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broken spire

Broken Spire
“The Emperor will never die. The sun will never
rise. These are the immutable facts that we live
End The Immortal
How do you kill a man who broke the Gates of Death?
Through years of planning and sacrifice, you've arranged for a
by.” moment when the Emperor and many of his closest cohorts
—Kaplan, editor of the Imperial City Times Lamring will be distracted. During this moment of transition, you have
At the tip of the Astral Spire lies Lamring, the silver dagger the a chance to strike. Which of these did you arrange?
Your lives, and more, have been dedicated to
Emperor used to pry open the gates of death. A perfect strike  Investiture: On Gratitude, the holiday that celebrates his
finding a means of unseating the Emperor from
from it into his quicksilver-filled undead heart will break his ascension, the Immortal Emperor is going to turn the Astral
his throne, and now it is finally in your grasp.
hold on eternity and steel his immortality. Spire and all within it to stone, as he unveils his newest
 What curse haunts this blade, and any who keep it in their wonder: A sun of his own creation, that will protect the
End of the Undying possession? (Eyes that reveal all misdeeds— Endless waking people of Imperial City from the ghosts that haunt it.
Broken Spire is a Blades in the Dark playset about — Haunting by the souls it has taken)  Assimilation: On the stones of Kotar's rest Rhal IV, emissary
revolutionaries set on breaking the shackles of  In addition to his immortality, what part of the Emperor will of Tycheros has come to Imperial City to sign the accords,
the Emperor's rule. They may seek power for transfer to his vanquisher? (His memories—his passions—his which will place Tycheros within them empire. His list of
themselves, political change, or have a personal fears) demands is legendary.
grudge. We'll play to find out what political favors Ritual of Unbinding  Secession: The Sky Fleet, composed of four Iruvian
they must garner, what occult rituals they must Leviathan Hunters meets the Bastion, the Emperor's
perform, and which devil's bargains they must There exist a single spell that will break the Emperor's
Naval Destroyer on the Void Sea. The Iruvian delegates
accept to have a shot at the Emperor himself. command over his fellow demons of earth, air, sea, and fire.
Eshala Ankhayt and Elstera Avrathi of House Anixis will
 Which of the Forgotten Gods lost their son when the deliver Iruvia's declaration of sovereignty, seceding from
Broken Spire may be played in single session or a Emperor created the first spell of binding? (The Silver Fire the Empire. Closing of all traffic lanes and reclaiming their
short campaign. The game opens at the moment of — The Burned King — The Hand of Sorrow) Leviathan Hunter fleets.
insurrection and uses flashback to determine how
 What did you promise them to teach you the ritual to break
the crew prepared for the Emperor's defenses and
the inevitable fall out of ending his reign. If played
his spell (A millennium of worship — The Emperor's eternal Foil
torment — a child of your own)
in a single session, each flashback is a single scene.  Amar, Inspector General of Imperial City, the eyes of the
If played in a campaign, each includes complete Uprising Emperor. Was it you or one of your associates that tipped her
a score and downtime. No individual has the might to defeat the Emperor, but off? What did she learn from your former leader Zephyr, who
without them the mechanism of the Empire itself will fail she now has in chains?
As a group you'll decide how close the emperor is  Telsius, Commander of the Quicksilver Guard, the arm
just as sure as lightning tower deprived of electropasm. Gain
to your grasp! Select how to end the immortal, of the Emperor. How does he always know when you are
their support and you may see the empire to a new day.
your opportunity, and your foil. For each present? Why are your weapons ineffectual against him?
choice, answer the questions that follow.  Of these factions you need support from, who cannot be
trusted? (Spirit Wardens—Imperial Military—Ministry of  The First, Overseer of the Spirit Wardens, the will of
Preservation) the Emperor. Which of you has he captured before? What
 Who named a price? (Inspectors — Quicksilver Guard — overwhelming terror does he invoke in you now?
Leviathan Hunters) What was it? (A demon's true name —  Lord Strangford, newly appointed head of the Ministry
betrayal of the Lord Governor (-3 faction status) — Raven, of Preservation and Leviathan Hunting fleets. How did his
most loyal member of your crew as a hostage) spy Crowl infiltrate your crew? Why have you been unable
to remove them?

