 49 Champion- The putt was wide left all the (66) and Thomas Detry (65).
points) is riding a nine-game ship. Only the record book did. way. Two-time European Tour
unbeaten streak and leads the DeChambeau overpowered DeChambeau snapped his winner and overnight leader
Supporters’ Shield race by seven the vulnerable course, and fingers, tapped in for par, and James Morrison had opened
points, but the team knows when his 8-iron to the par-5 then returned to the spot for a with a course-record 10-under
there is still work to do over the 16th rolled off a bank on the practice stroke, trying to figure 60 at the scenic Crans-sur-Sierre
final two months. back of the green down to 2 feet out what went wrong. club. But the 36-year-old Eng-
The Revolution are focused for eagle, he needed two birdies Little else did. lishman dropped into a share of
on securing a playoff spot and on the final two holes to tie the DeChambeau was at 16-un- 14th after a second-round 74.
wrapping up home field advan- PGA Tour record of 58. der 128. The second round will Curtis Cup — Rose Zhang won
tage throughout the postseason He missed from 15 feet on be completed Saturday morn- both her matches and Allisen
during a time when energy and the 17 th. He missed a 6-foot ing, and players will be grouped Corpuz delivered a big run of
focus ramps up across the putt on the 18th hole and lost in threesomes going off both birdies as the Americans rallied
league. New England leads the his bid at the 13th sub-60 round sides for the third round. from a 3-point deficit to forge a
Eastern Conference by 15 points Forward DeJuan Jones (24) and the Revolution look to keep in PGA Tour history. Cantlay, who had one of the tie going into the final session of
over second-place Orlando. the momentum going in the last two months of the season. DeChambeau had to settle great putting rounds of his ca- the Curtis Cup.
“I think our goals are still the for a career-best 60, giving him reer Thursday, was equally One day after Great Britain
same today as they were before while Buchanan (Canada), Buk- that trusted in you.” a one-shot lead over Patrick strong in a round of 63 that was & Ireland won four of the six
we started the season,” coach sa (Poland), and keeper Matt New England beat New York Cantlay when thunderstorms largely overlooked. He played in matches and halved another,
Bruce Arena said Thursday. “We Turner (United States) will de- City, 3-2, in the first meeting of caused the second round to be the group behind DeChambeau the Americans returned the fa-
want to qualify for the playoffs, part next week for World Cup the season on June 19 at Red delayed. and played a classic style of golf vor at Conwy (Wales) Golf Club.
and then secondly, we’d like to Qualifiers. Bull Arena on an 88th minute Jon Rahm, the world’s No. 1 that resulted in 10 birdies until Zhang and Rachel Heck,
have home field advantage in “Guys will have to step up,” goal by Tommy McNamara and player, also was a shot behind his lone bogey from a tough lie Nos. 1 and 2 in the women’s
the playoffs as well. defender Andrew Farrell said. “I stellar saves down the stretch and faced a 15-foot birdie putt in the collar of rough around the world amateur ranking, seized
“The focus is greater, the en- think it’s good. It keeps it fresh, from Turner. NYCFC is fifth in on the 16th hole when play was par-3 17th green. control early in the opening
ergy gets turned up, the games and I think that’s why we’ve the Eastern Conference stand- halted by darkness. “Today I hit it better all the match of foursomes for a 3-
are more competitive, and every been on such a good run where ings with 31 points – 18 behind “A lot of putts went in. A lot way through and also putted re- and-2 victory over Louise Dun-
game is very important. I’m not we know guys can step up, even New England. of things went right,” DeCham- a l l y w e l l ,” C a n t l ay s a i d . “ I can and Hannah Darling, set-
saying they’re life and death, if they ’re guys who haven’ t Playing in the smaller di- beau said to broadcast outlets. thought I played great — 9 un- ting the tone for the day.
but they’re very important.” played that many minutes can mensions of Yankee Stadium “I played my butt off and never der, I’m very pleased. But obvi- “They were definitely in-
New England has not lost step up and contribute.” this time around, the Revolu- thought too much about any- ously, there was lower than that spired and fired up to play bet-
since July 7 against Toronto, rat- Farrell, who leads the MLS tion are expecting a defensive thing until the last few holes, out there today.” ter today and I really didn’t have
tling off an 8-0-1 streak since. in minutes played this season, is battle where turnovers could be and I striped a 9-iron on 17, DeChambeau stuck to his to do much pep talking,” US
The latest victory followed an set to break the club record Sat- costly. striped a drive, striped a wedge practice of not speaking to the captain Sarah Ingram said.
offensive explosion versus Cin- urday for career appearances “We need to play at our best on 18. press, only the PGA Tour broad- T he Americans won two
cinnati in which Adam Buksa (262), an achievement attribut- to have a chance to win the “And jus t wasn’ t able to cast partners. That presumably matches and halved the other to
scored twice, Tajon Buchanan, ed to his leadership and longevi- game, we’ve got to defend well, clutch those putts up.” stems from three weeks ago pull within a point.
and Emmanuel Boateng also ty. we can’t turn the ball over in It was the second straight when he said he wasn’t vacci- In the afternoon fourballs,
found the back of the net in a “I think the key is enjoying bad spots because it’s such a week during the PGA Tour post- n a t e d , s ay i n g , “ I ’m y o u n g Corpuz ran off four birdies in a
convincing 4-1 win. every minute of being able to do short field that they’ll get in be- season that a player had a putt enough. I’d rather give it to the five-hole stretch as she and
Depth has been critical for this for a living,” said Farrell. hind and get early chances,” to break 60 on the final hole. people who need it.” Zhang won the anchor match, 3
the Revolution throughout the “Having good teammates, good said Farrell. “It’s another big Cameron Smith missed European — Dean Burmester and 2, over the previously un-
season. Star midfielder Carles coaches, a good front office, and test for us and it’s going to be an from 12 feet at Liberty National took a one-stroke lead after the beaten tandem of Emily Toy and
Gil (muscle injury) remains out, a good organization behind you important weekend.” in the third round last week. De- second round of the European Caley McGinty.
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C7



Veteran Suicides Since 9/11

5K/9K Run at Fenway Park on

Saturday, September 25th

C8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

SportsLog Scoreboard

Pelicans’ Hayes tased by LA police Soccer SAT

A Los Angeles police officer briefly pressed a
knee to the neck of NBA player Jaxson Hayes as
GP W D L Pts. 4:05 1:10 7:10 7:10 7:10 7:10 7:10
the New Orleans Pelicans center gasped “I can’t West Ham ................. 2 2 0 0 6
Chelsea ...................... 2 2 0 0 6
breathe” seconds before another officer used a Liverpool.................... 2 2 0 0 6 NESN NESN
Brighton..................... 2 2 0 0 6
Taser on him during a struggle, according to Tottenham................. 2 2 0 0 6
Man. United .............. 2 1 1 0 4 NYG
body camera video released Friday. The officers Everton ...................... 2 1 1 0 4 (exh.)
went to Hayes’s home in the Woodland Hills Brentford................... 2 1 1 0
Manchester City ...... 2 1 0 1
3 6:00
neighborhood on July 28 around 3 a.m. after his Aston Villa................. 2 1 0 1
Watford ..................... 2 1 0 1
3 Ch. 4, NFL
girlfriend’s cousin called 911. The cousin said Leicester City ........... 2 1 0 1 3
Southampton............ 2 0 1 1 1
Hayes’s girlfriend was sending her text messages Crystal Palace .......... 2 0 1 1 1 NYC PHI
Leeds United............. 2 0 1 1 1
saying he had become loud and violent and she Wolverhampton ....... 2 0 0 2 0 7:30 7:30
Burnley....................... 2 0 0 2 0 Ch. 38 Ch. 38
was scared. Hayes, who was not armed, became Newcastle.................. 2 0 0 2 0
Arsenal....................... 2 0 0 2 0
argumentative after officers said he couldn’t go Norwich City............. 2 0 0 2 0
SATURDAY’S GAMES Home games shaded For updated scores:
back into his home. He ignored requests from Arsenal at Manchester City..........7:30a
Brentford at Aston Villa....................10a On the radio: Red Sox, WEEI-FM 93.7; Patriots and Revolution, WBZ-FM 98.5
his girlfriend and his cousin to stop talking and Southampton at Newcastle..............10a
Crystal Palace at West Ham............10a
struggling with the police as they tried to subdue Leicester City at Norwich City.........10a
him. The 21-year-old ultimately was booked into ON THE AIR
Latest line
Everton at Brighton............................10a
Chelsea at Liverpool.......................12:30
jail on accusations of resisting arrest after he SUNDAY’S GAMES
Leeds United at Burnley......................9a 7 p.m. NASCAR Cup: Coke Zero Sugar 400 NBC Sports Betting Line
was evaluated at a hospital for minor injuries. Watford at Tottenham........................ 9a
College Football
Man. United at Wolverhampton.11:30a BASEBALL Saturday
4 p.m. Colorado at LA Dodgers MLB
SOCCER MLS Favorite Pts. Underdog
Nebraska...............7 ............ At Illinois
FS1, At Fresno St....... 27½ ..................UConn
EASTERN CONFERENCE 4:05 p.m. Boston at Cleveland
GP W D L Pts. NESN At UCLA...............17½ .................Hawaii
Ronaldo returning to Man U New England .......... 22 15 4 3 49
Orlando.................... 20 9 7 4 34
6 p.m. Arizona at Philadelphia MLB
UTEP.......................9 At New Mex. St.
At San Jose St....21½ ................ S. Utah
Cristiano Ronaldo is headed back to Man- Philadelphia ............ 21 8 8 5 32 9:07 p.m. San Diego at LA Angels FS1 NFL Preseason
Nashville SC............ 20 7 11 2 32 Friday
chester United. The English club said it has NYCFC ...................... 19 9 4 6 31 LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES Favorite Pts. Underdog
CF Montreal ............ 21 7 7 7 28 Indianapolis..........2 ............At Detroit
reached an agreement with Juventus for the D.C. United .............. 21 8 3 10 27 12:30 p.m. Semifinal: Ohio vs. South Dakota ABC At NY Jets.............5½ ....................Phila.
Atlanta ..................... 21 6 9 6 27 3:30 p.m. Semifinal: Michigan vs. Hawaii ABC At Carolina............3½ ...........Pittsburgh
transfer of the 36-year-old Portugal forward, Columbus ................ 21 6 6 9 24 At Kansas City......4 .......... Minnesota
NY Red Bulls ........... 19 6 4 9 22
subject to agreement of personal terms, a visa, Inter Miami CF ....... 19 6 4 9 22
Chicago.................... 21 5 5 11 20 1 p.m. WNBA: Las Vegas at Indiana NBA At Buffalo..............9½ ...........Green Bay
and a medical examination. Ronaldo, a five-time FC Cincinnati .......... 19 3 8 8 17 Baltimore..............3½ .. At Washington
BRANDON DILL/ASSOCIATED PRESS 3 p.m. Big 3 semifinals CBS Chicago..................3 .....At Tennessee
world player of the year, told Juventus on Thurs- Toronto FC .............. 21 3 6 12 15
WESTERN CONFERENCE At New Orleans...3½ ................Arizona
7 p.m. WNBA: Dallas at Washington NBA Tampa Bay............4 .........At Houston
day that he no longer wanted to play for the Ital- Body camera video captured a Los Angeles GP W D L Pts.
Seattle...................... 21 12 6 3 42 7 p.m. WNBA: Los Angeles at Connecticut NESN+ At Denver..............8½ ..............LA Rams
ian club, coach Massimiliano Allegri said. police officer with his knee on the neck of Sporting KC............. 21 11 6 4 39 At Seattle..............5½ .......LA Chargers
Colorado.................. 19 11 4 4 37 BEACH SOCCER Sunday
Pelicans center Jaxson Hayes on July 28. LA Galaxy ................ 21 11 2 8 35
11 a.m. World Cup: Russia vs. Switzerland FS2 Jacksonville..........3½ .............At Dallas
Minnesota ............... 20 7 7 6 28
PA R A L Y M P I C S Real Salt Lake......... 20 7 6 7 27 12:30 p.m. World Cup: Japan vs. Senegal FS2
At San Francisco.3½ ...........Las Vegas
Miami.....................1½ ......At Cincinnati
San Jose................... 21 6 8 7 26
HOCKEY Portland................... 20 7 3 10 24
New England........3½ ......At NY Giants
Polish cyclist caught doping LAFC ......................... 20 6 5 9 23
Vancouver............... 20 5 8 7 23
9 p.m. Vuelta a Espana: Stage 14 (tape) NBCSN
Cleveland..............5½ ...........At Atlanta

Tokyo Paralympics medalist Marcin Polak of US women set for Japan FC Dallas.................. 21 5 7 9 22
Austin....................... 20 5 4 11 19 COLLEGE FOOTBALL
Poland has been provisionally suspended after The United States will play Japan Saturday in Houston ................... 21 3 10 8 19
Columbus 3.....................FC Cincinnati 2
1 p.m. Nebraska at Illinois Fox Transactions
testing positive for doping, the International Cy- the quarterfinals of the Women’s World Hockey CF Montreal 3.......................... Toronto 1 2 p.m. UConn at Fresno State CBSSN BASEBALL
cling Union said. Polak tested positive for the Championship at Calgary . . . The US will host Inter Miami CF 0......................Orlando 0
3:30 p.m. Hawaii at UCLA ESPN Baltimore (MLB): Released INF Mai-
kel Franco after clearing waivers.
banned endurance-booster EPO in a sample tak- Canada in two women’s hockey games in Octo- Nashville SC at Atlanta.................... 3:30 7 p.m. Alcorn State at North Carolina Central ESPN Boston (MLB): Placed 2Bs Enrique
Chicago at NY Red Bulls....................... 6
10 p.m. Southern Utah at San Jose State CBSSN Hernandez, Christian Arroyo and INF/
en in Poland three weeks before the Tokyo Para- ber, two chances for the top teams in the world LA Galaxy at LAFC..................................7 OF Kike Hernandez on COVID-19 list.
New England at NYCFC....................7:30 Sent LF Danny Santana on a rehab as-
lympics opened. to continue their rivalry ahead of the Winter Philadelphia at D.C. United...................8 PRO FOOTBALL
signment. Recalled INF Jonathan Arauz
Minnesota at Houston......................8:30 1 p.m. Exhibition: Green Bay at Buffalo NFL from Worcester. Agreed to a major
Olympics in February. Colorado at Sporting KC.......................9 league contract with INF/OF Yairo Mu-
SUNDAY’S GAMES 7 p.m. Exhibition: Chicago at Tennessee NFL
BASKETBALL FC Dallas at Austin.................................8
10 p.m. Exhibition: LA Chargers at Seattle NFL
Chi. White Sox (MLB): Reinstated C
MISCELLANY Real Salt Lake at Vancouver..............10
Portland at Seattle..........................10:30
Yasmani Grandal from 10-day IL. Op-
Markkanen traded to Cavs FLAG FOOTBALL tioned C Zack Collins.
Cleveland (MLB): Sent P Aaron

