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Urban Design Brief  Abode Varsity Living 1235‐1253 Richmond Street 

Table of Contents


Sections 1 – Land Use Planning Context

1.1 The Subject Lands

1.2 The Proposal
1.3 Design Goals and Objectives
1.4 Design Response to City Documents
1.4.1 Multi-Family, High Density Residential Policies
1.4.2 North London/Broughdale Community Policies
1.4.3 Bonus Zoning Policies
1.4.4 Urban Design Policies
1.5 Spatial Analysis
1.5.1 Community Context (400m)
1.5.2 Community context (800m)
1.6 SWOT Analysis
1.7 Conclusion

Section 2 – Design Principles and Design Responses

2.1 Conceptual Design

2.2 Public Realm
2.3 Sustainability Techniques

Figure 1 Subject Lands
Figure 2 Spatial Analysis (400m)
Figure 3 Spatial Analysis (800m)
Figure 4 Site Photo Subject Lands 1235, 1237, and 1245 Richmond Street
Figure 5 Site Photo Subject Lands 1247 and 12 53 Richmond Street
Figure 6 Site Photo Richmond Street Looking North
Figure 7 Site Photo Richmond Street Looking South
Figure 8 Site Photo Houses on the Opposite Side of Richmond Street
Figure 9 Site Photo Ross Park
Figure 10 Site Photo 1201 and 1205 Richmond Street
Figure 11 Site Photo 1205 and 1223 Richmond Street

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Figure 12 Site Photo 1265 Richmond Street

Figure 13 Richmond Street Looking North to Mount St. Joseph Tower
Figure 14 Site Plan concept
Figure 15 Richmond Street Elevation
Figure 16 Richmond Street Perspective View
Figure 17 Richmond Street Perspective View 2
Figure 18 Main entrance and Cafe Area on Richmond Street

Appendix A Neighbourhood Character Statement

Appendix B Compatibility Report

Appendix C Shadow Study

Consulting Team:

Zelinka Priamo Ltd.

SRM Architects

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Urban Design Brief  Abode Varsity Living 1235‐1253 Richmond Street 


The scope and context of this Urban Design Brief for Abode Varsity Living’s proposed
redevelopment of their lands at 1235-1253 Richmond Street has been expanded to include
content that would normally be contained in a Neighbourhood Character statement and a
Compatibility Report as required by Section Residential Intensification (request for Bonus
Zoning pursuant to policy 19.4.4) of the City of London Official Plan. The inclusion of this content
into this brief has resulted in the modification of the typical structure expected for an Urban
Design Brief.

SECTION 1 – Land Use Planning Context

1.1 The Subject Lands

The subject lands are located on the west side of Richmond Street North, south of the Thames
River, and are described municipally as 1235-1253 Richmond Street. The site is comprised of five
separate lots, each containing a single-detached dwelling. Collectively the subject lands form a
rectangular shape and have a total land area of 0.78 ha (1.92 ac) with a combined street
frontage of approximately 123 metres (440 ft) facing onto Richmond Street. A road widening
dedication would reduce the overall site area to approximately 0.69 hectares (1.71 ac).

1.2 The Proposal

The proposal is for the redevelopment of the subject lands through the demolition of the 5
existing houses and the construction of a new 18 storey apartment building. The new building
has been purposely designed to accommodate a student population and will contain
approximately 311 two bedroom units. A 2 level parking structure attached to the rear of the
apartment building will provide 174 parking spaces.

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Urban Design Brief  Abode Varsity Living 1235‐1253 Richmond Street 

1.3 Design Goals and Objectives

The overall goal for the redevelopment of these lands is to provide an attractive and effective
alternative to the existing types of accommodations available within the near campus
neighbourhoods. In order to effectively achieve this goal for these lands the following design
objectives have been identified:

• Provide a redevelopment plan and building design for these lands that will be supportive
of transit and alternative transit modes with the aim of reducing vehicular trips to the
University of Western Ontario and nearby commercial and recreational amenities;

• Enhance the visual qualities of the streetscape by making a positive addition to the
existing pattern of medium and high rise apartment buildings on the west side of
Richmond Street;

