Jurisprudence Unit - 4

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On 4 WHITE Poge

Natwral Toul Law a4 he Betae 0n

RAlatuwral Law bklorephy c e p e s cn thmpordant flarsh

krus, Jelglbn ond fom K easlit ethlo

The folhs,
nedH kao layed the HoletamBniotha, dynhoolhg and
omothg feace a o l iutida olferent beutbda vand
vand miule.
Tubue agaiist tayustHce, yranny
Ke nafval aus bebq co- exlolent
Backaone obreked Hat -
Kihne,supelor fo
uLihmaniol ard emnanathg pcom
ve a l l hi globe i all ceundsuts
all ohov aus
Ztio bëaling
Aaw uull be valL
Ke Pme arol rO man-maou
ancl atall 93
aw a k u e . "
o Cendsay Kothe

o abreluke
The Natwal lauw Kioy eflects a
izaralbn arod dliclval
gehevated e wave
ettee. agalst totaliariay
and iepodeepe o e v e t
D dom ntexnatfon lauus curey ti4
yesmany. TR
u l l th dion hilorop hg. de
6 h natwral lauw
orlgn,develabrment and unll natual
cand auhoruy om ha Taus
desttre s

ratual kow a
commended hat he KBroy
ntadrnann Ka4 allre
kRd oe aboeluke fuetlee and
Fale of he search eman désut
ackd as a Catalyr fer brengg
Natral aw kas de naa
egal dyaem.
eld prevalldig
bodoumatHén o/ th egal syykm tha
Hoybo he
Cent'butfon ol naunab lou ana the al man
untenoal endes govetndg
leeogy / a
halierabe vrlgkso e thdLlialo
R Nakval Louw toophy olomhakd ad. nduskg
s B.C. auhun Puwaa blteed Hat #E omath
Cxeal fo man. dphits calhd as an o ola
TAings uhfch embodles Heason doorale, Palo and Artsheth
alo Qcceped Hot þortulae o/steanon fore a. unhensal
uce and men axe enoloued uulh Mcavon BororpaRe c
ace o nabnalily.

hs iheal
Creico dupporkol natmal aw ond tellheol
apueasPP tecoun S land on H gensval norally ef
h Kuman decfe

KL Coneap n o t u a l low tas ban elYgrunbly derprupol

y awtro at dllfeen tines .

dome then eenterd hot hohvral laus eomta a/ daols

Auhich guld lega develepmen uhile othus excpbicd
va4 9pat fot pofpet laus ceducile y Heaon

h suppetus nakoal Jas huoy holre thet thure

abaue element i law auhlh frevcnts a tokalseharahen
aw o pom He aw ought o be

n th antent docleHos, okural aw w a eltoved{

to kaue a dirhe ongh. Dukg the rudBal ood
Kaol a nullglous uOid dude- ratwtal base bet
mpdetn fnos t Kas a ntseong polPal and logal

Nawal Law - J maanbg Ovol eJhMon

ykorte no woninlty abeut Ho defhron and eadt roan

eTodvial lou Because has ban
opued vdfornlhy ab
olfount tens olepardlBo onHenaaou o/he clevelehg legad

he expenentonalusal lauw fAlorathy Concele HaAba au

ahPh 6 ent à ha natue sman Cnd Peluperdand
CHekan Chventèn, egbarbn o any ohu sHhiorol deueag

aw udlh derlrs
zlugkes, rakual ow
.Acc fo 2a1 and
val&lB pom P sun Akoant ales
i law
dtforankakd dy s LeLlg and ogante preerkes, en
emulpokal oolana by ha eaks Y t agencles-

.Acc-fo Coken, "nahval lauw e net a body e a a n l enackd oe

eydukd low enfevcaol by cout S i pda wayg
Leokig a t ABp ond a kumanbtc ahproack g 8dges 4 yuris ts
embodbe uukh , a kostel èleals u h as metal,fisHle,

Heaon,_geood. conduut, fucolom eaualL, Llerty, ehles and ao en '

Actfo Sel vechi natal bw he ellerkn uhh forni

s Fo eualwak o l e law Ardo meaere
ntunsl autee.

