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Submitted by

Hidayat Ullah
Shehzad Ahmad
MSc Computer Science
Session 2015-2017


Ms.Haseena Noureen (Lecturer)


Online shopping cart for Mobiles

This project report is submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of MSc in
Computer Science to the Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand as on

Hidayat ullah _______________

Shehzad Ahmad_______________
Copyrights Notice

This Thesis under the title “Web Application for online shopping cart” is the intellectual property
of Hidayat Ullah & Shehzad Ahamad. No part of his document may be reproduced, stored in any
retrieval system or used otherwise without the prior permission of the author. I hereby allow
University of Malakand to make copies of this thesis for academic purposes only. Any
individual/organization may make copies of this document for non-commercial purposes with
prior permission of the author.

Certificate of Approval
It is certified that we have studied the thesis submitted by Hidayat Ullah & Shehzd Ahmad in
detail. We conclude that this thesis is of sufficient standard to warrant its acceptance by the
department of CS & IT for the award of the degree of
MSc Computer Science.



Ms. Haseena Noureen

Department of Computer Science & IT
University of Malakand

External Examiner





Chairman CS & IT

Dr. Ajab Khan

They fed us when we were hungry, gave us strength when we weak, Protected us when in
danger, taught us to walk on our feet, Nursed us when hurts, encouraged when dejected. And
helped us to live honorable this world; we dedicated this humble effort to our Respected Parents
& Teachers, My sibling & Friends with Love, Care and Gratitude especially to our friends Wasif
Khan , Anwar Zada , Junaid Khan, Abbas Khan.


After all these years of hard work, it is necessary to express my gratitude to those people who in
way or another contribute and extended their support and valuable support in the preparation and
completion of this work.

First and for most, our gratitude to the one above all of us, the omnipresent only Allah, for giving
me the strength to plod on despite my desire to give up, thank you so much my Allah,(the) One.
We are very thankful to our project advisor, Ms Haseena Noureen who is Lectrure in the
Department of Computer Science &IT, who has tendered valuable advices and suggestions for
this project .We are also thankful to the chairman Dr. Ajab Khan department of computer
science and IT, University and all the teaching staff of our department their guidance and
suggestions gave us the potential to complete our project.

We are also very thankful to all friends who supported and encouraged us during the
development of this project.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................1

1.1 Online shopping cart for mobiles..........................................................................................1

1.2 Business Mechanism.............................................................................................................1

1.3 Enhance your Experience with Online shopping..................................................................2

1.4 Convenient One-stop Style Shop..........................................................................................2

1.5 Buy it Online 24/7.................................................................................................................2

1.6 Keep Your Style Updated By Staying Connected................................................................2

Chapter 2 System Analysis.................................................................................3

2.1Traditional system..................................................................................................................3

2.1.1 Space.............................................................................................................................4

2.1.2 Time Consuming...........................................................................................................4

2.1.3 Insecure Information.....................................................................................................4

2.2 The Proposed System............................................................................................................4

2.3 Feathers of the Proposed System.........................................................................................4

2.3.1 Pliabiltiy........................................................................................................................4

2.3.2 Easy and fast to retain the information.........................................................................5

2.3.3 Easy to know/understand and use.................................................................................5

2.4 Aims of the Proposed System...............................................................................................5

2.5 Viability Study......................................................................................................................5

2.5.1 Economic Feasibility.....................................................................................................6

2.5.2 Technical Feasibility.....................................................................................................6

2.5.3 Operational Feasibility..................................................................................................6

2.6 Input Needs...........................................................................................................................6

2.7 Processing Needs..................................................................................................................7

2.8 Output Needs........................................................................................................................8

Chapter 3Design of Database.................................................................................9

3.1 Overview...............................................................................................................................9

3.1.1 Entity.............................................................................................................................9

3.1.2 Attributes.......................................................................................................................9

3.1.3 Relationship...................................................................................................................9

3.1.4 E-R Diagram.................................................................................................................9

3.2 Entities in our Database......................................................................................................10


3.2.2 Category......................................................................................................................10

3.2.3 Customer.....................................................................................................................11

3.2.4 Customer order ...........................................................................................................11

3.2.5 Product........................................................................................................................12

3.2.6 Order..........................................................................................................................12

3.2.7 Order detail.................................................................................................................13

3.3 Our ER Diagram.................................................................................................................13

Chapter 4 Functional Modeling.......................................................................15

4.1Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System.......................................................................15

4.2 Level-0 DFD.......................................................................................................................16

Chapter 5 TESTING:......................................................................................17