The Cavaliers agreed to acquire Lauri Mark- Busch shifts to 23XI team NWSL 6 p.m. AFFL: Women’s championship CBSSN Civale to Lake County (High-A Central)
on a rehab assignment.
SATURDAY’S GAME GOLF Detroit (MLB): Recalled P Jason Fol-
kanen from Chicago in a three-way trade that Kurt Busch will drive next season for 23XI Kansas City at Chicago.........................8
10:30 a.m. European: Omega European Masters Golf ey. Reinstated C Eric Haase from the
will send forward Larry Nance Jr. from Cleve- Racing, the NASCAR team owned by Denny North Carolina at Washington.............5 12 p.m. PGA: BMW Championship Golf
10-day IL. Designated P Erasmo Ramir-
ez for assignment. Optioned C Grayson
Orlando at Gotham FC..................... 5:30
land to Portland. The Bulls are getting swing- Hamlin and Michael Jordan . . . A strong pitch- Portland at OL Reign..............................7 3 p.m. Champions: Ally Challenge Golf Greiner to Toledo.
Houston (MLB): Signed INF Marwin
Louisville at Houston........................7:30
man Derrick Jones Jr. from the Trail Blazers ing effort pushed the Worcester Red Sox over the WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
3 p.m. PGA: BMW Championship NBC Gonzalez on a minor league contract.
LA Dodgers (MLB): Recalled P Andre
along with a lottery-protected 2022 first-round Buffalo Bison, 4-1, the road team’s fourth con- Kansas City 2.........................Louisville 1
Portland 2...........................Gotham FC 1 WOMEN’S HOCKEY Jackson. Optioned P Darien Nunez.
Sent P Neftali Feliz outright to Oklaho-
pick . . . Louisville will suspend basketball coach secutive win. Kutter Crawford pitched six in- 3:30 p.m. World quarterfinal: US vs. Japan NHL ma City.
Chris Mack for six games for failing to follow nings, allowing one unearned run, and striking 7 p.m. World quarterfinal: Canada vs. Germany NHL Minnesota (MLB): Reinstated P

Jorge Alcala and OF Byron Buxton from
procedures in handling an extortion attempt by out eight . . . The Portland Sea Dogs fell to the HORSE RACING 10-day IL. Agreed to a major league
contract with P Ian Gibaut. Optioned
one of his assistants. Reading Fightin Phils, 8-3, at Hadlock Field. 11:30 a.m. Saratoga Live FS1 RHPs Edgar Garcia and Kyle Barra-
clough to St. Paul. Transferred P Luke
3 p.m. Saratoga Live FS2
NFL EXHIBITION Farrell to 60-day IL. Placed C Mitch
5 p.m. Travers Stakes Fox Garver on 10-day IL.
WEEK 4 Oakland (MLB): Placed OF Seth
FRIDAY’S RESULTS 6:30 p.m. Saratoga Live FS2 Brown on 10-day IL. Recalled P Daulton

Flowers gives BC a charge

Indianapolis 27........................ Detroit 17 Jeffries.
Philadelphia 31.......................NY Jets 31 WOMEN’S LACROSSE Seattle (MLB): Signed P Chris Jeffer-
Carolina 34...........................Pittsburgh 9
Kansas City 28.................. Minnesota 25 7 p.m. Athletes Unlimited FS1 son on a minor league contract. Added
P Sean Doolittle to active roster. Op-
SATURDAY’S GAMES tioned P Wyatt Mills.
Green Bay at Buffalo..............................1 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS
Baltimore at Washington......................6 Tampa Bay (MLB): Reinstated P
Chicago at Tennessee........................... 7
10 p.m. Featherweights: Barboza vs. Chikadze ESPN Pete Fairbanks from 10-day IL.
Tampa Bay at Houston..........................8 Texas (MLB): Sent P Kohei Arihara
MOTORCYCLE RACING on a rehab assignment. Placed P Spen-
uBOSTON COLLEGE “He was like the Energizer sweep in Year 1, but he knew Arizona at New Orleans........................8
LA Rams at Denver...........................9:05 3 p.m. Lucas Oil Motocross NBCSN cer Howard on 10-day IL. Agreed to
Continued from Page C1 Bunny,” Luque said. “He never he was capable of much more. LA Chargers at Seattle........................10 terms on a major league contract with
positive energy, and charisma stopped doing things.” When coach Jeff Hafley and New England at NY Giants................... 6
Wheelchair rugby; swimming; track
Toronto (MLB): Claimed OF Jarrod
Dyson off waivers from Kansas City.
Jacksonville at Dallas.............................1
are contagious, and he con- Luque remembers one time offensive coordinator Frank Miami at Cincinnati................................4 1 a.m. NBCSN Placed P Brad Hand on bereavement
Las Vegas at San Francisco................. 4 and field; wheelchair tennis; rowing list. Recalled P Connor Overton.
stantly inspires those around when Flowers was on the bike Cignetti took over last year, Cleveland at Atlanta..............................8
Arizona (MLB): Claimed INF Asdrub-
al Cabrera off waivers from Cincinnati.
him. before a game and cut himself Flowers erupted for 56 catches 8 p.m. PBR: Tractor Supply Invitational CBSSN Agreed to terms on a major league
contract with OF Jake McCarthy.
“He always has a smile from badly. A trainer had to tape (second on the team), 892
ear to ear,” wide receivers him up as he bled profusely. yards receiving (second in the Tennis MEN’S SOCCER
10 a.m. Premier: Brentford at Aston Villa CNBC
Atlanta (MLB): Designated RF Abra-
ham Almonte for assignment. Rein-
stated LF Eddie Rosario from 10-day IL.
coach Joe Dailey said. “Rarely Moments later, Flowers was on ACC), and nine touchdown re- 10 a.m. Premier: Everton at Brighton NBCSN Cincinnati (MLB): Claimed 3B As-

do you catch him in a bad mo- the field ready to play, as if ceptions (second in BC single- CHICAGO WOMEN’S OPEN 12:30 p.m. Premier: Chelsea at Liverpool NBC
drubal Cabrera off waivers from Arizo-
At Credit Union 1 Arena, Chicago LA Dodgers (MLB): Recalled P Andre
ment. If he ever does get in a nothing had happened. season history). 7 p.m. MLS: LA Galaxy at LAFC Fox Jackson. Optioned P Darien Nunez to
Women’s singles
Semi Finals 7:30 p.m. MLS: New England at NYCFC Ch. 38 Oklahoma City. Sent P Neftali Feliz out-
bad moment, it doesn’t take Luque, who said Flowers On one dizzying play Elina Svitolina (1), def. Rebecca Pe- right to Oklahoma City.
him very long to snap out of it.” has the “heart of a lion,” coined against Duke, the Eagles called terson, 6-1, 6-7 (4), 6-3; Alize Cornet SOFTBALL Miami (MLB): Sent P Bryan Mitchell
(9), def. Varvara Gracheva, 4-6, 6-1, outright to Jacksonville (Triple-A East).
7 p.m. AU: Piancastelli vs. Osterman FS1
R Keeping family in mind the nickname “Zay-BAE,” to in- a corner post and Flowers 6-0. NY Mets (MLB): Reinstated C Tomas
Nido from 10-day IL. Optioned C
Flowers is one of 14 sib- corporate both the many ad- tricked his defender and got SWIMMING Chance Sisco.
12 p.m. ISL CBSSN Philadelphia (MLB): Recalled P
lings, including 10 brothers,
and he cherishes family gather-
mirers that flocked his way and
the moniker “Best Athlete Ev-
more open than Cignetti could
have imagined. No one was
Enyel De Los Santos. Placed P Zach Ef-
lin on 10-day IL.
San Francisco (MLB): Reinstated P
1 p.m. W-Salem, Cleveland, Chicago finals Tennis Kevin Gausman from 10-day IL. Op-
ings more than anything. er.” within 10 yards of him, and he
tioned C Chadwick Tromp to Sacra-
His mother, Jackie Walden, “He went from not liking it waltzed into the end zone. mento.
At Crans-sur-Sierre, 7 p.m. IAAF: Diamond League (tape) NBCSN BASKETBALL
died in 2005, before she got the to loving it,” Luque said with a “When I saw him run that Yardage: 6,848; par: 70 Dallas (NBA): Waived G Nate Hinton.
Pablo Larrazabal...........69-72–141 (schedule subject to change) Philadelphia (NBA): Waived F An-
chance to watch Flowers play laugh. “If you ever see a ‘Zay- double move, and separate Dean Burmester............64-65–129 -11 thony Tolliver.
football. Though she’s been BAE’ on there on one of those across the field, wow, man,” Thomas Detry................65-65–130
Andy Sullivan.................64-66–130
Buffalo (NFL): Activated WRs Cole
gone most of his life, she’s still fan pages, you know where it Cignetti said. “I don’t know if Renato Paratore............65-66–131
Jorge Campillo...............68-64–132
Beasley, Gabriel Davis and DTs Vernon
Butler, Star Lotulelei from reserve/
an integral part of the man he’s comes from. He was always a I’ve ever seen someone that
Justin Harding................66-66–132 -8 COVID-19 list. Placed DT Treyvon
Matthew Jordan............67-65–132 -8 Hester on IR. Released WR Rico Gaf-
become. ladies man, but he didn’t allow wide open before. It was im- Ross McGowan..............68-64–132 -8 ford and DT Joey Ivie.
John Catlin......................68-65–133 -7 Carolina (NFL): Waived S Brian Cole.
“I just want to make my that to dictate anything. He re- pressive. Jamie Donaldson...........67-66–133 -7 Acquired K Ryan Santoso from New
family proud, to be honest,” ally focused on football.” “He’s just such a great kid to
Min Woo Lee..................66-67–133
Robin Sciot-Siegrist......63-70–133
-7 TRIPLE-A EAST DOUBLE-A NORTHEAST York Giants for a conditional seventh-
round pick.
Sebastian Soderberg....66-67–133 -7
Flowers said. “That’s one of the R Transformative time be around. His positive energy, Rasmus Hojgaard..........68-66–134 -6
Midwest Division Northeast Division Dallas (NFL): Activated S Malik
Hooker from COVID-19 list.
Scott Jamieson..............67-67–134 -6 W L Pct. GB W L Pct. GB
reasons I keep a smile on my Flowers entered freshman that ‘it factor,’ he just makes ev- Andrew Johnston..........68-66–134 -6 Toledo......................56 42 .571 — Somerset.................58 41 .586 — Green Bay (NFL): Released WR
James Morrison.............60-74–134 -6 Omaha .....................54 44 .551 2 Portland...................55 42 .567 2 Devin Funchess from IR with injury set-
face. I don’t want to let it bring year on varsity as a peppy and eryone around him better.” Marcel Siem...................66-68–134 -6 St. Paul ....................53 46 .535 3½ New Hampshire .....46 49 .484 10 tlement. Waived QB Jake Dolegala.
Columbus ................46 51 .474 9½ Binghamton ............45 52 .454 12 Signed DB Rojesterman Farris.
me down. I just keep a smile persistent 125-pound running This preseason, Flowers has Bernd Wiesberger.........67-67–134
Benjamin Hebert...........67-68–135
-5 Indianapolis ............45 53 .459 11 Reading....................40 60 .400 18½ New England (NFL): Claimed TE Ka-
Iowa .........................42 57 .424 14½ hale Warring from Houston.
on, and keep going, because I back. He gained 20 pounds be- embraced mentoring freshman Henrik Stenson..............71-64–135
Marcus Armitage..........63-73–136
-4 Louisville .................41 57 .418 15
Hartford...................33 65 .337 24½
New Orleans (NFL): Signed DE Dami-
Southwest Division
know that’s what she’d want fore his 10th grade season, but r e c e i v e r Ja d e n W i l l i a m s , Alexander Bjork.............67-69–136 -4 Northeast Division
W L Pct. GB
on Square. Waived LB Sutton Smith.
Sean Crocker.................71-65–136 -4 W L Pct. GB NY Giants (NFL): Signed DB Jordyn Pe-
Akron .......................61 38 .616 —
me to do. injuries and playing on a whom Dailey called “another Darren Fichardt.............66-70–136 -4 Scranton/W-B.........59 37 .615 — Bowie .......................58 40 .592 2½
Miguel Angel Jimenez..69-67–136 -4 Buffalo .....................56 40 .583 3 San Francisco (NFL): Waived S Kai
“She didn’t really get to ex- stacked team made it harder to Zay.” Dailey said Flowers’s at- Soren Kjeldsen...............72-64–136 -4 Worcester ...............53 46 .535 7½
Altoona ....................52 46 .531 8½
Erie ...........................53 47 .530 8½ Nacua. Re-signed OL Corbin Kaufasi.
Francesco Molinari.......72-64–136 -4 Rochester................43 54 .443 16½ Placed R/PR Richie James Jr. on IR.
perience me, but I’m pretty get his name out there. tention to detail has improved Victor Perez...................68-68–136 -4 Lehigh Valley..........43 55 .439 17
Richmond ................51 49 .510 10½
Harrisburg...............38 61 .384 23 Tampa Bay (NFL): Placed Gs Earl
Shubhankar Sharma.....68-68–136 -4 Syracuse..................38 60 .388 22
sure she’s watching me from Flowers stayed optimistic, considerably throughout his Daniel Van Tonder........66-70–136 -4 FRIDAY'S RESULTS
Watford and Nick Leaverett on re-
serve/COVID-19 list. Waived S Raven
Maverick Antcliff...........69-68–137 -3 Southeast Division
Reading 8.................................Portland 3
above.” and underwent what Luque career, and he’s confident Wil Besseling.................71-66–137 -3 W L Pct. GB
Richmond 6...............................Altoona 3
Greene from IR with injury settlement.
Yikeun Chang.................69-68–137 -3 Durham....................63 35 .643 — Tennessee (NFL): Activated DL An-
His brother Martin, who he called “quite a transformation.” Flowers will make even more Jean-Baptiste Gonnet...67-70–137 -3 Gwinnett..................58 42 .580 6 Harrisburg 7............................Hartford 2 thony Rush from reserve/COVID-19
Jacksonville.............56 44 .560 8 Akron 4...................................Somerset 2 list.
proudly says was the best ath- He dazzled as a junior run- “competitive catches” this year. Martin Kaymer..............68-69–137
Mikko Korhonen............71-66–137
-3 Nashville..................53 47 .530 11 Binghamton 3............New Hampshire 2 HOCKEY
Memphis..................47 53 .470 17 Minnesota (NHL): Signed D Jordie
lete in the family, died in 2017. ning back and defensive back, As much success as he had Alexander Levy..............69-68–137
Bryden MacPherson.....69-68–137
-3 Norfolk.....................40 58 .408 23
Erie Bowie 3
Benn to a one-year contract.
The losses have brought added receiver to his repertoire last season, Flowers isn’t one to Guido Migliozzi..............67-70–137 -3 Charlotte .................37 61 .378 26
Reading at Portland...............................6
Montreal (NHL): Signed F Ryan Poe-
Adrien Saddier...............68-69–137 -3 FRIDAY'S RESULTS hling to two-year contract extension.
him even closer to his family. as a senior, and eventually re- get complacent. Lee Slattery....................70-67–137 -3 Rochester 6............................Syracuse 3 Hartford at Harrisburg.......................... 6 SOCCER
Julian Suri.......................72-65–137 -3 Worcester 4...............................Buffalo 1 Richmond at Altoona.............................6 Minnesota (MLS): Signed F Fanendo
His father, Willie, sends him ceived offers from 21 Division His not-so-quiet confidence Jeff Winther................... 70-67–137 -3 Toledo 11...................................St. Paul 1 Erie at Bowie......................................6:35 Adi to one-year contract with one year
Fabrizio Zanotti.............68-69–137 -3 option.
motivational texts before every 1 schools, including Nebraska, and bravado are well-received Nino Bertasio.................69-69–138 -2
Norfolk 7............Jacksonville 6 (10 inn.)
Indianapolis 3........................Louisville 2
Akron at Somerset............................7:05
Vancouver (MLS): Loaned F Simon
Jonathan Caldwell........ 70-68–138 -2 Binghamton at New Hampshire.....7:05
game and has inspired him to Purdue, and Kentucky. Flowers by his teammates. When de- Ashley Chesters............67-71–138 -2 Nashville 3..............................Gwinnett 0 SUNDAY'S GAMES Colyn to Jong PSV through June 2022.
Named Vanni Sartini acting head
Nacho Elvira...................69-69–138 -2 Scranton/WB 11............Lehigh Valley 4 Reading at Portland...............................1
be great ever since he was a credited family friend Jeremy bating with Jurkovec about Calum Hill.......................68-70–138 -2 Memphis 4............................Columbus 2 Hartford at Harrisburg.......................... 1
Rikard Karlberg.............67-71–138 -2 USL: Announced Northern Virginia
kid. Alters for encouraging him to who would win in a hypotheti- Masahiro Kawamura....67-71–138 -2
Omaha 11.......................................Iowa 5
Binghamton at New Hampshire.....1:35 FC as a new member of USL W League.
Erie at Bowie......................................1:35 Washington (NWSL): Re-signed F
Flowers picked up football stay patient. cal one-on-one baske tball Marcus Kinhult..............70-68–138
Ronan Kleu.....................68-70–138
Durham at Charlotte, 1st game......1:05
Akron at Somerset............................5:05 Ashley Sanchez through 2024 with op-
Worchester at Buffalo......................6:05 tion for 2025.
at age 4, and it wasn’t long be- “I always knew my time was game, Flowers said he would Hugo Leon......................70-68–138
Richard McEvoy............ 70-68–138
-2 Rochester at Syracuse..................... 6:35
Richmond at Altoona.............................6
Scranton/WB at Lehigh Valley.......6:35 WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS
fore his brothers took him to going to come,” Flowers said. spot Jurkovec 5 points. “He’s Wade Ormsby................69-69–138 -2
Durham at Charlotte, 2d game.......7:04 Reading 9.................................Portland 7
Paul Peterson................65-73–138 -2
the front yard to go through “It was just a matter of when, scared to play me,” Flowers
Robin Roussel................68-70–138 -2 St. Paul at Toledo..............................7:05 Richmond 6...............................Altoona 0
Lucas Bjerregaard.........69-70–139 -1 Jacksonville at Norfolk.....................7:05 Hartford 3............................Harrisburg 2
the agility ladder. They often to be honest. When it came, it chirped. Pietro Bovari..................65-74–139 -1 Louisville at Indianapolis.................7:05 Erie 6.............................................Bowie 1
Nicolas Colsaerts..........65-74–139 -1 Columbus at Memphis.....................7:35 Akron 5...................................Somerset 3
played a game called “Murder- wasn’t a surprise to me, be- Flowers also takes pride in Raphael De Sousa.........73-66–139 -1
Ball,” where one person gets cause I always worked for it.” the fact that he successfully
Gavin Green...................74-65–139 -1
Gwinnett at Nashville.......................8:05
Omaha at Iowa..................................8:08
Binghamton 7............New Hampshire 5
Julien Guerrier...............65-74–139 -1
Jazz Janewattananond.68-71–139 -1 THURSDAY'S GAMES Reading 5.................................Portland 2 EASTERN CONFERENCE
the ball and everyone else tries When BC reached out to surfed the second-longest wave Adrian Meronk...............70-69–139 -1 Jacksonville 4............................Norfolk 3 Altoona 3...............................Richmond 0 W L Pct. GB
Kyong-jun Moon............67-72–139 -1 Toledo 9.....................St. Paul 8 (11 inn.)
to tackle them. He was always Flowers, the consensus was in the world in Peru. He said he Andrea Pavan................68-71–139 -1 Rochester 3............................Syracuse 2
Hartford 7............................Harrisburg 5 Connecticut............... 19 6 .760 —
Chicago...................... 12 12 .500 6½
Bowie 8.............................................Erie 6
on the smaller side, so he relied that he’d start out at defensive picked up juggling in two days Carlos Pigem..................70-69–139
Antoine Rozner..............69-70–139
Charlotte 9................................Durham 2
Somerset 7...................................Akron 3
New York................... 11 16 .407 9
Washington................. 9 15 .375 9½
Worcester 8...............................Buffalo 5
on his shiftiness and agility to back but could potentially play as a way to help with his coor- Rory Sabbatini...............67-72–139
Oliver Wilson................. 70-69–139
Scranton/WB 6..............Lehigh Valley 0 New Hampshire 10..........Binghamton 3 Atlanta ......................... 6 19 .240 13
Louisville 5........................Indianapolis 1 Indiana......................... 5 18 .217 13
avoid getting pummeled. elsewhere. On Day 1 of his dination, and he holds his own Missed cut WESTERN CONFERENCE
Steven Brown................72-68–140 E Gwinnett 2..............................Nashville 1
“ T h a t ’s w h e r e I r e a l l y freshman year, he switched to at the golf driving range. Alejandro Canizares.....70-70–140 E Omaha 3.........................................Iowa 2
Columbus 12..........................Memphis 3
Las Vegas.................. 18 7 .720 —
Aaron Cockerill..............71-69–140 E SATURDAY’S GAMES Seattle........................ 18 8 .692 ½
learned how to move,” Flowers wide receiver permanently, a Flowers never limits him- George Coetzee.............70-70–140 E SUNDAY'S GAMES South Dakota vs. TBA.....................12:30 Minnesota ................. 15 9 .625 2½
Victor Dubuisson...........68-72–140 E Worcester at Buffalo........................ 1:05 Phoenix...................... 15 10 .600 3
said. decision he called the best he’s self, and he isn’t afraid of ex- Joachim B. Hansen.......69-71–140 E Rochester at Syracuse..................... 1:05
Michigan vs. Hawaii..........................3:30
Dallas ......................... 11 14 .440 7
Romain Langasque.......70-70–140 E Scranton/WB at Lehigh Valley.......1:35 Los Angeles............... 10 15 .400 8
When University School ever made. pectations as he helps anchor Adrian Otaegui..............68-72–140 E Louisville at Indianapolis.................1:35
Ohio 4......................... New Hampshire 3 FRIDAY’S RESULTS
Thomas Pieters.............70-70–140 E Texas 10.................................Nebraska 0
coach Daniel Luque met Flow- Flowers was excited about an offense he believes will be Ricardo Santos..............69-71–140 E
St. Paul at Toledo..............................2:05
South Dakota 1.....................California 0
Phoenix 80...........................New York 64
Omaha at Iowa..................................2:08 Chicago 73................................Seattle 69
Graeme Storm...............72-68–140 E
ers, he was amazed by how of- the BC education, the city, and one of the most explosive BC Lars Van Meijel............. 70-70–140 E Columbus at Memphis.....................3:05 Hawaii 2..................................Michigan 0 SATURDAY’S GAMES
Jacksonville at Norfolk.....................4:05 THURSDAY’S RESULTS Las Vegas at Indiana.............................1
ten the eighth-grader was on the chance to contribute right has ever seen. Justin Walters................69-71–140
Richard Bland................69-72–141
+1 Durham at Charlotte.........................5:05 Michigan 15..................................Texas 6 Los Angeles at Connecticut..................7
the move. away. He mas tered the je t Scott Hend..................... 70-71–141 +1 Gwinnett at Nashville.......................7:15 Ohio 4.....................................California 2 Dallas at Washington.............................7
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C9


