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Complete List of Root Words

Root Meaning Sample Words & Meaning Synonyms
A without  Abyss- without bottom  Abyss- chasm, fissure
 Achromatic- without  Achromatic-achromous,
colour diatonic
 Anhydrous- without  Anhydrous-arid,
water evaporated
A on  Afire- on fire  Afire-aflame, burning
 Ashore- on the shore  Ashore- deserted,
 Aside- on the side abandoned
 Aside- apart, digression
ab/s, a from, away, off  Abduct- carry away by  Abduct- grab, kidnap,
force remove, seize
 Abnormal-away from  Aversion- antipathy,
normal, not normal abhorrence, hatred
 Absent- away, not  Abbreviate- abridge,
present abstract, clip, compress,
 Aversion- the act of condense
turning away from
 Abbreviate- to shorten
ac, ad to, toward, near  Accelerate- to increase  Accelerate- advance,
the spread of drive, dust, expedite,
 Accessible- easily fire up, forward
entered, approached, or  Accessible-
obtained admittance- approachable,
allowing into attainable
Acro top, height, tip,  Acrobat- a “high walker”  Acrobat- aerialist, artist,
beginning  Acronym- a word formed athlete, balancer,
from the first(capital) clown, contortionist
letters of a word
 Acrophobia- fear of
Act-, -act do  Activity- something that  React- answer back,
a person does backfire, be affected,
 React- to do something act, answer,
in response acknowledge
 Interaction-
communication between
two or more entities

aer/o air  Aerate-to let air reach  Aerate- aerify, charge, Page 1
Complete List of Root Words

something freshen, inflate,

 Aerial- relating to the air oxygenate, ventilate
 Aerospace- the air space
agr/i/o farming  Agriculture-
management of the land
 Agribusiness- making
money by utilizing land
 Agrarian- relating to the
management of land
alg/o pain  Neuralgia- pain caused
by a nerve
 Analgesic- a drug that
makes one pain free
 Nostalgia- aching for the
ambi, both, on both  Ambidextrous-able to  Ambidextrous-
amphi sides, around use both hands equally disingenuous, double-
 Ambiguous- having more dealing
than one meaning  Ambiguous- perplexed
 Ambivalence- conflicting dubious, dilemma
or opposite feeling
toward a person or thing
ambul walk, move  Amble- to walk in a slow,  Amble- ankle, boogie,
relaxed way dawdle, drift, gander,
 Ambulant- walking or hoof it, loiter
moving around
 Ambulance- a vehicle
that moves a patient
ami/o love  Amiable- friendly,  Amiable- friendly,
pleasant, lovable agreeable
 Amity- friendly and  Amity- harmony, peace
peaceful relations  Amorous- loving,
 Amorous- showing affectionate
romantic love
Ana up, back,  Analysis- a close  Anatomy- diagnosis,
against, again, examination of dissection, division,
throughout  Anatomy- the structure embryology
of something as visible  Anachronism-
when cut up for analysis chronological error,
 Anachronism-not being metachronism ,
in the right place in time misdate, misplacement,
andr/o man, male  Androgynous- being  Androgynous- bisexual,
both male and female cross-sexual, trans-
 Android- resembling a sexual Page 2
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human  Misandry- acrimony,

 Misandry- hatred pessimism, sarcasm
towards men
Anim life, spirit  Animal- a living  Equanimity- ataraxic,
organism; ataraxy , calm,
 Animate- to make alive; calmness, composure,
 Equanimity- of balanced confidence
ann/enn year  Anniversary- a date  Annual- yearly
observed once a year
 Annual- happening once
a year;
 Millennium- 1,000 years
Ante- before, in front  Ante cede- to come  Ante cede- precede,
before something in predate, antedate
 Antemeridian- before
 Anteroom- a small room
before the main room
anth/o flower  Anthology- a collection  Anthology-
of treasured writings; compendium, collection
 Anthozoan- half plant,
half animal, like
anemones and coral.
anthrop/o human  Anthropology- the study  Philanthropy-
of mankind humanitarianism,
 Anthropomorphism- altruism, selflessness
giving human form to
non-human thing
Anti against,  Antibody- a substance  Antiseptic- medication,
opposite of that destroys micro- medicament, healing,
organisms soothing, relieving
 Antiseptic- preventing
 Antisocial- opposing
social norm
apo, apho away, off,  Aphorism- a short  Aphorism- apothegm
separate expression of a general  Apology- regret, excuse
 Apology- an explicit
expression of regret
 Apostrophe- a small dash
used in place of an
omitted letter Page 3
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aqu/a water  Aquarium- a water

container for fish
 Aquatic- relating to
 Aqueduct- a pipeline for
Arbour tree  Arborist- someone  arborous- arboreal,
working with trees arborical
 Arbour- a shady area
formed by trees
 Arborous- having many
arch/i/e/o/ae chief, most  Archbishop- the highest
important, rule ranking bishop
 Archenemy- chief or
worst enemy
archa/e,archi primitive,  Archaeology- the study  Archaic- primitive,
ancient of ancient cultures antiquated,
 Archaic- belonging to an antediluvian
earlier period
 Archive- a collection of
historical materials
arthr/o joint  Arthroscopy- a tool to  Arthritis- inflammation
see inside a joint
 Arthritis- inflammation
of a joint
 Arthropod- invertebrates
with jointed legs, like
spiders, crustaceans,
Art skill  Artifact –object made by  Artisan- artificer,
a person’s skill craftsman
 Artisan- a person skilled
in a craft
 Artist- aperson ho
creates skilfully
astro, aster star, stars,  Astronaut-a person  Astronaut- cosmonaut,
outer space travelling to the stars  Astronomer- stargazer,
 Astronomer- someone uranologist
who studies the stars
 Asterisk- a star-shaped
sign used as a reference
audi/i/io hear  Audible- loud enough to  Audible- hearable
be heard Page 4
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 Audience- people who

listen to a
 Audio-visual relating to
and vision
Auto self, same, one  Autocrat-a person who  Autocrat- monarch,
governs with absolute tyrant,
power  Automatic- reflexive,
 Autograph-a person's robotic
own machine like
 Automatic- moving by
avi/a bird  Aviary- a large enclosure  Aviary- volary, bird
for birds sanctuary
 aviatrix-a female
airplane pilot
 aviation -the art of
designing or operating
bar/o pressure,  Baric-pertaining to  Belittle decry, scorn
weight pressure, esp. of the  Bemoan – lament
Make or atmosphere (milliard -  Befriend - assist
cause metric unit, equal to
Be- 1/1000th of a bar)
 baryon-heavy
elementary particle
 belittle- to make one feel
 bemoan-to express grief
 befriend- to become
bell/i war  bellicose – warlike  Bellicose- Belligerent,
 belligerent - hostile, aggressive, pugnacious,
ready to fight contentious, combative
Bene good, well  benefactor - person who  Benefactor- Charitable
gives humanitarian
money to a cause  Benevolent- Benign,
 beneficial - producing a Benignant, Altruist,
good Philanthropist
 benevolent - showing
kindness or goodwill
bi/n two, twice once  biannual - happening  Biannual- bi-yearly, Page 5
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in every two twice a year half-yearly, semi-annual