Pres as, " dlluhe ta, K comand / ped Brhoxd

on man

H a f hnli totle," natval las E hs unueen lau


Bhi Jaul Heas Oy, by

Pco-to poo Ceeno, " nahwal (au
2ovemcd and uhS
uhkeh Ke world 8
aoldyeyed fo anal orclecd hy
e alloral nahue

Ckavacerotis Nakval Low

he fem nakwal laus ha0 a lerbe maanli. Z1 fas
2f Fas
n cuslutbn.
been thenprukel tn vaulou maanRgs th coust o
Cermetmas B callod as fauwnatare, poet law s Gods
olho as clhuhe law and nuwuen lauw. Lkas 9eneraly
Contcloud as van teloal dewtca l a w

he featkore nakural lauw Qe

i bareally apulbrmethod dfestntuom

empleal method.

L/apooumahod aepto 7higs oy cenclusrona th ruafen o a

i e as thay ant'whout any nud 7 erguily, while
empiukal o agaukertbrei vebhreDash sfea to d eut the
CAAs ard yeanens rulahion o the ouled-maHet

t dtmbolie hypleal lawe noune bareel on aeral 1aly

wih kos unieual apleabab at all plaas uAnd +imes .

it kas beun used fo defend a ckounye 0 o halhkh H

ghhu po (ectktig) acodbg h nead apubremand o

7 h desalopraunk f kunan silhks fvtpruoknda and ceat


basfe suighto meh, ohhak pom ha hakwral lai pAPloo h .

embod&es the valre o reanon, flushe, morali nd etu h

uhlch pxoultes acemmen. bak a/ lepal llorphy on ohfal

Hh Conaept o yue low' Engard vand bdla dee proess

USA a e baved on ahoal tauo Atosophy.

G-G-D- Cwrulkh Kos gen wses Notwal hous s

Ao a mal iuotiakbn ef Low.
B Natwral louw und a aßulorf ebnent a louw
c An eeoohp to immuabe and not vartab/
autenAmius dauw pnd velil hecoune t
b an 6haed gn lhal
ey Ps an dea y ukh exioti foihle aw can idped

Pcc stedman, ehe kiytoy of nakual Jew ba ah o H

deaeh o mankRal foe abroluk jute vand failna ?

erenu w Noruval louw and othen ows -

Nakual Jos dllforu om ahor on e/ou A Ki feloutig

tNakwral Laus ehval ad undangeadle ud h othen fotnu us
auyed fo fertocltal chongex and allora f8nd

Natuwnal law fa het maol y mon, Y& only ou covekad Km

wAtle ethor lawk ane etealed evolped, modJ6d and alferad Ly mon

vcny exkexral ageney

T1 Nakwal law i n a t enforcsd Khole
lauw enforeid y
but evey othe bruns
Coencre orl
uullý 4 batleod by
bevegn o

emulgakol y any ogkslahhn Aike

Nokual aw n e
vCny ethuy lou

Unlke oher founs e/ ous, not &a wwkhJom

and alko hu (n' any Sysfem a 9eusaud povalty
tollouhg e uelatr suly.

horltal Evoluhon Nakwal fawTkory

h conent Nabual Las Kas charged om Hne to
r e acodtg to he pupone, Aunon ard need
He Hne ond c mxtancto.

Ae evelulfon and deuelnbnont eNakwral LouwUuoy hus

beon Thueaph vanlos lages ulAh ray be claas

Gueek Perdod

Pncet falodl Roman feulod

Culttan Feiad

HuclSal fexod

cRenaissanct foruod
Mocern foulod

Anckont 1orted
Guk ouled
te was ha Bot feafouwdve reelk fUlonfy
Nhbwal Kow

cL to hin, Taw wu mools for he pufon of nerug
h ereat heng ard was a moRu explateney.