CARUSO, Mary G. “Marie” CASTAÑEDA, Kendall CERIANI, Madelyn M. HUGHES, Mary Elizabeth
(Flynn) Patrick (Finnegan) “Bette”
BOUDREAU, Constance Ann
BOUDREAU, Constance Ann
GAFFNY, Carolyn R.
CERIANI, Madelyn M. (Finnegan) LeCLAIR, Virginia M. (Fay)
CARUSO, Mary G. (Flynn)
CASTAÑEDA, Kendall Patrick LeCLAIR, Virginia M. (Fay)
CERIANI, Madelyn M. (Finnegan) STOUGHTON
FLORIDA FORREST, Madeline Vivian
Surrounded by her loving family, Passed away on August 22nd from Of Newton and Falmouth, passed away Age 96 years and 51
GAFFNY, Carolyn R.
Marie passed away peacefully from the natural causes. Born in Atlanta peacefully at home on August 25, 2021. weeks, of Quincy and N.
comfort of her own home in Milton, September 1, 1998, he spent the Beloved wife to the late Raymond John Weymouth, died on Aug.
CERIANI, Madelyn M. (Finnegan)
BURNS, Robert B. to her ultimate home with God on last 5 years in Boston, his adopted Ceriani. Devoted mother to daughter 21, 2021. Daughter of the late Albertine
LYNN August 25, 2021. Proud to be born hometown. He was preceded in death Madelyn Jackson; son-in-law Steven McCarthy, Bette was born in Roxbury.
LeCLAIR, Virginia M. (Fay) and raised in Mattapan, and even
WELLESLEY HILLS by his paternal grandparents, Froilan Jackson; and granddaughters Jennifer She enlisted in the U.S. Marines in the
MALDEN more proud to raise her own family and Zosima Castañeda, and his and Kristine Jackson of Medway 1950’s and proudly served two tours
BURNS, Robert B. CERIANI, Madelyn M. (Finnegan) in Dorchester, she retired to Milton maternal grandfather, Richard Draffin, and Falmouth; son Peter J. Ceriani; of duty stateside, after which she was
MARSHFIELD where she continued to enjoy life to the Jr. He was also preceded by fellow daughter-in-law Sheryl Ceriani; and honorably discharged as a Sargent.
CARUSO, Mary G. (Flynn) WESTWOOD fullest and grow her circle of wonderful Posse Foundation alum/chosen family granddaughter Nicole Ceriani of Bette was a lifelong member of the
MATTAPAN BOUDREAU, Constance Ann friends. Marie attended St. Angela’s in member Erin Edwards. Wellesley Hills and Falmouth; daughter Women’s Marine Association and
CARUSO, Mary G. (Flynn) Mattapan and St. Clare’s in Roslindale. He leaves us to continue his Marymichele Delaney; son-in-law enjoyed attending the association’s
MEDFIELD WEYMOUTH For close to 40 years, Marie loved path; of chosen happiness, loving Eamon Delaney; and grandchildren gatherings. She was honored to be
LEADER, Kathleen M teaching children at the Kenny School wholeheartedly, a big proponent of Joshua and Elizabeth Delaney of selected as the Marine representative
HUGHES, Mary Elizabeth in Dorchester. Marie gave her love goofiness, and continual learning Framingham; daughter Lisbeth Ceriani;
MILTON in a picture of women in four branches
unconditionally and without measure. to - his mother, Mercedes Draffin and granddaughter Isabella Ceriani
CARUSO, Mary G. (Flynn) WOBURN of the armed forces that was printed in
All were welcome in her home and (Paul Miller); his siblings, Zosima of Newton. Dear sister to the late
NEWTON the July 6, 1957 issue of the Saturday
she was always willing to help out Castañeda (Kyle Nicklaw, and nephew Mildred Lechiaro and the late Virginia
CERIANI, Madelyn M. (Finnegan) BURNS, Robert B. Evening Post. Upon discharge from
where she could. Marie will be fondly Julio), Ethan Castañeda (Amber Zellmann. Relatives and friends are
NORWOOD the Marines, she worked at Hewlett
remembered for her everlasting love Harville), Courtney Castañeda, and kindly invited to attend Visiting Hours
BOUDREAU, Constance Ann Packard and the Boston Globe, retiring
for her family and friends, especially
OUT OF STATE her amazing husband of 52 years, John,
Emma Castañeda (Dominik Bedzyk); Sunday, August 29th from 4pm to 6pm from the Globe after working there
his partner Brianna Gilmore; his at the Lehman Reen and McNamara
HUGHES, Mary Elizabeth
for many years. Bette enjoyed bingo,
MAINE and her dear friend, Fr. Ron Coyne. best friends Ron Thompson and Funeral Home, 63 Chestnut Hill Ave
bowling, dancing and traveling. She
REVERE Marie is survived by her other loves of Simeon Webb; his close cousin Karen Brighton 02135. Funeral Monday,
leaves her nieces Carol Sestito and her
LeCLAIR, Virginia M. (Fay) SLADE, Patricia (Nalchajian) her life, her daughter Denise (Caruso) Castañeda; uncle and aunt Robert and August 30th at 9:30am from the
life partner Kathleen Bower; Marjorie
Queally and her husband Desmond Leslie Castañeda (Avery Castañeda) Lehman Reen & McNamara Funeral
Taglieri and her wife Judith Murphy;
of Milton, and her son John Caruso, and uncle Frederick Castañeda; his Home. Funeral Mass 10:30am at
and, Albertine Beck and her daughter
BOUDREAU, Constance Ann BURNS, Robert B. Jr. and his wife, Beth of Marshfield. maternal grandmother, Ann Draffin; St. Columbkille Church 321 Market
Christina Beck. She also leaves behind
Above all, Marie cherished being a and his #BU2021 Posse (chosen St. Brighton. Interment St. Joseph
her nephew Michael Taglieri-Housh
grandmother to her Caroline, her family): Nancy Lowenstein, Abdullaah Cemetery, 990 LaGrange St. West
and his husband Michael Housh.
Shane, her Charlotte, her Madelyn and Robins, Archelle Thelemaque, Christian Roxbury 02132. In lieu of flowers,
She was predeceased by her sister
her Kenleigh Mae. She is, no doubt, Vanleer, Diem (DM) Maxwell, Kamilah donations in memory of Mrs. Madelyn
continuing to love and watch over each
Marjorie A Taglieri and her fiance
Harruna, Kesha Perkins, MC Carradine. Ceriani may be made to Catholic
one of them now in heaven. She will be William Clark. In addition, she leaves
While we deeply mourn this Charities of Boston 275 West Broadway
missed by her husband, children, their behind several cousins. Relatives and
unexpected passing, we are celebrating South Boston 02127
spouses, and grandchildren deeply. friends are respectfully invited to the
his Memory donate. For directions and guest book
Marie had the most dedicated siblings visitation on Monday from 9:15-10:15
Kendall lived his entire life with a please visit
and parents. Predeceased by her AM in the McDonald Keohane Funeral
fullness of heart and wasted not one
brother, Paul Flynn; and her parents Lehman Reen McNamara Home, NORTH WEYMOUTH at 40
single minute he was given. He gave
Mary (Young) Flynn and William B. Brighton 617 782 1000 Sea Street followed by a Funeral Mass
of himself, his time, his focus, his
Flynn Sr. Survived by her loving sister in St. Jerome Church, Weymouth
assistance, his laughter, his smile, and
and brother, Patricia (Flynn) McCue of at 10:30 AM. Burial in Blue Hill
his hugs. His hugs were phenomenal.
Norwood and William B. Flynn Jr. of We are comforted by the fact that he Cemetery, Braintree. In lieu of flowers,
Cohasset. Marie leaves behind many lived daily without regret, and loved donations may be made to the N.E.
nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great- those he loved unconditionally and Center and Home for Veterans, 17
Of Westwood, passed away peacefully Of Tewksbury, formerly of Malden,
nephews whom she loved dearly and completely. He knew how much and
FORREST, Madeline Vivian Court St., Boston, MA 02108. See www.
on Thursday, August 26th surrounded August 10, 2021. Beloved husband for directions and online
will be remembered fondly as Auntie richly he was loved and conversely, we
by her loved ones. Connie was 90 of Joanne (Lucia) Burns. Devoted condolences.
Marie. The Caruso, Queally and Flynn all knew how he felt about us. Kendall
years old, born to William F. and Mary father of Robert Burns, Jr. and his
families want to thank all of our family left a big footprint there and could not
(MacDonald) Cuddy of Roslindale. wife Colleen of Rockland, and Michael
and friends for their loving support walk down Commonwealth Avenue
She was predeceased by her husband Burns of Tewksbury. He was the loving
during this time. Special thanks to the without seeing someone he knew, and
George G. Boudreau. They raised their grandfather of Cameron Robert Burns.
Irish Connection, the South Shore VNA, giving a big smile and wave to them as
10 children in Norwood and called it Cherished brother of Barbara Neagle
and Season’s Hospice which all went he rushed to a class or activity.
home for over 50 years. She was the and her husband George of Farming-
above and beyond to care for Marie and To his siblings, blood related and
loving mother of Kathleen Roberts ton, ME, and the late William Burns. her family. Relatives and friends are chosen, Kendall was a constant source
and her husband Gary of Swanton, VT, He is further survived by several nieces respectfully invited to greet the family LEADER, Kathleen M
of laughter and light, even when
Therese Garvey and her husband Chris and nephews. Family and friends are during Visiting Hours on Sunday,
of Saint Augustine, FL, Mary Grow respectfully invited to attend Visiting August 29, 2021 from 3PM – 7PM
he was a “pain in the ass.” Kendall’s “Kathie”
ability to bring ease and joy into the
and her husband David of Attleboro, Hours at the McLaughlin - Dello Russo at Dolan Funeral Home, 460 Granite conversation, even in the toughest Age 79. Of Medfield and Pocasset.
Suzanne Bisbee and her husband Family Funeral Home, 60 Pleasant St., Avenue, EAST MILTON. A Mass of of times, was one of his most unique Friday, August 20th, 2021. Beloved wife
Richard of Canton, George, Jr. and his WOBURN, today, Saturday, August Christian Burial will be celebrated in St. and memorable qualities. He was of the late William J. Leader, loving
wife Susan (Kacher) of Newburyport, 28th, from 2 to 5 p.m. with a Memorial Agatha Church, 432 Adams St. Milton able to turn anything into a joke and mother of Kimberly Frazier and her
her daughter Judith and son Michael, Prayer Service starting at 5 p.m. It has at 12PM on Monday, August 30, 2021. would do whatever it took to bring a Born February 20, 1924, went home husband Matthew of Medfield, and
Claudine Gover and her husband been requested that, in lieu of flowers, All roads lead back to her burial at smile to someone’s face, whether that to be with the Lord, August 18, 2021. William Leader and his wife Megan of
Tom, Brian and his wife Beverly contributions may be made in Roberts Cedar Grove Cemetery in Dorchester. be his sister or a random stranger She was a loving wife, mother and Walpole. Sister to the late Ann Croke
(DiFlaminies), all of Norwood, and her memory to Dana-Farber Cancer Insti- In lieu of flowers, Marie encourages on the street. His smile in of itself mentor to many. View live streamed and her late husband John, the late
son the late Laurence Boudreau. Nana tute to support cancer research and you to do a small act of kindness for was infectious enough to break up a home-going service at https://webcast. Edward Sullivan and his surviving wife
was adored by her 16 grandchildren, patient care at: Dana-Farber Cancer your local food bank, senior center, mundane day and become a shining Toni of Melbourne, FL, the late Helen
7 great-grandchildren and 4 late Institute, P.O. Box 849168, Boston, MA parish, veteran’s organization, police, light to us all. His terribly amazing Sullivan and twin of the late Kevin
grandchildren, as well as countless 02284 or via fire station or local charity. Some of her jokes, infectious positivity, and outward Sullivan and his wife Suzette. Aunt to
nieces and nephews. She was loved If donating online please select the box favorites were My Brother’s Keeper, St. philanthropy allowed everyone he many nieces and nephews and cousin
by all who knew her. Her contagious marked Esophageal Cancer located un- Mary’s Center for Women and Children, interacted with to see straight into his to many. Visiting Monday, August
laugh and beautiful smile will always be der the Gastrointestinal Cancer section. and the New England Connection for open heart and affinity for kindness 30th, 4-8 at the Roberts Mitchell
remembered. For complete obituary and to leave an PKU and Allied Disorders. Please visit and character. GAFFNY, Carolyn R. Caruso Funeral Home, 15 Miller St,
Funeral from the Holden, Dunn and online message of condolence, please for directions He was an active leader and MEDFIELD. Funeral Mass Tuesday,
Lawler Funeral Home, 55 High Rock visit and online condolences. contributor in the community from 10:30 at St. Edward the Confessor
St., WESTWOOD, Monday, August 30, Dello Russo Family Funeral Homes community fridges, to BUFSA, his Posse Church, 133 Spring St., MEDFIELD.
at 10:00am. A Mass of Christian Burial Woburn - Medford Family, his work with the MCU as both Those wishing, may make memorial
will be celebrated in St. Catherine a team leader and it’s President. He contributions in Kathie’s name to the
of Siena Church, Washington St., was on the Dean’s list several times and Medfield Home Committee, 459 Main
Norwood, at 11:00am. Family and was inducted into the highly regarded St., Medfield. For full obit, please see
friends are invited to attend. Visiting Scarlet Key Society upon graduation.
Hours will be held in the funeral home
on Sunday, August 29, from 3:00 to Show your respect He graduated from Boston University
with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociocultural
Anthropology and a minor in Computer
6:00pm. Interment Highland Cemetery,
View The Boston Globe’s complete list Science. of death notices and sign the guestbook While at BU, he successfully served
on the Executive Board of the Minority
Funeral Services
781-326-0074 at
Connection Initiative and the Filipino
Student Association, completed two
internships at Deloitte, as well as the Of Cape Coral, FL, formerly of Billerica
CodeU Program at Google. He served and Stoneham. Beloved wife of the
as a Program Advisor and Common
Affordable Cremation
late Henry D. Gaffny. Devoted mother $
1310 complete
Ground speaker for BU’s Summer of David Gaffny, Douglas Gaffny 617 782 1000
Orientation team, and a Resident and his wife Theresa all of FL, and
Assistant for BU Residence Life, as well Patricia Gillespie and her husband
Lehman Reen & McNamara
as developing funding for BU’s annual James of Billerica. Dear sister of
Funeral Home
fund as he worked at the Student Nancy Maidrand of Shrewsbury and
Philanthropy center. the late Richard, Robert and Neil
Serving Greater Boston
He’s remembered not only for the
Collins. Loving grandmother of Melissa
heights he accomplished for himself
Carlson and her husband Chris,
and for others, but for his intention,
Nicholas Gaffny, Diana Nowlin and
thoughtfulness, hope, curiosity,
her husband Patrick, Deedee Gaffny-
and gratitude which he poured
Broth and her husband Garrett, and
wholeheartedly into everything he did. 500 Canterbury St.
Douglas Gaffny. Great-grandmother
Arrangements will be virtual, Boston, MA 02131 617-524-1036
of Camden Nowlin. A Funeral Service
on Wednesday, September 1, at
12:00PM EST, located at https://www.
will be held Monday, at the Sweeney
Memorial Funeral Home, 66 Concord
patrick-castaneda/ We will keep you all Rd., BILLERICA at noon. Relatives and

