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Competition Brief
Section 2: Technical Package and
Detailed Site Information

SITE DETAILS Reports (DPRs) for implementation. Hence,
these design solutions must be not only inno-
The focus area for the Urban Design Com- vative, but also contextually implementable.
petition, is the Mullassery Canal precinct in Along with the conceptual design of the entire
down-town Ernakulam. It is part of the Central length of the Canal, teams are requested to
Business District (CBD) of Kochi. Historically, develop detailed designs for any two of the
the Mullassery canal was built for inland mo- three sub-sites described below.
bility, connecting the backwaters in the west of
Kochi, to the Perandoor Canal in the east. The
eastern end of the canal has the Kerala State OVERALL DELIVERABLES
Regional Transport Corporation (KSRTC) bus
terminus, that caters to intra and inter-city pub- 1. A conceptual design for the entire
lic transportation, which is one out of two major Mullassery canal precinct (boundaries
inter-city bus stations in Kochi. Waterfront rec- demarcated in Fig. 1, next page),
lamation of the past on the western end, at the which will then be detailed out by each
juncture where the canal meets the backwaters, of the 3 winning teams during the
has defined a linear public recreational avenue Detailed Project Report phase of the
ERNAKULAM called Marine Drive, which is lined with luxu- Competition.
ry housing towers and landmark commercial
buildings. 2. Design proposals for any two of
the three Sub-sites based on the
KOCHI MULLASSERY CANAL Over the years the canal seems to have been description provided in this brief,
built upon, as its use for effective, water-based which will then be detailed out
transportation faded into the past with the by the winning team during the
advent of other modes of personal and public Detailed Project Report Phase of the
FORT KOCHI transport and a road centric development. Competition.
While the total length of the canal is 1.3 kms,
3. Sections and visually appealing 3D
more than half of it is presently covered by con-
views/ walk throughs explaining the
crete slabs used for on-street parking and ded-
proposed concepts and designs.
icated vending zones. The land use pattern,
along the stretch of the canal, transforms as we 4. A summary text in not more than 500
WILLINGDON move from east to west. The canal is lined with words which details:
ISLAND prominent educational institutions of the city,
heritage sites, major shopping avenues, street a. The main concept, especially

9. The
markets, warehouses, and formal and informal referring to aspects of climate-
housing. The canal is surrounded by low-rise proof integrated urban
high-density development of the 80’s that had development;
transformed the urban fabric of Kochi.
b. The level of interventions
focused upon;

c. The opportunity areas
The canal stretch is divided into Sub-sites A, intended to be tackled; and
B and C that are identified as critical zones for
the UDC. Below are the UDC Sub-sites that d. The target groups or
address several core themes/opportunities. beneficiaries
These have been identified as opportunity are-

as along the canal that allow for in-depth de- 5. The text must be written in the English
sign exploration, in order to meet our project language.
goals, and foster an integrated and sustainable
Please refer to the Design Brief Section 1
approach to urban development. The winning
for further submission requirements, the scales
designs of the sub-sites will be carried forward
of working and the submission process.
in the form of tasks to develop Detailed Project

