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MGT 2103

CLO 1 – Motivation and Rewards

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. In Herzberg’s theory the intrinsic (psychological) factors that create job satisfaction are
known as:
A. Negative inequity
B. Hygiene factors
C. Positive inequity
D. Motivators

2. Which of the following is NOT a hygiene factor mentioned in the Herzberg Model of
A. Salary
B. Achievement
C. Company policy and administration
D. Interpersonal relationships

3. Which of the answers best describes Alderfer's Model of Motivation?

A. Existence, relatedness, growth
B. Existence, esteem, growth
C. Belonging, esteem, relatedness
D. Existence, belonging, relatedness

4. As per Adams’s Equity Theory of motivation, if Ahmad’s outcome to input ratio is equal
to that of Tony's (his relevant co-worker), Ahmad will experience _________
A. No satisfaction
B. Equity
C. Positive inequity
D. High dissatisfaction

5. An individual who wants to buy a home in a neighbourhood with a low crime rate is
satisfying which need?
A. physiological
B. self-actualization
C. safety
D. esteem

6. Maslow argued that once a need is substantially satisfied, ________.

A. that need continues to be the primary motivation of an individual
B. individuals no longer require that need
C. the next need becomes dominant
D. it becomes a higher-order need

8. What appears in fourth step of Maslow's hierarchy?

A. Security Need
B. Esteem Needs
C. Physiological Needs
D. Self-Actualization
9. From among the following choose the content theory of motivation.
A. Adam’s equity theory
B. Goal setting theory
C. McClelland’s need theory
D. Vroom’s expectancy theory

10. Which of the following situations would lead to Abdulla feeling negative inequity

towards Ali.
A. Abdulla and Ali work for two hours doing the same job but Abdulla earns more
B. Abdulla and Ali work for two hours doing the same job and both of them receive
the same amount of money.
C. Abdulla and Ali work for two hours doing the same job but Ali earns more
D. None of the above.

11. Rachel desires to have a meaningful relationship with significant others. This desire relates to
------------------------------ need in Alderfer’s ERG Theory.
a. Existence needs
b. Relatedness needs
c. Growth needs
d. Power needs
12. Students doing group work may be unhappy with a high grade if they feel some members
of the group didn't contribute evenly to the effort in getting that grade. Which theory deals with
this issue?

A. Maslow Theory

B. Alderfer ERG theory

C. Herzberg Hygiene model

D. Adams Equity Theory

12. When all of the physiological needs are met, people tend to become concerned with ______
A. Social Needs
B. Self-actualization Needs
C. Physiological Needs
D. Safety Needs

13. Which of the following is the full form of Alderfer’s ERG theory?
A. Existence, reliance, graph
B. Existence, relatedness, growth
C. Exertion, retirement, growth
D. Exam, rate, grade

14. Which of the following needs is the strongest according to Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory?
A. Need for food
B. Need to socialize
C. Need for self-actualization
D. Need to be secure

15. According to Herzberg, pay, status, job security, working conditions, and quality of
leadership are _______________ factors.
A. Motivator
B. Hygiene
C. Motivator and Hygiene
D. Demotivators

16. Which of the answers best describes Alderfer's Model of Motivation?

A. Existence, relatedness, growth
B. Existence, esteem, growth
C. Belonging, esteem, relatedness
D. Existence, belonging, relatedness

Essay Questions:
1. Explain Maslow’s need hierarchy theory. How would you use this theory to motivate
2. Explain Alderfer’s ERG theory. How would you use this theory to motivate employees?
3. What is Adam’s equity theory? How will you use this theory to motivate employees?

1. Divisional structures are grouped by ___________
A. Functions
B. Products, customers, or locations
C. Fringe Benefits
D. Organizational dimensions

2. The number of employees reporting directly to a manager is __________

A. Division of labor
B. Line and staff positions
C. Span of control
D. Hierarchy of authority
3. The Boeing Company relies heavily on international suppliers as it outsources many parts
of its airplanes. Which of the following structure does Boeing have?
A. Matrix
B. Modular
C. Hollow
D. Geprgraphical

4. ________ spans of management control create tall structures with higher administrative
costs and closer supervision.
A. Narrow
B. Wide
C. Open
D. Flat

5. As organizations grow, they tend to ________ the decision making authority to facilitate
A. Centralize
B. Control
C. Decentralize
D. Maintain

6. A company that outsources its non-core processes has which of the following structures?
A. Matrix
B. Modular
C. Hollow
D. None of the above
7. Instead of relying heavily on face-to-face meetings, members of _____ organizations
send e-mail and voice-mail messages, exchange project information over the Internet, and
convene videoconferences among dispersed participants.
A. virtual
B. modular
C. horizontal
D. vertical

8. A company that outsources part of its product has which of the following structures?
a) Hallow
b) Matrix
c) Modular
d) Virtual

9. Mariam owns a large restaurant in Abu Dhabi. She manages the business herself but
outsources the payroll. Her organization has a _________________________ structure.
a) Functional
b) Hollow
c) Modular
d) Divisional

10. An organization that has jobs organized in a way where an employee may report to two
different managers. This type of structure is more likely a _______________ structure.
a) Functional
b) Divisional
c) Matrix
d) SBU

