Analysis-Of-Types-Code-Switching-And-Code Mixing

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ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No.

2 September 2017


BY THE SIXTH PRESIDENT OF 5(38%/,& ,1'21(6,$¶6

Ary Iswanto Wibowo1, Idah Yuniasih2, Fera Nelfianti3

STIBA Nusa Mandiri Tangerang/Sastra Inggris
ASM BSI Jakarta/Sekretari
ASM BSI Jakarta/Manajemen Administrasi

Abstract - This research aimed to describe the use of code switching and code mixing in
the speech of the spoken language. The research used qualitative research. Data were
collected from script documented and grounded theories to roll out several types of
code switching and code mixing. In collecting data for the research, writer took a few
steps such as, observing and reviewing the speech, and choosing the sentences
containing code mixing and code switching. The theories were applied into object of the
research that is former PresidenW RI 5HSXEOLF ,QGRQHVLD 6XVLOR %DPEDQJ <XGKR\RQR¶V
speech. As an official authority, the writer was attracted to analyze his speech during
commemoration of 65th Independence Day. The result of this research found that the
speech has categorized as kinds of code switching and code mixing. There were three
types of code switching; tag, inter sentential, and intra sentential. In addition, there
were also three types of code mixing that found in this research. They are insertion,
alternation, and congruent lexicalization.
Keywords: code switching, code mixing, speech

1. INTRODUCTION phenomenon situation investigated by a

study of language called linguistic.
In many parts of the world, human Sociolinguistic is one of field of
being used more than one language to macro linguistic that study about the
communication with each other. relationship between language and
Indonesia is a one of the country which society, and how language is used in
has multilingual languages is made up multilingual speech community. Related
of plurality of ethnic groups, cultures to the explanation, sociolinguistics is
and languages. So, it is common for the study of the development and the
Indonesian people to speak with another level of use of language in society in
language beside their mother language which there is a discussion about
(mother tongue), national language, bilingual and multilingual languages.
even a foreign language during their Actually, the concept of bilingualism
communication in society. This and multilingualism is the same.

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017

Bilingual and multilingual language is carefully the speeches of SBY, it can be

regarding the use of state of more than found several English words, phrases,
one language by a speaker when or clauses. There are many insertions of
communicating with others. Moreover, English in S%<¶V VSHHFKHs that
in term of bilingualism and basically uses Bahasa. It is very
multilingualism, code switching and interesting to be studied what types of
code mixing often occur. Switch or mix code switching and code mixing in
code a language into another language those speeches is. So, this is the reason
is common situations in Indonesian why the writer interest to analyze it.
people nowadays. It is happens in every Finally, the writer chooses ³Analysis of
gender, age, status and society. Code switching and Code mixing by
Code switching and code mixing is The Sixth President of Republic
the phenomena of code choice. The ,QGRQHVLD¶V Speech at The National of
code here means the way to expressing Independence Day´ as title in this
something through the language using project. Furthermore, the writer hopes
certain dialect, style, register or variety this research can give information about
of language. Code switching and code code switching and code mixing
mixing occurs in a daily life such as in phenomenon that happens in society
conversations, an event like speeches, in life.
a media (mass media and electronic The writer has found problems to be
media), seminar, and so much more. discussed through this research. First,
The writer chooses speeches, officials what the types of code switching and
one to become the source or object in FRGH PL[LQJ XVHG LQ 6%<¶V VSHHFK DUH
this project. In this case, the speech is and the second is what the dominant
from the former President of Indonesia, type of code switching and code mixing
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. IRXQG LQ 6%<¶V VSHHFKHV LV
SBY is the sixth president of Furthermore, the writer also scoped and
Republic Indonesia which is oftentimes limited his research by determining
VZLWFK RU PL[ KLV VWDWH¶V VSHHFK LQWR types of code switching and code
another language (especially in mixing usage and focusing on the sixty-
English), whether a formal speech or an fifth commemoration Independence
informal speech. The interesting one of Day by the sixth President of Republic
the writer, when the writer reads Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
structures and uses and the relationship
between them, as well as into its
2. THEORETICAL REVIEW development through history and its
2.1 The Nature of Linguistic acquisition by children and adults. The
Scholars have devised ways to scope of linguistics includes both language
study human language, although there is structure (and its underlying grammatical
still much more research to be done and competence) and language use (and its
many mysteries to explore. The field of underlying communicative competence).´
scholarship that tries to answer how It could be said that the
does language work is called linguistics. systematic research of human language
Here are some definitions about including its structures, uses, and
linguistics: relationship between human being.
Another expert like Finegan Knowing a language also means
(2012:22) explained that: knowing its structure and its use and
³Linguistic is defines as the systematic how to use them appropriately.
inquiry into human language into its