• Create a strong new visual focal point within the streetscape and the surrounding area;

• Provide a building design that through the combination of its massing, orientation,
pedestrian entrances, architectural elements, detailing, and material selection will
improve the pedestrian experience along this section of Richmond Street;

• Locate the apartment building close to the street to support an urban image for the

• Create an attractive interface between the apartment building and Richmond Street
through the design and construction of an attractive landscaped urban forecourt
between the front facade and the street;

• Locate the resident’s common areas and amenities in the lower levels of the building to
support visual and physical interaction with the public streetscape;

• Provide opportunities for further enhancement of the streetscape with the introduction of
public amenities such as a coffee shop or café on the ground floor with an outdoor patio
facing onto Richmond Street;

• Place all structured parking behind the apartment building and away from public view;

• Take steps to effectively limit the visibility of the parking structure from the public trail
along the Thames river; and

• Develop a landscape plan that helps to visually integrate the new development in to the
surrounding environment.

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1.4 Design Response to City Documents

The design polices relevant to the proposed development are taken from the City of London
Official Plan Amendment N0. 438. The subject lands a currently designated “Multi-Family, High
Density Residential” in the City of London’s Official Plan. The current application seeks to make
use of the Bonus Zoning Policies contained in the City of London Official Plan. The policies that
are relevant to the proposed development are outlined below.

1.4.1 Multi-Family, High Density Residential Policies

The proposed development is consistent with the policies under Section 3.4 of the Official Plan as

• The primary permitted uses within the Multi-Family, High Density Residential designation
include low-rise and high-rise apartment buildings; apartment hotels; multiple-attached
dwellings; emergency care facilities; nursing homes; rest homes; homes for the aged;
and rooming and boarding houses (Section 3.4.1).

1.4.2 North London/Broughdale Community Policies

The subject lands are situated within the North London/Broughdale Neighbourhood (generally
bounded by the Thames River on the north and west, Oxford Street on the south, and Adelaide
Street on the east), which is guided by the policies of Section 3.5.9 of the Official Plan.

• Section 3.5.9 notes that, multiple unit residential development is directed to those areas
within the Oxford, Richmond, and Adelaide Street North corridors that are designated
Multi-Family, High and Multi-Family, Medium Density Residential.

1.4.3 Bonus Zoning Policies

The density of the proposed development (450 units/ha) exceeds the density currently permitted
(150 units/ha) for the subject lands. However, the nature of the development, in terms of its
design and the overall benefit provided to the community, enables the increase in density to be
provided through Bonus Zoning and subsequent Zoning By-law Amendment. The following
policies apply to proposals for Bonus Zoning:

• Council, under the provisions of policy 19.4.4 and the Zoning By-law, may allow an
increase in the density above the limit otherwise permitted by the Zoning By-law in return
for the provision of certain public facilities, amenities or design features. The maximum
cumulative bonus that may be permitted without a zoning by-law amendment (as-of-
right) on any site shall not exceed 25% of the density otherwise permitted by the Zoning
By-law. Bonusing on individual sites may exceed 25% of the density otherwise permitted,
where Council approves site specific bonus regulations in the Zoning By-law. In these
instances, the owner of the subject lands shall enter into an agreement with the City, to
be registered against the title to the land (Section 3.4.3.iv).

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Urban Design Brief  Abode Varsity Living 1235‐1253 Richmond Street 

1.4.4 Urban Design Policies

The following relevant policies are set out under Section 11.1 of the Official Plan and are
addressed under Section Two of this Brief:

• The development will have regard for, and complement, surrounding natural features
such as the Thames River to the north and west, as well as parkland on the east side of
Richmond Street (Subsection i);

• Existing trees will be maintained where possible (Subsection ii);

• A high standard of design will be provided along Richmond Street, which is a major
entryway to the City (Subsection iv);

• The massing of the development is consistent with adjacent uses. A distinct and
attractive visual identity will be created (Subsection v);

• Five (5) single-detached dwellings, currently situated between existing high-rise

apartment buildings, will be replaced with one high rise apartment building (Subsection

