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Mid-Year Test Units 1 – 6

Mark: / 70 marks

A Read the article about crystal caves.

The Mexican geologist, Juan Manuel García-Ruiz, is a very

lucky man. He and his team of researchers visit some of
the most beautiful areas on earth. They are specialists in
exploring caves such as Mexico’s Cueva de los Cristales
(Cave of Crystals). Part of their job is to find out how these
crystals became so large. Buried 300 metres below the
ground in the Chihuahuan Desert, the cave was discovered
by two miners who were digging a new tunnel in 2000.
Past continuous

The cave contains some of the largest natural crystals there are more crystals in the Cave of Swords, they are
ever found. They are made of gypsum, which is a soft quite small. On average, they are about a metre long.
mineral, and some of them are 11 metres in length and Past continuous
weigh up to 55 tons. ‘They are a natural marvel,’ said
García-Ruiz. To learn how the crystals grew to such huge The Cave of Crystals has a horseshoe-shape. It is about
sizes, García- Ruiz studied the liquid trapped inside them. 10 metres wide and 30 metres long, which is about the
The crystals, he said, became so large because they were size of a basketball court. Its floor and walls are covered
covered by mineral-rich water at a constant temperature – in the most beautiful crystals. ‘There is no other place on
around the planet where the mineral world can be seen in such
58°C. At this temperature the mineral anhydrite, which beauty,’ García-Ruiz said.
was present in the water, became gypsum which then
took the form of the crystals found in the cave. Past Today scientists and the mine’s owners are facing a very
continuous important question. If future generations are to enjoy the
crystals, the mining company has to continue to pump
In 1910, miners discovered another spectacular cave in the water out of the caves. If they don’t, the crystals will again
area. Its walls were covered in crystals that look like swords. be underwater and will continue to grow. Present
Therefore, it was called The Cave of Swords. This cave is
closer to the surface, at a depth of about 120 metres. While
Past continuous

B Complete the Exam

Exam Task
Look at the sentences below. Read the article to decide if each sentence is (F)
correct or incorrect. Write T (True) or F (False). 6 The Cave of
Crystals has a
1 The Mexican geologists’ job is to find more caves with crystals. smaller
(F) number of
2 The miners discovered the Cave of Crystals by accident. crystals than
(T) the Cave of
3 García-Ruiz looked at the liquid inside the crystals to find out more about them. Swords.
(T) (T)
4 The crystals became so big because the temperature varied a lot. (F) 7 The Cave of
Crystals is
5 The Cave of Crystals is closer to the ground than the Cave of Swords. almost as big
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use. Test
as a basketball court. (F)
8 Scientists and miners have to remove the water to stop the crystals from growing.

( / 8 marks)

Vocabulary and Use your English

A Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first
sentences, using the words given. You must use between two and five words.

1 My parents and I don’t often stay at home for the summer holidays.
My parents and I for the summer holidays.
2 Claire is planning to complete her studies in three years’ time.
Claire her studies in three years’ time.
3 Paul played with toys when he was a small boy.
Paul with toys, but he doesn’t any more.
4 I think Peter is very annoying because he is always interrupting me.
I wish Peter me.
5 I will do my homework and then I’ll go for a walk.
I’ll go for a walk my homework.
6 When we first moved to Egypt we found it very difficult to live there.
We could in Egypt when we first moved there.
7 Lyn Ryan’s new book about unexplained mysteries is a best-seller.
Lyn Ryan’s new book, , is about unexplained mysteries.
8 Susan has an appointment with the dentist on Friday.
Susan the dentist on Friday.
9 Sally Smith won the song competition in 2010 and 2014.
Sally Smith the song competition twice so far.
10 We didn’t ask questions in class so we didn’t understand the lesson.
If we had asked questions in class, we the lesson.
( / 10 marks)
B Complete the Exam
Exam Task
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question,
choose the correct letter a, b, c or d.

My Grandma
Although I was born in a big city, I was brought up in my grandma’s house in the country. I
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loved the peace and quiet there and so did my brothers and sisters. My grandmother loved
us a lot and we always (1) to her for advice. One really good thing about her was that she
knew how to (2) a secret. She never told our parents about anything we talked about.
When I was twelve, I even felt comfortable telling her when I (3) in love with David.

However now, as I’m getting older Grandma and I have began to grow (4) . We don’t
always agree (5) each other. In many ways she has been able to (6) with the times,
but there are some things she just can’t get used to. For example, I love loud music, but she
can’t (7) it. She says it hurts her ears. We also have different opinions on things like the
environment. When we disagree, I sometimes feel like I’m letting her (8) . I really want to
please her, but I have to think for myself. Yesterday I was on the verge of starting an (9)
with her, but I decided to keep my mouth closed. In the end, we agree to disagree about
some things. One nice thing though, I can almost always (10) in making her laugh.
1 a tried b thought c asked d turned
2 a keep b make c have d remember
3 a got b fell c came d went
4 a up b down c apart d away
5 a on b about c for d with
6 a move b go c think d make
7 a live b want c like d stand
8 a down b around c out d up
9 a anger b upset c argument d embarrass
10 a find b succeed c end d result ( / 8 marks)

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

1 That movie wasn’t interesting at all. It was really . BORE
2 Our teacher is always telling us to . CONCENTRATION
3 I don’t know what to do. I just can’t make a . DECIDE
4 Most brides wear a white wedding dress. TRADITION
5 My mum would love to get a new car. Her first would be a sports car. CHOOSE
6 I don’t feel sorry for her. In fact, I don’t with her at all. SYMPATHY
7 The new bakery is very popular. It has lots of . CUSTOM
8 Snow leopards are on the list of species. DANGER
9 Everybody should have the to express themselves. FREE
10 What does ‘naturopath’ mean? Can you give me a ? DEFINE

( / 10 marks)

A Complete the Exam
Task. Exam Task
There are 14 questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures and a short
recording. Circle the correct picture a, b or c.

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( / 14 marks)
B Complete the Exam
Task. Exam Task
You will hear part of an interview with an interior decorator David Miller who organizes c t
a special tour, the Houses Tour. For each question, choose the correct answer a, b or c. o
1 The main purpose of the Houses Tour is
a to raise money for h
charity. o
b to meet the owners of special w
Copyright National Geographic Learning.
Close-up B1 Second Edition
Permission granted to photocopy for classroom Mid-Year
use. Test
ff some beautiful homes.

2 Why is David particularly excited about this year’s tour?

a There will be more houses on this year’s
b This year’s tour is about houses that are at least 100 years
c This year, people will be able to see a beautiful old

3 The homeowners serve food and drinks to the visitors because

a the homeowners themselves choose to.
b the tour organizers suggest it.
c the visitors ask for it.

4 Who will be dressed as a worker in the Blanchford Mansion?

a John Blanchford
b Jake Blanchford
c Clyde Blanchford
5 The first thing David does to organize the event is to
a contact the homeowners who are ready to open their house.
b convince homeowners who aren’t keen on taking
c visit new houses and decide if they are suitable.

6 What do homeowners do before the tour?

a Donate money to children and businesses.
b Put off buying new furniture until after the
c Spend money to make their houses look nicer.
( / 10 marks)

Listen again.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1 Second Edition

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom Mid-Year
use. Test

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