Share a cherished memory updated through social media. Please friends respectfully invited. Visiting
Hours will be held Sunday, 1 – 4 p.m.
visit that site and see social media for
Burial in Fox Hill Cemetery, Billerica. In
(617) 323-3690
organizations to donate monetary gifts
in lieu of flowers. lieu of flowers, memorial contributions 800-439-3690 • 617-876-9110
To submit a paid death notice for publication in The Boston Globe and on
may be made to the Alzheimer’s 531 Cummings Highway, Roslindale, contact your funeral director, visit
Assn.,, www. 583 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge
or call 617.929.1500. Now offering custom headings and enhanced listings. MON-FRI 9-9; SAT 9-5, SUNDAY 12-5

To submit an obituary for editorial consideration, please send the information

and a photo by e-mail to, or send information by fax to
617.929.3186. If you need further assistance about a news obituary, please
call 617.929.3400.

To access death notices and obituaries online, visit

Express your sympathy
View The Boston Globe’s complete list of death notices
and sign the guestbook at
C10 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

Remembered Obituaries

LeCLAIR, Virginia M. (Fay) SLADE, Patricia


Lifelong resident of Revere,

on August 25th at 78 Of Rockport, Maine. Our loving, funny,
years. Beloved wife of 59 beautiful wife, mother, grandmother,
years to Carl E. LeClair, Sr. of Revere. great-grandmother, and friend passed
Devoted mother of Carl E. LeClair, away peacefully on August 16, 2021
Jr. and fiancé Denise A. Killoren of at Sussman House in Rockport, ME
Stoneham, Rosanne E. Frongillo and after a brief illness complicated by
husband Vincent of Saugus, Marie Alzheimer’s. She was surrounded by the
V. Fronduto of Lynn and her former endless love of her husband, their two
husband Michael A. Fronduto of daughters, and other family members
New Hampshire, April J. DeLuca and who had gathered to be at her side.
partner Christine MacInnally of Lynn, The second daughter of Dr. Willard D
Derek A. LeClair of Revere and the and Evelyn Nalachajian, Priscilla was
late Cheryl A. Ferragamo. Cherished born in Cambridge, MA and grew up
grandmother of 13 grandchildren and and attended schools in Chelsea before
5 great-grandchildren and a 6th on the completing her high school education
way. Dear sister of Diane Crowley and at Walnut Hill School in Natick. She ALEXANDER LIM VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES/FILE
her late husband Michael of Marshfield, graduated from Wheaton College in
Donald Chapman and wife Myrna Norton, MA in 1956 with a B.A in Mr. Morgan, shown leading the Oakland Symphony in 2019, had received a kidney transplant in May.
of Summerside, P. E. I., Canada, and Political Science. After graduation,
the late Grace E. Cutillo and her late
husband Frank R., the late Edward
C. “Eddie” Fay, Jr. and surviving wife
Dolores Fay of Allenstown, NH, the
she taught elementary school before
marrying William F. (Saladino) Slade
on January 16, 1960. On a day in
September 1940, Priscilla and Bill met
Michael Morgan, adventurous maestro, at 63
late Joseph E. Fay and his late wife and their 81-year journey commenced. By Neil Genzlinger an W. Kamau Bell and labor ac- Music in Ohio. At 22 he entered know that sometimes that’s be-
Lillian. Also lovingly survived by They celebrated their 61st wedding NEW YORK TIMES tivist Dolores Huerta selected the international Hans cause it has been to the advan-
her closest friends, Dottie “Missy” anniversary on January 16, 2021. Michael Morgan, the music and introduced pieces to be per- Swarowsky conducting competi- tage of an organization to have
Bernstein and her husband Stephen of Some of Priscilla’s favorite memories director of the Oakland Sympho- formed. tion in Vienna — just for the ex- me, an African American,
Saugus, Lorraine Todisco and Joann were riding with her father in his
ny in California, who in his 30 Colleagues said Mr. Morgan perience, he said later — and around. I see what others my age
Giannino, both of Revere. Many caring car as he made house calls, and her
young summers with her siblings at years in that post sought to bring was interested in more than sim- ended up winning. That earned do, and that there are more star-
nieces, nephews, grand-nieces &
grand-nephews also survive Virginia her parents’ cottage in Freedom, NH orchestral music to a broader au- ply putting on an entertaining him a chance to conduct Mo- studded careers that I have no
as well as an uncountable number of and at Camp Winnemont, both on dience, particularly young peo- program. zart’s “The Abduction From the doubt I would have if I were not
extended family and friends. Family Ossipee Lake. Her love of horseback ple and people of color, died “Michael wasn’t afraid to ad- Seraglio” at the Vienna State Op- Black.”
and friends are invited to attend the riding flourished at camp, later on the
Aug. 20 in Oakland. He was 63. dress social issues head-on, and era in 1982. Lack of diversity has long
Funeral on Monday, August 30th from equestrian team at Wheaton College,
and into her adulthood. She continued The cause was complications we [the Oakland Symphony] Georg Solti made him assis- characterized the classical music
the Vertuccio and Smith, Home for
Funerals, 773 Broadway (Rte. 107) the tradition of annual family vacations of an infection, the orchestra were the tools he used to bridge tant conductor of the Chicago world. A 2014 study found that
REVERE at 10:00a.m., followed by a and long weekends at the cottage as said. Morgan had received a kid- the gap between races and dif- Symphony Orchestra in 1986. In only 1.8 percent of players in top
Funeral Mass in St. Anthony of Padua her own and her siblings’ families ney transplant in May and had ferent political beliefs,” Dawn his seven years there he also reg- ensembles were Black and just
Church, 250 Revere St., REVERE at grew over the years, which created a
just resumed conducting last Harms, co-concertmaster of the ularly directed the Civic Orches- 2.5 percent were Latino.
11:00a.m. Interment will be private. lifetime of childhood memories for
the adults, her cherished daughters; month. s y m p h o n y, s a i d b y e - m a i l . tra of Chicago and the Chicago Mr. Morgan’s last two years in
Visiting Hours will be held in the
nieces; nephews; and the eventual As one of the few Black mae- “There was nothing like an Oak- Youth Symphony. And he began Chicago overlapped with his ten-
Funeral Home on Sunday from 3-7
p.m. Parking available in lot left of
fourth generation who experienced the stros leading a substantial pro- land Symphony concert with Mi- to develop a sense of mission. ure in Oakland. By then he was
magic of being together at the lake. fessional orchestra, Mr. Morgan chael at the helm. The audience “When I began my career, I fully committed to getting more
the funeral home. In lieu of flowers,
Most of the incredible life Priscilla
remembrances may be made to the was eager to diversify the sym- was so incredibly diverse, joined was not involved in the idea of young people, especially young
and Bill built together occurred in
Rose Ferron Foundation of Rhode phony’s programming and its together under one roof, rocking being a role model or increasing Black people, interested in or-
Boxford, MA where they lived for 49
Island, 339 Arnold St., Woonsocket, RI
years. Her children and the children audience. the Paramount Theater with minority numbers in the field,” chestra music.
02895. To send online condolences or
for more information, please visit www.
of her friends frequently remark to “My main goal,” he told the such a joyful, enthusiastic noise.” he told The Chicago Tribune in “It could add one more piece
each other what a tight-knit unit The weekly newspaper The Califor- A feature article about Mr. 1993. “I came to realize, howev- to the puzzle of their lives,” he
Boxford Group was, and how we rarely
nia Voice in 1991 as he was be- Morgan in The San Jose Mercu- er, that someone has to take re- told The California Voice in 1991.
see such strong adult friendships in
our own lives. The many friends and ginning his Oakland tenure, “is ry News in 2013 bore a telling sponsibility.” A high point of any Oakland
neighbors she and Bill had in Boxford to show the rest of the field of or- headline: “Nobody Falls Asleep Mr. Morgan was a guest con- season was Mr. Morgan’s annual
Have the set the bar high for relationships
wherever they lived, creating endless
chestra music that you can make
an orchestra relevant and of in-
When Michael Morgan’s Con-
ductor with numerous major
American orchestras, as well as
“Let Us Break Bread Together”
concert, held late in the year and
memories and hilarious accounts
talk of a of shared escapades. Priscilla was
employed at Talbots in South Hamilton,
terest to the community, espe-
cially to Black youngsters who
Michael DeVard Morgan was
born Sept. 17, 1957, in Washing-
with New York City Opera, Op-
era Theater of St. Louis and the
featuring a musical cornucopia
that might include gospel sing-
lifetime MA, where her sense of style and
kind way of finding what looked best
some may think are not interest-
ed in anything.”
ton. His mother, Mabel (Dick-
ens) Morgan, was a health re-
Washington National Opera.
When he conducted the New
ers, choruses of various kinds, a
klezmer band and high school
flourished. She won numerous sales He made countless visits to searcher, and his father, Willie, York Philharmonic in 1992, students. Each year had a
You talk about many contests and her successful efforts
schools in the area. He brought was a biologist. news accounts said he was only theme, and the range was wide
were regularly recognized by letters
things with your loved in an eclectic list of guests artists He grew up in the city, where the fifth Black conductor to do — Pete Seeger music in 2014;
from the company’s executive leaders
ones: from day-to-day congratulating her on her sales to the Paramount Theater, the he started taking piano lessons so. Frank Sinatra the next year; mu-
details to big events. achievements. Her successes resulted orchestra’s home base, including when he was 8. By 12 he was At the time, he told The New sic related to the Black Panthers
in being asked numerous times to Isaac Hayes in 2001 and Carlos conduc ting his junior high York Times that he felt his race the next.
Sharing stories with
take on the role of store manager,
those who matter most Santana in 2010. He initiated a school orchestra. was both a help and a hindrance. Mr. Morgan is survived by his
which she graciously declined. Her
isn’t just important daughters benefited from being program called “Playlist” in Mr. Morgan studied composi- “I have a very nice little ca- mother and a sister, Jacquelyn
the oldest kids, they knew who still which guests including comedi- tion at Oberlin Conservatory of reer now,” he said, “but I also Morgan.
today; it will be
enjoyed being dressed by their mother.
especially significant Priscilla was always the one at family
events to have extra jewelry for an
when it’s time to honor
and commemorate
outfit, the right lipstick to borrow, the
perfect purse to loan, or emergency
Rand V. Araskog, former chief of ITT Corp., at 89
your lives. pantyhose for anyone in a bind with
forgotten or lost items of their own. By Kate Kelly the hotel, gaming, and enter- Mr. Araskog,
Meaningful memorial- Priscilla was predeceased by her NEW YORK TIMES tainment businesses, which in- shown at his office
parents, Dr. Willard D. and Evelyn W.
ization starts when Rand V. Araskog , who as cluded Sheraton hotels and a in New York in
Nalchajian; her sister Joanne Lawson;
loved ones talk about her nephew Jeffrey Redding; her niece chief executive of ITT Corp. in large stake in Madison Square 1980 shortly after
what matters most: Debbie Seal; and her nephew Robert the 1980s and ’90s successfully Garden, which owns the Knicks he took over as
Saladino. She is survived by her loving refocused an unwieldy conglom- and Rangers in New York. chief executive and
memories made, husband, William F. (Saladino) Slade erate that at various points ran A meticulous, hands-on man- chairman of ITT,
lessons learned and of Rockport, ME; her daughters,
the Sheraton hotel chain, owned ager, he distributed ownership died Aug. 9 at his
how they hope to be Pamela (Timothy) Visel of Ivoryton, CT
and Julie Slade of Camden, ME; her the New York Knicks and Rang- of 11 percent of the company home in Palm
remembered. grandchildren Willard (Chelsea) Visel of ers and made Wonder Bread, among its employees. Beach, Fla.
Salem, CT and Abigail (Michael) Butler, died Aug. 9 at his home in Palm Mr. Araskog fended off hos-
Download a free along with her great-grandchildren Beach, Fla. He was 89. tile takeovers, even resisting one
Raymond, Bradley, and Michael Butler
brochure and have the His death was confirmed by that would have paid him hand-
of Charles Town, WV; her siblings
talk of a lifetime today. Nancy Seal of Madison, WI and Willard his daughters, Kathleen Araskog somely. On more than one occa-
It can make the (Lynne) Nalchajian of Exeter, NH; and Thomas and Julie K. Araskog. sion, though, the company be-
many nieces; nephews; their spouses; No cause was given. came a potential target of corpo-
difference of a lifetime. and their children who all adored their A West Point graduate who rate raiders like Jay Pritzker,
Auntie Pris. A service of committal
worked at the Department of who built the Hyatt hotel chain, for Priscilla will be held at Sea View
Cemetery, 171 Chestnut Street, Defense before pursuing a career and billionaire Philip F. An-
Massachusetts Funeral Camden, ME at 11a.m. on September in business, Mr. Araskog took schutz. To ward off those efforts,
11, 2021, followed by a reception in the helm of ITT in 1979, when Mr. Araskog cut costs through
Rockport. All are welcome to attend. the company, then known as the layoffs and additional divest-
Directors Association In lieu of flowers, donations may be JOYCE DOPKEEN/THE NEW YORK TIMES
International Telephone and ments. The experience left him
made to the Alzheimer’s Association
(, or to a charity of your choice. Telegraph Corp., was the 11th embittered about the merger-
To share a memory or condolence with largest industrial concern in the and-takeover mania of the director of the nation’s nascent ny’s defense, aeronautics, and
Priscilla’s family, please visit their Book United States, with $19.4 billion 1980s. space program. telecommunications divisions
Funeral and Memorial of Memories at in annual sales (in today’s dol- “There was a single-minded- In 1955, Mr. Araskog pro- before being named chief oper-
Information Council
Burpee, Carpenter & Hutchins lars about $73 billion, putting it ness in their pursuit of profit,” he posed to Jessie M. Gustafson, ating officer in 1978.
110 Limerock St. Rockland, ME on a par with IBM and Procter & wrote of corporate raiders in who was studying library sci- The next year a boardroom
Gamble). Its global holdings in- “The ITT Wars.” “They seemed ence and education at Gustavus shake-up resulted in the ouster
cluded pulp mills, baking com- to be motivated by the idea of Adolphus College in St. Peter, of his predecessor, and he was
Honor your loved one’s memory panies, a large network of hotels playing a game, and devil take Minn. It was their first date, and named chief executive. He was
as well as financial services and the resulting damage and dis- another couple was in the car named chairman in 1980.
with a photo in The Boston Globe. telecommunications and elec- ruption.” with them at the time. Mr. A raskog ser ved on a
tronics operations. Randolph Vincent Araskog In a phone interview, she re- number of corporate boards, in-
O v e r t w o d e c a d e s M r. was born Oct. 30, 1931, in Fer- called being incredulous at her cluding those of Dow Jones, Roy-
Araskog whittled down ITT to a gus Falls, Minn., a small city in future husband’s quick proposal al Dutch Shell, and Target. As a
group of core units and reduced the west-central part of the state. and seeking her mother’s advice. philanthropist he donated mon-
Ask your the company’s $5 billion debt His parents, Randolph Araskog, “He asked me to marry him — ey to, among other organiza-
load, in part by selling off some the local tax collector, and Hil- should I believe him?” she re- tions, West Point, the Memorial
funeral director 250 companies, which he re- fred (Swanson) Araskog, operat- membered telling her. “And my Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in
for details. ferred to in his book “The ITT ed a small dairy farm. mother said, ‘I wouldn’t believe New York, and the Henry Street
Wars: An Insider’s View of Hos- Mr. Araskog graduated from him if I were you.’” Settlement, a social services or-
tile Takeovers” (1989) as “redun- West Point in 1953, then attend- But she said yes, and the cou- ganization in Manhattan.
dant, unprofitable or just plain ed the Harvard Graduate School ple were married July 29, 1956. After retiring from ITT in
odd acquisitions.” of Arts and Sciences, studying In 1960, Mr. Araskog took a 1998, Mr. Araskog opened his
It was a reversal of the strate- Russian, before joining the De- job at industrial giant Honeywell own investment firm in Palm
gy pursued by his predecessor, fense Department. He spent five in Minneapolis. He worked in Beach.
Harold S. Geneen, who had built years at the Pentagon, working marketing and planning in the In addition to his wife and
the company into the massive in the office of the Secretary of aeronautic division before join- daughters, he is survived by his
conglomerate that it was. Mr. Defense; the last two years were ing ITT in 1966. At ITT he held son, William, and eight grand-
Araskog ultimately zeroed in on spent as a special assistant to the senior positions in the compa- children.
Business D
Comics D4
TV Listings D6

