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Journa l of the British Interplan etary Society, Vol. 32, pp. 283-310, 1979.




Cu/ham Laboratory , Abingdon, Oxon, OX 14 JDB, England.

The nuclear pulse propulsion con cept, whereby nuclear explosions (fission or fusion) are used to impart momentum
to a space ve hi cle, is reviewed. The principles behind the concept are discussed , and the ex te rnal system (explosions tak-
ing place o utsi-de the vehi cle) and the internal syste m (explosions taking place inside the vehicle) are compa red .
Capabilities of nu c lear pulse systems are exa min ed, de mo nstrating the great advantage Uus system has over other
concepts, in terms of high exhaust velocities (specific impul se) and large thrust to mass ratios and hence capability for
short mission tim es.
The various studies that have been carried o ut on the co ncept o ver the past 25 years are described and a bibliography,
the most comprehensive produced to date as far as the authors are aware, is given.
Jn view of the great potential of t he system, amply co nfirm ed by the past work , it is suggeste d that effo rt be
e xpended on a programme to develop nuclear pulse propulsio n as a means of exp loiting the Solar System.

Th e next significant step in the hi sto ry of t he concept
COMPA R ED WLTH THE DISTANCES t hat Mankind has so was the development of the idea of using a ne w form of
far travelled , the Solar Syste m is vast . Future space explora- explo sive charge with an e ven higher energy per unit mass
tion, and in partic ular rapid manned exp lorat ion , will require than dynamite - the atom bomb. Ge neral proposals of this
propulsion syste ms that are much more advanced than sort were first made by Stanislaus Ulam in 1946, and some
present-day systems. Flight t im es associate d with minimum preliminary calculation s were made by F. Reines and Ulam
energy (Hohmann-type) transfers bet wee n orbits will be in a Los Alamos Scie ntific Laboratory me mora ndum dated
intolerable in the co nte xt of large-scale Solar System exploi- 1947. The subsequent development of the co ncept, termed
tation and transpo rt. To re duce such fli ght times, more direct nu clear pulse propulsion, is shown in the "Family Tree" of
ballistic traj ectories at mu ch higher velocities will be required. Fig. 1 which is an attempt to display the interrelated links
This, in t urn , me11n s that the vehicle ex haust veloc ity of the various proj ects.
must be high, in ord er lha l the mass remaining at t he end of The first mathematica l treatment of the concept was
the periods of accele rat ion and de celeration be an ap preci- published by Co rn elius Everett and Ulam in 1955 [3]. Fis-
able fraction of lhe initial mass, i. e. a favourabl e ma ss ratio. sion bombs with a yield of "v 1kTon were ejected at one
In addition, if the acce le ration Lime is to be kept short co m- second intervals and detonated at a di stan ce of "v 50 metres
pare d with the tota l mi ssion lim e, the n the nee d for a high from the base of a sa ucer shaped vehicle. Final velo cities of
e xhaust velo city leads , in its lurn , to the req uire me nl that the o rd er of 10 ,000 m sec- 1 were discussed. The United
the engin e specific power and tota l power be high. States Atomic Energy Commission was awarded a patent for
This revie w discusses on' possible met hod of at t ain ing th e co ncept, following initial application on 3 Ma rch 19 59
these goa ls - the nu clea r puls rocke t - and reco unts so me [ 4) . This configuration was termed the extern al nuclear
of t he hi story of the work whi h ha s bee n ca rri ed out o n pulse met hod.
this co n cept o ver t he last 25 y a rs. An internal syste m, in which the explosio n took place in
The idea of a rocke t ve hi cle drive n by a sequ e nce of a spheri cal chamber connected to a nozzle, was di scussed in
exp losive pulses ca n be traced bacl to a .c rman ae ronauti cal a Lawrence Radiation Laborato ry (Livermore) R eport by
e ngin eer, Hermann Gansw indt , who publi shed hi s ideas in Fox in 1957 [S]. In the late 195 0s a study was ca rried out
t he 1890s [ l]. A sc ie ntifi c study of this propo~a l was pub- by Cole at the Martin Co m pa ny in Denver on a Nuclear
l.ished by a physicist , R. B. Gost kowsk i, i11 1900 I' 2 1. 1n this Born b Pulsed Ro cket [ 6-8) which used water as a propellant
concept the ve hi cle was driven by a cha in o f pulses from in a 40 metre diam eter chamber. Jn the ea rly l 960s ·a st udy
dyn a mite charges ex ploded in a chamber o pe n n o ne sid e. originally called BATO '( Bomb-A ssisted Take Off) and sub-
Ganswindt thought that mann e d fli ghl to Mars and Ve nu s sequently called Helios, was cond ucted at Liverm o re [9-14].
would be possible using his met hod, and t his is tru e. Th e use .By far the largest effort during this time, how eve r, was
o f che mica l fu els lead s to transit times of lh e o rd er o f years , expended on an investiga tion of the ex ternal nu clear pulse
but do es not invalidate his conclusions. Ganswincll 111ust concept, und e r the project name of Orion , in the period
have arrived at his proposed mode of propulsion by co nsid e ra- from 1957-1 965 [ 15-69]. Ca rried o ut by the staff at th e
tion of th e fact that explosives ljke dynamite have a higher Ge ne ral Atomic Divisio n of General Dynamics, the proj ect
energy per unit mass than o ther, more co ntrolle d , so lid fu els was administe red first by the Advanced Research Projects
such as black powder. Age ncy (ARPA), then by the US Air Force, and finally by
NASA [69). The project, on wlu ch some $10 million was
spent, was finally ter minated on the gro und s that:
* Th e authors would like to no te that this work is a private
venture, and is in no way co nnec ted with th eir duties at (a) the inherent very large size of the vehicle mad e
Cu /ham Laborato ry. All opinions and interpreta tio ns full scale tests difficult an d costly ;
ex pressed in this paper are tho se of the authors, and not
of Cu/ham Laborato ry or the British Interplan etary (b) the nuclear test ban treaty exclud ed testing in the
So cie ty. atmosphere or in space;

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

1946 [ LASL



- -~
60 Martin Co



,, z
64 Q

•• z
Inst Adv St
I ::::>

70 - 1 I
•• I I Nevada

72 I
__ L - - - :t ---


•Ir 111 s
76 ICARUS I~ ,
I US SR 1,..~>-------------i
I Neved• I


rig. 1. Nu clear pulse propulsion family tree.

(c) the NER VA so lid core nuclear e ngin e provided In 1969, Fra as at Oak Ridge Natio nal Labora tory dis-
strong competition ; cussed the a ppli catio n o f his Blasco n (Blast Containm e nt)
fusion reactor design to a space vehicle [7 1, 72] . Here
(d) no specific mission existed which demand ed such pelle ts of deuterium and tritium , surro und ed by a lithium
a high performance system . hydride blanket, were heated to fusion temperatu res by a
high power laser bea m.
The Orion concept wa s the starting poi nt for a study by However, a developme nt took place severa l yea rs la ter .i n
Freeman Dyson , who had wo rked on the Project, of the the la te 1960s and early l 97 0s which rep lace d the con ce pt
application of nuclear pulse propulsi o n to interstellar, rat her of the use of relatively large explosions to prov ide the means
than interplanetary, flight [70). The vehicles he discussed of propulsio n. Studi es, mai nly in the USA , indicated t he
were larger by a sizeable margin than previous designs, but possibility of initiat ing low-yield t hermonuclea r reaction s by
were quite feasible in principle. Rather than fission bo mbs, the use of intense laser beam s to co mpress a nd heat very
which had been used in all the previous design studies, Dyson small pellets of fusionable material to ignition [7 3 I . use
proposed the use of fu sion bombs, thu s obtaining a further of co mpression techniques to produ ce small, relatively clean,
increase in performance. fusion explo sio ns rat her than fi ssio n or large-sca le fusion

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

met hods removes t he two main objections to the ea rlier

co nce pts - large size and nuclear pollution. The two lab- External Magnetically Internal
push<lr shicz lded system
orato ries most conce rn ed with the development of this new plat• push<r
potential fo r fu sion initiation both carried out studies of

11108 ~·,
nuclear pulsed ve h.i cles. Los Alamos Scie ntific Laboratory Payload ·
looked at a conventional exte rn a l system [74-7 6 ] while structunz
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory co nsidered a more advanced
design which used magneti c techniques ta in crease
the vehicle ex haust velocity [77-79 ] .
111 -<if-
' 1'
, o,
A variant of t he laser system which used high power - ®-
' •'
electron beams to igni te (but not to compress) the fue l Momczntum
condi tioning
pellets was proposed by Win terberg in l 971 [80-82 1. This unit / Mom<ntum
abSO<b< r
system ap pears to be the best system fo r exte nsio n to very
large interstellar ve hicles, where a high fuel burn-up fr acti.on
is required, in o rder to give the highest possible ex haust
velocity , rather than a maximised ove rall system energy gain.
Such an interstellar vehicle was designe d in Project Daedalus f- ig. 2. Nuclear pulse rocket design co nce pts (after Ref. 74).
[84-88 ] , the starting point of which was the papers by
Nu cko lls et al [73] and Winterberg [82 ) , with the co ncepts
o f Dyson and F raas a lso hav in g an initia l impact during pre-
project discussio ns. 2. I Externa l System with Pusher Plate
Winterberg late r considered t he use of "multistage"
shaped cha rges in order to procee d stepwise with an exp lo- This co ncept was historically the first to be proposed. T he
sion [83], the compression or each stage being driven by exp losion takes place at some distance from t he vehicle and
the o ulpu t from the previous stage. This a llowed a large final a pus her plate, usually e nvisaged as a strong flat, or saucer
compressio n to be achieved with a moderate initial power shaped , struct ure intercepts and abso rbs the shock of t he
input. By t he use of such a method it was hoped to initiate explo sio n. A moment um co ndition ing unit smooth s o ut the
thermonu cle ar burn in such "adva nced" fuels as p 11 B, giving momentum transfe r between pulses to prov·ide a co nsta nt
a very clean explosion with a plasma exhaust consisting on ly (or nearly so) acceleration, and to return the plate to its
of charged particles. proper location for the subsequent pulse.
Details of wo r k o n nuclear pulse propulsion in t he Soviet At the beginning of a pulse cycle t he plate is at its maxi-
Un ion are a lmost non-existent, a lt ho ugh such work may be mum distance from the vehicle. An exp losive charge is fir ed
assumed to have been carrie d o ut. Ce rtainly, Soviet scien tists delivering a n impulse to the plate which exactly reverses its
were aware of the US effo rt [89, 90 .I. The first concrete velocity. As the plate approac hes the vehicle it is decelerated
report of a nuclea r pu lse vehicle study was that of Filyukov by the mo men t um conditioner, bringing the plate to rest
and Zakiiov in 1976 [9 1I , where they reporte d work on wit h respect to the vehicle. I-Jere, a ll t he origi nal kinet ic
Icarus. The project nam e was chosen to underline the prox- e nergy of the plate is stored in pote ntial energy of t he co n-
imity to the ai111s of Pr ject Dae dalus and to show the dif- ditioning unit. Over t he ne xt part of t he cycle the plate is
fe re nces o f lhe two projects in some esse ntial points. The accelerated away from the ve hi cle, atta ining a final velocity
vehicle used lasers to initiate the reactions and was simi lar eq ua l to its ini tial velocity at th e point of maximum exten-
to the Liverm ore design in this respect. sion .
The history of a ll I hese developments will be revie wed in The specific impulse attainable with th e nuclear pulse
detail in later sections f lh paper. T he review is intended syste m is propo rtio nal to the product of the prope llant
to be histori ca l and descriptive, rather lhan technical in im pingement velocity aga inst the pusher plate t imes the
nature. Fo r this reaso n, any ne interested in details of a fractio n of t he tota l pulse uni t mass which strikes the pusher
particular design shou ld refer back lo the origina l references plate . The impingement velocity is limited by t he ablation
for technical amp lifica tion. T h· a· 'O un ls of the projects and of the pusher p late, with the limit probably in the range of
descr iptions of the different c ncep ls are a ll based on the 100-200 km sec- 1. The pu lse unit fraction is determined by
papers listed, although specifi reference is not mad e in the structure of the exp losive charge and the explosion
every case, in an attempt to e nha n · lh e readability of the stand-off distance , and is in the range of l 0-50%. These two
present rev iew. factors are associated with a small propellant fraction , and
vice versa, due to the momentum balance during the exp lo-
sion. The resulting specific im pu lse lim its are approximately
Rey nolds has stud ied the question of specific impulse
Three designs for nu clea r pu lse rockets have bee n proposed, limits for t he external nuclear pu lse rocket in some detail
and t hese are shown sche matica ll y in F ig. 2. In a ll of them [92, 93 ] . His model conside rs t he mean propell ant velocity,
t he main ve hicle is ass umed to cons ist of lhe pay load and pu lse unit fraction , mass loss via ab latio n, collimation factors
structure , the propellant , a momentum co nditi on in g un it an d to account for charge shaping, t he formation of stagnant
a momentum abso rber. The designs vary in that the configura- layers at the surface of the pusher plate, a nd varying explo-
tion of the momentum absorber is different in each case. It sive yields.
is assumed that an individual exp losive device (sometimes Reynolds reached severa l co nclu sions rega rding the per-
ca lled pulse unit) is ejected from the vehicle and deto na ted formance and operation of external systems as a result of
at t he correct location . In the resulting nuclear exp losion a his st ud y. T here is an optim um ex plosive pulse e nergy to
qua n tity of prope llant is heated by the re leased e ne rgy and give t he maximum spec ific im pu lse with a given vehicle size
expa nds as a h.igh energy plasma, with some fra ct ion inter- (assum ing that t he separat ion distan ce betwee n the vehicle
act in g with the vehicle and giving momentum to it . A large and explosive charge is kept at the minimum dictated by
number of exp losio ns take place, probably at equa l interval s. pressure limitations). An example of this is shown in Fig. 3.
T he va1·ious vehicle co nfigurations are classifi ed according to The effective specific impu lse is defined as
whether the exp losio n lakes place in te rn a lly or externa lly
from the vehicle.

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

10,000s 100 20,000s


·~ 2500

0 10 20 0 10 20
Pusher plate diameter(m)

f'ig. 3. Effective specific impulse of an ex tern al system (arter Ref. 92).

where fc is t he fraction of pulse unit mass whi ch in terce pts press ure vessel which has a co nventional ro cket no zzle,
the pus he r and fm is the ablation mass loss factor. fc in creases t hro ugh wh.i ch heated prop ellant is dis charged.
with decreased pulse energy. Th e total ablation amount also Liquid hydrogen, or wa te r, is fed into the press ure ve ssel
de creases with smaller pulse energy, but the ratio o r the radia lly through the wall , act ing as a coolant befo re uni-
total ablation to the total propell ant flow is greater at fo rml y filling th e vessel. Th e exp losio n takes place at the
sma ller e nergies. It can be see n from Fig. 3 that the maxi- centre of the vessel, propagating a shock wave thro ugh the
mum effective specific impulse obtainable from such an hydroge n until it is refl ected from the walls. The wave is sub-
externa l system is 'V 4,000-5 ,000 secs. In crease d mean pro- sequ ently reflected back and forth in the vessel, increasing
pellant ve locity (base specifi c impulse ) does not lea d to large the interna l energy of the hyd rogen until eq uilibrium is
in creases in effective SI, but increased ve h icJe size (diamete r) established. This t ak es a few milliseco nds, after which the
do es lea d to l1igher specific impulses, as long as the pulse ho t gas is e xpanded through a no zzle while the pressure
energy is maintaine d at the optimum valu e for a particu lar vessel is refilled with propellant. T he ex pa nsio n process is
size. continued un til the previous initial co nditio ns in the vesse l
A further constraint of this design is the fact that exces- are re-establish ed, and the cycle is the n repea ted.
sive propellant pressures against the pushe r plate will ca use Platt and Hanner [ 12 I have investigate d the effect ive
spallatio n if the resulting inte rnal tens ile stresses excee d the specific impulse obtai nab le fro m in ternal systems as a func-
stre ngths of the plate material whe n th e inte rn a l press ure tion of the weight of the rocket no zzle and pressure vesse l
wave is re fle cted from e ither surfa ce. employed. This weig ht was related t o the propella nt co ndi-
tions and to the prope rties and co nditions of the const ru c-
tion mate ria ls. Negligible rad ia tion of e ne rgy fr om the vessel
2. 2 External System with Pusher Plate and Magnetic was assume d. The vesse l material wa s allowed to be stressed
Field to 25% of its yi eld st ress in the calcul ations. It wa s found
that , while the specific impulse was not strictly limite d by
The above limits on specific i mpulse (ablation and spallat io n) any of the ass umptions made in the st ud y, valu es of SI >
can be overcome by the use of a magne tic field to shield t he 1,400 seco nds would require very heavy e ngines. This is
surface from the high e nergy plasma. Magne tic fie ld lin es are illu strated in Fig. 4 , where the effec tive vehicle. SI is shown
generated parallel to the surface of a co ndu ct ing pusher plate as a function of engine weig ht and ex plo sive cha rge weight.
and as the plasma from the e xplosion ex pands it pushes the The example is for an explosion rep et itio n rate of fiv e
field lines against the conductor , increasin g the flu x density. seconds, but values of 2.5 and I 0 seco nds made esse ntially
The increased magnetic press ure slows down the plas ma, no difference to the conclusions.
reversing its direction and accelerati ng it away from t he
pusher plate .
The impulse is transferred to the plate by magne tic inter- 2. 4 Comparison of Internal and External Systems
actions which spread out the force and protect the surface
of the plate from particle impingement. Hence, the propel- Initially , the internal conce pt appeared attractive, as the
lant particle velo cities can be highe r than for an un shielded efficie ncy with which the explosion energy could be co n-
plate , and the specific impulses attained by the system ca n verted into impulse was very high, as a result of almost com-
also be higher. pletely surrounding the explosion by a press ure vessel. The
The use of magn etic shielding was first mentione d by energy of the exp losio n wa s almost totally absorbed by the
Everett and Utam [3] and the feature has become standard propellant and the nozzle directed the propellant into a well-
on the high power vehicle designs of two deca des later. colllmated exhaust. These properties meant that less energy
must be expended in the internal syste m in order to achieve
a given specifi c impulse , thus red ucing the yield and mass of
2. 3 Internal System the explo sive charges.
However, the internal system possesses severa l inherent
In the third co nfiguration the explosion takes place inside a disadvantages compared with the external syste m and the

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

1500 _ _ _ 18.lkgm

- - - - - 3 1.8
45 .4

.. 10
_i; 1000
..,·c;u "'
Pulse period = 5s
Fraction of yield s trength
"'u~ = 0.25

OL-_ _ _ _J _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ __.1._ _ _ __ _ J
O.l ' -- - - -...:::.-.1._ _ _ _ _ __.__ __ _ ___,
0 5 10 15 20 Ql 10 ~
Rocke t motor mass ( 10 kgm) ~'for ~xternal system