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017

In addition linguistic also meant explaining why we speak differently in

the scientific study of language, is different social contexts, and they are
informed by a long story of the study of concerned with identifying the social
grammar, and many of the ideas central functions of language and the ways it is
to current linguistics theory go back to XVHG WR FRQYH\ VRFLDO PHDQLQJ´ The
ancient times Denham and Lobeck sociolinguistics is concerned with the
(2010:18). This means that linguistic relationship between language and the
theory is concerned with revealing the context in which it is used. So, there is a
nature of mental grammar which concern to explaining and identifying a
UHSUHVHQWV VSHDNHUV¶ NQRZOHGJH RI WKHLU language changes that spoken.
language. On the other hand, Wardhaugh
From some definitions above and Fuller (2015:1) state that
linguistics is described anything related ³6RFLROLQJXLVWLFV LV WKH VWXG\ RI RXU
to language within the structure of everyday lives-how language works in
language or the form of language. our casual conversations and the media
Linguistic is a scientific discipline with we are exposed to, and the presence of
established theories, analytic methods, societal norms, policies, and laws which
and real-world applications. DGGUHVV ODQJXDJH´ ,W PHDQV
sociolinguistics is not a study of facts
2.2 The Nature of Sociolinguistic but the study of ideas about how
Sociolinguistic is a field of member of a particular society may
macro linguistics in linguistic study. influence the terms with our language
Sociolinguistic is the study of the use.
relation between language and society a 2.3. Code Switching and Code
branch of both linguistics and Mixing
sociology. Sometime it called the Code or variety of language is
sociology of language. There are the the choice of words. By the existence of
definitions of sociolinguistic from any the language varieties, some people
sources: need to choose the code or interaction
Wardhaugh (2006:13) says, strategy correctly to be used at random
³Sociolinguistics is concerned with context. In this paper, the writer
investigating the relationships between analyzes two types of code which are
language and society with the goal code switching and code mixing that
being a better understanding of the often occur in particular
structure of language and how communication. In order, most of
languages function in communication; Indonesian people have ability either to
the equivalent goal in the sociology of speak and understand two languages or
language is trying to discover how even more, they usually use more than
social structure can be better understood one language to communicate with their
through the study of language, ´ community.
It shows that sociolinguistic 2.3.1. Code Switching
investigates how social structure ³&RGH VZLWFKLQJ LV GHILQHV DV
influences the way people communicate the use of more than one language,
and how language functioned in society. variety, or style by speaker within an
Further on Holmes (2001:1) utterance or discourse, or between
GHILQHV WKDW ³6RFLROLQJXLVWV VWXG\ WKH different interlocutors or situations
relationship between language and 5RPDLQH ´ ,W PHDQV
society. They are interested in switching the code occurs when there is

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017

more than one language in In this kind of code switching, tags,

communication. The speaker uses his or exclamation and certain set phrases in
her ability in another language, style, one language are inserted into an
dialect or anything it served by the utterance otherwise in another, as when
speaker depends on the addresses in a Panjabi/English says: ³,W¶V D QLFH GD\
different occasions. hana"´ KDL QD" LVQ¶W LW 7KH ZRUG
According to Heller in Lowi ³hana´ LQ 3DQMDEL LV DV D WDJ
³&RGH VZLWFKLQJ LV YLHZV DV a 3) Establishing continuity with the
bilingual/multilingual practice that is previous speaker
used not only as a conversational tool, This kind of code switching occurs to
but also as a way to establish, maintain continue the utterance of the previous
and delineate ethnic boundaries and speaker, as when one Indonesian
LGHQWLWLHV´ ,W PHDQV FRGH VZLWFKLQJ LV speaker speaks in English and then the
not only to convey a conversations other speaker tries to respond in English
activity, but also to coverage all aspect too.
in society meaning. For example:
According to Holmes (1992:50), Speaker 1 : What a traffic! We will
³&RGH VZLWFKLQJ RFFXUV ZKHQ WKH get old in the road
speaker shifted their language from one Speaker 2 : Yup, you are absolutely
language to another. Code switching is right. Setiap hari maceeet.
switched essentially between In these types of code switching, the
VHQWHQFHV´ ,W PHDQV ELOLQJXDO VSHDNHUV changes of language occurs in the
changes his or her utterance into another structure of clause or sentence
language when they spoke. This boundary, insertion with tags,
language changes may take a number of exclamation and certain set of phrases,
different forms, including alteration of even the switch occurs to continue the
sentences, phrases from both languages utterance of the previous speaker.
succeeding each other and switching in Another discussion about types
long narrative. of code switching according to
2.3.2. Types of Code Switching Poplack in Romaine (1995:122-123),
Hoffman (1991:112) shows defines three main types of code
some types of code switching based on switching which are:
the juncture or the scope of switching 1. Tag switching, is simply the insertion
where language take place, there are: of a tag in one language in an
1) Inter sentential code switching utterance which is entirely in the
This kind of code switching occurs other language, e.g. you know, I
between clause or sentence boundary, \mean, right?
where each clause or sentence is in one 2. Inter sentential switching, involves a
language or other, as when Spanish- significant amount of syntactic
(QJOLVK ELOLQJXDO VD\V ³7HQLDV ]DSDWRV complexity and conformity to the
blancos, un poco, they were off-white, rules of both languages; therefore
\RX NQRZ´ speakers performing this kind of
In this example, the guy first speaks in switching are usually fairly proficient
Spanish and then switches the code in the participating languages.
using English clause in the end of the 3. Intra sentential switching refers to the
conversation. switching that occurs inside the same
2) Emblematic code switching clause or sentence which then
contains elements of both languages.