 binoculars - optical  Bilateral- two sided
device with two lenses
 bilateral - of or involving
two sides
bibli/o book  bibliography - a list of  Bibliography- Listing
books used as sources  Bibliophile- book lover
 bibliomania - an extreme
love of books
 bibliophile - a person
who loves books
bio life, living  biography- a life story  Biography-life history,
matter written by another life
person story
 biology- the science of
 biosphere-Earth's
inhabited by living things
capt, cept take, hold  intercept-to stop or  Intercept- bug, stop, tap
interrupt  Captivating-enchanting
 captivating-taking hold  enthralling. Beguiling
of  bewitching, fascinating,
cardil/o heart  cardiac-relating to the
 cardiogenic - resulting
from heart disease
 cardiologist- a heart
carn/i flesh, meat  carnivorous-fiesh-eating  Incarnate- corporal,
 carnal- pertaining to the embodied
body or flesh
 incarnate-given bodily
Cata down, against  cataclysm- a flood or  Cataclysm- catastrophe,
completely other disaster disaster, tragedy,
intensive  catalogue- a complete calamity
according to listing
 catastrophe-turning for
the worst a substantial
caust, caut to burn  Cauterize-to burn with a  Caustic- acerbic, bitter
hot erosive, mordent,
instrument virulent, Page 6
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 caustic-capable of vitriolic
burning or eating away  Holocaust- mass
 holocaust-total destruction
devastation utter chaos
especially by fire
cede, ceed, go, yield  Exceed-to go beyond the  Exceed- outgo,
cess limits outperform
 Recede-to go back transcend, surmount
 accessible - easily  Recede- fall back, move
entered approached, or back, retreat, withdraw

ceive, cept take  accept -to take a thing  Perceive- comprehend

that is offered understand
 perceive-to take notice
of something
 receive- to take
something given
centi hundred,  Centennial- the 100th  Centennial- centenary
hundredth anniversary
 Centimeter- 1/100 of a
 Century-100 years
centr/o/i center  Eccentric-not having a  Eccentric-
common center, not unconventional
according for norm unusual bizarre odd
 centrifugal -moving idlosyncratic
outward from
cerebr/o brain  Cerebral-pertaining to  Cerebral- intellectual
the brain
 Cerebrate-to use the
 cerebrospinal -pertaining
to the brain and the
spinal cord
cert sure  Ascertain- to find out  Ascertain-assure, check,
something with certainty control, determine,
 certain-being absolutely insure.
sure learn, find out
 certify-to state that
something is true
chrom/o colour, pigment  Achromatic-without
chromat/o, colour
chros  chromium-a blue-white
metallic chemical Page 7
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 chromatics the study of
chron/o time  chronic -lasting for a long  Chronic- continuing,
time inveterate
 chronological- arranging
events in time order
 synchronize- happening
at the
same time
cide, cise cut, kil  Homicide-murder  Circumscribe- confine,
 incisor - a sharp tooth for limit
cutting food
 insecticide-a chemical
used to
kill insects
circum around, about  Circumnavigate-to sail  Circumscribe-confine,
around limit, restrict
 circumscribe-to draw  Circumspect-discreet
around perceptive, sympathetic
 circumspect-looking  Circumvent- besiege,
around siege, surround,
 Circumvent- to go beleaguer
around or bypass

claim, clam shout, speak  Clamour- to shout and  Exclaim – outcry,

out make noise proclaim, promulgate,
 exclaim-to cry out loudly shout
and suddenly
 proclamation-something
announced officially in
Clar clear  Clarification-an  Clarity-elucidate clear
explanation up describe
 clarify- to make  Declare- hold,
something clear announce, pronounce,
 declare-to state adjudge
something clearly
clud, clus close  Conclusion-the end or  Seclude- sequester,
last part seclude, sequestrate
 Exclusion-shutting out  Conclusion-
rejecting termination, ending,
 Seclude-to keep away finale, determination,
from, to ratiocination Page 8
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Cline lean  Inclination- a leaning  Inclination- Liking,
toward interest
 Incline-a surface that penchant proclivity,
slopes or leans predicament, love,
 recline-to lean back and disposition
relax  Recline- repose, recumb

Co with, together,  co-operate-work

joint together
 co-author- writer who
collaborates with
another author
 coeducation-educating
and females together
 cohousing-planning your
neighbour hood in an
intentional neighbourly
Col together, jointly  Collaborate-to work  Collaborate- co-
together operate. Join forces, get
 collision - smashing together
together  Colloquial-
 colloquial-words formed conversational
everyday interaction
Com together,  commemorate-to  Commemorate-
common memorize together remember,
 composition- an immortalize, record,
arrangement or putting memorialize
together of parts
 commune-living together
while owning things in
cogn/i know  Cognition-process of  Cognition- knowledge,
acquiring knowledge noesis
 incognito - disguised so
no one knows you
 recognize-to discover
that one knows
Con with, jointly  Concur-to agree with  Concur- agree, coincide,
someone concord
 Contemporary-of the  Contemporary-coeval.
same time period as modern day, Page 9
Complete List of Root Words

others contemporaneous
 convention- a gathering
of people with a common
contra/o against  contradict- to argue  Contrary- adverse,
opposite against perverse
 contrary- not in obstinate, reverse
agreement  Controversy-
 controversy- contention,
disagreement contestation,
disputation, argument,
corp/o body  corporation - a company  Corporal- embodied
recognized by law as a incarnate, somatic
single body
 corpse-a dead body
 corporal-pertaining to
the body
cosm/o universe  cosmonaut- a Russian  Cosmos- cosmic,
astronaut creation
 cosmos-the universe existence, universe,
 microcosm - a miniature world
Counter opposite,  Counteract-to oppose  Counteract- antagonize,
contrary, the effects of an action countermine,
opposing  Countermand- to cancel countervail, sabotage,
a previous order neutralize, undermine,
 Counteroffensive- attack weaken
against an attack
Cranio skull  craniology - the study of
 cranium - skull of
 cranial - pertaining to the
Cred believe  credence - belief that  Credulous- naïve,
something is true or valid gullible, trusting,
 credulous - believing unquestioning, credible
things too easily, gullible  Incredible-
 incredible - unbelievable unbelievable, amazing,
Crypto hidden, secret  cryptic - of hidden  Cryptic- mysterious,
meaning mystifying, cabalistic,
 cryptography-science of deep, inscrutable, Page 10
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secret codes abstruse, enigmatic

 encrypt - encode into
secret code
Cumul mass, heap  Accumulate-to gather or  Accumulate- collect,
pile up compile, conglomerate
 cumulative - gradually
building up
Cycl circle, ring  bicycle -a vehicle with  Cyclone- tornado
two wheels
 cycle-a sequence that is
 cyclone - a storm with
De reduce, away,  decelerate - to slow  Decelerate- retard
down, remove down, reduce speed
 dethrone - to remove
from power
 debug - to remove bugs
dec/a. deka Ten  Decade-10 years  Decade- decennary
 Decathlon-athletic
contest that
includes 10 disciplines in
which each participant
Deci one tenth  decilitre - a tenth of a
 decimate – reduce
 decibel - one tenth of the
sound volume unit bel
dem/o people  democracy - government  Democracy- republic,
of the people. majority rule
 demographic -the study  Demographic- statistic
of people