5.1 Testing levels......................................................................................................................17

5.1.1 Code Testing....................................................................................................................18

5.1.2 Unit Testing.....................................................................................................................18

5.1.3 Integration Testing...........................................................................................................18

5.1.4 Specification Testing:......................................................................................................18

5.1.5 System Testing:................................................................................................................18

5.1.6 Validation Testing:...........................................................................................................19

5.1.7 Acceptance Testing:.........................................................................................................19

Chapter 6 User Interface...................................................................................20

6.1 Basic Design Principle........................................................................................................20

6.1.1 Consistency......................................................................................................................20

6.1.2 Make Sense (Guiding User along the Right Path)...........................................................20

6.1.3 User Friendly...................................................................................................................20

6.1.4 Flexibility and Simplicity................................................................................................20

6.1.5 Efficiency.........................................................................................................................21

6.2 User Interface Design.........................................................................................................21

6.2.1 Forms...............................................................................................................................21

6.2.2 Objective of Front End Design........................................................................................21

6.2.3Avoiding Errors in the Data..............................................................................................21

6.2.4Keeping the Process Simple..............................................................................................21

6.2.5Input Validation................................................................................................................22

6.3 Screen Shots........................................................................................................................22

6.3.1 The Homepage.................................................................................................................22

6.3.2 Registration......................................................................................................................24

6.3.3 Log in...............................................................................................................................25

6.3.4 Contact Us........................................................................................................................27

6.3.6 Customer Information page.............................................................................................28

6.3.7 Admin Login Page...........................................................................................................29

6.3.8 Admin Home Page...........................................................................................................29

6.3.9 ..........................................................................................................................................30


6.3.12 Management of products................................................................................................31

6.3.13 Customer List.................................................................................................................32

6.3.14 Customer Cart................................................................................................................33

Chapter 7 Implementation Tools.....................................................................34

7.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................34

7.1.1 My SQL...........................................................................................................................34

7.1.2 PHP..................................................................................................................................34

7.1.3 HTML..............................................................................................................................35

7.1.4 JavaScript.........................................................................................................................35

7.1.5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS 5.5............................................................................................35

7.1.6 Adobe Photoshop CS 7.0.................................................................................................36

7.1.7 Bootstrap..........................................................................................................................36

7.1.8 Apache Server..................................................................................................................36


8.1 Teachers and Course work................................................................................................37

8.2 References..........................................................................................................................37

List of Tables

Table 1 Admin...............................................................................................................................11

Table 2 Category............................................................................................................................11

Table 3 Customer...........................................................................................................................12

Table 5 Product..............................................................................................................................13

Table 6 Sale...................................................................................................................................14

Table 7 Sale Detail.........................................................................................................................14

List of Figures

Figure 2: ER Diagram....................................................................................................................16

Figure 3:Level 0 DFD....................................................................................................................17

Figure 4: Homepage......................................................................................................................23

Figure 5: Registration....................................................................................................................24

Figure 6: Log in.............................................................................................................................25

Figure 7: Contact Us......................................................................................................................27

Figure 9: Customer Information page............................................................................................28

Figure 10: Admin login.................................................................................................................29

Figure 14: Products........................................................................................................................30

Figure 15: Management of products..............................................................................................31

Figure 16: Customer List...............................................................................................................31

Figure 17: Customer Cart..............................................................................................................33

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1Online shopping cart for mobiles

Online shopping cart as it is the nature of human beings that they want everything with no
efforts, also peoples have much more expectation from the Technology. As many of the
problems have been solved by the technology in which we can’t ignore the online shopping. The
people want everything at their door with no time and effort. So we are going to build such a
system which fulfill the demand of online mobile shopping system which deliver any sort of
mobile to the peoples by just visiting the site and we will let them free to search a mobile from
the different categories, after choosing the particular mobile they will have to order and where
they cash on delivery. And the user will receive the mobile at their door.

1.2 Business Mechanism

There are three types of users:

 Common user
 Administrator
 Register user/customer

Common User
 It can access only the website.
 Also can view the product.
 It can also choose and reserve the product for himself.

 Administrator is the person who control the activities.
 Administrator will access admin control panel by a proper channel.
 First the administrator access the login page by giving address of the admin area.
 After login the administrator come to the admin area.
 It can add new product
 Views the customer’s list and also delete update customer’s records.

Page 1
Chapter 1 Introduction
 Views the customer order.
 Can view all the order of the specific customer.

 View list of the product can also update delete products.

