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“Caring for a Busy Church”

1 Timothy 5:1-6:2
I. When You’re Here, You’re Family

Old Men, Younger Men, Older Women, Younger Women

We are in a multi-generational church. different generations value different things

II. Caring for Widows


v5, v16 "widows indeed"

v11-12 a "pledge" is involved... formal ministry... office of the church

v9, v11, v14 younger widows don't qualify

v13 lazy, biting, vicious women don't qualify
v6 selfish and funloving women don't qualify
v4, v16 women with families don't qualify

v5 prayer warriors qualify

v9 faithful wives qualify
v10 hardworking ministers qualify

III. Protecting Each Other from Slander


v17 Elders deserve honor as they: rule well and work hard at preaching & teaching
v18 pay him his dues
v19 do not unjustly criticize him
v20 do call them out if they continue in sin
v22 call the right men, evaluate before you nominate

IV. Protecting Yourself from the Stress


v23 a little wine for your frequent stomach ailments

v24-25 likely Timothy had a moral standard against consuming alcohol
Paul reminds him of a tea-totaller axiom (v24) and adds a liberty axiom (v25)

V. Masters and Slaves Worshipping Together


v1 Christian slaves (employees) pronounce doctrine with actions towards the master
v2 employees do not take advantage of your Christian employers, it's a great benefit

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