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GRIFFIN The Unsteady Wake of an Oscillating

Ocean Technology Division,
Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, D. C. Assoc. Mem. ASME Cylinder at Low Reynolds Number
A great deal of consideration has been given to flow-bluff body interactions because of the
practical need to know the fluid forces acting on bodies immersed in a flowing stream.
A flow regime exists where forced and fluid-induced transverse vibrations of a cylinder
synchronize the vortex shedding and cylinder frequencies, and interact with, the flow to
control the wake formation process. Measurements have been made with a hot-wire
anemometer for Reynolds numbers between 120 and 350, where cylinder vibrations at,
and near, the natural shedding frequency both synchronize the wake and suppress the
initiation of turbulence. Data are presented for the changes induced in the vortex
formation by different conditions of forced excitation, and it is shown that the formation
region length is reduced by as much as 50 percent from its value behind the stationary
cylinder. A detailed study is made of fluctuating velocities between 1-9 dia downstream
at a Reynolds number of 200, and the paths of the early vortices after formation are in-
ferred from the fluctuating velocity profiles. The formation length is shown to be a
suitable scale for displaying the velocity distribution in the synchronized wake, and the
mechanics of the formation process are discussed in terms of the present experimental
results. Wake correlation effects and the onset of turbulence are also discussed in light
of the hot-wire measurements.

Introduction regime. Roshko [5], some years ago, reported that the vortex
wake for Re < 300 can be divided into two regimes: (a) the
T, I HE measurement of fluctuating velocity in the circu- stable range, 50 < Re < 150, characterized by the formation of
lar cylinder wake has begun once again to draw the attention of re- vortices t h a t decay through viscous dissipation while remaining
searchers. Recent advances in computer simulation of real un- laminar for many diameters downstream, and (b) the transition
steady flows and the practical need to determine the fluid forces range, 150 < R e < 300, where the wake is characterized by an in-
acting on bodies placed in a flow are b u t two of the reasons for termittent type of flow, the laminar vortices progressively de-
this renewed interest. (The reader is referred to Toebes [ l ] 1 for teriorating through low-frequency modulations and irregulari-
a review of recent work in the foregoing areas.) Toebes reports ties. 2 Berger [6, 7] has shown that suitable transverse oscilla-
d a t a for velocity fluctuations, pressure, and correlation at Reyn- tions of the cylinder at, or near, the natural vortex shedding fre-
olds number, R e is 105. T h e work of Gerrard [2], Bloor and quency can suppress the initiation of turbulence in the wake and
Gerrard [3], and Bloor [4] for the transition to turbulence and extend the stable range t o Re « 3 0 0 , and Koopmann [8] has pub-
the strength of turbulent vortices a t high Reynolds number is of lished bounds for the frequency range in which the shedding fre-
importance in the description of the turbulent vortex wake. quency is synchronized with the cylinder frequency. Koopmann
Interest has likewise been renewed in the low Reynolds number also showed, with smoke visualization photographs, some of the
changes induced in the wake by controlled oscillations.
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. I t is generally agreed t h a t a close relation exists between the
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division and presented at wake flow and the fluid-induced forces acting on a bluff body, and
the Applied Mechanics Conference, The University of Pennsylvania, many insights into this interaction are to be had from a study of
Philadelphia, Pa., June 23-25, 1971, of T H E AMEEIOAN SOCIETY OF
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. the wake. Little quantitative work exists at present to explain
Discussion on this paper should be addressed to the Editorial De-
partment, ASME, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, The bounds of the stable and transition regions are approximate.
New York, N . Y. 10017, and will be accepted until January 20th. Some researchers have found that the stable range extends to Re =
Discussion received after this date will be returned. Manuscript re- 200 and the transition range to Re = 400. The boundaries of the
ceived by ASME Applied Mechanics Division, March 24, 1970; final region depend, it seems, on the free-stream turbulence level and other
revision, November 25, 1970. Paper No. 71-APM-33. effects that introduce small fluctuations into the experiment.

Journal of Applied Mechanics Copyright © 1971 by ASME DECEMBER 1 9 7 1 / 729

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Fig. 1 Schematic of w i n d tunnel and associated measuring equipment

