Management 212 TNN Report Corrected

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A critical analysis on management practices of “Eon Group of


Submitted to:
Tasnim Tarannum (Tnn)
Lecturer- Management Department, School of Business and
Economics, North South University

Course – Mgt 212

Section - 1
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Submitted by

Group “G”

Name Student ID
Abdur Rahman Siddique 1911790030
Sakif Ahsan Chowdhury 1912069030

Al Mashruk Bhuiyan 1912782030

Semester: Fall 2019.

Date of Submission: 24th December, 2019.
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Executive Summary:

Eon Group of industries is a limited company mostly owned and managed by the Dowlah family.
The Business mostly emphasizes on selling animal and aquatic feeds as well as supplements for
healthy animals which will add to the health of the consumer consuming these animals. Eon
Group was founded by Momin Ud Dowlah the acting chairperson of the company. Eon Group
mainly aims to produce the best quality feeds and agro so that they may lead the market in terms
of quality. Eon Group’s office is situated in Tejgaon in the heart of Dhaka. Their office is four
stories high with an area of about 25000 square feet. The Culture of company is very strong
where all the employees interactive with each other in a unique and personalized way. The Top
managers are not dominating the work environment and the follow a democratic structure in
terms of decision making. There are over 3000 employees working under Eon Group of
industries and they all work diligently towards the success of the company. They have many
small companies under name such as a Korean franchise b.b.q, natural animals, animal feeds etc.
The report shows all the information that has been needed in order to analyze the management
structure of Eon Group of industries.
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Details Page
Introduction 6
Brief overview of the organization 7
Company’s Organogram 8
Organization’s Culture 10
Situation Analysis 12
SWOT Analysis 14
Management Issues 15
Recommendations 16
Conclusion 17
References 18
Company Visit 19

Table of contents:
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The report analyzes the Management process of Eon group of industries Eon group is a family
run business it focusses on producing high quality poultry and Agro products with each type
having its own company and a name the methodology of data had been collect through
interviews and website.

Brief overview of the organization

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Eon Group is a fast growing Agriculture (Crop, Poultry, Fish, and Cattle) Assimilation
organization. The organization is involved in manufacturing, importing & distributing all
types of agriculture inputs for local & global market. The product and service of the
organizations are Animal health, Animal framing, Animal fed, Agrochemical, Fertilizer, Eon
motors, Eon seeds, Eon foods and Restaurant franchise. The organization is working with the
dream to be a provider to “Food Security and Safety” in Bangladesh. The vision of the
organization is to be the excellence leader in Production, Process, and Circulation of
harmless products to the consumer. The organization operates in the region of Southeast Asia
and USA. The mission of the organization is committed to backing to the sustainable growth
of the overall population of the country by conducting all their business operations.
Innovation and introduction of proper products & services that their end users earns. Growth
of skilled human resources as per the need of the respective industry. Establishing of healthy
trade and services to with a vibrant and inspiring global market.
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Company Organogram:

Momin Ud Dowlah
Group Chairman
and MD

Major A B A
Mesbah Ud
Group Vice

Tanim Ud Dowlah
Mrs. Syeda Dowlah A B A shahid Ud
Group Director and Dowlah
Group Director and
Business Manager
Head of Operation Group Executive
(Pharma &
Food Franchise Director

Eon Group’s upper class managers fully consists of all the family members of the Dowlah
family. They all work together for the betterment of the organization as well as family.
Salaries (approximately):
 Momin Ud Dowlah (Group Chairman and MD) – 100,00,000tk to 150,00,000tk
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 Major A B A Mesbah Ud Dowlah (Group Vice Chairman) – 80,00,000tk to 100,00,000tk

 Tanim Ud Dowlah (Group Director and Business Manager (Pharma & Healthcare)) –
8,00,000tk – 10,00,000tk
 Mrs. Syeda Dowlah (Group Director and Head of Operation Food Franchise) –
8,00,000tk to 12,00,000tk
 A B A Shahid Ud Dowlah (Group Executive Director) – 4,00,000tk to 5,00,000tk.
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Organization Culture:

EON group of industries follow a strong organizational culture. When we visited their head
office in Tejgoan we found a very close bonding among the employees of the organization.
Hence when we interviewed their human resource manager Mr. Mijanur Rahman, he told us that
their decision process is mostly democratic and also told us that how each employee cares about
each other. He also shared us the experience that how fun this place is for work. They also follow
some strict rituals such as morning assembly and a meditation session. The organization here
manages a morning breakfast and lunch where all employees and have quality time together.
Hence the top manager and lower mangers eat together and feel free to talk to each other.
Therefore, there is no kind of discrimination. The managers in each sector are more than willing
tell the stories of what happened in the company during their duty hours. Everyone in the
company know each other well by their names and they greet themselves in a more personalized
way. Such as, hand signals and creative jargons.
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Some of the motivational pictures we gathered while visiting the company