imperial scoundrels
Imperial Scoundrels
Toil and Trouble Nature
What bond have you forged together? (Choose one)
How long have you been at this? (Choose one)
An upstart crew of scoundrels may curse the
Emperor's name, but unless they want to be Sorcerer's Quicksilver Guard A Lifetime
stripped of their freedom, souls, and life, they'll You've infiltrated the ranks of the Emperor's guards, entrusted Each character marks two trauma, adds 4 action dots (max
go no further. with keeping him safe from any and all harm. Select the 3), and marks an additional ability. The crew is tier IV, has 8
mercury sheet. coin, a vault, two tributary factions (tier IV or lower), and
Your crew has toiled for years to have this one one advance. Who have you lost along the way?
chance at the throne. Together decide your  How many of the Quicksilver Guard are loyal to you?
nature, dedication, and drive. For each (Fionna, loyal beyond death — a few trusted conspirators Generations
choice answer the questions that follow. with their own agenda — all but Captain Teslius and his
personal guard) Each character marks three trauma, adds 6 action dots (max
3), and marks two additional abilities. The crew is tier V, has
When making your character, followed the steps  What occult ritual or sparkcraft experiment did you 12 coin, two vaults, two tributary factions (tier V or lower),
on page 57 of Blades in the Dark except as modified undertake to fool the Emperor who can see into the hearts and two advances. What impossible expectations have your
by your dedication. of the living? ancestors placed on you?
 What duties must you still perform to maintain your guise?
When making your crew, adjust the steps form Since the Cataclysm
(Inspecting imperial visitors — guarding the Astral Spire —
page 99 of Blades in the Dark accordingly:
escorting the Emperor) Each character marks four trauma, adds 8 action dots (max
1. Select your crew type based on your nature. 4), and marks three additional abilities. The crew us tier VI,
You start with Coin and Tier based on your Gates of Death
has 16 coin, two vaults, two tributary factions (tier VI or
dedication. You freed the Sorcerer's ancient companions and allowed them lower), hardened (+1 trauma), and three advances.
2. Choose a reputation as usual. to possess you to strike where he is weak. Select the hosts sheet. What shameful legacy do you bear?
Two of your crew are possessed by Courser and Stalker.
3. Instead of selecting your hunting grounds, select
one faction aligned with your drive and take +2  How did you break the Emperor's spell binding his ancient Drive
status with them, choose another that it threatens companions? (trading two lives for theirs — demonic aid) What would cause you to face a foe that has not and cannot
and take -2 status with them.  Of your crew who are possessed, how much of them be bested? Why would you risk almost certain doom. The the
remains? (none — some — all) crew will select a single drive, each character may have their
4. Choose a number of special abilities based on own answers to the questions that follow.
your dedication.  How have you climbed the political ladders of Imperial City
without the Emperor detecting his erstwhile companions?  Ideology, what belief do you hold that cannot suffer the
5. Choose a number of upgrades based on your Emperor's existence one moment more than you have to?
dedication. The coin cost to improve your status Shackled to a Demon's Fate What other nation or people hold this belief as well?
with the faction affected is equal to your Tier.
You've bound yourself to an elemental demon who seeks the  The Prize, once the Emperor is deposed, how will you to
6. Choose a favorite contact as usual. Emperor's destruction. Select the shackled sheet, and set your claim his power for yourself? How will you prevent others
Dark Gifts clock to two ticks. from taking it in your stead?
 Who binds your fate? (Setarra, demon of the void sea and storms  Settling a grudge, what personal slight has the Emperor
— Tyraxis, demon of the sky and stars — Ixis, demon of flame and made that drove you to such lengths? How, if ever, will
smoke) — Ahazu, demon of blood and stone) vengeance be sated?
 What is their dark desire? (mayhem — revenge — power —
control — knowledge)
 What price to you pay for it's dark gifts? (your last year of
memories — your names — your loves)
cohort gang  expert 