the changes induced in the near wake by self-excited or forced linearized, constant temperature, hot-wire anemometer. T h e
motion of the body, and further knowledge of the vortex wake sensors consisted of 3.8^ tungsten wire and were mounted on
mechanics has both practical and fundamental importance. The miniature right-angle probes which were rigidly constructed and
present paper reports the results of hot-wire measurements made vibration-free. One probe was fixed to a movable, motorized
in the circular cylinder wake for 120 < Re < 350, for syn- carriage, and was used to traverse the wake at slow speed (0.2
chronized, forced motion conditions both at, and near, the natural mm/sec) in a direction perpendicular to the free stream and to the
shedding frequency. Velocity fluctuation measurements were re- cylinder axis. A hand-driven second probe was available for
corded between 1-9 dia downstream at Re = 200, and measure- reference and correlation purposes. Mean flow velocities were
ments of vortex formation were made at five Reynolds numbers monitored with a digital d-c voltmeter, and fluctuating velocities
between 120 and 350. The mechanics of the vortex formation in the wake were measured both with an oscilloscope and a true
are discussed in relation to the present results, and an exami- root-mean-square voltmeter. The taking of a considerable
nation of the vortex street configuration after formation is made. amount of fluctuating velocity data for the laminar wake was
The formation region length is shown to be a suitable scale for dis- simplified through the use of an electronic displacement trans-
playing the synchronized velocity fluctuations. Wake correla- ducer mounted on the carriage of the moveable probe, and con-
tion effects are discussed in light of recorded hot-wire traces, and nected to the horizontal plates of a storage oscilloscope. A series
the onset of turbulence in the cylinder wake is discussed. of profiles of the R M S fluctuating velocity in the wake, quite
reproducible, could thus be taken with speed and accuracy when
Experimental Methods and Systems the output of the R M S meter was connected to the vertical
Wind Tunnel. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the test system. The plates of the oscilloscope. Velocity profiles were photographed
measurements were made in an open-jet tunnel capable of exit for a permanent record, and throughout the course of an experi-
speeds of 0.25 m / s to 4.50 m / s . The exit section is 75 mm X 75 ment, frequent checks were made on the stability and calibration
mm in area and is preceded by a contraction section of 20:1 ratio of the measuring equipment. Detailed measurements of fluctuat-
which provides a velocity profile uniform at exit to 1 percent. ing velocity for the determination of the vortex formation region
The tunnel is fan-driven and the contraction section is separated were taken directly from the true R M S meter.
from the fan section by a plenum chamber in which are mounted Wake Frequency and Cylinder Motion Measurements. T h e natural
several small mesh screens and a double layer of vibration damp- shedding frequency of the stationary-cylinder wake was measured
ing, porous felt material just after the fan chamber. A residual on an oscilloscope from a comparison of the signals from the hot-
turbulence level of less than 0.5 percent is measured at the exit; wire probe and from a sine wave function generator-electronic
in the frequency band 10-1000 Hz, a level of 0.1 percent is ob- counter system. Since measurements were to be made in the
tained. The test cylinders used in the experiment were 2.4 mm wake of a cylinder oscillating at, or near, the natural shedding fre-
and 3.2 mm diameter X 100 mm length and were placed in the quency, the function generator used in wake frequency measure-
flow without end plates. Both shedding frequency and mean ments was also used to drive the amplifier-shaker system on which
velocity were uniform over at least 50 m m of cylinder length. An the test cylinder was mounted. In this way, the cylinder was
adjustable yoke-shaker system which was in turn rigidly mounted vibrated at any frequency in the synchronized band, the bounds
on a vibration isolated pedestal of concrete and aluminum was of which were easily determined. The amplitude of the cylinder
used to position the cylinders in the flow. motion was determined from the output of a calibrated acceler-
Velocity Measurements. D a t a for both mean and fluctuating ometer mounted on the shaker yoke assembly. Measurements of
velocities were taken in the cylinder wake with a Flow Corporation phase between the cylinder motion and the hot-wire signal, and

a = peak-to-peak cylinder amplitude lF = length of vortex formation region St* = synchronized wake parameter,
of motion (mm) (mm)

dc = cylinder diameter (mm)

Re = Reynolds number based on mean
free-stream velocity U, cylinder
(£)( 1+
dj St''
V = mean free-stream velocity (m/sec)
diameter dc, and kinematic vis- x = displacement in the mean flow di-
dF = wake width at end of vortex for-
.. Udc rection, measured from station-
mation region (mm)
cosity v, ary cylinder center (mm)
v y = displacement perpendicular to
/ = cylinder vibration frequency (Hz)
St„ = Strouhal number based on mean mean flow direction, measured
free-stream velocity U, cylinder from stationary cylinder center
/„ = natural frequency of vortex shed-
diameter dc, and natural shed- (mm)
ding for a stationary cylinder
ding frequency/„,
(Hz) u v = fluid kinematic viscosity (mm 2 /sec)

730 / D E C E M B E R 1971 Transactions of the AS ME

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-*• U (m/s), free stream velocity
, y (mm)

Fig. 2 Cylinder and coordinate system

between two hot-wire signals, were made with both a phase meter
and an oscilloscope.
The coordinate system referred to in the following sections is
shown in Fig. 2. The origin is at the stationary cylinder center
with distance in the mean flow direction denoted by x, and per-
pendicular to the flow direction by y. The circular cylinder of 0.0
diameter dc was oscillated in a plane normal to the mean flow
exiting from the tunnel contraction section. Cylinder amplitude
of motion (peak to peak) is specified by a, the cylinder frequency
b y / , and the natural vortex shedding frequency of the stationary 1.0-
cylinder by /„. Since all data were recorded under synchronized
conditions, the cylinder and shedding frequencies are equal. The
fluctuating velocity is denoted by u and represents the R M S value
measured at the hot-wire probe. The mean free-stream velocity
is represented by V.