T H E B O S T O N G L O B E SAT U R DAY, AU G US T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / B US I N E S S

tech firm
Toast files
to go public
Nine-year-old company
adapts amid pandemic
By Aaron Pressman

While the COVID-19 pandemic slammed the res-

taurant industry, Boston tech company Toast took a
hit but was also well-positioned to capitalize on the
trend of diners favoring more takeout and online
Toast filed paperwork Friday to make an initial
public stock offering for what will be one of the
most anticipated deals of the year. If it goes
through, Toast plans to trade on the New York Stock
Exchange under the ticker symbol TOST.
The nine-year-old company also disclosed how
hard COVID has knocked its various businesses,
which include selling payment-processing tablets
The Supreme Court struck down President Biden’s two-month ban on evictions Thursday, prompting response from lawmakers. and handheld devices, as well as cloud-based soft-
ware for restaurants to manage orders, payroll, and

Congress urged to act on eviction ban marketing.

Just 16 months ago, Toast chief executive Chris
Comparato laid off about half the company’s em-
ployees, cutting 1,300 people, furloughed hundreds
By Tim Logan
Mass. law protects tenants who have here, running well below pre-pan-
demic levels for most of 2021, ac-
more, and slashed executive salaries. Restaurants
using Toast’s payments and ordering software saw
After the Supreme Court struck pending applications for debt relief cording to state courts data. State their sales cut by one-quarter, and the company for-
down the Biden administration’s lawmakers passed a measure block- gave $20 million of fees its customers owed, it re-
two-month ban on evictions Thurs- sentative Jim McG overn from Bush, and at times Pressley, on the ing evictions of anyone who has a vealed Friday.
day night, Representative Ayanna Worcester. “If we do not act, the end steps of the Capitol when the ban pending application for rent relief, But by developing software to help restaurants
Pressley led dozens of Democratic of the eviction moratorium will un- initially expired at the end of July. and the Baker administration has quickly add capabilities to accept online orders, ar-
lawmakers Friday in urging Con- doubtedly lead to the increased Biden extended it in part to pres- poured resources into mediation, range deliveries, issue gift cards, and do marketing
gressional leaders to take up the spread of COVID-19, more deaths, sure Congress to act, but Republi- counseling, and other efforts to pre- via e-mail, Toast bounced back much more quickly
matter on their own. disability, and trauma.” can lawmakers remain opposed, vent at-risk tenants from being than the overall recovery in dining out. The compa-
The Dorchester Democrat, along Earlier this month, President and even many Democrats have pushed out of their homes. ny also created partnerships with delivery services
with Representatives Cori Bush of Biden extended the eviction ban — other priorities. Still, advocates here warn that such as DoorDash, allowing restaurants to pay a flat
Missouri, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez first enacted last September by Congress has authorized nearly the end of the federal moratorium fee for each delivery instead of a percentage of the
of New York, and Jimmy Gomez of then-president Donald Trump — $47 billion in aid to help struggling — which prevented final eviction of order.
California, penned a letter implor- through the end of October in coun- renters and their landlords, as a most, though not all, tenants over “A year ago COVID looked catastrophic for Toast,
ing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ties experiencing “substantial” way to prevent evictions. But in unpaid rent — could spark a wave but Toast moved quickly to meet their restaurant
and Senate Majority Leader Charles spread of COVID-19, a status that many states that money has been of evictions in the coming months, customers needs in the most difficult time and it
Schumer to pass legislation that currently includes most of the slow to get out the door, with just even as COVID case numbers rise propelled the company to an entirely new level,”
would protect tenants at risk of country and all of Massachusetts. 11 percent of it distributed, accord- again. They’re pushing for legisla- said Eric Paley, managing partner of venture capital
eviction during the pandemic. Landlord groups and other critics ing to a report earlier this week. tion on Beacon Hill that would al- firm Founder Collective, who is not involved with
“The impending eviction crisis is promptly sued. Thursday night, the Massachusetts is set to receive low the state to block many evic- the company.
a matter of public health and safety Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in their fa- about $900 million, and as of the tions and require landlords to seek From the middle of 2019 to the middle of 2020,
that demands an urgent legislative vor, saying the ban exceeded the end of July had doled out $225 mil- rental aid before seeking to remove Toast nearly doubled the number of restaurants us-
solution to prevent further harm president’s executive authority and lion to nearly 36,000 households, a tenant for nonpayment. ing its devices and software to 33,129, the company
and needless loss of human life,” would have to be enacted by Con- most of it since March. said. And by the middle of 2021, it served 47,942.
they wrote in the letter, which was gress. Filings of new eviction cases — Tim Logan can be reached at “This is only the beginning of our journey,” co-
signed by more than 50 other But progress there has been which were allowed under the mor- Follow founders Stephen Fredette, Aman Narang, and Jon
House Democrats, including Repre- slow, despite a dramatic vigil by atorium — have been relatively low him on Twitter at @bytimlogan. Grimm wrote in the filing with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. “Our goal to become the
platform of choice for restaurants all over the world
is broad and could take us in many directions.”

Powell: Fed on track to slow economic aid day.

The company declined interview requests Fri-

Toast’s revenue in the first half of 2021 more

than doubled to $704 million from the same period
By Christopher Rugaber billion a month in mortgage and see much further economic im- mortgages, credit cards, and busi- in 2020. The company’s net loss of $235 million was
ASSOCIATED PRESS Treasury bonds to try to hold down provement before it would begin ness loans. As Powell spoke Friday, up 88 percent from 2020. The amount of sales that
WASHINGTON — The Federal longer-term loan rates to spur bor- raising its key rate, which influenc- though, the yield on the 10-year Toast’s restaurant customers processed through its
Reserve will start dialing back its rowing and spending. Powell’s es many consumer and business Treasury note, which closely influ- system increased 125 percent in the first half of
ultra-low-rate policies this year as comments indicate the Fed will loans. ences the 30-year mortgage rate, 2021, compared to a year earlier, to $23.4 billion.
long as hiring continues to im- likely announce a reduc- In his remarks, Powell declined to 1.32 percent from 1.34 The rise of online ordering during the pandemic
prove, Chair Jerome Powell said tion — or a “tapering” — of further underscored his percent Thursday. also boosted Boston-based alcohol delivery service
Friday, signaling the beginning of those purchases sometime view that much of the cur- Stock investors, too, appeared Drizly, which was acquired by Uber in February for
the end of the Fed’s extraordinary in the final three months rent spike in inflation is to welcome Powell’s message of a $1.1 billion. And the Toast IPO filing comes days af-
response to the pandemic reces- of this year. temporary. He warned that gradual withdrawal of the Fed’s ter another Boston restaurant-tech company, Spyce,
sion. Powell stressed that the history shows that raising economic support and his view was acquired by national salad chain Sweetgreen.
In a speech given virtually to an Fed’s tapering of its bond rates too soon, in response that surging inflation pressures Toast’s IPO could value the company at $20 bil-
annual gathering of central bank- purchases does not signal to temporary price increas- will likely prove temporary. The lion or more, making billionaires of the founders, at
ers and academics, Powell said the that it plans soon to start es, can weaken hiring and Dow Jones Industrial Average least on paper, and generating even greater profits
economy had improved significant- raising its benchmark hurt the unemployed. closed up nearly 242 points. for the venture capital firms that funded the compa-
ly this year, with average hiring in short-term rate, which it’s POWELL “If anything this was a “Markets appreciate that there ny, including Bessemer Venture Partners and Steve
the past three months reaching the kept near zero since the calming speech,” said Bri- is a different test for raising rates Papa’s Technology Investment Dining Group.
highest level on record for any sim- pandemic tore through the econo- an Bethune, an economist at Bos- than there is for tapering, and any Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan
ilar period before the pandemic. my in March 2020. ton College. “There’s nothing here communications on tapering don’t are leading the IPO.
Fed officials are monitoring the Rate hikes won’t likely begin in the short run that will stampede have any direct effect on raising
rapid rise in infections from the until the Fed has finished winding interest rates higher.’’ rates,’’ said Steve Friedman, an Anissa Gardizy and Pranshu Verma of the Globe
delta variant, he said, but they ex- down its bond purchases, which Over time, the end of the Fed’s economist at asset manager MacK- staff contributed to this report.
pect healthy job gains to continue. might not occur until mid-2022. bond-buying could put upward ay Shields and a former senior Aaron Pressman can be reached at
The Fed has been buying $120 Powell said the Fed would need to pressure on borrowing costs for staffer at the New York Fed.

