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Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Simon Donnelly. You are a former student.

Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: She was a very difficult teacher. She made you do extra writing
assignments. She said that you had talent but you hated all the extra work. But, now you are grateful.
You’re a writer and have just written a new book which you dedicated to Ms Johnson.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: You saw her at about 7pm. You gave her a copy of your new book
and she was happy.
When you heard the scream: You were talking to Louise King, another former student.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Louise King. You are a former student.

Memories of Ms Johnson: You hated her class. She gave too much homework. She made you hate
school and thus, you stopped going. You didn’t do your exams and now you work at the
supermarket. You think it is all Ms Johnson’s fault. You are happy that she is dead!
Last time that you saw Ms Johnson: You went outside for a cigarette at about 8pm. You saw her with
Mr. Green. It looked like they were arguing and it seemed serious. They were talking about Saul.
When you heard the scream: You were happy for the distraction. You were trying to escape from
boring Simon Donnelly.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Saul Sheen. You are a young teacher at the school.
Opinion of Ms Johnson: She was a very serious woman. She was not easy to like.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: Nobody at school knows this, but Ms Johnson is your mother. She
gave you up for adoption when you were a baby. You were having an argument today because she
would not tell you who your father is. It was about 7:30pm.
When you heard the scream: You were looking for Mr. Green, the headmaster. You knocked on his
office door but there was no answer.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie! You must tell the other characters that you are Ms. Johnson’s son.

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Ivan Williams. You are the housekeeper at the school.
Opinion of Ms Johnson: You thought that she was a very sophisticated woman. It surprised you that
she wasn’t married. You wanted to invite her to dinner but you were afraid that she would say no.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: You saw her arguing with Mr. Sheen. You never liked him; He was
always made Ms Johnson upset. You went to see if she was okay, you loaned her your tissue, which
you always carry with you because you have allergies.
When you heard the scream: You were cleaning the floor in the men’s bathroom.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Lily Simmons.

Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: She was a very scary teacher. Most of her students worked hard
because they were afraid of her. You did very well in her English class. Thanks to Ms Johnson, you
are going to become a teacher.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: You spoke to her briefly at about 7:45pm. You were telling her about
your studies. She didn’t seem interested. When she saw Mr. Green, she said that she had to go. You
thought she was impolite.
When you heard the scream: You were dancing in the Sports Hall with some of the other former

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Edward Green. You are the headmaster at the school.
Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: You have known Ms Johnson since you were both students at
university. You thought she was a remarkable woman. You will miss her very much.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: You were very busy this evening. You never saw Ms Johnson.
When you heard the scream: You were in your office working on the computer.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Patricia Woods. You are a teacher at the school.

Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: She was a good teacher but she did not have many friends.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: She was walking to her classroom. It was about 8:15pm and she
looked upset. She was crying and wiping her eyes with a tissue.
When you heard the scream: You were serving drinks with some of the other teachers in the Sports

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Janice Carroll. You are a teacher at the school.

Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: You only just started working at the school. You did not know her
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: You did not see her this evening.
When you heard the scream: You were talking to some of the other new teachers in the Sports Hall.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Mike Newell. You are a former student.

Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: She was not one of your teachers when you were at school but you
always heard from your friends that she was a difficult teacher.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: Early in the evening when the reunion had just started.
When you heard the scream: You were getting a drink in the Sports Hall.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is Jason Smith. You are a former student.

Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: She was very difficult, not friendly, and most of the students were
afraid of her.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: When you arrived at the party, before 7pm.
When you heard the scream: You were in the Sports Hall dancing with an old friend, Lily Simmons.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Murder in the Classroom

Details about the murder:

During a school reunion, a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. It is 8:30pm. A few minutes
later, the dead body of Ms Emily Johnson, an old English teacher is found. She has been hit on the
head. Also found were a number of items that may lead us to the killer: a book written by one of her
ex-students, Simon Donnelly; a photograph of another teacher, a young man called Saul Sheen; and, a
tissue with the initials I.W. At the moment, these are the three main suspects. Everyone who was at
the reunion and saw or spoke to Ms Emily Johnson needs to be questioned.

Your character:

Your name is David Kennedy. You are the secretary at the school.
Memories of Ms Emily Johnson: She was a polite woman but not friendly. You didn’t have any
problems with her.
Last time you saw Ms Johnson: This afternoon while you were getting ready for the party. You
arrived late at the reunion and didn’t see her all evening.
When you heard the scream: You were washing your hands in the men’s room.

Use the sheet to record and collect information about the other characters. Some questions you
should ask include:

What is your name?

Why were you at the reunion?
What was your relationship with Ms Johnson?
When was the last time that you saw Ms Johnson?
What were you doing when you heard the scream?

Remember, you can not tell a lie!

Name and Role Motive Alibi Clues / Other Information

Simon Donnelly A copy of his book was
(former student) found in the classroom
where Ms Johnson was
Saul Sheen A photograph of him was
(young teacher) found in Ms Johnson’s

Ivan Williams Ms Johnson had a tissue

(housekeeper) with the initials I.W in her
hand when she was killed.

Louise King
(former student)

Lily Simmons
(former student)

Edward Green

Name and Role Motive Alibi Clues / Other

Simon Donnelly None – He liked Ms. He was talking to A copy of his book was
(former student) Johnson. Thanks to her, Louise King, another found in the classroom
he became a writer. former student. where Ms Johnson was
Saul Sheen He was seen arguing He knocked on Mr. A photograph of him
(young teacher) with Ms. Johnson by Green’s door but there was found in Ms
Ivan Williams. He is was no response. Johnson’s pocket
also her son, and
wanted to know who
his real father is.
Ivan Williams None – She wanted to She was cleaning the Ms Johnson had a tissue
(housekeeper) be friends with Ms. floor in the men’s with the initials I.W in
Johnson. bathroom. her hand when she was

She hated Ms. Johnson’s She was talking to She heard Mr. Green
Louise King class and blames her for Simon Donnelly, a and Ms. Johnson
(former student) working in a former student. arguing about Saul.

None – She liked Ms. She was in the Sports

Johnson. Thanks to her, Hall with some other
Lily Simmons Lily wants to become a students.
(former student) teacher.

He was seen arguing None – He was not in

Edward Green with Ms Johnson by his office when Saul
(headmaster) Louise about someone knocked on the door.
named Saul.

None – she seemed to She was with other

like Ms Johnson. teachers in the Sports
Patricia Woods Hall.

Mr. Green is Saul Sheen’s father. He and Ms Johnson had a relationship at university. Ms Johnson had always kept their
relationship a secret until now. After her last argument with Saul about his father, Ms Johnson plans to tell Saul the truth.
She tells Mr. Green about her plans to tell Saul and they argue. Louise hears them arguing. Mr. Green is furious. He
follows Ms Johnson to the classroom and hits her over the head. He was not in his office when everyone heard the
scream. That is why when Saul knocked on his door, there was no answer.

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