dendr/o/i tree  Dendriform- in the shape 

of a tree
dent tooth  dental - relating to teeth  Dental- alveolar
 dentist - a doctor for the
 dentures - a set of false
teeth Page 11
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derm/a skin  Dermatologist- a doctor  Pachyderm- Eutherian,

for the skin placental
 Pachyderm-a class of
animals with very thick
skin (elephant,
 Dermatitis- inflammation
of the skin
di two, twice  Dichromatic- displaying  Dilemma- Ambiguity,
two colours Ambivalence, dubious,
 Dilemma- a situation doubtfulness,
that requires a choice perplexity, enigma,
between two alternatives quandary

di/s apart, away,  Digression- a departure  Digression- deviation,

not, to the from the main issue diversion, excursion,
opposite subject deflection
 Disappear- to move out  Dissect- analyses, break
of sight down, take part
 Dissect- to cut apart
piece by piece
Dia through,  Diabetes-disease  Diagnosis- research,
between, apart, characterized by study
across excessive thirst and  Dialog- conversation
discharge of urine
 Diagnosis- understanding
a condition by going
through a detailed
review of symptoms
 Dialog- conversation
between two people
Dict speak  Contradict- to express  Contradict- contravene,
the opposite of controvert, negate,
 Prediction-a statement oppose
foretelling the future
 Dictate- to speak out
loud for another person
to write down
Domin master  Dominate- to be the  Dominate- overlook,
master of eclipse,
 Domineering- excessively  Predominate- prevail,
controlling reign, rule
 Predominate- to give
more power than others Page 12
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don/at give  Donation- a contribution  Pardon-excuse, forgive,

or gift amnesty
 Donor- someone who
gives something
 Pardon- a subtraction of
an amount
duc/t lead  Conduct- to lead  Conduct- carry on,
musicians in playing behave comport,
music educate – to lead demeanour, acquit
to knowledge
 Deduction- a subtraction
of an amount
du/o two, twice  Duplicate - make an  Duplicate- parallel,
identical copy replicate, reduplicate,
 Duet-a musical twin, double
composition fortwo
voices or instruments
 duo - a pair normally
thought of as being
dyn power, energy,  dynamo - a generator of  Dynamic- active
strength energy
 dynamic - having
physical energy/power
 dynamite-a powerful
dys- abnormal, bad  dyspepsia - abnormal
 dystopia-an imaginary
place of
 dyslexia - impairment of
the ability to handle
ego self  egoistic - self-centred  Egoist- ego- centric
 alter ego - a higher  Egocentric- selfish
aspect of
 egomania - excessive
preoccupation with
 egocentric - self-
em,en into, cover with,  empathy - intention to  Empathy- fellow-
cause feel like another person; feeling, sympathy
 empower-put into power Page 13
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 engorge - make larger

enn/I, anni years  Bicentennial - of or  Perennial- recurrent,
relating to an age or repetitive
period of 200 years
 centennial - of or relating
to an age or period of
100 years
 perennial - lasting
through many years.
en, in inside, inwards  envision - to picture in  Envision- visualize,
the mind foresee, project, figure
 enclose - lock inside
 inwards - towards the
ep/i on, upon, over,  epidemic -the rapid
among, at, spread of something
after, to, negative
outside  epilogue - a short speech
delivered after a play
 epicentre - the centre of
an earthquake
equ/i equal, equally  equidistant an equal  Equanimity- calmness,
distance from two points composure,
 equanimity – calm unflappability
temperament, evenness
of temper
 equation - a statement
of equality.
erg/o work  Ergonomics - study of
the working environment
energy - the power to
accomplish work
esth/aesth feeling,  esthetician - someone  Aesthetic-artistic,
sensation, who esthetical
beauty beautifies
 aesthetic - pertaining to
a sense of beauty
 kinesthesia - the
sensation of
bodily movement.
Ethno race, people  ethnic - pertaining to a  Ethnic- heathen, pagan,
defined group of people cultural
 ethnocentric - focusing
on the
ethnicity of people Page 14
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 ethnology - the science

of people and races.
Eu good, well  euphemism - replacing  Euphemism- genteelism
offensive word with an
inoffensive one
 euphonious - having a
pleasant sound
 euphoria - feeling of
Ex from, out  excavate - to dig out  Excavate- hollow, tur-
 exhale - to breathe out up, unearth
 extract - ta pull out  Exhale- breath out,
emanate, give forth
extra, extro outside, beyond  extraordinary - beyond  Exyrovert-extroversive,
ordinary extroverted
 extra-terrestrial- outside
the Earth
 extrovert- an outgoing
fac/t make, do  artefact- an object made  Malefact- malefactor
by a person
 factory - a place where
things are made
 male fact - a person who
Funct perform, work  defunct - no longer
working or
 function - to work or
perform a role normally
 malfunction - to fail to
Hetero different, other  Heterogeneous-made up  Heterogeneous-
of versatile
unrelated parts  Heterodox- non-
 Heteronyms-words with conformist
same iconoclast,
spelling but different unconventional,
meanings unorthodox
 heterodox-not
conforming to
traditional beliefs Page 15
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hex/a six  hexagon - a shape with

six angles/sides
 hexameter- a verse
measured in six
 hexapod - having six legs.
histo tissue  histology - study of the
microscopic structure of
 Histochemistry - study of
chemical constitution of
cells and tissues.
homo, like, alike, same  homogeneous - of the  Homogeneous- same,
homeo same similar
nature or kind  Homonym-
 homonym - sounding homophones
 homeopath - a therapy
that is
based on treating "same
hydr/o liquid, water  Hydrate-to add water to
hydrophobia - intense
fear of
 hydroponics-growing
plants in
liquid nutrient solution
 hydraulic-operated by
created by a liquid.
hygr/o moisture,  hygrometer-tool used to
humidity measure humidity
 hygrograph-instrument
recording variations in
atmospheric humidity
Hyper too much, over,  hyperactive - very  Hyperactive,
excessive, restless unstopping
beyond  hypercritical- too critical
 hypertension - above
normal pressure
hyp/o under  Hypoglycaemia - an
abnormally low level of Page 16
Complete List of Root Words