• Street-oriented features have been included that provide for the enhancement of the
pedestrian environment, such as outdoor patios and multiple connections between the
building and the public space of the streetscape (Subsection viii);

• The design and positioning of the building has regard for the impact of the proposed
development on year-round sunlight conditions on adjacent properties and streets
(Subsection ix);

• Landscaping will be used to enhance the appearance of building setbacks and yard
areas, and to screen parking, loading, garbage and service facilities from adjacent
properties (Subsection x);

• The City of London Facility Accessibility and Design Standards will be provided to
facilitate access and use (Subsection xii);

• Parking facilities and driveways are located to the rear of the site and have been
designed to facilitate manoeuvrability on site and to reduce any potential traffic flow
disruption resulting from turning movements to and from the property (Subsection xiii);

• A design to minimize the loss of privacy for adjacent residential properties have been
provided (Subsection xiv);

• Indoor recreational and amenity space is being provided (Subsection xvii);

• Waste handling, composting and recycling facilities have been incorporated into the site
design (Subsection xix).

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Urban Design Brief  Abode Varsity Living 1235‐1253 Richmond Street 

1.5 Spatial Analysis

The subject lands are within a built-up residential portion of the North London and have been
previously developed as five single detached houses and are currently designated and zoned
for Multi-Family High Density Residential uses. Richmond Street is a major arterial road and transit
route within the City of London connecting the Downtown to with the University of Western
Ontario and the Masonville commercial area. Public Transit along this section of Richmond Street
provides connections to many amenities including: University Hospital, St. Josephs Hospital,
Fanshawe College, and Richmond Row.

1.5.1 Community Context (400m)

The subject lands are located on the west side of Richmond Street in an area that forms part of
a large body of land contained within a broad meander in the north branch of the Thames
River. To the west of the subject lands lie the open space and wood banks of the river with the
campus of the University of Western Ontario. On the east side of Richmond Street across from
the subject lands there is a row of six single detached house facing onto Richmond Street and
Ross Park with its trails and parking accessed from Richmond Street. To the south Bernard
Avenue and Mayfair Drive connect to the east side of Richmond Street creating a
neighbourhood of one and two single detached houses zoned R1-5(3) similar to those found on
the east side of Richmond Street within the 400m radius. St. Luke’s Anglican Church, an
attractive modest yellow brick Victorian era church is located on the southeast corner of
Richmond Street and Bernard Avenue. Adjacent to the subject lands to both the north and the
south are high-rise apartment buildings. These existing apartment buildings at part of a row of six
existing apartment buildings build along the west side of Richmond Street within the 400m radius
all zoned R9-7 H45.

1.5.2 Community Context (800m)

Within the 800m radius, the community context expands to include more existing low density
resident development as well as a wide range of institutional uses including: much of the
campus of the University of Western Ontario, University Hospital, and King’s College on Epworth
Avenue, The Ivy Spenser Leadership Centre, Spenser Hall, and The Sisters of St. Joseph Residence
on Windermere Road. In addition to these institutional uses the 800m radius captures the edge of
medium density housing at the northeast corner of Richmond and Windermere Road,
Windermere on the Mount (formerly the Mount St. Joseph) senior’s apartments on the southeast
corner of Windermere Road and Richmond Street, student residences on University Drive, and a
small cluster of commercial uses on the west side of Richmond Street at Huron Street.

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1.6 SWOT Analysis

An analysis of the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats presented by the combination
of the neighbourhood context and the proposal, can be summarized as:


• High Visibility
• The Subject Lands Are Currently Underutilized for Land Use Designation
• Direct Access to Major Transit Route
• Strong Established Pedestrian Environment
• Attractive Streetscape
• Easy Walking Distance to University of Western Ontario and Commercial Amenities
• Close Proximity to Ross Park and the Thames River Trail System
• Established Pattern of High Density Residential in Neighbourhood
• Appropriate Location for Student Accommodation
• Buffered From Existing Low Density Residential
• Minimal Shadow Impact on Surrounding Lands