Register User/Customer
 It can access website.
 Also give feedback.
 View products.
 It can login to his account by user name and password.
 After login customer can give orders. And also see his orders details. How much orders
have been given. Either order are pending, approved or rejected.
 It also change account password.
 It can leave customer home page by clicking logout.

1.3 Enhance your Experience with online shopping

Experience a convenient and hassle free way of online shopping in Pakistan. Online shopping
cart for mobiles take your style statement into a whole new territory by placing an extensive
variety of top-class brands within easy reach. Shop online, for trendy apparel like you have never
done before from the comfort of your home. Online shopping cart strive to make sure that the
best collections of mobiles are brought on to your computer screen.

1.4 Convenient One-stop Style Shop

Don't have the time to visit your favorite local stores? Can't find your desired apparel anywhere?
Look no further! Online shopping cart offers online of brands with the latest smart mobiles. We
have branded mobiles organized for you so that you pick up the perfect item for any occasion, all
available at the best prices.

1.5 Buy it online7*24

Online shopping in Pakistan has never been easy. Get your desired mobiles delivered at home
with ease. Whether we live in the mega cities of Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad or reside in

Page 2
Chapter 1 Introduction
small towns like Peshawar, Mardan or Bajaur etc. We deliver to any corner of Pakistan, with our
free shipping offer. Do you not have a credit/debit card? No issue! Take advantage of our Cash
on Delivery (COD) service by just ordering your desired product, and selecting COD as a
payment method. What if the mobile you purchased doesn't fit you? No worries! With our Hassle
FREE 7-day return policy, we will replace your mobile free of cost the correct size.

1.6 Keep Your Style Updated By Staying Connected

Our online shopping of mobiles shop is frequently updated to provide you with the latest style
advice, and will help you find the perfect item to wear at any occasion. Visit our blog to keep
yourself ahead of the choice curve.

Page 3
Chapter 2 System Analysis

Chapter 2 System Analysis

The main goal of system analysis is to find out where the problem is an attempt to fix the system.
This step involves breaking down the system in different pieces and drawing diagrams to analyze
the situation. The analysis stage is the most crucial stage of the Web Site/software development
process. It involves a detail study of the organization's analysis is undertaken by a system
analyst. A system's analyst is a business problem solver to find out the best solution of the
problem. To put it more understating and simpler words, we can say that the system analyst act
to perform the role of translator between the programmer and business organization [1].

An analysis stage, we met with four mobile’s shopkeepers. We talked to them for designing
website web base application for online mobiles business and performing analysis for the same.
And we received a warm welcome from the side of those shopkeepers.

2.1 Present system

In the present system the customer going to the physical market this is traditional business. After
that he introduces himself to the administrator and registers himself by giving his name, address,
NIC, cell no. administrator save this information in account book. Then the customer’s gives
orders for his requirements. Then administrator fulfills his order and the customer pay for the
required products.

The most common disadvantages of the present system are given below.

 No proper authentication is exists both for administrator and for customers.

 The customer should go to the shop during the time of order.

 No information is present about the existing products as well as the new products. Until
the customer go to shop and know about all the products.
Chapter 2 System Analysis
 It’s a traditional and customer can’t give online order.

 No information presents all of his previous as well as the present orders.

2.1.1 Space

The entire customer’s records are written in account book. When the account book is filled then
the account book is placed in a cabinet which required physical space and security.

2.1.2 Time consuming

In order to see the information about a particular customer the administrator searches the record
of the particular customer in the present account book or in the previous account book in the
cabinet. All this procedure requires a lot of time to access the records [2]. Also a lot of time and
expenses of customer well be lost when a customer need products. Customer first go to the shop
and gives his order.

2.1.3 Insecure Information

Information of the customer in the account book is insecure; anyone can access the account book
and make changes in it.

2.2 The Proposed System

In the traditional system there is limitation of security insecure any one can change the customer
registration also customers order.

The proposed system is the full proof system. Once the data of the customer is entering it well be


2.3 Feathers of the Proposed System

The proposed system is useful in many aspect; following are some of a number of static and
dynamic pages.
Chapter 2 System Analysis
2.3.1 Pliability

The new system is more pliability and changes can be made very easily according to the new
coming requirement.

Retrieval of information as well as data of customer and also the administration can easily access
the desired information quickly.

2.3.3 Easy to know/understand and use

It is assumed that the proposed system the user can easily understand in many aspects.

2.4 Aims of the Proposed System

Following are the main aims of that the proposed system must meet:

 To get rid of the problems present in the existing system and introduced an organized way of
keeping information.

 To develop a fast and efficient system.

 To develop a central and source system.

 To increase the efficiency of the system.