Fig 1.: Overview map of the UDC site

4 5
Sub-site A is identified at the eastern end of As this bus terminus is located in the city cen-
the Mullassery Canal. Here, the UDC site is tre, the external bus circulation is affected by
defined by a railway line on the eastern end traffic congestion on the main roads (e.g. M.G.
that runs perpendicular to the canal. A section Road, SA Road and Banerji Road), and the
of the site boundary spills into the intersection internal circulation is affected by private vehic-
of the Mullassery canal and the Thevara-Pe- les coming to the bus stand. For the latter, no
randoor (T.P.) Canal (Fig 3). This intersection parking is currently being provided.
has wetlands covered with water hyacinth and This bus terminus has been developed on
some reeds. The location has the potential to wetlands, and hence is prone to seasonal wa-
regain its healthy ecosystem which has been ter logging. Moreover, the area is below sea
repeatedly disrupted in the past, by infrastruc- level. In between the bus terminus and the
ture developments. railway line, lies the proposed Green Corridor
project (Fig 5) site, that will connect the North
The precinct includes the Kerala State Road and South Ernakulam Railway Station. It will be
Transportation Corporation (KSRTC) bus termi- a 3 km long corridor for pedestrians and other
nus (Fig 4) on the eastern end of the canal. It e-mobility.
is the regional hub of the state transportation
network for intra and inter-district, as well as, Karikkamuri is a residential neighbourhood
intra state bus journeys. adjacent to the KSRTC bus terminus. Within
this stretch, the canal is covered with concrete
From the bus terminus around 470 buses (42) slabs. The edges of the canal are predomi-
are operating with a total no. of 756 trips per nantly occupied by trading companies, who
day, and about 40,000 passengers using the use the covered canal areas for parking, loa-
terminus daily1 as of 2012. KSRTC runs 77 ser- ding and unloading activities. To the west of
vices from the stand; 15 of these are to neig- the Karikkamuri neighbourhood, is a mixed-
hbouring States2 like Tamil Nadu and Karnata- use urban fabric, with residences and shops
ka. Buses are available from the Station around sandwiched between Chittoor Road (5) and
the clock to destinations all across Kerala such the main thoroughfare of MG Road (4) (refer
as Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kottayam, Fig 1). This is one of the naturally elevated
Kottarakkara, Thrissur, Palakkad, Kozhikode, sand bar ridges (Refer to chapter 3 of Design
Kannur, and Sultan Bathery, providing an inva- Brief Section 1), hence, is not vulnerable to
luable service to the common people3 (refer to water logging. However, since the canal is co-
Annex 1 for details). vered, the lack of sunlight reaching the water
results in anaerobic reactions which produce
greenhouse gases and socio-ecological com-

Fig 2. Map of sub-site A

The Hindu KOCHI, NOVEMBER 05, 2019 01:09 IS

6 7
The whole Sub-site A remains poorly connec- RECOMMENDATIONS FROM
ted, unwalkable and also feels visibly unsafe, STAKEHOLDERS FOR SUB-SITE A:
particularly for women and vulnerable groups.
This is especially true for the zone behind and —Sub-site A should be programmed to
around the KSRTC bus stand, denoted by the sustainably re-house all current activities of
police as a law and order sensitive zone. The- the KSRTC (refer to additional data
refore, the 24x7 bus stop that fronts this space package and Annexures) with projected
is associated as being unsafe. Moreover, with capacities. Additionally, the designs should
poor lighting, the canal edges remain unfre- aim to create an inclusive and
quented towards the evening and the canal gender-sensitive recreational space, as a
itself tends to accumulate garbage as the flow barrier-free environment that fulfils its
of water is being obstructed by the railway city-level functions within the framework of
tracks (Fig.6). an innovative financing and business plan
for its urban redesign.
This zone is perceived to have the potential —Sub-site A should be resilient towards the
to transform into a convivial place right at flooding challenge, so that primary
the heart of the city with spaces for commer- activities are not hampered during heavy
cial, recreational, health and sports activities rains. Additionally, designs should cater to
catering to citizens in its vicinity. New spatial the ancillary activities such that the
arrangements of a public, ecological and re- enhanced water catchment areas double as
creational nature can be part of the innovative healthy activity zones during dry periods.
and integrated reimagination of this critical —Sub-site A should offer smaller pockets of
sub-site. This intervention could also be in line convivial public space for adjacent —
with multi-scalar flood mitigation strategies, residential neighbourhoods and local Fig 3. Mullassery Canal meets Thevara-Perandoor canal
which take into consideration the expanding cultural activities.
and contracting nature of the floodways and
which restores the traditional waterways for
seasonal multifunctionality.

Fig 4. KSRTC Bus Terminus (Workshop)

8 9

—An overarching conceptual master plan of

the site comprising: a block diagram of re
located buildings on the KSRTC land, a
public commute and circulation plan (within
the site and the approach road), a
concept for a sustainably-built terminal with
connectivity to the city center and
surrounding neighbourhoods. All designs
should be made keeping in mind the needs
of persons with disabilities, the elderly and
aspects of gender inclusion.