sugar in the blood

 hypothermia -
abnormally low
body temperature
 hypothesis - a theory
that is
unproven but used under
assumption that it is true
iatr/o medical care  Geriatrics- medical care
of the
 Paediatrician - a doctor
who treats children
 podiatry - medical care
for feet
icon/o image  icon -an (often religious)  Iconoclast- heterodox,
image, in modern usage pragmatic, icon, stigma,
a simplified graphic of breaker, unorthodox,
high symbolic content unconventional
 iconology- science of
and icons
 iconoclast- someone
destroys religious images
traditional beliefs.
Idio peculiar,  Idiomatic-Peculiar to a  Idiosyncrasy- odd,
personal, particular language bizarre, strange
distinct  idiosyncrasy - a physical
mental characteristic
typical or a particular
 idiot-someone who is
distinctly foolish or
il, in in, into  illuminate -to give light
 innovation - a new idea,
method or device
 inspection - the act of
examining or reviewing
ig, il, im, in not, without  illegal - not legal
 impossible - not possible Page 17
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 inappropriate - not
appropriate image a
likeness of someone
imag likeness  image- a likeness of  Imaginative-
someone hypothetical, false,
 imaginative - able to untrue, creative,
think up new ideas or innovative
 imagine - to form a
picture or
likeness in the mind
infra beneath, below  infrastructure-underlying
framework of a system
 infrared - below the
regular light spectrum
inter between,  International - involving  Intercept- interrupt,
among, jointly two or more countries hinder, stop, prevent
 intersection - place
where roads come
 intercept - to stop or
interrupt the course of
intra, intro within, inside  intrastate - existing in  Intravenous-inner part,
one state inside
 intravenous - inside or
into a vein.
 introvert-shy person who
keeps within him/herself
Ir not  irredeemable - not  Irredeemable-futile,
 irreformable - not pessimistic, dejected
 irrational - not rational
 irresponsible-not
Iso equal  isobar-a line on a map
connecting points of
barometric pressure
 isometric -having
equality of
 isothermal - having equal
constant temperature.
-ject throw  Eject-to throw someone/  Eject-cast out, debar, Page 18
Complete List of Root Words

something out disbar, discharge,

 interject- to throw a disgorge, dislodge
remark into a discussion  Interject- force in
 project- to cast or throw implant, import,
something include, infiltrate,
Jud- law  judgment - a decision of  Judicial- constitutional,
a court of law discriminating,
 judicial - having to do distinguished, equitable
with judges or courts of
 judiciary - a system of
courts of law
Junct jin  conjunction - a word that  Conjunction- together,
joins combined, union
parts of sentences
 disjunction - a
 junction - a place where
things join.
Juven young  juvenile-youthful or  Juvenile-babyish,
childish beardless, blooming ,
 rejuvenate - to bring boyish, budding, callow,
back to childlike
youthful strength or  Rejuvenate- enliven,
appearance. energize, enthuse,
exhilarate, give new life
to , make young again
Kilo thousand  Kilobyte - 1,000 bytes
 kilometre 1,000 meter
 kilograms - 1,000 grams.
kine/t/mat motion, division  kinetics - study of the  Kinetic- motion, energy,
force of enthusiasm, activeness,
motion alertness
 psychokinesis or
telekinesis – the ability
to move objects with
your mind.
 Cinematography motion
picture making
Lab work  collaborate - to work  Collaborate- together,
with a person concert, concur,
 elaborate - to work out conspire, cooperate,
the details coproduce Page 19
Complete List of Root Words

 laborious - requiring a lot  Elaborate- clarify,

of hard work comment, complicate,
deck, decorate, develop
lact/o milk  lactate - to give milk,
 lactose - the sugar
contained in milk
Later side  bilateral - of or involving  Unilateral- one sided
two sides
 unilateral - affecting one
side of something.
Lex word, law,  lexicology - the study
reading and history of words
 alexia - loss of the ability
to read
 illegal - not authorized by
official rules or laws
Liber free  liberate - to set free  Liberate- to set free,
 libertine - a person with deliver, detach,
a free, wild lifestyle discharge,
 liberty- freedom. disembarrass,
emancipate, free
Lingu language, togue  linguist - one who  Linguist- grammarian,
studies interpreter,
languages lexicographer,
 multilingual - able to linguistician, philologist
in multiple languages
 linguine - long, flat
shaped" pasta
Loc place  dislocate - to put  Dislocate-disarticulate,
something out of its disconnect, disengage,
usual place disjoint, disorder
 location a place
 relocate - to move to a
new place
log/o word, doctrine,  logic-correct reasoning  Analogy-comparison,
discourse  monologue - a long drawing parallel
speech by
one speaker
 analogy - similarity,
between things Page 20
Complete List of Root Words

otherwise dissimilar
loqo, luco speak  eloquent - speaking  Eloquent- orator, soft
beautifully and forcefully spoken
 loquacious-very talkative  Loquacious- talkative,
 elocution - art of public chatterbox, verbose,
speaking wordy, voluble
Luc light  elucidate - to explain, to  Elucidate- to clarify
throw light on
 lucid-easily understood,
giving off light
 translucent- allowing
light through
lud, lus to play  prelude - introduction to
the major performance
 illusion - misleading
optical image or
 delude - to mislead,
Lum light  illuminate - to fill with  Illuminate- brighten,
light fire, flash, floodlight,
 lumen - unit measuring highlight, hit with a
light light, ignite, illume
lun/a /i moon  lunar - relating to the
 lunarscape - the surface
of the
 lunatic - insane (as if
driven mad by the moon)
Macro large, great  macroevolution-large
 macromolecule - a large
 macroeconomics- study
of the
overall forces of
magn/a/i great, large  magnify - make larger  Magnify-enlarge
 magnificent – grand
 magnate - a powerful
especially in business or
industry Page 21
Complete List of Root Words

mal/e bad, ill, wrong  malcontent - wrong  Malicious- ill-

content intentioned, malefic,
 malaria - "bad air", malefactor, malevolent
disease thought to
originate from the "bad
air" of the swamps, but
caused by the bite of an
infected mosquito
 malicious - showing
strong il will
 malevolent- having wish
to do evil to others
man/i/u hand  manoeuvre-to move by
 manual-done with the
 manuscript- a book
written by
Mand to order  command - an order or  Mandate- rule,
instruction command, order, law,
 demand - a hard-to- edict, commandment
ignore order
 mandate - an official
Mania madness,  bibliomania - a crazy love  Bibliomania-obsessed
insanity, of boats with books
excessive,  egomania - a mad love of
desire oneself
 maniac- an insane
mar/i sea  marina - a harbour for
pleasure boats
 maritime - relating to the
 submarine - an undersea
 aquamarine - blue-green
in colour, like sea water
mater, matr/i mother  maternal-relating to  Matriach- dame,
motherhood dignified, woman,
 maternity- the state of dowager, grande,
being a dame, matron, mother,
mother queen Page 22
Complete List of Root Words

 matriarch - a woman
head of a
Max greatest  maximal-the best or
 maximize - to make as
great as
 maximum the greatest
Medi middle  medieval- pertaining to  Medieval- antediluvian,
the Middle Ages antiquated, antique,
 medium - in the middle archaic, feudal, old-
 mediocre - only of fashioned, primitive
(inferior) quality
Mega great, large  megalopolis - an area
with many nearby cities
 megaphone - a device
projects a loud voice
 mega structure - huge
building or other
melan/o black  melancholy - a state of  Melancholy-dejected,
dark despondent, destroyed,
emotions disconsolate, dismal,
 melanoma - malignant dispirited, doleful
dark tumour of the skin
 melodrama - a dark,
memor/i remember  commemorate-to  Commemorate-
honour the memory of, celebrate, immortalize,
as by a ceremony keep, memorize,
 memorial related to monument,
remembering a person or monumentalize
 memory- an ability to
knowledge or an
individual's stock of
retained knowledge
merge/ mers dip, dive  immerge or immerse-to  Immerse- baptize, Page 23
Complete List of Root Words