Fig. 4. Effective specific impulse of an internal system (after Ref.12). Fig. 5 . l~ xternal versus internal vehicle mass comparison (after Ref. 76).

early recognition of these problems is the main reason why (for the int ernal system) or ~'(where a dash symbol denotes
external design studies have had more emphasis placed on r
the external system). Larger values of~ or correspond to
them . lower values of vehicle mass , Mi or Mi' required to deliver
There are two main limitations to the performance which the desired payload for a given ratio of exhaust velocity to
an intern al system can achieve: mission velocity .
Full details of the ana lysis are given in the paper. Fig. 5
(a) Radiation heat ing of the vehic le. shows o ne aspect of the results. lf two values,~ and arer.
given th e n the figure allows comparison of the vehicle mass
Fission and fusion reactions (at least , the ones to find early requirements of the two co nfigurations. Equa l values of~
application in the latter case) produ ce neutrons wh ich carry r
and lead to roughly equa l vehicle masses in the range
a large part of the explosion energy . Ne utron scatt ering in where ~ ~ l 0. For smaller equal values of~ and the exter-r
the vehicle structure deposits e nergy direct ly by collision, nal system is lighter.
and by inducin g -y-reacti.ons in the structural material with The Boyer and Balcomb ana lysis provides a relationship
some fra c;tion of the -y-cne rgy bciJ1g subsequently deposited bet ween~ and r[7 6 )
in the vehicle. The ve hi cle Lilli s requires cooling, and this is
the dominant performan ce-Linritin g factor in the internal
design, beca use the pressure vesse l e nve lops the whole explo-
sion allowing fo r maxirnunt radia ti n heat ing.
The resulting specific impulse limit depends on the energy
derived from t he exp losion, bul it is gene rally ,;E 1,5 00 secs,
at least an order of magnitud e worse lhan that of an exte rnal wh ere Mo= payload mass, m =pulse unit mass, a= a design
system with the same explosive charge mass . parameter, and ri =impulse efficiency.
The use of more a dvanced "c lean" rusi n fuels, where the This ratio is greater than unity for any reasonabJe choice
neutron productio n is significantly lower, is e xpected to miti- of parameters, mainly because of the dependence on the
gate thi s stage of affairs somewhat , but th e heat deposition ratio of the payload to pulse unit mass, M0 /rri; typical values
will almost ce rtainly still limit th e specifi c imrulse lo less are in the range 500-10,000. Values of m/m' are from 0.2-
than that of the external system. 1.0, as it may be possible to make pulse units smaller for an
internal design. Values of a/a' 'V l, and ri rv 1. Thus, values
(b) Higher mass of an internal vehicl e . of ~n 'V I 0-100.
It must be concluded, therefore, that t he minimum mass
Boyer and Balcomb [76) have considered the optimisa- of an external system will always be less t han for an internal
tion of interna l and external systems from the viewpoint of system , for t he same payload and mission. This discussion
minimising the total vehicle mass required to de liver a given is not intended to place fixed values on the relative merits,
payload. This is done by a combination of minimising the but to point out that the interna l concept ha s a much lower
propellant load through an increase in specific impulse and performance potential than an external design.
minimising the propulsion system mass. These two objectives
are contradictory, as increased impulse means a higher engine
mass because the momentum absorber mass sca les with the 2. 5 Radiological Considerations
energy per explosion, and so the net result of the analysis is
a specific impulse which is optimum in the sense that the The use of fission or fusion exp losions to propel a vehicle
total vehicle mass is minimised. leads to a radiation enviro nment which must be taken into
The analysis was represented by graphs of the optimum acco unt both in formulating the propulsion concept and in
allo cation of vehicle mass as a function of a figure of merit ~ specific vehicle designs. In this section we restrict ourselves

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

to discussion of so me re levant points (ass uming an e xternal I . The pulse unit - s pacecraft co nfiguration can be
syste m). stretched o ut so that criti ca l pa rts subtend relative ly
In genera l, and ce rtainly with the use of fusion e xp losio ns, small so lid a ngles from the explosion locatio n. This
the radiation e nvironme nt is determ ine d by the neutron method implies pay loa d losses du e to added st ru ct ure
production of the exp losio n. There are se vera l areas of and a possible pulse uni t design pro ble m unless t he
co n cern [74] : co llimatio n o f th e p ulse unit mass is ve ry goo d .

2. An ex p endab le attenuating mate rial ca n be in te rposed

I. ne utron heating of th e pushe r p late ; be tween the explosion and the pusher p late fo r ea ch
pulse. This method implies a redu ction of th e sys te m
2. neutron heating and radiation da mage in t he specific impulse directly as this ma ss is increased.
re mainder of the ve hicle (particularly the stored
pu lse units); 3. The use of ve hicl e structure, unu sed pul se units,
propellant , etc., together with direct shi elding of th e
3. payload do se rates (parti cularly in t he case of a pay loa d area to reduce t he dose.
mann ed vehicle);
T herefo re , the principal neutron atte nu ato rs for each main
4 . ne utron captme -y-ray effects (impo rtant for items co mpone nt of a t ypica l vehicle ca n be identified as fo llows:
2 and 3);
Push er plate Th e prop ellant
5. ne utron activation levels (parti cularly from t he sta nd -
point of long-term crew doses; close ly rela te d to The pulse unit - pushe r se paration
ite m 4) . distan ce

S hock absorber T he a bo ve
T he most restri ctive limits to do se rates will. be set by t he
T he pusher p late
req uireme nt to protect a ny crew present on the vehicle.
Radiation li mits for hum an exposure were initially estab-
Ma in s pa cecraft The a bove
lishe d in o rder to avo id radiatio n burns o r ot her acute da m-
age, and later adjusted to avo id damage to the blood-form ing T he shock a bso rb er
organs o ver a period of years. The n a furt her redu ct io n was
The shock a bsorbc r dim ension
made in the statistica l chan ces of long-range lifetim harmful
effects such as life-shorten ing, le ukaem ia o r ca tara ct·s, and
Pay loa d T he a bo ve
then reduce d again to decrease the statisti ca l chances of
co ngen ita l da mage de ve lop ing in the popu lat io n o ver many The main spacecraft struct ure
ge neratio ns.
As an ind icatio n of t he effects of expos ure on humans we The unused pulse units and propellant
can give so me ge neral idea of the resu lt of an acute dose T he main spacecraft dimension
(the case where the tota l dose is give n quickly) of rad iatio n,
Dedicated s hielding
the case nea rest to that fo und in nu clea r pulse propu lsion. A
do se of up to 25 rem prod uces no dete ctab le clinica l effects
For the size of fusion ex plosio ns e nv isaged in 111ore rece nt
and pro ba bly no de layed effects. rifty rem produces slight
ve hicle co ncepts it appea rs t ha t , eve n in the case of OT, t he
transient blood ch anges, but no ot her clinically detectab le
shielding of t he pay load will not involve a disproportio nate
effects. De layed effects are possible b ut a se ri o us effect on
amou nt of extra mass (which 111ust be regarded as a decrease
an average individua l is very imp robab le. One hun dred re m
ca uses n a usea and fatigue, with possibl ' vo mit ing a bove
in pay load mass) in o rd e r to redu ce dose level s to acce p tab le
125 re m. There is a marked ch ange in blood picture with values.
delayed reco ve ry and a shortenin g of life xpectancy.
Curre nt internationally regulated maximum permissib le
doses for occupationa l radiat io n workers arc 3 rem / l 3 weeks 3. MISSION CAPABILITIES OF NUCLEAR PULSED
(5 re m/year) for whole body or im p rtant organs (eyes, ROCKETS
go nads) up to 25 rem/ 13 weeks (75 re m/ year) for fee t, hand s,
etc. The limit fo r acc umulate d dose is 5 (N - 18) re m , where 3. l Limitations of Non-Pulsed Systems
N is the age of the worker, for im portant organs and 75 ( N -
18) rem for feet, han ds, etc. In principle there are two questio ns re leva nt to atta ining a
The Project Orion vehicle based its requi rements for high exha ust velocity, or specific impulse. F irst , a h igh energy
shield ing o n an allowable propulsion radiatio n dose of 50 re m per unit mass has to he attained. Second , a vehicle whi ch
per 111ission [ 16 , 2 1] and invo lved a shielded "powered flight will co pe with the mechani cal and th e rmal effect s associated
station" in which th e cre w sta ye d durin g prop ulsion perio ds with th e high e nergy de nsity mu st be d esign ed . The energy
(which were envisaged as lasting from a few to 2 0 minu tes). per unit mass (specific e ne rgy) of chem ical react io n s suita ble
T herefore, due to t he gradual lowering of safe dose limits, for rocket propellants is~ 13 MJ kgm- 1. T he maximum
t he Orion shield would not be sufficie nt in a modern design. velocity t hat can be achieved from t he deposition of a give n
The neutron dose (14 MeV) from a OT fusion explosion, energy in a given mass is proportional to the sq uare root of
which will be the wo rst case as far as fuel c hoice is con cern ed, the energy, and if all the che mi ca l e nergy was used to accel-
is given by erate the reaction mass, then ve locit ies "-' 5 ,000 msec- 1 could
be reached, representing an SJ of 'V 500 sec. Some complex
Dose 'V 4.96 x I 0 11 22 rem per pulse chemical syste ms offer up to perhaps 600 sec by di lu ti ng
th e reaction products with hydrogen gas, bu t this rep rese nts
a fundamenta l li mit based on t he specific e nergy of che mical
where y is t he pulse unit yield in kTon equivalent and Q is reactions, and real specific impulse is alwa ys impaired sig-
the pulse unit - payloa d sepa ration dist an ce. nifi cantly below these values.
T hus , the re are three major way s of shielding a payload: In contrast, the specific energies of nuclear reactions are

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Adavnced Propulsion Concept

so high t ha t design constraints will limit the performance TABLE I . Ve hicle Parameters.
before the ene rgy limit is reached . Uranium fission has
'V 7 .8 x I 0 7 MJ kgm- 1, co rresponding to a n SI 'V I. 3 x 10 6 Vehi cle Design In itial Mass Exhaust Velocity Engine Power
secs. [f a mixture of deuterium and the light isotope of (kgm) (m sec- 1) (W)
helium, 3 He, were totally fused, then the resultant energy Orion (NASA ve hi cle) 9.07 x 10 4 2.5 x L0 4 4.18 x 10 10
cou ld be used to produce an SI 'V 2.2 x l 0 6 secs. 4 4
Los Alamos 1.96 x 10 4.33 x l0 7.47 x 10!0
But, the ability of the vehicle material to withstand the
temperatures associated with the high prope ll ant v'e locity Livermore 5 x 1 o5 3.26 x 10 6 4 x 10!0
mu st also be co nsidered. If the prope llant is heated (directly Winter berg : (a) l.5 x 10 6 106 3 x 1010
or indirectly) by t he nu clear reactions and then allowed to (b) l.5 x 10 6 6 .2 x 10 4 3 x 1010
expand through a nozzle, the speci fic impulse is proportional
to the square root of the temperature. For steady-state gas-
core reactor concepts using hydrogen as a coo lant, noz zle
wall coo ling req uirements wi ll li mit the SI to 'V 2600 secs.
however, this thrusting time has little effect o n the total
Solid-core concepts are also severely limited by the temp-
jou rn ey time. For the case of Jupiter , the mission profile is
era ture limit of fuel-element materials ('V 3000 K) and
approaching a pure accel/decel mission without a coast
cou ld on ly prod uce an SI "v 950 secs.
period .
T he nuclear pulse propulsion concept provides a method
Two versio ns of the Winterberg design are prese nted. The
of sidestepping t hese lim its. The in teraction time of the pro-
first has a high mass and high ex ha ust velocity , and gives a
pella nt with the vehicle is so short that essentially no heat
pe rformance co mparable to t he Livermore design. The
transfer occurs. T he "temperat ures" in the propellant cloud
seco nd case has the same mass but the exhaust velocity is
may be 'V I 0 6 K, with correspo ndingly high material ablation
moderated by over an order of magnitude. This has the effect
rates, but as the interaction time can be as low as 'V 0.1 msec,
of greatly reducing the thrusting times, but increases the
on ly a sma ll amount of material will be lost. T his pulsed
mass ratios.
nature is therefore esse ntial to t he feasibility of the conce pt,
Several conc lusions can be drawn from t hese figures:
for if such a high temperature interaction was app lied for
any exte nd ed period the vehicle would be destroyed.
(a) fu sio n rockets are to be preferred to fission
T he use of magnetic fi eld s to shield materia ls has already
been d iscussed, but eve n here t l1e plasma confi ne ment is not
perfect, and any high temperature neu tral particles will not
(b) light vehicles with low exha ust velocities give
be affected. In ge neral, however , magn e ti c shielding offers
t he only method of attaining SI va lu es mu ch in excess of short thrusting times
l 0 6 secs; no n-magnetic syste ms will probably be limited to
poor mass ratios.
'V l 0 4 secs.

T hese may be described as impulse limited desig ns;

3. 2 Mission Analysis of Pulsed Systems (c) heavy vehicles with low exhaust velocities give
moderate thrusti ng times
In th is sectio n t he diffe rent designs of nuclear pulse vehicle
will be exa min ed in order to illustrate the capab ilities, and mod era te mass ratios ;
the differen ces, of the various designs. The characteristics
of each vehicle comp leting a specific missio n wil l be dis- (d) heavy vehicles with high exhaust velocities give
cussed . It may be arg ued , fair ly, that this will bias the per-
long t hrusti ng times
forma nce of one ve hi cle, o r gr up of vehicles, aga in st another,
but the exercise does serve to illu st ra te so me fund amental good mass ratios.
points concernin g the nucl ar pu lse concept.
The mission chosen is that f acceleration to, and decel- These may be described as power limited designs;
eration from, a ve locity of I 0 5 m se<.:- 1. At Lhis ve locity
(ignoring any time taken to accelerate o r d elerate, for the (e) the ability of nuclear pulse vehicles to perfo r m
moment) Nept une co uld be reached in 'V 1.4 years with a fast missio ns to distant targets in the Solar Sy stem
favourable co njun ctio n , and Ju piter cou ld be reac hed in 'V is unrivalled by any ot her propulsio n syste m.
7 3 clays.
The relevant vehicle parameters o f t he designs to be com-
pared are shown in Tab le I , and the ve lli cle capabi lities for 3. 3 Comparison of Vehicle Capabilities
the chosen mission are shown in Tab le 2. From the results of
Table 2 se veral com ments on the capabilities of nuclea r pulse Several authors have, of co urse, compared t he performance
rockets for fast missions to distant targe ts can be mad e. The of nuclear pulse vehicles with those of more co nventional
engine powers of the designs are a ll very similar, whether propulsion methods, and some of the important points of
using fission or fusion explosions . these comparisons are summarised here.
The Orion design has a large mass and a low exha ust Smith and Mead [ 94 ] have calculated the mass ratios as
velocity . This gives very short acceleration /d eceleration a function of charac teristic velocity for single stage che mical
times, but leads to very large mass ratios. This is the main (SI= 426 sec) a nd nu clear pulse (SJ = 2,5 00 sec) vehicles.
penalty with using fission for prop ulsion. The performance T he results are shown in Fig. 6. Eve n with this co nservative
can be compared with the Los Alamos design which has a SI for the nuclear pulse vehicle, it can be seen that in order
higher exhaust velocity and engi ne power, but a lower mass. for a chemical system to matc h the characteristic velocity
T he mass ratio here, while still high, is some 30 times more capa bility of a nuclear pulse vehicle having a mass ratio of
favourable than Orion. 10 , it would have to have a mass ratio of about 700 ,000. To
In co ntrast with this situation, the Livermore design has a give an idea of t he vehicle capa bility of the nuclear pulse
much highe r mass, but also uses a high exhaust velocity t o syste m, Fig. 7 shows the trip time to the outer plan ets as a
give a good mass ratio at the expense of lo ng t hrustin g times. function of Ea rt h departure velocity for direct flight, for the
In co mpariso n with the time take n to coast to Neptune, late 197 0s.
Anthony R. Martin and A Zan Bond

TABLE 2. Vehicle Capabilities (Final Velocity = 10 5 m sec- )

Acceleration Mass Deceleration Mass

Vehicl e Design
Time (secs) Distance (km) Ratio Time (secs) Distan ce (km) Ratio

Orion (NASA vehicle) 6.66 x 102 1.54 x 104 54.6 12.19 2.82 x 102 298 1
Los Alamos 2.21 x 10 2 7.13 x 10 3 10.D7 22 .0 7.10 x 102 101.4
Livermore 2.01 x 106 (23 .29d) 9.64 x 107 l.03 .L.95 x 106 (2 2.57d) 9.35 x 10 7 1.06
Winterberg : (a) 2.38 x J0 6 (27.55d) l.22 x I 08 1.1 I 2.14 x 106 (24 .78d) 1.10 x 108 1.23
(b) 7 .69 x 104 (0.89d) 2.85 x I 0 6 5.0 1.54 x 104 (0.l8d) 5.7Jx 105 25. 0


106 ~------~----~-~-~-----,

i200 Ch12m1cot,..---
.--- ·

eiv : 1o'·m1s

Ralio ol 1n1ti a l n)OSS lo lt no l ma ss

Pay load ( kgm)

rig. 6. Chara cteristi c velocity 11ersus mass ratio , fo r nuclea r pulse

and chemical systems (after Ref. 94) .
Fig. 8. Vehicle mass comparison as a functi o n of payload, for a mis-
sion f'N of 10,000 m/sec (after Ref. 76).




a. .,..
~ E

Saturn (1977)

0 (1978)
14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Characteristic velocity (km/s )

0.1 10 100
Fig. 7. Trip times to outer planets versus charac teristi c velo city
(after Ref. 94 ). Distan ce(astron. units )

Fig. 9. Tr ip tim es to the o uter planets for a high specific impulse

vehicle (after Ref. 78).
Boyer and Balcomb (7 6) have compared the performance,
in terms of total initial vehicle mass require ments, for chemi-
cal , solid-core nu clear, gas-core nuclea r and nuclear pulsed for the case o f a 400 to n vehi cle, of which I 00 tons were
propulsion co ncepts . Some results for the payload mass payload, with an SI of 5.5 x 105 secs. Th e performance for
resulting for a one-way mission velocity increment of I 04 m one-way and round-trip missions is shown in Fig. 9, where it
sec- 1 are shown in Fig. 8. Here an SI rv 1000 was assumed can be see n that destinations anywhere in the Solar System
for the internal vehicle and rv 3300 secs for the external can be reached in about seven to eight months , with round
vehicle . trips lasting twice as long. The SI here was characteristic of
It was noted in Section 3. 2 that the use of long thru sting external systems with magnetic shieJCling of the thrust
times gave rise to the situation where a mission approached a chamber.
continuous thrust profile. The capability of such an accel/ Ruppe (95] has asse ssed t he performance of an "inter-
decel profile has been assessed by the Livermore group [ 7 8) planetary Daedalus" vehicle , with a speed capability of

