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Letters in Applied Microbiology ISSN 0266-8254


Optimization of process variables for minimization of

byproduct formation during fermentation of blackstrap
molasses to ethanol at industrial scale
M. Arshad1,2, Z.M. Khan1, Khalil-ur-Rehman2, F.A. Shah3 and M.I. Rajoka3
1 Alcohol Division, Shakargnaj Mills Ltd., Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan
2 Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
3 National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Keywords Abstract
fermentation, metabolism, production,
sterilization, stress response, test method, Aims: To investigate the effect of molasses concentration, initial pH of molas-
waste water, yeasts. ses medium, and inoculum’s size to maximize ethanol and minimize methanol,
fusel alcohols, acetic acid and aldehydes in the fermentation mash in industrial
Correspondence fermentors.
Muhammad I. Rajoka, Industrial
Methods and Results: Initial studies to optimize temperature, nitrogen source,
Biotechnology Division, NIBGE, Faisalabad,
Pakistan. E-mail:
phosphorous source, sulfur supplement and minerals were performed. The essen- tial nutrients were urea (2 kg in 60 m3), 0Æ5 l each of commercial phosphoric
acid and sulfuric acid (for pH control) added at the inoculum preparation stage
2007 ⁄ 1877: received 21 November 2007, only. Yields of ethanol, methanol, fusel alcohols, total acids and aldehydes per
revised and accepted 1 July 2008 100-l fermentation broth were monitored. Molasses at 29Brix (degree of dis-
solved sugars in water), initial pH 4Æ5, inoculum size 30% (v ⁄ v) and anaerobic
fermentation supported maximum ethanol (7Æ8%) with YP ⁄ S = 238 l ethanol per
tonne molasses (96Æ5% yield) (8Æ2% increase in yield), and had significantly lower
values of byproducts than those in control experiments.
Conclusions: Optimization of process variables resulted in higher ethanol yield
(8Æ2%) and reduced yield of methanol, fusel alcohols, acids and aldehydes.
Significance and Impact of the Study: More than 5% substrate is converted
into byproducts. Eliminating or reducing their formation can increase ethanol
yield by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, decrease the overall cost of fermentation pro-
cess and improve the quality of ethanol.

ethanol and lower byproduct yields at industrial level

(Taherzadeh 1999).
The fermentation of sugars to ethanol is a very old and Saccharomyces cerevisiae produces ethanol with varying
well-known process, and has great industrial importance. amounts of other substances, namely methanol, alde-
The production of alcohol and alcohol-related products hydes, higher alcohols (fusel alcohols) and organic acids
make a significant contribution to our national economy (acetic acid and lactic acid). These co-products lower the
because they are the most heavily taxed products. More- quality of ethanol and enhance ethanol distillation cost.
over, our country mainly exports ethanol and earns huge Production of ethanol and byproducts from molasses-
foreign exchange to add to its foreign exchange reserves. based media has been reported on laboratory scale (Eden
The number of jobs provided by alcohol industry makes et al. 2001; Shen et al. 2003) and in 87Æ5 m3 fermentors
it an important source of income for the nations that (Abdel-Fattah et al. 2000), but has not been reported at a
produce it. The process is still the subject of much level of 300 m3 fermentor. From previous studies (Mun-
research and development, with the aim of getting higher ene et al. 2002), it was envisaged that by optimizing

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M. Arshad et al. Ethanol production on industrial scale