Cteracli'h; - (S30 - 4Fo 6.C)

ke conapt Natval law was deselohed by psuk fhRopr

teracltus has fohted out dharapria Hu Lous

DestRy Ndey 1 season

frt to Koraclhy
TNaka h not a keab thbgs u f hite a deise
ulahon b/u hBas4 Ond hurt h a dJRee ade and

> Evesythiy a aval'laslu a tt B neeolad. Eha entiwe unt-erat

follpus ah C9sLolon
E 2 Topula fan of pradaket ctnmals gusu dlounly han e

ftAa fo Am, reas on oe o/ asentalekmant

nahwtal LouLU


ocades - L o -3g9 kC

oceuples a pradombant foith,

ancent n
cmog the Arlophara a

FHoat hunan auhbns

He derled he telea a oophia
hraHton ara dexlnes
tuel xo/ely 90vetnment dy
a Her
Pce to Kim, 1ke ratunal hyaleal las,
natual hoal laiw Kuman oeby. Ard man fornez s
anal badnes
an 'hslgk tuhleh revtaly Hi geodh e
abroluk ar erra
orhihg4 Ond make kn knsw
m o a valve

re to kim, -Kuman haighd" jo t basis to elge b laus

Pcc-4 ken, udhre kholedpevand uhatertr hot

ubtwouu ts an'.

Pceto Kin, Rust may ke e kwo kiks- hatvral j a

egsl futfe.
L u l s nouhral ivohu au a4plabe o all slas
but lagal ustu may ole frem slae ho place
clependlig n he existy tatutery laus anddoal cndken.

He pleaolud for Ki necewty o Netuwal lauw fo aeeurd

ord xtabtU va/ the countsy.

cte to m, fothe Aous do nof cBhes h confsuny

4u he h s i , even then Ast don + baak h law

6rhonuuh u i l he anahy. htil otte lau exkyds , ue


dheulol Heshocr i
Fo hk eason, decrakes referveol Fo dalrc K fofson h

ohedtenet kas hom to Han away peom bukon

Plao (v7 -347 6. C)

Plouto wan a dlkuple doorales Ti waHk was mucs hof Brad

yuknpent ppaaulathon nakwral laus homesr Hu ophaol
Kaus god gese Fo all men cn egpal zensc of osHlu and of
etklial evven do hat Fhey can vesevre hemaeles h h
l e e LY. H beltevd Hat thefiuott a kaumoy
aman hne y e and Coa be achrrol y reas on and
ullomn man

tte udhery cavled hi natural low jiRlorefhy ths k%

centapt e elsal tate fermeel a RepuhL. e emAaLred
That nby thellgnt ard <worhy arron hould ée 7 klg
He embhaulcd hat, Heru z a need o enfekdulro7
Jab oun Konce, eah man oUght to dln R wotk o uhth i
Calhd upon fo h aales

Pe to Plato, e laws e rake ane a ball akaolow a

vabaedute dea d berpet Jows vagasst uhtth man-made lauus
may & measuyed ."

e utotle (304- 3 22 8.C) -

Pale fotl Came out wlih a meu loyfeal Afrabiom /

hakral tow
Pres to K , man T a art rature h hoo ags

the the creaf'on god.

auhth erahles hr
T e ossegs olghk and

Fo axhtulate Kix action -

te deflkd natiral laus a s Sepron nafested ly

desye 9 embocltes ths b a t puhipls jute

auhich foo wnireal vallolt
nd metaly
uulnl he
oaHive laus hould tuy to hcorporak
onaeral uu but ghould k
e puhalles
oheyeol evon t to net h confbmlhy of dfarolord
tte opgeshed hat laus should Medounio aaandaol
Louhu hon be hoken
uatotlu zufjenkeaaery .Sayng hat h aores shoud
aucep naytiy f wa a rowral inshhuAonM
C Beut he dasd dat K AloU houlol e hMea kd
Kunanitarhr cway.

