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Hacker ethic is a term for the moral values and philosophy that are common in hacker
culture. Explain the Principles of Hacker Ethics.
The principle of Hacker Ethics are as fallow:
1. Information should be free: A free exchange of information allows for greater overall creativity.
The expression “Information wants to be free” has become a mantra for many hackers who see
proprietary software and systems as obstacles to realizing the freedom of the Internet, where
users would otherwise have total access to information. In the hacker viewpoint, any system could
benefit from an easy flow of information,[15] a concept known as transparency in the social sciences.
Hence they would argue for a position along the following lines: keep private any information
that should be private, and keep free any information that should be free.
2. Hackers provide society with a useful and important service: Many are suspicious of claims
that hackers perform a useful service for society by searching for and exposing security holes in
cyberspace. Hackers help to find out the loop holes in the system. These loop hole may cost lots
of money for the organization if they are not fixed on the time. According to this rationale,
hackers are doing us a favor, because pointing out these security holes will force those
responsible for the holes to fix them. However, we will see how some no malicious hackers have
discovered holes in security systems that have also revealed questionable, and possibly illegal,
behavior on the part of content providers in cyberspace
3. Activities in cyberspace are virtual in nature and thus do not harm real people in the real
(physical) world: According to third principle we identified, unauthorized access in cyberspace
causes no real harm because those activities occur only in the virtual world. This argument
commits a logical fallacy in that it confuses the relationship between the notions of “harm” and
“space” by reasoning that the virtual world is not the real (physical) world; so any harms that
occur in the virtual world are not real harms.

4. With the concept of Information Privacy explain the ways to safeguard personal information.

The way to safeguard personal information are as follow:

• Fill in necessary information on rebate, warranty, and registration forms
•We should change our password frequently or in every 15 days. Character of password should must be
• Sign up for e-mail filtering through your Internet service provider or use an antispam program
• Avoid shopping club and buyers cards
• Clear your history file when you are finished browsing. After finishing browsing in internet we should
clear our browsing history so that no one will get data from your computer .
• Inform merchants that you do not want them to distribute your personal information
• Set up a free e-mail account; use this e-mail address for merchant forms
• Do not reply to spam for any reason. We should not replay or open unauthorized mail.

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