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical R eview of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

3,000 km/sec, to be used in four propulsion periods , i.e. he of the mass of t he tampe r surrounding the core of the born b
considered the app lication to two-way accel/d ece l missi o ns. was made , so t hat a larger fraction of the mass of the bomb
With an SI ~ 106 m sec- 1 , this implies a mass ratio of l. 35 . hit the prop ella nt than predicted by so lid angle considera-
For a trip to Pluto the one-way trip time is some 95 days, tio ns. Th e e nergy o f th e bomb was ass ume d to be distribute d
with a journey to a nea r-by plan et , e.g. Mars, taking 7 .15 uniformly , however. The yield of the bombs was"' 1.5 kTon
days. Ruppe also looke d at whether such a vehicle might be in the maximum case, and 30 tons as a minimum.
overdesigned for reaso nable interplan etary transportation, A hydride composit io n was e nvisaged in order to red uce
and co nsid ered a scaled-down version with a speed capab ili ty the waste of fi ssio na bl e material associated with !ow-yield
of 400 km/sec, a ma ss ratio of 1. 35, and an SI ~ 1.35 x bombs. T he bomb yields co uld be made considerab ly greater
10 5 m sec- 1. This vehicle would reach Pluto in "' 70 0 days without mu ch increase in their weight and so a n increase in
and Mars in "' 40 days, i.e . a fou r year round trip to Pluto the ar bitrary mass of 12 tonnes, with a proportional increase
and a quarter year round t r.ip to Mars. in propellant mass, would be very advantageous. In addition ,
He ppenhe imer [96) has looked at the applicatio n of a the requirem e nt fo r detonation by a stro ng neutron so urce
106 sec SI vehi cle to interstellar missions, where the journey was added, to avoid the proble ms of premature explo sio n of
times are now meas ured in hundreds of years. Proj ect a bomb by the neutron flux from a previously detonated
Daedalu s ( 88 1 has describe d such a ve hi cle in detail, showing bo mb.
that the nu clea r pu lse concept is the only one which appears Ca lculations were presented for the perfo rm ance of the
feasible with modern-day tech no logy, o r reaso nable extra- vehicle under th e assumptions of (a) constant acceleration,
polation of it. The precise mi ssion was to Barna rd's Star , and (b) co nsta nt mass, with the results being presented in
six light yea rs away, with a final velocity "' 12% of t he tabular form. Some representative data are shown in Table 3.
speed of light , and a journey time of '"v 50 years. It can be note d that in order for the constant mass method
In attempting to sum up the outstanding perfor mance of to duplicate the perform ance of a given rocket of constant
nuclear pulse sy ste ms co mpare d to more co nventional pro- acceleration , requires acceleratio ns which average out at the
pulsio n method s Dyson said (69): "The men who (worked co nsta nt value , and therefore individually exceed this value
on Proj ect Orion) believe that it offers the best hop e, in the in the final stage. Some results of the Everett and Ulam
long run , of a reaso nable programm e fo r exp loring space. By ana ly sis as applied to case (a) for constant acceleration are
'a reaso nable progra mme' they m ean a programme co mpar- shown in Fig. I 0. Here it can be seen that the explosive
able in cost with o ur existing space programme and enorm- yield of successive charges and the specific impulse of the
ously superior in promise ." In loo kin g at mann ed planetary vehicle decrease stea dily, in order to maintain a consta nt
missions over a deca de later , Rupp e said (95 ] : "The per- acceleration as the ve hicle becomes lighter as a result of the
forma nce is staggerin g, looking at pay loads, payload frac- expend it ure o f propellant.
tion s and tri p duratio ns. Also, the ra tio of pay load to pro- The vehicle accelerations, up to 5 0,000 g in the worst
pe llant consumption is favourab le and I see no reason why case, were very large and would lea d to over-stress and break-
the vehicle sho uld not be re-usable afte r refue lling - ind eed , age of the structure unless the accelerntions we re uniform
here is the ve hicle we arc waiting fo r! " over the entire struct ure.
In the vehicle design the base of the rocke t was in the
proximity of a very hot gas for a duration of about I msec,
4. THE ORJGIN AL CONCEPT - EVERETT AND periodica lly at 1 sec intervals. The e ffects of such a variable
ULAM , 1955 wall tempe rature cycle cou ld be severe. T he propellant
co uld be made of a solid material fabrica ted in sheets and
"Repeated nu clear explos io ns outsid e t he body of a pro- placed at the botto m of t he vehicle , to be detached one by
jectile are considered as providing means to accelerate such on e and expelled to the desired distance . This would have
objects to velocities of the order of I Q6 cm/sec. " Tl1e open- the advantage that the problem of h eating of t he permanent
ing word s of the abstract of a Lo s Alam os Scientifi c Labor- structure would be atte nuated, with o nly a small fraction of
atory report by Everett and Ularn in 1955 [ 3 ] set the scene each propellant sheet being Jost by evaporation a nd melting.
for all nuclea r pu lse rocket work to fo ll w. An alternative idea was to use a suffi ciently powerful
T he propose d sche me involve d t he use of a series of fission magnetic field to shield the base of the rocket by deflecting
bombs ejected and detona ted at a co ns.i d ra ble dista nce the ionised propellant gas before it actually reached the
from t he ve hicle. The critical questi n abo ut such a met hod rocket, thus avoiding base heating and gaining a factor o n
concerned its ability to draw on t he rea l rese rves of nu clea r momentum tran sfer. It was noted that the field strength
power liberate d at bomb temperatur s wit houl destroy ing
the vehicle. The rocket was inte nde d Lo be lifted clea r of the
Earth's a tmosp here by a boost er rocket, thus avoidin g pro- 1.5 2100
blems with gro und laun ch and atmospheric co nt amin ation.
T he ve hi cle was envisage d as being sau cer-shap ed, with a 2000
diameter of about I 0 metres, sufficient to in terce pt a ll , or
mo sl, of t he exp lod ing prope llant. The final mass was 12 c
tonnes, covering structure, payload, instruments, propellant
:: 10 1900 3
storage and bo mb storage. The initial vehicle ma s exceeds ~
this value by the mass of the bombs and prope llant. "
·;;::. 1600 -~
The ex plosive charges, with a mass "v 500 kgm (including "'>
tamper and e xplosive) with a re latively small yield, were ~ 0 5 1700 "'
ejected a t in tervals"' 1 sec from t he base of the rocket, and w
were de to nated at a distance of so me 50 metres. Synchronised 1600
with this, disk-shaped masses of prope llant were ejected in
such a way that the rocket-p ropellant distance was "' I 0 1500
metres at the instant t hat the exp loding charge hits it. The 30
propellant was raise d to high tempera ture and, in ex panding, Pul~~r

transmitted momentum to the vehicle. The final velocity

was attained after '\I 50 such explosions. Fig. 10. Explosive yield and specific impulse as a funct ion of pulse
The bombs were structured, in that a suitable distribution number, for the Eve rett and Ulam analysis.

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

TABLE J. Performan ce of Ev eret! and Ulam (1955) D esign.

Acceleration Consta.n t Mass
(a) (b) (a) (b)
rinal velocity (msec- 1) l.2 x 10 4
l.2 x J 04 l.l 2 x l 04 l. 28 x l 04
Initial mass (tonnes) 53 356 57 342
Final mass (tonnes) 12 12 12 12
Number of bombs 30 100 30 100
Fra ctio n of bomb hittin g
propellant 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Mass ratio 4.4 29.7 4.75 28.5
Total bomb mass (tonnes) 15 30 15 30
Total propellant mass
(tonnes) 26 314 30 300
Energy of 1st bomb (J) 6.71 x 10 12 5.98 x l 0 12 2.5xJ0 12 1.5 x 10 12
Energy of Nth bomb (J) 1.15 x 10 12 1.28 x 10 11 2.5 x 10 12 l.5x10 12
Acceleration or each stage (g) 5.1 x 104 5.1 x 10 3 1.92 x 104 (1st) 1.46 x l 0 3
8.85x10 4 (Nth) 4.12x104
Du.ration of acce leratio n
(msec) 0.8 2.4 1.0 2.5

required may be impractically large, but the poss.ibility was using 0.01 kT nuclear explosives and water as propellant,
mentioned of the "formation of a powerful plasma current this being pumped through the chamber walls to provide
at the base of the rocket and a pinch effect, which may mean transpiration cooling. It was noted that several other pro-
that the magnetic field becomes compressed to a smaller pellant introduction methods might be superior, e.g. propel-
volume aJJd the magnetic pressure considerably in creased." lant introduction before bomb ignition, introduction as a
A postscript to the Everett-Ulam st udy of 1955 was the bomb covering, and coating of the inside of the chamber
app lication made by the US Atomic Energy Commission for walls to provide ablative protection.
a patent on a "nuclear propelled vehicle, such as a ro cket." The tl1rust chambe r design was based on sca led figures
Application was made in the USA on 3 March , l 959 and a from bomb tests, together with a safety factor, estimated
British Patent was granted in late 196 1 [ 4]. The preamble to be 20, in the thrust chamber weight. This resulted in a
to the specification was worded in an a lmost id e ntical man- chamber diameter of 39.6 111, constructed from 12 .7 mm
ner to certain passages in the Evere tt-Ulam report , and the steel with a total weight of 2.2 x I 0 6 kgm.
patent then went on to describe som e mechanical details of The pulse frequency was to be adjusted according to the
the vehicle, with three accompanying figures. The bomb appli cation of the veh.icle , or phase of the mission. For
sizes, detonation distances and ve hicle mass were also the example, at a rate of one explosion per second a thrust-to-
same as in the Everett-U lam study . A description of a possible weight ratio of 0.25 resulted, the level required for landing
method of bomb and propellant injection , using pneumatic and take-off manoeuvres on the Moon. At a rate of one
actuators to release the bombs down rails running along the exp losion per minute, the acceleration of the vehicle was
axis of the vehicle with flexible steel cables attac hing the 3.7 x 1o- 3 g, on average, higher t han ion and plasma engines.
bomb to its propellant sheets, was given in some detail. At this level acceleration to a mission velocity of 8 x l 04 m
sec- 1 would take 61 hours, and a journey to Mars would
take 'V 4 months (assuming atmospheric braking and the use
of all the propellant, i.e. the availability of water for refue ll-
5. INTERNAL SYSTEMS - COLE, 1959-1961 ing at Mars).
The basic difference between this design and the Model II
The possibility of using an internal system for propelling design was that the safety factor in the thrust chamber
space veh.icles, rather than the externa l type of system, will weight was reduced from 20 to 4 . This reduced the weight
be discussed first in this review , a lthough chrono logically of the thrust chamber to 4.4 x 10 5 kgm and optimisation of
the Orion study preceded consideration of the internal sys- the vehicle with respect to minimisation of propellant cost
tem by a few years. Although discussed briefly in classified per unit mass of payload led to the performance data shown
reports, the first generally available presentation of t he con- in Table 4.
cept was due to Co le of the Martin Company, Denver (6-8]. Model IIA was the same as Model II , except that it was a
He discussed three types of nuclear pulse rockets - a h.ighly scaled up version to use 0.1 kT born bs. The weight of the
conservative design based o n state-of-the-art capabi lities, a chamber was increased by this same factor of l 0 and the
design base d on a 10-2 0 year extrapolation, a nd a design for diameter was increased by the cube root of I 0. Again opti-
a "nuclear pulse jet" wh.ich took off from the surface of the misation in terms of cost per unit mass gave the performance
Earth. data of Table 4.
The study emphasised the estimation of vehicle (and in Little interest wa s shown in the internal nu clear pulse
particular exp losive charge and propellant) costs, and costs concept at this time, however. Project Orion was an on-
of unit payload weight. These figures will not be discussed going project and this system, together with several other
here, as the assumptions and approximations made to calcu- advanced concepts , promised as good or better performance
late the m are no longer valid. Emphasis will rather be placed at a lower cost and level of effort . Also, some of the dis-
on the details of the designs of the vehicles, and some rele- advantages of the internal system (Section 2.4) were begin-
vant parameters are shown in Table 4. ning to be appreciated, and added to the reasons for the lack
As noted, Model I was a conservative design of vehicle, of interest.

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical R eview of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

TA BlE 4. Cole Vehicle Param eters.

Rocket chamber diameter (m) 39.6 39 .6 85.9
Cha mber wall thi ckness (mm) l2.7 10.2 12.7
Rocket chamber we ight (kgm) 2.2 x 106 4.4 x 105 4.4 x J 06
Expellant (water) we ight (kgm) 4.5 x 10 6 7 .1 x 106 7 . L x 107
Payload weight (kgm) 7.7 x 10 5 6.4 x 10 6 6.4 x 10 7
Total vehicle weight (kg m) 7.8 x 10 6 1.5 .x 10 7 1.5 x 108
Tota l ve hicle length ( m) 91.4 91.4 110.0
Energy per bomb (J) 4.2 x 10 10 4.2 x 10 10 4.2xl0 11
Exp losion in te rval (sec)
Number of exp losions 2,400 5,800 5 ,800
Average thrust (N) 3.5 x 10 7 9.3 x 10 7
Specifi c impulse (sec) l,J so 1,1 50 1,1 so

6. THE HELIOS CONCEPT - LIVERMORE, mission velocity increments. The advanlages given by Lhis
1963-.1965 performance over these ot her propulsion sche mes did not
appear to be great fo r the range of missions currently in t he
Several years after o le's st udy, re newed interest was shown planning and proposed stages, such as a manned Mars landing
in the co n ta ine d nucl ea r pulse e ngine as a result of changes mission. What adva ntages were prese nt ed wo uld req uire
in severa l co nditio ns which affect the merit of th e con cept. substantia l advan ces in the design, especially in suppression
These were a shift to co nsi de rati o n of more a mbitious space of heat deposition in the containment vessel where calcula-
missions req uiring a high spec ific impu lse, Lhe increased tio ns had indicated that t he surface temperatures nea r the
"a vai labilit y" of fissio nable ma teria 1 thus reducing es ti mated nozzle co uld reac h 4000 K, which is too high eve n for
fuel costs, and the fact that ol her advanced propulsion con- ad van ce d materi als, and therefore required so me form of
cepts showing better performance wilh compa rable o r lesser protection .
difficulty of ac hievement were nol as p le ntiful as had been
ini tia lly expected. TABLE 5. Helios Vehicle Parameters.
With this bac kground th e Nuclea r Propu lsio n Division at
Law re nce Livermore Laboratory und crto k a st udy to gai n Energy per explosion 2 x 10 101
an understanding in pri n ciple of the interna l syste m in order Exp losion repetition rate 0.1 per sec
to identify t he major problems, to define optimum systems ,
and to make an overa ll appraisa l of .ils va lu e. The project was Pulse unit ma ss 32 kgm (including 9 kgm a uxiliary
given the na me Helios [ 9- 14 ] . ma ss)
T he sca le of the vehicle e nvis·1ge d was ne wilh a co ntain- Number of pulses 'V 4,000
ment vesse l 'V 10 metres d iameter. Small nue l ar exp losive Propellant mass (hydroge n) 70 kgm
charges with a yield of 2 x 10 10 Joules wou Jd be placed in
Thrust 9 x 106 N
this cha m ber together with 'V 70 kgm of hydrogen. The fir-
ing of the charges, at intervals of 10 se s or lo nger, brought Pressure vessel rad ius 4.6m
t he hydrogen to a high tempe rat ure and iL was then released Pressure vessel mass 9 x 104 kgm
through a nozzle to produce thrnst. So me v · hic le parameters
Total ini tial vehicle mass 7 x 10 5 kgm
are show n in Table S.
Analytical studies of techn ica l prob lems which appeared Payload 4.5 x L04 kgm
the most fundamental to the Helios scheme w r pursued,
with th e main areas of in vestigat io n being in exp losion
10'.- - - - - - -
hyd rodynamics, heat t ransfe r to the vesse l wall s, pulsed pro-
pellant discharge be haviour, nozz le design , and in e ngine-
vehicle co upling proble ms. Effort was also devoted Lo an
experimenta l study of layered structural materials which
may have been suita bl.e for the pressure walls of the co ntai n-
ment vesse l, based upon 6-p ly layer ing of 18% Ni maraging
steel and of T i-5 Al -2 .5 Sn tita nium alloy.
E s
rt was found that no fun damenta l fau lt existed in Lhe .!!
co ncept, alt ho ugh many of the processes invo lve d were not 'i
full y understood. However , several reservations were noted .
The practicality of the concept would de pend criti ca lly
on the avai labil ity of a suitable nuclear charge, especiall y
with respect to reliability , since an accide nta l excess y ield or
fragmented explo sion co uld destroy the pressure vessel.
T he e ngineering problems involved in reaching a workable Totol 1nit10! rno s s (kgm)
design would be as severe as in most other advanced propul-
sio n sche mes discussed at the ti me. The perfo rm ance of a Fig. 11. Helios payload versus total initial mass for various missio n
Helios-type ve hicle is show n in Fig. 11 , for a range of ideal idea l velocities {<tfter Ref. 13).