He dug e0ked hoat th tda natua la hone eranattd

om he human ooretene d nst om huran md,and

hanelore, hoy a Ta møYe valwable houn th oa lhir

Jaw uhjh an oukeom ®/ Aumon mid

2-uztofl uwtnel fus he as a uBhe' ahreA oeeurs

ul hh ahok. j He clepmoundo had a ferun ehold
be gulele.d rearon ard a fuom tholtlpeiy
ads auhjh ant unjuwt wnlaufilanol punfade
weITEON Dote

Tie dHed eoHe th pado

Natwal fuohle 1-Then lo ne mochlauy for 1, 0ny lnaI
no aulhorily Jo cnfone unhl. P

Comventiomal flule 1- JH .aakd by mochhny
auhorles ht. f s couds-

Sonan ertod
JOmans diël not conjihe Heakudy Nabual Law
mevely to heorotial ckuubnd but caoled t vths o gilre
rncHlal ahape y rangonly heBe vlgt lepal dplen
ib comefola ung law

Komars rare deulolad Ke oman law h fards -

f i s ee was the soman chell au, apjUcabe to Only rema.

ay entium - t wu zoehnors cu ell as local siomars.

appliakle om hi
uy vx hatwal - wwu 4&h muged ome Puu chulle d flas
ganhum + wu domed ulhan h JLeman
ccenu wco xeralud Fo eexyont excap olaves.

genhium and Jokai on lo natual ane band on Kuman nature

teaen and morally

eonduhubhbn 0/ onan u s do e
dultu4 dhon Kos ammd h
davelaporend /rakoal law hlorophy and oleued , çae laus kaolky
duwuted au a dyplom becaut nesen found s lan o lepul sfectalEAa,
uAe.tBman (pu develafprd ky he elfoty o j n e coyihs * a

Arrantht foufage ol westeun socky


lau a Jteoluhbnay cole

vomons awlyntd nahoral
y ta pavtteijabibn e peaatord,
Yo davelap Japol Aystem
modiydy he aldl aus a
doujeufil traulto ~ond
o changhy hatds dovelaphg dotaly.

ll uollam cojilet
7 uoman fults dou
fauPhieous Phouh
betunanNakioallbuw! vd
hsnt uoas Lhanimily among eman
ard ebrl
rakural law bakd on Heanon

nd bperiot h oxe lous

h Cau o Lnfuit b/w bosh, nahral laws ull prouall

*Choo (106-43 p) :
Mauausullius Cicexo was a guat lausyes dtakom aun

aro etaot .
tuh agal pAElono}hy ä Contalhad K
hmous uouk Be Legihuo, for Kin, nakute Crd
HEason were hi olorvbatigor t wniene

Ciesuo belfornd that th law th the KGheat Meaaon

uhth clprBes k authorlpem Notwe He ophed hat
thee dRuke HeaAon exent K n e t n uuhEK
omuttnts Can de moe o l e Pelenyrd ulth h physfeal
oledpug o h unleut

Man &hu hgheat ooakton y uhhe k e yauly

HeAOrba nd he auella hi ulFnahe þwrpen ef Al
uahon , huw thb Measen comonds tukat oupht o be
done prd uhat ought net be clontZ 6tha xea/

man &y uhek fhe Senne o s i e vand th fan hu can be


c CKu&Han Reu

n th Ed eueman exa, ÁL frhelpu gf nahwal Jaus get lhs

laceth wntPlg ehHan Jathora
.ugus ihe L3sy- V~o ADj

> - way met tmpoutaht early Hers, praked nokwral las

emm hyafeal u n e and mad aa fartafeipal

Nakwral kaw at thA arrge th cernPderud as fulU Ged' a

evraled 1y Kely aouptureu.

Acc i chulektaabor, al louu govexnmnt vard perky

uvtt th wduct e hs d no Kumanlaus covnday Fo
aw e Gocl areY to be dAcaroedanol tnsrud

chwrs the exporent s/ 3 low. H churnch can averrdd

h Athe louuus

( Meslival loue
Hh feled from Lath contury fo m-Yh centoy gntrall
teckentol A the medval age' he ewuojean AAtag
HhBhercfbd way dembatd éy ckulhHhn TAoughk rreent

puopeundod ty Hi cksuk Han fatkus they usd nakoal


A Aublon othashe dabt AuguHae,agay h

uus Hat diki las daperdon te all
unpngatd a

elhen Jous Act. te fhim, all druus ps allhH dlabs

oHuman iuhe Aasuu a u a d on roluna uIte
humay1auu Au band on cudom. 91h Hi d
hadunt of hourtal laus uuhth malko tOversud all oty

a n t koas Pegyubas - L1225- 121)

