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Ruling (Open Session) Page 32974

1 Monday, 13 October 2008

2 [Open session]

3 [The accused entered court]

4 --- Upon commencing at 2.16 p.m.

5 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Kindly call the case,

6 Mr. Registrar.

7 THE REGISTRAR: Good afternoon, Your Honours. Good afternoon to

8 everyone in and around the could the room. This is case number

9 IT-04-74-T, the Prosecutor versus Prlic et al., thank you Your Honours.

10 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Thank you, Mr. Registrar.

11 Today is Monday. Good afternoon to all the people present in the

12 courtroom, to the OTP representatives, to the Defence counsel, the

13 accused, and good afternoon to the registrar and the usher as well.

14 We have two oral rulings. Let's start with the first one. It

15 has to do with the request or motion by the Prosecution asking for a full

16 summary of the testimony by Neven Tomic.

17 On the 6th of October, 2008, the Prosecution filed a motion with

18 the Trial Chamber for Prlic Defence to be asked to supply an adequate

19 summary of the testimony of Neven Tomic pursuant to Rule 65 ter by the

20 10th of October, 2008 at the latest.

21 On October 9, 2008, the Prlic Defence filed a pleading in which

22 it provided additional information concerning Neven Tomic's testimony.

23 His testimony is scheduled to start on the 27th of October, 2008.

24 After reviewing the Prlic Defence filing, the Trial Chamber is of

25 the view that the Prlic Defence has supplied enough information for the

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1 Prosecution to adequately prepare for the cross-examination of

2 Neven Tomic. For instance, the Prlic Defence mentioned parts of the

3 indictment to which the witness will speak, such as Croatisation, ethnic

4 cleansing, and the knowledge that Prlic allegedly had of events that took

5 place in detention centres.

6 The Prlic Defence further submits that Neven Tomic's testimony

7 will deal with other points dealt with by previous witnesses, such as

8 witnesses Puljic, Kozulj, Perkovic, and Primorac.

9 On the basis of the additional information provided by the Prlic

10 Defence, the Trial Chamber dismisses the motion by the Prosecution.

11 Second oral ruling, which is a request for observations from the

12 Prosecution with relation to the expert report provided by the Prlic

13 Defence expert report of Milan Cvikl.

14 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour. Excuse me, Your Honour. I

15 apologise for interrupting the Chamber, but I'm afraid if I don't, it may

16 be to cause further confusion for everyone. Excuse me. I'm just trying

17 to get sorted here.

18 Your Honour -- good afternoon I should say first of all. Good

19 afternoon, Mr. President, Your Honours, everyone in and around the

20 courtroom.

21 Mr. President, I do apologise interrupting you and I know that's

22 not very polite, but under the situation I feel that before the Chamber

23 proceeds further announcing these rulings, I need to say that I had asked

24 to address the Chamber this afternoon before the witness came in as the

25 registrar will confirm, and I was going to bring to the Chamber's

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1 attention some additional developments concerning these very matters, and

2 it appears with to me with the greatest of respect to the Chamber that

3 some of these matters should be brought to the Chamber's attention before

4 the Chamber rules further on these items including the ruling that was

5 just announced. I was reluctant to get to my feet because I didn't want

6 to interrupt the Court, but based on what was filed last Thursday -- I'm

7 sorry, Your Honour, I'm still getting a lost feedback for some reason.

8 Based on the filing that the Prosecution made -- excuse me my

9 apologies. Based on the submission that the defence made on Thursday,

10 the prosecution has continued to look at that and based on some

11 additional information it learned at the end of last week has continued

12 to consider its position. And with great -- with great respect to the

13 Chamber did not expect the Chamber to necessarily address those matters

14 first thing this afternoon. There are very important developments

15 relating to both of these topics that with greatest of respects the

16 Chamber should have in front of it before making a further decision on

17 the one it just made in terms of the Tomic summary and in relation to the

18 expert report. I can -- I can bring those matters to the Chamber's

19 attention now as way of a preview. We are in the process of preparing

20 written submissions that will be filed later this afternoon that touch on

21 both of these matters. And I think -- and again, Your Honour, with the

22 greatest of respect and apologies for interrupting the Chamber these are

23 matters that the Chamber should consider before addressing these matters

24 further.

25 MR. KARNAVAS: If I may be heard for a second just --

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1 Mr. President. With respect to your ruling on -- on Mr. Tomic, now that

2 we have a ruling, and I didn't believe the Prosecution filed a request to

3 file a reply, it would seem to me that they'd have to seek leave. So I

4 would suspect that -- I would ask for that. And certainly this is the

5 first I hear that there is a problem with the Tomic submission that we

6 filed.

7 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Well, concerning Tomic, the

8 Trial Chamber handed down an oral ruling, and as things stand there's no

9 reason to go back on it unless there is a motion for review filed later

10 on.

11 Let me continue what I was reading regarding the expert report.

12 On the 7th of October, 2008, the Prosecution filed a motion for

13 the testimony of experts Milan Cvikl and Svetlana Radovanovic's testimony

14 to be dismissed as there are proposed by the Prlic Defence, the ground

15 being that to date the Prosecution had not received the two expert

16 reports and related documents.

17 The testimony of the said witnesses was initially scheduled to

18 start on the 5th of November and on the 7th of November 2008

19 respectively.

20 On the 10th of November, 2008, the Prlic Defence filed further to

21 Rule 94 bis the expert report of Milan Cvikl, his CV, and the documents

22 related to his report. On the same day the Prlic Defence disclosed an

23 amended witness schedule indicating that the testimony of Milan Cvikl was

24 postponed until the 17th of November, 2008. The Prlic Defence also

25 indicated that it would like to have four hours for the

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1 examination-in-chief of the witness.

2 The Trial Chamber therefore seeks further observations from the

3 Prosecution based on the filing of the expert report and the new date for

4 the testimony of Milan Cvikl.

5 Mr. Scott, you have the floor again.

6 MR. SCOTT: Thank --

7 [Trial Chamber confers]

8 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] There seems to be a minor

9 mistake on line 19, page 4. It's not 10th of November, it's 10th of

10 October.

11 Mr. Scott.

12 MR. SCOTT: Once again, Mr. President, good afternoon and good

13 afternoon to all those in the courtroom. Once again, Your Honour, I

14 apologise for the unusual interruption of the Chamber in the process of

15 issuing a ruling, and I only did it out of great reluctance but the

16 need -- the felt need to make certain points available to the Chamber.

17 The points are related as to the current witness, the witness who

18 is about to start today, and also relates really implicates three

19 different witnesses at least -- in fact, probably more, but it relates to

20 the current witness, again today's witness, Mr. Zelenika, and I

21 understand there is no request for protective measures. That's why I'm

22 not seeking private session. If I'm wrong, Counsel, please correct me.

23 The issues relate to Mr. Zelenika, Mr. Tomic, and the --

24 MR. IBRISIMOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour.

25 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Yes, Mr. Ibrisimovic.

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1 MR. IBRISIMOVIC: [Interpretation] [Previous translation

2 continues]... please. I believe the witness mentioned by my learned

3 friend does have protective measures. We haven't heard yet if he has

4 maybe waived them in the meantime.

5 MR. SCOTT: First I've heard of it, Your Honour, and I asked the

6 registry beforehand if there had been any application, and I was told no.

7 So I will pause now to be told -- corrected if I'm wrong. I suppose

8 Mr. Karnavas would know whether he's seeking protective measures for the

9 witness or not.

10 MR. KARNAVAS: He did on a prior occasion -- good afternoon, Your

11 Honours. On a prior occasion the gentleman when he testified before this

12 Tribunal had testified with protective measures. This time he's not

13 seeking protective measures, although we will be going into private

14 session at some point due to some of the testimony and the fear of his

15 life of certain individuals who still remain at large in

16 Bosnia-Herzegovina, which neither the state nor the OTP has done anything

17 about.

18 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] So there's no protective

19 measures in this case.

20 MR. SCOTT: Thank you, Mr. President. Your Honours, then I will

21 proceed in fact in open session. The issues that the Prosecution is

22 raising this afternoon which will be followed by written submissions on

23 these matters. As saying a moment ago, implicates three witnesses;

24 today's witness, Mr. Zelenika; a future witness Mr. Tomic; and the

25 proposed expert Mr. Cvikl.

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1 What we have learned in connection with the preparation and

2 submission to the Prosecution for the first time, the Cvikl Report at the

3 it end of last week, is that in the course of preparing his -- conducting

4 his work and preparing his report, Mr. Cvikl has relied extensively on

5 interviews with various Defence witnesses, including Mr. Zelenika,

6 Mr. Tomic, and a past witness, Mr. Akmadzic. Those indicate that those

7 witnesses were interviewed in December of 2007, more than 10 months ago.

8 None of those interviews have been provided to the Prosecution in

9 violation of Rule 67(A) as statements of these witnesses.

10 The -- it is clear that if these statements, these interviews,

11 were important enough to provide to Mr. Cvikl, they are important enough

12 to be provided to the Prosecution. In at least 21 instances, I say at

13 least because we're still in the process of reviewing an extensive set of

14 material that was just put on our -- dropped in our laps last Friday or

15 Thursday night, there are at least 21 references in which Mr. Cvikl says

16 he relied for his point on the evidence of Mr. Zelenika and cites in his

17 footnotes to interviews with Mr. Zelenika in December 2007, more than ten

18 months ago. Those interviews -- that information has not been provided

19 to the Prosecution, and we submit that under Rule 67(A)(i) the

20 Prosecution is entitled to that information and material prior to the

21 cross-examination of this witness.

22 It also Your Honours, as I indicated directly implicates the

23 witness Tomic. Mr. Tomic is cited in the Cvikl report at least 161

24 times, let me repeat that, 161 times, based on an interview again

25 conducted in -- one or more interviews conducted in December 2007. Those

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1 interviews have not been provided to the Prosecution, and it's our

2 submission that no examination of Mr. Tomic, either -- well, either

3 direct but certainly not cross cannot proceed until such time as the

4 Prosecution has been provided with this interview material and had its

5 chance to fully study and prepare for it in connection with

6 cross-examination.

7 I mention in passing that this not only implicates future

8 witnesses, but it implicates past witnesses. Mr. Akmadzic is also cited

9 a number of times in the report again having apparently been interviewed

10 in December of 2007 prior to the time he appeared before the Chamber

11 earlier this year and without any of that information being disclosed or

12 provided to either the Chamber or the Prosecution. So, Your Honour, we

13 think it's in the Prosecution's -- it's the Prosecution's respectful

14 submission that these raise extremely important matters which directly

15 impact all of these items and was going to be part of, and I say part of,

16 an additional submission on the Tomic summary which we have been

17 preparing over the weekend, and that's what I intended and again for

18 which I apologise interrupting the Chamber so that I could make the

19 Chamber aware of that before the Chamber made its ruling.

20 We now also tender -- we will now also be submitting motions

21 concerning the witness Tomic, as I said, the witness Zelenika will be

22 filed later today, and also a further motions and further submissions

23 which in fact the Chamber just requested or just invited concerning the

24 expert.

25 Your Honour, we think these are serious matters that need to be

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1 brought to the Chamber's attention. The Prosecution cannot -- cannot and

2 should not be required to cross-examine this witness until all the

3 information required by the rules has been provided to it. This Chamber

4 very specifically in the earlier proceedings this year, I believe it was

5 around -- the deadline was around the 28th of April, if I'm not mistaken,

6 specifically told the Defence to disclose all prior statements and

7 information of this sort of the witnesses. Now, according to Mr. Cvikl

8 report, these interviews existed at least -- at least by December 2007,

9 some months before the Chamber issued its record. It should have been

10 disclosed to the Prosecution on -- in a timely way as required not only

11 by the Rules but as required by the Chamber's scheduling record.

12 We will make written submissions on all of these points, Your

13 Honours, but I bring it to the Chamber's attention with great respect.

14 Thank you.

15 MR. KARNAVAS: If I may briefly respond, Mr. President.

16 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Yes. Just one moment.

17 Mr. Scott said that he was going to file some submissions.

18 You'll be able to reply. What do you want to add?

19 MR. KARNAVAS: Well, it's not -- he doesn't get to have 30

20 minutes wave time around television, and then I'm going to be cut off and

21 do it that way, because now he's challenged our integrity and he's led

22 you to leave that there are statements. The gentleman could have just

23 picked up the phone and asked for statements and he would have learned

24 the following: First and foremost, I have no statements. I didn't take

25 the statements. I didn't meet with these particular individuals when

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1 Mr. Cvikl met with them.

2 Secondly, as I understand, and if the gentleman had read the

3 report, perhaps he hasn't, but if he had read it carefully, Mr. Cvikl

4 went on a field trip and met with certain individuals, and he had a

5 conversation. I have not been provided with the contents of those

6 conversations. I saw them in the footnotes just like he has. So he's no

7 more at a disadvantage than I am.

8 Thirdly, if he wanted to -- more details on what happened,

9 perhaps we could ask the gentleman, Mr. Cvikl, and he can elucidate as to

10 what, if anything, he has learned.

11 I can assure the trial chamber that I did ask if the gentleman

12 had any handwritten notes knowing full well I would get this sort of

13 response if I dare not turn up any notes the gentleman might have had,

14 and I was told that he didn't keep the notes. That's what I'm told.

15 That's the information that I have, so I am at a disadvantage as

16 Mr. Scott is. I do take exception to sort of the innuendo that we have

17 violated orders and we are not being ethical and so on and so forth, and

18 I leave that to you, Your Honours to figure out. But as far as I know he

19 had some conversations with respect to what he -- to his mandate, which

20 was we provided him with certain information. We also said if you look

21 at the report, if there's any other additional information that he needs

22 to look at as an expert he should go ahead on his own. In other words,

23 don't do what the Prosecution did with Tomljanovich. Instead, here is

24 what we think. Go out and do more. Don't do what Dr. Ribicic did, the

25 Slovenian, the other Slovenian expert did, with is never talk to anybody,

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1 don't update your knowledge on any other material that might be

2 available. Don't even speak to the individuals that might have been in

3 place but instead make assertions such as there was no such thing as

4 municipalities having Official Gazettes and the indication that Mostar,

5 by having one, is one more indication that it is taking on state powers.

6 We wanted to avoid the pitfalls and follies that the Prosecution has

7 shown us throughout the trial. And by the way, this is the same practice

8 that I have done throughout my career, and I've never had a problem. I

9 tell my experts here's the information. Here are the questions we want

10 you to ask. If you think there is any additional information, go for it.

11 If you need to interview anybody, go for it. And unfortunately and with

12 regret, I don't have his notes. I am equally at a disadvantage and I can

13 understand the Prosecution's concerns, but I can assure the Trial Chamber

14 that I have no statements. I was not present during those interviews. I

15 don't know what exactly transpired. I assume he was asking technical

16 questions related to the issues that he was dealing with, which was the

17 economics and the laws that were in place.

18 If you look at the -- what he put together, it was basically --

19 you see the first part, you know, how did the system work during the

20 Yugoslavian area -- era, and then how it functioned at the state and the

21 municipal level -- or I should say the republican and then the municipal

22 level and then he looked at more specifically Mostar and other

23 municipalities, because by and large what we're trying to show is that

24 all this -- these decrees that were passed, what was -- what were the

25 benefits, what were the detriments, what needed to be done with the

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1 vacuum created with Sarajevo being under siege.

2 I maintain that we have been fully ethical, and we turned over

3 the report as soon as we were able to, not one second later. So if the

4 Prosecution wishes to file additional submissions after this, that's

5 fine, but I assume next time perhaps he could just pick up the phone and

6 ask, and we would have told him this.