fermentation variables, sugar concentration, pH and yeast was 300 · 106 cell per ml was transferred to three
dosage (yeast cell inoculum), yield of product could be industrial fermentors of working capacity 300 m3 and
increased in favour of ethanol and byproducts could be fed with diluted molasses of different Brix or of
minimized. The present study deals with the optimization known Brix at the mash feeding rate of 15 m3 h)1
of process variables to lower the synthesis of byproducts (level of fermenter rise was 5% h)1). Addition of
and enhance ethanol formation during fermentation of molasses ended after 20 h. At this stage (called fermen-
molasses by the yeast S. cerevisiae in 300 m3 fermentor tation stage), no nutrient supplements were added.
and recovery of ethanol (95%) after distillation in indus- Only unused urea and phosphoric acid were sufficient
trial columns. to give the highest yield of ethanol (Dombek and In-
gram 1987). Fermentation temperature was maintained
at 30–32C by passing cooling water through plate heat
Materials and methods
exchangers. After additional 10 h (total time 30 h), fer-
mentation was complete and fermented mash from the
Substrate and nutrients
fermentors was transferred to still tank for distillation.
Carbohydrates in the molasses are readily available in
the form of fermentable sugars and need no pretreat-
ment (Murtagh 2003). Sugarcane blackstrap molasses Recovery of fusel alcohols
used was of production season 2004–2005 of Shakarganj
Fermented mash from the still tank was transferred to the
Mills, Jhang, located in the province of Punjab, Paki-
mash column (C-201) from top. Steam was applied from
stan. Molasses was diluted by mixing tap water in
bottom maintaining the temperature of bottom at 78–
60 m3 mild stainless steel tanks to attain desired Brix.
80C. Vacuum was applied through condensers. Vapours
Although molasses generally contain most of the nutri-
travelled from this column to condensers (E-205) where
ents required for fermentation, ammonium salts and
they heated the mash. From evaporator (E-205), vapours
phosphates are added to supply nitrogen and phospho-
passed to E-206A, condensate passed to column C-203
rus (Prescott and Dunn 2002). Commercially available
(called depuration column), where litter water from C-
urea (2 kg) and phosphoric acid (500 ml), previously
204 was also mixed. From C-203 mash was fed to column
optimized as described earlier (Borzani 1996; de Va-
C-204 (rectification column). Rectification of ethanol was
sconcelos et al. 2004), were used as the main nitrogen
done in range of 96Æ0–96Æ4%. This column was operated
and phosphorus sources in inoculum preparation stage.
under pressure and high temperature. From the bottom
Sulfuric acid was used to adjust the pH and as a sulfur
of this column, higher alcohols (fusel alcohols) and acids
source (de Vasconcelos et al. 2004).
were removed and quantified as desired.

Micro-organism, inoculum preparation and fermentation

Analytical methods
Compressed S. cerevisiae (Borzani 1996) from Instant
Yeast (France) was used as the fermenting organism. In Brix was measured with the help of ATAGO densimeter
inoculum preparation stage, inoculum’s tank (1 m3 ves- (model 2312; ATAGO Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). Ethanol in
sel) containing molasses (diluted to 8–9Brix), supple- fermented samples was determined with ebulliometer and
mented with phosphoric acid and urea (at 0Æ5 l and confirmed on HPLC as described previously (Latif and
2 kg, respectively) as additional nutrients, was sterilized Rajoka 2001). Analysis of final products (ethanol, acetic
with live steam at 121C for 30 min, and was cooled acid, lactic acid) was also done on gas chromatography
down to 30C with cooling water. One kilogram of (Shimadzu GC-17A version 3Æ0) equipped with flame ioni-
instant yeast (previously optimized after Carvalho et al. zation detector (FID) as reported earlier (Shen et al. 2003).
2003) was transferred to 1 m3 vessel (Arshad 2005) and Concentration of aldehydes was measured as potassium
grown at 30 ± 1C. After 8-h growth, cell count was permanganate test time (PTT), as described earlier
above 300 · 106 cells per ml, and was transferred to (ASTM-D-1363). Briefly, 50-ml sample was poured in test
next fermentor (10 m3) containing molasses (8–9Brix) tube and 2 ml of KMnO4 (0Æ02%) was added. Another
previously sterilized as earlier. This culture was pumped test tube was taken as control tube to which 2 ml of
to next fermentor (60 m3) and grown at 30 ± 1C. The KMnO4 (0Æ02%) was added and made up to 50 ml with
industrial scale fermentors (3) for three fermenting distilled water. The time of change in colour (as com-
experiments at the same time were autoclaved with live pared with control) was noted at the end. Acidity was
steam for 1 h and cooled to 30C. Inoculum from measured titrimetrically using phenol red as indicator
60-m3 fermentors (four in number) when cell count (endpoint was pink).