Tttespes t tensfdeud osh upesnaehatval lous

haoy o hi age. th. maol a. clamh tsy to kormenise
he feahirgs oha chusuh tuih halural Jaw
R RB u'ew doclal angaroaon ard dok haturalvau

phanononon, He polhed out hat man can codusl KE

desty o a cordeorrakle oxtntt bu &aubFea to
ceolb asle tpulsy Auh ow aeif espuan,
brlighg u chldban ek. fot të
puko ond atfaihmont q

t deltoo laus o, "an ooLikanae

eason or thu
Comnon good mads b n uwho has the cae
ard eemmuniy
bsmulgakd tHuuyh Heasom-

te aho Atuted dhad, nasuy mote lauw dot

gend hould h dlont ondell hodd be

n his book, Somma. Thcologfoa', Ku Kas

elanued taw h
4Klholo -

Eheinal taw (Ler a eerna)

9 Nafwal law C Lex Alakuralls U1e
vealed Aaopk
P uhe Louw Law o xoippues
7uman tauuo 1eK Humana)

Acfo Kim, nakral lauw emanafesonlahaks) pem 'Heas on 'and

plled human bukg o gorenn Aab atfabs and uulaHbn
fos Hte louw should be uped anol follsured Fo that edent
uhfeh k cempatlle u l hatunal

Heganolod ehuwh ao Ke aufhoriy aerprat okl deud

HL conddered
Hearon he aol uobonitoruydrsrage) aouo

Lfe oman He usrFed oveypn hollllual ueparby chles

was onfdlennd ehfal by early hnulottan athore
He Aoyn tHat, rd lous e notwy h dhcoveny aeksval law
PKsLbyh Laren nd B he
monlesakbn ural ybn.
Acc to kin, hatural
law anol Contuta, i7 i nofa ow anol olee naf
blhd Ke consdenu ohe dubfeete hus daw e h
Cnd not he -uhm
J ea 20n
Ae suleu

HhL Vetod o
Renaissane -
euod Henaleones h the Kigfoy o development
hatwral law T matked Sy taffonalSm ad emegenee

hew leas 7 olYoant blds kuoutledgesoad
nhlh skalonael h fourdahoy
exrablked values

ecOnomlu gxOuuth Aed fo H emgena

Hh economi. nouw clamo
k soclety tudh gibes Juhe to
ware onatonall'km onda demond ot abs olute
Hhtne oltuvelopmonby touve
dorexallty o the xtate
olenmolaked AL dlomihance huvuch giuly a say vo
nafwalsulgho a man k atade

thu Natral law theordes opourodled by Guetes, Lo

vUnd Reun eau oHevolulfonl ed the cteg
and kuld ¥hat Aoctal condsact"uwa the b a

u l H Menaln anu vand the suhe o Kumaninn,
natura law becomL open to yottOnal engpuy re
s Tomo allge/ouw Forolp

Natunal lou aoclal gondract

th den e natual law wao wed Fo Aupsort a t ea

o clalcomact he o dal contaut huo-y agues hot
dtak' nathlg ut a þraduct a n cgsmant enkeruel
Tio ky holiulhvals den fo roket tHB Lifeand
ard puopen

tugoGuotus (iso3- 16Y)

motas bulld KP huony an iocfal aonkact

ueuw tot A pol'Hal rocety Jrests on #o dal eontuack

Hta he du of the xovexalgn fo safeguard he clhzens becau
wa pren pouet fo Hat parfone. e fouher
odtako hat th
u n wQA abo beund y 7h baxle Eihaple natwral da
Cetlsbel'ered Aat Kouuso even asl a ult may be, BHi duky
o/h crens fo obey ABn