put or bathe, bur, christen,

dip something into a dip, douse, drench,
liquid drown
 submerge to dip
completely into water
Meso middle  Mesoamerica-Middle
 meson-elementary
particle with a mass
between an electron and
a proton
Meta change, after,  metaphysics-study of  Metamorphosis-
beyond, nature and reality change, changeover,
between  metamorphosis- a evolution, mutation,
complete rebirth, transfiguration,
change of form transfigurement ,
 metastasis the translation
transmission of
disease to other parts of
the body
meter, measure  audiometer- an
metr/y instrument that
measures hearing
 chronometer - an
instrument that
measures time metric
Micro very small,  Microbe-a very small
short, minute living thing
 microchip - a tiny wafer
with an integrated circuit
 microscope - a device to
see very small things
Mid middle  midriff - the area
between the
chest and the waist
 midterm - middle of a
term in
 midway - halfway
Migr move  immigrant - a person  Immigrant- alien,
who moves to a new colonist, documented Page 24
Complete List of Root Words

country to settle alien, foreigner,

 migrant - person who incomer, migrant
moves from place to
 migration - the process
of moving
Milli One thonsandth  millimetre - one
thousandth of a meter
 millibar - one thousandth
of a bar
 millilitre one thousandth
of a liter
min/i small, less  mini - something that is  Miniscule- diminutive,
very small dwarf, infinitesimal,
 minuscule-extremely tiny itsy-bitsy, little, meager,
 minutiae-very small or microscopic
trivial details
mis/o bad, badly,  misbehave - to behave
wrong, wrongly, badly
to hate  misprint- an error in
misnomer-an error in
naming a person or thing
miss/ mit send, let go  dismiss- to send  Dismiss- cancel, nullify,
someone away declare null and void
 missile - a weapon sent
into the air
 emit - to send something
 admittance- entry
Mob move  immobilize - to stop from  Immobilize- attenuate,
moving batter, blunt, cripple,
 mobile - able to move damage, debilitate,
freely disarm, disenable,
 mobility - the quality of disqualify, enervate
being able to move
mon/o one, single,  monochromatic- having  Monologue- soliloquy
alone one
 monologue - a speech
spoken by one person
 monotheism - belief in
one god
mot, mov move  motion - the act of
moving Page 25
Complete List of Root Words

 motivate - to move
someone to action
 promote to move
 removable - able to be
taken or carried away
morph/o form  metamorphosis -  Metamorphosis-
complete change, changeover,
change of form evolution, mutation,
 endorphins - chemical in rebirth, transfiguration
the brain able to
transform pain
 amorphous - without
shape or form
Mort death  immortal - living forever,
unable to die
 mortal - certain to die
mortician - an undertaker
Multi many, more,  multi-coloured - having
than one of two many
 multimedia - using a
range of
 multi-tasking - doing
many things at once
Mut change  immutable - not  Immutable-ageless,
changing changeless, constant,
 mutant - an organism enduring, fixed,
that has immovable, inflexible
undergone change
 mutate - to undergo a
my/o muscle  myocardium - the middle
muscle of the heart
 myasthenia - muscle
fatigue or weakness
 myosin - common
protein in
muscle tissue
Narr tell  narrate - to tell a story  Narrate- describe,
 narrative-a story detail, characterize,
 narrator - a person who chronicle, delineate, Page 26
Complete List of Root Words

tells a depict, descant,

story disclose
Nat born  innate - included since  Innate-inherited, native
birth  Natal-innate, inherent
 natal -relating to birth
 natural-gotten at birth,
Nav ship  Circumnavigate-to sail  Circumnavigate-bypass,
around a place circle, circumvent
 Naval-relating to a navy  Navigate- cross, cruise,
or direct, drive, handle,
warships head out for, helm,
 Navigate-to sail a ship journey
through a place
necr/o dead, death  necrophilia - loving  Necrology- death
death notice, eulogy,
 necrosis - the death of mortuary tribute, obit,
tissue due to disease or register
 necrology - a list of
persons who have
recently died
Neg no  negate to say it didn't  Renege- cop ot, default,
happen reverse, weasel out,
 negative meaning "no" welsh
 renege to go back on a
Neo new, recent  neoclassic - a revival of
classic form,
 neo-colonialism - the
('new) economic and
control of a region by a
powerful foreign power
 neonatal - a newborn
especially first few weeks
nephr/o kidney  nephritis- inflammation
of the
 nephrotomy-surgical
incision of a kidney Page 27
Complete List of Root Words

 nephron - a single,
excretory unit in the
neur/o nerve  neuralgia - pain along a
 neurologist - doctor
specializing in the nerves
 neurotic - mental
disorder that usually
does not include an
impaired perception of
norm/in name  misnomer-an error in  Nominate- assign, call,
naming a person or thing choose, cognominate,
 nominal - being commission, decide,
something in name only denominate, draft,
but one in reality elect, elevate, empower
 nominate - to name for
election or appointment,
to designate
Non no, not, without  nondescript- with no  Nondescript-
special characteristics characterless, colorless,
 nonfiction-true, real, not common, dull, empty,
made-up featureless
 non-sense - without
Not mark  notable- marked as  Notarize- authenticate,
worthy of document, endorse,
attention register
 notarize to certify a
signature on a legal
 annotate to add remarks
noun, nunc declare  announce - to declare in  Announce- annunciate,
public blast, blazon,
 denounce - to proclaim broadcast, call,
harsh communicate, declare,
criticism disclose
 enunciate - to speak or  Denounce- adjudicate,
declare something clearly arraign, blacklist,
blame, boycott, brand,
castigate, censure
Nov new  innovate - to introduce a  Novice- beginner,
new way neophyte, rookie,
 novelty - something new amateur, inexperienced Page 28
Complete List of Root Words

novice a person who is  Novelty- newness,

new at a job freshness, innovation,
 renovate - to make creativity
something like new again
Numer number  enumerate - to name a  Enumerate
number of items on a list
 numerology - the study
of magical uses of
 numerous - a large
ob, op in the way,  object -to be against  Opposition- antinomy,
against something antithesis, aversion,
 obscure- hard to brush, civil
understand disobedience, clash,
 opposition - the act of combat, competition
resistance or action
oct/a/o eight  Octagon-a figure with 8
sides and 8 angles
 octogenarian - person in
his or her 80s
 octopus- sea animal with
8 arms
Ocu eye  binoculars -lens device
for seeing distances
 monocular relating to
one eye
 oculist- an eye doctor
Omni all  omnipotent- with all the  Omnipotent- almighty,
power divine, godilike, mighty,
 omniscient- knowing all supreme, unlimited,
things unrestricted
 omnivorous-eating all
types of foods
op/t/s eye, visual,  optic - relating to the
condition, sight eyes
 optician - a person who
 autopsy - the
examination of a dead
Opt best  optimal - the best, the  Optimize- utilize
most Page 29
Complete List of Root Words