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Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 47 (2008) 410–414 411
Ethanol production on industrial scale M. Arshad et al.

Thus, initial pH of 4Æ5 was optimized in these studies and

Statistical analysis
was maintained constant in the following studies.
The data obtained were subjected to appropriate statistical Inoculum size-dependent production of ethanol and
analysis (Steel and Torie 1984). by-products following fermentation of molasses medium
(29Brix) of initial pH 4Æ5 at 30C is presented in
Table 3. Ethanol yield increased with increasing inoculum
size and yield of methanol, acetic acid, fusel alcohol or
The traditional strategy of optimization, i.e. optimizing aldehydes was the lowest at the highest inoculum size
one-at-a-time approach was used to maximize ethanol used. Inoculum size (30%) gave the more ethanol and the
production, keeping fermentation temperature (30C) least by-product yield (P £ 0Æ0484) (Table 3) and was
and pH (4Æ5) constant in control experiments as optimized for all subsequent experiments.
described in materials and methods. Molasses were
diluted with tap water to desired sBrix value without fur-
ther treatment and was permitted to flow to the produc-
tion fermentors. Keeping in view the standard operating Factors influencing the optimization of molasses for
conditions in our distilleries, mash feed time was always increase in ethanol production and decrease in by-prod-
kept constant at 15 m3 h)1 (level of fermentor rise was uct formation include initial sugar concentration in the
always 5% h)1). Extensive studies were done to optimize fermentation mash, initial pH of the medium and yeast
nitrogen, phosphorous source and other supplements as cell concentration (dosage) keeping other variables con-
described previously (de Vasconcelos et al. 2003). It was stant (Munene et al. 2002). The sugar concentration opti-
found that urea, phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid (as mized at 29Brix (16% total reducing sugars), gave
described in materials and methods) were sufficient to get maximum ethanol yield (232 l t)1, 7Æ7%) and minimum
higher productivity of ethanol economically (Arshad byproduct formation (Table 1). Ethanol yield was several
2005). In batch fermentation, the effect of molasses Brix fold higher than the values reported by other authors
on per cent ethanol (P £ 0Æ0014) and yield (P £ 0Æ0000) (73Æ1 kg t)1, Munene et al. 2002). Stehlik-Tomas et al.
was found at the highest Brix of 29 used (Table 1). The (1997) studied initial sugarcane molasses concentrations
optimum (29) Brix supported the lowest methanol at 15, 18, 21 and 24Brix in batch, fed batch and continu-
(3Æ34 g per 100 l) (P £ 0Æ0083), fusel (higher) alcohols ous process. They optimized 24Brix as optimal for etha-
(0Æ23 g per 100 l) (P £ 0Æ0000) and aldehydes (14Æ6 min) nol production and Zn uptake. Other authors also
(P £ 0Æ0002), and total acidity measured as acetic acid reported that yeast growth on beet molasses medium was
(0Æ46 g per 100 l) P £ 0Æ0004). Brix 29 was optimized in significantly retarded when the initial sugar concentration
these studies and was maintained in all subsequent studies was greater than 120 g l)1 (Wolniewiez et al. 1990). On
unless mentioned otherwise. the contrary, the amount of all byproducts formed in the
Dependence of formation of ethanol, methanol, acetic fermentation broth were significantly higher (P £ 0Æ05)
acid, fusel and aldehydes on pH of the molasses medium than that supported by molasses at 29Brix.
(29Brix) at 30C using 30% inoculum size (Table 2) The pH of the fermentation mash significantly affects
indicated that ethanol yield decreased with increasing pH the ionic state of its mineral components and the cellular
as were those of acetic acid, fusel alcohol and aldehydes. exterior surface of the fermenting organism. Significant