crew sheet turncoats of

the sorcerer's
royal guard

special abilities
name reputation
 In Your Veins: You subsist on the quicksilver blood of the Emperor.
lair One diluted drop of it per day allows you to expend your special
FACTIONS tier status
armor to resist the effects of ghostly or demonic possession, or harm
rep turf hold weak strong tier  from occult sources. You may restore your special armor by slaying
the living. Each day you go without take Level 1 Harm: Drained.
Spirit Wardens vi
 Eternal Service: By the grace of the Immortal Emperor, you Ministry vi
no longer age. When you suffer level 4 harm, instead take trauma.
quicksilver spirit When you suffer your last trauma, you become a Revenant. Imperial Military v
guard wardens  Elite Training: Each PC may add +1 action rating to two: Hunt,
imperial TELSIUS tycherosi Inspectors v
Prowl, Skirmish, Study, or Survey (up to a max rating of 4).
military embassy
 Distinguished: When you Command targets who recognize Iruvian Embassy v
your rank, gain +1d. You are not affected by their Tier or Scale.
Investor: During downtime you receive 10 coin. Who is your Tycherosi Embassy iv

investor? What will they gain if you succeed? Quicksilver Guard iv
leviathan immortal lord  Whoever you Need to Be: Your disguises are impenetrable.
governor Only members of the Quicksilver Guard can identify you. Leviathan Hunters iv
 Born to Protect: You can always protect a teammate to
safeguard the Emperor or a member of the Quicksilver Guard, Sparkwrights iii
no matter the distance.
Lord Governor iii
 Synchronized: When you perform a group action, you may
count multiple 6s from different rolls as a critical success.
sparkwrights crew xp
ministry of AMAR
preservation inspectors At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark
2xp if that item occurred multiple times).
 Execute a successful operation to endanger, threaten, destroy the Emperor.
 Contend with challenges above your current station.
Tributary status grants you Potency vs. the faction, +1d vs. adjacent factions, tier in coin during downtime.
 Maintain your crew's reputation as members of the Quicksilver Guard.
heat wanted level coin vaults  Conceal the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.
    
 | 
    
 | 
  
  
  
 contacts crew upgrades
Upon crew advance, each PC gets stash = Tier+2.   Benalize, an airship captain Quicksilver Vestments (Free
  lair quality
  The Second, Spirit Warden armor, Heavy armor only 2 load)   Carriage Documents
  Tyraxis, a demon of air   Boat Gear
Detailed maps of Imperial City
 Hidden
  Telsius, your commander Implements
Passkeys to Imperial Buildings
   Quarters
  Amar, Inspector General Supplies
Elite Rooks   Secure
  Wren, Imperial Army  
  Vault Tools
lieutenant 
 Hardened (+1 trauma box)  Workshop Weapons
training cohorts
 Insight upgrade costs
 Prowess New Cohort: 2
 Resolve Add Type: 2
how many of the guard are loyal to you?  Personal
 Mastery
what guard duties must you still perform?
cohort gang  expert 

crew sheet possessed by

courser and

Vengeful Ghosts

special abilities
name reputation
 Possessed: Two of your crew members are possessed. One by
lair Courser, who grants the Survivor and Vengeful abilities,
tier and one by Stalker who has Ambush and Reflexes. All other FACTIONS tier status
rep turf hold weak strong  members gain an extra dot in Attune and the Iron Will ability.
Spirit Wardens vi
 Toll Keepers: Every ghost that swarmed from the Gates of
Death passed by Courser and Stalker and you know each of them Ministry vi
by name. When in the presence of a ghost name their unpaid debt.
quicksilver spirit Imperial Military v
guard wardens  Courser's Scent: Name a person you have encountered before

