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 Name Sidrah

 Roll No BY623846
 Registration No 12STA00111
 Couse Code 8610
(Human Development and Learning) B.ed 1.5 years
semester Terminal Exams Autumn 2020
Q.1. Discuss the factor which contribute to growth and development. How can a school enhance
physical and intellectual development of the students?
The term growth implies an addition or increase in the bodily aspects that can be
measured, for example. height, weight. size, muscles and length (Woolfolk. 2014). It is
based on biological processes that naturally occur over a period of time and are relatively
not or less influenced by context except for extreme illness or undemourishment. It
eventually stops when the body parts reach the peak of their growth.
Overall. growth refers to the natural, spontaneous. specific, genetically programmed and
measurable quantitative gains in a human body, Most of the child's physical gains fall
within this category. Some of the developmental psychologists also refer to these changes
as maturation.

refers to certain changes that occur within the life-span of an individual, that is, from
conception till death (Keenan & Evans, 2009). It not only involves growth, but also
entails disintegration and eventually decay (death). However, not all changes are
considered as development. Rather. it applies to those changes that appear in orderly
ways and are considerably permanent. Most of these changes are qualitative in nature and
influenced by context, for example, changes in behavioral. social, moral and intellectual
aspects of an individual. Overall, these changes result in better. adaptive, organized and
complex human behaviors


Physical development in children is crucial since it provides them with the needed skills
to explore and interact with the world around them. •l his section presents the course of
physical growth and development in childhood. It also discusses the environmental
factors which influence the physical development of children.

The course of physical growth

The course of physical growth includes changes in body size. proportions, muscle-fat
makeup, and skeleton. It also includes gains in gross- and fine-motor skills (Berk. 2013).

Changes in body size

The most rapid changes in body size are observed during infancy. These changes are
marked by an immense increase in the height and weight of the child. However, the
growth rate slows down in early and middle childhood. While the first two years of life
characterize rapid but decelerating annual growth trends, early and middle childhood
follow slow but steady growth. A sharp increase in growth is again observed in early
adolescence followed by a sudden decline when the adult growth is achieved.

Changes in body proportions

As the body increases in Size. different parts of the body grow at different rates and follow different
patterns. Understanding these trends would help us to develop appropriate expectations of a child's
physical abilities at different age levels.

The first trend in the growth Of the child highlights the 'head to toe' pattern.
Q.2. A teacher has a dynamic role in the overall development of a child. Discuss it with special
references to socio-emotional and moral development.


A Teacher Role Development

Teacher is the first person from whom child learns his social skills in school. Teachers make him
comfortable and guide him the early concepts and developmental skills of life. Open minded , well
balanced and a planned teacher has a great power to bring a positive change in the child's development.

The Role of School and Teacher in Social Development of child

Social Development of Child and Teacher

The followings are some suggestions which a teacher must keep in mind in relation to the process of
social development of child in educational context.

Teachers and parents should encourage their students and children to mix up with other cultural
students and children in order to learn the social ethics and values of their culture. That will have a
better ground for children to have social awareness, adjustment and will develop positive attitude
towards other cultures and communities.

When dealing with students teachers should be unbiased towards any particular culture and language.
That will influence the students I positive manner or future social development.

Social interaction should be encouraged in the context of school that could be done through organizing
debates, games, and other co-curricular activities.

In order to develop social development students should be exposed to outdoor social events. Like
cultural and social exhibitions, study tours to some famous cities in order to know the cultural pattern
and life style of the different people

Historical stories should be taught to the students in order to develop some basic social qualities like
sacrifice, loyalty, courage etc.

There should be close cooperation between teachers and parents about the social activities of a child. In
this regard parents- teacher meetings can play effective role.

From time t time important and famous personalities should be incited to school assembly in order to
motivate the students for social service and role.

Teachers should educate the students and inform the students about various social festivals and
celebrations in order to highlight the importance of social events.

Teachers should also be informed about the social events, evils, crimes which are creating social
disturbance. And how to eradicate the social evils.
It is also the responsibility of the teachers to inform the students about all the social developments, with
critical evaluation in order to evaluate the negative and positive impacts of these developments.