—A detailed design incorporating the

following components:
a. a bus stop feature and placemaking
interventions (pedestrian friendly and
healthy citizen spaces including urban
b. water catchment functions (including
sustainable solutions to rejuvenate
the polluted and clogged water body —
of the area); Fig 5. Proposed pathway for the Green Corridor Project
c. ideas for commercial use of land (as
per existing bylaws, FAR and use

Fig 6. Mullassery Canal - flow obstructed by Railway tracks and pollution

10 11
The covered canal stretch between MG Road RECOMMENDATIONS FROM
(4) and TD Road (3) (refer Fig 1) is used as a STAKEHOLDERS FOR SUB-SITE B
vending zone (Fig. 8). Adjacent to it is the Ma-
haraja’s College Grounds. This stretch of the —The vending zone is to be revitalised as a
canal is lined with 70- 100-year-old trees. It has street market space that enables the canal
the potential of becoming an inclusive urban to be a pedestrian spine along with
placemaking zone provided it follows an in-si- vehicular connectivity and small recreational
tu reorganisation without displacing existing spaces.
users. It should also plan for the canal edges —Sub-site B should provide seamless
to open up into pedestrian pathways and small connectivity between the three modes of
recreational spaces. transportation which are the boat, the
metro and the bus. Designs should be:
There are three modes of mobility within the a. pedestrian-friendly
entire canal precinct; the Ernakulam Boat Jet- b. gender-inclusive
ty (near Sub-site C), the Maharaja’s College c. child and elderly friendly
Metro Station (near Sub-site B) and the KSRTC d. addressing needs of persons
bus terminus (in Sub-site A). Sub-site B pos- with disabilities and vulnerable
es an opportunity for these transport modes sections of the population
to converge around the above-envisioned e. addressing any other commuting and
placemaking strategy. The stretch between the mobility related issues of the area
Mullassery Canal Road, all the way to Mahara- —Strategies should include a focus on the
jah’s College Metro station, is lined by a Public urban poor and the marginalised by
Works Department(PWD) urban park, which providing spaces within the design, that
is currently only accessible in the evenings enable their economic up-gradation. The
(Fig 11). The station abuts this garden at one UDC strictly vouches for a no-displacement
end. The junction of Mullassery Canal Road policy mindful of livelihood and
(7) and MG Road (4) (refer Fig 1) hosts a cen- socio-spatial interdependencies.
tral sewage pump station. Sub-site B has the
potential to connect these 3 transport nodes DESIGN DELIVERABLES FOR SUB-SITE B
through pedestrian walkways (Fig 10) and
to connect the PWD park, incorporating the —An overall master plan of the area with a
spaces behind the existing vendor stretches. detailed design component.
Integration of all the mentioned disconnected —A design for the canal edges that
zones can be attempted critically for their po- incorporates the safeguarding of existing
tential to smoothly connect. Furthermore, the trees and ecology. —
creation of pockets of public space, accessible —A plan for the integration of the compound Fig 7. Map of sub-site B
to citizens and commuters in the area can be of the pump station with the existing park,
critically assessed (Refer Maps - Stretch B1 through placemaking activities connecting
and B2, and their corresponding photographs it to the transport nodes.
package). In the stretch between TD road (3)
and Market Road (2), the canal is open but not
accessible. It is heavily built on either side.

12 13
— —
Fig 8. Vending zone over the covered canal stretch (on the left) Fig 10. Current situation of pedestrian paths

— —
Fig 9. Fallow land behind the Vending zone (south of the canal) Fig 11. Public Works Department urban park

