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Name: Kelly Maria Rodrigues

Class: FYBBA

Roll No: R-20-26

Term: 2 Final

Date: 01/02/2021


No. of pages: 4

Q1) The training methods would you use to train the employees would be on the
job training since real learning takes place only when one practices what they have
studied and also since being able to apply the knowledge is the quickest way to
learn a new system. The trainee is exposed to the real work situation. An
experienced employee will act as the friend, philosopher and guide towards the

The trainee will be able to learn fast through practice and observation. They will
also gain confidence quickly as he/she does the work himself in actual settings
with help from supervisor and Constant guidance helps the trainee to be on track,
using facilities to good advantage. While doing so he can ask questions, seek
clarifications on various job-related matters and obtain guidance from his senior

Most companies have easy to use manuals or FAQ style support forums if some
workers require more help than others.

The trainees can also be evaluated based on a questionnaire this can help the
trainer make a fair decision and it will also help reduce biasness.


I. Merit pay systems may cause workers to clash. Some may feel like the
scheme is unfair because they may not be able to gain any benefits, no
matter how hard they work. This causes staff to feel unmotivated and
insignificant. This is mainly due to insufficient performance evaluation
systems that lead to differences between raters.
II. Merit pay can destroy team spirit: Merit pay is all about individual
performances. And if merit pay is awarded to an entire team, the team
competes against other teams.   If not properly enforced, those who are
unhappy with the merit pay structure may join together to fight against the
system management.
III. Using time and money better used elsewhere: The amount of time and
energy that companies expend in an effort to make success observable for
merit pay, including skills acquisition, metrics, performance baselines, and
so on, is better spent on offering customer support. Organizations have
created manuals that set out what merit means in different jobs with several
hundred pages. Often, the advantages are just not worth all the time and
IV. In addition to organizing and conducting actual tests, merit pay programs
enable an organization to build expertise, evaluate metrics and establish
performance baselines, so they require a lot of resources. Since they need to
use these tools for the profit-driving aspects of the organization, not all
organizations can enforce merit pay.
V. The merit ranking puts workers in a favorable position for pay increases.
This rivalry between workers could go against teamwork and collaboration
organizational goals.
VI. Unfounded expectations: Merit pay can lead employees, regardless of
budgetary restraints and changes in employee conduct, to expect the same
rise year after year.

Q3) A) By minimizing waste of raw materials when manufacturing the commodity,

input prices can be reduced.

The company can turn to using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
power to generate electricity to operate some of its machinery.

The company may design the product in such a way that it produces better quality
products than its lower input rivals.
In order to manufacture higher quality goods which will improve their sales, the
company should use the latest technologies and machinery.

For the current year, shareholders will expect a 2% return on their shares, paying
them the remainder in the following year.

B) The company is facing the following 3 challenges:

 Shareholders want greater return on their investment.

 Input costs have gone up while company faces competition that forces them
to reduce product price.
 Workers want wage increase.

Increase in input costs: 10 per cent of input prices have increased. I would
neutralize this increment by: Waste elimination, Changes in design process to save
more products, Conserve electricity, Management of inventory.

Competition in price: by selling at a lower profit margin but at a mass cost, this
can be met. Yet we need to increase productivity to do this. Improvement in
efficiency entails different factors, such as: Modernized technologies to get work
done efficiently, shifts in behavior, Use of different methods for change,
Enhancement of process and procedure.

It will produce more revenue and income until productivity and sales increase. This
can then be the basis for improved sharing between owners of resources and

Q4) Not only would a marketing manager be inspired by an enticing pay package,
but it will also help to boost the company's revenue, minimize sales expenditures
and production costs. Compensation packages allow the role to attract a number of
good marketers. If it fails, the cost of sales and customer care will go higher and
the salespersons will enjoy at the company's cost, a total marketing incentive plan
should be economical for the company.

Flipkart marketing manager compensation package

Marketing Manager salaries at flipkart can range from ₹13,50,400 - ₹35,81,200.
(Base Salary+ Bonus+ Profit Sharing+ Commission+ Total Pay)
 Base Salary
Bases salary is a basic and fixed incentive which the manager is supposed to get
annually as per the contract. Currently the Base salary for a marketing manager of
flipkart is Rs. 16,01,772.

 Annual/quarterly Bonus
Apart from Base salary Marketing Manager shall also be eligible for Annual or
quarterly Bonus based on their employees performance.

 Health and wellness

Marketing manager at flipkart shall get a cover of medical/ health insurance until
their employees working years with the company.

 Share
Marketing manager shall have the option to perceive the companies stocks
only if their service for the company is more than 10years , minimum of 2%
up to 8% and not more than the mentioned percentage of the stock will be
allotted by company.

Q5) It is extremely important to be prepared. Communicate performance feedback

regularly so that there are "no surprises" come appraisal time. Talk about objective
work, make sure you avoid getting personal with the interviewee , Let them speak
and share their views and opinions. Clear communication is important. Agree and
try to come to a conclusion about how things can be improved or what will be the
necessary steps that have to be taken to make changes or handle the situation.
Make sure you do not attack the workers defenses. Use a problem-solving
technique. Make sure you are making a fair decision and you judge based on
performance rather than personality. Together set goals for future performance.
Make sure your organizational incentives are based on results.

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