Anthony R . Martin and A lan B ond

It wa s commented that unpre dictable advan ces in a large produ ced .... a vo lume of scientific and e nginee ring work
number of areas cou ld change th is pessimism , especia ll y for which in breadth and thoro ughness has ra re ly bee n
very large payloads and high missio n ideal velocities which equalled." [6 9 ] .
stood most in need of high-specific-impulse systems. T he In April 1958 Taylor gave a prese ntation of the con cept
ach ievem e nt of a very high stre ngt h-to-weigh t ratio co ntain- to Roy Johnson , the Chief of the Advanced Research Projects
me nt vessel, of very lightweight nuclear charges, or of strik- Agen cy (ARP A) of the De partme nt of Defense. The follow-
ing adva nces in surfa ce th erma l pro tectio n co u.ld lea d to a ing July , after a good dea l of nego tiation , an award of one
sharp rise in the competitive position of the Helios system . million dollars was made to co ver the subseque nt 10 mo nths'
Ho wever, it was co ncluded that the develop ment of work . So me initial re ticence was prese nt on behalf of the
Helios with a view even towards de tailed design studies would Department of Defense in esta blishing a private team of
be inapp ropr iate at th at time, and the last work to elate to weapon eers at Genera l Atomic , but this did not appea r to
con ce ntrate specifi ca ll y on the interna l nu clea r pulse syst em hinder the proj ect after its in ce ptio n.
was brought to a close. Shortly after t he start of the project, NASA was formed
and took ove r all the civil space projects funded by ARPA .
At the sa me tim e the USAF laid claim to a ll the military
7. LARGE SCALE STUDI ES - PROJECT ORION, projects and Orion re main ed the o nly major project under
1957-1965 ARPA charge, as neither NASA nor t he Air Force regarded
it as a valua ble asset. Taylor's e fforts to interest NAS A at
The work carried out o n the nuclear pul se propulsion co n- this stage fa iled, a fact whi ch is diffi cult to understan d in
cept under Proj ec t Orion, by t he Gene ral Atomic Divi sio n the light of the gro wing intention to go to the Moo n.
of Ge ne ral Dynamics in San Diego, Califo rnia, represe nts At t he e nd of 1958 a n a ward of $400,000 was made to
the most determine d e ffo rt known to have bee n made to the project and t he fo llowi ng August a furth er o ne million
date to use t he concept as a practi ca l p ropu lsio n system. For dollars was placed at Orion 's disposal to cove r th e following
thi s reaso n , the discussion of Orion , its capabilities and t he year's work. The team grew to abo ut 40 membe rs, with t he
work that was carried o ut must fo rm the largest section in overa ll proj ect responsibility fa lling to Fre deric de Hoffmann ,
this revi ew. hea d of the Genera l Atomic Division of General Dy namics.
Unfortun ately , repo rts on Orio n are diffi cult to obta in . Taylor was appoin ted p roject director and Jim Na nce assist-
The references list all the so urces we have tra ce d . Some ant di rector (Nance later took over as director when Tay lor
report s written by General Atomic staff describe the proj ect left the project in 1963).
in ge nera l [1 5-23] and a numbe r o fr eportsa reava il ab leo n During 1959 fli ght test mo dels were flown using high
detailed areas of t he study [24-5 1] . Comp lete syste m data ex plo sive charges. These ve hi cles reached altit udes of up to
ca n o nly be obtained, at the tim e of writing, tluou gh t he use 60 metres and were a ble to sho w the fea sibility of the pulse
of indirect refere nce material [ 52-6 0] , press releases con- propulsio n concept. This programm e was known by the
te mporar y with the project [6 1-69 ] , and the report ing of unoffi cial, but apt, name of "Project Put-Put".
comments made by peo ple involved in the proj ect [e.g. 59, In early 196 0, government respo nsibi lity for the project
60, 69 ] . was t ran sferred to t he Air Force and Orion beca me essenti-
ally a military project. (Various contract numbe rs were used
7. I Project History for Orio n: AF 18(6 00)-1 8 12 for I 958-59, AF29(6 01 )-2 207
for 1960-63 and AF29(6 0 I )-62 14 for 1964-65) . Dr. Herbert
The origins of Orion bega n soo n after 4 October 1957 , when York, Defense Directo r o f Researc h and Engineering at
th e launc hing of Sputnik I provoked T heodore B.Tay lor, ARPA, said the major co ncern over the progra mm e Jay in
former ly an ato mi c bo mb designe r at Los Alamos but then the future funding level. About $900,000 in supplemental
wi t h Ge neral Atomic, to seek a prop ulsio n system using funding for F isca l Yea r I 96 0 was considered, but rejected
nu clea r pow er which would rega in Americ<rn prestige in beca use ARPA did no t have t he reso urces to carry on the
space. The project e nded in 1965 a nd t he history of those programme at the in crea sed leve l. An attempt was made to
seven years of ·e ffort is not easy to assemb le. Po litical con- transfer the proj ect to NAS A, rathe r than the Air Force, but
siderat ions, group rivalries, perso nali ties and co ntinuing th is was unsuccessful. NASA associa te a dministrato r, Ric hard
classificat io n of material all co mbin e to make the history E. Horner, sa id that a lt ho ugh the proj ect "em braces a ve ry
somewhat con te nt ious. What fo llo ws is o ur atte m pt, co m- interesti ng theoret ical concept , it appea rs to suffer from
piled from contemporary un classifie d material, to chart the such major research and developm e nt proble ms that it
progress of Orio n during t hose yea rs. wo uld not successfully co mpete for support in co ntext of
Taylor had e ncountere d the nuclea r pulse rocket co ncept our e ntire space ex perime ntal programme." A1so, he raised
at Los Ala mo s, where it was first proposed by Ulam, as a cri ticism that was to be o ne of t he reaso ns for the eventual
re lated in Section 4 above. Tay lor, ho weve r, with his bac k- de mise of the proj ect , saying "Among other un certai nties the
gro und as a weapons designer , was a ble to propose a system question of politi ca l approval fo r ever using such a dev ice
in whi ch the propellan t mass was incorporate d along with seems to weigh heavily in balance aga inst it ."
a "shape d nuclear charge" in simple "p ulse units", rather By August 196 0 a total of $ 2 .4M ha d bee n spent by
than the so mewhat clumsy system in the original proposa l. government so urces, together with Ge neral Atomic's initial
F un ding for the work ca me init ially from Ge neral Atomic contribu t io n, and the level of funding was increased to
the mselves, as Ge neral Atomic Proj ect Numbe r 52, under $1.7M per year.
the title Nuclea r/Che mical Pulse Rea ction Co ncept , a nd later In 196 1 Taylor took film of Project Put-Put tests a nd
Nu clear Pulse Prop ulsion Concept. Co nsidering the potentia l technical details of t he co ncept to Werner von Braun at
performance which the concept offered it is, in retrospect, Huntsville. Although he o bta in ed von Braun's perso nal sup-
surprising that Orion had such a diffi cult and short career. port for the proj ect, NASA st ill co uld not be persuaded to
Financial support was a lways provided grudgingly by Govern- contr ibute to t he funding.
ment bodies and there is little doubt that without the per- Also ear ly in 196 1 an ad hoc commit tee o n Space headed
sonal e ndeavours of the proj ect adm inistrators t he proj ect by Jerome Wiesne r, President Kennedy's special advisor on
would have had a shorter lifetime than it act ually did. In the scie nce, co nsid ered the proj ect in the co ntext of overa ll US
event , "the level of scie ntifi c and engineering tale nt devoted space policy. They state d that "Above all we must encourage
to it was, for a classifi ed proje ct, unusually high" and "it entirely new ideas which might lead to real brea kthroughs.
held together. ... a band of talented and devote d men and One such idea is the Orion proposal.. .. This proposal should

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

receive careful study with a realisation of the international gro und launch would be very sma ll an d at an acceptable
problems associated with such a venture." This contrasted ]eve.I. However, the wording of the treaty remains, as does
strongly with the NASA view of a year ear lier. political opposition to nuclear exp lo sio ns, and both would
At Utis time effort on Orion was split about half and half have to change before such a vehicle could ever be tested or
between theoretical and practical work. The latter was mainly flown.
directed towards t he development of suitable pusher plate
designs, capa ble of resisting thermal and mechanical shock 7. 2 Vehicle Description
loads produced by eac h pulse, arrangements of in!itruments
and shie lding problems. An illustration of the main features of an Orion vehicle are
By l 963 funding for Orion was be co ming difficult to shown in Fig. 12, where a model of the vehicle and schematic
maintain, with the USAF finding difficulty in justifyi11g the key to the components are given. Fig. 13 shows an artist's
vehicle on strict ly military groUJ1ds, and attempts being mad e impression of the vehicle during flight.
to curtail USAF e ffo rts in intensive spa ce hardware develop- The propulsion system was very simple in concept and
ment. A comment made at the time re flected this; "We tried not o rigin al to the Orion project, as we have seen above.
to have a reasonable development schedule worked up an d Essentially , a nuclear explosion was to be produced under-
used as a De partment of Defense guid eline, but since it neath the vehicle, some of the expanding debris of which
would have included flight dates and required a stated mis- would be intercepted by the base of the vehi.cle , thereby
sion, we were told to forget it and cont inue working at our transferring momentum to it from the explosio n products.
present pace on our present budget. We we re also denied The expansion velocity of an atomic explosion may be in
permission to set up some experiments at the current Opera- excess of I 06 m sec- 1 and if t his co uld be direct ed and inter-
tion Dominic nu clea r weapon s te sts in the Pacifi c." cepted efficiently an effect ive ex haust velocity approaching
The USAF vehicle was seen to be a space battlesl1ip, ab le this figure should be possible. (This is equivale nt to a specific
to withstand one Megaton e xp losions at a range of 150 impulse of I 05 secs, a value ofte n quoted in the Orion
metres and armed with shaped atomic charges for destroy- literature [ 16, 64] .) For economic reasons it is better to
ing en e my missiles. It was obviously far more soph isticated reduce the expansion velocity of the explosion by loading
and advanced than the USAF required and th is led to NASA the pulse unit with a cheap propellant, which in creases the
once again be ing approached for support. NASA was never ve hicle thrust at the expe nse of a higher laun ch mass. From
very e nthusiasti c about Orion, but in June I 963 awarded a the Orion literature it appears that Polyethylene was prob-
study contra ct to Genera l Atomic to assess the fast mission a bly the material emp loyed in the studies.
potential offered by Orion for planetary operations to Venus, Thus, effective exhaust velocities of 25 ,000-60,000 m sec- 1
Mars, Jupiter and the moon s of the latter two bodies, in th e were ge nerally considered. For t hese values an interact ion
197 5- 1995 ti me scale. time of the expanding plasma debris and vehicle of "a milli~
It was con sid ered esse ntial at t hat time to examine the nd or less" was quoted [ 19], and he nce for a vehicle
potential of an Orion vehicle sca led down from th e USAF carrying rv 2,000 charges, a total interaction time for all
concept , especia lly as the syste m appeared able to produce propulsive phases of the order of a second was anticipated.
a quantum jump in the sta te of the art , with specific Such a very short interaction period and high momentum
impulses of up to I 00,000 seconds being p ssiblc. Howeve r, transfer would result in excessive shock loading of the
it was not c lear whethe r an advan ce of this mag ni t ude would vehicle and so a special 'pusher' mounted onto the vehicle
be ne cessary for the fast manned missio ns be ing contem- by shock absorbers was designed. The object of this was that
plated , where th e propulsio n capabili ty of Ro ver or NERVA t he exp los ion set the pusher into instantaneous motion ,
may have been suffi c ient. which was then slowed by the shock absorbers and returned
Although these con ce pls n vc r o ffe red the ca pa bility of to its starting point ready for the next pulse. Thus the
Orion they becam e the favoured sysle 111 . In January 1965 a vehicle proper experienced only t he mi ld , smoothed out
last bid to obtain NASA funds for th e projec t was made . accelerat io ns transmitted by the shock absorber system.
Continuatio n of Orion as a tec hnology proj ect and not a The pus her was subj ect to simultaneo us thermal (gas
development programme was prop scd , " l ri.:ally nail the temperature nexl to surface rv 8 0,000 K) and shock lo ading
technology down and then sec if Ori o n still mcrile d be ing and represented a major design and development task for
carried into the programm e de finition stag· and la te r, po s- the project. Test equipment was devised (Section 7.4) and
sibly into an actual development effort. " II wevcr, the also extensive stress and thermal analyses were carried out
Departme nt of Defense felt it could not affo rd lo co ntinue on the problem. The Orion team claimed that engineering
supporting the effort unilaterally and sugges ted a joint pro- so lutions existed to all the difficulties involved in building
ject betwee n NASA and the Atomic En ergy om missio n this key hardware item. For example, in early tests on
(A EC). The work proposed was a two yea r programme, pusher p late materials steel, wood and aluminium were tried .
including three underground nuclear tests, co sting six million However, it was found that a thin coat (i.e. a bout 25 µm) of
dollars per year, jointly fund ed by DOD, AEC and NASA. silicone grease on an aluminium pusher plate could effectively
The AEC was willing to become invo lved in the pr gramme reduce the pusher ablation to zero. (It is interesting to note
but NASA headquarters refused to go along with the pro- that Taylor claims this was found o ut by accident [ 59]
posal on the grounds that there was no money lo when a technician's thumb print survived intact after an
support work on a system for which it had no mission . ab lation test !) Several General Atom ic papers are declassi-
Thus, on l May 1965, Project Orion ended. It was esti- fi ed on this work (37, 38 ] . Taylor (59] also stated that
mate d that .$ 10.5 M of government funds and .$1 M of e ncral correct shaping of the pusher plate thickness was required
Atomic's money had been spent on the programme over its to prevent the plate being destroyed by mechanical shock
seven year life. waves. Such a plate tapered in thickness, becoming thinner
Apart from the problems of defining a mission and com- towards the edge. Again, tests with high explosives co n-
petition from NER VA, a further serious political difficulty firmed that such shaped pushers survived very well.
hampered the project. This was caused by the wording of the For the shock absorber system a set of pneumatic devices
nuclear test ban treaty which was signed in April 1963 . This was employed. It was essentially in two parts. Immediately
treaty places strict limits on atmospheric testing of nuclear adjacent to the pusher were a series of toroidal gas filled
explosions, although it was never intended to limit the bags, which were to absorb the momentum in the initial
application of nuclear energy to uses such as Orion. It was, stages and correct for off axis deton atio ns. These transmitted
apparently, readily shown that t he fall-o ut fro111 an Orion the momentum to the main transfer syste m consisting of

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

Powered flight crew

station (shielded)

Crew accommodation

-~ Propellant

Basic structure
including pulse-unit
delivery system

shock absorber Basic
Primary propulsion
shoe k absorber module

plate -------~

Ejected pulse -unit - - - - -....

Point of I
detonation ..+ - - - - - ---''---
Fig. 12. Model of the Orion vehicle and a schematic key to the main compo nents (after Ref. 20).

telescopic pneumatic pistons. The natural period of this

second system was about an order of magnitude lo nger than
that of the first system.
Immediately following a detonation, the whole pusher
would move towards the vehicle, its kinetic energy grad ually
being stored as potential energy in the shock absorbers. After
relative motion between the pusher and vehicle had been
arrested , the motion was reversed and the pusher arrived at
its starting point with its velocity reversed. However, the
next detonation reverses this motion in turn, and the cycle
repeats. Damping of the pusher motion would be impractical
due to the very high powers to be dissipated in the dampers.
Thus, a harmonic system was chosen. Details of the shock
absorber design ana lysis can be found in Boyer and Balcomb
The remaining main system components are the magazine·
rack and pulse unit feed system, which Taylor claims they
designed after consulting a company who built Coca-Cola
dispensing machiJ1es; the charge injection system which,
again accord mg to Taylor, was achieved by means of com-
pressed nitrogen which propelled the charge through a hole
ill the centre of the pusher plate; a low-thrust attitude control
system, which in the NASA vehicle was a chemical system;
and finally the nuclear charges themselves.
The nuclear charges were mostly based on conventional
atomic weapons technology, although by using shaped charges
the fraction of debris intercepted by the pusher co uld be
increased almost to 0.5. This would be achieved by placing
the propellant in such a way that the momentum was
essentially directed axially, even though the energy deposi-
tion would probably be almost isotropic. The use of thermo-
Fig. 13. Artist's impression of the Orion vehicle in flight. nuclear fusion charges was hinted at in Ref. 16, although no

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical R eview of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

serious considerat ion seems to have been expe nded on this This, in broad terms, is the scope of the NAS A study . In
alternative during Orion. (Alt hough not in the Orion study , detail, it was intend ed that the propulsion mod ule would
another comment on the constru ction of possi ble nuclear have a n effect ive ex haust velocity in the range 18,000 to
charges for pulse rocket app licat io n is found in the Everett 25,000 m sec- 1 with a thrust of 3.5 x 10 6 N, and t hat the
and Ulam report [3 ], where the pulse unit is estimated to comp lete stage would have an opti mised acceleration at igni-
be a minimum of 500 kgm mass and where the use of a tion in the neighbourhood of 2.5 m/sec 2 . The insta lled mis-
hydride composition to reduce the quantity of fissile sion velocity would be co ntrolled by the number of pulse
material em ploy ed in their construction is sugges\ed.) units loaded at the time of ignition, with an up per limit in
the region of 30km/sec e nvisaged . The prop ulsion module
7. 3 Performance Capabilities would store about 900 pulse units interna lly and a further
1100, possibly in the extern al expendable magazines. Such a
It is well-known that during its lifetime Project Orion studied mission velocity would allow a round trip to Mars to be
the performance and ap plication of a wide range of sizes of undertaken during the 198 0s with a total trip time of about
nuclear pulse propelled vehicles. Un fortunately first-hand 250 days.
detailed informa tio n about these studies is not readily avail- Fo r both the Lunar missions and Mars missions it was
a bl e due to its contin ued security classification . In the main , fou nd that the dominant cost was still the chemical propul-
we are constrai ned to technical journalistic writings which sion system to low Earth orbit, this being abo ut 60% of the
were co ntemporary with the project and were based on total mission costs and nu clear propellant by comparison
interviews with people who had some authorised co nt act 20-30%. Two alternatives were proposed in Ref. 16 . The
with it. A valuable source of informat ion is also to be fo und first was a comp lete self-boost of the verucle to Ea rth orbit
in the cont inued enthusiasm of two key members of the and the seco nd was to loft the verucle chemically using the
Orion team, namely Theodore Taylor and F ree man Dyson, Saturn S-IC stage and then co mplete the boost to orbit
who period ically give tantalising hints of the enormous using the pulse engine. In this latter mode the nuclear stage
propulsion potential which they established over the severa l would not be fully loaded during boost.
years of intensive study of the externa l nuclear pulse concept. Altho ugh it is claime d that contamination during Ea rth
Thus, of necess ity much of this sectio n of this review must launch of a nuclear pulse rocket would be minimal, no
remain imprecise and subj ect to the present aut hors' inter- detailed analysis of the problem is available in the open
pretation of the evide nce. literat ure. It is unfortunate that while the above report
Fortunately , however, fo llowing the growt h of NASA's me ntions the alternative launch possibiliti es, it does not go
interest in mid-1963 work was carried o ut on a vehicle design on to give mu ch further data abo ut the vehicles or t heir
specifica lly to NASA requireme nts under contract number launch problems , other than to quote a thrust-to-weight ratio
N AS8- l l 05 3, and subsequently a great deal of this vehicle for the comp letely self- boosted version as I .25 and the lo ft-
de sign was declassified and published .in several reports, two ing velocity of the other alternative as being about 3000 m
of which [ 16 , 21] contain almost all the reliable detailed sec- 1 (I 0,000 ft/sec) with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 0.55. It
data available on Orion type ve hicle systems and their per- does claim, however, that no signifi ca nt residual activity
formance. We sh.a ll therefo re consider this veruc le in detail would remain in the vehicle following propulsion phases and
first. that a manned approac h to the engine hardware could be
Apart from its the most detailed information avail- undertaken " within a short time of e ngine shutdown."
able, there is a further advantage to th is starting point in that T he Mars ex plo ration vehicles all co nsisted of the same
it was pointed out by the Orion tea 111 that this vehicle was basic modular assemb ly comprising the propulsion module,
scaled clown from larger ve hicles and that its performance the operatio nal payload structure which included all hard-
was adverse ly affected by its sma lle r size. We may therefore ware , Mars mission expend ables, two manned orbital
_co nclude that this vehklc represe nts t he lowe r encl of t he assembly modules, a nd finally the propellant.
spectrum in both scale and performance for the external T he payload would be shie lclecl with a n additionally pro-
nuclear pulse rocket and that far superior results cou ld be tected powered flight area where the crew would be during
achieve d. prop ulsion. The shielding was designed to allow 50 rem per
mission from propulsion, which permits a similar dose from
7. 3. 1 Th e NASA Vehicle solar radiation for a total of about 100 rem per mission [ 2 1].
The studies encompassed missions with and without manned
The vehicle studied for NASA essent ially involved a singl e Mars land·ings and with a nominal crew of eight, but with
basic 'propulsion modu le' which included "all pulse unit some studies of a crew of 20.
handling and delivery apparatus, engine control.s, at1xiliary For manned surface exp loration two vehicles wou ld be
subsystems and .... some internal capacity for propellant." employed, each with eight crew and 75 tonnes of destination
The module was l 0 min di ameter, 2 1 m long, a nd designed payload. For e mergency situations each vehicle would be
to be compatible with the two stage variant of Saturn V, able to support a double crew comp lement for 290 days.
which at that time was envisaged as t he main workhorse Each vehicle would have a mass of 7~3 tonnes at ignition.
through the 1970s and into the 1980s. In order to reduce However , if o nly a single vehicle were employed the mass
contamination and e nvi ronmental effects, the nu clear stage would fa ll to 74 1 tonnes clue to the reduced emergency
was mainly studied in an orbital ignition role, having been expendables . The same mission without a manned landi ng ,
assemb led from the propulsion module , payload a nd pu lse with a crew of eight and 7 50 kg of destination payload,
units in orbit fo llowing successfu l rendezvous of severa l (up would have an ignition mass of 599 tonnes.
to eigh t) Saturn V launches. The basic propu lsion module At the other extreme of the mission spectrum is the
mass was about 91 tonnes (200 ,000 lbs) but at the time of vehicle mentioned earlier in this section, carrying a crew of
orbital ignition the stage would have a total mass of up to 20 and 150 tonnes of destination payload , which wou ld have
1143 tonnes for missions to Mars including a 20 man crew a mass of 1143 tonnes at ignition.
and 150 tonnes of destination payload. A mass breakdown of the eight man nominal Mars land-
Apart from missions to Mars, the same module was ing mission is given in Table 6.
studied for Lunar ferry applications from low earth orbit T he variation of vehicle departure mass with launch year
to Lunar orbit , carrying a pay load of 20 passengers and was analysed by the Orion team and it was found that a
200 tonnes of cargo, as well as prope llant for a chemica l Mars mission laun ched in an unfavourable year would increase
shuttle for transport to the Lunar surface. t he ignition mass by abo ut 8%, w}\ereas a fa vourable year

