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Migration issues is a global issue

Migration issues in our modern century can be seen from different aspects as the world has
today over 250 million migrants that are moving around the world. In 2050 there will be over
400 million international migrants. 1 What is the issue with migration then? For instance,
what is happening in some countries in Europe (Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary) does
not want to take in refugees anymore, and it has eventually caused a heated debate in the EU
parliament on the discussion of migration.2 In America the Trump administration is talking
about building a wall on the borders between Mexico and the USA. Because in his theory it
will “Make America Great Again”. 3 In the European Union election 2019 it differs from
many opinions about migration, for example there are now many far right parties included in
the mandate in The EU that wants to block the border channel for migrants.4 As we should
know for now there is a civil war in Syria and other places in the world where war is
occurring, where many refugees are coming to Europe or US for protection.5 Furthermore
there have also been systematic problems with migration because of the illegal migration
businesses and how countries take care of these issues. The causes for migration issues can be
war, finding a better economic income to help the family, climate change and etcetera. The
consequences can be brain drain, care drain, human trafficking, irregular migration and
racism/nationalism is one of the mayor negative consequences for the migration issues that is
occurring today.6

Irregular Migration is when an individual has not followed the system to move as a legal
migrant (undocumented migrant). This type of migration is the cause of the issue on why
people need to move from their home country to a foreign country. There is a long line for
people that takes the legal process with migration a long time and some people need to force
themselves to go in an illegal migration process to create new opportunities for their lives or
family much faster. Irregular migration goes via the black market in the world on crossing the
border channel in Central America, Pacific Ocean and Sub Saharan region. 7 Irregular

A.Hill, “Migration: how many people are on the move around the world?”, The Guardian,
d, 2018
J.Kanter, “E.U. Moves Against 3 Countries That Don’t Take Refugees”, The New York Times ,,
nks-of-mexicans, 2016
Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), New York, Oxford University, 201, p 215-239
Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), New York, Oxford University, 201, p 1-22
UN Article on Human Rights and Migration Smuggling, 2019-06-10
migration is usually referred with human trafficking and migration smuggling. Human
trafficking is forced labour on human where it goes against the human law because of its
violation. The women are usually the target thus what is happening right now in our
globalized world is the migration smuggling is also a big target for human trafficking in some
form. The Migrant smuggling market treats people under a bad condition and it costs a
fortune to take this path. It is an illegal market where migrants are risking their lives and have
to give up their economy.8

Brain Drain is when highly skilled/educated individuals in developing countries move to a

rich country to get a low skilled job. The reason can be to have a better life in a modern
country or send money back home to help your family. Furthermore, it can also be for
political causes and war as we see in many refugees that come from a war situation and try to
start a new life in a safer country. This is what is happening in different regions in developing
countries, that many of these highly educated individuals flee from the country to a safer
place to start a new life in a safe country. The problem with this is the irregular migration
process when they go from their country to a foreign country. Many of these irregular
migrants get into the black market where the human rights are ignored by the black market.
At the same time the developing countries are losing their backbone to become a stronger
developing state when their educated people are leaving the country. 9 Care Drain is when the
carer of the family leaves their children to a family member, so the carer can work outland
and be the breadwinner for the family. This is a typical form of migration where the mother
works as a cleaner, nanny or jobs that the labour market provides for them. The children grow
up without a mother who loves caring, and usually the men in the developing countries are
conservative and do not take care of their responsibility. In the labour market for the care
drainer is horrible where they almost work for 24 hours and get treated poorly by the ones
who they work for. 10

Functionalist theory explains the economic reasons that are causing migration. The push and
pull model says that socioeconomic or poverty pushes people to migrate from their countries.
As we see in many countries in Africa regions, Latin American and Asia where they migrate
from their country for the reasons of poverty or inequality, pushes them to move to a foreign
state what happens to them is that they can fall into the system legally where they lives with
their locals, for instances many Cuban that migrated to the US moved to Miami because it
has created an ethnic base where they can have their network for job access. The only
problem with theory is that it does not see the problem with the labour market and it sees
migration as a work force. Furthermore, it is horrific when people need to leave their country

Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), New York, Oxford University, 201, p 215-239
Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), New York, Oxford University, 2014, p 55-82
Ehrenreich.B & Hochschild H.R, Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers In The New Economy,
Henry Holt and Company, 2002, p 31-39
because it has a high socioeconomic issue and they to migrate from a place where they were
ones comfortable with 11

Racism/Nationalism is also a problem within the countries that are receiving migrants. Right
Wing parties and some people in their theory believe that all the problems in the country are
because of migration. Where they feel their tradition is getting lost or migrants taking their
jobs is some of the propaganda that the nationalist is saying. The parties have a huge
following and therefore many far rights parties have now entered the parliament, for example
Britain with Brexit movement,12 Sweden with the Swedish Democrats,13 and the Donald
Trump administration is some of the few examples with issues on migration. The party is not
the only issue but the people in the countries that are voting for them. Donald Trump for
instance said in public that Mexicans are drug dealers, criminals and rapists. The issue has
created a strong far right movement propaganda (racism/nationalism) that sees Mexicans
immigrants a threat and sees it as the cause for the U.S problem.14 Furthermore, there are
countries that have not fully experienced multilateralism (multi-culture), usually they have
even accepted or tried to understand the globalized culture movement. This is the reason why
Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary are getting backlashes from the EU on how they act on
ethnic groups and migrants. They will not accept or want to change their tradition or culture
because they think that migration will destroy everything they have built, this is programmed
in their norms and culture.15