Presentation and Discussion of Results SCALE FOR 100

The results to be presented and discussed were obtained with a
Fig. 3 Root-mean-square velocity fluctuation in the near w a k e behind
hot-wire anemometer in the wake of the vibrating cylinder at an oscillating cylinder at Re = 2 0 0 . (a) RMS fluctuations on the w a k e
Reynolds numbers between 120 and 350, for artificially controlled axis, y = 6 for several frequency ratios, f / f „ : — O — , f/fn = 1.0;
conditions of flow. Measurements were made at Re = 120, 144, — © , f/f„ = 0.93; d - — , f / f „ = 0 . 8 9 ; a/de = 0 . 3 0 ; (b) d e -
velopment of velocity fluctuations near the end of the vortex formation
200, 280, and 350 in the flow regime where the cylinder and the
region, at Re = 2 0 0 , f o r f / f „ = 0 . 8 9 , a/dc = 0 . 3 0 .
shedding frequencies are synchronized. Some additional results
for the stationary cylinder wake have been included for the pur-
poses of comparison with the oscillating cylinder data.
Formation of the Vortices. The importance of the near-wake re- with downstream distance through low-frequency modulations
gion where vortices are formed has been recognized for some time. and irregular fluctuations to wake turbulence (Hama [13], Bloor
Kovasznay [9] called attention to the formation region at Re < 90 [4]).
and hypothesized t h a t the vortices were formed due to a laminar Hot-wire traverses were made along the wake axis to determine
instability of the wake. Above a Reynolds number of 90-100, the the end of the formation region for various conditions of flow
vortices are formed and shed from the separated boundary layers synchronization, and the stationary cylinder wake was also
in the near wake of the cylinder. Roshko [10] mentions the studied for comparison purposes. Some typical traverses at
importance of the vortex dynamics on the cylinder base pressure Re = 200 are plotted in Fig. 3. The maxima of u/U on the wake
and hence on the cylinder drag, and shows the effect of splitter axis mark the end of the formation region in Fig. 3(a), and t o -
plates on the near-wake dynamics for Re > 5000. Schaefer and gether with the velocity distributions in Fig. 3(6), show the cor-
Eskinazi [11], for the circular cylinder at low Re, and Bearman respondence between criteria (2) and (3) just mentioned. T h e
[12], for the wake of a streamlined model with blunt trailing long-time mean length of the formation region is denoted by lF,
edge at high Re, have used the hot-wire anemometer to study and Table 1 lists the change in formation length with cylinder
vortex formation. Bloor [4], and Bloor and Gerrard [5] have amplitude and Reynolds number for transverse oscillations near
intensively studied the cylinder wake for Re > 400, and list the natural shedding frequency. I t is seen that the formation
criteria for determining the end of the formation region, or the length decreases appreciably as the amplitude of the cylinder
initial position of the fully formed vortex. Three quantitative motion is increased. The data also show the Reynolds number
criteria, of the several mentioned, serve to define the end of the dependence of the formation process—l F decreases as Re is in-
formation region: creased within the range 120 < Re < 350. Since there is a fre-
quency range over which synchronization occurs, measurements
1 The minimum mean pressure on the wake axis, y = 0, [5]. were made at Re = 200 to investigate the effects of frequency on
2 The maximum of velocity fluctuations at the second har- vortex formation. Fig. 4 shows the changes in the formation re-
monic of the shedding frequency, on the wake axis, [5]. gion length with shedding frequency within the synchronized
3 The minimum transverse spacing, close to the body, of the flow regime. I t is seen t h a t changes in frequency do not result
regions of maximum vortex velocity fluctuation [11, 12]. in large changes in vortex formation, but that changes in lF are
of the same order in magnitude as the changes in frequency. Fig.
Bloor shows, for Reynolds numbers above the transition range,
5 shows the change in the length of the formation region with both
t h a t the vortices are turbulent upon formation, while for Re <
cylinder amplitude and shedding frequency, for two cases when
300-400 laminar vortices are formed. I t is known, however,
the cylinder frequency is equal to, and not equal to, the natural
t h a t for Re > 150-200 the laminar flow progressively deteriorates