7 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, you are telling

8 us you have no written documents regarding these interviews and

9 conversations as you have said.

10 Mr. Scott.

11 MR. SCOTT: Mr. President, first of all I'm not going to respond

12 on all the attacks on the Prosecution's practices which of course is

13 always Mr. Karnavas's way. The experts did their work on this -- the

14 Prosecution's experts did their work in a professional matter, the

15 Chamber received their evidence and of course will make the determination

16 of the weight to give to that evidence but I'm not going to get into a

17 tit for tat with Mr. Karnavas with respect to the Prosecution witnesses

18 who have testified to date the Prosecution -- except for this one and

19 this is very important, and that is when the Prosecution -- excuse me

20 when the Chamber contrast the extensive advanced notice given by the

21 Prosecution in every instance of its experts and the minimal, absolutely

22 minimal, and in our view, not even required by the rules has been

23 provided to the prosecution and that will be our continuing submission,

24 our position, and the fact that we received that last week has not

25 changed our position, and the fact that we have one more week will not

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1 and has not chained our position. It's not what the Rules require, it's

2 not what this Court's Scheduling Order require.

3 I just ask the Court all of you come in here with your very --

4 very capable legal minds and common sense. Listen to what Mr. Karnavas

5 is telling us. That an expert, an expert -- someone who holds himself as

6 an expert and knows and knows he's going to be coming into court and

7 defending this material cites a particular witness as the source of his

8 report for the conclusions in his report cites a witness 161 times, and

9 Mr. Tomic -- and Mr. Karnavas stands up and says, But he didn't keep any

10 record of that. No notes, nothing? No record of that? I ask the

11 Chamber to assess that situation and the disadvantage and prejudice done

12 to the Prosecution in this situation.

13 Mr. Karnavas says he's at an equal disadvantage. I'm not sure

14 what that disadvantage is, Your Honour, with great respect. It's not --

15 he doesn't have to cross-examine this witness, and I'm sure he's happy to

16 tender the report, but the Prosecution, unlike the Defence, has to

17 cross-examine this witness, is entitled to all the material, all the

18 material on which the expert relied in coming to the conclusions that he

19 did, and that is not provided, and I just go back to the nature of the

20 report. When you look at all these footnotes and the 161 footnotes where

21 Mr. Tomic is cited, interview of Neven Tomic, December 2007, and we go to

22 the supporting materials, oh, well, surely the interviews must be

23 attached -- surely the interviews, the source material on which the

24 expert relies certainly must be attached. We go and we open all these

25 materials, the DVDs, and guess what? None of the interviews are there.

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1 Nothing. Just a big fat zero, nothing for Tomic, for Zelenika, and all

2 that. So we have an expert who says, "I relied on these people. I

3 relied on these people. I'm going to give that information to the

4 Chamber but the evidence that I based it on is not available to you."

5 It's great prejudice to the Prosecution, Your Honour both as to the

6 expert report and our ability to meet the evidence of these coming

7 witnesses, and that's our position.

8 Thank you, Your Honour.

9 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Well, let us wait for your

10 submissions.

11 Before the witness comes in, Mr. Karnavas, you gave us the

12 schedule for your witnesses. Thank you for that. We have a better idea

13 until the 27th of November. I added up the number of hours, 24 hours as

14 of today. Does this mean that after the 27th of November, you don't have

15 any more witnesses?

16 MR. KARNAVAS: None that are planned, Your Honour and I don't

17 intend to all more witnesses. The remainder of the time we were going to

18 reserve for the other phases, but that's our witness list. We don't

19 anticipate adding anyone. We're not looking into adding anyone.

20 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Very well. This is indeed how

21 I understood your filing.

22 At any rate, we're waiting for the OTP's submissions with great

23 trepidation, and the Trial Chamber will issue a ruling on the basis of

24 the submissions. We take due note that Mr. Karnavas said that he did not

25 have any report or personal notes or memos from Cvikl following the

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1 conversations or interviews he may have had with other witnesses

2 including Mr. Neven Tomic. But Mr. Zelenika is due to come, so --

3 Zelenika, so the Prosecution can ask them whether Cvikl, when he met with

4 him, took notes, or listened to them orally without taking any notes.

5 That's all we know so far. At any rate, Mr. Karnavas said that he has

6 nothing else in his possession.

7 Back to you, Mr. Karnavas. I put the question to you for a good

8 reason. We know that after you we'll have the Stojic Defence with their

9 witnesses. The Trial Chamber just wants to organise future scheduling.

10 And you do confirm that you will have your last witness on the 27th of

11 November; is that right?

12 MR. KARNAVAS: Barring an action and/or some sort of a force

13 majeure.

14 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Perfect.

15 MR. SCOTT: Sorry, Your Honour, not to try the Chamber's

16 patience, but as long as we're on that additional the matter, again I

17 just want to mention so there's no prejudice to anyone, Defence or

18 Prosecution or the Chamber, there are still of course the outstanding

19 matter of potential Rule 92 bis witnesses, Your Honour, and those motions

20 haven't been filed, and of course, of course the Prosecution may seek

21 cross-examination of those witnesses which presumably would have to be

22 scheduled sometime after the 27th of November. So just so long as the

23 Chamber is aware. And I'm sure the Chamber is, but just as a reminder.

24 Thank you.

25 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, yes. Do you

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1 have -- or how many 92 bis witnesses do you have, because you mentioned

2 this. I can't remember exactly. You mentioned some, not many, but you

3 had some.

4 MR. KARNAVAS: There are two categories. The first category are

5 witnesses who have testified before this Tribunal and have been

6 cross-examined by either Mr. Scott, Mr. Stringer, or others in previous

7 cases, and so if they want to call those witnesses back to take another

8 shot at the cross-examination, you know, that's up to them.

9 Then there will be three or four other statements there about a

10 page to a page and a half, and as I've indicated, I believe I must have

11 indicated this to the Prosecutor, maybe I did it verbally, but by and

12 large these witnesses are sort of -- they would fall into the category of

13 character witnesses. They are post -- post-Washington period and so

14 that's what these witnesses are, and of course the Prosecution is free to

15 call them if they wish to call them, but as I said, they're one to two

16 pages long.

17 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, when will you

18 tell us about these 92 bis, soon?

19 MR. KARNAVAS: Well, we're add -- as we speak, I'm --

20 unfortunately you can make requests sometimes months in advance and

21 you're still waiting. I'm hoping that by the end of the week I will have

22 those four small statements I spoke of. As far as the others -- and I

23 must apologise -- I anticipated having that part of the motion in

24 earlier. I can assure the Trial Chamber that I'm going to endeavour to

25 have that by either the end of the week or first part of next week, but

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1 again those witnesses have been cross-examined by three members, I

2 believe, of the Prosecution team, and so -- and I don't see the purpose

3 of bringing them in to cross-examine them again on content that they've

4 already been cross-examined on.

5 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] [No interpretation] Therefore,

6 we will have -- thank you very much for your answers to our request.

7 Yes. I see the beginning of the interpretation is missing.

8 I say you gave us a list of exhibits with chapters as I had

9 requested a week ago, and this will help us to follow your own

10 examination, and this will be very useful. Thank you so much.

11 Please bring in the witness.

12 MR. KARNAVAS: While the witness is coming back, I want to make

13 sure that one point is made clear, that not only do I not have any notes

14 but never did I ever give any instructions to -- to Mr. Cvikl either not

15 to take notes or to destroy any notes that he might have taken. So I

16 just want to make sure that -- because the implication may be that he's

17 been instructed not to. So that's what I wanted to add.

18 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] I understood that.

19 [The witness entered court]


21 [Witness answered through interpreter]

22 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Good afternoon, sir. Please

23 state your name, your name and your birth date, if you please.

24 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Mirko Zelenika, 25th August, 1947.

25 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Closed session, please,

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1 Mr. Registrar.

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5 [Open session]

6 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, we are back in open session.

7 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Sir, have you -- what is your

8 work today? Are you working or not working? And if you are working,

9 could you tell us what is your profession?

10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I'm retired now.

11 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Thank you very much. Will you

12 please make the -- take the oath and read it out.

13 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I solemnly declare that I will

14 speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

15 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Thank you. You may sit down.

16 A few brief explanations about this hearing. You know it is

17 going to last four days to hear you. First of all, you will have to

18 answer questions from Mr. Karnavas. You probably met Mr. Karnavas before

19 in order to prepare this hearing. He will ask you questions, and he will

20 show you some documents. At the end of that, the other counsel of the

21 other accused may also question you within the framework of their

22 cross-examination.

23 The Prosecution, who is on your right-hand side, Mr. Scott, will

24 also question you in the framework of cross-examination, and he will have

25 the same question time as Mr. Karnavas.

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1 The four Judges you may see may also ask questions from you and

2 maybe, according to the documents shown, or after the cross-examinations

3 or examinations. This will depend.

4 Try and be extremely precise in your answers when you answer the

5 questions, and if you don't understand a question, don't hesitate and ask

6 the person who is questioning you to reformulate.

7 We have a break for 20 minutes every hour and a half, but if

8 during the hearing you don't feel well, raise your hand and we will stop

9 the session so that you may take a rest.

10 You made a solemn declaration to say the truth and the whole

11 truth, so this means that you are now a witness, and you do not -- you're

12 not a witness of one or the other party. You don't have any contact any

13 more with either Mr. Karnavas nor Mr. Prlic. This is what I wanted to

14 tell you.

15 Of course if at any time you wish to ask a question from the

16 members of the Chamber, don't hesitate to ask us. Raise your hand then.

17 We are at your entire disposal.

18 This is what I wanted to tell you as an introduction, and I will

19 now give the floor to Mr. Karnavas, who shall now start the -- his

20 examination.

21 MR. KARNAVAS: Good afternoon, Your Honours.

22 Examination by Mr. Karnavas:

23 Q. Again, good afternoon, Mr. Zelenika.

24 A. Good afternoon.

25 Q. First, I'm going to begin by asking you some basic questions

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1 about your background. If you could tell us where you're from and the

2 level of your educations.

3 A. My name is Mirko Zelenika, born to gather Ivan and mother Milka

4 born on the 25th of August, 1947, in a place called Risovac, Jablanica

5 municipality, the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

6 I got a degree in political science, majoring in social policy.

7 Q. And could you please describe to us up until 1991 the types of

8 positions that you've held, the kind of work that you did up until 1991.

9 A. In my career, from 1967 I worked for a year and a half as a

10 teacher, then another 18 months as a secretary in a primary school. Then

11 I worked in a socially owned business, the Granit Company as a clerk

12 dealing with affairs of social standard. Then I supervised a section for

13 human resources and general affairs. Then from 1984 to 1986 I was the

14 president of the Executive Council of Jablanica municipality, which means

15 the head of the local government, after which I returned to the

16 Granit Company where I was a manager of the unit for joint services. And

17 just before 1991 I was on standby waiting for my permanent employment to

18 resume.

19 Q. Thank you, Mr. Zelenika. Now, as I understand it, at some point

20 in time, and you can tell us exactly when, you became again the President

21 of the Executive Board or Executive Council in the Jablanica

22 municipality; is that correct?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. What were the dates?

25 A. It was the 11th of May, 1992.

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1 Q. And how long did you hold that position?

2 A. For about six months.

3 Q. Now, before we speak about that period, if you could briefly --

4 I'll -- let me just ask one quick question and then we'll going into more

5 details. When you compare the way the Executive Council operated in 1991

6 for the six months that you were there and look back to when you were the

7 president of the Executive Council in 1984 to 1986, did it function --

8 the rules of procedure and how it functioned, was it the same or was it

9 different?

10 A. The rules of procedure that applied when I was president of the

11 executive down in 1992 were the same as in the period 1984 to 1986.

12 Q. All right. So let's talk a little bit about your experience in

13 1984 and 1986 and we're only interested in knowing somehow this board,

14 how this Executive Board functioned and, in particular, your position as

15 president, how you fit within the board. So would you please tell us a

16 little bit about that. How did the Executive Board fit into this?

17 A. It was a collective body of executive local power consisting of

18 some members who were heading local secretariats, municipal secretariats,

19 and some outside members, renowned businessmen with extensive experience

20 nominated by the Assembly.

21 Q. Now, as President of the Executive Board were you above everyone

22 else with, for instance, extra powers for voting or being capable of

23 making decisions and issuing orders, making appointments without

24 consultation, or were you just one -- one member with equal rights, that

25 is, one vote?

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1 A. I was actually one of the members with one vote, and I had no

2 powers outside the sessions of the Executive Council to appoint or

3 promote anybody or anyone -- anything like that.

4 Q. All right. Well, when decisions were made and when appointments

5 made, who signed those decisions or appointments on behalf of the

6 Executive Council?

7 A. When decisions were made on appointments or any other decisions,

8 after the decision-making process I signed such decisions, among others,

9 as the president of the Executive Council.

10 Q. All right. So those decisions or appointments were not yours

11 but, rather, they were taken by the collective body.

12 A. Absolutely.

13 Q. And I take it you would have to sign a decision or appointment

14 even if you had voted against it but it had passed because of the

15 majority of voting?

16 A. Yes. My vote was just one among the total number of votes in the

17 Executive Council.

18 Q. All right. Now, let's fast forward a little bit to 1991, 1992.

19 First let me ask you whether you were a member of a political party at

20 the time. This is leading up to the elections, the first free elections.

21 A. I was not affiliated to any political party before the democratic

22 elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

23 Q. All right. Now, when you were ultimately re-appointed to the

24 position of President of the Executive Board or Council in 1992, could

25 you please tell us how is it that you got that appointment?

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1 A. Already earlier in 1991 the elected president of the Executive

2 Council was recalled, and in Jablanica we were facing the declaration of

3 the immediate threat of war and thus the Assembly of the municipality was

4 not functioning any more. There was in its place an operative body

5 called the Crisis Staff. That Crisis Staff of Jablanica municipality

6 appointed me on the 11th of May to be the next president of the Executive

7 Council of Jablanica municipality.

8 Q. All right. Well, had you ban member of the Crisis Staff?

9 A. No.

10 Q. All right. Well, had you been associated with or involved in any

11 of the secretariats of the Crisis Staff or the Executive Board prior to

12 your appointment, that is, as President of the Executive Board.

13 A. Yes. In the beginning of 1992 -- sorry, 1991, I was elected

14 secretary of the secretariat for the economy, social affairs and general

15 management, and I was thus president of the Executive Council of

16 Jablanica municipality from 1991.

17 Q. All right. Okay. You were -- you were a member of the Executive

18 Council since 1991?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Now -- and that was by virtue of your position?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. All right. And when you say "secretariat," that's similar to a

23 department; correct?

24 A. You could put it that way, although within the framework of the

25 secretariat they are -- there are lower organisational units that are

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1 called departments and sections, but you could put it that way. It's one

2 of the bodies of municipal government.

3 Q. All right. When you say that you were elected, how were you

4 elected to the secretariat position, or were you actually appointed or

5 nominated and, if so, by whom?

6 A. I was appointed, therefore not elected, pursuant to the electoral

7 results of various political parties at the elections in Jablanica in

8 1990. I was nominated by the Croatian Democratic Union to the position

9 of secretary of the secretariat that I mentioned before, and on that

10 basis, I was nominated into the Executive Council of Jablanica.

11 Q. And at that time when you were nominated by the HDZ, were you a

12 member of the HDZ?

13 A. I was not a member of the HDZ.

14 Q. All right. And if I understood your earlier answer, based on the

15 electoral results, the parties were allocated certain positions within

16 the political structure; is that correct?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. All right. Now, if we fast forward to the -- to the time when

19 you were appointed as president of the Executive Council, were -- who

20 nominated you for that position? Was it political party or was it a

21 body?