 To develop a secure system.

 To provide an easy way to search.

2.5 Viability Study

Viability study is the analysis of a system proposal according to its workability. Impact on the
organization has ability to meet user and effective use of resources. In focuses on the three
major questions:

 What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a customer system meets them?
Chapter 2 System Analysis
 What resources are available for a given customer system? Is the problem worth solving?

 What are the likely impacts of the customer system on the organization?

There are three main considerations involved in the feasibility analysis: Economic, Technical
and behavioral.

2.5.1 Economic Feasibility

It is also known as cost/benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and saving
that are expected from a customer system and compare them with cost.

2.5.2 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software, etc.) and to
what extent it can support the proposed addition.

2.5.3 Operational Feasibility

Technical feasibility resident to change and computer have been known to facilitate change. An
estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the customer is likely to have towards the
development of a computerized system.

The proposed project is technically, operation and economically feasible due to the availability
of technical requirement, the student are in a need of such software and economically it is
feasible because it has least cost, less time to pay back and having less disadvantage i.e. it has
much benefits.

2.6 Input Needs

The initial unit which provides communication between the user and the computer is input unit.
This unit describes a device used to transfer information into a computing system. This unit is
also called the “receiving section” of a computer system. In short, the three function of input unit
are given below:
1. It receiving data from the user.
2. Then that’s data converts into computer readable form.
Chapter 2 System Analysis
3. Then the Coded data is moved to the system for further processing.

Now we are concern with online computers business. Now we consider the important data fields
that are requires by the mobiles shop to consider the registration of a customer to the shop.
Following are the important data fields:

 Customer Name

 Address

 Contact No


 Email Address

 password

2.7 Processing Needs

Processing methods are techniques used to process/sort different types of data. There are a
number of processing methods; depend upon the hardware/software capabilities of the computer
and type of data need to be processed by the organization.

Processing needs refers to the actions performed on the data once it is entered into the database
tables through the keyboard. However, before the data is entered into the tables, it must be
checked for errors to avoid any type mismatch with the database fields.

Some of the processing needs that are carried out by the internal system are as follows:
 Must ensure that the primary and foreign key relationship is not violated.
 Must ensure that the data entered in the tables with links mentioned between them.
 Deleting data from the base or main table results in deletion of the related data in all the child
 Updating the data in the base or main table results in the updating of data in all the child
Chapter 2 System Analysis
 Deleting data from the base or main table results in deletion of the related data from the

Feasibility of input needs

Input need is much important for any organization for the online existence. Because we can
use these input of user and then process these input and produce important data for the

2.8 Output Needs

The final form of the computer is output unit, it present the result of machine operation. It is used
to transfer the information from the computing system. The output is in two forms.

 Soft copy

The result which is display on the screen of any machine it is called soft copy. It is disappear
when the machine is switch off.

 Hard copy

The result which is printed on paper called hard copy. It is consider to be permanent copy and
can be retain even when the computer system is off. The output needs is often appear on the
screen or printed on the paper. The different output needs is listed below.
 Viewing the user profile to know about him.
 Viewing the customer recode separately.
 Viewing complete information about the customer.
 Viewing the complete report of customer recode.

It is also possible to obtain a printed copy of the records that are output on the screen. To
conclude, we can say that the input, processing, and output are the series of steps that follows the
direction shown in the following figure.
Chapter 2 System Analysis


Figure: 2.1 System Analysis

Chapter 3 Database Design

Chapter 3 Design of Database

3.1 Overview

In this chapter we define the well manner database that is design for the website. The entities
which are define in the ERD of the database for the website.

3.1.1 Entity

An entity is a “thing” or “object” in the real world that is distinguishable from all other objects.
For example, each user in online quiz is an entity. OR “Anything about which we want to store
information is called Entity”. OR “The name of a person, place, object, event or concept about
which business organization wishes to maintain data”.

“An entity set is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties, or attributes” in
our example, one entity set is users, which represents the set of all users in the online quiz.
Another entity set is forums, which represents the set of all forums within online quiz.

3.1.2 Attributes

Attributes are the data we collect about the entities that define the property of an entity or a
relationship type. Attributes define the properties of data object. Each entity data object has a set
of attributes associated with it. An attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity type that is;
of an interest to organization. For example, the attributes for the company’s entity set are
company _ id and company _ name. The attributes for the users entity set are email, last _ name,
and first _ name.