14 15
tery; which is owned and administered by the STAKEHOLDERS FOR SUB-SITE C
community and a Municipal Waste Collection .—An overall master plan with detailed Note: It is to be kept in mind that the house owners all
Ground (Fig. 13) - (also used as a parking area for —Housing settlements should be integrated design components referring to specific have regularised house ownership deeds for their area
waste-collection and transport vehicles). These with the canal in a sensitive approach towards parts as shown in the plans (refer additional and as such a reorganisation of the same would main-
areas have the following possibilities: a sensitive the water body and its surrounding data package). ly address augmenting the services in the area with
conservation of the Jewish cemetery and the micro-ecosystem without any reorganisation —Strategies to curtail effluents and waste proper waste and sanitation measures, and placemak-
re-imagining of the existing municipal waste of the existing houses. from the settlement from polluting the ing as a response to the canal’s landscape.
collection area. These areas allow the opening —Sub-site C’s sub-zones 1, 3, & 4 (refer the base canal waters and affecting the surrounding
of spaces along the canal. The already thriving map) should be designed to enhance the hydrology and ecosystem.
small natural ecosystem in the city centre has a existing flora and fauna along the bend of the
potential to evolve into a micro-urban forest on canal;
this Sub-site. —The canal edges should be developed into
a multipurpose public recreational zone that
The canal curves eastwards from the cemetery allows for the canal to swell during peak water
into a low-income housing settlement of appro- levels
ximately 150-155 inhabitants (called Padikathuku- —Designs can showcase flood mitigation and
lam, Fig. 14, 15), that has grown incrementally on water-filtration systems that could be used to
KMC land (marked as 2 in the subsite Map - refer spread awareness on these themes and be
to Annexure 2 for details). The Sub-site C also showcased at the neighbouring Priyadarshini
has two prominent higher education institutions Park.
- the St. Teresa’s Girls College and the Govern- —Potential for water-based tourism and
ment Law College. The Law College has a vacant recreational activities could be explored at
plot of 1 acre on the banks of the canal which it the stretch between the Priyadarshini Park
aims to develop into a ‘State of the Art’ library and TD Road, as the canal is wider and
and research center, designed sustainably, with deeper there.
facilities to house books, journals, reports and —A way forward for the derelict
other e-resources (refer to Annexure 3 for details). Jewish Cemetery, in terms of its conservation,
The presence of the two educational institutions keeping in mind the present status as a state
brings a heavy pedestrian footfall in the area. archaeological department site. All
However, the zone lacks pedestrian walkways approaches need to keep in mind the
and has narrow roads and speeding vehicles. sentiments and sensitivities of the community.
Moreover, the stretch of Convent Junction is a —Ideas generated should integrate the planned
well-known marketplace for, what is colloquially research centre of the Government Law
called ‚ladies items”, clothes, and books. The St. College;
Teresa’s College (a women’s college) is one of —This sub-site should be made
the key stakeholders of the area, making gender gender-sensitive and inclusive in a way that
inclusion an imperative for redesigning this sub- allows stakeholders to easily and safely access
site. it for their daily needs across different land
The western-most part of the canal is the last
stretch between the backwaters and the Jewish
cemetery. It is bracketed on the west by the Pri-
yadarshini Park (Fig. 16), which also marks the
mouth of the canal. It is an underutilised park that —
has great potential for innovative transformations. Fig 12. Map of sub-site C

16 17
— —
Fig 13. Municipal Waste Segregation Ground Fig 15. Padikathukulam Settlements along the canal

— —
Fig 14. Padikathukulam Housing Settlements along the canal Fig 16. Priyadarshani Park at the western end of the canal

18 19
10. Stakeholder

—The Mullassery Canal Urban Design project could be used as a model to

re-imagine Kochi’s fading relationship with water and its flows.
—The canal as an integral element of the urban fabric, with its interconnected
ecological and cultural role needs to find its place back into the hearts of