22 A. In 1992. We're talking about 1992. There was a Crisis Staff in

23 operation, and based on an internal agreement between several political

24 parties, I was nominated into the Executive Council as president. So it

25 was not just the nomination from the HDZ. It was an agreement between

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1 the political parties that were active in Jablanica.

2 Q. All right. And just so we have a clear understanding, what were

3 the political parties at the time that were members of the Crisis Staff

4 or their representatives? How many political parties were

5 representative, I should say, in the Crisis Staff?

6 A. All political parties that existed at the time. If you want me

7 to enumerate them I will try.

8 Q. [Previous translation continues] ... that was the purpose of my

9 question. If you can help me out here. We know the SDA and the HDZ.

10 We've covered those. The SDP would have been one of the others.

11 A. SDP, but also the Liberal Party. I can't remember any more.

12 Some youth party, perhaps. There were at least five of them.

13 Q. All right. And based on the electoral results, were you entitled

14 to hold such a high position since you were -- initially you came into

15 the Crisis Staff -- or you initially came into the -- the secretariat by

16 virtue of the appointment by HDZ. Was the HDZ in a position of having

17 someone hold that high a position, that is president of the Executive

18 Council?

19 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour. Excuse me. Your Honour, I'm

20 trying to be minimal in the objections I make, but there's been

21 substantial leading questions being put to the witness from the very

22 beginning, and I have deferred to it or not raised the issue until now,

23 but if these are important enough questions for Mr. Karnavas to put to

24 the witness and he apparently thinks they are, then they shouldn't be

25 leading in nature. Just put open-ended questions, and let's receive the

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1 evidence of the witness and not the evidence of Mr. Karnavas.

2 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas.

3 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour, I wasn't aware that leading was of

4 such nature. I should also point out that the gentleman did provide the

5 OTP with an extensive 92 bis statement that they used in another case.

6 So this is not new information to the Prosecution.

7 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour. That has nothing to do with

8 whether it's leading or not. The question is leading no matter what

9 disclosure I have. It's leading, and we object.

10 MR. KARNAVAS: Very well, Your Honour. Based on -- yes,

11 Mr. President.

12 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] I didn't have the impression

13 there were any leading questions. Those are questions which are

14 extremely complex, and in order to try and understand something in all

15 this the questions have to enable us by their answers to sort this out.

16 Please proceed, Mr. Karnavas.


18 Q. When you were elected to -- as president of the Executive

19 Council, how was that received by the members?

20 A. My name had been put forward by all the parties pursuant to their

21 agreement, and there was a general consensus on this. I had not -- my

22 name had not been put forward bit HDZ alone, because the HDZ had not

23 gotten a result at the election that would have guaranteed the party that

24 sort of role in the local government.

25 Q. Well, were you actually formally appointed to the position? Was

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1 your position certified, in other words?

2 A. No. The Crisis Staff, based on certain regulations, had the

3 power to pass certain enactments, orders, decisions, conclusions, but

4 whatever the Crisis Staff passed, when needed they had to submit to the

5 Assembly for the Assembly to ratify all of that. Therefore, the

6 certification or ratification of my appointment never happened at any of

7 the Assembly meetings.

8 Q. All right. Was the Assembly still meeting on a regular basis?

9 A. On and off. No more than that.

10 Q. All right. And how long did the Crisis Staff -- how long was it

11 in existence, until what period?

12 A. As far as I remember, the Crisis Staff existed from May on for at

13 least two months, after which it was renamed and was now called the

14 War Presidency.

15 Q. And could you tell us whether there were any changes, now that it

16 went from Crisis Staff to the War Presidency? Did its membership in any

17 way change, and whether its functions changed in any way, could you

18 please tell us that?

19 A. This should be simple enough for me to explain. The only change

20 occurred to the name. As far as the powers of that body were concerned

21 in terms of decision making, there were no changes. The War Presidency

22 continued to do the same thing that the Crisis Staff had been doing

23 previously.

24 Q. All right. Well, let's talk about that a little bit. Just very

25 briefly, if you could tell us what sorts of things was the War Presidency

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1 doing? What was it competent of doing, and what was it in fact doing?

2 A. The War Presidency had all the powers that under the law, under

3 the constitution, and under the municipality's statute were envisaged in

4 relation to the Assembly as a body of delegates. Nevertheless, the

5 Presidency was an operative body, the scope of whose work was much

6 narrower. In addition to the standard issues discussed by the Assembly,

7 the Presidency under its statute and under the law had the power to

8 analyse and monitor emergency situations such as the one we were now

9 facing across Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was an immediate threat of

10 war.

11 Q. All right. Now, during that time when you had the Crisis Staff

12 and then later on the War Presidency, were there any armed forces in and

13 around Jablanica municipality and, if so, could you please tell us what

14 those forces were?

15 A. Well, the Crisis Staff was in existence -- while the Crisis Staff

16 was in existence and now that there was the War Presidency, there were

17 some armed forces around. The Territorial Defence on the one hand, the

18 Green Berets, the Patriotic League united under the name of

19 Territorial Defence for a while and then at different time known as the

20 armed forces. On the other hand there was the armed component element of

21 the Croatian Defence Council, and these were two armed components or

22 forces that had equal rights in every way, their shared objective being

23 to defend Bosnia-Herzegovina.

24 Q. And based on that answer I take it the HVO was accepted as a

25 legitimate component of the armed forces of Jablanica municipality.

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1 MR. SCOTT: Well, Your Honour, just to be consistent, that's a

2 leading question. That is exactly a leading question. He took --

3 Mr. Karnavas told him the answer he was looking for.

4 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour.

5 MR. SCOTT: Well, it is Your Honour.

6 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour, if I may respond. If you look at the

7 previous answer --

8 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] You will respond, Mr. Karnavas,

9 but I'm looking at the question. You are saying that the HVO was the

10 legitimate armed component in Jablanica. This is a statement you make.

11 That cannot be challenged, Mr. Karnavas.

12 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour, Your Honour, if you look at the

13 previous answer that the gentleman gave, I mean, I'm -- fine. But if you

14 look at his answer, what has he said? I merely rephrased it.

15 JUDGE TRECHSEL: Mr. Karnavas, I don't think this is a matter for

16 argument. This is clearly a leading question and please reformulate.

17 MR. KARNAVAS: Very well. Thank you for that instruction.

18 Q. What were the legitimate armed forces on the ground in Jablanica

19 municipality at that point?

20 A. Am I expected to answer this.

21 Q. Yes, you are.

22 A. I have said this, haven't I? I'm just to repeat. I said that at

23 the time in Jablanica there were two equal and legitimate defence

24 components, one being Territorial Defence, Green Berets and

25 Patriotic League, and this went under the name armed forces and then the

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1 other hand there was the Croatian Defence Council and those two

2 components were equal and legitimate. I'm talking about Jablanica

3 municipality, of course.

4 Q. Now, let's talk about these two legitimate armed forces. You

5 said that they were equally recognised. What about the financing of

6 them? Where were they being financed?

7 A. The armed forces, Territorial Defence, the Patriotic League, the

8 Green Berets were for the most part bankrolled by the local economy the

9 money generated in Jablanica municipality. The Croatian Defence Council,

10 as far as the military component was concerned, equipment, supplies and

11 so on and so on, from the Main Staff. There had been an agreement that

12 in proportion to their numbers both should be bankrolled to some extent

13 from the budget of Jablanica municipality, 80 per cent in favour of the

14 Muslim armed forces and 20 per cent in favour of the Croatian Defence

15 Council.

16 Q. And was that happening, at least to your knowledge, while you

17 were there, 80 to 20 per cent?

18 A. Well, not for the most part. Not for the most part. And I, as

19 the representative of the Executive Board, would learn about this at

20 meetings of the Crisis Staff or the War Presidency whenever whoever was

21 of charge reported this, saying that they were facing some difficulties

22 making sure the 20 per cent earmarked for the Croatian Defence Council

23 were available at all.

24 Q. Thank you. Now, was there a HVO civilian component operating in

25 and around Jablanica municipality and, if so, can you please describe it?

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1 A. Could you please specify the time-frame in 1992 that you have in

2 mind.

3 Q. All right. Well, when the Crisis Staff and the War Presidency

4 and, of course, keeping in mind that you've already told us about the HVO

5 military component being a legitimate force as one of the legitimate

6 components in Jablanica, was there a civilian HVO in existence at that

7 time?

8 A. The military component of the HVO was established sometime

9 earlier on in 1992. It wasn't before much later that the civilian

10 component was set up as well.

11 Q. All right. Now, if you could please describe to the Trial

12 Chamber what exactly was the civilian component. Describe to it what it

13 amounted to.

14 A. The civilian component of the Croatia in Jablanica municipality

15 was a form of self-help or help, if you like, to the Croats in the area.

16 It was also an attempt to assist in a logistical way the military

17 component of the HVO, but it also represented an effort on the part of

18 the entire population throughout Jablanica municipality regardless of

19 their ethnicity.

20 Q. All right. Was it -- I'm being pointed out to the transcript.

21 It says here component of the November. Do it know where that's coming

22 from. It was an attempt to assist in the logistical way the military

23 component of the what? The HVO military; is that what we're talking

24 about?

25 A. Yes, the military component of the HVO.

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1 Q. All right. Did the HVO civilian component ever set up a parallel

2 government in Jablanica municipality, and by that what I mean provided --

3 you know, have administrative services and establish police with police

4 officers running around with guns and billy clubs and a car, collecting

5 taxes, establishing schools, any of that?

6 A. Certainly not. This was an advisory body, and that did not

7 include this type of activity or any form of administration at all.

8 There were several persons who were involved who would hold meetings

9 occasionally, and depending on what the situation was that prevailed at a

10 given time they would make the proposals or would advise but they

11 certainly didn't have the authority to exercise power in any of the

12 segments of local life.

13 Q. Did it have an office?

14 A. For a while there was no office. Therefore, one might assume

15 what this was all about. You can't have a body of power exercising its

16 function from a tree branch or somewhere out in the street, although

17 there was an office at a later point but it was just to keep them from

18 meeting in private homes, flats.

19 Q. All right. Well, that's what I want to get to. At some point

20 did it have an office and, if so, where was that office located?

21 A. An office was approved by the War Presidency for the HVO. At one

22 point in time it was on the way out of Jablanica town along the road to

23 Sarajevo near the bridge, the hydroelectric power plant. Later on it was

24 in the centre itself of Jablanica town. The street was called

25 Zeljeznicka Street, no number.

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1 Q. All right. When it moved to the centre of the town, who provided

2 those facilities? Did they buy it? Did they rent it? Was it made

3 available and if so, please describe.

4 A. Sir, as I pointed out before, even the first offices that was

5 used it was actually a single office and the same applies to the ones

6 later on at Zeljeznicka Street. There were two or three rooms there.

7 That was something that the War Presidency of the Jablanica municipality

8 allowed the HVO to use. It wasn't about renting. This was a socially

9 owned property and the War Presidency had the power to award the use of

10 this office or these rooms in the HVO.

11 Q. All right. What about the HVO, the military component? Did they

12 have -- were they located in any particular area? Did they have

13 headquarters, barracks and if, so, where were they located and who

14 provided those facilities?

15 A. The military component of the HVO had a room that it was using,

16 and it was using this room jointly with the civilian component, and this

17 is something that was awarded to them by the War Presidency of Jablanica

18 municipality. And then the office moved to Zeljeznicka Street while the

19 military office remained over there in this one room, and this was

20 something that was given to them or granted to them again by the War

21 Presidency of Jablanica municipality.

22 Q. All right. Now, we've had quite a bit of testimony or

23 controversy, whichever you want to call it, concerning territory and

24 area, so let me be very concrete. Did the HVO or the Croatian Community

25 of Herceg-Bosna carve out any area or territory, whatever you want to

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1 call it, within the Jablanica municipality and declare it to be Croatian

2 or belonging to the Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna or the HVO or to

3 the Croat nation, any of the above?

4 A. Certainly not.

5 Q. Were there ever any attempts by the HVO civilian component,

6 perhaps in conjunction with the military component, to take over the War

7 Presidency, to take over any of the institutions in Jablanica?

8 A. No.

9 Q. Were any discussions ever held regarding the HVO or the Croatian

10 Community somehow being involved or associated with or connected to the

11 Jablanica municipality and, if so, please describe.

12 A. Certainly not. Despite you being so adamant, I have to answer

13 no. I have no choice but to answer no to all these questions because

14 there was nothing like that at all going on. That simple.

15 Q. All right. Did you yourself, however, ever, when you were either

16 in -- a member of the Crisis Staff or president of the Executive Council

17 ever or thereafter ever bring up the possibility of HZ -- HZ HB, the

18 Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna being involved or -- let me rephrase

19 it, the Jablanica municipality or the Presidency looking at or being

20 connected to the Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna?

21 A. There were talks on several occasions.

22 Q. All right. And could you please tell us what those talks were

23 about, how far the talks went, what was the purpose, some details?

24 A. The talks were about checking if there were any better options to

25 organise life in Jablanica. As time went by, Jablanica was becoming more

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1 and more of a dead end. We did know, however, that in some other areas

2 life was organised in a much better way for citizens and for Defence

3 purposes alike and so on and so forth. Therefore, we talked in order to

4 see if we could improve the living conditions, both for citizens and for

5 defence purposes. I must especially point out the fact that at the time

6 Jablanica municipality and especially its main town, Jablanica town, were

7 under pressure, pressure from refugees flooding in. At one point in time

8 there were more refugees living there than the domicile population, the

9 local population.

10 Q. All right. And we'll talk a little bit more about that, but

11 since you spoke of the refugees and of the times, were the residents of

12 the Jablanica municipality ever mobilised and, if so, do you recall when?

13 A. Yes. More than once. Sometimes there -- there was partial

14 mobilisation and sometimes full mobilisation.

15 Q. Okay. And when we speak of mobilisation, what are we speaking

16 of?

17 A. As far as I understand the term, mobilisation has a number of

18 different aspects. Mobilising military conscripts on the one hand, and

19 then there's also mobilisation in terms of war assignment or civilian

20 protection, and all three were happening depending on the situation.

21 Q. All right. Well, were you ever mobilised?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. And could you please describe to us in what fashion?

24 A. As of mid-April 1993, I received a summons for mobilisation into

25 what was termed the work platoon. I was told to report at 7.00 in the

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1 morning outside the Jablanica municipality building. I was told to bring

2 along a shovel, a pike, and a saw. The summons also said that should I

3 fail to respond to the call-up, I would be duly prosecuted.

4 I did not respond to the call-up, because I had in my possession

5 a document dating 20 years before, from 1973, when the military medical

6 commission had declared me to be only fit in a very limited form to serve

7 in the armed forces, and document said explicitly that I was unable to

8 stand, walk, march, or stand guard for any extensive period of time.

9 Based on this assessment by the military medical commission, the

10 secretariat for All People's Defence back in 1973 adopted a decision

11 stating that I was unfit for this type of military service as I have now

12 specified. Therefore, my assignment was to the ranks of the civilian

13 protection.

14 I invoked this decision that was then 20 years old, and I failed

15 to respond to the mobilisation call-up. The people from the municipality

16 who had issued the summons sent the police for me. I was taken in by

17 force and brought to the municipality building. I spoke to the secretary

18 who had dispatched my call-up, and I showed him my document. He said he

19 had one of those too dated 20 years ago, and he said it was worthless.

20 He said that all those decisions and medical certificates would now be

21 subject to revision, but until such time it was my duty to report to the

22 call-up, the mobilisation call-up. They called it mobilisation, and I

23 choose to call it forced labour.