3.1.3 Relationship

Relationships are a logical and meaningful connection between the two entity types or data
object. Relationships are the glue that holds together the components of entity relationship
model. Relationships are a set of meaningful associations among entity types.
Chapter 3 Database Design
3.1.4 E-R Diagram

An entity relationship (E-R) diagram is used to graphically represent the database schema. The
entity - relationship (E-R) diagram for the Shopping Cart of mobiles shop database is shown
below in Figure. As the (E-R) diagram shows, the database table or entities each have primary
keys, which are underlined. As mentioned earlier, primary keys are unique attributes of an entity
set. The tables are linked to each other by these primary keys and by relationships.

3.2 Entities in our Database

The entities we have defined for our project is given below.
 Admin
 Category
 Customer
 Customer order
 Product
 Pending order
 Payment

Attribute related to the admin of the website. It’s give below.
Table Name: admin
Primary key: admin_id
Foreign key: Nil
Linked table: Nil

Attributes Data type Length

admin_id Integer Variable

Password Varchar 45
Table 1 Admin
Chapter 3 Database Design
3.2.2 Category
It contains the attributes related to the shopping cart category entity. Here the category is the
entity type and all the others are called attributes.
Table Name: Category
Primary key: category_id
Foreign key: Nil
Linked table: product

Attributes Data type Length

Categoryid Integer 10
Categoryname Varchar 45
Category detail Varchar 45

Table 2 Category

3.2.3 Customer
It contains attributes related to the customer. Here the customer is the entity type and all the
others are called attributes.
Table name: customer
Primary key: customerid
Foreign key: null
Linked table: customer
Chapter 3 Database Design

Attributes Data type Length

Customerid Integer Variable

Customername Varchar 45

Customerphone Integer 45

customerPassword Varchar 45

Table 3 Customer


It contain the attributes related to the payment. The following are the attributes

Attributes Data type Length

Paymentid Integer 10
Paymentdetail Varchar 45
Customerid Integer 10

3.2.5 Product
It contains attributes related to the product. Here the product is the entity and all the others are
called attributes.
Table name: product
Primary key: productid
Foreign key: Nil
Linked table: product

Attribute Data type Length

Productid Integer Variable
Chapter 3 Database Design
Categoryid Integer Unsigned
Productname Varchar 45
Unitprice Integer Unsigned
Description Varchar 45

Table 4 Product

3.2.6 Order
It contains attributes related to the order. Here the Order is the entity and all the others are called
Table name: order
Primary key: orderid
Foreign key: Null
Linked table: order

Attribute Data type Length

orderid Integer 10
Customerid Integer 10
orderdate Integer 11
orderdetail Varchar 45

Table 5 Sale
Chapter 3 Database Design
3.2.7Oder Detail
It contains attributes related to the order detail. Here the Orderdetail is the entity and all others
are called attributes.
Table name: Order detail
Primary key: orderdetailid
Foreign key: Null
Linked table: orderdetail

Attribute Data type Length

oderdetailid Integer 10
price Integer 10
ordered Integer 10

Productid Integer 10
Quantity Integer 10

Table 6 Sale Detail

3.3 Our ER Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram is the logical relationship between the data in the organization.
ERD shows entities, attributes and the relationship between the entities.
Chapter 3 Database Design

Figure : ERD for Mobile Shop.

Chapter 4 Functional Modeling

Chapter 4 Functional Modeling

A function model or functional model in systems engineering and software engineering is a

structured representation of the functions (activities, actions, processes, operations) within the
modeled system or subject area [8].

The functional modeling consists of data flow diagram which specifies the meaning of operation
and constrains data flow diagram (DFD) shows the functional relationship of the values, output
values, and internal data store.

It deals with how data is transformed within a system & which function cause these
transformations or flow. It actually consists on Data Flow Diagram (DFD). It is a graphical
representation that depicts information flow & the transform that are applied as data move from
input to output. DFD is also called "data flow graph" or "bubble chart". It can also represent
system at any level of abstraction, so DFD can be partitioned into levels. Level '0' DFD depicts
the basic function of system, main input and outputs. A level '1' DFD can be used to go to a
detail of a specific function.

4.1Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System

A DFD is a graphical representation of flow model. Data flow diagram can represent a system at
any level of abstraction. It is the diagrammatic representation of the activities and processes in
the system [9].

A DFD consists of large numbers of symbols, which not only describes the processes and
activities but also connection between them. The connection actually shows data flows from one
activity to the other. Bubbles show the activities of the system and the flow of data from one
bubble to another. Arrows are used for showing flow between the bubbles and that is why DFD
is also called bubbles charts. The functional modeling consists of data flow diagrams which
specify the meaning of operations and constrains data flow diagrams (DFD) shows the functional
Chapter 4 Functional Modeling
relationship of the values, output values, and internal data stores. A data flow diagram is a graph
showing the flow of data values from their sources in objects through processes that transforms
them to their destination in other objects.

