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Teacher Ms. Madel Q.

Anas Grade Level 10

Date September 15, 2021 Subject English
Time and Section 7:00- 8:00pm G10 Grading Period First
Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text
Standard types serves as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to
use strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication
public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of
Standard persuasive techniques and devices.

I. LEARNING  EN10LT-Ia-14.2: Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its
 Learning Objectives/ Goals:
a. Define myth in their own words.
b. Perform differentiated activities related to the.
c. Create and share their own understanding of m topic myths to the class.
III. LEARNING A. References: Curriculum Guide (May 2016) p.220
RESOURCES Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature by Liza R. Almonte et. Al.
B. Other References:

A. Reviewing  Stand up, Sit down Game:
previous lesson or o The teacher will be asking some questions to the students about the
Presenting the New previous lesson. Rather than answering ‘True’ or ‘False”, they should
Lesson either stand up (True)or sit down (False) in response to the questions.

B. Establishing a
purpose for the  Motivation

1. What is your own interpretation of this quotation?

2. Do you agree with the quotation or not? Why?
3. How many stories have you heard in your entire life?

 Motive Question:
o Do you think stories are important?
 Picture Prompt
C. Presenting o The class will
examples/ instances be divided
of the new lesson into 3 groups.
Each group
Who/ What? Who/ What? Who/ What? will be given
sets of
What do you know? What do you? What do you know?
pictures. They
will be given 2
minutes to
about the
pictures using
How did you know? How did you know? How did you know? the guide
questions and
1 minute for
each group
representative to
read and explain their answers to the class.
Group 1

Group 2

Who/ What? Who/ What? Who/ What?

What do you know? What do you know? What do you know?

How did you know? How did you know? How did you know?

Group 3

Who/ What? Who/ What? Who/ What?

What do you know? What do you know? What do you know?

How did you know? How did you know? How did you know?
1. Do you have any comments or corrections about your classmates
works? Myth Legend
2. Do you think each sets of pictures have things in common? Explain.
3. Base on your answers, what kind of story does these pictures

D. Presentation of
the lesson/activity  Myth- is an ancient story created to explain natural events. Gods, goddesses
skills #1 and heroes are among the characters in myths. In addition to explaining events
in nature, some myths also present a lesson on how to live or serve as a
warning to follow the rules of the society.

 Characteristics of Myth

Guide Questions?
1. How would you define myth on your own words?
2. Can you give examples of myths according to their characteristics?
3. Who do you think created myths and why?

E. Discussing new  Using the Venn diagram, how would you differentiate a myth from a legend?
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing
generalizations and
abstractions Difference between a Myth and a Legend
about the lesson.

G. Finding practical  The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will be given envelopes
applications of containing their respective tasks. The groups will be given 5 minutes for
concepts and skills brainstorming and preparing for the tasks, and 2 minutes for the presentation.
and daily
living/Evaluating o Group 1 (Write your own Myth about the first man and woman
Learning. observing the characteristics of myth discussed)
o Group 2 (Present a role play on how myths are passed from one
generation to another)
o Group 3 (Present a simple debate whether myths are important or not)

Writing a Myth
Areas for Criteria Evidence of
Improvement (Standards for the Performance) Exceeding
Content: 50%
The myth is written completely, observing
the characteristics discussed and is
unique with the use of figurative
Collaboration: 25%
All group members participated during the
entire activity.
Organization: 25%
The story was broken into paragraphs
and used different sentence types such
as simple, compound and complex

Role Play
Areas for Criteria Evidence of
Improvement (Standards for the Performance) Exceeding
Presentation: 50%
The message conveyed in the role play
was clear, using appropriate lines and
proper voice modulation.
Collaboration: 25%
All group members participated during
the entire activity.
Characterization: 25%
The actors were convincing, captivating
the audience attention.

Areas for Criteria Evidence of
Improvement (Standards for the Performance) Exceeding
Delivery: 50%
Demonstrates thorough understanding
about the topic, communicated clearly and
addressed the opponent’s arguments with
counter- evidence.
Collaboration: 25%
All group members participated during the
entire activity.
Persuasiveness: 25%
All arguments are persuasive and

H. Evaluation Modified True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct but if not, underline the word/s
which makes the statement incorrect. Write the answers on the space provided
before each number.
__________1. Myths are real stories created to explain natural events.
__________2. Gods, goddesses and heroes are among the characters in myths.
__________3. Legends present lessons to serve as a warning, to follow the rules
of society.
__________4. Legends characters have realistic human qualities.
__________5. A culture always recognizes its own mythology as mythology.

I. Additional Directions: In a ½ crosswise sheet of paper, write an essay explaining:

Activities for  why myths are either important or unimportant?
application or  what is your favorite myth and why it is your favorite?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Anas, Madel Q. Ms. Ohharah B. Ledesma

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