24 Q. Let me ask you this: Were you ever given the opportunity to be

25 medically examined to see whether your condition had changed, you know,

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1 whether you were somewhat confabulating or malingering in any way?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Okay. So you were actually physically examined by a physician?

4 A. No.

5 Q. Well, did you ask to be examined?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Well, why weren't you examined?

8 A. When I was summoned by the medical commission, I brought a lot of

9 documents with me because this was a very peculiar illness or condition

10 which I had been suffering from ever since 1961. I had a lot of medical

11 documents about that, and I submitted these documents to the chairman of

12 that medical commission who said he did not have the time to go through

13 those. So he didn't check the documents, and he most certainly didn't

14 check me either.

15 Q. All right. And what sort of labour -- you said forced labour.

16 Could you just in one minute tell us what sort of forced labour or labour

17 you were asked to -- to do given your condition?

18 A. It was about cutting timber for the purpose of fortifying BH army

19 positions. This was about carrying food, water, and weapons to BH army

20 positions. This was also about other types of manual labour that we were

21 being forced to perform by those who took us there.

22 Q. All right. And how long did you do that?

23 A. From the 15th of April, 1993, to the 8th of September. That's

24 when I was taken prisoner and taken to a camp.

25 Q. All right. And how were you treated in the camp? You don't have

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1 to go into all the details at this point, but how were you treated in the

2 camp?

3 A. In the shortest possible terms, this was inhumane and cruel

4 treatment in every way.

5 Q. All right. And how long were you in the camp?

6 A. I was in the camp from the 8th of September, 1993, to the 1st of

7 March, 1994, when through the intercession of the International Red Cross

8 I was released.

9 Q. Who was the war -- who was the president of the War Presidency at

10 the time for the Jablanica municipality, that is, when you were both

11 doing forced labour and then when you were in the camp?

12 A. At the time when I was performing forced labour and when I was in

13 the camp, the president of the Jablanica municipality was Dr. Safet Cibo.

14 Q. And do you know when Dr. Safet Cibo would have known about you

15 being forced to do labour in light of your medical condition and

16 whether -- and the conditions under which you were in that camp for all

17 those months, or is it possible that he simply didn't know?

18 A. I believe he knew that.

19 MR. KARNAVAS: All right. At this point we can take our break,

20 Your Honours.

21 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Yes. Let's have a 20-minute

22 break.

23 --- Recess taken at 3.45 p.m.

24 --- On resuming at 4.05 p.m.

25 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, I give you the

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1 floor.

2 MR. KARNAVAS: Thank you, Mr. President.

3 Q. Mr. Zelenika, we're going to go to the documents now and you have

4 your folder in front of you, and as I've indicated to you in the past,

5 the documents would be sort of in the order in which I'm going to present

6 them to you. So the first set of documents deal with minutes of meetings

7 that -- that you either attended or are familiar with. So if we could

8 look at first P 00272. That should be your very first document. Do you

9 have it in front of you Mr. Zelenika?

10 A. I do.

11 Q. Okay. And I take it you've had an opportunity to look at this

12 document before coming here today?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. We note that it's 19 June, 1992, and we see that your name is

15 under "Others." Is there a particular reason why you're under "Others"?

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. Could you tell us, please?

18 A. It was usual and customary at the sessions of the Assembly to

19 first write the names of members of the council, of the deputies, and

20 then of others. I, as a member of the council, was indicated among

21 "Others."

22 Q. Okay. Were you a member of the Executive Council at the time?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Thank you. And -- and I see that your name comes up here on a

25 couple of occasions. First, can you please tell us what's going on with

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1 respect to the discussion concerning your position as chairman of the

2 Executive Committee? We see that on page 4, for instance, there's some

3 indication.

4 If you could just tell us from what you remember.

5 A. I can.

6 This was actually the first session of the Municipal Assembly of

7 Jablanica from the day when the Crisis Staff of the municipality

8 nominated me to be the president of the Executive Board, and this was the

9 first opportunity for the Municipal Assembly to verify all the enactments

10 and decisions, conclusions, et cetera that the Crisis Staff had in the

11 period between the two sessions adopted. Among these decisions was the

12 decision to appoint me president of the Executive Board, and this was the

13 first opportunity to confirm that decision.

14 Q. All right. And was there some sort of an agreement as far as

15 your confirmation went, or was there disagreement? If you could help us

16 out here.

17 A. In the course of the debate and deliberations, I noticed that

18 there was no agreement to confirm my appointment and it was not.

19 Q. Now, was that because you were a Croat or a member of HDZ, or was

20 it some other reason?

21 A. I understood the reason lay in the fact that the Party of

22 Democratic Action, the SDA, believed that on the basis of the electoral

23 results in 1990 the HDZ should not get the position of the president of

24 the Executive Board, and that was the reason for their reservations.

25 Q. All right. Now, if we could go to the very last page, at least

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1 in English it's page 8, and I direct -- it would be 6 in yours. And I

2 want to direct your attention to "Ivan Rogic," and I understand -- you

3 know who Mr. Rogic is; correct?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. All right. If you could look at that segment very briefly,

6 because here Mr. Rogic says they informed the deputies that the decision

7 to build the Jablanica-Posusje road was not being implemented, although

8 work should be completed before next autumn. And then it goes on if we

9 skip one, one sentence, it says: "After hearing the proposals set out by

10 Hamdo Sefer, the Assembly decided that Nijaz Ivkovic and Hamdo Sefer.

11 Would go to Grude as soon as possible so as to work -- so as that

12 work could begin on construction of the Sovici-Risovac section of the

13 Jablanica-Posusje road."

14 Having been there at that meeting, could you please explain to us

15 why were they planning to go to Grude? What was there?

16 A. I think I can explain that. The thing is that the building of

17 that road was a great challenge in terms of the construction work

18 required. It surpassed our local capacities in Jablanica. And since

19 communication was no longer possible on the thoroughfare towards Mostar,

20 all the traffic from Sarajevo and from Prozor went along the macadam

21 road. That's the reason why help was required from outside, from other

22 people.

23 Q. And I believe -- I thought I heard you say that the road to

24 Sarajevo was not possible, or did I mishear you?

25 A. I said the road from Sarajevo to Mostar was cut off, and traffic

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1 was redirected towards the macadam road, Jablanica, Doljani, Posusje, et

2 cetera.

3 Q. And did that road have a name at some point? Was it given some

4 sort of a name?

5 A. Yes. That road was classified as a regional road and had the

6 name R-419. That's an internal name given to it by the maintenance

7 people, whereas we in Jablanica called it the Road of Rescue or the Road

8 of Salvation because that was the only road available from Jablanica.

9 Q. All right. But why was Hamdo Sefer or Nijaz Ivkovic, and I

10 assume they're Muslim, why not go to Zenica? Why not go to Tuzla? Why

11 not go to Sarajevo? Why not go some place else? Why are they going to

12 Grude? What's in Grude?

13 A. Right. What you're saying is true. Hamdo Sefer and

14 Mr. Nijaz Ivkovic were Muslims, but this kind of assistance and any other

15 kind of assistance was not available from Sarajevo because Sarajevo was

16 absolutely besieged. Had been besieged for a long time before the moment

17 we're talking about.

18 Q. All right. But what's in Grude? Why go to Grude? Because

19 there's -- we've heard testimony here that as of 1991, there's a joint

20 criminal enterprise. Now we're seeing there's a meeting here in 1992?

21 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me. I object to this long commentary. I have

22 no idea why we need to talk about a joint criminal enterprise with a

23 witness as to why go to Grude. We don't need that. If the witness

24 doesn't know, he doesn't have the answer, we can move on. But

25 Mr. Karnavas is coaching the witness.

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1 MR. KARNAVAS: Nobody's coaching anybody.

2 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, ask him why he

3 wants to go to Grude without talking about the rest.


5 Q. Why -- why are these members of this particular meeting, why are

6 they going to Grude? Who's at Grude?

7 A. Here is the answer: If we're talking about the road, I know that

8 even before the war there was a specialised company in Grude called Grude

9 Roads which built and maintained roads. So they had the resources

10 required, and the idea was to see if they could help build this road more

11 quickly and maintain it.

12 Q. All right. Well, there's discussion here, and you raise -- you

13 raise the issue with respect to the war budget. Who is going to pay this

14 construction company to come to Jablanica or wherever to build this road?

15 Where was the money going to come from?

16 A. At that time we didn't have any money. We didn't have any money,

17 but we knew that there was money in the region. So that was one reason

18 why we wanted to look into that possibility. But it was possible for us

19 to pay in kind, and we did that. We paid in granite, we paid in timber

20 available in the Jablanica area. So we did not have funds but we had

21 other resources with which to pay in kind.

22 Q. All right. If we go to the next document, P 0045 -- 546, and

23 this is dated 6 October 1992. Do you have it, sir?

24 A. I do.

25 Q. And we again see that your name is here, and we see you as a

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1 member of the -- present as a member of the Presidency. Can you confirm

2 to us that at this point in time you were indeed a member of the

3 Presidency in Jablanica?

4 A. Yes, I can confirm that by that time I was already president, and

5 I was member of the War Presidency at the time we are talking about.

6 Q. All right. Do you recall being at this particular meeting?

7 A. I do.

8 Q. All right. Now, I want to draw your attention. It would be on

9 page 7 in the English. This would be comments that were made by

10 Salko Zarem, where Mr. -- did you know a Mr. Zarem?

11 A. If I understood correctly, you are talking about Mr. Zerem.

12 Q. Zerem?

13 A. Yes, I knew him.

14 Q. And what position did he hold?

15 A. He was commander of the Muslim armed forces in Jablanica.

16 Q. And I see his name that he is under -- listed as a member of the

17 Presidency if we go to the very first page. So was he a member of the

18 War Presidency at the time?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Now here I'm going to read what he says and I'm going to ask you

21 whether you could help us out here. It states here that he says the

22 state of BiH had joined forces consisting of the army of BiH and the HVO

23 and without a mutual cooperation between these components, the whole

24 thing would be difficult. "It is necessary to say that the Muslims were

25 neither organised nor ready at the beginning to fight against the

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1 aggressor, and for that reason, they're also very grateful to the

2 Croatian nation for their timely engagement and brave fight against the

3 aggressor."

4 Now, my question is do you recall hearing this gentleman making

5 these comments at this meeting of the War Presidency on 6 October 1992?

6 A. Yes, I do recall.

7 Q. All right. Now, if we go to page 10 --

8 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, counsel, just a technical correction

9 nothing major, but just for the transcript, when the witness was reading

10 from the document -- or it may have been Mr. Karnavas, I'm not sure --

11 but it came across in line -- let me find it again. On page 45, line 10

12 it was transcribed as the state of BiH had joined forces. And what the

13 document says is that had joint, j-o-i-n-t, had joint forces and there

14 may be -- there may be a significant difference in that. Just to correct

15 for the record. It's "had joint forces." Thank you.

16 MR. KARNAVAS: That's fine.

17 Q. All right. Now, if we go on to -- to page 10 at the beginning of

18 the page in English. This is a comment by Zeljko Siljeg, and he's saying

19 here that: "The HVO introduced check-points and documents in order to

20 protect goods from smugglers and war profiteers, while clearance --

21 clearances (permissions) were introduced due to the apparent large number

22 of deserters from Bosnia."

23 Can you comment on this observation that is being made by

24 Mr. Siljeg?

25 A. I can by saying that check-points existed both on the side of the

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1 Bosnian Muslim armed forces and on the side of the HVO for the same

2 reasons, absolutely the same reasons, and in most cases the people

3 manning those check-points were of mixed ethnicity.

4 Q. All right. Now, if we go to the very last page, on page 11, and

5 focusing on what Mr. Matan Zaric indicated, and of course when one reads

6 this document you have to go to page 2 of the English as well, but here

7 he says: "Matan Zaric pointed out again that the companies from

8 Jablanica municipality provided a financial support to the BiH OS and

9 that the Jablanica HVO requires 20 per cent of that support (food, money,

10 and uniforms). The Presidency made right decisions on that, but they are

11 not implemented in reality."

12 Do you see that part?

13 A. I do.

14 Q. Okay. First question is: BiH OS, what does that mean? What

15 does OS mean?

16 A. That means armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

17 Q. And who were the armed forces at the time of Bosnia and

18 Herzegovina in the Jablanica municipality as is being referred to as

19 BiH OS?

20 A. Let me say this again: The armed forces of Bosnia and

21 Herzegovina were the Territorial Defence, the Patriotic League, and the

22 Green Berets. They had a common name, the Armed Forces of Bosnia and

23 Herzegovina.

24 Q. Now, what is Mr. Matan Zaric saying here about the 20 per cent

25 that was required, food, money, and uniforms, and that the Presidency had

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1 made a decision but it wasn't being implemented? What does he mean by

2 that?

3 A. He was trying to say that that particular decision was not being

4 honoured and that the 20 per cent of support were not being given to the

5 HVO as an equal, fully fledged and recognised component of the armed

6 forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

7 Q. All right. Let's go on to the next document P 00624. And this

8 is minutes from a session of the 22nd of October, 1992, and now we see

9 your name under "Others -- Other Present." Do you see that?

10 A. I do.

11 Q. Why are you under "Other" and not above?

12 A. Because this was a session of the Municipal Assembly, as I

13 explained before on one occasion. The first to be listed were members of

14 parties, deputies, and then others. I belonged with the others, and this

15 listing is correct.

16 Q. All right. Now, if we look at item 2 on the agenda, and that

17 would be on page 6, and we already -- you introduced us to Salko Zerem,

18 and if we look at the third paragraph of what he's saying, he says here:

19 "The OS," the armed forces, that is, "and the HVO in the territory of the

20 municipality of Jablanica are behaving in accord with the said order of

21 the Supreme Command and the Presidency of BiH. There must be no

22 obstacles in executing the joint logistics support, check-points, joint

23 police, et cetera, although there are some influences from outside

24 slowing it down."

25 Do you see that part?

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1 A. I do.

2 Q. Now, can you confirm whether Zerem said those words at that

3 meeting? Do you recall?

4 A. I can confirm that. Mr. Zerem said this not for the first time.

5 He had said it before on many other occasions.

6 Q. Because at the very last paragraph on page 6, and he says: "If

7 we wish to create a better environment for a more successful defence of

8 the municipality, more contacts and cooperation between the OS and the

9 HVO are needed, there should be barracks with trained soldiers in

10 Jablanica, and we need more support from the Municipal Assembly in

11 general."

12 Can you confirm that he said that?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. At this point in time, can you please tell us what the

15 environment was in Jablanica? What were the dynamics?

16 A. We're talking now about the period at the end of November 1992.

17 The environment around Jablanica was not really good. There were a

18 series of consequences that had repercussions on Jablanica. There were

19 refugees in Jablanica who, according to information available to me, were

20 larger in number than the local population. I could say that almost 100

21 per cent of the refugees were Muslim. Many had been traumatized by their

22 past recent experiences and were forced to leave their homes and come to

23 Jablanica. Of course they could not contain sometimes their frustrations

24 and suffering and sometimes the local population got the worse end of

25 that.

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1 Q. All right. Now, I see in the transcript here on page 49 line 4

2 that it says at the end of November 1992. Did you mean November or

3 October? Which month are we speaking of?

4 A. It's October.

5 Q. Okay. All right.

6 JUDGE TRECHSEL: While we're at this point on lines 5 and 6, it

7 says there were a series of consequences that had repercussions on

8 Jablanica. Should it not be occurrences or events that had

9 repercussions. That consequences have repercussions seems a bit

10 redundant. It doesn't make much sense.


12 Q. Let me just ask you concretely, Mr. Zelenika. Other than what

13 you described to us, what were you trying to convey?

