IHUB Basic Commissioning and ISAM Equipment Configuration Through CLI Exercise Book

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IHUB Basic Commissioning and ISAM Equipment Configuration through CLI Exercise Book

Document History
Edition Date Author Remarks
01 18 May 2016 Anjum Pasha First blended learning

02 30 May 2016 Anjum Pasha Publishing


Table of contents
Exercise 1 Equipment Configuration 4
1.1 Configure NTIO slot in the Host 4
1.2 Change slot numbering in ISAM 4
1.3 Planning and Un-planning slots 6
1. Answers – Equipment Configuration 7
1.1 Answer – Configure NTIO slot in the Host 7
1.2 Answer – Change slot numbering in ISAM 7
1.3 Answer – Planning and Un-planning slots 9

Terminology and convention

Objectives = It indicates the objective(s) of the exercise.

Operation: = It indicates sequence of action or operation step by step.


Figure N = It indicates a Figure number and Title.

Questions: = It indicates sequence of questions related on the exercise.

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


Lab Requirements to perform these exercises

7306 ISAM/7330 ISAM including fan-unit, power supply, NT board (NANT-D, NANT-E, or FANT-F) and
LT boards with 5520 AMS Platform managing the ISAM, one PC with 5520 AMS client for management
via telnet/ssh

Putty or an ssh client to access ISAM

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


Exercise 1 Equipment Configuration

- Configure NT/NTIO slots in ISAM
- Plan and unplan slots

1.1 Configure NTIO slot in the Host

Step Action

1. Log into ISAM via CLI

2. Configure the port NTIO via the configure command for category residential.

3. Check the admin state and operational state of the port.


a. How do you think you connect to ISAM when configuring it for the first time?
b. Is the port admin state up and operational state up?
c. Which other command should you execute to make the port operational?
d. How do you think you will be able to configure a LAG?
e. What advantages do you think configuring LAG will provide?

1.2 Change slot numbering in ISAM

Step Action

1. Log into ISAM via CLI

2. At the prompt execute the command “show equipment slot”


a. How many LT slots are enabled and available?

b. From the output displayed, what slot numbering do you think is configured?
c. Which command can you use to find the slot numbering?

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


d. How do you find what slot numberings can be configured on this machine?

Step Action

3. Change the slot numbering to any other using the command “configure system security

profile admin slot-numbering <slot_numbering>”

4. Check the slot numbering via the command “show equipment slot”


e. Do you already see the new slot numbering?

f. What do you think you will have to do for the new slot numbering to be affective?
g. How do you if AMS/type based or CLI/position based slot numbering is being used in the ISAM?

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


1.3 Planning and Un-planning slots

Step Action

1. Log into ISAM via CLI

2. At the prompt execute the command “show equipment slot”


a. How many LT slots are enabled and available? Make note of the LT slot that is enabled.

Step Action

3. Un-plan any lt via the commands:

 configure equipment slot <lt_slot_no> no planned-type nalt-c

 configure equipment slot <lt_slot_no> planned-type not-planned

4. Plan an LT via the command.

configure equipment slot <lt_slot_no> planned-type <planned type>

5. Try to plan an LT with a different LT type. For example, try to plan an nglt-a for nglt-b


b. How do you find out what other operations can be performed on any slot?
c. What single command would you use to unplan two LTs (lt:1/1/1 and lt:1/1/2) at the same time?

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


1. Answers – Equipment Configuration

1.1 Answer – Configure NTIO slot in the Host

Step Action

1. Log into ISAM via CLI

2. Configure the port NTIO via the configure command for category residential.

configure port ntio-1sfp:2 ethernet category residential

configure port ntio-1sfp:2 no shutdown

3. Check the admin state and operational state of the port.

show port ntio-1sfp:2


a. How do you think you connect to ISAM when configuring it for the first time?
Answer: Through the NT craft port
b. Is the port admin state up and operational state up?
Answer: At the end of the configuration the admin and operational state is up
c. Which other command should you execute to make the port operational?
configure port ntio-1sfp:2 no shutdown
d. How do you think you will be able to configure a LAG?
configure lag <LAG ID> no shutdown
configure lag <LAG ID> port <nt-a/nt-b/ntio1/ntio2>:<Port type :
sfp/xfp/eth>:<sfp/xfp/eth port ID>
e. What advantages do you think configuring LAG will provide?
 Support network redundancy
 Ease of adding extra ports

1.2 Answer – Change slot numbering in ISAM


© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


a. How many LT slots are enabled and available?

Answer: in the example below 4 lt slots are enabled

b. From the output displayed, what slot numbering do you think is configured?
Answer: We see the lt definition as lt 1/1/1 to lt 1/1/8 and then lt 1/1/12 to lt 1/1/19 so the
position based lt slot numbering is configured

c. Which command can you use to find the slot numbering?

Answer: command is “info configure system security profile”

d. How do you find what slot numberings can be configured on this machine?
Answer: Use the command “configure system security profile admin slot-
numbering ?”

e. Do you already see the new slot numbering?

Answer: No, the slot numbering hasn’t changed yet.

f. What do you think you will have to do for the new slot numbering to be affective?
Answer: To see the new slot numbering you should logout and login to CLI

g. How do you if AMS/type based or CLI/position based slot numbering is being used in the ISAM?
Answer: Legacy based/cli based/position based slot numbering is used in this ISAM
leg:isadmin># info configure system security profile
configure system security

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


echo "system"
profile admin
no prompt # value="%s:%n%d%c "
no password-timeout # value=0
no terminal-timeout # value=30
no slot-numbering # value=legacy-based

1.3 Answer – Planning and Un-planning slots


a. How many LT slots are enabled and available? Make note of the LT slot that is enabled.

Answer: In the example 3 lt slots are enabled and available

b. How do you find out what other operations can be performed on any slot?

Answer: You can use the command “configure equipment slot lt:1/1/1 ?”

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book


c. What single command would you use to unplan two LTs (lt:1/1/2 and lt:1/1/3) at the same time?

Answer: Use the command

“configure equipment slot lt:1/1/[2,3] planned-type not-planned”

© 2016, Nokia ISAM Blended Learning: Exercise Book

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