In 2016 the UN had a meeting in New York (New York declaration) where the world leaders
had declared that they need to have a better system on migration, protect human rights on
migration and have a strong share responsibility with this issue. Furthermore, the UN
declaration speaks on how the world is changing to be multicultural, and countries get
involved with one another politically and socially. The world is getting globalized and
networks have created jobs.16 What the UN wants to do is make sure that the labour market is
better for migrants and the migration smuggling market needs to be stopped. According to the
human right law any form of forced labour is slavery. Why is it an issue for the UN? IS

Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), Oxford University, 2014, p 25-53
F. O´Toole, Brexit is being driven by English nationalism. And it will end in self-rule, The Guardian,, 2016
B. Kelly, “Sweden Democrats: How a nationalist, anti-immigrant party took root in a liberal Nordic haven”,
Independent, 2018,
nks-of-mexicans, 2016
Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), Oxford University, 2014, p 1-22
Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), Oxford University, 2014, p 25-53
because there have always been people moving and they have control, so it does not collapse
systematically when the countries are receiving migrants and why people are migrating. 17

The IOM is an UN organisation that is focusing on migration. Their mission is to be helping

states that are members of the UN on how they should handle the migration process and the
issues it has. The Africa Region in the Sub Sahara, Latin America with Central America and
Asia with the Pacific Ocean, has the largest migration that is passing through the regions. The
IOM is helping countries in this area for human rights, how to find new solutions for the issue
in place and how to develop states, civil society and organisations. With different
international organisations, states and non-governmental organisations want to create a
stronger international relationship that can create safer channel borders and stop the injustice
of migration.18

The European Union has started a relationship with some NGOS that are specific with human
rights and migration where they need to handle the process of asylum and migration. As
many actors have said and written, there need to be more actors involved. That is the best
strategy for the actors to solve this migration issue because it is a global issue that countries
around the world will get affected if the problem is not solved.19

How to deal with the problem is to fix the legal system when it comes to migration and
follow strongly with the human rights law. The UN has decided with the world's leader that
they will have a stronger impact on how they will deal with the migration issues that are
occurring. For Eu the problem was Brexit where the UK movement was not willing to follow
the convention decision on letting people move freely in the European Union regions and
wanted to leave the EU as a member to have this form of law, for example Brexit in the UK.
Thus, the EU has shown that they go against their members if they do not follow the union
rules, but this is starting a heated debate because of the nationalist parties that are entering the
parliament in the country and the union proves that some countries have a different opinion
then the rest of the European countries. In the African Union challenges is the human
trafficking and migration smuggling. However, that is not the only issue is the black market
on how to get there. Some illegal migration channels lure people that are working from the

“Multiarism Matters” The world is getting more multiarism, economic, political and social.
This means that migration will stay and issues need global cooperation because there is going
to be people that are going to migrate. There is a solution, thus it needs more active actors.

United Nation,, 2019-06-5

IOM, 2019-06-5
United Nation,, 2019-06-5
Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World (Fifth edition), New York, Oxford University, 201, p 215-239
Militarism is great for diplomacy and international relationships. For example, the EU letting
people move freely in the country can help migration on some level even if it has its own
problem, it shows that they are willing to take care of the issue in their best way. The African
Union focuses on the sub Saharan region where the majority African migration goes through
when they migrate to Europe. Militarism has created less individualistic states and states
have created a form of global governance to stop issues, for example migration. 21

The ILO (International Labour Organization) is working for the human rights of labour in this
situation and are fighting against human trafficking and the migration smuggling. However,
they are also making sure that labour migration is getting their rights. There is a majority of
labour migration that is getting treated poorly and the ILO has created a treaty where the
problem with labour migration, that organisations and states need to help migrants that get
treated horribly and help labour migrants to understand their right. 22

Stop the irregular migration issue by having better systematic control and a strong multi-actor
relationship, The IOM is not the only actor that should teach states, community on how
migration issues work and guide the state. Is important to have a strong social cohesion
concerning the issue by creating better understanding. Sending undocumented migrants back
home can cause problems for them and opportunities. A stronger multi-actor relationship can
create a better channel that decreases irregular migration. This is some tactic that the UN,
AU, EU and some NGOS is doing, thus the only problem is when and how will the migration
issue be solved? It will take years of discussion, convention and treaties, plus the civil society
also needs to be active in helping and get aware of this issue. 23

M. Karns, K. Mingst & K. Stiles, International Organisations (third edition), Lynne Rienner Publisher Inc, p
ILO on migration 2019-06-11
United Nation,, 2019-06-5


A.Hill, “Migration: how many people are on the move around the world?”, The Guardian,
ve-around-the-world, 2018

B. Kelly, “Sweden Democrats: How a nationalist, anti-immigrant party took root in a liberal
Nordic haven”, Independent, 2018,

F. O´Toole, Brexit is being driven by English nationalism. And it will end in self-rule, The




sts-what-trump-thinks-of-mexicans, 2016

IOM, 2019-06-5

ILO on migration

United Nation,, 2019-06-5

UN Article on Human Rights and Migration Smuggling, 2019-06-10

Ehrenreich.B & Hochschild H.R, Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers In The
New Economy, New York, Henry Holt and Company, 2002

Castles. S, De Haas. H & Miller Mark Age of migration: International Population Movements
in the Modern World (Fifth edition), New York, Oxford University, 2014

Lundström. C, White migrations: Whiteness and Privilege in Transnational Migration,

Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

M. Karns, K. Mingst & K. Stiles, International Organisations (third edition), Lynne Rienner
Publisher Inc,

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