imperial TELSIUS embassy of and Courser can lead you to them.
military tycheros Inspectors v
 Stalker's Blade: Crew members may push themselves when
wielding a blade to do either of the following: slay any mortal Iruvian Embassy v
whose skin it pierces—shatter your blade to break any arcane seal.
Tycherosi Embassy iv
 Endless: Crew members do not suffer would penalties. They can
leviathan immortal lord take harm (at any level) to push themselves. Quicksilver Guard iv
STRANGFORD THE FIRST Ancient Stores: As a downtime action, you may recover an
hunters emperor governor  Leviathan Hunters iv
ancient cache from the Deadlands. Roll Tier (1-3: 4 coin, 4/5: 8
coin, 6: 12 coin, crit: Artifact of Kotar) Sparkwrights iii
 Sorcerers of Old: Crew members may take 4 stress to learn
a pre-cataclysm ritual from Courser or Stalker as though it had
Lord Governor iii
iruvian been researched. Ask the ritual questions as usual.
ministry of AMAR embassy
inspectors crew xp
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark
2xp if that item occurred multiple times).
 Execute a successful battle, extortion, sabotage, or smash & grab operation.
Tributary status grants you Potency vs. the faction, +1d vs. adjacent factions, tier in coin during downtime.
 Contend with challenges above your current station.
 Bolster your crew's reputation or develop a new one.
heat wanted level coin vaults  Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.
    
 | 
    
 | 
  
  
  

contacts crew upgrades
Upon crew advance, each PC gets stash = Tier+2.
Carcosa, Imperial Whisper
  Immortal Emperor's remorse
  lair quality
  Carriage Documents
Vandrair, Ministry clerk
  Spectral Safekeeping (1 free
    Boat Gear
Meier Dolos, noble
  load hidden in the ghost field)  Hidden
K. Vond, ancient ghost
  Elite Vengeful Ghosts
   Quarters
  Secure Supplies
Pentho rst, famous sculptor
  
 Composed (+1 stress box) Tools
  Vault
Lutes, a tavern owner
  
 Hardened (+1 trauma box)  Workshop Weapons
training cohorts
crew xp
 Insight upgrade costs
 Prowess New Cohort: 2
 Resolve Add Type: 2
 Personal
 Mastery
cohort gang  expert 

crew sheet sworn to a

demon's dark

Cult (Adepts/Skulks)

special abilities
name demon
Dark Desire: Crew members have an additional vice called Dark

lair reputation Desire. When you indulge it, also advance the Dark Gifts clock.
FACTIONS tier status
rep turf hold weak strong tier  Supernal Prowess: Each PC adds +1 action rating to Hunt,

Skirmish, and Wreck (up to a max rating of 4). Spirit Wardens vi
Pervasive: In any group, the GM will tell you who would be
 Ministry vi
receptive to your demon's gifts (one, some, many). Remove a tick
quicksilver spirit
from the Dark Gifts clock to add them to your cult.
Imperial Military v
imperial guard TELSIUS wardens embassy of
Monstrous Strength: Remove a tick from the Dark Gifts clock
 Inspectors v
military tycheros
to improve your effect on any physical act of might. If the demon's
desire is fulfilled by your act, advance the Dark Gifts clock.
Iruvian Embassy v
Arcane Speech: Remove a tick from the Dark Gifts clock to do
 Tycherosi Embassy iv
one of the following: understand any language spoken—or manifest
Quicksilver Guard iv
leviathan immortal lord an arcane force in your demon's domain (magnitude: 4)
hunters emperor governor Unearthly Vigor: Remove a tick from the Dark Gifts to ignore
 Leviathan Hunters iv
all harm penalties. Advance the clock when you take harm.
Sparkwrights iii
More to Trade: Name what you hold most dear and give it up.