14 A. I was trying to say that Jablanica was facing a problem, how to

15 ensure that the adverse events in its environment not be reflected in the

16 locality. All these refugees and the armed forces in the municipality

17 had a certain impact, and the problem was how to make sure that this does

18 not engulf us.

19 Q. All right.

20 JUDGE TRECHSEL: Thank you. That clarifies, in fact, the issue.

21 Thank you.


23 Q. Now, if we look at page 10 in the English version, we see that

24 you speak. At some point you spoke at this meeting. Do you recall?

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. And here it says that you presented the councilmen with a

2 chronological overview of difficulties in this composition of Executive

3 Board encompasses the beginning of its work to date. And then later on

4 you say due to the continual harassment, it says you offered to file your

5 resignation or to put your activities on hold until such an agreement had

6 been reached.

7 What exactly were you talking about?

8 A. Yes, I did say that. I did inform the councilmen as I had at

9 another session four years earlier of the difficulties that had only

10 grown since then. Namely, it was absolutely impossible to lead that

11 Executive Board any longer knowing that I'm not enjoying the support of

12 all the members of the assembly, and that's why I informed them in so

13 many words that I'm facing an impossible situation. I was unable to pass

14 almost a single decision through the council no matter how good the

15 decision was, as I had meant to.

16 Q. Okay. Now, was that because you had difficulties or differences

17 with the other political parties, or had the situation changed in a

18 different direction now?

19 A. No, in fact, I didn't have difficulties with the political

20 parties. It was on a personal level. The people who were sitting on the

21 Executive Board, those secretaries of secretariats, were now voting

22 motivated by their ethnicity, not motivated by the quality of the

23 specific proposal. In the whole complement of that local government

24 there were two of us Croats and five Muslims, and I was not able to

25 ensure the enactment of any decision whatsoever. I think that's clear

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1 now.

2 Q. All right. Now we can go on to the next document, P 00945. This

3 is 22 December 1992. If we could look at those who are present, we don't

4 see your name; correct?

5 A. Correct.

6 Q. We do see that Mr. Rogic and Mr. Zaric, which I -- who are

7 Croats, as I understand, were absent; correct?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. All right. And I just want to focus your attention on just one

10 aspect of -- of this meeting. At some -- at the very first item, we can

11 see that it appears that the Christmas celebration will not take place

12 essentially because of the -- of a curfew. And we see that

13 Father Bosnjak has similar views. Can you please explain what was

14 happening and whether, in fact, there was Christmas mass on Christmas

15 Eve, midnight mass as it normally is held for the Catholics?

16 A. Yes. I did not attend this meeting. I had been replaced on the

17 29th of October, 1992, by a decision of the War Presidency.

18 Nevertheless, as person still living in Jablanica, which is really a

19 small town, I knew about these developments that you address.

20 An explosive device was launched at the local Catholic church in

21 Jablanica causing some material damage. However, the greater damage was

22 the fact that it caused concern among people in Jablanica, especially the

23 Catholics, especially when they found out that the Christmas mass would

24 not be celebrated. For any Catholic the Christmas mass and Christmas

25 itself is one of the most important religious festivities that they mark

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1 every year.

2 Q. All right. Now, you told us that you had -- you were no longer

3 on the Presidency. I want to walk you back a little bit and ask you when

4 you were still a member of the Presidency, do you ever recall attending a

5 meeting where Izetbegovic was present and, if so, can you please tell us

6 where and when, and then we'll go into details.

7 A. As a matter of fact, I can remember. This was sometime in the

8 autumn months of 1992. I was called to a meeting being held at the

9 hydroelectric plant in Jablanica having been informed that

10 Mr. Izetbegovic, too, would be attending that meeting.

11 The municipal leaders were there, the party leaders were there.

12 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honours. I apologise to the witness.

13 Mr. Zelenika I apologise to you.

14 Your Honours, if terms of -- I was just looking at the summary

15 and I don't see anything in the summary anything about the hydroelectric

16 plant or any meeting with Mr. Izetbegovic. There's no notice of this

17 evidence at all.

18 MR. KARNAVAS: As I understand it, Your Honour, first of all the

19 Prosecutor indicated that he wanted no more information. That's first

20 and foremost.

21 Secondly, as I indicated, the gentleman was questioned

22 extensively and extensively by the Prosecution when he gave a 92 bis

23 statement. Obviously either they failed to record it or maybe they

24 failed to ask him all the necessary questions at the time. This

25 information came to my attention today, and so I'm entitled to ask the

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1 question and then if you wish to strike it from the record, you could do

2 so but I intend to do so.

3 MR. SCOTT: None of those you aren't again we're in a situation

4 neither of Mr. Karnavas's points are responsive to the point. The

5 Prosecution has made no secret of the fact and I'm sure the Chamber is

6 perhaps even tired of hearing, but, unfortunately, we're in a position

7 where we have to keep raising it, the importance of these summaries. It

8 is the only notice, is the only notice of this evidence that we're

9 getting. We don't get statements, and we had the issue earlier today

10 about whether statements should be provided or not, and when we say we're

11 not asking for any additional information, we're saying that we

12 understand then, we understand that the scope of the evidence presented

13 by the witness will be as represented in the summary that we're provided.

14 Now, this is the summary that the Chamber ordered to be provided

15 on 31st of March, 2008. There is nothing in the summary about this topic

16 or subject note. This meeting, a meeting with Izetbegovic, we are caught

17 totally, you know, with no notice.

18 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas.

19 MR. KARNAVAS: [Previous translation continues] ...

20 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, were did you fail

21 to mention in the summary that the witness was planning to mention this

22 meeting with Izetbegovic because he's an important character? Did you

23 think it was secondary at the time, and do you want to change your mind

24 now?

25 MR. KARNAVAS: Mr. President, I met with the gentleman from

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1 Thursday for a couple hours, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and then today

2 again all the way until 12.30. We went over -- well over 150 documents

3 with the gentleman. During the course sometime today, he had indicated a

4 meeting -- that he recalls a meeting where Izetbegovic was present. We

5 finish the prepping session approximately 12.30, just enough time to

6 reorganize the binders in a particular fashion, provide you with what

7 you've -- what you've indicated, but again it is within the context of

8 when he served as a member of the Presidency.

9 Now, we've heard testimony or there have been some documents that

10 Mr. Izetbegovic had been in Mostar prior -- sometime around this period

11 of time. In fact, I believe that there was a document indicating or

12 reflecting a picture where Izetbegovic had met with my client,

13 Dr. Jadranko Prlic. What is telling about this particular meeting that

14 we learned today that after leaving Mostar Izetbegovic then goes

15 unknowing that he's having --

16 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour.

17 MR. KARNAVAS: I'm entitled to make my record.

18 MR. SCOTT: Not in front of the witness. Excuse me. The

19 Prosecution has raised a point of procedure and principle. One of those

20 reasons is not to go into it on something has not brought before the

21 notice and not to go into it with the witness sitting here. If you want

22 to excuse the witness and discuss it further, that's fine. But I'm not

23 going to let Mr. Karnavas, with all due respect, put the evidence in

24 front of the witness and the Chamber on the very point that I've raised.

25 MR. KARNAVAS: I would ask that the witness be excused.

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1 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Let's not waste 20 minutes on a

2 detail, on really a ludicrous detail. Based on what Mr. Karnavas said it

3 was just prior to 12.30, just before 12.30 that this was mentioned. It

4 was mentioned that Mr. Izetbegovic came. Is that how Mr. Karnavas said?

5 Did you mention this meeting only this morning?

6 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Your Honours, I mentioned it at

7 about 1.00, as a matter of fact. Between noon and 1.00, early this

8 afternoon.

9 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] So, Mr. Karnavas, you did not

10 have enough time to send e-mails to everybody. Well, proceed then.

11 MR. KARNAVAS: Thank you, Mr. President.

12 Q. Now, if you could please describe to us this meeting.

13 A. I was still a member of the War Presidency of Jablanica

14 municipality, and there had been an announcement that Mr. Izetbegovic

15 would be arriving. I, too, was called to the meeting. At the meeting he

16 wanted to see what the political and security-related situation was as

17 well as the economic situation in Jablanica.

18 This was a meeting of the Presidency that included the full

19 component, but there were also some other people such as managers of

20 local companies and businesses, for example, and at one point

21 Mr. Izetbegovic asked the manager of the Jablanica hydroelectric plant,

22 Mr. Muharem Tanovic, the following question --

23 Q. Excuse me, if you could just wait. I would prefer having the

24 full attention of the Bench.

25 JUDGE TRECHSEL: In fact, Mr. Karnavas, I am a bit puzzled for

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1 the following reason: On page 53, when you first answered the

2 Prosecution, you said, and I quote: "The gentleman was questioned

3 extensively and extensively by the Prosecution when he gave a 92 bis

4 statement."


6 JUDGE TRECHSEL: So that must be some time ago.

7 MR. KARNAVAS: Yes, it was. It was --

8 JUDGE TRECHSEL: And you know that statement.

9 MR. KARNAVAS: Yes, I do know the statement.

10 JUDGE TRECHSEL: Now you say you could only know today at 1.00

11 that you would bring up this question.

12 MR. KARNAVAS: No. Okay. Perhaps it's being lost in

13 translation, and again I appreciate, Judge Trechsel, your intervention

14 here because it does call into question my integrity as I read your

15 question.

16 The 92 bis statement, which you should have as well, was given

17 for the Halilovic case, as I understand. He was not called as a witness.

18 Why wasn't he called? I leave it for the Prosecution to explain.

19 In any event, in that state -- what I'm trying to convey to you

20 is, you don't take a 92 bis statement as extensive as this one without

21 going into the field. If you look at the statement, it is extensive.

22 Now, I don't know whether they asked him all those details. What I do

23 know is that they had access to the gentleman. They questioned the

24 gentleman. Now, whether they questioned him about everything he knew or

25 some of the things that he knew, I don't know, but they knew at the time

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1 that he was a member of the Presidency. That's -- that was my point,

2 that they've had access to this gentleman. They've requested him. I

3 don't know whether they had this information.

4 JUDGE TRECHSEL: I may well be in error, Mr. Karnavas. I'm

5 always prepared to examine and admit it if it's the case. I had thought

6 that you were intimating that that 92 bis statement the question had come

7 up.

8 MR. KARNAVAS: No, it hadn't come up. And that's the whole

9 point.

10 JUDGE TRECHSEL: Good. Thank --

11 MR. KARNAVAS: What happens is these witnesses sometimes say

12 things because they -- you know, their memory has been jogged, and all of

13 a sudden we're put in a position at the very last moment to try to

14 reconcile the situation and this was one instance when it happened so

15 late, you know, we had to be ready to be in court, we want to be here on

16 time. We -- you know, there's only so much I can do.

17 JUDGE TRECHSEL: This shows that it is good sometimes to ask

18 questions and clarify.

19 MR. KARNAVAS: I agree.

20 JUDGE TRECHSEL: This is what happens. I think this is an

21 absolutely felicitous incident, if it's not a bit exaggerated.

22 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, this 92 bis

23 statement, I know nothing of it. Was it a 92 bis statement for the

24 Prosecution at the time, or was it for the Halilovic Defence?

25 MR. KARNAVAS: It was taken by the Prosecution. It was taken by

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1 the Prosecution, and it was taken actually in French as well. I point

2 that out because I know that this was one of the rare occasions where

3 they had to translate it from French to English.

4 If I may continue, Your Honour.

5 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Very well.

6 MR. KARNAVAS: Thank you.

7 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Do proceed.


9 Q. To speed up things a little --

10 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] But if I understood properly,

11 because there was an objection by Mr. Scott, you meant to say that this

12 92 bis statement having been taken by the Prosecution, it was up to the

13 Prosecution to ask any relevant question, including questions on this

14 meeting with Izetbegovic who allegedly came. So this morning when you

15 talked about this with the witness, you were informed around 1.00 of

16 this; is that right? This is how I understood you.

17 MR. KARNAVAS: That's correct. And --

18 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Very well.

19 MR. KARNAVAS: Obviously no investigator can be expected to ask

20 every single question. On the other hand, when information does come up,

21 I'm obligated to try and make a record based on the information.

22 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour. Just so the record is clear

23 and I don't want to make too much of it at this point, but when an

24 investigator goes into the field, they normally go on a particular case

25 and are seeking the evidence on -- in connection with a particular

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1 investigation, not to ask the witness everything he might possibly know

2 about everything. Now, we don't know what the investigator's objective

3 was in conducting this, but to somehow -- for Mr. Karnavas to somehow

4 excuse this by saying the investigator back at that time should have ask

5 all of these questions and then taking us full circle where this started

6 that that somehow relieves him of the obligation to provide notice and

7 the summaries that are required by the Rules is just -- is just --

8 stretches things way too far. The obligation is on counsel to provide

9 notice. No matter what I know, if my memory and if my knowledge was a

10 lot better than it is, I might know a lot, and I think I do know quite a

11 bit but that nonetheless relieves Mr. Karnavas of absolutely no point of

12 what his obligations are under the Rules and that is to write a summary

13 not matter -- I may know everything. I don't, but maybe I do. That

14 doesn't relief him of his obligation to comply with the Rules, and

15 frankly -- and I'm sure you can hear in it in my voice -- I'm tired of

16 being told every time we object that we should know. It doesn't matter

17 whether I do know, its's his obligation to provide the notice.

18 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Scott, I think you find it

19 hard to understand what an investigator does. A summary is made that was

20 done by Mr. Karnavas. He provides the summary to you. But it so happens

21 later on when he met with the witness there were things that were not in

22 the statement or in the summary that could appear. And you're right in

23 saying that he has to inform you, but he discovered this at 1.00 this

24 afternoon. So materially speaking, he did not have enough time to send

25 you a long letter and explaining to you that during the proofing session

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1 that was mentioned. I think everybody's got that.

2 Please proceed, Mr. Karnavas.

3 MR. KARNAVAS: Thank you, Mr. President.

4 JUDGE TRECHSEL: I still have a question on this.


6 JUDGE TRECHSEL: We have had this problem, of course, when the

7 Prosecution presented their evidence, and it has happened that in the

8 morning before Monday afternoon new things came up, and I remember that

9 sometimes at 1.00 or even at a quarter to 2.00 we had information that

10 furthermore during the proofing such-and-such a new question had come up.

11 Wouldn't that have been possible or preferable?

12 MR. KARNAVAS: Well, you know, nothing would please me more if I

13 had their staff and -- which I don't have. And of course I've been

14 repeatedly asked by -- specifically by you, Judge Trechsel, to organise

15 the files in a way that they're user-friendly. We're working under

16 extreme circumstances. I don't have the staff. It's easy to say, well,

17 you know, can't -- who's going to do it, okay? It's one of those things.

18 I am got up at 4.00 in the morning. I'm not crying about it but that's

19 the nature of things. I was working from 4.00 in the morning until all

20 the way until I got here and I had 10 minutes to spare. Ms. Tomanovic

21 was assisting us all the way to the very end. Now, if this is a problem,

22 what we could very well do is I won't go into this area until tomorrow.

23 That gives the Prosecution sufficient time. That's good, but what I do

24 get the impression, Judge Trechsel, is somehow, you -- and perhaps others

25 on the bench -- are under the impression that Karnavas just loves

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1 thinking up ways how to obstruct the Prosecution's day, and that's not

2 the case. I really don't.

3 JUDGE TRECHSEL: It's not the case that I think like that,

4 Mr. Karnavas. Not at all. I know you have a difficult task.

5 MR. KARNAVAS: But the last thing I want to do is stand here and

6 make excuses or provide explanations. We're trying. Things fall between

7 the tracks.