• Traffic Noise
• Lot Depth


• Establish a New Visual Focal Point on Richmond Street

• Enhance the Existing Pattern of High and Medium Rise Buildings
• Provide Visual Interest in the Streetscape
• Provide an Appropriate Formal Street Presence
• Locate Parking Unobtrusively
• Promote Alternative Transportation
• Contribute to the Stability of the Near Campus Neighbourhoods


• High Traffic Volumes on Richmond Street

• Traffic Noise From Richmond Street

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1.7 Conclusions

The proposed development for the subject lands is consistent with the character of the
neighbourhood and respects the established pattern of development along this section of
Richmond Street. The subject lands are well located to support public transit as well as
alternative modes of transit and are position at a point on Richmond Street near the geographic
centre of an extended cluster of institutional uses and within reasonable distance of a wide
range of retail, commercial, and recreational amenities.

The Neighbourhood Character Statement confirms that the proposed development respects
the existing neighbourhood as follows:

• The subject lands and the proposed development are located within an existing pattern
of high-rise development.

• The adjacent low density residential neighbourhoods are separated from the proposed
development and are buffered by the river, open space, Richmond Street, and the
existing adjacent high-rise buildings.

• The proposed apartment building is oriented to and clearly addresses the street in a
fashion that is typical of the adjacent single detached houses on Richmond Street. Unlike
all of the existing neighbouring apartment buildings, the proposed building does not
present an end elevation to the street or has its front doors facing an interior side yard.

• The site plan for the proposed development locates parking at the rear of the
development away from the streetscape which is consistent with the adjacent single
detached houses along Richmond Street. This parking structure will be screened from
Thames River trails by existing vegetation.

• The urban forecourt that has been designed to run continuously along the length of the
street frontage of the subject lands will assist in maintaining the green image of this
section of Richmond Street.

The Compatibility Report also confirms that the proposed development is compatible with the
surrounding neighbourhood, given that it incorporates the following key features:

• The proposed north/south building orientation will reduce the visual site lines between
windows in the proposed building and windows in the two adjacent residential high-rises
and reduce potential shadow impact on the windows and balconies of the high-rise
building to the north.

• In addition to a cafe the common areas for the residents such as exercise, recreational,
and meeting rooms will be located on the first and second floors along Richmond Street
to encourage visual and social interaction with the neighbourhood.

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• To anchor the proposed development into the streetscape and the urban fabric of the
neighbourhood, a parking lay by is proposed to be located within the Richmond Street
right-of-way in front of the new apartment building.

• The two end components or wings have been further defined through the reduction of
their height from 18 storeys to 16 storeys. These changes to the building height have been
introduced to assist with visually integrating the proposed 18 storey building with the
adjacent 14 storey apartment buildings to north and south.

• The colours and finishes of masonry cladding material such as architectural stone, brick
and precast panels will be selected based on the range of colours found within the
existing neighbourhood with specific reference to the single detached houses on this
section of Richmond Street.

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SECTION 2 – Design Principles and Design Responses

2.1 Conceptual Design

The new building is proposed to be oriented along Richmond Street and positioned close to the
street line, approximately 4.5 metres from the ultimate width of the Richmond Street rights-of-
way. This proposed spatial orientation results from the combination of the physical proportions of
the subject lands and the desire to bring the massing of the building forward to support the
street line and to establish a more appropriate relationship to Richmond Street than was
achieved by the existing row of high rise apartment buildings. This north/south building
orientation also reduces the visual site lines between windows in the proposed building and
windows in the two adjacent residential high-rises. Further the proposed north/south orientation
of the new building will result in reduced shadow impact on the windows and balconies of the
adjacent high-rise building to the north. Additionally this building location allows parking to be
located behind the building away from public view.