More Boston companies delay employees’ return to the office

By Jon Chesto ‘We do feel this is the right work.” Other large local employers with re-
GLOBE STAFF Meanwhile, Point32Health, the new- cently delayed returns include Liberty
Add insurers John Hancock, Tufts choice for our colleagues’ ly formed parent of the Harvard Pilgrim Mutual, which said it would keep most
Health Plan, and Harvard Pilgrim
Health Care to the growing list of white-
well-being and in support and Tufts health insurers, said Friday
that it’s delaying the phased opening of
US employees remote for the rest of
2021 rather than bringing them back
collar employers postponing their re- of public health in the its new Canton headquarters as well as next month, and Dell Technologies,
turn-to-office plans because of rising its Quincy office from early September which was planning to reopen offices
COVID-19 case counts.
communities where we live until early November, and it closed its next month but pushed that off to an
John Hancock, a life insurance and and work.’ other regional offices that had been unspecified later date. Smaller tech
investment arm of Manulife Financial open at half capacity this summer. The firms are doing it, too: Fuze delayed the
Corp., had planned to reopen its Back MARIANNE HARRISON, (right) nonprofit employs about 4,400, includ- reopening of its 200-person Boston of-
Bay headquarters on a voluntary basis John Hancock president ing about 2,500 people who will eventu- fice from September to January, for ex-
Sept. 20. But on Friday, president Mari- ally be based in Canton. As with John ample, and Wasabi shelved its fall re-
anne Harrison told John Hancock’s Hancock’s headquarters, Point32Health turn-to-office plans for its 130 workers
5,000 US employees, including 3,500 in company eventually will adopt more of “I know some of you were looking will adopt a hybrid model for Canton in favor of a long-term shift toward a
Massachusetts, that the company is a hybrid model, with many workers forward to being back in the office, so for most employees there. All individu- more flexible mix of in-office and re-
pushing that reopening back until Janu- coming in three days a week while this news will be disappointing,” Harri- als, including contractors and visitors, mote work.
ary 2022. working remotely the other two. John son wrote. “However, we do feel this is will need to wear masks, for now at
Only essential workers will be al- Hancock has encouraged office staff to the right choice for our colleagues’ well- least, and everyone will need to provide Jon Chesto can be reached at
lowed in offices in Atlanta, Boston, and take COVID-19 vaccines but has not re- being and in support of public health in proof of vaccination before entering an Follow him on
Tempe, Ariz., for the rest of 2021. The quired it.. the communities where we live and office as of Nov. 1. Twitter @jonchesto.
D2 Business T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1


ClassifiedsMarketplace DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF/FILE

Mayflower Poultry Co.’s sign

Globe 25 index
Index of publicly traded companies in Massachusetts

jobs cars homes pets stuff went up for auction as the

company moves to Boston.

Search Classifieds 24/7 at • Call 617.929.1500 to Advertise
& more sign stays

917 LONG POND ROAD - DEPOSIT $10,000 business group
TERMS OF SALE: Deposits in the amounts specified above are to be paid by the purchaser(s) at the time
wins auction
MassDOT Highway Division Proposal
and place of each sale by certified or bank check. All balances due are to be paid within 30 days of each
indivdual sale. Other items, if any, to be announced at each sale. Call our AUCTION SCHEDULE LINE at (617)
964-1282 for a list of the current day’s auctions and visit our website www
for continuously updated scheduling information and additional scheduling information.

By Steve Annear
Electronic proposals for the following project will be received through the internet using
Bid Express until the date and time stated below and will be posted on
forthwith after the bid submission deadline. No paper copies of bids will be accepted. An East Cambridge land-
(617) 964-0005 • MA Lic. 2235 •
All Bidders must have a valid vendor code issued by MassDOT in order to bid on mark isn’t flying far from its
projects. Bidders need to apply for a Digital ID at least 14 days prior to a scheduled
homes stuff bid opening date with Bid Express.
The Bidding for and award of the contracts for the following projects are to be in accord-
ance with the requirements of Mass General Laws Chapter 30 § 39M.
The East Cambridge Business
Association purchased the cher-
ished — yet slightly macabre —
“Live Poultry, Fresh Killed” sign
and Related Work along a Section of Route 8 (Cheshire Road) (608485)
$3,544,000.00 during a competitive auction
outside of Mayflower Poultry Co.
on Thursday afternoon, assuring
BUCKLAND: FAP# STP-0031(011) Roadway Reconstruction and Related
Work on Sections of Conway, South and Summer Streets and Conway $7,781,000.00 that it will stick around in the ar- Road (606463) ea as it has for decades.
The bidding for and award of the contract for the following projects are to be in accordance The price tag? A combined
classifieds classifieds with the requirements of Mass General Laws Chapter 149 as amended.
$22,500 for both the sign and
PROJECT VALUE the trademark rights for its im-
BOSTON: FAP# NHP(NHS)-003S(176)X Space Modernization for the
RESIDENTIAL Highway Operations Center (HOC) (611993)
$2,354,000.00 “ W h a t a w i l d r i d e ! ! ! We
Won!!!,” the business associa-
BOSTON: Lighting Repairs and Improvements in the Prudential Tunnel (I-90) (610894)
tion, which promotes neighbor-
hood commerce, wrote on Face-
All prospective Bidders must complete and e-mail an electronic copy of “Request Proposal
Form (R109)” to the MassDOT Director of Prequalification for approval: prequal.r109@dot.
book following the auction. The blank “Request Proposal Form (R109)” can be obtained at: https://www. Prior to the auc tion, the
BOSTON RELIC - A NOVEL group said it wanted the sign be-
OPEN HOUSE By Arthur James
SUNDAY 1:00 A Religious Thriller An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by the Department prior cause it is “Such [a] great symbol
till 4:00. Couple retiring to
Boston-Relic-MR-Arthur- to the opening of proposals.
Ranch is LOADED!11 RMS 4 James/dp/099044886X Proposal documents for official bidders are posted on Other interested
of Cambridge [Street] and the
Bds 2 1/2 bath Plus 4 RMS
In Law Apartment Sun room parties may receive informational Contract Documents containing the Plans and small business community.”
Jim G ould, owner of the
pool hot tub. GOOGLE EARTH Special Provisions, free of charge. All parties who wish to have access to information
FOR SALE plans and specification must send a “Request for Informational Documents” to
butcher shop, announced the
Plans and Contract Documents will be on display and information will be available at sale of the sign earlier this
2019 ELECTRA GLIDE month, as he prepared to move
the MassDOT Boston Headquarters Office and at each District Office wherein a project
is located. his business from a storefront Wall St. sets another record high
THE ISLANDS MassDOT, in compliance with Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 21 (Nondiscrimination just outside of Inman Square to
in Federally-assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title
VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964) hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that a new location in Boston’s New- NEW YORK — Wall Street rallied to more record highs Friday
in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises market Square. after the head of the Federal Reserve said it’s still far from
hicle Operations) w/a near
Ve- will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be
discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for
The building, which was also pulling interest rates off the record low that has helped the
52000.00 list. the color is 3
tone 1 of 3 limited colors for an award. home to a mattress store that market soar, even if it does begin dialing back its support for
NANTUCKET 2019.the colors are auburn closed during the pandemic, the economy later this year. The S&P 500 rose 0.9%, beating
sunglow/black hole/rich MassDOT Highway Division projects are subject to the rules and regulations of the
bourbon=brown... heated
seats, 6.5 info system,
Architectural Access Board (521 CMR 1.00 et. seq.). Prospective bidders and interested sold for $5 million in May, ac- the high it set on Wednesday. In a highly anticipated speech,
headset LED day maker parties can access this information and more via the internet at WWW.COMMBUYS.COM. cording to Middlesex County Fed chair Jerome Powell said one milestone has been reached
lights and packing the 117
engine. $45500.00 Call 781- BY: Jamey Tesler, Secretary and CEO, MassDOT property records. Gould’s new for the central bank to slow a bond-buying program that’s as-
Jonathan L. Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT Highway Division
Located at 6 Straight Wharf, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 2021 headquarters will not have a re- sisting the economy. But he stressed that the move toward
this free-standing, commer- tail operation, and he didn’t eventually raising rates will be a gradual one. Stocks have set
cial/residential building is
less than a block from the
bottom of Main St. The first
want the sign to waste away in record after record this year thanks in large part to the Feder-
floor space has an extensive
year-round retail history. RESTAURANT storage, far from the public eye. al Reserve’s massive efforts to prop up the economy and fi-

There is a separate apart-
ment upstairs that has a In an e-mail, Gould said he nancial markets. But the gains had grown more tentative as
great rental history or could
could be convenient housing COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS
was “super psyched” that the the beginning of the end of the Fed’s assistance came into
for a store manager. DIVISION OF FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE East Cambridge Business Associ- sight, now that the unemployment rate has dropped and in-
321 CMR 3.02(6) and 3.03(2) ation, a hometown group, had flation has picked up. “He not as much spoke it as he cooed for details.
NEW & USED RESTAURANT In accordance with the Mass. Gen. Laws, Chapter 131, the winning bid. it,” said Ernesto Ramos, US chief investment officer at BMO
BAR-PIZZA-STORE EQUIPMENT Sections 5 and 63, and Chapter 30A, Section 2, NOTICE is
hereby given that the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife will “Very glad it’ll be staying in Global Asset Management. “He was super dovish.”
AT OUR WAREHOUSE hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 9:30
a.m., on proposed regulatory amendments to 321 CMR
COMMERCIAL 80 MYRTLE ST. NO. QUINCY MA 3.02(6): Hunting of Pheasants, Quail, and Ruffed Grouse and the [neighborhood],” he said, ASSOCIATED PRESS
3.03(2): Special Regulations for Northeast Wildlife Manage-
617-770-1600 - 617-436-8829 ment Area (Martin H. Burns Wildlife Management Area) via “and I know the neighbors are
a Zoom video webinar with the Hearing Officer, MassWild-
life staff, and Board members, and the public joining via really happy about it too, so just
computer or phone line.
great all the way around.” DOW JONES industrial average
COMMERCIAL & WANTED Please note that the hearing, which will begin at 9:30
a.m., will be held in the same webinar as the September A portion of the sale’s pro-
monthly business meeting (begins at 9:00 a.m.;
INDUSTRIAL MassWildlife/FWBoard). Attendees can enter and exit the
webinar at any time.
ceeds — roughly $2,500 — will
CASH FOR TOOLS! Hand be donated by Gould to Cam-
or Power. Carpenter, Ma- The proposed regulatory amendments relative to 321 CMR
CENTRAL MAINE chinist, Mechanic, Plumber. 3.02(6) and 3.03(2) are posted and instructions for how to bridge charity Food For Free.
Rollaways. 1-800-745-8665 join the webinar can be found at, so that interested Jason Alves, executive direc-
persons can review the regulations and provide written
comments prior to the hearing and oral comments during tor of the East Cambridge Busi-

the public-comment portion of the virtual hearing.
ness Association, said the com-
Due to filing requirements, the Fisheries and Wildlife Board
turn-key and well established
must vote on the proposed regulatory amendments at the petition at Thursday’s auction
close of the hearing. Therefore, please note: There will be
deli/market with liquor, full
breakfast and lunch menu.
no written comment period after this public hearing. was fierce. A small group gath-
3240 s.f., on well traveled
main road, kitchen equip-
Mark S. Tisa, Ph.D., M.B.A. ered outside the butcher shop,
ment included. Jeanne Jo-
seph - Century 21 Nason eager to take home the sign,
realty Call for details. 607- which is roughly 6 feet tall, and 5
MARKETING DISTRICT at $7,000, a number tossed out
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council (the by an anonymous buyer on the
“Council”) of the City of Boston (the “City”) has completed
proceedings to form the Boston-Cambridge Tourism Desti- phone who was calling from out- NASDAQ Composite index
nation Marketing District (the “BCTDMD”) pursuant to the
Tourism Destination Marketing Districts Law, Chapter 40X side Massachusetts. From there,
DOGS of the Massachusetts General Laws (“TDMD Law”) and to
levy an assessment on certain lodging businesses within it continued to climb.
Now place your the BCTDMD; and
“People were [bidding] on-
want ads MINI BERNEDOODLE 2021, at Council Chambers located at 1 City Hall Square, line, people were on the phone,
PUPS Room 550 Boston, MA 02201-2043, the City Council held a
whenever you public hearing regarding the establishment of the BCTDMD,
and the City Council heard and received objections and pro-
and then there were people who
want ads. tests, if any, to the establishment of the BCTDMD and the
levy of the proposed assessment; and were present,” said Alves, who
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the public hear- was bidding on behalf of the as-
ing to consider the establishment of the BCTDMD has been
properly noticed in accordance with the TDMD Law; and sociation.
Create your ad NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that on August 18, In the end, Alves emerged the
Beautiful hypoallergenic 2021, at Council Chambers located at 1 City Hall Square,
today at pups ready for adoption.
Raised in family setting in
Room 550 Boston, MA 02201-2043, the City Council will victor.
hold a final hearing regarding the establishment of the BCT- western MA and ready to
be your friend. $2,900.00
DMD, where the City Council will vote on the establishment “I don’t think anyone had any
of the BCTDMD and the levy of the proposed assessment,
monster call Melvin 413-265-6737 and upon a successful vote, shall pass an Ordinance for- clue it would go for that much
or email melvinhess93@ mally establishing the BCTDMD. money,” he said, laughing. “It
1. Membership in the BCTDMD is irrevocable unless as pro- was a whirlwind of a day.”
vided in subsection (g) or the dissolution under section 10
of the TDMD Law.
2. Assessed lodging businesses shall receive the benefit of
As for the sign’s future, Alves
increased sales activity and room night revenue as a result
of BCTDMD services and improvements. Benefit is propor-
said there’s more work to do. But
tional to the contribution of assessment related to the oc-
cupancy of the lodging businesses.
he’s already reached out to Cam- S&P 500 index
3. The BCTDMD includes all lodging businesses with fifty
(50) rooms or more located within the boundaries of the bridge officials to express inter-
cities of Boston and Cambridge, as shown on the map in-
cluded in the District Plan. est in getting the glaring slogan
4. The annual assessment rate is one and one-half of one
percent (1.5%) of gross short-term room rental revenue with its chicken silhouette put
from the Cities of Boston and Cambridge for the duration
of the BCTDMD. All lodging businesses with fifty (50) or up somewhere in public, so it
more rooms located within the boundaries of the cities of
Stories that stay with you.
Stories you take with you.

Boston and Cambridge shall be subject to the BCTDMD as- can continue live on.
5. The BCTDMD is designed to provide specific benefits di- “Hopefully, people feel like
rectly to payors via a comprehensive and integrated sales
and marketing program aimed at promoting the entire des- it’s in good hands and we’ll take
Experience tination and maximizing overnight stays in assessed busi-
nesses. Brand awareness, communications, meeting and care of it, and we’ll do what we
convention sales (domestic), global sales and marketing,
leisure/consumer marketing, special events/community can to make sure it gets back out
support, DEI Initiatives: Workforce Development & Supplier
Chain Pipeline, eco-tourism and sustainability, multilingual
assets and accessibility, and Cambridge tourism programs
there,” he said. “This is a symbol
will increase demand for overnight tourism and market
payors as tourist, meeting and event destinations, thereby
of the small business community
increasing demand for room night sales. on Cambridge Street. ... It’s rich
Information: A complete copy of the BCTDMD Plan and
petition shall be made available online or can be furnished
in our history.”
upon request. Should you desire this or any other additional
information about this proposed BCTDMD or assessment
you may contact the Greater Boston Convention and Visi-
tors Bureau or go to the following website: Steve Annear can be reached at SOURCE: Bloomberg News
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e D3


SEPTEMBER 22 — 24, 2021


Join The Boston Globe this September 22–24 for the inaugural Globe Summit—an immersive virtual
experience that will convene the conversation about our region’s future.