DECEMBER 1 9 7 1 / 731
Journal of Applied Mechanics
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Fig. 5 Length IF of the formation region as a function of cylinder a m p l i -
tude of motion a, at Re = 2 0 0 , for synchronized vortex shedding and
cylinder oscillation frequencies. Frequency ratio f/fn: —O—, f/fn
= 1 . 0 ; — — V — , f/f,, = 0 . 9 3 .
Fig. 4 Length IF of the formation region of the vortices behind an oscillat-
ing cylinder, a t Re = 2 0 0 , as a function of cylinder frequency. The
shedding frequency is synchronized w i t h the cylinder frequency, and the
amplitude of oscillation, a/rf c = 0 . 3 0 . tion region for a multiplicity of flow conditions, and measured
data for the ratio lF/dF—with the flow synchronized near the
Strouhal frequency—are listed in Table 1. This ratio is, like the
frequency. Within the synchronized region, frequencies less length of the formation region, both Reynolds number, frequency,
than the natural shedding frequency expand the formation region and amplitude dependent. The measured data show t h a t dF in-
and frequencies greater than the natural frequency contract the creases with the amplitude of synchronized oscillations, and the
formation region. The changes in the formation length with results of these experiments suggest that the ratio lF/dF is a sig-
cylinder amplitude follow the same pattern for both cases, re- nificant parameter of the synchronized wake and has a lower limit
gardless of whether the cylinder frequency is equal to, or not equal near unity. At this limit there is a breakdown in the regular
to, the natural shedding frequency. vortex shedding pattern when conditions of cylinder amplitude,
An important physical parameter in the study of vortex wake synchronized frequency, and Reynolds number combine to pro-
flows is the mean distance between shear layers inside the forma- duce a sufficiently short formation region and wide wake at
tion region. The wake width dF at the end of the formation region formation. The irregularity is characterized by the appearance
can be defined as the transverse distance between the maxima of of increased low-frequency modulation, second harmonic of the
u/U at the end of the formation region. The wake width was de- shedding frequency, and changes in the usual fundamental fre-
termined from R M S velocity transverses at the end of the forma- quency wave form close to the cylinder and well above the wake

Table 1 Flow synchronization effects on vortex formation

Reynolds Strouhal Cylinder Frequency Synchronized
number, number, amplitude, ratio, wake parameter, Length of formation region

a iF I,
Re St„ St*
dc dF

120 0.169 0.00 1.0 0.169 3.4 2.7

0.12 1.0 0.189 2.8 2.2
0.30 1.0 0.220 2.2 1.7
0.48 1.0 0.250 1.8 1.2
0.55 1.0 0.262 1.6 1.1
144 0.178 0.00 1.0 0.178 3.2 2.6
0.12 1.0 0.199 2.6 2.1
0.30 0.9 0.208 2.3 1.8
0.30 1.1 0.254 1.8 1.4
0.48 1.0 0.263 1.7 1.2

200 0.185 0.00 1.00 0.185 2.8 2.4

0.12 0.93 0.193 2.5 2.1
0.12 1.00 0.207 2.4 2.0
0.30 0.89 0.215 2.3
0.30 0.93 0.224 2.0 1.6
0.30 1.00 0.240 1.9 1.4
0.48 0.93 0.254 1.6 1.2
0.48 1.00 0.274 1.5 1.0

280 0.195 0.00 1.00 0.195 2.6 2.2

0.12 1.00 0.218 2.2 1.7
0.30 1.00 0.254 1.7 1.2
0.38 1.00 0.269 1.5 1.0
350 0.204 0.00 1.00 0.204 2.4 ...
0.20 1.00 0.245 1.7 1.3

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axis {x < 1.0dc and y > 1MC). I t is likely that the shear layer 2.0
interaction which produces the laminar-stable vortex street is in-
fluenced by the proximity of the body for conditions t h a t move
the end of the formation region close to the cylinder.
I t is helpful to refer to Fig. 3 in order to clarify some of the i i I . /i , /I , , , I , ,! , I , I , ,
effects of frequency on the formation process. Fig. 3(a) shows
the distribution of u/U on the wake axis, y = 0, for three condi-
tions of the cylinder oscillating at 30 percent of a diameter. The
increased length of the formation region at the lower frequencies
is seen, together with the decreased amplitude of fluctuation near
the end of the formation region. Fig. 3(&) shows the develop-
ment of the fluctuating velocity near the end of the formation
region for / / / „ = 0.89, a/dc = 0.30. The minimum transverse -j-o 1.0
spacing of — I occurs very close to the end of the formation
U / max 7.0
region denoted by the maximum fluctuation on the wake axis,
and beyond the formation region the regions of maximum u/U
begin to move away from the wake center line. This latter
phenomenon corresponds to the increase in spacing of the vortices
as they move downstream. Inside the formation region, the
areas of maximum u/U represent the mean spacing of the shear
layer centers from the wake axis. The convergence of the peaks
of maximum fluctuation at the end of the formation region has
been reported previously [12, 13].
One can discuss certain aspects of synchronized vortex forma- 7.0

tion, based on ideas which have hitherto been used to treat the
stationary bluff body wake (Gerrard [14]). The growing vortex
is fed by circulation from the shear layer until strong enough to
begin rolling up and drawing the opposite shear flow across the
0 20 40
wake. The approach of vorticity of opposing sign cuts off further
SCALE FOR \ x 100
circulation to the growing vortex, which is then shed and moves
downstream. The growing vortex behind the oscillating cylinder, Fig. 6 Root-mean-square velocity fluctuations in the w a k e , at Re — 2 0 0 ,
its growth augmented by synchronized cylinder motion, rolls up as a function of downstream distance x and transverse distance y. The
more quickly, draws the opposing shear layer across the wake, cylinder and shedding frequencies w e r e synchronized a t f/fn = 0 . 9 3 ;
and is shed at a smaller downstream distance. This process cylinder amplitude: (a) a/dc ~ 0 . 1 2 ; (fa) a/de = 0 . 3 0 ; (c) a/d, = 0 . 4 8 .

