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Module 9 Being successful > COURSEBOOK page 142 Understand the task 1 Look at the writing task below and answer the questions, 1. What do the diagrams show? What problem is the system designed to solve? 2. What isthe starting point for the process? What is the end point? The diagrams below shows the system for moving a anal boat upstream, and how a swing bridge works ‘on a canal. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Canal lock bottom gate ws baal Stage 2 ‘Work with unknown vocabulary 2 Look atthe first diagram, which contains specialist vocabulary associated with canals, Match the ‘words (1-3) with the definitions (A~C), 1 lock 2 barge 3 gate ‘A A device for controling the flow of water B A device for lowering and raising boats between water of diferent levels Along, flat-bottomed boat for carying passengers and cargo on canals and rivers, either powered or towed by something else TEST STRATEGY 1 1 In diagram tasks, aim to use the visual clues to help | you work out the meaning of specialist vocabulary. Write about unknown processes 3 Look carefully at the processes involved in the first diagram and answer the questions. 1. What isthe position of the barge in Stage 1? What does the driver want to do? 2. In Stage 1, is the lower gate open or closed? 3 In Stage 2, where does the barge go? 4 What happens to the gates in Stage 2? 5, What happens to the water level in the lock in Stage 2? 4 Now look at the second diagram, which shows another device for canal boats - the swing bridge ~ and answer the questions. 1 In Stage 1 ‘A In what position is the bridge? B Can cars cross the canal to the road on the other side? © What is the problem for the barge? 2 In Stage 2, A In what position is the bridge? B What has happened to the roads on both sides of the canal? © What can the barge now do? 5 Choose the correct option in italics to complete the first part of a sample answer to the task in Exercise 1a. The two diagvanes both show engineering systenes used on canals. The 1 one / frst / beginning ic a ealted a lock w ec when. tere Is a difference in water Level anal boats need to be vaised, 2 whereas / also / additionatls the s fing bridge which enables cars to crass a eanal until barges need to sail thvough. The lock 3 takes / uses /tomposes am arrangenent of two gates, The barge wanting to move upstream waits in the Lover aren 4 venti oma is 9 / while / once the lower Locke gate is opened. Ibis then sailed through to the area nthe gates. The upper gate is opened, Staking / breaking / he water to flow through, whic raises of the barge and 6 until / whereby / when gate is opened, the barge sails tarcugh Test practice 6 Write the next part of the answer about the swing bridge. Use ideas from Exercises 2-5 to inform your answer. Assess and improve Check your writing and answer the questions. 1 Is the information logically ordered? 2.Does the information accurately describe what is happening? 3. Have you used the labels shown in the diagrarns? 4 Kee all the verbs appropriate for the processes? | Writing (Task 1) > COURSEBOOK pages 148-149, EXPERT WRITING page 199 Understand the task 1a Read the instructions for the writing task, What are you required to do? Underline the key words that show the requirements. The diagrams below show floor plans for a library ir 2004 and in 2014, ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 2004 2014 Fowance nance (Geabled access) b Look at the list of areas/objects in the library (1-10) and identify what happened to them between 2004 and 2014, Put them in the correct, column of the table below. f Removed | Changed (nature/ Stayed the ] size/location) same | 1 Enquity/issue desk 2 Fiction shelves 3 Displays 4 Computers 5 Children’ area 6 Non-fiction shelf 7 Videos/CDs 8 Seating 9 Study area 10 Entrance Module 9 Being successful © Complete the sentences about the diagrams in Exercise 1a with the words below. made remained removed replaced 1 The issue desk was issue machines. with three self-service 2 The children’s area in the top left-hand comer. 3 The room was ___ into an open area, 4 The video and CD area was. Language and content 2a What tense would you use to write about these diagrams? Why? 'b Match the terms in Column A with the items in B to describe the changes in the library. [Column A Column 8 i] [1 more pl A seatin [2 larger B fiction titles [3 significant € video/CD section _ 4 extended | D enquiry desk S increased | environment 6 replaced | Frentance 7 reorganised [6 development B removed ___| H number of computers _| Plan the task 3a_Look at the different comparisons in Exercise 1b. Which of these do you think are most important? b Which would be the best opening sentence of the report describing these diagrams? Why? 1. The plans show that the library was completely redesigned between 2004 and 2014, making ita much mote pleasant environment for users 2 The two plans show many changes occurred in this library between 2004 and 2614, particularly in the shelving and room design and use of self service issue machines Write your report 4a Plan your comparison of the diagrams in Exercise 1a b Write your complete answer, Write at least 150 words, Assess and improve 5 Check your writing and answer the questions. 1 Have you covered all ofthe requirements of the task? 2. Have you given an overview and sumr changes and comparisons? 3 Is there some descriptive information for each key change from the diagrams to develop your answer? 95 ised key

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