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Progress Test
Name: Angie Vanesa Ortiz Escobar
Date: 18-08-2021
Mark: / 5.0

A Read the article about human emotions and behaviour.

A Scientific Look at Human

Emotions and Behaviour
Even though we look different and we believe in different things, It became clear to researchers that the ability to fight an impulse is an
we all have one thing in common – emotions. Psychologists and important skill and a sign of emotional intelligence.
other experts have been researching the way we feel for over a C
hundred years. We know that certain illnesses are catching, but did you know that
A emotions are, too? This explains why
In 1980, Robert Plutchik created the 'wheel of emotions'. This we tend to feel happy around happy people and agitated around anxious
consisted of eight basic emotions that could be paired into four sets of people. Psychologists refer to this as 'emotional contagion' and it can be
opposites. These opposite pairs are joy and sadness, trust and disgust, traced to a network of brain cells that form the Mirror Neuron System (MNS).
fear and anger, and surprise and anticipation. He went further by Here's an example of how it works. When you see a smiling, happy person,
classifying feelings, such as optimism, love, disappointment, your MNS notices activity in the muscles that pull the lips upwards and the
aggression and a few more, as the results of emotions. ones that crease the sides of the eyes. The MNS will then signal your own
He suggested that the eight basic emotions have existed since primitive smile muscles so that you too smile.
times, and that they have evolved in order to increase the ability of all Emotional contagion helped early humans to communicate and understand
animals - not just humans - to survive when they have to deal with issueseach other before the development of language and it is present from birth.
in their environments. An example of this is the fight-or-flight response.For example, one crying baby will cause another baby to cry. Studies also
When we feel fear due to a threat, our brains are programmed to make show that infants mirror the facial expressions of their mothers, which
the body react in certain ways. Our heart rate increases to pump more suggests that they feel the same emotions, too, and that their MNS has
blood around the body and we breathe faster to get more oxygen into ourrecorded and reacted to the emotions of the mother.
blood. The blood then carries oxygen to the muscles, allowing them to
work harder, and thus helping us to either fight or run away.
The Monster Study was a stuttering experiment focused on 22 orphan children
B in the USA, in 1939 conducted by Wendell Johnson and Mary Tudor, a
The concept of emotional intelligence was investigated in the famous student of his at the University of Iowa.
marshmallow experiment carried out by psychologist Walter Mischel in
The children were told they were going to receive speech therapy and were
the late 1960s. In the test, a group of four-year- old children were given a
divided into two groups. The real purpose of the experiment, however, was to
marshmallow and told they could eat it right away or they would get
create stuttering in healthy children and to observe whether stutterers' speech
another one if they could wait for the researcher to return. Some children
would improve if they were told they spoke well.
ate the marshmallow immediately; others waited for a short while before
they ate it; while others waited for the researcher to come back about Tudor gave positive comments to one group of the children. She praised their
15 minutes later. speech and told them they were fine speakers. The second group, however,
received the opposite treatment. They were informed that their speech was
The researchers then followed the progress of each child into
imperfect and that they stuttered. Many of the children who spoke normally, but
adolescence, and discovered that those with the ability to wait were
received negative comments, were deeply affected and developed speech
better adjusted, more dependable, popular, confident, and adventurous
problems that lasted for the rest of their lives.
than those who had given in to temptation; they also scored higher on
school tests. The children who had not been able to wait were more It was named 'The Monster Study' by some of Johnson’s colleagues who were
likely to be lonely, easily frustrated and stubborn, did not cope well withhorrified that he had experimented on orphan children to prove a theory, and the
stress and were afraid of challenges. University of Iowa publicly apologised for the Monster Study in 2001.

B Read the article again and complete the Exam Task.

Exam Task
For questions 1 – 10, choose from paragraphs (A – D). The paragraphs may be chosen more than once.

Which paragraph
a reward for certain behaviour? (B)
Copyright © National Geographic Learning.
Permission granted to photocopy for classroom
some functions of the human brain? (C) (A)
copying another person's mood? (C)
research that was criticised? (D)
the importance of emotions for survival? (A)
studies conducted on children? (B) (D)
a connection between character and academic success? (B)
a specific survival mechanism? (A) ( / 10 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning.