8 JUDGE TRECHSEL: But I think you made a constructive proposal you

9 could have had someone informed in the course of this afternoon and bring

10 new issues tomorrow.

11 MR. KARNAVAS: I can do that. I can do that right now. I can

12 move to the next subject matter.

13 MR. KARNAVAS: [Overlapping speakers]

14 MR. KHAN: Yes. And, Your Honour, I don't know if it assists, I

15 think it's quite right the comments that have been made The President

16 also, Your Honour, that when issues do arise at the last moment, prior to

17 the testimony of course it can be raised but -- but given that it has

18 come up, I don't think we need to spend so much time on this issue. If

19 my learned friend is prejudiced at all by in new information coming to

20 light certainly on behalf of Mr. Stojic, we wouldn't object after

21 Mr. Karnavas has finished examination-in-chief that some time be given to

22 the Prosecution to the extent that they need that time in order to

23 effectively and properly prepare for cross-examination on that additional

24 point, but that may be the more expedient way to deal with it rather than

25 going in circles at the moment.

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1 MS. ALABURIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, if I may, just a

2 word or two, and I think it might be helpful in terms of clarifying this

3 issue.

4 In relation to the objection raised by Judge Trechsel, one thing

5 that I do wish to point out is based on my memory at least the Defence

6 never raised any objections in relation to witness summaries.

7 JUDGE TRECHSEL: No. The Chamber does not raise objections,

8 Ms. Alaburic.

9 MS. ALABURIC: [Interpretation] It appears that something has been

10 misinterpreted. It was a remark by Judge Trechsel that I was talking

11 about, and the explanation on the previous page of the transcript I just

12 wanted to point out that the Defence never raised any objections in

13 relation to new issues that arose in relation to witness summaries during

14 the OTP's case. We merely raised objections when new topics were touched

15 upon that were not actually part and parcel of the witness statements,

16 and we do know that there is a huge difference between summaries and

17 statements and that the Defence is under no obligation to provide witness

18 statements. Therefore, I do believe that Mr. Karnavas at this point in

19 time is right. Thank you.

20 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour, one brief response because it

21 makes our points, and I appreciate my good friend Ms. Alaburic pointing

22 it out. There again we come back to the fundamental distinction. The

23 reason that the Defence couldn't have to raise issues so much about the

24 summaries is because we provide them with so much information. We

25 provide them with a 15, 20-page statement of the witness before the

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1 witness -- months, years, in advance, years in advance of the witness

2 coming into court. So they're not so much concerned. Let's face it,

3 they're not so much concerned about the summary. They have a statement.

4 The Prosecution does not. We have a summary, sometimes about two

5 paragraphs. That's what we're given. And that's why, Your Honour, and

6 with great respect, that's why we feel so strongly about it, and that's

7 why we'll continue until the last day of trial, as long as the summaries

8 are not deficient, we will continue to raise the issue. That's all we

9 get, Your Honour, and that's why it's so important. That's why we keep

10 raising it. We don't have 20-page statements.

11 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Please proceed, Mr. Karnavas.

12 We've been -- we've spent nearly 20 minutes on the issue.

13 MR. KARNAVAS: And perhaps during the next break if I could give

14 a verbal to the Prosecution as to what the testimony might be before,

15 because it takes some time to type it out and everything. And I can type

16 it out as well for the record, but I can give them a verbal.

17 Q. We're going to move on to another subject, Mr. Zelenika. We'll

18 get back to this tomorrow, okay? So if we go to the next -- the next

19 topic, and I'm going to focus your attention. We're going to be talking

20 about the -- the HVO and the armed forces.

21 If we go to the next document, which is 1D 00969. And this is

22 dated 6 May 1992. Do you have the document, sir?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. And you told us earlier to some of my questions as far as, you

25 know the, the -- the armed forces located in Jablanica municipality, and

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1 as I understand it this would confirm what you were saying earlier, that

2 the -- that you have Territorial Defence, the Croatian Defence Council,

3 the Green Berets and others participating in the Jablanica Territorial

4 Defence, or in this unified defence system; correct?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. And to your knowledge was the HVO at that time participating?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. If we could go to the next document 1D 00970. And this is an

9 announcement. It's 6 May 1992, and this talks about a unified defence

10 system being organised, and again we see that it makes reference to

11 the -- the Croatian Defence Council; correct?

12 A. Yes.

13 THE INTERPRETER: Interpreters note could we have both

14 microphones for the witness switched on? Thank you.


16 Q. All right. Now, this announcement, would that have been made

17 available to all the citizens of Jablanica so they would have known the

18 composition of this unified structure?

19 A. Well, I can't say all the citizens but most, most at the time.

20 Our system of channeling information was quite good at the time. We had

21 capable TV, and it had been tasked by the War Presidency to keep everyone

22 informed about key issues. The purpose of this statement was forwarded

23 to be read out, and it was several times in the evening hours over the

24 capable TV, and I do believe that most of the citizens knew about this.

25 Q. All right. Now, 1D 024 -- yes?

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1 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] We're talking about

2 Green Berets in this document. Everyone knows that the Green Berets are

3 rather on the side of the BiH than the HVO. This announcement is public,

4 6 May 1992. I suppose that Mr. Izetbegovic and Halilovic, or that is to

5 say, all those who were in the BiH knew that you had at Jablanica a

6 unified force which gathers the Green Berets and the HVO. Am I mistaken

7 or not?

8 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Your Honours, the unified armed

9 forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina comprised two equal components, one

10 being the Territorial Defence, the Green Berets, and the Patriotic

11 League, the other -- the other legal and fully legitimate and equal

12 component was the HVO. These two joint components made up the armed

13 forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina under a Joint Command.

14 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] But my question was

15 Mr. Izetbegovic knew about it. He knew, didn't he?

16 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] He most certainly did.

17 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Very well.

18 MR. KARNAVAS: Okay.

19 Q. If we -- if we go on to the next document, 1D 02471. And now

20 this is 21 May 1992, and this is an order and it says: "All available

21 quantities of meat shall be requisitioned from butchers in the territory

22 of Jablanica municipality for the requirements of the Jablanica

23 Territorial Defence units."

24 Now, at this point in time -- that would include Jablanica as

25 well, the Jablanica Territorial Defence units?

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1 A. In the previous document we saw what the components were of the

2 armed forces. This order, however, strays a little from what we saw a

3 moment ago. It says that all the meat that was requisitioned should be

4 made available to members of the Territorial Defence but not the HVO.

5 Q. All right. If we go on to the next document, 1D 02298. And here

6 we see an order that the military staff, the command of the defence

7 forces of Konjic municipality, is obliged to ensure -- it says "unique"

8 in English, "consumption of crude oil and its derivatives for all members

9 of the defence force (TO and HVO) in Konjic municipalities."

10 Can you -- now, first -- and this is signed by a Dr. Rusmir

11 Hadzihusejnovic?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And were you aware of the situation in Konjic?

14 A. Yes, to a large extent.

15 Q. And for those of us not familiar with the terrain, how far is

16 Konjic from Jablanica?

17 A. Twenty-three kilometres. The main town, I mean. The municipal

18 territories, the two municipal territories, Konjic and Jablanica, are to

19 a large extent contiguous.

20 Q. Now, in English it says "unique consumption." Could you please

21 look at the document and tell us, does it say unique or is it something

22 else?

23 A. It says shared or unified.

24 Q. Okay. Thank you. If we go to the next document, 1D 01451.

25 This is 29 June 1992. This is a conclusion approving the

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1 distribution of foodstuffs to members of the Jablanica police security

2 station based on the same regulation which applied to members of the

3 Jablanica municipality Territorial Defence. And it's signed -- or we see

4 the name of Nijaz Ivkovic.

5 I take it at this point in time Mr. Ivkovic is the president of

6 the Crisis Staff.

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Okay. And what's wrong with this particular conclusion, very

9 quickly, if anything?

10 A. This is yet another example of discrimination against the HVO.

11 The HVO is here not being treated as an equal component in the defence of

12 Bosnia-Herzegovina. They only deal here with the TO stations -- with the

13 TO and the public security stations, but the HVO seems to be left out.

14 Q. All right. 1D 01543. This is a decision now this is 20 July and

15 it says here "To remain the Territorial Defence as the staff of the

16 Jablanica municipality OS armed forces."

17 Now, is it a fact that after this date the Territorial Defence

18 was renamed to Jablanica Municipality Armed Forces?

19 A. In essence the decision has a purely terminological meaning. We

20 now no longer spoke of the Green Berets, the Patriotic League and the TO.

21 Rather, the new name encompassing all these now was the Armed Forces of

22 Jablanica.

23 Q. But that did not encompass the HVO?

24 A. Well, if you go through this decision, one would say not.

25 Q. Okay. 1D 00344. This is 13 November 1992, and here we do see

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1 that the restaurant and kitchen, and it's named in here, is -- "... shall

2 be requisitioned to provide quarters for 50 members of the Jablanica

3 HVO." What is this about?

4 A. Yes. This is about requisitioning a part of that building owned

5 by a socially owned business. They were into catering, and this was to

6 be used by the HVO for HVO purposes, but this wasn't as big as a

7 barracks, for example, or anything, not big enough to put up the

8 soldiers. That's where they ate, where they took their meals, about 50

9 of them, because that's how big it was. It was no bigger than that.

10 Q. All right. Okay. If we look again on the next document,

11 1D 01462. This is now 19 January, 1993. We're moving in time. And this

12 is an order limiting the sale of oil and oil derivatives. And if we look

13 at Article I, it says: "The sale of oil and oil derivatives by the

14 Jablanica petrol station is hereby limited except for the quantities at

15 the disposal of the Jablanica HVO," and then it goes on.

16 Can you confirm to us that indeed the HVO at this particular

17 point in time was receiving oil and oil derivatives per this order of the

18 Presidency of the Jablanica municipality?

19 A. The purpose of this decision primarily was to rationalise on the

20 use of oil and oil derivatives given the fact that the HVO got its petrol

21 from the petrol station, they were actually renting the petrol station

22 for that purpose. This restriction in no way applied to the HVO but,

23 rather, to the component that belonged to the BH armed forces.

24 Q. All right. Now, if we look at 1D 01463. Again -- now we are

25 into January 22, 1993, and this is a conclusion by the Presidency in

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1 Jablanica on approving the agreement on the conditions and manner of sale

2 and distribution of fuel by the Energopetrol station in Jablanica, and it

3 makes reference to the Jablanica Municipal Assembly and the Jablanica

4 HVO.

5 Are we speaking of the Jablanica HVO, the -- the armed component

6 or the civilian component? And I'm told ...

7 A. We're talking here about the civilian component of the HVO. An

8 agreement was reached with them, a conditional one for them to supply and

9 sell fuel at the petrol station in Jablanica. This is a conclusion, but

10 there's another document which is the full scale -- or, rather, detailed

11 agreement on that.

12 Q. All right. If you could go back to the previous document,

13 1D 01462 and look at page 2 of that agreement. Tell me -- tell us

14 whether you're referring to this particular document.

15 A. Yes, precisely.

16 Q. Okay. So we have to look at these two documents together?

17 THE INTERPRETER: Microphone for Mr. Karnavas, please.


19 Q. So we have to look at these two documents together; correct?

20 A. Yes, as a whole, together.

21 Q. Okay. Thank you. We'll move on to another segment. And this is

22 a sort of a short topic. This deals with UNHCR. And if we look at

23 1D 01449. This is 1 May 1992. You've already told us that this is a

24 unified armed forces in the sense that HVO is -- is fully recognised. So

25 now going back to May 1, 1992, with this document, 1D 01449, we see that

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1 there's a decision by Sefer Hamdo where he says to give 2.500 meals given

2 as aid by the UN High Commissariat to the Jablanica Territorial Defence,

3 to staff.

4 My first question is these meals that were given by the UN, were

5 they intended for military purposes or civilian purposes?

6 A. The meals provided by UNHCR were meals for military purposes in

7 the case at hand.

8 Q. Okay. Were they for military or for civilian? That's what I'm

9 asking, not where they actually went to.

10 A. Understandably the UNHCR looked after civilians, so it was for

11 civilians.

12 Q. All right. And in looking at this decision, is -- when it says

13 the Jablanica Territorial Defence, would that include also the HVO

14 getting their 20 per cent of the 2.500 meals, which by my math it's about

15 500.

16 A. No. This decision does not imply that the HVO would be getting

17 their 20 per cent cut over a total of 2.500. This decision is actually

18 not in keeping with the documents that we were looking at a while ago

19 about there being two equally recognised components of the defence plan.

20 Based on this decision the HVO would be getting nothing.

21 Q. All right. Now, perhaps we can go into closed session.

22 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Registrar, closed session.

23 [Private session]

24 (redacted)

25 (redacted)

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11 Pages 33045-33058 redacted. Private session.















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1 (redacted)

2 (redacted)

3 (redacted)

4 [Open session]

5 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, we're back in open session.

6 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Back in open session. We're

7 going to have a 20-minute break, and we'll resume at 6.10.

8 --- Recess taken at 5.50 p.m.

9 --- On resuming at 6.10 p.m.

10 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] We have 50 minutes left before

11 the end of the day. Please proceed, Mr. Karnavas.

12 MR. KARNAVAS: Thank you, Mr. President. And then perhaps we can

13 have two or three minutes prior to the end of the day where I do want to

14 go on record and give a -- give the Trial Chamber an indication of that

15 material, that information, in the presence of the Prosecution so you can

16 have that. It's an offer of proof.

17 Q. Now, if we go on to the next document of 1D 00780. This is the

18 next chapter, sir. This deals with the issue of curfew. And it's not

19 part of tu quoque. It is to indicate what is happening in the Jablanica

20 municipality at the time.

21 Now, we see this is 10 April 1992, and we see that a curfew is

22 being imposed. If you could tell us why was it necessary to impose a

23 curfew in Jablanica as early as 10 April 1992?

24 A. At this time a curfew was introduced because it was necessary to

25 introduce it due to the fact that there was a large number of displaced

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1 persons in Jablanica, a large number of refugees, mainly local

2 population. Those were the reason. And according to the reports of the

3 police, there was a large -- there was a high incidence of offences and

4 violations against law and order, and that was the reason why it was

5 necessary to introduce a curfew.

6 Q. All right. Okay. Thank you. And we'll just look at one other

7 document, and there will be others for the Trial Chamber by way of

8 motion. 1D 00990. Here we have a decision on the introduction of a

9 curfew, and this is 28 May 1992. And I take it that your answer would be

10 the same with this decision as it was with the one that you've just told

11 us about; correct?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. All right. While we're on the issue of -- sort of issues of

14 controlling, were there -- were there check-points placed at the city

15 entrance and exit?

16 A. Correct. Check-points had already been set up.

17 Q. And who was manning those check-points?

18 A. They were manned by the reserve force of the police, mixed crews

19 of the members of Muslim armed forces and the HVO.

20 Q. All right. Thank you. We're going to go on to the next chapter,

21 and this deals with roads. We did such a little bit on this. You spoke

22 about the Road of Salvation or to Salvation. If we look at 1D 00953.

23 This is 20 April 1992. And here we have a decision to send a request to

24 the Crisis Staff for the municipality of Prozor, Gornji Vakuf, and

25 Bugojno to give to Jablanica municipality some machinery and five to six

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1 tons of fuel so that urgent and necessary interventions of the

2 Jablanica-Risovac road may be carried out.

3 First let me ask you, are you familiar with this stretch of the

4 road, Jablanica-Risovac?

5 A. Yes. That's the regional road R-419, the Salvation Road that we

6 had mentioned when discussing the previous document.