Table 1 Effect of molasses medium Brix (initial pH 4Æ5) on production of ethanol, methanol, acetic acid, fusel alcohols and aldehyde in 300 m3
fermentors using 10% inoculum size at 30C

Medium Methanol Acetic acid Fusel alcohol Aldehydes

Brix Ethanol (%) (g per 100 l) (g per 100 l) (g per 100 l) (min)

25 7Æ27 ± 0Æ31d (218d) 3Æ85 ± 0Æ42abc 0Æ56 ± 0Æ06b 0Æ25 ± 0Æ02d 22Æ6 ± 3Æ2a
26 7Æ15 ± 0Æ24d (216e) 4Æ01 ± 0Æ34a 0Æ57 ± 0Æ5a 0Æ32 ± 0Æ02b 19Æ1 ± 1Æ14b
27 7Æ47 ± 0Æ04c (225c) 3Æ89 ± 0Æ07ab 0Æ58 ± 0Æ01a 0Æ37 ± 0Æ02a 19 ± 0Æ7b
28 7Æ6 ± 2Æ21b (229b) 3Æ52 ± 0Æ047bc 0Æ54 ± 0Æ03c 0Æ29 ± 0Æ02c 18Æ2 ± 1Æ62c
29 7Æ7 ± 0Æ3a (232a) 3Æ34 ± 0Æ38c 0Æ46 ± 0Æ03d 0Æ23 ± 0Æ02c 14Æ6 ± 0Æ47d
F (P £ 0Æ05) 13Æ1 7Æ47 18Æ32 922Æ37 24Æ38
P 0Æ0014 (0Æ0000) 0Æ0083 0Æ0004 0Æ0000 0Æ0002

Each value is a mean of three runs. ±stands for standard deviation among three replicates. Values in parentheses are alcohol yield in l t)1 molas-
ses. Means followed by different letters differ significantly at P £ 0Æ05. F and P values indicated that influence of treatments on all attributes was
highly significant. Aldehydes were determined using potassium permanganate test time (PTT) in minutes.

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M. Arshad et al. Ethanol production on industrial scale

Table 2 Dependence of formation of ethanol, methanol, acetic acid, fusel alcohols and aldehydes on pH of the molasses medium of 29Brix at
30C under nonaerated condition

Medium pH Ethanol (%) Methanol (g per 100 l) Acetic acid (g per 100 l) Fusel alcohol (g per 100 l) Aldehydes (min)
a ab c b
4Æ5 7Æ72 ± 0Æ32 3Æ65 ± 0Æ34 0Æ52 ± 0Æ03 0Æ23 ± 0Æ03 19Æ6 ± 2Æ4b
4Æ7 7Æ31 ± 0Æ32b 3Æ87 ± 0Æ43a 0Æ54 ± 0Æ06b 0Æ32 ± 0Æ04a 23Æ1 ± 3Æ04a
4Æ9 6Æ48 ± 0Æ04d 3Æ54 ± 0Æ33abc 0Æ58 ± 0Æ01a 0Æ34 ± 0Æ03a 19 ± 0Æ7b
5Æ1 6Æ7 ± 0Æ18c 3Æ46 ± 0Æ62bc 0Æ54 ± 0Æ03c 0Æ33 ± 0Æ02a 19Æ0 ± 2Æ23b
5Æ3 6Æ31 ± 0Æ3d 3Æ22 ± 0Æ11c 0Æ58 ± 0Æ01a 0Æ33 ± 0Æ03a 19Æ8 ± 2Æ33b
F (P £ 0Æ05) 75Æ66 5Æ24 5Æ14 76Æ00 12Æ13
P 0Æ0000 0Æ0227 0Æ0238 0Æ0000 0Æ0018

Each value is a mean of three runs. ±stands for standard deviation among three replicates. Means followed by different letters differ significantly
at P £ 0Æ05. F and P values indicated that influence of treatments on all attributes was highly significant. Aldehydes were determined using potas-
sium permanganate test time (PTT) in minutes.