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these words.
anxiety disgust eagerness enthusiasm fear fury joy misery optimism pride

1 The children couldn't hide their joy when they got a cute little puppy for Christmas.
2 My dad flew into a fury when my new tablet stopped working and the shop refused to repair it.
3 The rescue workers witnessed terrible scenes of human misery when they were helping the survivors of the
4 Dario is the nervous type so stress and anxiety cause him to freak out and bite his nails.
5 I'm afraid I can't accompany you to the top of the cliff because I have a fear of heights.
6 Eva felt a great sense of pride as she watched her daughter receive her degree at the graduation ceremony.
7 I was surprised by Bob's enthusiasm to help me with the shopping as he's usually extremely lazy.
8 The demonstrators showed their anger and disgust at the behaviour of their useless politicians.
9 Many young people have no optimism and feel that there is nothing to hope for in the future.
10 After he split up with his girlfriend, Charlie lost his eagerness for going out and having fun.
( / 10 marks)
B Complete the sentences with the correct nationality words.

1 The chocolate, watches and banks are just some of the things Switzerland is famous for.
2 Most people think Rio de Janeiro is the Brazil capital, but in actual fact, the capital city of Brazil is
3 Though Sweden is a member of the European Union, they don't use the euro. Their currency is the
Swedish krona.
4 Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Hindu people in their struggle to throw the British out of India.
5 The Forbidden City in the capital of China, Beijing, was built between 1406 and 1420 and was the home of the
China emperors for almost 500 years.
6 The Dutch are the tallest people in the world, with those in the north of the Netherlands about 2 cm taller
than those in the south.
( / 6 marks)
C Replace the words in bold with these phrasal verbs in the correct form.
bottle up call back call off call out call round calm down cheer up chicken out

1 I was listening to music on my MP4 player and didn't hear the head teacher
when she shouted my name.

2 'Stop crying and tell me what happened,' said my mother in a soft voice.

3 My best friend made me promise to visit before I left on my round-the-world trip.


4 After thinking about it very carefully, I got scared and decided not to go into the
haunted house.

5 Mum told me that Mary had phoned me while I was out, so I will return her call.

6 'Don't worry! Be happy!' said my friend after I got my maths test back and found
out I got a poor mark!

7 No one was really in the mood to go out last night, so we cancelled our plans for
the cinema.

8 Helen finds it very difficult to express herself and she never discusses her feelings.
( / 8 marks)
D Complete each sentence with one word.
1 Our company does a lot of alliances with factories in Asia and Australia.
2 Just out of the meeting, I asked him how he felt about the situation he was in.
3 The invention of ships played a huge role in the development of international trade.
4 I couldn't put the mystery book down and I was lost on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.
5 The Romans built a(n) temple that stretched across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
6 It was with sadly that the manager announced the closing of the shop.
( / 6 marks)

A Circle the correct words.
1 Angela is exhausted because she has worked / has been working very hard.
2 What's wrong, Jim? You look / are looking really sad.
3 Tina would be / used to be a happy child, but now she's a grumpy teenager!
4 Jason grabbed / was grabbing his bag and ran out of the room.
5 Ivana didn't eat / hasn't eaten Korean food before. I hope she likes it!
6 The girls stay / are staying with their grandmother for the time being.
( / 6 marks)
B Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 We visit our relatives in Italy LAST year.
2 No, I've NOT BEEN listened to Japanese music; is it nice?
3 I USED to live by the sea and it was lovely there.
4 I don't know where Jill is now, but she was here five minutes AGO
5 Sally hasn't finished her project on international trade and FINANCE.
6 Before the Internet, people COMMONLY send letters, not emails. ( / 6 marks)

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 The city of Rome existed for over 2,500 years. (exist)
2 Many cultures today sharing similar myths and legends from the past. (share)
3 I waited for Joe for over an hour. I wonder why he's late. (wait)
4 We looking for some old books in the attic when we found grandma's old diary. (look)
5 Martha already visited Europe twice and she's only ten years old. (visit)
6 Are you going to Shanghai when you were in China? (you/go)
7 Why are you always complained ? Stop it! It's boring! (you/complain)
8 I'm afraid I don’t know the answer to your question. (not know)
( / 8 marks)
D Now complete the Exam Task.

Exam Task
For questions 1 – 5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given.

1 When I was young, I liked reading comics, but I don't now. EXAMPLE
I USED TO LIKE READING comics, but I don't now.
2 We moved here five years ago.
We move here for five years.

3 Tom has never been to a Japanese restaurant before.

It's the food Tom has never been to a Japanese restaurant.

4 How long have they been in New York?

When did they arrive in New York?

5 The last time Jose saw Miguel was the day they won the championship.
Jose seen Miguel last the day they won the championship. ( / 10 marks)

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