PLtheugh here t
hconis tenay h e Nabural kauw Fuodounalad

by auotl becaue, on ene kond,e aays Hat uul lound

y natunal lau and, n i othen Kanol, e a y that th ho
cave he u l r z hould te dzobeyed, but ahears hot
otuss mah concen was to mah toh jolleal aalet and
hterahoral feaa uhlh was he need of tHat eme

Guoptins apluocaed hat nakual law tbakol on hatute men

Tte consldered dahe Lauw as
Phe yrancnsthen, hakural law
Fhe barunt vand boz PArt ow as 4 caiol Aus hu aad
hakual lauw at kihen plact han e fosthk law -

Komas ttobbes (1& sO-16PA):-

tu hoy nahwal law wa baned on natval h t efdel

pMesewuHen o enzon and repevky toukly
He denownad R
ballow and motafhyplal chanackn enakunal lauw
HCe to
Ho bb es zlor to ofodal cenrad man led a chaoH
Cordfhon e cortaunt a.Hherrpe, oNdoy o decune
efxelf frotecHfen and avelal mixeu and ba, men
luntay endered hto condssact ond uvtenolervad thib Jrordor
tnte an entky salla take hot eusk ts ho coect tbe and


tobbes used
veceye K nadual ulads el
(aw hoy o xuhfort ohaoluk
audhordly t h

K& boek "eulaHon ", Ke ohroneod Hak aus
m upon he saneHon h
sovtalgn.n k
Benolant dnal
"Goreenments euiHout xugrds a but wgds
man atall.
no atength To aecute a
dndliclkallm, maleralkm, ufuacianlem rlobbes.
theswoyen t h e Theoy of

absolukim all au

o t Tohn kocke. (1632-1Fo)

Sokn Locke Fas glen a deant Rdorprakalbn. odoeial
coyrie.ct+ ard repocked the tobber cnapt
arase natue- taled Hat Ae rae ratute
Heas Onaby 9eod and enpoabe ust - t
reepoxt unsae'

n ovd o otet e buepert, men enfeyed tho Roci

Centzact), by dvrerde-ihg nly seme pauto Ai rgAs
o maiain de ord erfore hi law natwre
hu rahsal slyto aueh as r h t lye Lhorky yanol
prtnpaveby Hemahad u i Rnmen)

Ohe purpo1e odate tf o prolect ha. hatuwral sulythbs e

men). s lokg as Ehe gavronment
ulpis A
fuorhove, Bh
Jaus erg valRl and bhdto
but cuhen dops doto ha
cte fhe eope kare a sulght fo ovolt agaka th
gevenmant anol ovexthuou t Auw, Locke twas ájotue
AdPRellm ard Kance ttaJed hat Nakual Jaw gé

FoRdlnl Han he zoveralyn

more bouees

Keche bleaoled pq conatiutonoully

Amifed gevenmont he dochu
Rulsex ehKL conhuy y a s he egult of heraudem t an
kat tweu ruphented
dRilloal 6matleru Helatho to ecom Prmle aHistes
Loche's Koy

Tean Tee9pe Koussecau (#12- 1778)

contrat' and 'hakural

ReUSKea gaue a w hteeprataton fo 'docfa
lau'. te potied out hat o c l centhtat' net a ztonical Jact,

bud 1 a hyotkatèal cencopt. Bcfoe he aoclal corbat' He

was Ka and thane uns epali amery peeple.

feople uned Fo prescure habe suhks o l fo praedon ard eapali

andor AB uepon, huy nsorendoad Hai sulght net fo a

shola hlilewal fre- aoveralgn b t o cemmunly as a uhsH
wlAh omad aj feneral ult'. threnefete atae d l a an
hsecuet penoval all Fhe eopl and net ef Heat on.

hereere, A tke duk ef each pupn Yo oday hs Spenavalu l , izcaus

he dorecly obay euh ull.

