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Read the text below and rewrite it, changing the singular nouns to plural nouns,
and making according adaptations that make sense.
I have a mixed family. My brother is Colombian, but he is living in Brazil now. My
nephew is working as a fireman in his grey uniform, and my cousin goes to college for
Architecture. There is an annoying student that she always complains: he is the son
of a well-known actress.
HINT: remember the rules of plural nouns and adjectives in English, as well as the
adaptations of articles and determiners that we spoke in class. // DICA: lembre-se das
regras para plurais e para adjetivos em inglês, assim como as adaptações de artigos e
determinadores que falamos durante nossas aulas.

Take a look at the pictures below: there is a healthy food, and there is an
unhealthy snack. Describe the two meals as much as you can.

HINT: remember that, when we describe something in English, we tell the existence of
them. Therefore, we have to use the existential clauses: “there is” and “there are”. We
also have to use articles and determiners. // DICA: lembre-se que, quando
descrevemos alguma coisa em inglês, nós falamos sobre a existência delas. Portanto,
temos que usar as orações existenciais: “there is” e “there are”. Também temos que
usar os artigos e os determinadores.

In the next page, there are six flags and a respective time in that location. Tell the
name of the country, the nationality of it, and write the time in two different ways.

11:00 12:40 14:12

6:30 11:45 5:21

HINT: remember the suffixes for nationalities in English. Check them in our textbook if
you have any doubts. Remember that, in English, there are two kinds of writing the
time, just as in Portuguese. We always start telling the time with the verb to be: “it’s”. //
DICA: lembre-se dos sufixos de nacionalidades em inglês. Confire na nossa apostila, se
você tiver alguma dúvida. Lembre-se que, em inglês, temos duas maneiras principais
de escrever o tempo, assim como no português. Nós sempre começamos a dizer o
tempo com o verbo to be: “it’s”.

Describe the scenes below as much as you can. Bonus points: say which one
would you prefer to stay.

HINT: use the same structures as question #2. Don’t forget to tell your preference
about which scene would like to stay. We spoke about preferences last class. // DICA:
use as mesmas estruturas da questão #2. Não se esqueça de dizer sua preferência
sobre qual situação você gostaria de estar. Nós falamos sobre preferências na aula

Choose between an appropriate option of articles: a, an, the.
a) Teacher, I can’t hear what you said in _________ class. Please speak
_________ little bit louder. _________ other students will be grateful.
b) I swam in _________ sea in my vacations. There, I went to _________
restaurant that served _________ best mojito ever!
c) Please help us, we are lost. What is _________ name of _________ next
subway station: Central or Lagoinha?
d) This is _________ easy decision: of course I choose these shoes. Those shoes
are _________ most horrendous shoes I have seen.

Choose between an appropriate option of indefinite expressions: any, some, no.
a) Only _________ of his friends are going. Not all of them.
b) There isn’t _________ food in the refrigerator, is there?
c) We are broke. We have _________ money to buy grandpa a gift.
d) I always buy a loaf of bread and _________ cheese at the supermarket.
e) We don’t have _________ sugar or flour to make the cake.
f) _________ place he chooses to go will be fine.
g) Don’t close the door. There are still _________ children outside.
h) Why don’t you decorate the room with _________ white flowers?
i) I’m busy. I have _________ time to chat with you now.
j) Hello, I am your waiter. Would you like _________ water to start?

Complete the phrases with the correct demonstrative (how many, how much) or
determiner (this, that, those, these) according to the context.
a) How _______ do you weigh? Let’s see in _________ weight balance.
b) ________ are photos of my family. How _______ cousins do you think I have?
c) How _______ mistakes did you make in _________ test that we just did?
d) How _______ water do you drink per day? According to _________ medical
exam you said to me, a long time ago, it is not enough.
e) _______ trousers are too expensive. How _________ money do you have?


grateful > agradecidos; weigh > pesar;
swam > nadei; mistakes > erros;
sea > mar; medical exam > exame medico;
vacations > férias; a long time ago > muito tempo atrás;
subway station > estação de metrô; not enough > não é suficiente;
shoes > sapatos. trousers > calças.
all of them > todos eles; rewrite > reescrever;
refrigerator > geladeira; according > adequado;
broke > quebrado; as much as you can > o quanto puder;
loaf of bread > fatia de pão;
sugar > açúcar;
flour > farinha;
busy > ocupado;
chat > conversar.

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