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Socialism is a system that gives everybody in the society an equal share of various elements of

production, distribution, and resources exchange. Socialism's rule of engagement is that everyone

receives and contributes as his ability. Socialism has several advantages.

Firstly socialism makes income redistribution possible. People with high income pay more taxes,

which are redistributed to the less able in society. In addition, socialism makes the gap between

the rich and the poor smaller. Money collected is used to raise the life quality of the poor

percentage of people in society; this, in turn, closes the gap between the rich and the poor.

Moreover, socialism makes sure that social stability has improved in society. Few wealthy

people in our current society make a lot of money and can get anything they want for themselves.

Yet, a large population of people is frustrated they barely afford their needs regardless of their

hard work. Frustration may cause lead to social tension, causing conflict. Ensuring wealth

redistribution can solve frustration by redistributing wealth to ensure social stability.

Socialism also abolishes the need for firms to be profit-maximizing. With the concept of

maximization of profit, important social issues are disrespected in the long run suppressing the

poor in the society. Socialism can prevent the adverse effect of profit maximization in society.
Furthermore, socialism ensures the security of the energy supply. With the energy industries

being managed by the state, there will be a stable supply of energy. People will not have to worry

about energy bills because a socialist society's energy supply is made a human right.

Socialism also puts more policy and rent caps on the housing market. In a socialist state, the law

is likely to introduce rent caps to ensure affordable housing for every person in society. Putting

in place rent caps will, in turn, end the fear of homelessness.

Socialism comes with several benefits that ensure social coexistence in society. World states

should enhance socialism to make existence easier and comfortable for everybody.

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