Table 3 Inoculum size-dependent production of ethanol, methanol, acetic acid, fusel alcohols and aldehyde concentrations following fermenta-
tion of molasses medium of 29Brix (initial pH 4Æ5) at 30C under nonaerated condition

Inoculum size (%) Ethanol (%) Methanol (g per 100 l) Acetic acid (g per 100 l) Fusel alcohol (g per 100 l) Aldehydes (min)
a a c b
20 7Æ25 ± 0Æ28 3Æ85 ± 0Æ42 0Æ56 ± 0Æ05 0Æ35 ± 0Æ02 252Æ5 ± 3Æ5a
25 7Æ06 ± 0Æ19c 3Æ77 ± 0Æ39ab 0Æ56 ± 0Æ03a 0Æ42 ± 0Æ01a 18Æ87 ± 1Æ26b
30 7Æ8 ± 0Æ26a 3Æ66 ± 0Æ1b 0Æ53 ± 0Æ03b 0Æ30 ± 0Æ01a 15Æ25 ± 1Æ08c
F (P £ 0Æ05) 198Æ4 8Æ7 6Æ75 141Æ14 21Æ92
P 0Æ0001 0Æ0484 0Æ05228 0Æ0002 0Æ0082

Each value is a mean of three runs. ±stands for standard deviation among three replicates. Means followed by different letters differ significantly
at P £ 0Æ05. Aldehydes were determined using potassium permanganate test time (PTT) in minutes.
F and P at P £ 0Æ05) indicated that the effect of inoculum size on all (except acids) was highly significant.

changes in pH may affect cellular ionic equilibrium and The higher concentration of byproducts in the cells
metabolic enzymes that are particularly sensitive to such may enhance turgor if not effectively exported from the
variations (Munene et al. 2002). Under normal fermenta- cell. The decrease of byproduct formation is an example
tion condition, the optimal pH range for the yeast is 4Æ5– of a metabolic adjustment by the cells to minimize energy
5Æ5. Variation in these values may influence the metabolic consumption during metabolism. It is expected that when
activities. Fermentation of medium at pH 4Æ5 gave maxi- the yields of methanol, acids, aldehydes and fusel alcohol
mum yield of ethanol at 234 l from 1000-kg molasses decrease, the metabolism must shift towards ethanol.
(results not shown) and supported lower values of acids. Data of Tables 1 and 2 were compared for ethanol
Acetic acid accumulation in the medium may change the yield (7Æ7 and 7Æ72%, respectively) using molasses of
pH gradient across the cell membrane down to a pH as 29Brix at initial pH 4Æ5 but different inoculum size (10%
low as 2Æ5. If the extracellular pH is decreased further, the and 30%, respectively). It revealed that increase in inocu-
difference between external and internal pH becomes too lum size although did not significantly increase ethanol
high, which results in acidification of the cytosol (Taher- yield, but decreased methanol, acetic acid and fusel alco-
zadeh 1999). The undissociated carboxylic acids can dif- hol in the fermentation mash and corroborated the find-
fuse through the cell membrane (Gottschalk 1987; ings of previous studies (Borzani 2006).
Verduyn et al. 1990). As the cells usually have a higher Productivity of ethanol is affected by both inoculum
intracellular pH than the medium (Dombek and Ingram size and mash feeding size (Carvalho et al. 2003). Carv-
1987), the undissociated acid is partly dissociated into alho et al. (2003) performed experiments in 14-l fermen-
acetate and hydrogen ions intracellularly. Therefore, the tor and could easily control mash-feeding rate with
intracellular pH is decreased and affects the ethanol yield. peristaltic pump, but our distilleries have a fixed mash-
It has been reported that acetic acid at a concentration as feeding rate, and this variable was kept constant in these
low as 0Æ5 g l)1 can inhibit yeast growth (Gottschalk studies. For known sugar concentration and mash-feeding
1987). Variation in pH affected aldehyde content in the size, the ethanol production may attain a maximum value
form of elevated pH values. and formation of byproducts the minimum values when

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Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 47 (2008) 410–414 413
Ethanol production on industrial scale M. Arshad et al.

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