. 297
Anthony R . Martin and Alan Bond

TABLE 6. Mars Landing Mission Mass Breakdown - weight ratio, suffi cie nt eve n for Earth li ft-off, coupled with
one vehicle , eight-man cre w, 7 5 tonne payload. a specific impulse an order of magnitude bett er t han
advanced chemical rockets. Both of the Ge nera l Atomic
reports [ l 6, 21 ] stress even further ga ins. The st udies
Mass (kgm)
ass umed the use of conventional mate rials, well within the
Operational pay load 80,000 state of the art . Also the pulse units were based o n wea pons
In-transit payload 1,000 technology ex plosives. By goi ng to advanced materials and
Destination pay load 75 ,000 shaped cha rges the propulsive capability co uld be e nhanced
signifi ca ntly and eve n the use of fusion devices may be pos-
To tal pay load 156,000 sible.
Propulsion module 93,800 7. 3. 2 Th e USAF Ve hicles
Propellant magazines 16 ,785
Guidance and start-up fluid s 7,235 T urning now to a discussion of other vehicles studied by t he
Orion project, we have termed the vehicles stud ied in the first
Total "dry" ma ss 117 ,820
five years of Orion the USAF vehi cles, sin ce it wa s mainly
Propellant ma ss 467,180 US AF design requireme nts which guid ed the proj ect in this
period. Liltle firm information is available but it does see m
Total orbital departure mass 741 ,000 certai n that t he vehicles were intended to drive a 900 tonne
(2 x 106 lb) payload to low orbit o r to escape from an Ea rth
surface laun ch and ret urn. The article by McGuire [ 64] is
could decre ase it by 15%. pro bab ly the best summary of the chara cteristics of this
The Lunar ferry vehicle design , which, as previously vehicle. According to t his and other articles of the same
stated, was also based on the 10 m diameter module was perio d ( 61-68] t he vehicle was propelled by s mall explosio ns
examined o n the basis of economi cs of supply to a large of about 0.01 kiloton yield, released fr o m the vehicle at I to
Lunar base. It was found that for a base of greater than a 10 second intervals, and detonated between 30 and 300
hundred or so personnel, the specific maintenance costs metres behi nd the pusher asse mbly. The gross lau n ch weight
would be abo u t fJ?.5 x I 0 6 per man year in 196 4 dollars, at of the basic vehicle was quoted as 3630 tonnes (8 x 106 lb)
a support level of 1800 kg ( 4000 lbs) per man year. Again , and the acceleratio n betwee n 2 0 and 90 m/sec 2 . These values
the cost of the chem ica l Earth launc h vehicle was dominant are suppo rted by t he introducto ry statements in Ref. 16 o n
amounting to 75% of the total o peratio nal costs. No very ' the NASA vehicle, where it states: "earli er design studies
detailed perfo rm ance data were published on the Lun ar concentrated on vehicles of large sizes (4000 tons) and high
ferry applica tio n. specifi c impulse ( 4000 to 6000 sec) that would be capa bl e
In addition to the two applicatio ns discussed abo ve, the of direct lau nch from the Eart h's surfa ce or sub-orbital sta rt-
Orion team pointed out that the vehicle performance using up and would have a vehicle t hru st-to-weig ht ~ 1.25 g. Such
the nuclear pulse is very depe ndent on propulsion module ve hicles would have propulsion module inert weight fractions
si ze. Fig. 14, adap ted from Ref. 16 , shows how by goi ng to of 0.3 to 0.4 and pulsing intervals of about l sec."
a 20 m diame ter module t he specific impulse improves to We now observe an apparent inconsistency in the i nfor-
'V 3000 secs and the thrust to about 1. 5 x 10 7 N. T he repo rt mation . All references agree that t his vehicle used nuclea r
states that a si ngle-stage vehicle of this size o n a trip to ex plosio ns of about 0.01 to 0. 1 kiloton yield and an exhaust
Jupiter with a 20 man complement and 100 tonnes of desti- velocity of the order of 40,000 m sec- 1• It is easily shown
nation payload and requiring 58 km/sec mission velocity, that the e nergy release and thrust of a rocke t e ngine are
would have a trip duration of.900 days. A performance related through the exhaust velocity by
potential of this magnitude is obviously impressive and
beyond any co mpetitive system. However, the report goes 2E
F = -
on to add " Fo r the post 1980 era a specific i mpulse of Ve
between 10,000 and 20,000 sec (exhaust velocity I 00 km/
sec) is predicted ...." Since one kiloton is 4.2 x l 0 12 Joules, at a repetition rate of
In addition to the mission s which have so far been out- one per seco nd the thrust would therefore be 2. 1 x I 06 N to
lined , Shipps [21) states that missions were exa mined for 2.J x I 0 7 N. In order to drive a 3630 tonne vehicle at 20 m/
the 10 m module which encompassed Ve nus orbital missions, sec 2 acceleration we would require 7 .26 x I 0 7 N . However,
Mercurian orbital and surface missions and Jovian sate llite t his analysis neglects t he prese nce of the atmosp here, a sig-
orbital and surface ex plorations. nificant mass of which becomes entrained in t he explosion,
'From the foregoing it is obvious that the Orion propul- as first pointed o u t by Eve re tt and Ulam in 1955 (3]. Thus
sion system offers a unique combination of high thrust-to- we may deduce from the published data t hat for an Eart h
launch there is a twofold gain fro m the presen ce of the
atmosphere; firstly t he mass of the vehicle is reduced since
significant use can be m ade of extern al mass, and secondly
t he size of nuclear yield can apparently be reduced by one
10m moduli: 20m module
or two orders of magnitude in t he lo wer atmosp here and
hence redu ce t he contamination problem . At higher altitude
.€ we must also co nclude that the yield of t he pulse units must
approach about one kiloton if a high level of acceleration is
to be maintained. We may make so me very approx imate
esti mates of the USAF vehicle parameters, by assuming the
data in Table 7 . The time-averaged mass flow

~~.":r-~~-'--~~~..._..._.-'-w,~o,--~-'--~-'---'---'-~--'--'-"--',~ F M.a
Etlecltve thrust {N)

Fig. 14. Specific impulse versus thrust fo r 10 metre and 20 metre

Orion modules (after Ref. 16). where M = mass , a= acceleration and ve =ex haust velo city .

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Histo rical R eview of an Advan ced Propulsion Concept

TABLE 7. Assumed USAF Vehicle Data. TABLE 9. USAF Orion Vehicle Param eters.

Launch mass 3,63 0 to nnes Propulsio n module dry mass 900 tonnes
Payloa d mass l.,000 to nnes Payloa d mass up to 900 to nnes
Prop ul sio n module inert fraction 0.35 Internally stored nuclear charges up to 2,000
Ex haust velocity 40,000 m sec- 1 Mass of nuclear charges 900kgm
Acceleration ;:;;. 10 m/sec 2' Charge yield (TNT eq uivalent) <I kiloton
Exp losion repetition rate 1-0 .1 per sec (0.01 kiloton at low altitudes)

Hence, u sing Ta ble 7, rh = 907 .5 kgm/sec, but we know our best guess at the US AF vehicle in Table 9.
the max imum pulse rate is about I sec and so each pulse unit As ex plained in Section 7. I, the USAF vehicle was,
mu st have a mass of;:;;. 9 00 kg. acco rding to McPhee (59) quoting Ted Taylor, "a space
T he e nergy of each pulse un it would be a pproximately battleship with full-blown guidance systems and directional
given by A-bomb explosives for bringing down missiles. It co uld run
E = Yz mp uve 2 away from an enemy or it could turn around and take what-
ever might come, prese nting its pusher plate to a nything that
where mpu is the pulse unit mass. ca me near it. Go ahead . Hit me. Orion co uld re sist a mega ton
F rom the ca lculated value above, E = 7 .26 x I Q11 Joules exp losio n 500 fee t a way."
or 0.1 7 kilotons fo r a pulse rate of 1 per sec. If the pulse rate
feU to 0.1 per sec the yield would be 1.7 kilotons. Thus we 7. 3. 3 The Taylor Vehicle
estimate about one kiloton as sta ted ea rlier, since the a bove
estimates take no acco unt of losses which Ref. 16 implied The performance of the USAF vehicle was obviously far
were co nsidera ble. sup erior t o any other space transport system proposed in
We ca n estimate t he vehicle performance to be as fo llows. the o pen literat ure . And yet , if one examines st atements
The loaded mass of the propulsion module without the made by Taylor an even larger vehicle was studied . Since his
900 tonne payload would be about 2730 tonnes. Using the is the o nly reference to this system we call this the Taylor
inert fraction from Ta ble 7 therefore gives the propulsion vehicle .
hardware as about 956 tonnes. Thus the dry mass of the Several times Taylor ha s referred to Orio n in the open
whole ve hicle would be about 1856 tonnes. The missio n litera ture [ 59, 60). In his description of the performance
velocity is the n given by potential he describes a vehicle of 41 m diameter (1 35 ft) by
about 50 min le ngth ('a 16 sto rey building') to be launched
from a complex of eight towers having a height of 76 m
(250 ft). The initial pulse unit would have yielded 0.1 kilotons
and the exo-atrnospheric pulse units a bout 20 kilotons. To
where mi = initial mass and mf = final mass. leave the atmosphere, fifty detonat ions would be required
We obtain a mission velocity of abo ut 26.8 km/sec. This with an integrated yield o f 200 kilotons. The prop ellant
is adequate for a controlled flight into Earth orbit an d co n- would be Polyethylene. In all, a total of 2000 pulse units
trolled return and with co nsiderable excess manoeuvre cap- would be carried . Th e shock absorbers on this vehicle would
ability. be about 15 m long (SO ft) and the shielding between the
McGuire (64) also gives detai ls of a Lunar mission vehicle crew and propulsion system would have a mass of 7 5 tonnes.
which may have e mploy ed the sam e propulsion module . The re petition rate would be about one per second to one
T hese data are summarised in Table 8 for convenience. every 1 0 seconds, at a distance of a few hundred feet behind
According to simple calculatio ns, escape from Earth with the vehicle. Taylor described this vehicle with a crew of over
so ft Lunar landing and no return req uires a miss i.o n velocity a hundred people for missions to the outer regions of the
of about 16 .0 km/sec. Assuming , t herefo re, t he USAF Solar System in the course of a television programme which
vehicle quoted a bove has an exhaust velocity o f 40 km/sec .formed the basis of Calder's book (60]. In McPhee (59) he
and that the quote d structure mass includ es lh e pay loa d, we also refers to outer Solar System missions in which a shirt-
obtain vm = 16 .2 km/sec, in good agreem ent. with t he abo ve sleeve environment would be maintained and equipment
value. If we deduct the payload mass from the structure we would not nee d to be designed for weight economy. From
obtain an inert propulsion module mass of 907 tonnes which these figures i t is po ssible to make some (rather uncertain)
agrees with the earlier estimate of the propulsio.n mo dule estimates of Taylor's vehicle.
dry mass. From the expellant mass quoted and the number Fro m the values of pulse unit yield quoted, this vehicle
of pulse units, we can calculate the mass of each p ulse unit must have a launch mass of about 40 000 tonnes or ten
to be about 993 kgm which again agrees well with t he earlier times that of the USAF vehicle. If w; accep t an ;xhallst
estimate , ass uming a one seco nd pulse rate. We summarise ve locity of 60,000 m sec- 1 for this vehicle, since it is very
large and presumably at the top of the design range examined
during Orion, together with a total mission velocity of 70 km/
TABLE 8. USAF lunar Mission f3ooster. sec for outer Solar System exploration , we obtain a dry mass
of about 12,500 tonnes. Thus each pulse unit would have a
Struct ure ma ss 1.588 x l 06 kgm mass of a bout 13,800 kgm. Following calculations of the
earlier type, the yield of each unit would be about six kilo-
Expellant mass 0.794 x L06 kgm
to ns which, allowing for inefficiency, is of the sa me scale as
Plutonium to Earth orbit 300kgm Tay lor quotes.
Plutonium for soft Lunar landing 525 kgm If we again assume an inert fraction for the propulsion
(about 800 mo dule of 0.3, we can calculate the total propellant and
pulse units) module mass to be about 39,000 tonnes, suggesting a pay-
Payload mass 0.681 x 106 kgm load in the region of about I 000 tonnes. This is presumably
of the correct order, although in Ref. 54 Taylor implies even

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

TABL E 10. Approximate Param eters for Taylo r's Ve hicle.

Pay load mass l ,000 tonnes

Launch mass 40,000 to nnes
Propulsion module dry mass I l ,500 to nnes
In terna ll y stored charges 2,000
Ma ss o f charges 13,800 kgrn
Charge yie ld (TNT eq uivale nt) ~ 20 kilotons
(0. 1 kiloton at low altit udes)

greater payloads when he refe rs to "a practical method for

tran spo rtin g payloads ranging from tens of tons to many Fig. 15. Typical p usher a blat ion samp le fro m Orion testing.
thou san ds of to ns or more throughout the Solar System."
It is, however, un clear whether any substa ntial study was alumin ium, steel, copper an d wood. The analysis of the
ca rried out at this higher end of the sca le. One should re ca ll resulting impulse driven into the pusher stru cture esta blished
that Orion was initiated by Taylo r and that his sta te me nts allo wab le limi ts o n pressure and acce lerat ion o n ca ndi date
proba bly do reflect the real performance potential of the pushe r, shoc k absorber, and shock absorber attachment
system. Our de duction s of Tay lor's vehicle are co ntained in syste ms [ 19 ]. The technique was co nsidere d for fatigue t est-
Table 10. ing with repetitive detonations, although it is not known if
such testing was in fact carried o ut. It was also t hought t hat
7. 3. 4 Summary of Performance Data t he techn ique cou ld be extended to fu ll size pusher plate and
module response test ing.
Although the foregoing studies in this sect io n are subj ect to Another aspect of t he p usher which was subject to study
wide to leran ces in detail , t he picture is rela tive ly clear. Project was that of ablatio n of the p usher sur face . Samples of pusher
Orion studied vehicles capable of moving pay loads rangi ng material 12.5 cm in diameter and 5 cm thick were place d in
from a few hun dred to probab ly I 000 tonnes around t lie a vacuum chamber adjacent to a high energy de nsity plasma
Solar System with a range of vehicle sizes. The gross ignitio n generator driven by an implosion source operated by high
we ight appears to spa n two orders of magnitude, from abo u t exp losive. The pla sma expa nde d in to the va cuum chamber,
400 to 40,000 tonnes, enco mpass ing missions fr om low Ea rth st rikin g the target with a typ ica l pulse duratio n of 0. 2 msec
orbit and Lun ar ferry to te rrestri al planet exp loratio n and produ cing surface temperat ures greate r than 8 0 ,000 K. The
dee p So lar System exploratio n. n times from Jess t han target was hea vily instrumented to measure the plasma dens-
one year to severa l years appear to have been co nsidered, the ity , pressure, velocity and temperature. After the test t he
practicality of the latter being made possib le by the very high ab lation, usually non-uniform with a depth of 0.25-0 .5 mm
pay load mass available, and hence less de manding co nstraints (for a luminium) , was measured and corre lated with t he
on crew e nvironment. plasma parameters and t heo ret ical pred ictions. Fig. l 5 shows
Although costs have not been discussed a great dea l in a photograph of a test specimen whi ch was ha lf protected
this review, due to firstly t he fact t hat inflation has made from the plasma in the test . The ablated zone is clearly seen.
quoted figures now meaningless, ands con dly beca use accur- It was in the course of testing such as t his that the protect ive
ate data for entirely nu clear operations arc not readi ly avail- effect of grease films was observed .
able, it does still seem possible from what has been publi shed Probably the most glamoro us demonstration of the feas-
to suggest that two orders of magnitud e co uld be removed ibi li ty of t he pulse rocket principle was ca rried o ut between
from specific transport costs of .large payl ads with the Orion October 1959 and the ea rly half of 196 0. In those mo nths a
system . flyi.n g test vehicle, unde r the unofficial na me "Project Pu t-
-in t he mid 196 0s environm ent t he contami1rntion problem Put" was tested and fi nally flown successfu lly . Th is vehicle
for an Ea rth launch was co nsidered acceptab le, but without was inte nde d to demonstrate stabili ty and system viability
further data it is not possible to judge if this would be and the movie films of these tests remain one of t he most
regarded as such today. exciting demonstrations that pulse rockets are an engineering
Finally , it is remarka ble that s uch a huge performance rea lity. The Put-Pu t vehicle is shown in F ig. 16; it was about
potential appears to co ntinue to go unexp loited, more than 90 cm in di ameter and about 12 0 cm lo ng, with a mass of
ten years after the Orion study ended, having arrived at such abo ut 140 kg. It carried five high exp losive charges which
far-re aching conclusions. were "s haped" wi th a steel plate on the lower side to direct
t he moment um to some exte nt ax ia ll y. T he mass of each
exp losive charge was abo u t I kg. T hese vehicles were flow n
7. 4 Experimental Programme
from Po int Loma, San Diego, wh ere their trajector ies were
7. 4. l Work Carried O ut during th e Project fo llowed by fiv e tracking ca meras. Although a number of
failures occurred, successfu l ro unds eventually flew to a lt i-
During the Orion study about 50% of the effort expended tudes of abo u t 6 0111 . Fig. 17 shows some stages of such a flight.
was o n p ractica l test work aimed at giving confidence in the At t he end of the flight, the vehicle was recove red by
areas in which the project was most radica l. Thus the pusher, parachute and the land ing made gently, assisted by the p usher
for examp le, which is the interface between t he vehicle and plate asse mbly. This latte r point is obviously of co nsiderable
the nuclear exp losions, received a good deal o f experim e nta l in terest when considering a fully reco verable Eart h-based,
testing, at the end of which t he design team was able to say manned space vehicle. A main result of t hese tests was the
with consi dera ble co nfidence t hat the Orion concept was demonstration of inherent system stabi li ty, in whi ch subse-
feasible wit h no new inventio ns required. quent detonations correct for the off-ax is perturbations of
The earliest test work began almost as soo n as t he project earlier ones.
was formed, with the testing o f pusher plates for resistance The full extent of testing during Project Orion is unknown.
to shock loading. This was don e by deto nating shee t high Available reports on the developm e nt of instrumentation
exp losive in front of pla tes of candidate materials including [36, 44, 49, SO] suggest it wa s indee d exten sive. The authors,