 optimize - to make the
best of
 optimum - the best
could be.
Ortho straight  orthodontist - a dentist
straightens teeth
 orthopaedic - a doctor
concerned with the
proper alignment of the
 orthography the correct
way of writing
Osteo bone  osteoarthritis -
caused by degeneration
of the
 osteopathy - therapy
that uses
among others
manipulation of the
skeleton to restore
 osteology the study of
Out goes beyond,  Outgoing - being of  Outgoing- extrovert,
surpasses, lively, sharing nature social, sociable,
exceeds  outdoing doing better gregarious
 outdoor - outside
Over excessive  overconfident - more
confident than is
 overstock - more
supplies than is desirable
 overexcited-more
excited than one should
Oxy sharp  oxymoron - combining  Oxymoron- allegory,
two ideas that sharply alliteration, allusion,
contradict each other analogue, analogy,
 oxidize - corrode a anaphora, ant-climax,
surface antistrophe, antithesis Page 30
Complete List of Root Words

pale/o ancient  palaeontology - study of

ancient fossils
 palaeography- the study
ancient forms of writing
 palaeolithic period of the
Stone Age
Pan all, any,  panacea a cure for all  Panacea- cure-all,
everyone diseases or problems remedy for all
 panorama an all-around  Pandemic- widespread,
view omnipresent
 pantheism- the worship
of all
 pandemic- affecting all
Para beside, beyond,  parasite - an organism  Parasite- sycophant,
abnormal, that lives on and off bootlicker, deadbeat,
assistant another living being dependent, flunky,
 parallel- alongside and freeloader, groupie
always an equal distance
 paragraph - a portion of
a written document that
presents a distinct
Para protection from  parachute-protection
from falling
 parasol - an umbrella
used to
protect from the sun
pater, part/i father  paternal - relating to  Patriarch-chief, creator,
father elder, father, founder,
 paternity –fatherhood gaffer, generator,
 patriarch - a man who grandfather
rules a
Path feeling, emotion  antipathy - a feeling of  Antipathy-aversion,
great abhorrence, hatred,
dislike annoyance
 apathy - a lack of feeling  Apathy- indifference
or interest
 empathy - ability to
understand another's
ped/i/e foot, feet  pedal - a lever pushed by Page 31
Complete List of Root Words

the foot
 pedestrian - one who
 pedicure - cosmetic
feet and toes
Pel drive, force  compel - to force  Expel- cast out,
someone to act disgorge, dislodge, drive
 expel - to drive someone out, ejaculate, eruct,
out of a place erupt, evacuate
 repel -to force back
pent/a five  pentagon- shape having
5 angles and 5 sides
 pentagram - a five-
pointed star formerly
used as a symbolic figure
in magic
 pentathlon - an athletic
contest that includes five
pept, peps digestion  dyspepsia - abnormal
 peptic - aiding digestion
 pepsin-a digestive
Per through,  permanent - lasting  Perennial- chronic,
throughout throughout all time constant, continual,
 permeate-to spread continuing, deathless,
throughout durable, eternal
 persist - to continue for a
long time
 perennial - lasting
through many years
Peri around,  periodontal pertaining to  Peripheral-exterior,
enclosing bone and tissue around a external, incidental,
tooth inessential, irrelevant,
 peripheral lying outside minor, outer
of the center
 perimeter the outer
an area
phag/e to eat  Esophagus-muscular
tube that
carries food to the
stomach Page 32
Complete List of Root Words

 anthropophagy or
 xylophagous feeding on
phil/o love, friend  philanthropist- one who  Philanthropist- altruist,
loves benevolent, benign
humanity  Philosophy- beliefs,
 philology- the love of conception, convictions,
words doctrine, idea, ideology,
 philosophy - the love of logic, metaphysics,
wisdom ontology, outlook,
 bibliophile - loving books rationalism
phon/o/e/y sound  Cacophony-loud,  Cacophony- jarring
unpleasant noise
 microphone - a device
records and amplifies
 phonetic - relating to
speech sounds
phot/o light  photogenic - caused by
 photograph - image
made on light-sensitive
film photon- the smallest
possible unit of light
Phys nature,  Physical-relating to the  Physical- corporeal,
medicine, the body environment, gross,
body  Physician- a doctor materialistic, natural,
 Physique- nature and objective, palpable,
shape of one’s body phenomenal,
ponderable, real
phyt/o/e a plant to  epiphyte-a plant growing  Epiphyte- aerophyte,
produce independently on the epiphytic plant
surface of another
 hydrophytes-a plant that
grows only in water
 neophyte- a beginner,
especially a person
recently converted to a
new belief
pod/e foot  Podiatrist-a doctor for Page 33
Complete List of Root Words

the feet
 podium-a small platform
to stand on
 tripod- a stand or frame
with 3
Poli city  metropolis - a large city  Metropolis- urban
 politics - actions of a centre
government or political
Poly many, more  polychrome - with many  Polyglot- adapter,
than one colours cryptographer,
 polyglot - a person fluent cryptologist, decoder,
in many languages dragoman, explainer,
 polygon - shape with 3 or glossator, linguist
more straight sides
Pon place, put  opponent - a person who  opponent- antagonist,
places him/herself aspirant, assailant,
against an action, idea, bidder, candidate,
etc challenger
 postpone - to put off
Pop people  popular - appealing to a  Populist- common,
lot of communal,
people constitutional,
 population - all of the egalitarian, equal, free,
people who live in a friendly, individualistic
particular area
 populist- a supporter of
the rights of people
Port carry  export - to carry goods
out of a place to another
 portable - able to be
 porter-a person who
Pos place, put  deposit-to place or drop  Expose- confession,
something construction,
 expose - to place out into divulgence, exegesis,
the open for all to see explanation,
 position- the place explication, exposal
where someone is
Post after, behind  posthumous - after  Postpone- adjourn, Page 34
Complete List of Root Words

someone's defer, give a rain check,

death hang fire, hold off
 postpone - to delay
 postscript - an addition
to an
already completed
Pre earlier, before,  preamble - a part in front  Prediction- cast,
in front of of a conjecture, crystal
formal document gazing, divination,
 prepare to get ready in dope, forest,
advance forecasting, foresight
 prediction - a statement
foretelling the future
Pro before, in front  prognosis - a prediction  prognosis- diagnosis,
of, for, forward of what will happen ward expectation, foretelling,
 prologue - a passage guess, prediction
before the main part
 prophet-a person who
foretells the future
prot/o primitive, first,  prototype - the first of a  Prototype- antecedent,
chief kind antecessor, archetype,
 proton - on of the very criterion, first,
basic parts of an atom forerunner, Ideal
 protocol - a first draft
from which a document
is prepared
pseud/o wrong, false  pseudonym - a fictitious  Pseudonym- alias
name ananym, anonym,
 pseudoscience - theories assumed, name,
presumed without proof nickname
of a
scientific nature
 pseudo pregnancy - a
psych/o mind, mental  psyche - the human spirit  Psyche-character, ego,
or soul essential, nature,
 psychic - relating to the individually, inner child,
human mind or someone inner self
who has supernatural
mental abilities
 psychology - the study of
the mind Page 35
Complete List of Root Words