In plan the footprint of the proposed building has been divided into five major components
through changes in the plain of the front facade. The two end components or wings have been
further defined through the reduction of their height from 18 storeys to 16 storeys. These changes
to the plain of the front elevation and the accompanying changes to building height have
been introduced to provide visual interest and to softening the buildings visual and physical

Overall, the buildings elevations have been divided into a series of modulated components that
are defined by complementary changes in height, massing, and cladding materials. The
selection and disposition of cladding materials corresponds to established principles of
architectural design. The design recognize the division and articulation of the base, middle and
cap of the building by placing architectural stone at the base, followed by an arrangement of
brick and precast panels above, culminating in a significant increase in glazing on the upper
floors. The appearance of all of the building elevations have been further articulated by
introduction of cornices that define the major changes in cladding materials on the elevations.

The design of the first three storeys of the Richmond Street facade has been integrated with the
ground plain to create a paved and landscaped urban forecourt along Richmond Street. The
design of this facade provides space for a cafe with a landscaped outdoor patio facing onto
Richmond Street and clear connections between the building and the public space of the
streetscape. In addition to the cafe, common areas for the residents such as exercise,
recreational, and meeting rooms will be located on the first and second floors along Richmond
Street to encourage visual and social interaction with the neighbourhood.

The main entrance area for the apartment building is located at the southern end of the front
elevation directly adjacent to the cafe and is marked by an entry canopy, a change in
cladding materials, and a 5 storey high colonnade.

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Urban Design Brief  Abode Varsity Living 1235‐1253 Richmond Street 

The front facade is proposed to contain a significant amount of glazing on the lower floors to
provide light to the common areas and residential units that face onto Richmond Street and to
soften the building’s integration into the streetscape. To provide visual and physical reference
to the single family houses within the area and to provide a sense of human scale the lower
portions of the facade have been designed to includes a series of canopies, brise soleil, and
projections to establish a clear progression of datum lines at the second, third and fourth floors.

Vehicular access from Richmond Street is proposed to be accommodated with two all turns
driveways. One driveway will be located parallel to the southern property line and will provide
access to the lower parking level as well as to the garbage pickup and moving day loading
area. The other driveway is located parallel and adjacent to the northern property line and
provides access to the upper parking deck which will also located at the rear of the apartment

2.2 Public Realm

The site plan proposes the creation of a parking lay by located within the Richmond Street right-
of-way in front of the new apartment building. This lay by has been designed to provide 9
parallel parking spaces for drop off/pickup and short term parking needs. This lay by
reintroduces on street parking to this section of Richmond Street in a limited way.

Between the curb line of the street and the front facade a landscaped forecourt is proposed to
be created through the combination of lands within the public boulevard and the front yard of
the apartment building. This forecourt will function both as an extension of the public sidewalk
and as a continuous pedestrian connection to the building. This area will be designed with
decorative paving patterns, trees, and raised planters in such a way as to create an attractive
pedestrian environment that supports the urban image of the streetscape.

2.3 Sustainability Techniques

Although the detailed architectural and engineering designs for this building have not yet been
undertaken the applicants, as part of their business plans for these rental units, are committed to
pursuing energy conservation as a cost control measure. It is anticipated that the following
sustainable design features will be amongst those considered in the final design:

• Light coloured non-heat absorbing roofing finishes to reduce heat island effect;
• Water efficient landscaping;
• Energy savings through the use of efficient building systems;
• Storage and collection areas for recycling; and
• Increase natural ventilation effectiveness;

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Figure 1 Subject Lands

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Figure 2 Spatial Analysis (400m)

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Figure 3 Spatial Analysis (800m)

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Figure 4. 1235, 1237, and 1245 Richmond Street

Figure 5. 1247 and 1253 Richmond Street

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Figure 6. Richmond Street Looking North From the Subject Lands

Figure 7. Richmond Street Looking south From the Subject Lands

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Figure 8. Houses on The East Side Of Richmond Street Opposite the Subject Lands

Figure 9. Ross Park

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Figure 10. 1201and 1205 Richmond Street

Figure 11. 1205 and 1223 Richmond Street

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Figure 12. 1265 Richmond Street

Figure 13. Richmond Street Looking North To Mount St. Joseph

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Figure 14 Site Plan Concept

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Figure 15 Richmond Street Elevation

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Figure 16. Richmond Street Perspective View