occurs periodically on either side of the wake to produce a lami-

nar-stable vortex street.
When the oscillation amplitude is held constant and the fre- 2(c) shows measurements from the stationary cylinder wake for
quency varied about the natural shedding frequency, the length reference purposes. As an example, when the cylinder is oscil-
of the formation region is expanded or contracted, depending upon lated at 93 percent of the natural frequency and at 30 percent of
whether the frequency ratio is less than or greater than unity. a diameter (peak to peak), there is a 32 percent increase in t h e
These results correspond to the known effects of splitter plates. maximum R M S fluctuating velocity at the end of the formation
Interference in the vortex formation process with a horizontal
splitter plate, which extends the formation region and decreases
the frequency below /„, results in a decrease in the velocity fluc- Table 2 M a x i m u m velocity fluctuations in the circular cylinder w a k e
tuation on the wake axis near x = lp. This effect can be noted in
(a) Re = 200, / / / „ = 0.93
Fig. 3(a). The decreased formation length for frequency greater
than the natural frequency has also been observed with a vertical X X a u X 100
splitter plate [14], when a special configuration was employed. dc TF U
I t is concluded t h a t just as the shedding frequency is varied with
2.7 1.0 0.12 34
interference elements such as splitter plates that control the size 2.1 1.0 0.30 37
of the vortex formation region, so can the size of the formation 1.7 1.0 0.48 38
region be varied with frequency and amplitude control in the 5.6 2.0 0.12 19
synchronized band of frequencies. The control of vortex forma- 3.9 1.9 0.30 25
3.8 2.3 0.48 25
tion at higher Re with an imposed sound field has recently been
reported by Peterka and Richardson [15]. (b) R e = 200, a/de = 0.30
Wake Velocity Fluctuations. The second stage of the experiments, X X / u
X 100
after investigating the effects of synchronized vibrations on the de TF fn U
vortex formation, was a detailed study of the early wake'fluctuat- 2.3 1.0 0.89 36
ing velocity at Re = 200. Figs. 6(a-c) show the development of 1.9 1.0 1.00 36
the wake velocity distribution when the cylinder oscillates at 93 2.9 1.3 0.89 31
percent of the natural frequency. Changes in the R M S fluctuat- 2.5 1.3 1.00 29
4.6 2.0 0.89 23
ing velocity distribution are similar in character to the case when
3.8 2.0 1.00 23
the shaking frequency is equal to the natural shedding frequency,
in that increased amplitude of cylinder motion leads to increased (c) R e = 200, stationary cylinder
velocity fluctuations in the early wake. Table 2(a) lists a series X X / u
of representative data for the maximum R M S velocity at the end X 100
TF /» U
of the formation region and at about twice the formation length. Z
The rapid decrease in the amplitude of the fluctuations beyond the 2.8 1.0 1.0 28
3.7 1.3 1.0 21
end of the formation region can be seen from the results. Table 5.4 .1.9 1.0 17

Journal of Applied Mechanics DECEMBER 1971 / 733

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H-o" 1.0

0 . 0 .. 1 ' 1 1 / ^
1.0 3.0 5.0 „ 7.0



(c) 2.0

x|-o° 1.0 U)

1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0
Fig. 7 Experimentally determined vortex configuration in the early w a k e
at Re = 2 0 0 as determined by the position of m a x i m u m u / U . The end
of the formation region is represented by the symbol Q. The cylinder
and shedding frequencies synchronized a t f/l„ = 0 . 9 3 ; cylinder a m p l i -
tude: (a) a / d c = 0 . \ 2 ; (fa) a / d c = 0 . 3 0 ; (c) a / d c = 0 . 4 8 . The dotted 2.0r
line denotes the vortex configuration in the early w a k e behind a stationary
circular cylinder.