Attendees are invited for three days of thought-provoking interviews and actionable discussions with
leaders across four verticals—economy, health, innovation, and sustainability—that represent some
of our region’s greatest strengths. This year’s theme is “The Great Recovery,” and each session will help
define the debate on how New England can come back even stronger, and serve as a model for others
seeking equitable growth.

Featured speakers include:

Dr. Anthony Fauci Dr. Ibram X. Kendi Dr. Rochelle Walensky

Director of the U.S. Co-founder of The Director, Centers for Disease
National Institute of Emancipator & Founding Control and Prevention (CDC)
Allergy and Infectious Director of the BU Center
Diseases (NIAID) for Antiracist Research

US Senator Jenny Slate

Elizabeth Warren Actress, Comedian,
D–Mass. and Author
United States Senator

Register for FREE at


D4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1

PLUGGERS by Rick McKee

DILBERT by Scott Adams
ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DUSTIN by Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

RED & ROVER by Brian Basset ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston CURTIS by Ray Billingsley

RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ACROSS 50 Gentle shot in golf
1 *Wee fly (Hint: 51 New York island
Imagine a letter to the 52 **Part of, as a scheme
right of each single- 53 Incite
starred clue’s answer. 54 **“___ fair in love ...”
These letters spell 55 Budding
something thematic.) horticulturist’s field
4 Wee bit 62 **Be generous
7 Disney movie with a 63 Trunk marker
genie 64 Iowa college
14 *A8 automaker 65 **Smallest bills
15 Grocery chain 66 Some detect motion
16 Tart drink 67 Terminate
17 *Superfan 68 **Sparrow’s structure
18 What cards are in
after being shuffled DOWN
20 *Short-term worker 1 Certain fuel valves
21 Italian volcano 2 Chocolaty spread
22 *Penne-vodka link 3 “Whataya Want From
23 Many pop songs use Me” singer
the same four 4 Winter wheel wrap
26 Deflation sound 5 Novelist Christie
30 *Strategize 6 Oikos yogurt maker
31 Something to 7 ***Often (... a
sneeze at? letter below each
32 Name hidden in triple-starred clue’s
“believer” answer ...)
33 Brazilian dance 8 ***Prom wheels
35 Ball pit, e.g. 9 ***Latin for “love”
37 Roads to nowhere, 10 ***Laura in
and a hint to this “Jurassic Park”
puzzle’s four thematic 11 ***Duchamp’s art
elements movement
40 Where to bring a 12 ***Carded 29 FDR power project 43 Adapts 56 ****Relative of a
dirty suit 13 ***Infamous emperor 34 Great time 44 Most thick troll
42 Full 19 1947 Bacall/Bogart 36 “Absolutely!” 47 Pronto 57 ****Tiny songbird
45 Broadcasts film noir 38 What you read while 48 Guiding light 58 ****Is dishonest
46 Sushi condiment 24 Pickling herb doomscrolling 55 ****Mammals 59 ****:, in an
49 **Jump from a board 25 Blubbery mammal 39 Mild expletive in caves (... a analogy
(... a letter to the left 26 Beach, in Bolivia 40 Trade partner? letter above each 60 ****The Tar Heel
of each double-starred 27 Up next 41 Lucy of quadruple-starred State: Abbr.
clue’s answer ...) 28 “Convenience” charge “Charlie’s Angels” clue’s answer ...) 61 ****Bands’ jobs
S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e D5
Boston’s forecast SUDOKU
6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M.

9 2 6 5 1
HIGH After a hot few days, it HIGH Another pleasant day is HIGH The humidity will come HIGH With the front nearby, HIGH More clouds will move
69-74 will be much cooler and 74-79 on the way with a mix 83-88 back up ahead of a cold 83-88 it will remain warm and 73-78 in, and it’s not out of
LOW less humid with a mix LOW of sun and clouds and LOW front that can bring LOW humid with some sun- LOW the question that some

6 5 4 7
62-67 of clouds and sunshine. 66-71 a bit of a breeze out of 69-74 an afternoon thunder- 66-71 shine. It should remain 64-69 leftover moisture from
Partly cloudy and comfortable the south. Partly cloudy during storm. Warm and muggy at dry throughout the day and into Ida may move in during the day
at night. the night. muggy with some clouds. the night. or into the night.

New England forecast Almanac

6 8 9 5
Yesterday’s high/low 90°/79° Allergies Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
TODAY: Most areas will be dry with less humidity thanks to Sunrise 6:05 a.m. Trees Weeds Grass Mold
high pressure nearby. A stray shower can occur in western

4 6 7 3
Sunset 7:25 p.m. Absent Moderate Low Absent
Connecticut. Moonrise 10:31 p.m. Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.
TOMORROW: While there will be some spotty
Mount Washington (5 p.m. yesterday) Eastern Massachusetts air quality
thunderstorms in northern and western areas,

8 5 1 6

much of the day will be dry with some sunshine. 71/52

Visibility 90 miles 75
EXTENDED: An approaching cold front will 50 100 150 200 300
Wind northwest at 30 m.p.h.

2 5 3 4 9
help fire up some showers and thunder- MILLINOCKET For more information on today’s conditions, call the
storms on Monday, most numerous in 68/53 High/low temperature 54/52 state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Snow depth at 5 p.m. 0.0” Department of Environmental Protection web site
northern and western areas.
24 Hr. Precipitation (valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)
BANGOR Yesterday 0.00” Month to date 6.83” Year to date 35.79”
64/59 Precip days in August 12 Norm. month to date 2.84” Norm. year to date 27.65”
BERLIN 71/56 BAR HARBOR Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
71/52 70/59 3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
69/59 49/47 Boston high 3:58 4:16 Gloucester 3:58 4:16 Hyannis Port 5:15 5:30 and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
RUTLAND LEBANON PORTLAND 69/60 Marblehead 3:58 4:16 Chatham 4:57 5:10
71/61 Height 9.2 9.5 computer program at
Boston low 10:0210:35 Lynn 4:02 4:23 Wellfleet 4:12 4:30
68/57 Height 1.3 1.2 Scituate 3:58 4:18 Provincetown 4:06 4:26


MANCHESTER PORTSMOUTH 69/60 Plymouth 4:02 4:23 Nantucket
BRATTLEBORO 74/61 High tides
74/62 Old Orchard ME 3:48 4:07 Cape Cod Harbor 5:11 5:24
NASHUA 73/59 Hampton Canal East 3:45 4:05 Oak Bluffs 4:25 4:50
72/61 BOSTON 72/64 Temperatures are Beach NH 4:02 4:21 Cape Cod New Bedford 12:3312:58 BY FRANK STEWART
today’s highs Canal West 2:45 Newport RI 12:2612:51
NEW PROVINCETOWN Plum Island 4:07 4:29 South dealer — N-S vulnerable
71/60 and tonight’s lows. Falmouth 3:42 4:00
76/63 PROVIDENCE 73/61 Ipswich 3:47 4:06
HARTFORD 76/64 76/60 HYANNIS 76/61  Small craft advisory
New England marine forecast  Gale warning  Storm warning ♠ J6
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp
♥ 762
 Boston Harbor NE 8-16 kts.  Martha’s
1-3 ft. 71/64
♦ K8732
 East Cape Vineyard E 10-20 kts. 1-2 ft. 75/61
Cod Canal NE 10-20 kts. 1-3 ft. 74/64  Nantucket E 10-20 kts. 1-3 ft. 74/62
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021
 Buzzards Bay E 8-16 kts. 1-2 ft. 75/65  Provincetown NE 8-16 kts. 2-4 ft. 72/62 West East
Cities Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to ♠ K Q 10 7 ♠ 9843
● Travel delays possible, C Clouds, F Fog, H Haze, I Ice, Pc Partly Cloudy, R Rain, Sh Showers, S Sun, Sn Snow, Fl Flurries, T Thunderstorms, W Windy ♥ Q 10 5 ♥J3
Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow ♦ 10 6 ♦ QJ95
 Atlanta 88/73 T 89/72 Pc Los Angeles 90/67 S 91/69 S Seattle 77/55 Pc 76/52 S Jerusalem 86/74 S 84/73 S
 Atlantic City 79/72 T 83/71 Pc  Miami 90/80 T 91/80 Sh  Washington 90/75 T 89/75 T London 69/53 Pc 69/55 S
♣Q 8 6 2 ♣ K 10 4
Charlotte 94/70 S 95/70 S  New Orleans 87/80 T 82/78 R Beijing 81/64 Pc 82/65 Pc Moscow 69/55 Pc 73/55 S
Chicago 92/75 S 90/69 T  New York City 75/69 R 80/71 T  Cancun 90/78 T 89/78 T Paris 70/55 Pc 68/58 Pc South
Dallas 91/75 Pc 91/76 T  Philadelphia 79/71 T 84/73 T Mexico City 70/55 Pc 71/56 Pc Rome 82/61 S 83/61 Pc ♠ A52
Denver 92/58 Pc 84/60 T Phoenix 108/86 Pc 107/83 Pc  Montreal 72/64 Sh 81/71 T San Juan 90/81 Pc 89/79 Pc ♥AK984
 Detroit 90/73 T 89/70 T Salt Lake City 84/60 Pc 90/70 S  Toronto 82/71 T 89/71 T Stockholm 61/53 Sh 65/49 Sh
 Fort Myers 89/76 T 91/76 T  San Francisco 81/58 Pc 77/58 Pc Vancouver 69/55 Pc 70/55 Pc Tokyo 91/79 Pc 88/78 T
♦ A4
South West North East
1♥ Pass 2♥ Pass
HOROSCOPE ing, the media, medicine and the Stay confident. 4♥ All Pass
law. You might meet someone un- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Saturday, GEMINI (May 21-June 20) usual from another culture. Mean- Because you have such strong feel- Opening lead — ♠ K
Aug. 28, 2021: This is a restless day for you. You while, you also can attract money ings about something today, peo-
You are a kind and genuine per- might be excited at a subconscious or gifts to you today. Tonight: Be ple will listen to you. Meanwhile, “Simple Saturday” columns focus on improving basic
son. You are playful, youthful and level about something that's going grateful. social plans might be canceled or technique and developing logical thinking.
independent. An idealist, you are to take place. This could relate to LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) changed. Likewise, sports events South’s leap to four hearts was bold, but he was vulner-
also an excellent organizer and your family or something going on Expect little hiccups and tiny de- will hold a few surprises. (Note: able and had more points to gain by bidding and making
problem-solver who is a persua- at home. It might even relate to a tours today. Meanwhile, although Parents, be extra vigilant with game. West led the king of spades, and South took the ace
sive negotiator. Stay light on your promising home improvement. you wish to keep a low profile, it's your children to avoid mishaps.) and cashed the A-K of trumps. He next took the A-K of
feet and flexible this year, because (Stock the fridge; be ready for any- an excellent day to shop for ward- Tonight: Stay grounded. diamonds and ruffed a diamond. West carefully refused to
it's a time of flux and change. Be thing.) Tonight: Be generous. robe goodies for yourself. You like AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) overruff with his queen.
open to meeting new friends, be- CANCER (June 21-July 22) to look good. Did you know that Your home routine will be inter- South next led a spade. West took the queen and cashed
cause they might introduce you to A friend will surprise you today. the sign of Libra rules haute cou- rupted today because of an inter- his queen of trumps ... and his 10 of spades. South also lost
new opportunities. Alternatively, you might meet ture? This is what gives you your action with a parent or a surprise two clubs and went down two.
someone who is a real character. good taste. Tonight: Please your- family discussion. Perhaps some- Something I preach constantly: Don’t touch a card before
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Meanwhile, your daily routine will self. one has unexpected news. Very you count winners and losers and make a plan. South must
Today you might have a profound not unfold as predicted. There will SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) likely, these discussions are in- refuse the first spade and win the second. He takes the A-K
idea about how to improve your be unexpected changes -- hopeful- Someone close to you might sur- tense but revealing. Tonight: "The of trumps and the A-K of diamonds, ruffs a diamond, ruffs
health, your job, or something re- ly pleasing -- that send your day in prise you today. They might intro- game, Mrs. Hudson, is on!" his last spade in dummy and ruffs a diamond.
lated to your pets. This idea might a new direction. Stay flexible. To- duce you to someone who is un- PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) It doesn’t help West to overruff. South then leads a club
be quite ingenious. Perhaps this is night: Be friendly. usual, because it appears you'll You will be unusually persuasive to dummy’s ace and pitches a club loser on the good fifth
why a close friend or partner is LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) have a lively discussion with a and convincing in all your conver-
diamond. He is sure of 10 tricks.
surprised by you -- or, in turn, they You are high-viz today, which is friend or a member of a group. To- sations with others today, which
surprise you. Tonight: Go with the why people notice you more than night: Some are involved in a se- makes this a powerful day for
DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ A 5 2 ♥ A K 9 8 4 ♦ A 4 ♣ J 7
flow. usual. Meanwhile, you might be cret love affair. those of you in sales, marketing,
5. South in today’s deal opened one heart with this hand.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) surprised by something connected SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) teaching, acting or writing. People
Do you agree with that action?
An encounter with a work col- to a possession you own or your Something unexpected could im- will listen to you! Meanwhile, your
league or someone who has some- money. Perhaps you will buy pact your job or something to do daily routine could hit a speed- ANSWER: Many players would have opened 1NT, describ-
thing to do with your health might something unusual. You might with a pet today, so be aware of bump. Prepare for this by giving
ing the hand’s strength and pattern in one bid. Others
please you today. You might be have a clever moneymaking idea. this and be vigilant. Meanwhile, a yourself extra time for everything
refuse to suppress the five-card major. Some decide case by
surprised by something related to Tonight: Respect your smarts. discussion with a boss or someone you do. Tonight: Relax.
case. Opening 1NT avoids rebid problems. But note that in
what you own, a financial matter VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) in a position of authority will go
today’s deal, North-South will play at an inferior notrump
or a spontaneous purchase. To- Travel plans might change today. well, because you are so convinc- (c) 2021 by King Features Syndi-
contract if South opens 1NT.
night: Expect the unexpected. Ditto for plans related to publish- ing in an intelligent way. Tonight: cate Inc.

ZIPPY “Stay Back, Ye Varmints!” by Bill Griffith ADAM@HOME by Rob Harrell

ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

BIZARRO by Wayno & Piraro

5 8 7 4 9 2 6 1 3
9 1 4 8 3 6 5 7 2
2 6 3 1 5 7 4 9 8
Today’s Crossword Solution

Today’s Sudoku Solution

3 7 8 6 2 1 9 4 5
6 9 1 5 8 4 3 2 7
4 5 2 3 7 9 1 8 6
7 3 9 2 4 5 8 6 1
1 4 5 7 6 8 2 3 9
8 2 6 9 1 3 7 5 4
D6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 2 1



Will this marriage ever be about love?