Hhe odtak b ere tenc e Thu peopecton eLher and eapali.

ae anol A lau a beh ubfect fo gendal uill ard

Hay elo hat omfom to genortal u l huy tweuld be diA caroled

oUAAeaufavouyed feeple'a natwral aw Fhioy

vetalnity, K
fot Kih,
hcofad fo h uelom Ond egpauy o he hdALloal
Srak, louw ovetalyniy, Genval aufll, et. ate Rehangeable

dmmanuel kant (1724-190

conrras sas
fllogophy a d dochuihe e
Nakural a w
emboded has
tant arol Akte
uuth xubfoscded y cvd t7was
o ocalcon tsuack
Fha dax

Rorhol yat

raral yuiykhe anal

Kant maode aKarp dehcAbnlu
Ony sught, ie. Kyt
vacgubudl sulhts ard Hecogntead only
tHe auptd e abara En oeH and
o udpm
teate zKould bs o adect
oslhted out Hat faneron
He penppudad K amou hoy e categerfcal
embodies too
th K woHk -
Culkope Zute Heason '
i h cadegordial tmperatde erpecs a mah s a t h Auwh
Q tway hot ho gutlad by di'etakeshi ewn censefenct
th neth mera han a human uhtq del

i h secerd puhaple wos docrke eautonemy ofauih

uhfch rans ah action emona (fausd fon) mrom
weoson but it do es het maan hi rorderm do u eni earto

7 tnshort, kant huld hat" ah ackbn u lght only

Co-exlsts uh each ard eveyman L Aull acc. to undenyak
Ja A calod K " prenspl o th nate k t . sele
Oba ewane

t Nodexn Perctod
Declbhe Nakval taw (9hCenhusy t.

n 19 evn tauy ratwtal lau faws ho cleilhe. w odvnnamnk

emp BuiRal mathods eatwdy vanol delente a natyel a
thLots wexa deonetncsd umady boraue Ha douste wu

dal to he a d e enty. kh puatoundu g cnalyeal

os/Pauism, notably benthom rusf Hefeed hatural Jaus 0n
pxDund FHat was amblgous vand misleadidg. he poborma ouaked
mooli-n alencas and olRa
3yPhe neu changes and elovelopmank
huorkesare a atsuony blow to hatutal lau

of he analytlal d hiztordal schrol on modeoen
natwal taw

Hhoa wa a a Heacton a9ahut he alstra tdoa Heas en.

9 n the age g xefenet, alori method nakural
not accupted Evesythi &6ased on obsewaken-
n A age, akoolunen nd mutrble ehanahen ratural
Jaw wa challenged y the powerta as hay _cleclaed
Khat ha Dets hafiual lau ke mgaley,See and
weoaon e unsal, uhkgforit and nen-xderty

y dleshly a pom mealRy and fuatflo, analyhttalgot

has dealoyeol he ourdat8a t h "natual law hueg

rol propounders of poslhakan dke eramy hentfam,
meus ohn uuin Cendamnud nakual lausy callo i

adsund, Cpndihg ard mik/andi.


Neuival ol Nakuwal
fhu end
fouwardk fhi
Powand endyy
das hvy bepan
Ehe souival ohatual oteored
Cweslen odoc/êly
was conpleely
9 Cantuny. foxPdelaw Meolesue Lmplalely
aey 24 ld wo
doclal conall Hor
caked by
aed o dolve
natual law Loy a s
TuhPeh Mexulted

h HeaA®ra on taluval aut

wmackibn agalyt lgal thLerdes
t Z emerged as a
had exxagpraded e nportaheu a oxk Aaw

obabat hh kg and aprtord

7 was roalhed
AA UumpHen uerL net cemplelely

on zoehy dedo Compalad Lgal

tei Inbout maferlaliyan vale- oekenJed tLolony
PhBkexs o look o AGnm

pnerent depodlaon adoety.

Maxxiam ard aslem nd

Emugect otelesloglesUte
natural laua
haBe coun l-eologiisled to Ke uval s

Extrtomat eobgy ad to hi oubal nakvrallas

All these fados lod to R touthal nahral law fhea

Sls rbdiYRd dosn hi mab chonanhs n e
JAuhred mabwal laus hepry tuert Kadal samm bet,

ouo!. Rauls, kollor efe.