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Figure 17. Richmond Street Perspective View 2

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Figure 18. Main Entrance and Café Area on Richmond Street

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Neighbourhood Character Statement for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 

Appendix A

Neighbourhood Character Statement

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Neighbourhood Character Statement for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 
1235-1253 Richmond Street
Abode Varsity Living

Neighbourhood Character Statement

The subject lands 1235-1253 Richmond Street are comprised of an row of five large lot single
detach houses isolated in a larger row of 6 apartment buildings on the west side of Richmond
Street located south and east of the north branch of the Thames River. These lands provide a
unique opportunity to fill an apparent gap in this near continuous local street wall of high-rise
apartment buildings in a way that will improve the existing streetscape and provide a new visual
focal point along this section of Richmond Street between the University gates and the river. The
following Neighbourhood Character Statement describes how the proposed development has
been designed to respect character of the Neighbourhood.

Character and Image:

• The subject lands are located on the west side of Richmond Street in an area that forms
part of a large body of land contained within a broad meander in the north branch of
the Thames River. Richmond Street is a major arterial road and transit route within the City
of London connecting the Downtown to with the University of Western Ontario and the
Masonville commercial area and many rural communities to the north.

To the west the of the subject lands lie the flood plain and wood banks of the river with
the campus of the University of Western Ontario on its west bank. Due to the density of
existing vegetation on intervening public and private lands the subject lands are not
visible from the Thames River trails.

The neighbouring land directly adjacent to the westerly property line at the rear of the
subject lands is wooded. To the east of the subject lands on the east side of Richmond
Street is a row of 6 single detached house facing onto Richmond Street and Ross Park
with its trails and parking accessed from Richmond Street. The wooded edge of the river
and the open space beyond are visible to the east as the street approaches the bridges
crossing the river.

Richmond Street within the area of the subject lands is framed by a formal row of five
mid and high rise apartment buildings on the west side and by mostly single detached
houses on the east side. The subject lands for the proposed new apartment building are
comprised of five of six house lots located between two of these existing apartment
buildings on west side of Richmond Street.

The existing apartment buildings are for the most part clearly representative of 1960’s
provincial modern apartment architecture of varying visual quality and exterior
condition. This group of brick clad buildings range in height from the 4 storeys of 1267

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Neighbourhood Character Statement for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 
Richmond Street to the 14 storeys of 1265 Richmond Street. These buildings that have
been developed separately have evolved as a series of slab buildings sited edge on to
Richmond Street. This established building orientation is facilitated by the depth of these
lots which for the most part exceeds the depth of the lots that form the subject lands. All
of these existing apartment buildings are sited back from projected ultimate road with of
Richmond Street. None of these existing apartment buildings provide features or
architectural elements that attempt to address Richmond Street while several provide
parking between the building and the street. Collectively this row of buildings successfully
frames and defines this section of Richmond Street. When viewed from the south this row
of taller buildings frame the visual terminus created by the bell tower of Mount Saint
Joseph as Richmond Street jogs and crosses the river. When viewed from the north, on
Richmond Street, approaching the river and the bridges, the taller buildings provide a
strong visual terminus as the street jogs to the east.

With the exception of St. Luke’s Anglican Church the east side of Richmond Street is
composed of a blend of mostly brick one and two storey single detached houses. While
there are several houses that appear to have been built as infill in the 1960’s the majority
of these houses appear to have been built in the early decades of the Twentieth
Century. For the most part these houses are sited relatively close to the projected
ultimate width of Richmond Street with varying but relatively similar front yard depths.
Although some of houses on corner lots flank onto Richmond Street the majority clearly
addresses the street with their massing, front doors, porches, and fenestration. There are
only a few properties with driveways accessing onto Richmond Street and parking in
front yards. For houses on the east side of Richmond Street the majority of parking is
provided in rear yards accessed from shared rear laneways. This pattern of single
detached houses is repeated along Raymond Avenue and Bernard Avenue east of
Richmond Street. The houses along these streets leading from east from Richmond Street
are similar to those found on Richmond Street save for the addition of individual
driveways and the options of parking in front, side and rear yards.