A data flow diagram does not control information, such as the time at which processes are
executed or decisions among alternate data paths, this information belongs to dynamic model.

The DFD have many levels, which starts from “0” to target levels. The level “0” DFD Consist of
pure functions without side effects but the high level DFD have side effects if it contains
nonfunctional components. The data flow diagrams performed the following transformations.

A DFD is represented at any level reflecting different degree of detail about the process of the

4.2 Level-0 DFD

The DFD at first level is called fundamental system model or context model. Level 0 DFD
expresses the overall system function as one process. DFD also specifies the external entities that
are either feeding into the system or consumes the data produced by the system.

Figure 1:Level 0 DFD

Chapter 4 Functional Modeling

The above DFD diagram shows that how the data will flow within this web application. First of
all the customer of shopping cart will see all the posted products if he/she is interested in order
to buy then he/she will add them to the cart if the customer is a registered customer otherwise the
customer will register us through our registration form. The order of the registered customer will
be approve by the admin in order to fulfill the customer ordered product. The approved order
will be supplied by the supplier from the inventory of the store then the supplier will collect cash
after a successive delivery of the product.
Chapter 5 Testing

Chapter 5 TESTING:


System testing is used to find the error in the software and also used to remove the extra
functionality from the software. We test the functionality bad behavior of the software into the
following different level. It include code testing, unit testing, integrating testing, specification
testing, System testing, validation and acceptance testing.

5.1 Testing level

We test our software at the following level during development.

Code testing

Unit testing

Integration testing

Specification testing

System testing

Validation testing Acceptance testing

Chapter 5 Testing

5.1.1 Code Testing

The code testing is testing the software by executing the program under various possible
condition and situation for the different values and ranges of input data. It tries the best to makes
every statement in the program to execute.

5.1.2 Unit Testing

In unit testing we divide the whole system into different modules/component and test
each component separately. The purpose of unit testing is to determine that each module is
functioning properly and to locate error in modules. In unit testing we locate and remove error
easily. We are testing different modules of our system individual like insertion of student record
in one module, so we check it individually.

5.1.3 Integration Testing

After unit testing each and every unit is tested then after that the integration testing is carried
out .In integration testing all unit are combine together and perform testing combine. For
integration testing we combine different component of our software and test each component in a
group and get result. It is done after the compilation of unit testing .Error finding in integration
testing is difficult to locate and are difficult to remove as compare to the unit testing.

5.1.4Specification Testing:

Even if the code testing is performing exclusively it does not ensure against program

Code testing does not answer whether the code meets the agreed specification documents, if does
not also determine whether all aspects of the design implements.
Chapter 5 Testing
Therefore specification testing is performed by examining specification starting what
program should do and how it should behave under various conditions. Test cases are developed
to test the range of value expected including both valid and invalid parameter. It helps finding
differences between the system and its original objectives, current specification system
documentation. During this testing phase, all efforts are made to remove programs bug and
minor design.

5.1.5 System Testing:

In system testing we test the whole functionality/behavior of the software as specified in

system requirements specification. System testing completely focus on the user requirement to
specify the customer requirements completely. It is done after the completion of integration
testing. Error find system are hardly located and removed as compared to integration testing.

5.1.6 Validation Testing:

Validation testing means that the system only accepts the correct/valid value according to
the user requirements. eg the system only accepts integral value for the transaction. The date
field should only accept the date and time and no other value is accepted.

5.1.7 Acceptance Testing:

The final stage of the testing is acceptance testing that performs on a system before
giving to the user. The customer does acceptance testing to determine that whether they accept
the software product or not.
Chapter 6 User Interface

Chapter 6 User Interface

6.1 Basic Design Principle

It is particularly important first to design how the system/website will look and respond to user
before designing the website structure. The most critical and creative aspect of development is to
design the user interface. User interface design determines how the system will look for the user
from outside. The basic design principles, Flexibility and simplicity [10].

6.1.1 Consistency

Consistency is the ability of user to predict that the software is going to do in a given situation
based on the past experience with the product. It means to provide the sets of behavior in the
response to user actions and generalize knowledge about one aspect of the system to other

6.1.2 Make Sense (Guiding User along the Right Path)

Good user interface gives user clues about what to do next in a given situation. It means to
provide clear and obvious ways for the user to get something done.