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017

This type of switching appears to distinct grammatical (sub) system

involve special principles governing across sentence boundaries within the
how the syntax and morphology of VDPH VSHHFK HYHQ«FRGH PL[Lng is the
both languages may interacted and embedding of various linguistic unit
consequently adopted only by such as affixes (bound morphemes),
bilinguals with high levels of words (unbound morphemes), phrases
fluency. and clauses from a cooperative activity
It is clearly seen that, in code where the participants, in order to infer
switching, there is no adaptation or what is intended, must reconcile what
integration of words or clauses from one they hear with what they understand.
language into the other. What occurs is It means that the common thing
simply a switch in the language. between these two codes is that the term
2.3.3. Code Mixing of code switching emphasizes switching
According to Maschler in Grin, from one language to another, while the
seminar paper (2006, 21 pages), defines term of code mixing often emphasizes
FRGH PL[LQJ RU D PL[ FRGH DV ³8VLQJ hybridization.
two languages such a third, new code 2.3.4. Type of Code Mixing
emerges, in which elements from the According to Suwito (1983:76),
two languages are incorporated into a code mixing is divided into two types:
VWUXFWXUDO GHILQDEOH SDWWHUQ´ ,W PHDQV a) Inner code mixing, in which happens
the code mixing hypothesis states that because elements insertion from
when two code switched languages original language with all its
constitute the appearance of a third code variation.
it has structural characteristics special to b) Outer code mixing, in which occurs
that new code. because of elements insertion
Hoffman in the book of stemming from foreign language.
Introduction to Bilingualism identifies a It means that the first language of
few reasons for people to do code the speaker in this case, national
mixing. As Habib (2014:8-9), cites language is inserted with his or her own
³7KHVH UHDVRQV DUH WDONLQJ DERXW D language (original language) or inserted
particular topic, quoting somebody else, with a foreign language from the
being emphatic about something, speaker background.
inserting sentence fillers (interjection), Types of code mixing, according to
repetition use for clarification, Muysken (2000:1) divided into three
expressing group identity, main types:
softening/strengthening request, 1. Insertion (word phrase)
excluding other people when a Approaching that depart from the
comment is intended for only a limited notion of insertion new to constraint in
audience, and because of real lexical term of the structural properties some
QHHG´ ,W defines that code mixing base or matrix structures. Here the
served some reason for people to do process of code mixing is conceived as
code mixing. People involved in something borrowing. For example,
conversation and the context where the nanti siang jadi meeting di mana?
conversation is taken place. 2. Alternation
Bokamba as cited in Bima (2012): Approaches departing from
Code mixing is defines both concept alternation view the constraint on
thus: Code switching is the mixing of mixing in terms of capability or
words, phrases and sentences from two equivalence of the language involved at