The absence of parking in front yards has supported the presence of trees in front yards
and within the municipal right-of-way in some locations. Although the boulevards
between the curb and the sidewalk are narrow and there is no regular pattern to the
planting of trees on public or private property this stretch of Richmond Street can still be
fairly described as having a green and tree lined. This section of Richmond Street in the
area just south of the river was once viewed as the northern limit of the urbanized portion
of North London prior to the development of the Masonville area.

• The new development is proposed for a location that is within a long established existing
pattern of apartment buildings along the west side of this section of Richmond Street and
as such will not be adding a new or unexpected building form or volume to the west side
of the streetscape along Richmond Street. The design of the proposed building provides
a contemporary interpretation for design of high-rise apartments that will visually elevate
the image of the streetscape by providing a higher level of architectural detail and
attention to massing and building orientation that is currently provided by the existing
apartment buildings.

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Neighbourhood Character Statement for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 

• The new development will provide a new visual focal point south of the river as
Richmond Street enters the neighbourhood and the old north area of the City.

Site Design:

• The proposed development has provided a design for an apartment building that clearly
engages the streetscape and the public realm. This has been accomplished by bring the
building close to the ultimate width of the rights-of-way, locating community uses and
resident amenities at grade along the streetscape, providing an landscaped urban
forecourt, and creating a clearly recognizable front door onto the street.

• The parking structure in the rear of the proposed development will not be visible from the
street and will be obscured from view along the public Thames River trails by the volume,
height, and breadth of existing trees and vegetation on both public and private lands
located to the west of the subject lands.

• The location and north/south orientation of the mass of the proposed building will reduce
the possible shadow impact of the proposed development on its neighbour to the north
and will make a contribution to the existing and establish pattern of shadows produced
by the other five high-rise buildings on the west side of Richmond Street.

• The proposed development will continues the treed image of Richmond Street with the
planting of trees in the forecourt while presenting a formal urban image to the street.


• By placing all parking in the rear of the building and away from public view and the
streetscape the proposed development will closely follow a pattern for the location of
parking established by the adjacent single detached houses along Richmond Street and
not consistently adhered to by a number of the existing apartment buildings.

• The design and exterior materials of all areas of the elevation of the parking structure
that are readily exposed to public view will be integrated into the design of the attached
residential building.

• Visitor parking will be accommodated within the attached parking structure and
adjacent to the main front entry at the southeast corner of the building.

• All garbage and recycling will be stored within the building envelope and picked up on
assigned days at a dedicated loading area.

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Compatibility Report  for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 

Appendix B
Compatibility Report

1 | P a g e         Z e l i n k a   P r i a m o   L t d .  
Compatibility Report  for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 

1235-1253 Richmond Street

Abode Varsity Living

Compatibility Report

The subject lands 1235-1253 Richmond Street are comprised of an row of five large lot single
detach houses isolated in a larger row of 6 apartment buildings on the west side of Richmond
Street located south and east of the north branch of the Thames River. These lands provide a
unique opportunity to fill an apparent gap in this established pattern of high-rise apartment
buildings in a way that will improve the existing streetscape and provide a new visual focal point
along this section of Richmond Street between the University gates and the river. The following
Compatibility Report outlines how the proposed development has been designed to support the
streetscape of Richmond Street and urban fabric of the neighbourhood.

Built Form Elements:

• The new building is proposed to be oriented along Richmond Street and positioned close
to the street line. This spatial orientation was selected to bring the massing of the building
forward to support the street line and to establish a more appropriate relationship to
Richmond Street than was achieved by the existing row of high rise apartment buildings.

• This north/south building orientation also has the benefit of reducing the visual site lines
between windows in the proposed building and windows in the two adjacent residential
high-rises. Further the proposed north/south orientation of the new building will result in
reduced shadow impact on the windows and balconies of the adjacent high-rise
building to the north.