pugn/a, pung to fight  pugnacious - having a  Pugnacious- combative,

quarrelsome or contentious, warlike,
aggressive nature bellicose, belligerent
 repugnant - distasteful,
offensive or revolting
 pungent-piercing
Pul urge  Compulsion - a very  Expulsion- banishment,
strong urge boot, bounce,
 expulsion - to kick debarment,
someone out deportment, discharge
 impulsive having a
spontaneous urge to do
Purg clean  Purge-abolition,
catharsis, clarification,
cleaning, cleanup, coup,
crushing, disposal,
Put think  Computer-an electronic  Dispute- altercate,
thinking device bicker, brawl, bump
 dispute-to disagree with heads, canvass,
what challenge, clash,
another person thinks confute
 input- contribution of
ones ’s thinking
pyr/o fire, heat  pyrotechnics the art of  Pyrotechnics- firework,
making fireworks pyrotechny
 pyrometer- a
thermometer for
measuring high
 pyretic-relating to or
producing fever
quad/r/ri four  quadrant - open space
buildings on 4 sides
 quadrennial -period of 4
 quadruped - a 4-footed
Quart fourth  quarter - one fourth
 quart -a fourth of a
 quartet- a musical Page 36
Complete List of Root Words

composition or group
involving 4 voices or
quin/t five, fifth  quintet -a composition
for 5 voices or
 quintessence - pure
essence, based on the
ancient philosophy that
was a fifth element that
was present in all things
 quintuple - fivefold
radic, radix  eradicate - pull out at the  Radical- anarchistic,
roots complete, entire,
 radical - fundamental, excessive, extremist,
looking at things from a fanatical, far-out,
drastic point of view freethinking,
 radish - an edible root of iconoclastic,
the immoderate,
mustard family insubordinate,
Radio radiation, ray  radioactive – emitting
 radiologist- someone
diagnosing treating via
ram/i branch  ramification-the  Ramification-
resulting consequence of bifurcation, branch,
a decision branching, breaking,
 ramify-to spread or complication,
branch out consequence,
 ramous - a branchlike divarication, division,
part excrescence, extension,
forking, offshoot,
outgrowth, partition,
radiation, result
Re again, back,  rebound -to spring back  Rebound- backfire,
backward again boomerang, convalesce,
 rewind- to wind get back on one’s feet ,
something get better, get in shape,
backward get well, heal, kick back,
 reaction - a response make a comeback,
 recognize to identify mend, overcome, pick Page 37
Complete List of Root Words

someone or something up, pull through, rally

seen before
 reverse - to turn around
 revival - the act of
bringing back to life
 recapture - taking
something back
Reg guide, rule  regent - a person who  Regent- governor,
rules on minister, official, ruler,
behalf of a king or queen viceroy
 regime a government
that rules
 regulate to apply a rule
Retro backward, back  Retroactive-relating to  Retrogress-decline,
something in the past decrease, deprave,
 retrogress - to go back to descend, die on vine,
an earlier condition dis-improve,
 retrospect - the disintegrate, fall off, go
remembering downhill, go to
past events recollection
rhin/o nose  rhinoceros - a species of
animals with a big horn
on the snout
 rhino-plasty - surgery of
the nose
 rhinovirus - viruses that
causing the common cold
rhod/o red  rhododendron - a flower
with red/pink flowers
 rhodium - an element
produces a red solution
 rhodopsin - a purple
pigment in the retina
that is needed for vision
Rid laugh  deride - to make fun of  Deride- detract, dis,
someone distain, disparage, jeer,
 ridicule - to make fun or jolly, kid, knock, laugh
mock at, lout, mock, put
 ridiculous - silly, causing down, quiz, rag, rally,
laughter razz, rib, ridicule, roast,
scoff, scorn, slam,
sneer, taunt
Rupt break, burst  Bankrupt - unable to pay  Rupture-burst, Page 38
Complete List of Root Words

because you're "broke cleavage, cleft, crack,

 Interrupt-to break into a division, fissure,
conversation or event, to fracture, hernia,
disturb; herniation, parting
 rupture - a break in
San health  Sane- mentally, healthy  Sane- common-sensical,
 Sanitary-relating to cool, down-to-earth,
cleanliness and health hard-headed, judicious,
 sanitation - maintenance level-headed, matter-
of public health and of-fact, practical,
cleanliness rational, realistic
Scend climb, go  Ascend- to climb upward  Ascend- climb, escalate,
 Crescendo-a climbing up float, fly, lift off, mount,
of the volume of music move up, rise, scale,
 Descend-to go or climb soar, sprout, take off
Sci know  conscience -sense of  Conscience-
knowing right from compunction, inner
wrong voice, morals, duty
 conscious -knowing what
is happening
 omniscient- knowing
scler/o hard  Arteriosclerosis-
hardening of the arterial
 multiple sclerosis -
disease which causes the
tissue of the brain and
spinal cord to harden
 sclerometer - instrument
measuring hardness
scop/e/y see, examine,  microscope - a device  Microscopic- tiny, small,
observe used to see tiny things miniscule, invisible
 periscope - a seeing
instrument on a
 telescope - a device used
to see over a distance
scrib, script write, written  inscribe - to write letters  Inscribe- imprint, carve,
or words. on a surface cut
 scribe-a person who  Scribe-copier, copyist,
writes out documents transcribe Page 39
Complete List of Root Words

 describe - to represent  Describe- narrate,

with words or pictures elucidate, explain,
Se apart  secede - to formally
break away from
 seclude- to keep away
 serum a liquid isolated
out of
Sect cut  dissect - to cut apart  Dissect- disconnect,
piece by disjointment
 intersection - the place
or point where two
things cross each other
 bisect - to cut into two
equal parts
Self of, for, or by  self-discipline - the
itself ability to
discipline yourself
 self-respect- respect for
 selfish - concerned only
with your own interest
Semi- half, partial  semi-annual - every half
 semicircle - half a circle
 semiconscious partly
sept/i seven  September-this used to
be the
seventh month in the
 septet a group of seven
 septuagenarian a person
in his/ her seventies
-serv save, keep  conserve - to save or  Conserve- save, keep,
keep hoard, collect, compile
something safe  Preserve- to care for,
 preserve - to save continue, maintain
 reservation - a place kept Page 40
Complete List of Root Words

for a
Sex six  sextet or sextets - a
composition or group of
 sextuple - six fold
 sexagenarian person in
his/her sixties
Sol alone  desolate - lonely, dismal,  Desolate- unused,
gloomy barren, abandoned
 solitary - done alone, by  Solitary- alone, aloof,
yourself reserved, shy- natured,
 solo - a performance introvert
done by one person
Sol sun  solar - involving the sun
 parasol - umbrella
protecting from the sun
 solarium - a room where
one is exposed to sun
somn/l sleep  insomnia - inability to fall  Somnolent- dizzy, lazy,
asleep sleepy, lethargic,
 somniloquy talking in lackadaisical, dormant
your sleep
 somnolent - feeling
Son sound  consonant - a speech  Sonorous- pompous,
sound bombastic,
 sonorous- producing grandiloquent,
loud, full, rich sounds magniloquent, loud
Soph wise  philosopher - a wise
 sophisticated - wise
about the
ways of the world
 sophism - a clever but
misleading argument
spec/t/spic see, look  spectator - a person who
sees an event
Sphere ball  biosphere - the whole
surface of the earth
 hemisphere - half the Page 41
Complete List of Root Words