WHIT ore

RUelol dtamm/et8s6-1250)
was a exman rofepso He wa4 a
leo - karton He
dedhed lauw as a, fecteA u l l , o/hsvu -regasdhg telf-autioaf
-Pe and thulbobe

Phe kant,
he uejecled the hatural law fuwuhte den HYiation a
o l elaw w jist law For kin poa4te Jaw bhdd,

hdepordsnly 900dnesg and bodres«.

betven Fecfmleal logol zelenca r d eorakkal

4e etngeulshad
logal selencs
Re echntal legal xotra feoutks e legal ayslem, ad Hurekal

Jepal zelene thdeaks he purdamantal rinles &eiRd , ere

need e HLorakal hagal deenca fo zudlemant Fechrftal (eol

deen complete .

átuen he Cona Law and the k a

He lHigiahsd

Justlu t convhed only u l h extewal conduct and the

ikival cenduct e/he hadiillel.

ehtal good olaled to e

roe mit
annlee olfers om kant on the sht a t a yi
each ese
Rart com:tblore,
be caprble unleryal voppllartbn

wuh bASLMsalfasmendes ulh hat all ofhent -

ddlltkeel conaduct
dtamm &8 M thu dea osedeby
Must fawntnlst
JelatAibm- ee
Prethet deposutume tuen kant, etha concaht o

hetaue enteakaf
Cannat te tndoeral pule,
o him, FAeve
eng8tally(wkalh bared oh obsouws
duchuls nd
and thangAo uulh chongko nes
6 uuh vavlul
donmg allhd
Cohdentd," More & net a Ahgle sule law uuhbye

o e cenent Cannat be Jeed opribd,

No dechy & Red, aluny ohonges

s t aw' t e manb AGhesd expiuessfon o declal

vachiy Ht an h reeserxuahBn fudon
uth he e9pal puolon shu-LASRulival.
aildual o
Fwo rialples aehecimary us lauw
To ackke iutu legiklaton
ouhele Rospech
fauhaie o foviipahon.
Fveyont tz boundl o Hespeet Fke rts ovd claihsetfons
nd contsiue hb oflara to he Le K communly.

the fuspor e law t hot puofect ha ull one, but

unly he Aupone all, e las hatwre atanmber

means a 'gist Jau' whioh kaumonbu th purhore ulnh

yhe proma tu0tk Aoctal e , 6ut h1 karmeny f ulld
o fupozes vada saicovdö fo Fne and placa.

kvey fofone claes nef eleseue lagal seuoyihfon, uhat ouykt

fo be Hecngnizad ty las, as fuf, shoulel ke atfabud nd
A deprdi fon he (tAKKn Yeehriy pe -

ravnmle dlll hat deny a

vabo Jaus, uheh fallu to

cenform fo he regudcament- o fie Hla becau us e 1 a relakle feoon

Prmalafhes dnd clefexencus ehvean kat Canmlen

ay tammleu Cemxders lauw heecssariy aáubu because t 2

therrably impled dea to-eprahën ere fe ix nea Aon

6ammler corsters ceplent ef lauvarlble adle kat cona leypd

univreysal afpLaktën elaus, beiy dea foattsenvevsal
cramlet fas g en collectHugt aphroath anod rant ros gien
hdlildsalgH appoauh

d ranmlet used the fdea set for oluy t achral puoblemra

wfereas, kante Tda flut bwholy elaaleHE


Tanmmest tsuled to mahtak Houghout Kiz wok he lusien hata

purely omal tlea lauw i Copable maleual guldonu o he
K fallasy tz thot he
adepts the d feant pauts e antla phllonophy
butdextsy e bath e kanto yaten

edmann twles that, dtemmlen tway etuan l deslirea ad a

pRlcn opho Fo fabl3k a unBorsal dcenea law ard h deste as a
Teaho e cRP las to hel ha coluutn a akial canes

Toseph kohto (1039 -1919)

kohet tw0ya neo- hep olan. te deflasl as w
K alandard
u PA conAegLene o/ oner rhule hat nges pon

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