• To assist in integrating the proposed building into the streetscape and the fabric of the
neighbourhood an urban forecourt is proposed to be created between the curb line of
the street through the combination of lands within the public boulevard and the front
yard of the apartment building. This forecourt will function both as an extension of the
public sidewalk and as a continuous pedestrian connection to the building. This area will
be designed with decorative paving patterns, trees, and raised planters in such a way as
to create an attractive pedestrian environment that supports the urban image of the

• The design of first three storeys of the front elevation provides space for a cafe with a
landscaped outdoor patio facing onto Richmond Street and clear connections between
the building and the public space of the streetscape. In addition to the cafe, common
areas for the residents such as exercise, recreational, and meeting rooms will be located
on the first and second floors along Richmond Street to encourage visual and social
interaction with the neighbourhood.

2 | P a g e         Z e l i n k a   P r i a m o   L t d .  
Compatibility Report  for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 

• To further assist in anchoring the proposed development into the streetscape and the
urban fabric of the neighbourhood a parking lay by is proposed to be located within the
Richmond Street right-of-way in front of the new apartment building. This lay by has
been designed to provide 9 parallel parking spaces for drop off/pickup and short term
parking needs. This lay by reintroduces on street parking to this section of Richmond
Street in a limited way.

• The main entrance area for the apartment building is located at the southern end of the
front elevation facing the urban forecourt, directly adjacent to the proposed public cafe
and is marked by an entry canopy, a change in cladding materials, and a 5 storey high
colonnade. The combination of location, canopy, and colonnade will clearly announce
and identify the main entrance and enhance the buildings connection to the

Massing and Articulation:

• In plan the footprint of the proposed building has been divided into five major
components through changes in the plain of the front facade. The two end
components or wings have been further defined through the reduction of their height
from 18 storeys to 16 storeys. These changes building height have been introduced to
assist with visually integrating the proposed 18 storey building with the adjacent 14 storey
apartment buildings to north and south.

• The goal of the design of first three storeys of the Richmond Street elevation has been to
integrate the building with the ground plain to create a paved and landscaped urban
forecourt along Richmond Street.

Architectural Treatment:

• Overall, the buildings elevations have been divided into a series of modulated
components that are defined by complementary changes in height, massing, and
cladding materials. The selection and disposition of cladding materials corresponds to
established principles of architectural design. The design recognize the division and
articulation of the base, middle and cap of the building by placing architectural stone at
the base, followed by an arrangement of brick and precast panels above, culminating
in a significant increase in glazing on the upper floors. The appearance of all of the
building elevations have been further articulated by introduction of cornices that define
the major changes in cladding materials on the elevations.

• The colours and finishes of masonry cladding material such as architectural stone, brick
and precast panels will be selected based on the range of colours found within the
existing neighbourhood with specific reference to the single detached houses on this
section of Richmond Street.

3 | P a g e         Z e l i n k a   P r i a m o   L t d .  
Compatibility Report  for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 

• The front facade is proposed to contain a significant amount of glazing on the lower
floors to provide light to the common areas and residential units that face onto
Richmond Street and to soften the building’s integration into the streetscape. To provide
visual and physical reference to the single family houses within the area and to provide a
sense of human scale the lower portions of the facade have been designed to includes
a series of canopies, brise soleil, and projections to establish a clear progression of datum
lines at the second, third and fourth floors.

4 | P a g e         Z e l i n k a   P r i a m o   L t d .  
Shadow Study  for Abode Varsity Living December 21, 2010 

Appendix C
Shadow Study

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Shadow Study - Spring Equinox March 21 10am

London Apartments




Shadow Study - Spring Equinox March 21 12pm

London Apartments




Shadow Study - Spring Equinox March 21 2pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Spring Equinox March 21 4pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Summer Solstice June 21 10am

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Summer Solstice June 21 12pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Summer Solstice June 21 2pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Summer Solstice June 21 4pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Autumn Equinox Sept 21 10am

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Autumn Equinox Sept 21 12pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Autumn Equinox Sept 21 2pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Autumn Equinox Sept 21 4pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Winter Solstice Dec 21 10am

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Winter Solstice Dec 21 12pm

London Apartments



Shadow Study - Winter Solstice Dec 21 2pm

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