We’re looking for letters! Send your relationship question to blessed by family, so I get why it felt right. I also understand the belief that intimacy grows over time. But maybe the evolution
you wanted isn’t happening. Maybe your husband doesn’t want
Q. I have been married to my husband for over two years now. it to.
We are sort of an arranged match as in we were introduced by Regardless, you’re not getting what you want. If that’s the
our families. But the decision to marry was entirely ours, and case, can you stay?
my husband was clear that he did expect love in the marriage. Tantrums are not the answer here. They’re not even in your
Our long-term goals and values are similar. It made sense. DNA, it seems. But questions are. Maybe it’s time to ask how
After we got married, he decided to get medical help for an you both define a good marriage.
ongoing problem with anxiety. I know the bare minimum about Is this the marriage he wants? On the best day, when you
this, that he’s getting medical help and a lot of it had to do with have time to focus on each other and there’s no anxiety, will
his work, which is extremely competitive. I never forced him to there be hand-holding and you coming up with a list of ques-
talk about something that obviously made him uncomfortable. tions? Or more?
In terms of showing affection, he holds my hand sometimes I understand the pregnancy changes a lot, but it doesn’t alter
in bed, and that’s about it. He’s never said ”I love you” to me, what you both see as happiness. If he’s content with things as a
but I never doubted it. And I didn’t say the same, because I they are (as far as emotional intimacy goes), that’s no good for
know it puts pressure on the other person to reciprocate. you. If he’s unhappy too, well, that’s something. It means you
All this changed some six months back when I discovered both need to take steps in some direction, whether it’s together
that he had been looking up his ex online. For context, they met or on your own.
in college, fell in love, wanted to get married, but eventually Make one of your three questions about whether the status
broke off the engagement some six to seven years before he met quo is good enough for him and then consider next steps.
me because their values and future goals were too far apart. I MEREDITH
asked him about it and he told me it was curiosity, which I
would have understood if it was a one-off thing, but he was READERS RESPOND:
looking her up regularly. [To improve emotional intimacy basic It’s extremely sad that one of the most important facts of
communication,] he asked me to ask him three questions every your extensive letter is buried with zero attention, emotion, or
weekend and he’ll answer them. joy. You’re pregnant and, seriously, your husband has to get it
Unfortunately that month, a few things happened together. together, pronto. That’s what the focus of both of you needs to
His doctor reduced his medication and something stressful be about! Can you imagine what this baby’s life will be like
came up at work. Also, I found out that I was pregnant. It’s growing up in your dreary marriage. Where’s all the happi-
From left: Michael Fishman, Sara Gilbert, and John Goodman in something that’s very important to him, but he wasn’t even able ness?!
“The Conners.” to express happiness on that; he was doing that badly. LUPELLOVE
The last six months, I have focused on supporting him. The
‘The Conners’ to go live — for the whole “opening up and talking more” idea has taken a backseat.
I have had my insecure moments and in one of them I took
“Anxiety” is not an excuse to ice out your partner, refuse to
open up about anything, and to chronically fantasize about
second time — in season 4 premiere him up on his offer of looking up his e-mails and social media. your ex.
She remains blocked everywhere. However, I did find old e- BONECOLD
I occasionally hear from fans of night of the New Hampshire Prima- mails between them. I understand now how he and I are much
“The Conners,” the series that spun ry in 2020. I love it when shows go more compatible (they fought). This gave me a lot of reassur- You are allowed to add to his anxiety by telling him that it is
out of “Roseanne” when Roseanne live; it adds a nice sense that any- ance. But he also was a lot more open with her than he has ever affecting YOU. Part of dealing with anxiety is DEALING WITH
spun out of control (again). No one thing might happen, a welcome been with me. There are open expressions of love; he wrote her ANXIETY. He needs to know that you have reasonable expecta-
seems to feel that the show com- contrast to the usual prefab sitcom poetry. And all I’ve gotten is him holding hands with me. Lately tions and that he needs to meet them to keep your relationship
pletely lost itself after its original mode. that also comes right before we’re intimate, and I wonder if going. Your marriage should be a give-and-take; right now, it
star got the boot, and I tend to As an added promotional bit, that’s the only thing I mean to him. seems that all he’s doing is the taking and it is fair for you to de-
agree with them. So far, “The Con- ABC is holding a “You Can Be a I know it’s unfair to expect someone to express love in the mand that he does some of the giving. Good luck.
ners” has been a decent continua- Conner” sweepstakes, which will ways that you want. I had assumed it was because he wasn’t BLISTERED-TOE
tion of the family story, with the give selected fans a chance to ap- comfortable with displaying affection, but that’s clearly not the
usual balance of insanity and senti- pear virtually in the live episode, as case. And I don’t know how to bring this up without causing You can choose happiness for yourself and your child. IMO it
ment. It certainly doesn’t break one of the actors improvising with him to become anxious again. I don’t know if my undemanding is your responsibility as a parent to do so.
new ground, but, you know, most them. You can enter at beacon- nature is what is at fault here. Should I throw tantrums like her EACB
ABC family comedies don’t. to get attention from him? How can that be healthy?
I mention it because the fourth By the way, season four is also TAKEN FOR GRANTED Send your own relationship and dating questions to
season will premiere on Sept. 22, going to include a two-episode arc A. If possible, find a therapist who can help you figure out how Catch new episodes of Meredith
and it will be a live episode. It’s the featuring Jason Alexander as Pastor to support someone with anxiety without losing yourself. Goldstein’s “Love Letters” podcast at or
show’s second live one, after the Phil, who’ll speak at Becky’s AA Also talk to that person about why you got married and your wherever you listen to podcasts. Column and comments are
live half-hour that took place on the meeting. expectations for relationship growth. Yes, this union was edited and reprinted from

Saturday August 28, 2021 Movies Sports News Specials

7:00p.m. 7:30p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:30p.m. 9:00p.m. 9:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 10:30p.m. 11:00p.m. 11:30p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:30p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:30p.m. 9:00p.m. 9:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 10:30p.m. 11:00p.m. 11:30p.m.
2 WGBH Country Pop Legends (My Music) (CC) Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement Guide Member Favorites BASIC CABLE
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4 WBZ Wheel of Jeopardy! S.W.A.T. (CC) HD NCIS: New Orleans 48 Hours (CC) HD WBZ Phantom Bourne Supremacy continues to look for clues to unravel his true identity. (2018) (CC)
CBS Fortune (CC) TV-G TV-14-L,V HD TV-14-L,V News 11p Gourmet AMC Revenge of the Nerds ››› Fast Times at Ridgemont High ›› Sixteen Candles (1984) (CC)
5 WCVB NewsCen- Chronicle America’s Funniest black-ish black-ish The Ultimate Surfer NewsCen- Soledad Animal Planet The Zoo: San Diego The Zoo: San Diego The Zoo: San Diego Beast Beast The Zoo: San Diego
ABC ter 5 (CC) Home Videos TV-PG TV-PG-L TV-14 HD TV-PG-L ter 5 O’Brien TV-PG TV-PG - California Tales Buddies Buddies TV-PG
6 WLNE ABC Windows Inside Ed. Funniest Home Videos black-ish black-ish The Ultimate Surfer News Wipeout BBC America Eden: Untamed Planet Eden: Untamed Planet (CC) Eden: Untamed Planet Planet Earth: Blue II Meerkat
7 WHDH Inside Funny Family Family 7 News at 9PM (CC) 7 News at 10PM 7 News at (11:35) Ex- BET (5:00) ›› White ››› Barbershop 2: Back in Business (2004) (CC) A bar- ›› Welcome Home Roscoe
Edition You Ask Feud Feud NEW (CC) NEW 11PM NEW tra TV-PG Chicks (2004) (CC) bershop owner considers selling his establishment. Jenkins (2008) (CC)
9 WMUR ABC Chaos Chronicle Funniest Home Videos black-ish black-ish The Ultimate Surfer News Chaos Bravo (5:30) ›› The ›› The Proposal (2009) (CC) A woman pretends to (10:32) ››› Bridesmaids (2011)
10 NBC Boston NASCAR Cup Series (CC) Coke Zero Sugar 400. NASCAR Cup Series drivers try to News at Saturday
Proposal be engaged to evade deportation. (CC)
nab the final playoff spot in the Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona. Live. HD NEW 11 Night Live
CMT The Breakfast Club ›› She’s All That (1999) (CC) ››› Easy A (2010) (CC)
NASCAR Cup Series (CC) Coke Zero Sugar 400. NASCAR Cup Series drivers try to News Saturday
CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci
NBC nab the final playoff spot in the Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona. Live. HD NEW Night Live
Comedy Central (6:30) › The Waterboy (1998) ›› Just Go With It (2011) (CC) A man’s careless lie (11:10) › Blended
11 WENH (6:00) Doo Wop to Pop Rock: My Suze Orman’s Ultimate Retirement Guide Johnny Cash: A Night to Re-
PBS Music Celebrates 20 Years TV-G (CC) Planning for retirement. TV-G member (CC) TV-G (CC) spins out of control. (2014) (CC)
12 WPRI CSPAN (3:30) Washington This Week (CC) Public Affairs Events (CC)
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27 WUNI Discovery Life Trauma: Life in the ER Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER 911: The Bronx TV-14 911: The Bronx TV-14
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Live. NEW Live. NEW Live. NEW DIY Fixer Upper TV-G Fixer Upper TV-G Fixer Upper TV-G Fixer Upper TV-G Fixer Upper TV-G
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38 WSBK Big Bang MLS Soccer New England Revolution at New York City Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang The King Food Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners,
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44 WGBX The Carpenters: Close to You Member Favorites Brain Secrets With Dr. Michael Merzenich Fox News Life, Liberty & Levin Watters’ World NEW Justice With Jeanine Unfiltered with Watters’ World (CC)
PBS (My Music Presents) (CC) TV-G (CC) Maintaining cognitive fitness. Freeform (6:05) Pitch Perfect 3 (8:10) ››› Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) (CC) Premiere. Sweet
50 WWJE Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog FUSE Blood Brother (2018) (CC) Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris My Wife
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CW Standing Standing bergs bergs TV-14-D,L TV-14-L CW56 (CC) NEW Family Family FXM Mamma Mia! (7:50) ›› Passengers (2016) (CC) (10:10) ›› Passengers (2016) (CC)
64 WNAC MLS Soccer LA Galaxy at Los Angeles FC. LEGO Masters HD 12 News Seinfeld Game of Talents Hallmark As Luck Would Have It (2021) TV-G Sweet Pecan Summer (2021) Premiere. TV-G Just My Type TV-G
FOX Live. NEW TV-PG-L on Fox Pr TV-PG (CC) HD TV-PG-D Hallmark M.&M. Matchmaker Mysteries (CC) TV-PG Matchmaker Mysteries (CC) TV-PG Murder, She Wrote
68 WBPX Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special HGTV Home Town (CC) Vacation House (9:01) Design Star: (10:02) Design Star: (11:02) Love It or
ION Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 TV-G Rules (CC) NEW Next Gen (CC) TV-G Next Gen (CC) List It (CC) TV-PG
PREMIUM CABLE History Pawn Stars (CC) Pawn Stars (CC) Pawn Stars (CC) A chandelier made out (11:05) Pawn Stars
Cinemax (6:00) ››› Talk to › Deception (2008) (CC) An accountant (9:50) ››› Trance (2013) (11:33) Ad TV-PG-L TV-PG-L of KFC buckets. TV-PG-L NEW (CC) TV-PG-L
Me (2007) R joins an underground sex club. R (CC) R Astra (CC) HLN Very Scary People Sex & Murder (CC) Sex & Murder (CC) Sex & Murder (CC) Sex & Murder (CC)
Flix (5:45) Brokeback ››› Fatal Attraction (1987) (CC) R ››› Sex, Lies, and Videotape Django HSN Storage Solutions G by Giuliana G by Giuliana Fall Beauty Essentials Electronic Connection
Mountain R (1989) (CC) R Unchained ID The Wonderland 20/20 on ID (CC) Stalked- Stalked- The Lake Erie Mur- The Lake Erie Mur-
HBO (6:00) A Walk Among ›› Magic Mike XXL (2015) (CC) R Back on the Record 100-Foot Wave (CC) Murders (CC) TV-14 TV-14 Fear Fear ders (CC) TV-14 ders (CC) TV-14
the Tombstones R With Bob Costas (CC) TV-14
IFC Super Troopers 2 (CC) (8:15) ›› The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) (CC) › Dude, Where’s My Car?
HBO 2 (5:50) ››› Darkest ›› Live by Night (2016) (CC) R (10:10) ››› Speed (1994) (CC) R Lifetime The Secret Liv Killer Cheer Mom (2021) (CC) Premiere. (10:03) Pom Poms and Payback (2021) (CC)
Hour (CC)
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Showtime Billions (CC) TV-MA Billions (CC) TV-MA Billions (CC) TV-MA ›› Shooter (2007) (CC) R
MSNBC American Voices Week-Johnson Week-Johnson American Voices Week-Johnson
Showtime 2
MTV (6:00) Liar Liar (1997) ››› Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story ›› We’re the Millers (2013) (CC)
The L Word: Genera- Pixie (2020) A thief and two misfits (9:35) Wrong Turn (2021) (CC) Mountain dwell- American
National To Catch a Smug- To Catch a Smug- To Catch a Smug- To Catch a Smug- To Catch a Smug-
tion Q (CC) TV-MA go on the run from Irish gangsters. ers terrorize hikers who stray off course. R Psycho R
Geographic gler (CC) TV-PG-L gler (CC) TV-PG gler (CC) TV-14 gler (CC) TV-PG gler (CC) TV-14
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ments: City of Bones TV-MA (1996) PG-13
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Below R PG-13 NewsNation NewsNation Prime NEW NewsNation Prime NEW Banfield (CC) Banfield (CC) NewsNation Prime
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Fox Sports 1 Athletes Unlimited Softball (CC) Live. MLB Baseball (CC) San Diego Padres at Los Angeles Angels. petty officer. TV-PG-V on riot. TV-14-D,L,V
NEW From Angel Stadium of Anaheim in Anaheim, Calif. Live. NEW SyFy (6:30) ››› John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) ››› John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum (2019) (CC)
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Boston Warrior (CC) TV-PG Warrior (CC) TV-PG Warrior (CC) TV-PG ance (CC) NEW Bowl: London (CC) TLC Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress 90 Day: The Single Life TV-MA 90 Day: Single Life 90 Day
NBCSN Track and Field (CC) Diamond League. NEW 2021 Vuelta a España (CC) Stage 14. NEW NASCAR Speedwys TNT (5:00) Man of Steel ››› Ready Player One (2018) (CC) Detective Pikachu
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FAMILY TruTV Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers
Cartoon Gumball Gumball Final Sp. Final Sp. Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Rick TV Land Two Men Two Men Two Men Two and a Half Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
Disney Disney Descen- Big City Big City Big City Big City Big City Big City Disney’s Magic TV One Good Good Jeffersons Jeffersons Jeffersons Jeffersons Jeffersons Jeffersons Jeffersons Jeffersons
Princess dants: The Greens Greens Greens Greens Greens Greens Bake-Off (CC) USA Harry ››› Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) (CC) The ››› Harry Potter and the Gob-
Encore Family The Dark Crystal PG The Land Before Time Land Before Time II: Great Valley Land Before Time III LandIV Potter young wizard confronts the fugitive Sirius Black. let of Fire (2005) (CC)
Nickelodeon (6:00) Shrek (2001) Dylan Unfiltered Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends VH-1 (6:30) ›› Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit ›› Sister Act (1992) (CC) Sister-2
Nick Jr. PAW Baby Blue Blue Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Umizoomi Umizoomi WE Law & Order TV-14-L Law & Order TV-14-L Law & Order TV-14-L Law & Order TV-PG Law & Order TV-PG

Content Ratings: TV-Y Appropriate for all children; TV-Y7 For children age 7 and older; TV-G General audience; TV-PG Parental guidance suggested; TV-14 May be unsuitable for children under 14;
TV-MA Mature audience only Additional symbols: D Suggestive dialogue; FV Fantasy violence; L Strong language; S Sexual activity; V Violence; HD High-Definition; (CC) Close-Captioned

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