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017

the switch point. Example such English- then, whether insertion, alternation or
Indonesian, ³QJHSULQW EHUDSD OHPEDU congruent lexicalization have to do with
VLK EXWXKQ\D´. the linguistic typology of the language
3. Congruent lexicalization (dialect) involved.
The notion of congruent Based on the types of code
lexicalization underlies the study of mixing above, the code which involves
style shifting and dialect/standard in language is on the form of pieces
variation rather than bilingual language (words or phrases) and the code does
XVH SURSHU )RU H[DPSOH ³KH\ KRZ DUH not have automatic function of one
\RX" ,¶P 6DP Senang bertemu anda. language. Furthermore, one of these
Nice to meet you. type or pattern will usually dominate,
These three basic processes are though not necessarily to the exclusion
constrained by different structural of other pattern or other type.
conditions and in different ways in
specific bilingual settings. Altogether,
as documents of a diverse nature and
3. METHOD length. This does not mean that
This research involves a qualitative data cannot produce valuable
qualitative descriptive study, that results, but it does mean that processing
produces descriptive data in the form of such sizeable and heterogenous datasets
words written tKDW WDNHQ E\ D VFULSW¶V can involve a lot of work.
speech. As stated in Dörney (2007:19)
³qualitative data which usually involves As mentioned before that
recorded spoken data (for example, qualitative data is transformed into a
interview data) that is transcribed to textual form ± for example, interview
textual form as well as written (field) transcriptions-and the analysis is done
QRWHV DQG GRFXPHQWV RI YDULRXV VRUWV´. primarily with words. Thus, qualitative
data analysis is inherently a language-
Data collecting came from based analysis. Dörney (2007:243)
original speech transcript. It had been implied qualitative research is iterative,
choosen and filtered based on the XVLQJ D QRQOLQHDU µ]LJ]DJ¶ SDWWHUQ Z
variables-stated (code mixing and code move back and forth between data
mixing). In contrast with quantitative collection, data analysis and data
data, the qualitative data is rather interpretation depending on the
difficult to be collected. In qualitative emergent results. As Hesse-Biber and
research there are no explicit restrictions /HDY\ SRLQW RXW µ$ OLWWOH ELW
RQ ZKDW FDQ EH FRQVLGHUHG µGDWD¶ DQG DV of data can go a long way in gathering
Richards (2005) concludes, the PHDQLQJ¶ )URP WKLV H[SODQDWLRQ FRXOG
researcher in qualitative project often be said that during analysis section, the
starts out by treating everything around data may distract the researcher because
topic as potential data. of the data are too much.

A serious problem in qualitative In analysis the writer used

research can be too much data, which is grounded theory to elaborate the data.
DXJPHQWHG E\ WKH IDFW WKDW µTXDOLWDWLYH As explained by Dörney (2007:260), the
consisting of a mixture of field notes, researchers should go beyond merely
transcripts of various recordings as well describing or categorizing the target

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017

phnomenon and should offer some basic

understanding of the principles,
relationships, cause and /or motivs
underlying it.

Table 3.1 Types of Code Switching and Code Mixing in the 65th Speech Script

Code Code
No. Case Switching Mixing Type
(CS) (CM)
1. check and balance Insertion of conjunction phrase
2. the quiet revolution Intra sentential (reiteration)
3. credit rating Insertion of noun phrase
4. top-down Intra sentential (reiteration)
5. change and continuity Intra sentential (reiteration)
6. de-bottlenecking Insertion of verb
7. short-term-ism Intra sentential (reiteration)
8. debottlenecking Insertion of verb
9. mind-set Intra sentential (reiteration)
10. pro-growth Intra sentential (reiteration)
11. pro-job
¥ Intra sentential (reiteration)
12. pro-poor
¥ Intra sentential (reiteration)
13. pro-environment
¥ Intra sentential (reiteration)
14. good governance Intra sentential (reiteration)
15. prosperity Intra sentential (reiteration)
16. development for all Intra sentential (reiteration)
17. Millennium Development Goals Intra sentential (untranslatability)
18. prudent Insertion of adjective
19. the driving force Intra sentential (reiteration)
20. justice for all Intra sentential (reiteration)
21. fair Insertion of adjective
22. all directions foreign policy Intra sentential (reiteration)
23. a million friends, zero enemy Intra sentential (reiteration)
24. harmony among civilizations Intra sentential (reiteration)

