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Cover Page………………………………………......…………….........................………….i

Table of Contents…………………………………………….…………………………….....ii

REQUIRED ARTIFACTS……………………………………………………………………...1

Individual Learning Monitoring Plans………………………………………………..…2

Lesson Plans……………………………………………………………………………..….

Teacher-made modified learning resources……………………………………………

Certificates of Participation-PD activities………………………………………………

Reflective Summary…………………………………………………………………………

SELF-SELECTED ARTIFACTS……………………………………………………………….

Engaging learners for their progress & achievement…………………………………

Professional engagement with colleagues………………………………………………

Engaging stakeholders in the teaching learning process………………………........

Name of Individual Learning Monitoring
the Artifact Plan
Professiona 3.1 Learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
l Standard / interests and experiences

Regular communication and monitoring with parents or guardians were also done by
giving updates on what the learners have submitted. It is partly difficult for me and for all
teachers to monitor learners’ progress. The teachers needed to make necessary
adjustments in the learning task in order to meet every learner’s need. With the help of
Individual Learning Monitoring Plan, I am guided on how I could cater to my learners’
needs and progress. I have added some learning interventions such as more basic
(easier) activity sheets, worksheets and some instructional materials that will improve and
develop the skills needed by my learners.
Name of the Lesson Plans (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL,
Artifact Lesson Exemplars and the likes)

Professional 3.4 – Learner’s in difficult circumstances

Standard / 4.1- Planning and Management of teaching and
learning process

Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are not having face-to-face
learning modality. We have modular distance learning modality
wherein parents and guardians are responsible to receive and
retrieve modules and learning activities. With the help of Weekly
Home Learning Plan or WHLP, learners and parents know the flow of
the lessons in every subject every day.
Name of the Lesson Plans (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL,
Artifact Lesson Exemplars and the likes)

Professional 3.4 – Learner’s in difficult circumstances

Standard / 4.1- Planning and Management of teaching and
learning process


The teacher-made lesson exemplar was tailored with the learners’

abilities and needs that would also be appropriate for varied learning
styles. Moreover, the teacher made sure that it is still aligned with the
Name of
the Teacher-made/ modified learning
Artifact resources
Standard / Teaching and learning resources including
Strand ICT


The teacher created a group chat of her advisory class. In this group chat, she can copy link of some video
lessons online (specifically Youtube videos) that can be watched by her learners. They can use it when they
want to clarify something about the lessons in the modules. The teacher also used ICT in making learning/
teaching resources like powerpoint for the learners.

Using ICT in teaching and learning resources is a good help in to engage learners in learning while at home,
they will also feel interesting about the lessons.
Certificates of participation in any PD activities

7.3 – Professional links with colleagues

7.5 – Professional development goals
Certificates of participation in any Professional
Development (PD) activities
7.3 – Professional links with colleagues
7.5 – Professional development goals

Despite the pandemic, we still managed to organize and attend school-
based INSETS, LAC sessions, webinars, and faculty meetings (emergency
meetings) following health protocols. We also have a group chat in order
to disseminate important information among teachers. Through this we
are able to exchange thoughts and insights, helping one another in
accomplishing all the tasks related to.
The teacher have also attended virtual INSET and workshops/webinars
that are needed to develop and improve her skills and professional
growth as a teacher and individual.
Reflective Summary

7.4 - Professional reflection and learning to improve practice

This LDM Course has taught me the paramount importance of collecting,

organizing and working things ahead of time and developing my whole entire self ,
professionally and spiritually. I have learnt that taking things in order will make your
work easily, efficiently and effectively.
The pandemic has challenged our educational system and even changed our
educational landscape. This LDM Course is the wisest and most essential answer to
adopt the new normal education.
As an educator, I am happy that I was equipped with the knowledge, skills,
attitude and values through this course which I used in the teaching and learning
process. Although there may be challenges and confusions during the
implementation, I believe that with the professional development goals, mentorships
from coaches and with my strong faith in GOD, I can still achieve goodness and
significant success.
Engaging learners for their progress and achievement

5.2 – Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement

5.3 – Feedback to improve learning

The teacher always monitors her learners’ progress
Monitoring learner’s progress weekly is a good
practice that will help teachers to easily evaluate if
the learners accomplish their assigned task.
Professional engagement with colleagues

7.3 – Professional links with colleagues

Developing trust, and communication with colleagues will help you to
have more effective relationship. You can share and get some ideas
from your colleagues. Communicating with colleagues will help you to
enjoy and love your work. You will not feel stresses even though there
are many paper works. You will also be productive working with your
Engaging stakeholders in the teaching learning
5.4 – Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key
6.2 – Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the
educative process

Parents’ participation is necessary especially now that we are facing pandemic covid-19.
Parents are obliged to retrieve modules in school because learners are not required to go out to
receive their modules. Also parents are involved in learners’ progress by teaching and guiding
them in their respective homes.

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