region and a 45 percent increase near two formation lengths, rela-

tive to the stationary cylinder wake.
The position of the, regions of maximum u/U can be used, a t 0 20 40
least qualitatively, to describe the paths of the early wake vortices
SCALE FOR J J x 1 0 0
downstream of formation. The convergence of the peaks of
maximum u/U a t the end of t h e formation region has been men- Fig. 8 Root-mean-square velocity fluctuations in the w a k e , at Re = 2 0 0 ,
tioned in the previous section and demonstrated in Fig. 3(6), and as a function of downstream distance x and transverse distance y.
while it has been noted by Berger [6] t h a t the position of the The cylinder oscillation amplitude w a s fixed at a/d,. = 0 . 3 0 . Ratio of
vortex center downstream of formation cannot be represented synchronized cylinder-vortex shedding frequency and natural shedding
frequency, f/fn: (a) r/f„ = 0 . 8 9 ; (b) t/f„ = 0 . 9 3 ; (c) f / f „ = | 1 . 0 ;
directly by the region of maximum u/U, Schaefer and Eskinazi ( d ) f / f „ = I . TO.
have shown that the maximum fluctuation occurs in the vicinity
of the vortex core farthest from the wake axis, and Bearman has
recently used this method to investigate the early vortex wake at natural frequency are listed in Table 2(6). For specified x/lF the
high Reynolds number. Figs. 7(a-c) show the experimentally principal effect is in the downstream distribution of the fluctuat-
determined distribution of the peaks of maximum u/U, corre- ing velocity, while the maximum amplitude of the fluctuations
sponding to the velocity profiles in Fig. 6. These peaks reach shows little difference. The percentage differences in velocity
the characteristic minimum spacing at the end of the formation fluctuations between the stationary and oscillating cylinder wakes
region and begin to diverge thereafter until a limiting value of are essentially the same as those just mentioned in the discussion
spacing is reached, after which the regions of maximum spacing of amplitude effects on the fluctuating velocity distribution.
begin to converge again toward the wake axis. T h e downstream A similar distribution of velocity maxima has been observed
distance at which this convergence begins to occur moves toward in the stationary cylinder wake by Schaefer and Eskinazi [11]
the cylinder with increasing cylinder amplitude, and is ac- for 60 < R e < 120. T h e former authors divide the wake into
companied by the previously noted decrease in the size of the three regions:
formation region with increasing cylinder amplitude. The rapid
increase in the spacing of the early wake vortices is accompanied 1 The formation region.
by the decrease in velocity fluctuations noted in Table 2(a). 2 The stable region, characterized by increasing transverse
The dotted lines in Fig. 7 show the early wake configuration for spacing to a limiting value.
the stationary cylinder as a reference. 3 T h e unstable region, characterized by a decrease in spacing,
irregular behavior, and eventual turbulent breakdown.
Figs. 8 and 9(a-d) show the early wake development behind an
oscillating cylinder for several frequencies, when the cylinder Goldstein [16] has postulated t h e latter type of behavior to be
amplitude was constant at 0.30 dia (peak to peak). Changes in caused by an eventual viscous interaction of the vortex cores
vortex formation, previously discussed, are observed from the after a limiting value of transverse spacing is reached, and
velocity distributions in Fig. 8 and from the distribution of the Taneda [17] has observed with flow visualization methods the
regions of maximum u/U shown in Fig. 9. An increase in fre- decrease in spacing at low Re followed by turbulent breakdown.
quency at constant amplitude results in a decrease in the length The downstream decrease in spacing for the oscillating cylinder
of the formation region, and also results in a movement toward the wake is observed in Figs. 7 and 9.
cylinder of the maximum transverse spacing of the peaks of u/U. The experimental results for vortex formation and velocity
D a t a for several representative values of velocity fluctuation at fluctuations have shown the vortex wake to be dependent on the
and soon after formation for frequencies at, and less than, the frequency and amplitude of the applied disturbances when the

734 / D E C E M B E R 1971 Transactions of the ASME

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Re = 120

35.0 E




-M-a" 2.5



.18 .20 .22 .24 .26 .28

l +
^( <
Fig. 9 Experimentally determined vortex configuration in the early w a k e
Fig. 10 M a x i m u m velocity fluctuations at the end of the vortex formation
at Re ~ 2 0 0 as determined from the position of m a x i m u m u/U. The
end of the formation region is represented by the symbol Q . The region, and the formation region length \F as a function of the synchro-
cylinder amplitude of motion w a s fixed at a/dG — 0 . 3 0 . Ratio of syn- nized w a k e parameter St* = ( r ) ( ' + T )s,n- R<* = ' 2 0 , 0; Re =
chronized cylinder-vortex shedding frequency and natural shedding fre-
quency, f/fn: (a) f / f „ = 0 . 8 9 ; (b) f / f „ = 0 . 9 3 ; (e) f/f„ = 1.0; (d) f / f „ = 144, A ; Re = 2 0 0 , ( | ; Re = 2 8 0 , V ; Re = 3 5 0 , + .
7.10. The doited tine denotes the vortex configuration in the early w a k e
behind a stationary circular cylinder.