Situational Analysis:
Porters Five Forces:
1) Competition (high) - Eon Group’s biggest two competitors are Paragon Group
and Sadeq Group because the aim of these two companies are quite similar as they
all aim to provide pure and high quality agricultural finished products.
2) New Potential Entrants (high) - Bangladesh is constantly growing economically
hence the sales and income for people is ever growing. Eon Group’s high price
products attracts many new entrants such as, Probash Bangla Agro and Erfan Agro.
3) Power of Supplier (low) - Eon Group have its own farms and agro here, most of
its products are harvested from these farms. Eon Group acts as a medium to many
farmers who sell their eggs and milk to company hence, afterwards they are
checked and then sold under the company name ensuring the quality.
4) Power of Customers (high) - Eon Group shares 30% of the market with 50 other
small companies. Here the customers have a large pool of other brands from which
they can choose to buy.
5) Threat of Substitute Products (high) - The harsh truth is that Eon Group’s
agricultural products can be easily avoided by customers if they buy their groceries
from the local markets or bazaars. Hence there is a never ending risk of customers
feeling less interested in Eon Group’s high priced products
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STARS Question mark

 Animal Health  Oceanblue

 Animal Farming  Puro pastry
 Aquafeeds  Fertilizer
 B.B.Q (franchise)  Agrochemical

Cashcow Dog

 Eon motors  OceanRia

 Eon seeds  Animal health
 Country animals  Animal Farming
 Eon foods
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SWOT Analysis:
1. Fastest growing Agro business in Bangladesh.
2. Provides high quality and are completely safe from chemical and antibiotic residue.
3. Have updated and advanced technology.
4. They have strong culture.

1. Eon is sharing only 30% market share with 500 other companies.
2. Product price is very high
3. They have limited animals which might bring an issue to supple a massive no. of customers.
4. Seasonal fluctuations in milk production pattern.


1. Expanding market for traditional dairy products such as chocolate bar, flavored red milk
2. Increasing demand for fluid milk as well as value added products.
3. They have a very good public relation and positive media coverage

1. Introduction of foreign products in Bangladesh market.
2. Excessive grazing pressure on marginal and small community lands has resulted in almost
complete degradation of land.
3. Kazi Farm is one of their competitors with low pricing and bigger poultry farm.
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Management issues:
(i) The company's employee turnover is high. According to their executive director
Mr. Shahid Ud Dowlah he stated that employees are leaving day by day.
Afterwards when we interviewed one of their ex-employee he stated that many of
the employees are leaving the company as they are unable to capture the
maximum market share due to high tough competitors. Hence, to join such as
paragon or Sadiq Agro.

(ii) Employees need a reason to care about contributing towards the success of the
business hence according to one of their ex-employees they don't reward as much
as they deserve so it acts as a big demotivation.

(iii) The Top management get unnoticed for their mistakes because the organization is
oriented towards the family relations of the top managers who actually ignore
each other mistakes.
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(i) Eon Group may consider using job satisficing as a strategy to overcome the high
levels of employee turnover. They may consider giving their managers flexible
times in order to cope with own livelihoods well. They can consider allowing
more in the work of the employees such as allowing the task to be done in the
favorable time of the employee within a deadline.
(ii) Eon Group may consider changing the structure of the job such mixing up the
tasks given to employees so that it doesn’t seem monotonous. They may even
consider changing the payment into being paid per task which will reward the
hardest workers in the company what they deserve.
(iii) Eon Group may allow its employees to anonymously complain any problem that
had been caused by a top manager that has been overlooked hence having been
caused a problem or issue for the employee.
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The Eon group of industries strongly believes that their business is successful and is be able to
meet the needs of our customers and give them a 100% satisfying products and service. They
have studied the market and the needs of their customers rigorously hence creating a concrete
name for themselves in the market to their target. They wish to cover up all their targets
mentioned and will make sure that the goals are met. The organization is not that large at the
current moment but it has the potential to grow exponentially over the years. Success has only
one step away of this business. Eon’s mission and vision is to see a more sustainable future for
the new generation that is to come. Eon group have carefully segmented its customers which has
allowed to target both all consumer groups with both having a fair share of satisfaction. Eon’s
promotion stretches from the newspaper pages of Daily Star to social media pages such as
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and moreover. The more attention their company gains the more
popular it will become due to its strong Public Relationship team. Therefore, the EON GROUP
OF INDUSTRIES are confident about the success of the company as there is no scope for
anyone to dislike it.
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People from Left-Right

1. A.H.M. Mijanur Rahman (Human Resource Manager of
Eon Group)
2. Sakif Ahsan Chowdhury (Group member of Group G)
3. A.B.A Shahid Ud Dowlah (Executive Director of Eon
4. Abdur Rahman Siddique (Group Leader of Group G)

Another member of Group G Al Mashruk Bhuiyan takes the

credit of the picture.

Pictures taken while visiting the company.

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