spherically shaped like a
Spir breathe  inspire - to stimulate or  Inspire- encourage,
animate enliven, arouse,
 transpire - to give of motivate
vapour with waste  Transpire- occur,
product through the skin happen, arise, ensue
or a membrane
 spirit-invisible life force
Sta stand  stable - standing steady  Stagnant- motionless,
and firm filthy, immobile,
 stagnant - standing still, constant, stationery
not moving
 stationary - at a
standstill, fixed
Stell star  constellation - a group of  Constellation- destiny,
stars certainty, course of
that forms a pattern events
 interstellar - between
the stars
 stellar - relating to stars
Struct build  construct- to build  Construct- compound,
 destruction- the act of create, set up
destroying something  Destruction-
that was built structure - demolishing,
something built devastation
 infrastructure-underlying
framework of a system
Sub under, lower  submarine - an
than, inferior to underwater boat
 submerge to put
 substandard - inferior to
accepted standards
Sum highest  sum - the combined total  Summit- peak, the
of topmost, point, zenith,
everything peak, acme, apex
 summation - the total,
 summit - the highest
point or top
Super higher in quality  Super bowl - the final  Superior- better,
or quantity annual greater, higher, Page 42
Complete List of Root Words

football game excellent

 superior - above average,
better in quality
 supersonic - faster than
the speed of sound
sy/m/n/l/s together, with,  symmetry similarity in  Synchronize- attune,
same size, form or agree, collaborate
 synergy - the combined
 synchronize to cause to
occur at the same time
tact, tang touch  contact - a state in which  Tactile- palpable,
two sensible, solid, concrete
things touch  Tangible- real,
 tactile - relating to the corporeal, actual
sense of touch
 tangible - able to be
 intact - with nothing
tax/o arrange-ment  syntax - the systematic  Syntax- arrangement,
arrangement of words order, pattern,
 taxonomy - the science structure
of  Taxonomy- anatomy,
classification dendrology, ecology,
 ataxia - loss of the ability floristic
coordinate muscle action
Techno technique, skill  technology - the practical  Technology-
application of knowledge automation, applied,
 technocracy rule of science
 technologically -
characterized by
tel/e/o far, distant,  telephone - a device to
complete talk to a distant person
 telescope a device to
distant objects
 television - a device to
pictures from afar
 telecommuting - working Page 43
Complete List of Root Words

remotely, bridging the

distance via virtual
temp/or time  temporal relating to time  Temporal- materialistic
 temporary lasting for a worldly
term/ina end, limit  determine - to find  Determine-decide,
something out at the end define, mould
of an investigation  Terminate- cease,
 terminate - to end dismiss, finish
 exterminate - to destroy
or get rid of completely
terr/a/i land, earth  extra-terrestrial -
existing outside the earth
 terrain - ground or land
 territory - an area of land
Tetra four  tetrapod - having 4 legs
 tetrarchy - government
by 4 rulers
 tetrose - a
monosaccharide with
four carbon atoms
the/o god  monotheism - belief in
one god
 polytheism - worshiping
more than one god
 theology - the study of
religion, god, etc.
therm/o heat  thermal - relating to heat
 thermos - an insulated
jar that
keeps heat in
 thermostat - a device
that controls heat
Tort twist  contortion - a twisted  Contortion-
shape or position crookedness,
 distort - to alter the tortuousness
shape or  Distort-falsify, strain,
condition of twist, wring
 retort-reply in a manner  Retort- counter, re-join,
that is supposed to replay
change the effect of
something previously
said Page 44
Complete List of Root Words

Tox poison  Detoxification-the

process of removing
 toxic poisonous
 toxicology-the study of
 intoxicated -influenced
by drugs
Tract pull, drag  attract- to pull objects  Attract- allure, appeal,
nearer pull in
 distract-to drag attention  Distract- disorder,
away from something disquiet, trouble
 tractor-a motor vehicle
that pulls things
Trans across, beyond,  transcontinental - across
through the
 transfer - to move from
one place to another
 transport- to carry
across a space
Tri three, once in  triangle- a figure with 3
every three, sides and 3 angles
third  triathlon- an athletic
contest with 3 events
 tricycle - a 3-wheel
vehicle with pedals
Ultra beyond,  ultrahigh - extremely
extreme, more high
than  ultramodern -more
modern than anything
 ultrasonic- sound waves
beyond human hearing
Un not, opposite  unabridged- not  Unabridged- un-
of, lacking shortened shortened
 unfair-opposite of fair  Unfriendly-malign,
 unfriendly- lacking malefic, malicious
Uni one, single  Unicycle- a vehicle with  Unilateral- one sided
one wheel  Unison- consensus,
 unilateral -decided by unanimity
only one person or
nation Page 45
Complete List of Root Words

 unique-the only one of

its kind
 unison-as one voice
Urb city  suburb- residential area
on the edge of a city
urban -relating to a city
 urbanology -the study of
city life
Vac empty  evacuate- to empty a  Evacuate- empty, void
dangerous place
 vacant-empty, not
 vacation - a time without
vent/t come  Convention-a gathering  Intervene- interface,
or interpose, step in
assembly of people with
a common interest
 intervene-to come
ver/l truth  veracious - truthful,  Veracious- undeceitful,
honest right, upright
 veracity the truth up  Verify- confirm, re-
 verify-to make sure that check
something is true
Verb word  verbalize - to put into  Verbalize- vocalize, to
words speak up
 adverb - a word relating
to a verb
 proverb - a short saying
expresses a well-known
vers, vert turn  introvert - being turned
towards the inside
 version a variation of an
 controversy - a
conversation in which
positions are turned
against each other
Vice acting in place  vice-president- the
of, next in rank person next in rank to
the president
Vid see  evident - clearly seen Page 46
Complete List of Root Words

vince, vic Conquer  convince-to win  Invincible- unbeatable,

someone over unvanquishable,
 invincible not able to be undefeatable
 victory - the conquest of
an enemy
vis, vid See  vision - the ability to see
 evident-clearly visible
viv/i/ vit live, life  vital-pertaining to live  Vivacious-exuberant,
vivacious - high-spirited energetic, zealous,
and full of life zestful, ebullient,
enthusiastic, vibrant
voc/i voice, call  advocate - to speak in  Advocate- espouse,
favour of support, fight for the
 equivocate - to use cause, counsel, preach
misleading  Equivocate- confuse,
language that could be obfuscate, to put in a
interpreted two different quandary
 vocalize -to produce with
vol/i/u wish, will  volition - the act of
making a
choice or decision
voluntary - resulting
from your own free will
vor, vour Eat  voracious- desiring or  Voracious- avaricious,
eating food in great insatiable, avid, hungry,
quantities greedy, ungratifiable
 devour- to eat quickly
xen/o foreign  Xenophobic- afraid of
 Xenogenesis- the
creation of offspring that
is completely different
from either parent
 Xenophile- attracted to
xer/o/l Dry  Xerophyte- a plant that  Xerophyte-xerophile
grows in dry climate  Xerography-
 Xerography- a dry photography, picture
photocopying process taking
 Xeric-requiring small Page 47
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amounts of moisture
zo/o animal life  Zoology- study of  Zoology- fauna
 Zooid- resembling an
 Zooplankton- minute
floating aquatic animals Page 48

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