11. Which of the following structures combines functional and divisional chains of command
to form a grid with two command structures?
a) Hollow structure
b) Modular structure
c) Matrix structure
d) Project structure

12. Which of the following statements best describes a Functional Organization Structure:
A. Activities related to outputs, such as type of product or customer are grouped together
B. People are grouped according to the business functions they perform
C. Parts of the product/service are outsourced
D. Project teams are formed from members of the various departments

13. Which one of the following is not a dimension of an organizational structure?

A. Hierarchy of authority
B. Division of Labor
C. Levels of communication
D. Span of Control

14. Span of control refers to:

a) The number of managerial levels
b) The number of employees at a location
c) The number of employees a manager supervises
d) None of the above

15. _____ refers to the number of people reporting directly to a given manager.
a) Line and staff managers
b) Cognitive complexity
c) Locus of control
d) Span of control

16. A mechanistic organization is one:

A. With flexible networks and individuals who perform a variety of tasks
B. With strict rules and regulations, narrowly defined tasks and top-down
C. With few layers of management
D. Where members are generally linked by technology

17. __________ organizations have Flexible networks of multitalented individuals who

perform a variety of tasks.
A. Mechanistic
B. Decentralized
C. Organic
D. Matrix

18. An open system is:

a) Self-sufficient entity.
b) Rarely capable of adaptation and growth.
c) Seldom capable of self-correction.
d) Dependent on the environment for survival.

19. The Mercedes car manufacturer outsources part of its car such as car seats. In your
opinion which of the following structure Mercedes has?
a. Matrix
b. Modular
c. Hollow
d. None of the above

20. ………………………………… decision making is when key decisions are made by top
a) Virtual organization
b) Centralized
c) Decentralized
d) Modular

Essay questions:
1. Define functional organizational structure. Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Define divisional organizational structure. Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
3. Define matrix organizational structure. Explain its advantages and disadvantages. Draw
the matrix structure.
4. Define organic structures and mechanistic structures. What are the differences organic
structure and mechanistic structure?


1. _____power and ____ power are actually opposite of each other.
A. Referent; reward
B. Expert; reward
C. Reward; coercive
D. Coercive; expert

2. Your doctor has advised you to take a series of medications. You comply because of her
_____ power.
A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. expert

3. Employees are more likely to commit to common goals if you use which of the
following tactics to influence them?
A. Ingratiation
B. Coalition
C. Rational Persuasion
D. Pressure
E. Legitimate Tactics

4. What are the three possible outcomes of using influence in the organization?
A. Commitment, ignorance and resistance
B. Commitment, resistance and compliance
C. Resistance, compliance and observation
D. Commitment, compliance and observation

5. Which of the following is not classified as a source of power

A. Reference
B. Coercive
C. Expert
D. Reward
E. Legitimate

6. The power a person receives as a result of position on the organizational chart is known
A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. expert

7. Which of the following is true about the span of control?

A. Narrower the span of control, the closer the supervision
B. Broader the span of control, the closer the supervision
C. Narrower the span of control, wider the supervision
D. All the above

8. _______ is the process of allowing lower-level employees to make decisions.

A. Power
B. Delegation
C. Participation
D. Coalition

Essay Questions:
1. Explain any 6 influence tactics. Give examples from the real life.
2. Explain different bases of power. Give examples from the real life.
3. What are three outcomes of influences? Explain them in detail.
4. Explain different barriers to delegation.
5. Explain the reasons employees may have to avoid conflict with their colleagues.

CLO 4 – Leadership, communication, culture


1. Which type of leader believes that everything is an exchange?

a. Transactional
b. Transformational
c. Authoritative
d. Bureaucratic

2. Servant leadership
a. Engages in self-serving behaviours that hurt others
b. focuses on increasing services to others rather than to oneself
c. Provides ethics training
d. Is about Having good listening skills in relating to customers’ messages.

3. A Transformational leader
a. engender trust, seek to develop leadership in others, exhibit self-sacrifice and
serve as moral agent
b. focuses on clarifying employees’ role and task requirements
c. provides followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance
d. None of the above

4. Which one is not a barrier to communication

a. Personal barrier
b. Reference barrier
c. Physical barrier
d. Semantics

5. Identify the culture NOT proposed by Hofstede

a. Collectivism
b. Power distance
c. Market
d. Uncertainty-avoidance

Essay Questions:

1. What are the traits of a good leader and what are the traits of a bad leader?
2. What are the differences between a leader and a manager?
3. Explain the Behavioural theory of leadership proposed by Ohio State studies.
4. How does transactional leadership differ from transformational leadership?
5. Explain various personal barriers to communication.
6. Explain various physical barriers to communication.
CLO 5: Diversity; Ethics; Decision Making
1. You have found that some employees are accepting bribes from clients to complete the project
at lower cost. How would you improve the ethical climate in your company?
2. List any 8 ways people differ, using 4 layers of diversity.
2. An employee, who is 65 yrs. Of age approached you, HR Manager of the company, about
being sent termination of contract notice for reaching the retirement age. How would you retain
the aging workforce in your company?
3. What do you mean by glass ceiling? What are the reasons for gender discrimination?
3. Explain rational decision-making model.
4. Explain evidence-based decision-making model.

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