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Advanced Propulsion Concept


Fig. 16. Projecl Orio n flight test vehicle ("Put-Put") .

however, have fo und no evidence tha t any di rec l nu clear the concept of nuc lear pulse propulsion , still with large
testing too k place, a lt ho ugh it is kn o wn t ha t ex peri e nce was bombs , to an application far in advance of any before that
drawn on fro m wea po ns effects testing in th e US wea po ns time - inter stellar travel (70]. Dyson too k prese nt-day
test progra m me . ( 1968) technology a nd con sidered the kind of missions that
were possible to a-Centauri , a G2 type star 4 .2 light years
7. 4. 2 Projec ted T »1·1ing from the Sun.
Although Dyson retained the concept of large explosions
Orion e nd ed just al th e stage wh c r reco mm e nda tio ns were he moved away from the use of fission bombs and considered
be ing ma de for mo re substantial and re prese nta tive testing the use of de uter.ium fusion , in order to take advantage of
to be carried out. th e much lower cost , in terms of ene rgy production, that
Altho ugh impulse testing a nd a blut i n testin g was to be this gives relative to uranium fission.
co ntinued o n a large r scale, the o nl y way to ac hi.e ve t hese Dyson calculated that th e available e xhaust velo city from
condi t io ns simultan eo usly was with nu ·!ca r cha rges. It was de ute rium fusion was in the r ange of 7 .5 x I 0 5 - l .5 x l 0 7 m
th erefo re p ro po sed t ha t und ergro un d n uc lear testin g sho ul d sec- 1, and noted that good energy efficien cy can be attain ed
be carrie d o ut o n teth ered pro pul sio n mo dul es to give da ta with a single stage vehicl e and a low ma ss ratio if t he mission
on spe cifi c impulse and subj ect t he syste m to rea l co ndi tio ns. velocity is a bout 2/3 this valu e , i.e. 5 x I 0 5 - 1 x 107 m sec- 1.
Ho weve r, it was still i nte nded to clo most mcc hun ica l develo p- Th e paper then went on to consider how t o use an e nergy
me nt by mea ns of high ex plosive (n o n-nu clear) dynamic source delivering its energy in bursts of o ne megato n , or
tests " at scales relevant t o usefull y size d vchi ·!cs." 4 x l 0 15 Joules. There are two limitations in princi ple: an
A further reco mmendation fr o m the Orio n tea m to t h.e ene rgy limitation set s a lower limit that can be bettered ,
AEC was to design , fabricate and t est nu c.lear ·harges, in and a mome ntum limitation sets an upper limit that cannot
close co-ope ra tion with propulsion specialist s, to develo p be bette red without an advance in te chnology .
efficient pul se units intended specifi ca lly for thi s p urp ose . The e nergy limitation states that a vehicle could survive
Th e Ori.on team believed th at they co uld reach the stage such an explosion if the exposed surfa ce had a large e nough
of nu clear flight test without having to do a t est a bo ve hea t capacity to absorb the entire incide nt energy without
ground , with th e hope that in the interim perio d the nu clear me lting. Thus, using copper as the h eat condu ctor some
test ban treaty would be amende d to a dmit t hi s type of 5 x I 0 6 tonnes is require d to absorb Yi m egaton of energy
atmospheric ato mic ex plosio n. (ass uming the other half to be radiated into spa ce). ff this
quantity is made into a hemisphere with a 20 km di ameter,
the n t he thickness is 1 mm . Th e heat conductivity of copper
8. THE FIRST INTERSTELLAR D ESIGN - is such t hat it will spread the hea t through this thi ckness in
DYSON, 1968 "-' I 0 msec, a bout equal to the pulse duration. One hundred
seco nds wer e required to allow the copper to radi atively
Free man Dyson was one of the scientists involved in Project cool before the next pulse.
Orion, and a few years after the e nd of th a t proj ect he applie d Th e dimensions and performance of this heat-sink type

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

TABLE 11. Dyson Heat Sink Vehicle.

Weight of co ppe r hem isp he re (to nnes) 5 x 10 6

We ight of remainder of stru cture a nd payload (tonnes) 5 x 10 6
Weight or empty ship (to nn es) 10 x l 0 6
Weight o f 3 x 10 7 bo mbs (tonnes) 30 x 10 6
Ma ss ratio 4
Energy efficie n cy 0.75
Miss io n velocity (m sec- 1) 10 6
Total acceleration time (years) I 00
Mean accelerat ion (g) 3 x 10-s

of vehi cle are given in Table 11.

In order to improve on this pe rform ance, t he reslriction
that all t he e ne rgy must be absorbed is lifted, and an ablation
coa ting o f the ex pose d surface is subst ituted . T he limita tio n
on the performance of this design is then set by the capacity
of shock absorbe rs to transfer momentum from an impulsively
accelerated pusher plate to the smoot hly accelerated vehicle.
Dyson ca lculated that the properties of available materials
limited the velocity transferre d by a single exp losio n to be
about 3 0 m sec- •, indepe ndent of t he size and nat ure of the
exp losion. If the vehicle is to be acceleraled at 1 g, with t hi s
velocity transfer, t he n the pulse rate is o ne per t hree seco nds.
The performance of this design is show n i n Table 1 2.
Compared with t he previous design it is a factor of 10 higher
in velocity, down a factor of I 00 in weight and payload a nd
do wn a factor l 0 .in tota l cost.
Concerning the cost of a mission , Dyso n not ed that the
ablation spaceship cost about o ne-te nth of the G ross National
Produ ct (GNP) of t he United States. A vehicle velocity of
10 7 m sec- 1 is equiva lent to 'V 1 parsec per century and so
the nearer stars co uld be rea ched after flights of a few hun-
dred years. Obviously , such a venture is impractical at present,
but a t a growt h rate of 4% per year the G NP would be a
thousand times large r in about 200 years, and t hi s wa s when
Dyson con sidered that interstellar travel would begin.
T his paper, then, discussed limits to design rather t han
details. As such it _- 1Ved t he way for more speculative studies
and for designs with eve n higher performance. Certai nly , it
had an influen ce on so me people destined to beco me me m-
bers of the Project Daedalus team at t he t ime when they
were first becoming interested in in terstellar trave l.



In early 1969 (although the report was not issued until July
1971) Fraas at Oak Rid ge studied the app lication to power
reactors and space vehicles of the thermonuclear ignition
of droplets of deuterium and tritium by the 1:1se of an intense
(> I megajoule) foc used laser bea m with a short pulse dura-
tion . His concept was ca lled Blasco n, short for Blast Con-
tainment [71 , 72 ] . Here we discuss the space veh icle aspects.

TABL E 12. Dyson Ablation Ve hicle.

Weight of struct ure a nd payload (to nnes) 5 x 10 4

Weight of e mpty ship (to nnes) 10 5
Weight of 3 x 10 5 bombs (tonnes) 3 x 10 5
Mission velocity (m sec- 1) 10 7
~ ig.17. "Put-Put" flight test. Sequence taken from a movie film, show-
Total acceleration time (days) lO
ing high explosive charge ejection , detonation and climb of vehicle.
Mean acceleration (g) l

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical R eview of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

In order to uti lise t he ne utrons and X-rays from a OT Orion design co uld be sideste ppe d - in part icular, t he use
reaction to produ ce thru st, lithium hydride was used as a of fusio n would be a cleaner process t han fissio n, allowing
propellant. T he pe lle t configuration envisage d was a sp he rical possible atmospheric testing and alleviating problems with
shell of LiH about 22 cm in di a meter with a radial thickn ess ve hicle and pay lo ad sh ielding, and , seco ndly , the e nergy
of abo ut 10 cm. The OT pellet was suspended at t he ce nt re release was very sma ll , t hus lea ding to a much less massive
and a radial ho le a bout 1 cm in dia meter provid ed access for veh icle and associate d syste ms.
the laser bea m. Th e void around t he DT minimised the con- T he first la boratory to publish informatio n o n its nuclear
duction of heat by t he e lectro ns. T hese pe llets were exploded pu lse rocket design con cepts was Lo s Alamos [ 7 4-7 6 ) who
just below the base of the vehicle, and Fraas calcu lated a carrie d o ut ge neral design work and discussed a specific
base specifi c impulse of 'V 6000 secs fo r a l c m diameter OT vehicle configu ration (unofficially given t he name Sirius, the
pe llet of mass 0.1 gm with 4% undergoing fu sio n , or 'V 3 000 prin cipal star in the conste llation Ca nis Major which fo llows
secs when the fract io n of th e explodin g pla sma which strik es close to Orio n in the sky). Their work looked in detail at
t he base of t he vehi cle is i.n clu ded . intern al and externa l designs, and so me of their co nclusions
Fraas co mpared t he mass ratios required for a range of have bee n discussed in Section 2 . T he external design relied
pla netary missions , an d showed that t he valu e was 'V l .5- on ablation of the pusher p late, as in t he Orion design , and
2.5 fo r mi ssio ns from Venus to Pluto. Mo st of the fu e l mass th e vehicle which resulte d had a specific impulse of aro und
will be th e LiH shells with only ~ 0 . 1% co nsisting of OT 4000-6 000 secs.
pellets. Although t he work of t he gro up was mainly concerned
F raas co nsidere d such topics as radiatio n shielding , sto r- with assessing t he ca pabilities of exte rn al an d in terna l sys-
age of t he radioact ive tritium fue l, electric power require- tems, and with specific design problems such as pusher plate
ments for t he lase r ignition syste m ('V 300 kW) , spallation of con ce pts [ 97 l o r neutron sl1ielding, they did discuss a pos-
the shock a bso rbe r plate, a nd the design of t he shock abso rber sible vehicle design based on t he external co ncept . It was
itself. note d that t he discussion wa s specu lat ive and that less atten-
A sche mati c of a po ssible design is sho wn in F ig. 18. Two tion was given to this aspect.
nu clea r elect ric power plants we re provided and these were T he ne utron and r-ray heating in th e forward part of t he
arra nged in such a way that their shield s fe ll o n the lin e of vehicle is minimised by an elo ngated design . T he payload area
sig ht betwee n the OT explosio ns an d t he crew qua rters. The is very far fo rward and ben efits from both t he effect of
spacecraft would be rotated to provide art ifi cial gravity , th e dista nce and the effect of material sha do w-shielding per-
plane of rotatio n coin ciding with that of the desired t raject- form ed by t he e nfoe vehicle.
ory. T his mea ns that the explosions had to occur at the The waste heat ge nerate d ('Va fe w hundred kilowatts) is
rotation al spee d of t he spacecra ft , and for 6 rpm t his implied dumped via the large fin-shaped plates of a ra di ator system .
one ex plosio n eve ry I 0 seconds. The crew would pro bably The storage bays for the pulse units are clustered cylindrical
be provided with a shi elded compartment for use in the event tank s, and the a blative material for the pusher plate is stored
of a severe so lar flar e , and this could be used durin g the few, fo rward of the pulse-unit bays.
relatively sho rt, periods in which the Blasco n prop ulsio n The laser wa s envisage d to co nsist of two compon ents - a
system would be operating. permanent first stage carried on-board of t he ve hicle and a
disposa ble fina l stage de ployed wi t h the explosive charge.
This final stage can be co nvenient ly dep loyed with the exp lo-
10. LASER COMPRESSION PROPOSALS - PROJECT sive sin ce t he lase r reacta nts will probably not be re-usable
SIRIUS, 1970-1971 and the fina l focusing mirror will be destroyed in t he ex plo-
sion. A possible configuration is shown in F ig. 19. After the
During t he late 196 0s theoretical st udi es .in severa l US fu sion pulse unit has bee n released fro m the ve hicle the chemicals
La boratories raise d t he possibilit y of ign iting very s mall of the final laser stage are vente d or vapourise d and mixed
quantities of material by compressio n and hea ting using laser in a large mylar bag which expands to the desired shape in
bea ms [73) . T his mea11t that se vera l of t he objectio ns to the the va cuum of space. The fina l laser stage is initiated by the


Crew Communications
quarters equipment and
propqlla nt
2 Nuclear-electric

Blascon llquiprnent
and propqllant Blascon shock
Fig. 18 . Schematic layout of a Blascon-type vehicle (after Ref. 71).

Anthony R . Martin and Alan Bond


NUCKOLLS , 1971 -1972
mylar mirror In 1968 Dyso n ha d di sc ussed ve hi c les with s pecifi c impulses
as hig h as I 0 6 seconds, bu t t he fir st de ta iled design fo r
impul ses in this ran ge was ca rri ed o ut by a gro up at Lawre nce
Live rmore Laboratory in 197 1-1972 [77-79 ).
The concept paralleled the contemporary study at Lo s
Alamos in th a t the new ideas rega rding fu sion mi cro ex plo-
sio ns, with ene rgy re leased in millito ns rather than kilo ton s,
Mylar bag we re ex ploite d . Ho we ve r , the use o f a push er pla te was dis-
pe nsed with and magn e ti c fi e lds we re used to de fl ec t the
rig. 19. Final laser stage co nce pt (after Ref. 76). c ha rge d pa rticles from the ex plosio n a wa y fro m th e ve hi c le
to p ro du ce thrust.
T he mass o f t he thru st c ha mbe r o f s uc h a ve hicle is a
fun c tion o f the size o f t he ex plosion in side it , bu t is a lmost
indepe nd e nt of the rate o f ex plo sion s. He nce, th e specific
laser pul se from the ve hicle ·and ge ne rates a spherical light-
thrust ca n be increase d by ex plo ding a large numbe r of fu e l
wave front. The bag includes a coate d mylar mirror aft of
pe llets e very second . In t h e Live rm o re de sign the e xplosion
the pulse unit to focus the laser light.
frequ e nc y was 500 per second , a nd th e pellets were launche d
The deploym·e nt scheme for the syst e m was that of Orio n, on the ir traj ectories into the c hambe r by a me chani cal accel-
in which th e pulse units a re fire d tluough a hole in the erator. This was e nvisage d as a ra pidly s pinning paraboli c
centre of the pusher plate, and this hole is th e n used for the bowl with a he lica l groo ve runnin g a round its inne r surfa ce.
lase r to fire through. A d eflection con e would prote ct th e Afte r leaving t he acce lerato r the pellet t ra ve ls 'V 100 m to
ve hi cle fro m the de bris from the explosion. An altern at ive reac h the reactio n cha mber , thus a llo win g the exac t pellet
co nfig uration , shown in F ig. 20, is to have a n array of firing traj ecto ry to be det er min e d and th e ex act in sta nt to fire the
tub es which are positione d so tha t the y a re shi e lde d fro m laser to be ca lcula te d . A sc he ma ti c d iag ra m of the vehi cle is
th e e xplosio n by the pus he r plate when it is exte nd e d , bu t sho wn in F ig. 2 1.
uncove red when the plate is midwa y t hrough its cy cle . T he pelle t is ex plo de d whilst in mo tio n by be ing co m-
So me o f t he vehicle masses a nd performa nce pa ra me te rs pre sse d t o thermo nucl ear igni tio n te mp eratu res by eight
are sh o wn in Ta ble 13 and more d etail ed assess men t o f t he symmetrically co nverge n t lase r bea ms. T hese bea ms a re
performan ce capability of t he ve hicle can be found in t he p ro duce d by the sam e laser and a re refl e cted into th e reac tion
papers refere nce d. chambe r by mirrors protected from de bri s from the e xplosion
by the cha mber ma gnet ic fi e lds. Th e lase r used to e xplode
the pellets diffe rs fro m terres tri a l lasers du e to t he proble ms
o f hea t rej e ction in s pace. It must ha ve a high e ffi c ie n cy bu t,
beca use a ll wast ed e nergy must be ra di at ive ly rej ected , it
Firing tuber Pulse unit must a lso o p era te at a high te m perat ure. The design used a
~--- - - - - - mercury la se r o pe ratin g a t 1500 K and three atmos pheres

-< I: J
-- _ j trajoctory

--- - ----;f~
wit h a 33% e ffi c ie ncy , pro du ci ng s u b-n an oscco nd pulses o f
V• h•cl• I MJ e ne rgy . The lase r, as sho wn in Fig. 2 1, was in th e fo rm
of a lo ng cy linder wit h t wo rad ia tor fin s w ith heat pipes
- :=:::::::===--=:J ~~~(l
C::: Push<r pla1• ex te ndin g alo ng its le ngt h.
T he de sign of the fu el pelle ts was do mi nate d by the ava il-
ability a nd co st of fu el, t he nee d for a lo w ignition te mp-
e rature and the need to re lease as many ion s as possibl e to
Pig. 20. Alternative pulse unit deplo yment co ncept (after Ref. 76).
in crease t he spe cifi c thrust . These re quire me nts a re so me-
what co ntra dic to ry to eac h o the r , a nd a co mp ro mi se desig n
which satisfie d th e first t wo was to use a pe lle t tha t was
p ri nc ipa lly de uterium , but a lso co nt ain e d a s mall amo unt o f
TA BLE 13. Sirius Vehicle Param eters. t ritium· to a id ignitio n .
Ho we ve r , t his design mea ns t ha t a bo u t 30% of the ex plo -
Energy per explosion 7.47 x LOIO J sio n e nergy appea rs in ise n t ro pi ca lly e mitte d pho to ns a nd
ne ut ron s w hi ch ca nn o t be de fl ected. T his e ne rgy fra cti o n
Explosion rep etition rate l sec- 1 a mo unts to 'V J 8 G W of o utput po we r in the design , and so
Pulse unit mass 5 kgm t he solid angle subtende d by the ve hicle chamber stru cture
Exhaust velocity 4. 33 x 104 m sec- 1 must be kept to a minimum . T he re sulting cha mbe r configura-
tion is shown sche mati ca lly in F ig. 22. It consists of an
Specific impulse 4,410 secs ax ia ll y sy mme tric magne ti c mirror, ge nera te d by t wo curre nt
Thrust 2. 17 x 10 5 N loo ps. T he s tron gest mag netic fie ld occurs at th e s mall co il
Vehicle masses which reverses t he plasma fl o w , direc ting it out thro ugh th e
Laser 50 0 kgm big co il to produ ce the t hrust. T he c urrents whi ch pro du ce
the magne tic fi elds ar e large a nd req uire sup e r-co ndu ctors
Momentum conditioner 1802 kgm and ext ra support st ru ct ure fo r th e co ils.
Pusher plate 1802 kgm Ne utron shields o f 6 Li are pla ce d be twee n the co ils a nd
Propellant 4050 kgm the e xplo sion regio n t o st o p th e un cha rge d pa rti cles. The
shield around th e small coil is part o f a 6 Li circulation sys-
Stru cture 1961 kgm te m , and the tritium produ ce d via ne utron -induce d reac tions
Total initial vehicle mass 19.6 tonnes is re covered for use in the fuel pellets.
Payload 9.5 tonnes The power for the excitation o f the lase r or for other
nee ds is obtaine d from the mi cro e xplo sion by a pickup coil

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical R eview of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

Las<Zr h<zat pipcz radiator

Las<Zr volum<Z
Fu<ZI storog<Z -----...~


V<Zhicl<Z tie Capacitor


radiat or

- - - - - - - 100m ----------4

R<Zar coil
Fig. 21. Schematic layo ut of Hyde, Wood and Nucko lls veh icle (after Ref. 79).