—This project can showcase best practices for canal rejuvenation, bioremediation,
eco-restoration etc. in a highly dense and existing urban area. It should address,
through the design improvement, the quality of canal water by employing
innovative strategies of both water and waste management.
—The project should address restoration of floodways and water catchment areas
for times of increased capacity in the canal, which can double as healthy citizen’s
activity areas during dry seasons.
—The project should use the redesign opportunity to address issues of blockages
and obstructions pertaining to the flow of water that can be minimised by clearing
of silt and waste from the canal and augmenting waste management in the area
to ensure a pollution-free canal.
—The project must address canal edge restoration to prevent neglect and apathy
while restoring the water edge as an engaging space for its citizens
—The project should consider the possibility of designing a holistic system that
includes citizens and innovates on their role in the maintenance of the canal and
its allied public spaces.
—The project must integrate the two important networks of civic infrastructure -
water and mobility.
—The project should address a housing development integrated in the canalscape
in a healthy symbiotic relationship with its surroundings, one that needs to be
envisioned from an integrated approach of habitat development.
—The project should attempt to redesign the canal precinct allowing the city an
opportunity to have a state-of-the-art public transit zone within its bus terminus
site integrated with public spaces and green zones.
—The project must be inclusive of all the stakeholder’s interests, with a special
focus on the needs of persons with disabilities and aspects of gender inclusion.


—Aerial pictures: Drone photography was unfortunately not possible. We request

participants to refer to other resources like google maps/google earth in
compliance with applicable legal regulations.

—Covid situation and data collection: Data collection on the ground was difficult at
several moments due to the unforeseen covid situation. However, participants can
ask more specific questions until MONDAY 13TH JULY 2020 BY 23:59 (IST)
(REVISED) via email. We will respond with as much additional data and
information as is possible given the circumstances via email to all qualified
registered teams.

20 21

Fig A2: Map showing KSRTC plot Details

—The approx. number of buses arriving to waiting room - ladies and gents with toilets, mitigation strategies. Strategies of ANNEXURE 2 - GOVERNMENT
and departing from KSRTC daily. overnight staying ladies and gents’ partnership in maintenance of such spaces LAW COLLEGE
dormitory for per hour renting with toilets through the ULB can be reinforced. Program for Research Centre in Govt. Law
Source: Ground data collection from KSRTC intrastate —Flood mitigation: Flood mitigation College, Ernakulam
bus stand, Ernakulam. —An office space for the KSRTC Regional strategies could be tackled through an Source: as gathered from ground data collection from the
Office for total staff 10 - 15 with toilets increase of the carrying capacity of the Government Law College Authority
T o t a l n u m b e r o f b u s e s d e p a r ti n g d a i l y f r o m t h e K S R T C b u s t e r m i n u s
—A mechanical and repair workshop with yard Mullassery Canal, creation of urban forests
space and multi-use spaces, which can act as water —A master plan for a multi-storied Research
—Amenities for bus driver’s / conductor’s like catchment areas during high rainfall and Centre (Green Certification desirable) to be
Number of buses (approx.)


restrooms and toilets. flash flood periods, but which revert back conceived in the space available (not less
Inter District
. to other uses during dry spells. They could than an acre) in the Hostel Compound.
20 Intra District B. Design Suggestions for the reorganiza- also have permeable surfaces to allow —A well-conceived eco – friendly library
15 Intra State
tion of the Bus Stand Precinct speedy groundwater percolation. having state of the art facilities which should

Source: as gathered from interviews with local stakehold- —Energy: The proposed design should be capable to house books, journals, reports
0 ers. To be formally detailed during the DPR stage with explore the possibilities of alternate energy and other e-resources.
sources and a sustainably-built terminus. —Open spaces for informal meetings and
6:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 3:00 3:00 - 6:00
am pm pm pm KSRTC.the DPR stage with KSRTC:
Time intervals
academic discussions.
Total number of buses arriving daily to the KSRTC bus terminus —Reorganising spaces within KSRTC land Note: All the information was collected during the —Plans for tapping solar energy and other
70 for easy connectivity to other transit groundwork and stakeholder consultation process for the environment-friendly measures can be
60 nodes: A reorganisation of spaces between Entekochi-Competition explored.
Number of buses (approx.)

the north and south parcels of the KSRTC —A sprawling landscape giving value addition
site on either side of the canal may be to the eco-friendly architecture of the
Inter District
explored such that connectivity to the Centre, as well as contributing to urban
Intra Distric