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017


lagi untuk mencapai sasaran Millenium
4.1. Analysis of Data Development Goals (MDGs) yang telah
kita sepakati. Ke depan kita harus
4.1.1 Code Switching on the 65th sungguh«
speech script 14) «...harus dapat menjadi kekuatan
pendorong, the driving force, ....
mengatakan bahwa ini sesungguhnya 15) Maknanya, keadilan harus diberikan untuk
adalah revolusi diam-diam, atau ³WKH TXLHW semua, justice for all. Meskipun demikian,
2) «3URJUDP anti-korupsi kita lakukan 16) ....... NLWD NLQL GDSDW PHQHPSXK ³SROLWLN
secara sistematik, berkesinambungan, OXDU QHJHUL NH VHJDOD DUDK´ DWDX ³all
mulai dari atas, top-down, directions foreign policy´«
3) «Reformasi Gelombang Kedua mempunyai 17) « .LWD GDSDW PHPSXQ\DL ³VHMXWD NDZDQ
aspek ganda: perubahan dan WDQSD PXVXK´ ³a million friends zero
kesinambungan, change and continuity.« enemy´
4) «'DQ NDUHQD GHPRNUDVL GL PDQDSXQ VHULQJ 18) «..........................,kita dapat berkontribusi
mengakibatkan sindrom pemikiran jangka- untuk terciptanya kerukunan antar-
pendek, atau short-term-ism,.... SHUDGDEDQ ³harmony among
FLYLOL]DWLRQV´, di Abad ke-21.
5) ...., tidak ada bangsa yang berhasil
melakukan transformasi besar tanpa
4.1.2 Code mixing on the 65th speech
dimulai dengan perubahan cara pandang,
perubahan mind-set. script
6) ..................................kita perlu terus secara 1) Dalam sepuluh tahun pertama«.LWD WHODK
kreatif dan cekatan mendapatkan peluang menciptakan sistem check and balances
untuk meningkatkan pembangunan yang yang sehat antara lembaga legislatif,
pro-pertuimbuhan, pro-growth « HNVHNXWLI GDQ MXGLNDWLI«
7) « SUR-lapangan kerja, pro-job «
2) ......, cadangan devisa Indonesia kini
8) « SUR-penurunan kemiskinan, pro-poor « mencapai lebih dari US$78 miliar, rupiah
terus stabil, angka kemiskinan terus
9) «..........................dan pro-lingkungan, menurun, credit rating Indonesia terus
pro-environment. membaik

10) ....., sehingga pegawai negeri benar-benar 3) .....100 hari Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II,
menjadi agen perbahan dalam menciptakan kita telah mengidentifikasi berbagai
tata-kelola pemerintahan yang baik, good sumbatan, de-bottlenecking atas peraturan
governance « perundangan yang menghambat...

11) Pilar pertama adalah kesejahteraan atau 4) Segala upaya percepatan, de-bottlenecking
prosperity« ini akan sia-sia kalau kita tidak melakukan
perubahan yang paling hakiki, perubahan
12) « 3ULQVLS GDVDU NLWD DGDODK cara pandang.
Development for All. Tidak ada gunanya 5) ....., pemerintah akan terus melanjutkan
SHPEDQJXQDQ NDODX« kebijakan makro-ekonomi yang terukur
dan prudent «

ISSN: 1979-4975 PROGRESSIVE Vol. XII, No. 2 September 2017

From the table above shows that

6) Itulah pentingnya penegakan hukum yang code switching occurred 18 times in
fair, yang tidak menaruh toleransi
terhadap praktik mafia hukum dalam
intra sentential switching. All code
bentuk apapun. switching type which occurred in
switching, non of inter sentential
switching and emblematic or tag
President used kind of insertion-code
4.2. The Discussion of the Research mixing on his speech which occured six
Findings times. While, the two others code
mixing were not used.
Table 4.1 The Result of Code Switching
Frequent of type of code switching Table 4.2 The Result of Code Mixing
The Inter Intra Frequent of type of code mixing
65th Sentential Sentential The Insertion Alternation Congruent
Script lexicalization
- - 18 65th
Speech Script 6 - -
The usage of code switching and
code mixing had been delivered by the 5. CONCLUSION
VL[WK 3UHVLGHQW RI 5HSXEOLF ,QGRQHVLD¶s At the end of the result, the writer
speech, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at jumped into conclusion that The
the sixty fifth commemoration President was likely to use intra
independence day in the House of sentential types of code switching. From
Representative (DPR). As the result, the the speech that he uttered, he probably
writer found the data to be discussed. used the code of language to emphasize
The dominant type of code switching the words that he said. As the
was intra sentential. It was used by explanation mentioned, that intra
eighteen times. The other two types sentential was simple utterance without
were not used. any associate topic change. It appears as
Another result finding was code a glance of translation or adopted onlly
mixing. The President also used code by bilinguals with high level of fluency.
mixing on his speech. In fact, The

Denham, Kristin and Anne Lobeck.

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