U fcz:fld and return which is exposed to the transient ly expand ing magnetic field
in the t hrust chamber. T he curre nt induced in the coil is
ln t<.?:rcoi l tiebar and radiator
(on• of tour) \ dumped t hro ugh a transmission line to an e nergy storage
capacitor bank which stores sufficient energy for eight laser
The performance of this vehicle with a specific impulse
of 5.5 x 10 5 secs has already been discussed in Section 3.3.
A summary of some relevant data for a design with a slightly
lower specific impulse is given in Table 14 . T he ge nera l co n-
clusion of the study was that specific impulses approaching
10 6 secs appear attainable, three orders of magnitude greater
than with c hem ical propulsio n and two orders of magnitude
B Shield radiator above previous fissio n or fu sion nuclear pu lse designs. Co n-
tinuous t hrust manned missions to esse ntially any point in
B Coil and n<1:u tron
shi<Zld the Solar System co uld be possible with flight times "v 1 year.
Also, large fuel loadings at launch were thought to ma ke
Fig. 22 . Thrust cham be r co nfigurat ion of ll ydc , Wood and Nuckolls manned vehicles travelling to the nearest n eighbo uring stellar
ve hi cle (after Ref. 79). system in less t han a human lifetime possible.

TABLE 14. Hyde, Wood and Nuckolls Vehicle Para111eters. 12. ELECTRON BEAM INITIATION - WINTERBERG

Energy per exp losion 125 MJ 12. I Non-Compressive Method , 1970-1971

Usable energy 80MJ
A major con ceptual advance in the design of nuclear pulse
Exp losion repetition rate 500 sec- 1 rockets was published in 1970 by Winterberg of the Univers-
Pellet mass 0.015 gm ity of Nevada. He noted that there were problems with build-
Ex haust velocity 3.26 x I 0 6 m sec- 1
ing a laser with a large enough power outp ut, but that there
was a promising alternative to the laser - the relativistic
Specific impulse 3.33 x l 05 sec electron beam [ 8 0-82 ] .
Thrust 2.44 x 104 N T he sche me is shown in Fig. 23. A chain of thermonuclear
Propulsion syste m mass 300 tonnes explosions takes place in a concave magnetic mirror-reflector
whic h is open o n o ne side . The mirror co nsists of superco n-
Laser LS l ton(les
ducting magnetic field co ils with the coil winding around the
Chamber 54 to nnes axis of rotat io n. T he exp losive charge is mechanically inj ected
Energy distribution 17 tonnes in to the focus of the magnetic mirror. A relativistic electro n
beam is injecte d along t he axis of rotation, where its propa-
Refrigeration 9 tonnes
gation is unaffected by t he mag netic field . T he power is
Tanks 25 tormes deposited in a deuterium-tritium pellet of radius "v 2 mm,
Miscellaneo us 44 to nnes and heats t he material to fusion temperatures. Co mpression
Payload l 00 tonnes of the pellets was not considered by Winterberg . In this res-
pect t he scheme was similar to the Blascon co ncept , but with

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bond

TABLE 15. Winterberg Vehicle Parameters.

Ordinary conductor injector
Parameter Low SI High SI

Energy per exp losion (J) 10 10 l010

Exp losion repetition rate (sec- 1) 3 3
Electron beam
Ex hau st velocity (m sec- •) 6.2 x 104 106
Specific impulse (sec) 6,320 1.02x10 5
Tluust (N) 9.7x l0 5 6 x 104
Vehi cle ma sses (to nn es)
Magnetic Ignition system 200 200
ficzld lines
ruel 4 .7 1,200
Propellant 1,200 0
Supqrconductrng Tota l initial ve hi cle mass 1,500 1,5 00
field coil
Payload (to nnes) 100 100
Fig. 23. Schematic of the ignition system and t hru st chamber in the
Winterberg concept (after Ref. 82).

electron beams replacing laser beams. design was the first to clearly indicate the enormous potential
A shie ld of an ordinary conductor was placed on the inner of a nuclear pulse rocket, compared with other systems.
side of the concave magnetic mirror reflector , to protect the
superconductors which do not operate under rapidly varying
12. 2 Compressive Method, 1976-1977
magnetic fields. Currents induced in the shield will i~t eract
with the magnetic field to produce an e l ectro ma~n et 1 c body
force which served to propel the vehicle , which was rigidly A further contribution by Winterberg to the design of nuclear
connected to the mirror. The magnetic coupling w:i t h pu lse prope lled vehicles centred on the attempt to find a fuel
exiernal conductors was used to draw energy from the ex plo- which leads only to charged fusion products, with little or
no neutron production [83]. A good candidate is 3He, but
sion by magnetohydrodynamic power conversion, to re-
this is almost non-existe nt o n Earth and so Winterberg con··
charge the capacitor bank supply for the electron beam
sidered the rea ction of protons with boron I I (p 11 B). The
ignition energy of this reaction is typica ll y ~ 103 times
The conceptual design of the thermonuclear micro born b
larger than DT or D 3He and in order to reduce the mass
was examin ed . A DT pe llet a fraction of a centim etre in
associated with the ignition system the concept of co mpres-
diameter was surrounded by a spherica l shell of nat ural
sive, staged thermonuclear microexplosion s was exp lored.
uranium, to he lp inertia lly confi ne the DT mix ture after
Here the energy produced by a small explosion is used to
ignition and to increase the tota l ene rgy output via fusion-
ignite a subsequent, larger one, e.g. a DT first stage may be
neutron induced fission rea ctions. The uranium was sur-
used to ignite a p 11 B seco nd stage. As the second stage out-
rounded by solid hydrogen to act as a propellant. The con-
put ene rgy is larger than that of the first by severa l 01:ders of
centric shells had a circular opening through which an elec-
magnitude , only a small relative fract ion of neutrons 1s .
tron beam could pass to deposit its energy at the core (again,
released. An example of Winterberg's calculations is given 111
a concept similar to the Blasco n design).
Table 16.
Alternatively , the possibility of removing the uranium
The use of I 05- 106 J of input energy reduces the mass of
shell (to reduce optica l radiation) and the possibility of using
the ignition system, while the low neµtro n fraction reduces
D3He instead of DT, or in the form of another shell around
the size and mass of the waste heat rejection system. Rep lace-
the DT were considered. It was noted that only a detailed
ment of 3J-Ie by rela tively abundant 11 B, which is available
study o'f the prob lem wou ld be ab le to determine the opti-
even in the severa l l 0 4 tonne sca le required for an interstellar
mum condition, both in terms of mi cro bomb performan ce veh icle, is also a majo r factor.
and propulsion system mass.
Winterberg considered four methods of producing staged
The use of a hydroge n she ll has the effect of increasing
explosio ns, thsee of which (shock wave lens, shock wave
the thrust while moderating the specific impulse somewhat.
mirror and adiabatic Prandtl-Mayer flow) require material
An opt imisa tion ana lys is was applied to this aspect of the
additional to the exp losive charge a nd would thus reduce
propulsion system, the aim of which was to minimise the
amount of high-cost the rm onuclear fu e.1 co nsumed. Th is
minimum will require a higher mass ratio t han t he minimum
possible mass ratio, but this is of minor importa nce be cause TABLE 16. Characteristics of Staged Ex plosions.
of the high fuel cost.
Paramete r Low High
Some vehicle parameters are shown in Table I 5 for the
Compressio n Compression
case of this optimised design (exhaust velocity= 6.2 x I 04 m
sec- 1 ) and for a design in which no hydrogen moderation is lnput energy to DT (J) 106 105
prese~t and the exhaust velocity ( I 06 m sec- 1 ) is the maxi- Energy re leased to charged
mum attainable with the thermonuclea r fue l plasma alone. fus ion products (J) 2 x 10 7 106
The propulsion system described made manned Mars mis- 11
Energy from p B
sions of within a week possible, i.e. the same period presently
required for a Lunar mission. With an exhaust velocity of lsl stage (J) 'V3 x 10 9 5 x 10 7
rv I 06 m sec-•, final velo cit ies of the order of 300 km/sec 2nd stage (1) 1010
(3 x I os m sec- 1) were attainable, and this meant that the Fract ion of energy in neutrons (%) 4 x 10-4
planet Saturn could be reached within two months. This

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Advanced Propulsion Concept

TABLE 17. Project Daedalus Vehicle Specification.

Magn<!lic fiqld
Parameter Pirst Stage Second Stage

Propellant mass 46,000 tonnes 4,00U tonnes

Engine exhaust velocity 1.06 x 10 7 m sec-• 0.921 x J0 7 m sec-•
Stage mass at cut-off 1,690 tonnes 980 ton nes
Engine burn time 2.05 yea rs 1.7 6 years
Ignition system Relativistic electro n Relativistic electron
beam beam
Propellants D,31-Ie D, 3He
Number of propellant
tanks 6 4

Pig. 24. Magnetic cusp geometry for staged explosions (after Ref. 83). Thrust 7.54xl0 6 N 6.63 x J0 5 N
Bomb repetition rate 250 Hz 250 Hz
Payload mass 450 tonnes

the overall specific impulse. While this would not be a

serious drawback in a Solar System vehicle, it would be in
almost four years would be required to achieve the necessary
an interstellar application . coast velocity with the consumption of 50,000 tonnes of
The fourth method, based on staged magnetic reflectors propellant .
produced by superconducting field coils, is illustrated in Some of the fina l vehicle specifications are shown in
Fig. 24. For such a system to be feasible the magnetic pres- Table 17 and an artist 's impression of the second stage of the
sure must be high enough to withstand the stagnation pres- vehicle during powered flight is shown in Fig. 25.
sure of the explosion. Assuming an energy of 10 10 J for the
The study examined in some detail the physics and
final stage, Winterberg estimated that a field o'f 30 Tesla and
engineering of the propulsion system and comprehensive
a cusp radius of 2 m we re required.
designs were arrived at for the vehicle structure and payload.
The protection of the vehicle during its high velocity fl.ight
through interstellar and near-stellar space was studied . A
system jnvolving a simple beryllium shield for t he former
case was emp loyed and a free-flying particle cloud ahead of
the vehicle for the encounter phase was proposed. All the
Project Daedalus was the name given to a study of an int er-
data collected during the mission were to be transmitted
ste llar mission , performed by members of the British Inter-
back to the Solar System via a microwave communication
planetary Society during the years 1973- 197 8 [ 84-88 ] . The
resu)ts of the study were fully docum ented in the final
This study was unique in that while the members of the
report publ.ished by the Society (88] a nd , in view of the
team who carried it out were all professionally engaged in
comprehensive nature of this report and its ready ava ilabil.ity ,
fields allied to that of the project, it was actually performed
only an outline of the project will be given here .
on an " extramural activity" basis, with the British Inter-
The vehicle was centred around an adva nced two-stage
planetary Society providing a cohesiveness to the study.
nuclear pulse rocket in which pellets of d · uterium a nd
helium-3; se vera l centimetres in diame ter, were compresse d
and heated to thermonucl ar ignition co ndi t io ns by the use
of rela tivistic electron bea ms.
Due to the mi ssion requirements f the st udy , essentially
to achieve a cut-off velo city of a bout I 2% of the speed of
light , the technological capability assumed was-all wed to
be extrapo lated to a level thought reasonable for half a
century hence , where necessary. In a se nse, therefore this
study is Jess immediate in its practicality than most o'f t he
other studies discussed in this history , a feat ure which it
does, however , share with the other inters te llar vehicles
w·hich have bee n proposed.
The study suggested that an exhaust velo city of l 07 111
sec-1 shou ld be ach ievab le ( l 0 6 sec specific impulse) with a
vehicle acceleration of 0.1 - 1.0 m/sec 2 • The fu el pellets would
be i~n i ted at a rate of 250 per second giving the first stage
engme a nuclear power generation rate of a lmost J 0 14 watts.
The vehicle had an ignition mass of about 54 000 tonnes and
was assembled in space. The heliurn-3 requir; d for the mis-
Fig. 25. Second stage of the Daedalus vehicle during powered flight
sion would be obtained from the at mosphere of Jupiter by (artist, Bill Dillon).
atmospheric mining.
The object of the mission was to perform a one-way un-
decelerated .fly-by of a nearby star, the one selected for study
purposes be mg Barnard's Star at a distance of six light years
from the Sun. A sophisticated robot payload with a mass of 14. SOVIET WORK - PROJECT ICARUS, 1976
45~ tonnes would make measurements in interstellar space
dunng the 50 year flight, and in the near-stellar space of the The only Soviet work on nuclear pulse propulsion of which
target star during the encounter period. A boost period of we are aware is Project lcarus, carried out by Filyukov and