In order to have effective process of social development in child (students and children), educators must
keep hawk like eye upon the social activities’ happenings in social and cultural context. In other words
educators should be sociologist in order to perform his duties effectively.

Q.3.keeping in view the laws of learning and student individual differences discuss the importance of
multi-dimensional activities a teacher should design.



As you look within yourself and people around you. you realize that you are a very special and unique
being Nobody in else in the world has the same physiological equipment. the same genetic code (unless
of course you are an identical

twin) or has experienced the same Sequence of

the Identical blend detins mechanisms 'hat you use then accounting

and nobody else is guided by the of motives, attitudes. and feelings thus

the themes of physiological is of individual differences No one IS

like anyone else Except n terms of the needs 'he human species. that you eat.

drink. health. sleep. exercise and physiological needs I-he difference that

amoungst children of the same age is then and learning processes

Of the school for the common needs of the students with info

the unique characteristics of each individual No easy situation the task has yet

found. however. knowledge about 'he kind of diffrences IS becoming more


In this unit we shall examine the following aspects of individual differences

(a) Meaning and Indi" dual Differences,

(b) Cause of individual Differences.

(c) Educational provisions.

(d) Measurement Indi indiviidual Difference.

Laws of Learning

Learning is a complex process. All the same, it can be understood by making abroad application of some
laws. Generally speaking, some laws have been discovered and explained by Thorndike. His laws, namely
Law of Exercise, Law of Readiness and Law of Effect, have been accepted by all. We may discuss here
some of common major laws propounded by Thorndike and other psychologists.

Law of Exercise, Primary Laws of Learning:

This law is also called ‘Law of Use and Disuse’.

(i) Law of Use:


When a modifiable connection is made between a situation and a response, that connection’s strength
is other things being equal, increased’.

(ii) Law of Disuse:

When a modifiable connection is not made between a situation and a response over a length of time,
that connection’s strength, other things being equal, decrease.

In brief, we may say that repetition and drill helps learning, and its absence causes forgetfulness. We
also believe in the common proverb, practice makes a man perfect’. Drill is based on the principle that
repetition fixes the facts to be learnt. That is the reason why the pupils have to repeat arithmetical
tables, formulae, spelling lists and definitions in order to establish these.

Teaching-learning aims at bringing holistic and maximal development of students.
To achieve this holistic and maxima/ development. a number of subjects are taught
in our schools under different curricular and cocurricular heads. and different
teaching-learning strategies are used for teaching the same subject. It is a fact
that the nature of one subject is different from nature of other subjects. nature
Of one topic under same subject is nature Of Other topics, and the
nature of one learning paragraph/ unit under same topic is different from nature
of other learning paragraphs/ units. Hence. our teaching-learning strategy needs
to be changed in accordance with the change in subjects, change in topics and
change in learning paragraphs/ units. Also, our teaching-learning strategy needs
to be changed in accordance with the change in situation endeavor. change in
time. change in learners needs. change in demands OJ the society and change in
philosophy Qf the country. In this article a new and [annotative teaching-learning
strategy, i.e. multi-dimensional, activity based. integrated approach is discussed
This approach is learner—friendly, innovative and eclectic in nature and it
may have wide (motivations achieving the broad based objectives [n different
areas of teaching—learning with respect Q/ attaining multisided development
amoong the learners.

Teaching-learning imparted to the students through different activities can secure maximal participation
from them. Teaching-learning basedon different multi-sensory activities can also achieve its objective in
a great way. Because, it is the innate tendency Of the child to like play. run. Enjoyment etc: and the
teaching learning imparted
through multi-sensory activities. provide a lot of scope to the children for playing, enjoying, making fun,
problem solving etc. Activities are of different types. Those can be quiz, song. puzzle. drama. model
preparation. chart preparation, role playing, narrating and speaking, drawing the pictures. observation
and reporting. creative use of materials. debates, discussions, story forming and storytelling. creative
writing. cross words. comments. music etc. There are thousands and thousands of activities used in our
teaching-learning process for the betterment of our teaching and learning. Such activities categorized on
the following broad heads on the basis of the nature of the tasks:

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