Sharing New (Youth Camp)

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While I was thinking about a topic for my sharing, I realised that I've recently experienced Gods love

when my family and I got covid. It all started in late May. When I thought of covid, I simply shrugged it
off my shoulder thinking I would never get it. But that soon changed. One day, I was in my room
watching on my ipad, when I was called by my father to get rapid tested. I asked why I had to, and he
said it was because my sister and uncle got covid. my uncle got infected somehow, then my sister got it
too, so the only ones left were my dad, mom and myself. After our 1 st rapid test, we were negative. I
really thought we wouldn’t get the virus However, the next day when we took the 2 nd rapid test, my
mom and I were positive. With this shocking news, all these thoughts ran in my head, like who will get
us food, water and essentials if we all cant go out? How long will we be quarantined? And the fact that
my finals were coming up worried me. Like why did I have to get the virus before my exams? The next
day was a school day which made it even worse. I work up the next day feeling weak and dizzy with a
severe headache, my parents thought I was lying until they checked my temperature, it was 40 degrees.
They couldn’t believe it and checked it again. I thought I was gonna die honestly, and now I was so
worried. I prayed to god to heal me so that I could answer my finals and I prayed to God that my Dad
wouldn't be infected. because if all of us get covid my worries would be true. As the results came in for
my dad's rapid test, he was negative! God truly answered my prayers and now some of my worries have
faded away. I still had to answer my exams while having covid which gladly went fine. Now all that was
left is to endure the symptoms of having COVID. I would get constant headaches and fevers, had to wear
a mask at all times indoors to protect my dad, I lost my sense of smell and taste, which made eating less
exciting. From all of the troubles and inconveniences we encountered, my dad helped us through them,
he would cook for us, buy food and water, check our temperature and made sure we were feeling well.
My dad had to even sleep on the couch so that he wouldn't touch anything to get infected. From all the
things my Dad has done, this truly showed how much he loves my family. After a few weeks, the
symptoms started to be more bearable to handle and we eventually recovered. Once I realised what
hard work my father had been doing for us, I started to think that God was helping us through my dad,
as he would do the same for his children whom he loves the most. It was through God that we were able
to recover. And it was through God that I learnt how much my father loves us. And with this may god we

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