Intra State Ernakulam Junction Railway Station and forest cover in the precinct.
Metro Station may be closer and more easily —Provision for accommodating guests and
accessible for commuters through the professors who associate with the activities
6:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 3:00
Lorem ipsum
3:00 - 6:00
already envisioned North South Corridor. of the Centre.
Time intervals
This may require an innovative approach to —A state of the art seminar hall that can ac
— the bus stand space reorganisation without commodate 400 persons with a conference
Fig A1: Approximate number of bu- tampering with the existing entrance and room catering to 100 people can be
ses arriving and depsrting fro,m KSRTC exit points of the buses. included, as a revenue-generating unit.
—Security: The development should focus
on 24x7 activities and other safe space
PROPOSED DESIGN GUIDELINES BY KSRTC design best practises, which reduce ‘
anti-social’ elements to the site and should
make it a woman and child friendly space.
A. Approximate future Bus-stand —Utilisation of space: All bus stand utilities
requirements: should occupy a minimum footprint to free
Source: as gathered from ground data collection. To be up as much land as possible for easy
formally detailed by the winning team(s) during the DPR movement of buses and pedestrians as well
stage with KSRTC. as for the creation of public spaces (see iv)
and the development of creative,
—The bus stand should approximately people-oriented business models.
accommodate traffic of 100 buses and 50 —Public Space and Place making: The
bus parks overnight. reorganization of the Bus Stand facilities
—Public amenities for Bus passengers should should allow spaces to be opened up to the
include, essential snacks and refreshments, city as gender sensitive public spaces, parks
basic amenities, a medical shop, adequate and other recreational spaces that have a
toilet facilities for men, women and focus on healthy and active living. These
differently abled, one restaurant, one developments should address crucial flood

24 25
ANNEXURE 3 - PADIKATHUKULAM HOUS- c)Every residential unit has its own toilet
ING SETTLEMENTS DETAILS facilities. But has poor sewage
Source: as gathered from ground data collection for the disposal
competition (drained into the canal)
d) Waste management - garbage
—Padikathukulam is a 50-60-year-old collection: Municipality waste
settlement. colletion system every alternative day
—Land ownership: Kochi Municipal (waste bins are provided)
Corporation Land with ownership certificate e) Common Parking area for
for the residents auto-rickshaws
—Total number of houses: 38 and two-wheelers
21 houses Padikathukulam West Colony —Housing Conditions: Concrete and brick
+ 8 houses Padikathukulam East Colony (Pakka) and corrugated asbestos and tin
+ 9 Government staff quarters sheets (Kachha)
—Number of households: an average of —Job pattern - Average monthly
4 members wages
Basic services: approximately INR 20,000 to INR 25,000 per
a) Water supply -3 common public water household
1:200 pipes 2 in WEST COLONY and (Government Peon, Auto driver, Mechanic,
1in EAST COLONY Daily wages, KMC sweepers, cleaning jobs,
b) Electricity supply for every house Sales Job, Beauty Salon, Railway Job)


SCALE 1:200




4 4






GOVERNMENT STAFF QUARTERS 4 KMC WASTE COLLECTION AREA NOTE: The data has been sourced partly from Kochi Municipal Corporation (KMC)
— and partly through ground work. It is to be used only for the purpose of the compe-
Fig A3: Showing the locations of the Padikathukulam housing settlements SITES / LANDMARKS tition and is not for circulation outside your team.


26 27
Sustainable Urban Development - Smart Cities
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH India are jointly implementing the
“Sustainable Urban Development - Smart Cities” (SUD-SC) project, as part of Indo-Ger-
man Bilateral Cooperation. The objective of the project is to support different levels of
governments in achieving sustainable development in the background of India’s rapidly
growing cities. This is to be achieved through the implementation of a holistic and in-
tegrated approach to urban planning in the selected smart cities of Kochi, Coimbatore
and Bhubaneswar.

EnteKochi-Competition Organizers:

Dr. Rajan Chedambath

Centre for Heritage, Environment and Development (C-HED)
An institution under the Kochi Municipal Corporation (KMC)

Mr. Georg Jahnsen

Project Manager,
Sustainable Urban Development - Smart Cities, GIZ India

For more details please visit:

June 2020

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