tions in the synchronized flow regime. The regions of —

flow is synchronized. A dependence between the Strouhal num- Ujn
are plotted in Fig. 11(c) for Re = 200, and the data for all con-
ber and the formation length also appears in the stationary
ditions of synchronized frequency and amplitude fall on a single
cylinder results in Table 1, and the possibility of such a de-
curve marked by three distinct regions when the downstream dis-
pendence has been mentioned [14]. The formation length lF, as
tance is scaled by the formation region length. The first section
a parameter dependent on the level of synchronized disturbances
of the curve is the formation region, x < lF, where the maxima of
for Re between 120 and 350, is plotted in Fig. 10 in terms of a
u/ V represent the average spacing of the shear layer centers from
synchronized wake parameter
the wake axis. The regions of maximum fluctuation then move
apart for x > lF, due to increased transverse spacing of the
* - \JJ i1+i St. vortices. This section of the curve is the stable region. A limit-
ing value of spacing is reached and the regions of maximum
fluctuation then begin to converge toward the wake axis. This
where St„ is the Strouhal number for natural shedding. The
convergence denotes the beginning of the unstable region of the
synchronized frequency is denoted b y / and the cylinder amplitude
wake. The agreement between criteria (2) and (3) for the end
by a. One might regard this parameter as being proportional to
of the formation region is again seen in Fig. 11(c). T h e stable
the applied disturbances, and in the absence of controlled oscilla-
region is further characterized by a rapid drop in the vor-
tions, e.g., / = /„, a = 0, it reduces to the Strouhal number St„
tex velocity fluctuations, and this behavior appears in all of the
and is proportional to the naturally occurring wake frequency.
velocity distributions plotted in Figs. 11 (a and b). T h e sharp
A dependence between the formation length lF and the wake
drop in velocity fluctuations accompanies the increased spacing of
parameter St* is demonstrated at Reynolds numbers between 120
the vortices after formation.
and 350, for the formation of synchronized vortices. There is a
50 percent decrease in the size of the formation region at the Some further effects of cylinder vibration follow from the re-
natural shedding frequency when Re = 120, but when the sults in Fig. 11. The increased velocity fluctuations in Figs. 11 (ffl)
Reynolds number is increased to 280 only a 25 percent decrease and (6) result from a vortex growing close to the cylinder base.
was measured in lF. The maximum velocity fluctuation at the The measurements at x = lF show a 34 percent decrease in lF and
end. of the formation region is also plotted in Fig. 10 for Re = u\
a 30 percent increase in — 1 at a Reynolds number of 200, for
120, 200, 280, and gives yet another indication of the decreasing
effectiveness of the synchronized disturbances with increasing cylinder vibrations of 30 percent of a diameter at the natural
Reynolds number, and of the relatively narrow range over which frequency. There is a direct relationship between the decrease
control of the wake flow is maintained. in formation region measured here and the recent experiments of
The experimental results in Fig. 10 suggest the use of the for- Taneda and Honji [18], who measured the increased drag due to
mation length as a scale for the distribution of velocity fluctua- synchronized vibrations, at Reynolds numbers between 47 and

Journal of Applied Mechanics DECEMBER 1 9 7 1 / 735

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sults demonstrate the onset of regular low-frequency modulations
within the stable range, and the appearance of irregular fluctua-
tions in the transition range which eventually render the wake
turbulent. Figs. 12(a-/) present the signals from a hot wire
placed in the cylinder wake at Re = 120, 200, and 280. A com-
parison of the upper traces at {x/dc) — 6 and (x/dc) = 12 shows
t h a t the low-frequency disturbances in the wake become more
pronounced with downstream distance, and that the irregularity
of the velocity signal is modulated but regular, while at Re =
200, 280 in the transition range the signal becomes more irregular.
Hot-wire signals for the stationary cylinder, shown in the upper
traces of Figs. 12(a-b) exhibit a regular low-frequency modula-
tion and deterioration that is unusual at Re = 120. The de-
terioration in the upper traces of the figure is similar to that
shown in Figs. 12(c-e) for Reynolds numbers of 200 and 280 in the
0.6 0.8 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 60 70 transition range. I t is quite conceivable t h a t the end of the
laminar-stable range might occur at a lower Reynolds number,
due to the combination of the open-jet tunnel and the turbulence
level in which the experiments were performed. The end of the
usual laminar-stable range has been reported to occur as low as
30.0 -
Re = 125 [11].
25.0 - \ The lower traces in Figs. 12(a-/) show the change in the
(b) velocity signal that takes place when suitable cylinder oscillations
20.0 at the natural shedding frequency are introduced. The traces
x.100 from the wake of the oscillating cylinder are virtually free of any
low-frequency modulations at Re = 120 and 200, and imply that
/° G O %"T1