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bo nd

Za ki..rov of t he Ap plie d Mathemati cs Academy of Sciences of the story . As time goes by, a nd mo re i nform atio n is
in Moscow ( 9 1) . The na me of the proj ect was c hose n "to re lease d , th e pi cture will beco me clea re r. We wo uld also now
unde rline its prox imi ty to the aims and proble ms of a ppea l to anyone who has been co nne c te d with any of t he
'Daeda lu s' as well as to show t he differe nces of these two proj ects repo rte d he re, o r in deed any re le vant wo rk of whic h
projec ts in so me esse nti al points." we are st ill un a ware, to co ntact us. Co pies of repo rts, draw-
T he a uthors listed th e main rli sadvantages of Dae da lu s as ings , photograp hs, etc., wo uld be invaluable. Bu t, perh aps
the use of sca rce 3 1-le, the short observa ti o n ti me at th e more importan t, will be an accou nt of the project, its aims,
dest inati o n star, and the neglec t of the effect s of scie nt ifi c su ccesses a nd its mot ivatio ns. F ig. I of o ur histo ry , th e nu clear
and techn ica l progress du ring the flight. pulse pro pulsion fam il y tree, must sure ly require revision ,
In o rd e r to surmount t he fu el problem the u se of t hermo- bu t until so me of the bran c hes are filled in by t hose who se
nuclear chain reactions was proposed , where by th e products work we have re ported on he re, th e n the sto ry mu st re main
from an initia l reaction are al so burnt to produ ce e ne rgy. in co mplete.
R eactions betw ee n D, T , 3He a nd 6 Li we re proposed, with I-low best , the n , ca n we summ a rise this in co mple te story?
the fuel co mpositio n initially being non-o ptimum un t il suf- Over 20 y ea rs after th e fi.rst repo rt o n th e nu c lear pulse
ficient 3 1-le had accum ul ated from th e radioactive de ca y of propulsio n concept, by Evere tt a nd Ula rn in 19 55 , a mea ns
tritium. of propulsio n whi c h promises to give th e freedom of t he
An e xhaust ve locity of 'V 5 x 10 7 m sec- 1 was assum ed Solar System to Mankind lies un ex ploited.
fo r th e chai n react io n , whi ch represents the co mple te con- The work repo rte d o n in t he prese nt paper is histo ry ,
versio n of paren t a nd d a ugh ter products and t he ir conversion so me of it rece n t. If we a re ever to ma ke o ur mark in Space
into energy in t he ve hi cle ex haust. Initiation of the reactions, a n effi c ie nt , rapid means of propulsio n is esse nti al. We urge
by compression to 'V l 0 2 1 m- 3 de nsity, was assu med to be the uncla ssifie d de velopment a nd imple me nta tio n of the
carried out with a megajou le laser , fo llowing t he work of nuclea r pulse propulsio n co ncep t as a mea ns to this e nd . The
Hyde, Wood a nd Nuckolls [ 77 ] . The mass of 300 tonnes for adve nt of the Spa ce Shu tt le, re mo vin g rest ric tions co nn ec te d
t he ignition system was also base d o n this wo rk . with proh ibitive laun c h costs to orbit, a nd la se r and part ic le
beam fusio n so ur ces, re moving prob lems of sca le, co ntamin a-
TABLE 18. Stage Masses f o r the Ica rus Ve hicle. tion , a nd te rrorist activit y, ca n be see n as fir st steps along t he
way. Let us take t he ot hers before much more histo ry is
Fuel Mass Str ucture Mass Subrocke l Ma ss writte n.
Stage Number
(tonnes) (tonn es) (tonnes)
5,500 400 17, 160
2 10,400 400 LI ,260
3 150 300 460 T he aut hors would li ke to thank th e fo llow ing people for
he lp in obtaining material for use in co mpiling this revi e w:
A. A. De Simone, NASA Headquarters; Fred Durant of th e
T h e vehicle was of a th ree stage configurati n w ith a fina l Na tio na l Air a nd Space Muse um , Smithsonia n In stitutio n ;
scie ntific pay loa d of I 0 tonn es. T he approx im ate masses of -J ea n F urnish of Los Alamos S cie ntific Laboratory ; J ack
each stage are show n in Table 18. T he first stage acce lera te d Morrison of Ge nera l Atomic Co mpany.
to 'V 0 .0 7 c. The second stage accelerate d to 'V 0. 28 c, a Figures 12 and 16 are by co urt esy of NASM , Smithso nian
velocity limited by co nsid eration o f in te rste llar erosio n , a nd [n st itution . F igs. 13, 15 and 17 arc Genera l Atomic Co mp a n y
then dece lerate d to 'V 0.07 c again. T he prop uls ion syste m material.
was o pera tive during the wh o le mission , with no coast phase,
lead ing to low acce ler ations. T he t hird stage t he n dece lerate d REFE RENCES
t he payload a nd its ignition syste m into orbit aro und the
target , Barnard's Star. The to tal flig ht time was ca lcula ted to l. Ga nswindt , H. , Dasj iingste Gericht, Berlin , 1899.
be 50-60 yea rs. 2. Gostkowsk i, R. B. , Die Ziet, p.5 3, Vienn a, 28 Jul y l 900 .
In an atte mpt to acco un t for scie ntific a nd technica l pro- 3. Everett, C. J. and Ulam, S. M., On a method of propulsio n of
projectiles by means of ex tern al nuclea r ex plosions, LAMS-
gress during the flight , a double pro be missio n was propose d 1955 (1955) . (Declassiried, 25 August 1976).
with the second probe being lau n che d 25 ye a rs after t he first. 4. Nu clear propelled vehicle, such as a rocket, British Patent
When t he information from t he first pro be is received t he Specifi ca ti on, No . 877,392, l3 September 196l.
second will be a t about t he half-way po int of its jo urn e y and 5. Fox, R. 1-1., A study of the nu clea r gaseo us reactor ro cket,
would make a tiecisio n whether to proceed with its mi ssio n UCRL-4996 ( 1957). (Declassified, 22 November 1960).
or to return to Earth. 6. Yaffee, M., Ma rtin pro poses nuclea r rocket plan, II vial ion
Week, p.34, 25 January I 960.
7. Co le, D. M., The feasibili ty o r propelling ve hicles by co ntained
nuclear explosions, pp.726-743 in Ad11. in the Astronautical
Sci. , Vo l. 6, Macmillan, New York (196 1).
8. Eer kens, J. W., Th rust fro m nu clear exp losions, Nucleonics,
T his histo ri ca l review of the nuclear pulse propulsion concept p.100, April 196l.
is, inevitably , in co mplete. It is also proba bly inacc ura te. 9. Nuclea r Propulsion Division Staff, Helios Quarterly Repo rt
Mu ch of the lite o n Proj ect Orion is still classified and No. l , UCR L-767 5 (1964). (Declassified, 29 August I 973) .
mu ch of the ot her li terature has on ly been declassified in I 0. Nu clea r Propulsion Division Staff, Helios Qumterly Repor t
rece nt years. A great deal of material was either in accessible No . 2, UCRL-7939 (1964). (Declassified, 29 August 197 3).
to, or not known to ex ist by , t he authors whe n they bega n 1l . Nuclea r Propu lsio n Division Staff, Helios Progress Repo rt
writing this revie w . No. 3, UCRL-12222 (1 965). (Declassified, 29 August 197 3).
We have de liber ate ly re frain e d from contacting t he 12. Platt, E. A. and Hanner, D. W., The effective specific impulse
of a pulsed rocket engine, UCRL-12296 (1965). Paper pre-
origin ators of the work reported here , in part because t he sented at Al AA Propu lsion Jo in t Specialist Co nfere nce, 14-18
still class ified nature of so me areas may ha ve· led to less in for- Jun e, 1965 . (Declassified, 26 November 197 3) .
mation than a proj ect deserved, and he nce less coverage, and 13. 1-ladley, J. W. , Stubbs, T. F., Janssen, M. A. and Simons , L. A.,
also beca use we have preferre d to piece toget he r the t hreads The Helios pulsed nuclea r propulsion co ncept, UCRL-14238
of the story in the mann e r o f detectives. ( 1965) . Paper presented at AIAA Propulsion Jo int Specialist
We intend t he prese nt effo rt to re prese nt a first versio n Co nference, 14-18 June l 965.

Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical R eview of an Advanced Propulsion Conce pt

14. Reyn o lds , 1-1. L., A survey of the LR L propulsion progra mme. kilobars,GA-2444 ( Rev), 3 October 1962. (NASA N62-L7539).
Paper presented at Al AA Propulsion Joint Sp ecialist Confer- Also , Rev. Sci. Instr. 35 , l 05-110 (l 964).
ence, 14-18 June 1965. 45. Dunn e, B. B., Ma ss of high velocit y gases from toroidal implo-
15 . Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Project (Project Orion). Technical sion charges ,GAMD-3629 , 3 1Oc to ber1962 . (NASA N6 3-
Summary Report; Vol. I , Reference vehicle design study; 10l24).
Vol. 2 1nt e raction effects; Vol. 3, Pulse syste ms ; Vol. 4 , Experi- 46. Nowak, M. J ., Comments o n the boundary conditions al an
mental structura l response. Genera l Dynamics Corp., Genera l ablating surface , GAMD-3639, 6 November J 962. (NSA l 9:
Atomic Division . RTD-TDR-63-3006 (1963-1964). (Classifi ed; 26916).
not co nsulted) . ' 47. Reetz, A., Ne utron and ga mma-ray hea ting in iron slabs ,
16 . Nu c lear Pu lse Vehicle Study , Condensed Summary Report, GAMD-3690, 24 October l 962. (NSA 18: 17243).
General Atomic Report GA-489 1, NASA CR-67367 (J 964) . 48. Vulliet, W. G., The kinetics of vapourisation be low the cr itica l
(Declassified , November l 974). point, GA-3633, 14 December 1962. (N63-14208).
17. Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicl e Study (4 vol s.) , GA-5009 ( 19 64). 49. Stahl, R. 1-1., A condenser probe fo r ablation measurements,
(Classified; not consulted). GAMD-4255, LS May 1963. (N64-2ll68).
18. Nance , J. C., Nuclear Pulse Propulsion , GA-5572 ( 1964). 50. Rinehart, R. E ., TI1e fabricat ion technique and spectral
19. Nance, J.C., Nu clear Pulse Propu lsion, IEEE Trans. on Nuclear characterist ics of a specia l-p urpose ultraviolet pholodiodc,
Sci., NS-12, 177 - 182 (1965). GA-4611, 14 February 1964. (AD-431 , 255).
20. Nance, J. C., Nuclear Pulse Propulsion - II , !111nals of the New 51. Vulliet, W. G., Model for t he hydrodynamic boundary cond i-
l'ork Acad. of Sciences, 140, Art. I , 396-406 (1966). tions at a surface vapourising under high temperatures and
21. Shipps, P. R., Manned planetary exploration capability using press ures, J. Chem. Phys. 41, 521-524 ( 1964).
nuclear pulse propulsion, GA-6224 (1965). 52. Pedersen, E. S., Nuclear Energy in Spa ce, pp .275-278 , Prcnticc-
22. Dav id, C. V., Nuclear pulse propulsion (Project Orion) - 1965 Hall , I 964 .
Engineering status, Paper presented at Al AA Propulsion J o int 53. Ulam, S., The Orion Project, Nuclear News, 8, 1, 25-26 (l 965).
Specialist Conference, 14-18 June 1965. 54 . nylor , T . B., Propulsion of space ve hicl es, pp.625-640 in
23. Day, E. A. an d Nance , J. C., Nuc lear pulse propulsion (Orion) Pe rspectives in Modern Physics, R. E. Marshak (Ed. ), Inter-
technical stat us summary and gro und oriented development science, 1966.
plan, Paper prese nted at Al AA Propulsion Joint Spec ialist 55. Cooper, R. S., Prospects for advanced high-thrust nuclea r
Conference, 14-18 June 1965. propulsion, Astron. and Aeron. 4 , l , 54-59 (1966).
24 . Christy, R. f'., The absorption of X-rays by co ld materials , 56 . Cooper, R. S., Nuclear propulsion for space vehicles,/111n. R ev.
GAMD-470, 31 July 1958. (Nuclear Scie nce Abstra cts (NSA) Nuclear Science, 18, 203-228 (1968).
l4: 7993). 57. Grey, J., Whe re the carrot docs not improve vision - nuclear
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Oc tober l 958. (NSA 14: 24665). 58. Grey, J., Nuclear pulse propulsion - I, A mials of the New York
26. Bernste in, J. and Dyson, I'. J., The co ntinuous opacity and Acad. of Sci., 140, Art. 1, 393-395 (1966).
equations of state of light c lements at low de nsiti es, GA-848, 59. McPhee, J., The c urve of Binding Energy , pp.165-184, Farrar,
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27. Bernstein , J., The opacities and equations of state or so me 60. Calder, N., Spa ceships o f the Mind, British Broadcasting Co rp -
mixtures of ligh t e le ments, GAMD-865, 6 July 1959. (NSA orat ion, 1978.
15 : 24841). 61. Clark, E., Space power systems' gains reported , A viarion Week ,
28. Baranger, M., The ca lcula t ion of lin e widths , GAMD-927, p.26, 29 February I 960.
13 August 1959. (NSA 17: 17324). 62. Af' lo gel Project Orio n, /1 viation Daily , 29 Fe bruary l 960.
29. Dyson, F. J., Proposal for an experiment to measure lhi: life- 63 . Proj ect Orion fun cling in doubt, Aviation Week, 7 March 1960.
time of t he neutron, CAMD-957 , 25 August J 959. (NSA 64. McGuire, f'. G., Proj ect Orion decision imminent, Missiles and
l5 : 24205). Rockets, p.28, 29 Octo ber I 962.
30. Vulliet, W. G., Diffra ction of radiatio n around an opaque disc, 65 . AF's Orion Program ge tting NASA scrutiny , Missiles and
GAMD-1256, 18 I'ebruary 1960. (NSA 17: 16945). Rockets, p.34, 4 November 196 3.
31. Ross, f'. W., Prop ulsive system specific impulse, GAMD-1293, 66 . Wilks , W. E., NASA must decid e Orion futur e, Missiles and
8 l'e bruary 1960. (AD-2 86076). Rockets, p .12 , 14 December 1964.
32. Ross, F. W., Spa e system specific impulse, GA-153 8, 22 JUiy 67. Wilks, W. E., Orion research may b e resumed , Missiles and
l 960. (AD-286077). Rockets, p.16 , 3 May 1965 .
33. David, C. V., Specific impulse of a gas jet expanding ideally , 68. Ya!Tee , M. L. , Limited work may be co ntinued o n Orion,
GAMD- 1488, 27 Jun e 1960. (NSA 15 : 7872). A vial ion Week and Space Technology, p .64, l 0 May 1965 .
34. Teichman , T., Motion of a spring-loade d infinite rod, GAMD- 69. Dyson, F. J., Death ofa project , Science, 149, 141-144 (1965).
1801, 15 November 1960. (NSA 15: 7873). 70. Dyson , I' . J ., Interstellar transport, Phy s. Today, 21, 10, 41-45
35. Riparbe lli , C., Pa rameter Study - Cylinder with pisto n , (1968).
GAMD-1830, 16 November 1960. (NSA 15 : 892 1) . 71. Fraas, A. P., The Blascon - An explodi ng pellet fusion reactor,
36. Tillotso n , J. 1-1., A use for racLioisotopes in a bla tion ex peri- ORNL-TM-3231 (l 97 l) .
ments, CAMD-2 11 7, 6 April l 961. (NSA 17 : 16223). 72. Lubin, M. J. , Laser-produced plasmas for power gener<'\ion
37 . Mautz , G. W. , Viscous now of a blating grease film s, GAMD- and space propulsion , Astron. and Aeron. 8, l l , 42-48 (1970).
2237, 17 April J 961. (NSA l7 : 16224). 73. Nu cko lls, J. 1Wood , L.,Thiessen , A. and Zimmerman, C ., Laser
38. Teichman, T., The behaviour of a thin viscous film under compression of matter to super-high den sities: The rmonuclear
mechani ca l and t herma l forces, GAMD-2257, 8 May 1961. (CTR) applications, Nature, 239, 139-142 (1972).
(NSA 17: 16225). 74. Ba lco mb, J. D., Booth , L.A., Co tter, T. P., Hedstro m , J . C.,
39. Tillotson , .J. H., An optimum shadow shie ld, GAMD-227 l, Robinson , C. P., Springer, T. E. and Watson, C. W., Nuclear
J 8 May 1961. (NSA 17: l 7392). pulsed space propulsion systems, Los Alamos Scientific
40. Nowak, M. J., Som e fundamental properties of shock waves, Laboratory repor t, LA-4541 -MS (l 970). (Declassified, J
GAMD-2288, l June 1961. (NSA 17: 16776) . August 1975) .
41. Free man , B. E., A nume ri ca l metho d for the radiation trans- 75 . Balco mb, J. D. et al, Nuclea r pulsed propulsion study, LA-
port equat ion in plane geo metry , GAMD-2874, 22 January 4684-MS (1971). (Classified; not co nsulte d).
l96 2.(NSA17: 19038). 76. Boyer , K. a nd Balcomb, J. D., System st udi es of fusion
42. Freeman , B. E., Some approximations in the numeri ca l treat- powered pulsed propulsion systems, AIAA paper No. 71-636 ,
ment of radiat ion tra nsport throug h media with frequen cy- presented at 7th Propulsion J oint Specialist Co n fere nce,
dependent absorption coefficie nts, GAMD-3074, l April 1962 . 14-18 June 1971. (LA-DC-12520).
(NSA l 7: 19039) . 77 . Hyde, R., Woo d , L. and Nu cko lls, J. , Prospects for rocket
43. Nowak, M. J., Non-stea dy radiation transport and t he thick- propulsion with laser-in du ced fusion rnicroexplo sions, AIAA
thin approximation, GAMD-3095 , 12 April 1962. (NSA 17 : Paper No. 72-1063, presented at 8th Propulsion Joint Specialist
16777) . Conference, 29 Nove mber-I December l 971.
44. Blackstock, A. W., Kratz, 1-1 . R. and Feeney, M. B., Piezoelectric 78. A lase r fusion rocket propu lsion syste m , pp.198-202 in Laser
ga uge for measuring rapidly varying pressures up to seven Fusion Program Semiannual Report - Jan uary-J une 1973 ,

Anthony R. Martin and Alan Bo nd

S. S. Suss ma n (E d .), Lawrence Liverm o re u1 bora tory Repo rt (1977).

UC RL-50021-7 3- 1 ( 1973). 88. Projec t Daeda lu s Study Gro up , Project Daedalus: Th e final
79. Hyde, R. , Wood , L. and Nu ckolls , .I. , Propulsion a ppli cat io ns repo rt o n the BfS Starship Study, IBIS , 31 , Supplem e nt (1978).
of laser-induced fusion mi crocx plosio ns, pp. 159- 164 in Pro c. 89 . Perelman , R. G., Goa ls a nd Mea ns in t he Co nqu est of Spa ce,
1st Topi ca l Meet ing o n the Techno logy of Co ntrolled Nu clear Nauka, Mosco w, 1967 .
f-usion, Vo l. I, G. R . Hop kins (Ed.), USA EC, CONf--740402- 90. Burdakov, V. P. and Danilov, Yu I. , Phy sical Prob le ms or
P I (l 974). Cos111ic Thrust Power Engin ee ring, Alo mizda t , Moscow, J 969.
80 . Winte rbe rg, F ., Inte nse rel ativistic electron bea ms and co n- 91 . F ilyukov, A. A. and Zakirov , U. N., On the possibility of
trolled fusion resea rch, Proc. Symp. o n Ther111onucl ea r Fusion creatin g t he project of a subre lat:ivistic probe to search for th e
Reactor Design , 2-5 June 1970 , USAEC-OR0-1171-1 ( 1970) . forms of o uter terrc stri al lil"e, l'aper presented a t 27th IA F
8 1. Winter berg, F ., Bemannte ra um fahrt bis an den rand des Co ngress, Anahe im, Ca lifo rnia, I 0-16 October ( 1976).
so nne nsystems noeh in diesem jahrhundert (Manned space- 92 . Rey nolds , T. W. , Effect ive s pecific impul se or externa l nuclear
night to t he bo unda ry of the So lar Syste111 in th is century), pulse propul sio n systems, NASA Tech. Note TN D-698 4
Astronaut ik, 7 , .I 09-117 (1970) . (I 972).
82. Wint er berg, F ., Rocket propulsio n by ther mo nu clear mi cro- 93. Re ynolds, T. W. , Effect ive specific impul se or ex te rna l nuclear
bo mbs ignited with int e nse relativistic electro n bea ms, pulse propu lsio n syste ms, ./. Spa cecraji and Rockets, I 0,
Ra11111fa/irtforscln111g, 15 , 208-2 17 (1971). 629-630 ( 1973).
83. Winterbe rg, r- ., Ro c ket propulsip n by staged thermo nuclear 94 . Smith, J. N. a nd Mead, C. W., Mi ssio n profiles for th e explora-
mi croex plosio ns, ./B/S. 30, 333-340 (1977). tio n o f the o ut er So lar Syste m with nucl ear pulse rockets,
84 . Starship Study: Progress report , Spacejliglil, 15 , 232-233 ( I 973). Alllwls of the New York A cad. of Sciences, 140, Art. J , 442-
85. Proj ec t Daedalus. An int erim report o n the BfS Stars hip Study, 4 52 ( 1966).
Spaceflight , 16, 356-35 8 (1974). 95 . Ruppe, H. 0 ., Mann ed pla ne tary missio ns - a new look, .IBIS.
86. Project Daedalus Study Group , Status report o n Project 30, 227-231 (J 977).
Daeda lus, pp.169- 184 in Pro c. 1975 Australian Astronauti cs 96. Heppc nhe imer, T. A., Some advanced a ppli ca l io ns of a o nc-
Convent io n, 27-30 August 1975 , A. T . Philp (Ed.) , Astro n- millio n-secon d lsp rocket e ngin e, .I BIS, 28 , 17 5- 18 1 ( I 97 5) .
autical Society o r W. Australia , 1977. 97. Co ller, T. P. , Rota tin g cable pusher for pu lsed-propulsion
87. Project Daedalus St udy Group, Project Da eda lus: A sumrn ary spa ce ve hicle, Los Al amos Scient ifi c Laboratory Report
report o n the BIS Starship Study , Spacej7ight. 19, 419-430 LA-4666-MS ( 197 l ).

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