6.1.3 User Friendly

To make the system user friendly, right level and right kind of response should be given to user
against each user action with an input device. Lack of proper feedback can be a big problem
when nothing appears to have happened. In design of many project proper and immediate
feedback is provide at different stages to make the system user friendly.

6.1.4 Flexibility and Simplicity

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Chapter 6 User Interface
It means that system should be so simple and flexible that user is able to
concentrate on getting the task at hand done with a minimum of distraction. The system is also
made simple by reducing redundancy.

6.1.5 Efficiency

Efficiency is an important feature in designing user interface. An efficient application minimizes

the number of steps required to perform in operation and provides users with shortcuts. Our
system requires minimum options and choices to improve efficiency.

6.2 User Interface Design

In application used by the client to access our database engine or to present information to the
user is called front end. Our front end tools are available in market. We have selected Adobe
Dreamweaver as a front end tool to access database, because the Dream viewer is the fastest and
easiest way to develop web application for Windows.

6.2.1 Forms

Forms serves as a window used to customize the interface of application. Controls, graphics, and
pictures are added to a form to create a desired look. Forms are the foundation for creating
interface of an application. Forms can be used to add windows and dialog boxes to application.
Forms are actually container for other controls and objects.

Forms provide the data gathering functionality to a web page. It is very useful if the web site is
used to advertised and sell products.

Form can automatically submit data collected in its controls to a web server.

6.2.2 Objective of Front End Design

Following objectives guides toward a smart front end design

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Chapter 6 User Interface
6.2.3Avoiding Errors in the Data

Errors rate in the system should be very low and also minimum data entry has to be performed.

6.2.4Keeping the Process Simple

The entry of the data should be simple and each label should be meaningful.

6.2.5Input Validation

Input validation is a proactive process it happens while data is being entered. It is the process of
checking the data entered by the user before that data is saved to the database. If an error occurs
from the user then it should simply display meaningful error message.

6.3 Screen Shots

6.3.1 The Homepage

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Chapter 6 User Interface
6.3.2 Registration

In registration page the new customer adds himself.

Figure 2: Registration

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Chapter 6 User Interface

6.3.3 Log in: In this page the register customer login to his account to buy something.

Figure 3: Log in

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Chapter 6 User Interface

6.3.4 Contact Us

This page is about this cart here customers can contact us through mobile phone and email.

Figure 4: Contact Us

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Chapter 6 User Interface

6.3.6 Customer Information page

In this page we have all of customer information. See figure 9

Figure 5: Customer Information page

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Chapter 6 User Interface

6.3.7 Admin Login Page

In admin login page the administrator add something like new products or category.

Figure 6: Admin login

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Chapter 6 User Interface

6.3. A11 products

We have the following categories:

Figure 7: Products

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Chapter 6 User Interface

6.3.13 Customer List

Figure 8: Customer List

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Chapter 6 User Interface

6.3.14 Customer Cart

Online shopping in Pakistan has never been so easy. Get your desired mobile delivered at home
with ease. Whether you live in the mega cities of Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad or reside in
small towns like Peshawar, Mardan OR Bajaur etc. We deliver to any corner of Pakistan, with
our free shipping offer. Do you not have a credit/debit card? No issue! Take advantage of our
Cash on Delivery (COD) service by just ordering your desired product, and selecting COD as a
payment method. What mobile you purchased doesn't fit you? No worries! With our Hassle
FREE 7-day return policy, we will replace your computers free of cost with the correct size. See

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Chapter 6 User Interface

Figure 9: Customer Cart

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Chapter 7 Implementation Tools

Chapter 7 Implementation Tools

7.1 Overview

Selecting software and hardware for the new developed system is really a tough job. It is very
important since not only the existing requirements should be fulfilled but also it should be
flexible enough to absorb any changes that may be needed in future.

This is basically a web project for the Mobile’s Shop. We need at least such a database that is
capable of storing such kind of data efficiently for this project we basically used four types of
tools which are.
 My SQL (Back End Database)
 Personal Home Pages (Server Side Scripting Language)
 Google chrome (Client Side Site Testing)
 Adobe Dream viewer CS5 (Web Authoring Tool)
 Adobe Photoshop (Graphics Design)
 WAMP 5 (Window, Apache, My SQL, PHP)
 Bootstrap

7.1.1 My SQL

SQL stand for (Structure Query Language).it is one of the most open source database language.
My SQL was not fast or flexible enough for our needs. This resulted in a new SQL interface to
our database but with almost the same API interface as MYSQL. This API was designed to allow
third-party code that was written for use with MYSQL to be ported easily for use with MYSQL. .
Java is the most portable language in use today and continues to be improved with each new
release. In this chapter, we provide a brief overview of each product and begin the discussion of
how to interface the two and thus allow Java applications to have access to a vast array of
information. Before you code any PHP scripts you need to know how to design a database, create
tables in your database, and get the information you want from the database.