the wake is essentially two-dimensional. Results at Re = 280,
Figs. 12(e and / ) , for the oscillating cylinder show that the hot-
wire signal is modulated, but large modulations in amplitude are
50 - 1 , 1 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ,1,1, absent. The controlled oscillations become less effective in
0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 70 organizing the wake as the upper limit of the transition range is
The traces in Fig. 13 represent two sets of conditions in the
synchronized band at Re = 200; the cylinder amplitude is 0.30dc
and the frequency ratios are 0.89 and 1.08 in Figs. 13(a and 6),
respectively. When the frequency ratio is 0.89, there is little
evidence of three-dimensional effects. The traces at 6 and 12 dia,
in Fig. 13(6) exhibit an increasing irregularity with downstream
-IT," 0.8
distance when the frequency ratio equals 1.08. These results
'* of+ correspond to the measurements of wake velocity fluctuations
FORMATION STABLE UNSTABLE that are discussed in previous sections. For frequency ratios
greater than unity, the formation and stable regions of the flow
are moved close to the cylinder, as shown in Figs. 8 and 9, and
06 08 10
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 irregularities begin to appear sooner in the early wake; for fre-
quency ratios less than unity, the formation and stable regions of
Fig. 11 (a, b) Distribution of velocity fluctuations in the synchronized
the early wake are lengthened and the appearance of irregular be-
w a k e as a function of scaled downstream distance, X/IF, at Re = 2 0 0 . havior is suppressed and moved downstream.
(a) M a x i m u m RMS fluctuation, f/fn = 1.0. (b) RMS fluctuations on the
w a k e axis, y = 0 , f / f „ = 1.0. (a,b) Cylinder amplitude, (a/dc) =
- O — — • , 0.0; - O — , 0.12; © , 0.30; 3 , 0 . 4 8 . (c) Distribu-
tion of the regions of m a x i m u m fluctuation as a function of scaled d o w n -
stream distance, x/lf, at Re = 2 0 0 . Legend for data points:
The results of these investigations into changes induced in the
f a vortex wake by transverse cylinder vibrations, at Reynolds
d7 numbers between 120 and 350, are summarized as follows:
0.89 0.30 o The flow in the wake is controlled by suitable transverse vibra-
0.93 0.30 o tions of the cylinder at, and near, the natural vortex shedding
1.00 0.30 -o
1.11 0.30 frequency. The initiation of turbulence downstream of the vor-
0.93 0.12 tex formation is suppressed, and the limiting Reynolds number for
0.93 0.48 +
X the formation of a laminar-stable vortex street is extended well
1.00 0.00 V beyond the usual limiting value, Re = 150, to Re ^ 350.
The size of the vortex formation region is substantially in-
fluenced both by the frequency and amplitude of the controlled
oscillations when the cylinder and shedding frequencies are syn-
275. Bearman [12], in his splitter plate experiments, also mea- chronized. The effects of frequency changes are comparable to
sured the increased drag due to vortices being shed close to the the known effects of splitter plates on the vortex wake formation
base of his model. process. The formation length is reduced by as much as 50
Correlation and Three-Dimensional Effects. I t is noted by Bloor [4] percent at Re = 120.
that for all Re above the stable range there are low-frequency Velocity fluctuations in the early wake are increased from the
irregularities in the cylinder wake. These low-frequency modula- stationary cylinder case by cylinder oscillations at, or near, the
tions are associated by H a m a [13] with three-dimensional effects natural shedding frequency. As an example, for cylinder oscilla-
which precede the transition to turbulence in wakes. Bloor's re- tions at 93 percent of the natural shedding frequency and at a

736 / D E C E M B E R 1971 Transactions of the AS ME

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1,~J)!iJi J i i iJi IJi IJi~JIJ l iJ }li ~ J JI (~} )J
Fig. 12(0) x/de = 6, ride = 1.6 Fig. 12(d) x/de = 12, rI~. = 1.6; oscilloscope, vertical: 0.4 m/sec/
large division; time sweep: 50 msec/cm. Re = 200,1 = 100 cycles/sec.

Fig. 12(b) x/d. = 12, ride = 1.6; oscilloscope; vertical: 0;2 m/sec/
large division; time sweep: 100 msec/cm. Re = 120, 1 = 55 cycles/sec. Fig. 12(e) x/de = 6, rid = 1.6

Fig. 12(1) x/d. = =

12, rid. 1.6; oscilloscope, vertical: 0.4 m/sec/
Fig. 12(.) x/d. = 6, ride = 1.6 large division; time sweep: 100 msec/em. Re = 280, 1 = 84.5 cycles/sec.

Fig. 12 Comparison between oscilloscope traces 01 the signal from a hot wire placed in the cylinder woke. Upper trace, 011 photos: without
cylinder oscillotion. lower trace, all photos: with cylinder oscillating at old. = 0.30.

peak -to-peak amplitude of 0.30 dia, there is a 32 percent increase velocity distl'ibutions in the early wake are similarly scaled in the
in maximum RMS fluctuatioll amplitude at the end of the forma- downstream direction when distance from the cylinder is measured
tion region, relative to the stationary cylinder wake. The in- in terms of the length of the vortex formation region. The loci
creased amplitude is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in of the regions of ma.."imum fluctuating velocity give qualitative
the size of the vortex formation region. information concerning the paths of the early vortices after
The configuration of the early wake, in terms of the distl'ibution formation.
of fluctuating velocity downstream of formation, is influenced The laminar wake of an oscillating cylinder is characterized by
both by the frequency and amplitude of the controlled oscilla- three flow regimes: (a) the formation region, close behind the
tions. Results of wake traverses for different conditions have cylinder, in which the shear layers interact and vortices are shed;
shown, for all frequencies and amplitudes of oscillation investi- (b) the stable region, characterized by a regular periodicity, an
gated in the range of flow synchronization, that the fluctuation increase in the transverse vortex spacing and a spreading of the

Journal of Applied Mechanics DEC E M B E R 1 97 1 / 737

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structure is possible over a wide range of Reynolds number, but
experimental data concerning the subject are scarce.

The author wishes to acknowledge the support of the Ocean
Technology and Acoustics Divisions of NRL, respectively, for the
reporting and conduct of these experiments. The comments and
criticisms of W. G. Neubauer and C. 'V. Votaw aided greatly in
the preparation of the manuscript.

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