7 Q. And again -- well, why was it necessary to contact the

8 municipalities of Prozor, Gornji Vakuf, and Bugojno?

9 A. Because at that time Jablanica had a problem with fuel, and we

10 thought -- we knew, rather, that fuel was available in the municipalities

11 you mentioned.

12 Q. All right. And this particular road, the Jablanica-Risovac,

13 where would it go? If you could kind of help us out here.

14 A. It led to the west of the municipality centre. Jablanica is an

15 hub of roads from Sarajevo, from the direction of Banja Luka. Those

16 roads meet at Jablanica. And since it was impossible to go towards

17 Mostar, the only way to go was Doljani, Posusje, Split. That's about 60

18 kilometres.

19 Q. All right. And to your knowledge were any refugees going to

20 Split from Jablanica?

21 A. They were going almost every day. I know that. And it was

22 necessary to keep that road usable, open.

23 Q. All right. And what period of are we speaking of when they were

24 going to Split?

25 A. So we are now discussing the first part of 1992, and they kept

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1 going until mid-1992 in larger numbers that were later reduced.

2 Q. All right. You say first part of 1992. Now, what months are we

3 talking about?

4 A. According to this document, we are now in April. They kept going

5 until mid-April.

6 Q. All right. Where were they coming from? What parts of the

7 country were they coming from?

8 A. Refugees came to Jablanica mainly from the eastern part of

9 Bosnia-Herzegovina, the areas of Foca, Rudo, Gorazde, and some from

10 Eastern Herzegovina, Gacko, Nevesinje, and the rest.

11 Q. So when we speak of refugees, we're actually speaking of

12 displaced persons. These are residents or citizens of

13 Bosnia-Herzegovina; correct?

14 A. Yes. Those were residence of one part of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

15 Q. And they're passing through from what I understand from Jablanica

16 and they're going now to the Republic of Croatia, another country,

17 neighbouring country; correct?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. Now, were they being forced to go to Croatia by Jablanica

20 municipality? Were they being kicked out?

21 A. No. We organised it at their request. Many of them actually

22 insisted to have passage towards Split. On many occasions we provided

23 the buses for their transport.

24 Q. All right. We'll go on to the next document, 1D 00957. Here we

25 have April 25, 1992, and we see that "the Jablanica Territorial Defence

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1 Staff is ordered to ensure the road to Posusje -- that the road to

2 Posusje is permanently opened." Now, why was that necessary?

3 A. This order confirms what we will discussed on the previous

4 document, the importance of that road and the need to keep it open so

5 that the refugees coming from northern areas of Bosnia would be able to

6 go towards Split and on.

7 Q. All right. The next document is 1D 00972, and here we see an

8 order, and this is -- we see a Mostar state-owned company is ordered to

9 provide a bus with 25 seats to transport workers engaged on the

10 construction of the Sovici-Risovac-Posusje road from Jablanica to Risovac

11 and back and my question now is how is it that the Jablanica municipality

12 Crisis Staff is ordering a construction company or a state-owned company

13 which is from Mostar? How is that possible?

14 A. Well, at that time these -- the vehicles happened to be in

15 Jablanica. So the Crisis Staff thought that all the resources that

16 happened to be in the territory of the municipality could be used for

17 what they believed to be a priority.

18 Q. All right. So in other words they were confiscating it and using

19 it.

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. All right. Even though it belonged to perhaps another

22 municipality?

23 A. Right.

24 Q. All right. 1D 00992. Here this is decision to begin the

25 construction of the Jablanica-Posusje-Sovici section. And we see this is

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1 R-419. This is the same road I take it that we've been talking about;

2 correct?

3 A. Yes, that is the same road.

4 Q. All right. And finally if we look at the next document, 1D 0450.

5 This has to do with the repair of bridges on Jablanica-Mostar main road.

6 This is 23 June 1992. What was it necessary to repair bridges? What was

7 the problem?

8 A. The bridges on this section Jablanica-Mostar had been blown up

9 and destroyed, and the interventions we see referred to here were not

10 aimed at completely restoring the bridges, nor was it possible. The

11 purpose was to enable them to be used for pedestrian traffic or perhaps

12 even passenger vehicles but not freight vehicles.

13 Q. That concludes that section, but let me ask one question. Did

14 the HVO military component or the HVO civilian component in any way try

15 to obstruct the building of this road or the repair of the bridges?

16 A. No, on the contrary. The HVO took an active part with all its

17 resources, both technical and manpower.

18 Q. All right. We're going to go on to the same segment, and this

19 deals with some issues on the economy, loosely phrased, so nobody should

20 hold me to it or hold it against me for not having a more comprehensive

21 title.

22 1D 00937 -- 973, 973. This is 8 May 1992, and this is an order,

23 and we can see that it talks about instructing all companies, the SDK,

24 that's the Public Auditing Service, the Sarajevo commercial bank branches

25 and the post offices that they're to place their materiel and technical

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1 equipment resources and money at the disposal of the Jablanica municipal

2 Crisis Staff. Can you tell us, please, why was this necessary? What

3 does this order exactly mean?

4 A. This order had a purpose of placing cash from the SDK, the bank

5 or other publicly owned enterprises to the Crisis Staff so that they

6 could fund the logistical needs of the municipality of Jablanica.

7 Q. All right. Now, we've heard testimony before, and we'll hear it

8 again -- or we'll hear testimony again, I should say, concerning this

9 Public Auditing Service, the SDK as it was known back then. Could you

10 please tell us whether the Public Auditing Service for Jablanica, whether

11 it was tied into the greater network throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina?

12 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour, there's nothing about the SDK

13 or the economy. There's nothing whatsoever in the summary about this, so

14 we would object to evidence on this matter.

15 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas.

16 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour, these are documents that again are

17 rather clear on their face. There is nothing in the summary again when

18 we go to the next document that has Jugo dinars, German marks and

19 Croatian dinars. Now, let's put it into context. We've had testimony

20 regarding the Public Auditing Service, and this gentleman was there. I'm

21 discussing this particular order. These documents were disclosed to the

22 Prosecution, and I see absolutely no issue with this. I mean, I -- and

23 also, as it was pointed out to me, and I'm very grateful to my colleagues

24 that I failed to mention, that if there's any prejudice suffered or being

25 suffered or to be suffered by the Prosecution as a result of this -- of

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1 this document or other documents or testimony coming from the witness,

2 then perhaps after my direct examination, you could determine to what

3 extent any -- if any he was prejudiced and fight the appropriate remedy

4 such as, because you must take the least restrictive measure, give him an

5 opportunity to prepare. But this is --

6 MR. SCOTT: Your Honour, that's not the remedy. As

7 Judge Trechsel has correctly pointed out, and it's quite relevant now

8 again, id what Mr. Karnavas wants to do is just simply read 65 ter (G)

9 out of the rules. Let's just take the rule book and tear those out and

10 say they don't apply to me. And say the rules don't apply to me. Is

11 that the Chamber's ruling? Because it's not in the summary, and there is

12 no reason for all this. Mr. Scott should it's not in the summary, Your

13 Honour.

14 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour.

15 MR. SCOTT: It's he like four sentences. It's either in the

16 summary or it's not, yes or no.

17 MR. KARNAVAS: The gentleman was provided --

18 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas.

19 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour, please -- allow me please first to

20 make this final comment, and I'll abide whatever decision you make on

21 31st of March, 2008 we provided detailed list of documents we intended it

22 use with -- with the -- with our witnesses. Now, it is incumbent upon

23 the Prosecution to read those documents. They should know what is in

24 those documents. Jablanica municipality is in the indictment, after all.

25 They also had the gentleman's background, and just by looking at the

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1 gentleman's summary they would have known that we were discussing issues

2 related to Jablanica municipality.

3 Now, what is the purpose of -- if I may, Judge Trechsel, make my

4 record, and I would appreciate being heard and then I would --

5 JUDGE TRECHSEL: You have not much new argument, Mr. Karnavas,

6 the same all over again. And I refer you to Rule 65 ter (G)(i)(b) and

7 what you say is different. It is not what the Rules say. It's as simple

8 as that. The Rules say you must warn about the facts. You must give a

9 summary of the facts the witness will speak about, and you want to escape

10 that. You simply do not want to accept it. I think that is not -- it's

11 not correct.

12 MR. KARNAVAS: I beg to differ with you, Judge Trechsel.

13 Nobody's trying to escape anything. But I'll move on. I'm go on. If

14 the SDK upsets the Prosecution and it upsets you, and you feel that

15 somehow we didn't disclose this material, we'll move on.

16 Let me just ask one question since we are on this particular

17 document -- since we are on this particular document.

18 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, please move on to

19 something else, but my colleague is absolutely right. The Rules say that

20 you have to sum up the facts to which the -- each and every witness is

21 going to testify. So that's the Rule. This is not something said by the

22 Judges. It is in the Rules. Therefore, if the Prosecutor sees there is

23 one fact mentioned by you that is note in the summary each time he will

24 be on his feet to tell you have not complied with your obligation.

25 Therefore, in the future do list all the facts in your summaries. That

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1 will be, you know, gaining time, saving time for everybody.


3 Q. Were you in Jablanica at this particular time, 8 May 1992?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Look at the next document, 1D 00783. And here we have a decision

6 on fuel prices, and it lists dinars, German marks, Croatian dinars. With

7 respect to the first list of dinars, are they -- where are they from?

8 MR. SCOTT: Your Honour, my objection exactly the same.

9 Apparently Mr. Karnavas didn't hear the objection or the ruling.

10 Economy, currency, none of that is in the summary, and he's just

11 proceeding on, and I thought the Court made it quite clear. I thought

12 Judge Trechsel and the President made it quite clear these were outside

13 the scope of the summary.

14 MR. KARNAVAS: Your Honour, I can solve this problem. We can

15 send this gentleman back at this point to his hotel. I can prepare

16 another summary, and we can start again on Wednesday. It's as simple as

17 that. But I find it rather curious that here's somebody who was the

18 president of the Executive Council. Now he's talking about the situation

19 in Jablanica and members -- some members of the trial bench simply do not

20 find this to be information that is necessary or relevant to the case,

21 and the Defence is being accused of not having complied with the Rules.

22 By virtue of his position, he is able to talk about what is

23 happening in Jablanica, and I don't see how the Prosecution is being

24 prejudiced. That's the real issue. How are they being prejudiced by

25 this? But since we have Judge Trechsel shaking his head with virtually

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1 everything I say, I suggest, Mr. President, that at this point -- at this

2 point.

3 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Wait one moment.

4 MR. KARNAVAS: [Overlapping speakers] -- at the end of the day --

5 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] We have to confer.

6 [Trial Chamber confers]

7 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, faced with this

8 specific problem the Trial Chamber is trying to find a practical

9 solution, which is for you to continue with the examination-in-chief

10 based on the points expressly mentioned in your summary. With regard to

11 the ones that are not in the summary, do disclose to the Prosecution

12 tonight at the latest the points that were not in the summary but are to

13 be found in the documents or in the document that you have the list of

14 exhibits so that on -- documents, so that Mr. Scott knows tomorrow what

15 your topics will be, and you'll have the whole night to prepare for it.

16 MR. KARNAVAS: Very well, Mr. President. I must confess that I

17 don't have my summary in front of me, and based on that -- I mean, this

18 is one of those rare occasions where we didn't bring it. It wasn't

19 intentional like some may assume. I just don't have my summary here, and

20 I assume that I'm going to be asked to justify on every single document

21 even though it's been disclosed as of the 31st of March to the

22 Prosecution concerning these witnesses. But I don't have my summary, and

23 therefore I suggest that we adjourn for the day. I can then prepare a

24 more detailed summary for the Prosecution and have it to them hopefully

25 by 9.00, no later than 9.00, perhaps even earlier. So that would be my

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1 suggestion, Your Honour.

2 MR. SCOTT: Excuse me, Your Honour, not to belabour the matter,

3 but if I get a list of these issues at midnight tonight I do not have

4 time to prepare for cross-examination tomorrow. What the Rules require

5 is that they be provided on the 31st of March, 2008. Well, I hear

6 laughter coming from the other side. That's completely inappropriate.

7 That's what the Rules require, it's what the Chamber ordered. Your

8 Scheduling Order said that this information would be provided to the

9 Prosecution on the 31st of March, 2008, not at midnight the night before

10 cross-examination, and I will not conduct a cross-examination on that

11 basis. I have to have -- I have every right to prepare. So if

12 Mr. Karnavas is in violation of the Rules, which he is, more than six

13 months late, more than six months late, I will not have that date to the

14 prejudice of the Prosecution to prepare. It's his violation, not mine.

15 Do not penalize the Prosecution for the violations of the Defence.

16 MR. KHAN: Your Honour, once again I can just suggest that Your

17 Honours' ruling stands. The information can be provided, and if after

18 receiving the information at the end of examination-in-chief my learned

19 friend still things that more time is needed, at that point an

20 application for additional time can be made. It's a matter that can be

21 dealt with I think to ensure that the Prosecution is not prejudiced.

22 MR. SCOTT: The analysis is fundamentally flawed, Your Honour the

23 rules do not require --

24 JUDGE TRECHSEL: Mr. Scott. I think that's a fair proposal. You

25 don't necessarily have to start tomorrow, but you can do it later. We

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1 know that the Rules have not really been complied with, but we somehow

2 have to get through this trial. We still hope that the compliance will

3 eventually improve with 65 ter, but I do not entirely discard the

4 reference to possible prejudice. Anyway, there is already in the air

5 possibility that the witness might be called back at a later stage in

6 connection with the -- with the expert opinion, and I think somehow we

7 must find ways that prevent this from totally collapsing.

8 MR. SCOTT: With due respect, Your Honour, the way to deal with

9 it is to enforce the Rules, and if the Chamber -- with the greatest of

10 respect and with great respect, Judge Mindua my great respect to you,

11 Judge Prandler my great respect, Mr. President my great respect,

12 Judge Trechsel my great respect. If the Chamber would enforce the Rules

13 once and for all and make it very clear that this would be solved, but

14 instead this happens to the prejudice of the Prosecution. The Rules

15 require but we'll excuse it this time and the next time and the next

16 time, and it's the always the Prosecution that is the loser in these --

17 Rule 65 ter (G) says nothing about prejudice. The obligation stands on

18 Defence counsel and says nothing about -- except where it doesn't

19 prejudice the Prosecution. The way -- with the greatest of respect --

20 the way for the Chamber to deal with this issue is to make its ruling on

21 the summaries once and for all, make it very clear and make the Defence

22 comply. Then we won't have these problems because we'll have --

23 hopefully we'll have compliance not tomorrow or not so the Prosecution

24 has to run in at the last minute, but we'll have compliance for the rest

25 of the trial if the Chamber enforces the Rules now. Thank you.

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1 MR. KHAN: Well, Your Honours, just one additional point. Of

2 course in drafting the Rules, the Judges of this Tribunal eschewed the

3 possibility of technical rules of evidence, and there is of course a

4 whole raft of possibilities between a breach, a mere breach, and a

5 substantial breach, and in assessing the remedy, the remedy for a breach

6 Your Honours would have reference and recourse of course to Rule 89 to

7 decide on the Rules -- the best favor in a fair determination the master.

8 I understand it's quite palpable my learned friend is upset, and I'm not

9 trying to condone I'm not taking a partisan position here, but from the

10 way I think the Trial Chamber's ruling must be understood, it's been

11 specifically tailored to avoid any possibility of prejudice to the

12 Prosecution, because what could the prejudice be? The prejudice would --

13 the prejudice of course would be if they are taken by surprise and are

14 being compelled to cross-examine information of a nature which they could

15 not anticipate and couldn't properly address and prepare for.