7.1.2 PHP

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Chapter 7 Implementation Tools
PHP stand for “Hypertext Preprocessor”. It is a widely used open source general-purpose
scripting language that is used for web development. PHP is most commonly associated with the
apache www server and is almost certainly the most widely scripting language on the www. The
current version is php4, but php5 is widely available. The PHP4 scripting engine is a second
revision of the PHP3 scripting engine, and provides more obvious infrastructure and services to
the function modules, and implements the language syntax. This revised version is largely based
on the same parsing rules as the PHP3 engine, thus providing good backward compatibility and
migration path from PHP3 to PHP4. But the downside is the limited scope of language-level
improvements, to the PHP3 mindset.

The best thing is using PHP are that is extremely simple for a new comer, but offer many
advanced feature for a professional programmer. PHP is different from script written from other
language like Perl or C- instead of written a program with lots of commands to output HTML,
you written an HTML script with some embedded code to do something (in this case, output
some text). The PHP code is enclosed in special start and end tags that allows you to jump into
and out of “PHP mode”.

7.1.3 HTML

Short for” hypertext markup language” is the predominant markup language for the creation of
web pages. It provide a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a documents
by denoting certain text as heading, paragraph, list and so on, and to supplement that text with
interactive forms, embedded images, and other object, HTML is written in the form of table ,
created by less than signs (˂) and greater than ( ˃). HTML can also described to some degree,
the appearance and semantics of documents, and can include embedded scripting language code
which can affect the behavior of web browsers and other HTML processors

7.1.4 JavaScript

Javascript is used in millions of web pages to improve the design, validate forms detect
browsers, create cookies and much more.

Javascript is the most popular scripting language on the internet, and works in all major
browsers, such as internet explorer,Mozilla, Fir fox, netscape, and opera.

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Chapter 7 Implementation Tools
 Javascript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages.
 Javascript is a scripting language (a scripting language is a lightweight programming
 A javascript consists of lines of executable computer code.
 A javascript is usually embedded directly into HTML pages.
 Javascript is an interpreted language ( mean that script excute without preliminary

7.1.5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS 5.5

Adobe Dreamwever is a web development tool,create by Adobe System, incorporated, which is

currently in version CS5. Initial versions of the application served as simple WYSIWYG HTML,
editor but more recent versions have incorporated notable support for many other web
technologies such as CSS. JavaScript, and various server side scripting frameworks.

As a WYSIWYG editor, Dreamweaver can hide the details of pages HTML code from the user,
making it possibe for non-expert to easily create web pages and sites. Some web

Developers criticize this approach as producing HTML pages that are much larger than they
should be, which can cause web browser to perform poorly. This can be particularly true
because the application make it very easy to create table based layouts. It uses an editing system
that incorporates with HTML editing. It is currently available for Mac window. It is sophisticated
program that is noted for many advanced features, including the roundtrip capability, which lets
you seamlessly move back and forth and making changes in both.

7.1.6 Adobe Photoshop CS 7.0

Adobe photoshopis image processing software packages that enable you to create edit image on
IBM personal computer. Adobe photoshop is acknowledging in professional field as the cutting
edge programs, the final word is image editing.The extension of Adobe Photoshop .jpeg, .png,
.bmp, .gif etc.

7.1.7 Bootstrap

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Chapter 7 Implementation Tools
Bootstrap is an open source framework for building web interfaces employing responsive design.
Bootstrap allows all levels of Web developers and designers to use it. Bootstrap utilizes
JavaScript (including Query), CSS, and HTML and includes support for CSS3 and HTML5.

7.1.8 Apache Server

The apache HTTP is a powerful and flexible HTTP complaint web server. Originally design is a
replacement for the NCSA HTTP server; it has grown to be the most popular web server on the
internet. As a project of apache software foundation, the developer aim to collaboratively
develops and maintain robust, commercial grade, standards based server with freely available
source code

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8.1 Teachers and Course work

 Teachers Notes
 Teachers Lectures
 Teachers Guidance
 Teachers Tutorials during practical classes
 Enough help from our Supervisor (Ms Haseena Noureen)
 software-engineering-pressman-5th-edition
 HTML-Introduction
 PHP Learning eBook in Urdu
 Shopping cart project tutorials by Sir Abdul Wali ( Online



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