16 Your Honours' ruling in my respectful submission focuses on that.

17 My learned friend can provide a more detailed information. My learned

18 friend Mr. Scott can see it, and if at the time of reading it it is of

19 nature that requires a more sophisticated approach, requires more time

20 there's going to be no objection from this Defence team if that time is

21 granted to the Prosecution, so I think matters can be kept rather --

22 rather calm and matters can be dealt with in an unremarkable manner.

23 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Kovacic.

24 MR. KOVACIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, it wasn't my

25 intention previously to use up any time, but I think matters have now

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1 gone too far and we should have the positions of the other Defence teams.

2 I wish to pick up where Mr. Khan left off. I fully agree with him.

3 However, and I think this applies to every Rule as it does to Rule 64, we

4 must first have a fair interpretation. In itself the Rule means nothing.

5 It is not before you've placed it in the context of the overall trial

6 that we can grasp its full meaning. What is its meaning? I think that's

7 visible from the practice. We must provide summaries before a witness

8 appears and the point -- and this is to avoid surprise, to avoid any

9 traps being laid by one party for the other. Nobody can be allowed to

10 bring a witness without the other party knowing exactly what the witness

11 will be testifying about. Of course there are matters of detail

12 involved, but we must look at any specific situation as it arises.

13 How could the OTP possibly have been surprised if, (a) in

14 addition to the summary provided by Mr. Karnavas, (b)it received a list

15 of documents and in that list were also the documents that the Prosecutor

16 now claims is not in the summary? Does this mean that we actually have

17 to recount documents in our summaries? The indictment was raised five or

18 six years ago. They know the case. The OTP know the facts or perhaps

19 they have not been acting conscientiously, or perhaps they at the time

20 raised their indictment without knowing the facts.

21 When I or Mr. Karnavas give the Prosecution a list of documents

22 and what each witness will be questioned about, then they must

23 understand. This is crystal clear. Money, currency. Even an infant

24 would know what this is about.

25 We cannot interpret this provision verbatim. Summary and then

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1 you need to list all the facts that you will be asking a witness about.

2 This has to be a more general type of information. This is a summary,

3 also a list of documents. When talking about this witness this is also

4 something else his 92 bis statement the one that the witness provided to

5 them. Therefore the OTP know full well what this witness might or might

6 not be talking about. Hence I believe that the OTP's claim that it has

7 been ambushed or prejudiced has nothing to it that is true.

8 Let's not be naive about this. Let's not have the Rule read out

9 verbatim as it reads with no context, with no possibility of contextual

10 or circumstantial interpretation. This is something that simply doesn't

11 work.

12 JUDGE MINDUA: [Interpretation] Just for the transcript, page 98,

13 line 24, Mr. Kovacic, you don't want to speak about Rule 64. You mean 65

14 ter, don't you?

15 MR. KOVACIC: [Interpretation] [No interpretation]

16 JUDGE MINDUA: [Interpretation] Thank you very much.

17 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Right. Now, we have devoted

18 perhaps one hour on these problems, on these issues. I wanted to use

19 this hour to ask questions which would have been very interesting and

20 which I cannot ask because we have a procedural problem. And I say it's

21 a pity both for the Prosecution and the Defence. This being said,

22 Mr. Karnavas is going to address the -- to send the list of items which

23 is not in the summary on which he intends to ask questions from the

24 witness on the remaining documents.

25 And then this is my personal point of view: This question of the

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1 possible prejudice for the Prosecution, yes, he's right, but the question

2 is to know may there be a prejudice. The Defence could also in another

3 situation talk about the prejudice. I wonder where is the prejudice.

4 The documents that have been contested up to now have concerned dinars,

5 for instance, documents 783 on the price of petrol, or 788, diesel. I

6 don't know what the prejudice can be for a person who sees that the 98 is

7 1.40 Deutschmark. So one should be in a position when one knows the

8 case, and it's been for years that one should be knowing the case that

9 this trial has begun. One shouldn't be surprised by this document.

10 Perhaps for certain people it's a prejudice. For me it's not because I

11 discovered the document at the last minute. So the Chamber might also

12 say there is a problem. One discovers documents. So we could say in the

13 future each time the Defence prepares a file, I need at least a fortnight

14 to prepare myself. If not, I will suffer prejudice, and justice will

15 suffer prejudice with that. The trial will go on for years, at least 20

16 years.

17 So everybody has to do their best, and Defence must in the future

18 do its best to present the facts on which -- on D1 and D2 in order to

19 avoid to lose time because all the time that is lost, more than 20 per

20 cent devoted to procedural matters could have been used to go to

21 substantive matters, substantive issue, it would have been more

22 interesting for everybody.

23 So, Mr. Karnavas, make an effort to review all this in order to

24 get to Mr. Scott as soon as the list in question, and therefore you might

25 -- you may continue your examination.

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1 Do you want to add something, Mr. Karnavas?

2 MR. KARNAVAS: Yes, just briefly, Your Honour. We could send the

3 witness out at this point, and I could spend the next ten minutes in --

4 giving a verbal account as far as what I'm going to cover.

5 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Very well. Yes. All right.

6 So, Witness, the hearing will resume tomorrow, tomorrow morning at 9.00.

7 Now you're going to leave -- now you're going to leave courtroom, and

8 we'll see you again tomorrow at 9.00.

9 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.

10 [The witness stands down]

11 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Mr. Karnavas, you have used up

12 nearly two hours now so you still have two hours and two minutes.

13 MR. KARNAVAS: Thank you, Mr. President.

14 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] I hope. I really hope.

15 MR. KARNAVAS: Let me go back to the one issue that was into the

16 in -- that we learned today. That goes to the Izetbegovic meeting.

17 Based on what the witness indicated to us, he was invited to this

18 meeting. It wasn't known at the time I guess it had escaped everyone's

19 attention that he was the only non-Muslim there. At that point in time

20 when the meeting took place Mr. Izetbegovic concreting asked the director

21 of the hydroelectric plant whether they could cut off the electricity to

22 this area called Herceg-Bosna at which point in time the director said

23 yes that could be done and Izetbegovic said that's good. That was all

24 that we learned on that.

25 Now, to go on to the next -- to the segments that we had planned

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1 out based on the documents that we had presented to the Court and to the

2 Prosecution for this particular witness, the economy, all these

3 documents, I think you've said it, Mr. President. Basically they all

4 reflect the fact that you have the use of the German mark, also the

5 Croatian dinar. Why is that important? It's important because of this

6 argument of Croatisation. We see that Croatian dinars are being used in

7 official documents, and that was to show that at that point in time

8 people were using whatever was available to them under the circumstances.

9 With respect to the SDK, the Public Auditing Service, it's well

10 known that Jablanica was connected as every other municipality and every,

11 you know, locality to the central system which wasn't functioning and

12 that we heard already from Mr. Primorac.

13 So that deals with that segment. The next segment deals with

14 movements and mobilisation. That's what we called or that's what I

15 called it. Go you look at these documents these are all official

16 documents that we got from the municipality, they're rather very plain on

17 their face. They're talking -- these are steps that were taken by the

18 municipality at the time. It has nothing to do with tu quoque. What it

19 has to do is to show that under these extraordinary circumstances

20 miraculously or serendipitously all these municipalities are acting more

21 or less in the same fashion. Why? Because those were necessary measures

22 to take under the circumstances. Nothing nefarious about that. And we

23 see even the very last document that was included, we have an order for

24 mobilisation and what was interesting was here is Dr. Cibo, a medical

25 doctor, who is mobilising from the age of 15 up to the age of 65, and I

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1 only pointed that out because as I recall two and a half years ago the

2 issue was the age of mobilization. We see 18, sometimes 17, sometimes

3 16, and here we have a document on 15.

4 There are no mysteries to this particular segment. They're all,

5 if you read them, they very plainly talk about what was happening at the

6 time.

7 Then we go on to this issue dealing with the civilian

8 authorities, that is the War Presidency and the executive the documents

9 are laid out in a chronological order again to give the Trial Chamber a

10 flavour as to how things unfold starting with the gentleman's position

11 that he held and certain decisions that were issued. They're rather

12 plain on their face. At some point we get to the issue of Cibo. He's

13 been here -- he's been mentioned on numerous occasions, and, yes, we will

14 be asking about Cibo's appointment and he will state that Cibo's

15 appointment was unconstitutional at the time. He was there as the war

16 president for Konjic, Jablanica, and I believe Prozor as well.

17 And this -- this also I should go and I'm grateful to my

18 colleague Ms. Tomanovic. This testimony came in from Idrizovic. If you

19 may recall, this gentleman talked about -- about Jablanica, and of course

20 we are at the stage where we are entitled to rebut testimony by the

21 Prosecution. So all of these documents -- or not all but some of these

22 documents go to address if not rebut some of the information that was

23 brought in by witness Idrizovic. And of course what we're going to show

24 is that with the coming of Cibo the events deteriorate. My -- the

25 witness is in forced labour. At some point he's at a camp. And of

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1 course the Executive Council becomes purely Muslim at that stage.

2 So that's -- and also we're going to be talking about the issue

3 of Okruzi, which is the districts. That issue has already come up, its

4 constitutionality and how it worked.

5 The next segment is -- deals with mobilisation of -- of

6 resources. Now, there are lots of documents. We had over 20 or 30

7 documents at one point. Some we will address through motion, but what we

8 wanted to show that again when Dr. Cibo comes in and we do -- we do

9 submit that this -- this individual is rather unique in his approach. We

10 see that he begins to commandeer the first two documents, the

11 commandeering, wood, and flower stuff, but it's only from Croats. That's

12 what the witness will say, that while they were commandeering and while

13 they were expropriating, it was only from the Croats and not from the

14 Muslims from Jablanica, again to show the situation there.

15 And why is all of this somewhat important? Because it goes -- it

16 goes to our overall concept and theory which was well understood by the

17 Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina that in these times of need, they needed to

18 organise themselves, and the Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna,

19 especially in Jablanica, was for that very same purpose, to organise

20 themselves so that -- as an association, as group. They could protect

21 themselves without necessarily trying to do anything nefarious as has

22 been outlined by the Prosecution.

23 So -- and if you look at the other documents, they're very

24 innocuous in that there's nothing special. The last document for

25 instance 1D 01483. It shows here that Dr. Cibo is now commandeering the

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1 pharmacy and the pharmaceuticals of the Caritas, Croatian Catholic

2 charity, and he's putting it at the disposal of the Jablanica town

3 pharmacy for "better use" under him.

4 And so -- now, again if we look at these documents, you will see

5 that they're rather -- they're not very complicated. They're one-page

6 documents. They have been provided.

7 The next issue deals with the camps. Now, certainly the

8 Prosecution should know all about this issue because the gentleman was --

9 was not only taken to a camp but he was tortured. He had a terrible

10 experience, and of course the first document is this Jablanica war

11 hospital. This is where he went and they refused to examine him because

12 of his particular situation. That's when he was put under slave labour

13 as he put it.

14 Then we have lists of -- of Croats who were in the Museum in

15 Jablanica. This testimony came out during the Prosecution's case. So

16 again this is not a mystery. This was testified to as well by

17 Mr. Idrizovic. So again this is evidence that goes to counter the

18 Prosecution's case, much of which I find it very difficult to believe

19 that the Prosecution is unaware of or is surprised by. The documents are

20 rather self-evident.

21 One of the things that might be interesting in this packet which

22 I find kind of interesting is appointment by Sefer Halilovic. He

23 appoints Cibo, who is the Presidency, he's the president of the

24 Presidency, now he appoints him to a military position and then later on

25 we see Dr. Cibo issuing operational orders. That would be 1D 03039.

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1 So -- and then there was a chronology which was prepared by -- by

2 the gentleman, and I assume they would know about this chronology because

3 for years the gentleman worked for the office of the -- the Office of the

4 Prosecutor investigators. He worked with them for several years. They

5 relied on him to gather information for the International Tribunal for

6 the former Yugoslavia, Office of the Prosecution.

7 And then finally the last is his certificate of release from the

8 camp.

9 And finally there is one chapter which we don't know whether we

10 will have time to get to, and that deals with the issue of refugees, and

11 again if you look at them, that's merely to demonstrate how the -- the

12 refugees were coming and how they were going, and again we heard some

13 testimony that refugees went straight to Croatia. Again, that was their

14 wish. That's how they ended up there. Albeit this is the timing of

15 1992, but again it goes to that.

16 In addition to this, he will talk about how the abandoned -- how

17 the refugees were accommodated in Jablanica at one point where the Croats

18 were forced to -- to accommodate large members of families -- large

19 family -- families in their own apartments to the point that some of them

20 ultimately either had to leave or it became rather difficult for them to

21 be in that situation and left on their own. This particular gentleman

22 was housing nine. He will recount one time when Croats were brought to

23 the Museum and the little boy from the family came back and said, "Mama,

24 I just went down and tried to beat up some Ustasha." And the mother kind

25 of told him to hush because after all he was saying this in the presence

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1 of the witness in the witness's own house.

2 So this is essentially his testimony. Why is this relevant?

3 Again it goes to this whole notion that as of 1991 the Croatian

4 Community -- there was this joint criminal enterprise, and what the

5 Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna was all about and how it fits into

6 this enterprise and anybody who participated in it was a member of this

7 joint criminal enterprise, the notion that there was this territory, that

8 they're trying to re-establish the Banovina Hrvatska, that they actually

9 through their own one witness indicated Idrizovic.

10 That they tried to take over the civilian authorities where, in

11 fact, we see nothing of the sort happened. They pitched an idea. It was

12 rejected. That was it.

13 That is in essence the testimony of the gentleman, and what I

14 will do tonight pursuant to your -- to your instructions, I will sit down

15 and I will try to put it in writing and -- and frankly let me say again

16 with all due candour when I came here today, now, maybe I misread the

17 situation, but I believed in my heart-of-hearts that I had fully complied

18 with my obligations as far as the summaries go. Now, some may disagree.

19 I truly believed that the Prosecution, based on their representation,

20 that I didn't need to supplement any more, were aware I was going to go

21 into these sorts of subjects because that's what would be expected in

22 late of the gentleman's background. I truly apologise to the Prosecution

23 if I've caused them any grief. I will certainly endeavour in the future

24 to do better. I will go back even to next -- the next witness who

25 they've asked not to supplement. I will see if I can supplement it some

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1 more so that we don't have this recurrence, and I apologise to the Bench

2 for wasting more procedural time. It certainly wasn't intended but I can

3 assure you we're doing our best to become as we possibly can be so that

4 we can provide the evidence that you need in order to make a fair

5 determination in this case and I thank you very much for granting me this

6 time. Thank you and good night.

7 JUDGE ANTONETTI: [Interpretation] Very well. So we're going to

8 stop because now we've gone beyond the time. You spoke of next witness.

9 I'm looking at the list of documents for the next witness. We've got 373

10 exhibits. Experience shows that in six hours, one may admit 90 -- 80

11 exhibits. So you will have to sort out your exhibits, because there is a

12 great number of these exhibits which you'll have to sort out since you

13 will not be in a position to tender them. You will only be able to

14 tender about 80 to a hundred. Here you've got 373, which will cause a

15 problem.

16 Therefore, I'll give Mr. Scott which he is entitled to receive

17 and act on the statement you've made and then things will go much better,

18 because I just said I prefer to go to the bottom of things, the

19 substance, rather than to spend 20 per cent of our time in procedural

20 matters because the judgement will be on the substance and not on

21 procedure. So good evening and see you tomorrow at 9.00.

22 --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 7.04 p.m.,

23 to be reconvened on Tuesday, the 14th day

24 of October, 2008, at 9.00 a.m.


Monday, 13 October 2008 Case No. IT-04-74-T

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