Add 4 ticks to the Dark Gifts Clock. Each PC may only use this Lord Governor iii
ability once.
sparkwrights iruvian
ministry of AMAR embassy crew xp
preservation inspectors At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark
2xp if that item occurred multiple times).
 Execute an operation that serves your demon's dark desire.
Tributary status grants you Potency vs. the faction, +1d vs. adjacent factions, tier in coin during downtime.  Contend with challenges above your current station.
 Bolster your crew's reputation or develop a new one.
heat wanted level coin vaults  Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.
    
 | 
    
 | 
  
  
  

contacts crew upgrades
Upon crew advance, each PC gets stash = Tier+2.
Hordus, a hieromancer
  Transdermal implants (2 free
  lair quality
dark gifts
load of weapons or implements)   Carriage Documents
Vandrair, an informed clerk
control travel bargain A favor (from a demon you
    Boat Gear
a mortal's Mizzik, royal summoner
Of anything Through anything Devil's Bargain a mortal mind don't serve, pick below)  Hidden
power Implements
within their within their (Minimum Known
Stripped Penthorst, a sculptor
  Ritual sanctum in lair
   Quarters
domain domain result: 6)
  Secure Supplies
Carcosa, imperial whisper
  Elite Cult (name them)
  Vault Tools
mastery knowledge dark gifts Lord Fist, council member
  
 Hardened (+1 trauma box)  Workshop Weapons
Of anything Of anything a mortal life a mortal life
within their within their Taken Taken or Restored
demon you serve: setarra (demon of the void sea) — tyraxis (demon training cohorts
domain domain of the sky and stars)—ixis (demon of flame and smoke) — ahazu (demon  Insight upgrade costs
of blood and stone).  Prowess New Cohort: 2
destruction creation bargain a mortal a mortal's  Resolve Add Type: 2
Of anything Of anything Devil's Bargain heart fame  Personal
dark desire
within their within their (Minimum
domain domain result: 6)
Won Ruined  Mastery
price you pay for your gifts
When the Dark Gifts clock is filled, your Demon will provide one of these to you...once only.
thescore: investiture
The Score: Invesiture
“On Gratitude, the day celebrating his ascension,
the Immortal Emperor will perform the greatest
The Astral Spire Time to Strike
act of beneficence known to the living. From atop 25-stories tall, a rotating hexagonal lightning tower in the Choose an the action to perform your insurrection. Will you
his own Astral Spire, he will conjure a living sun center of the city. Each of the six corners hawk, ram, hound, Prowl or Skirmish to plunge Lamring into the Emperor's
that will ward over all of Imperial City. A feat lion, boar, and owl arc lighting down to the towers at the cities Quicksilver Heart? Will you Command or Sway the many
of such powerful sorcery, that death itself will edge, forming an umbrella over the city. A demon of earth people of power to turn on him? Will you Attune to break
shudder in fear." where a door should be. his hold over the Demons of Earth, Sea, Air and Fire?
—Kaplan, editor of the Imperial City Times Starting situation: Desperate Position, Zero Effect. The
The Immortal Emperor Emperor also has three defenses:
Through political influence, occult revelation, and Perhaps this is the first time these mortals have set their sights  The Quicksilver Guard are upon you. The put you chains,
personal dedication, you've found a place among on him. (GM choose all that are true) seize your holdings, and imprison all those you hold dear.
the rarified audience that will watch the Emperor
 He is shrouded by hundreds of swarming ghosts drawn to  Mizzik the Summoner, calls forth your souls from your
channel the impossible reserves of electroplasm
him like moths to a flame living bodies, leaving you Hollows.
to create a pale star that will hover above the spire,
casting away all spectres and darkness from the  His eyes have not closed in a thousand years, they see into  Your most trusted ally had betrayed you, secretly subverting
city below. the souls of mortals and demons alike. your means (swapping Lamring with an imposter, altering
 His body is an ornate but rusted shell, the first hull ever your ritual to backfire, or turning those who support you).
Though surrounded by his most loyal and
powerful entourage, in the moment of the ritual's crafted. His voice is that of rending steel. Each of these must be resisted before you can act. After paying
apex, the Emperor will be vulnerable. Now is your the stress cost, flashback to the scene (in a one shot) or score
time! The Audience (in a campaign game) where you prepared for these defenses.
Amar, Inspector General of Imperial City. (burned body, The outcome of these flashbacks improves or worsens your
One Score, One Chance troubled, persistent) and her Severosi attendant Maia Tui. starting position and effect.
Open the score by describing the scene of the Telsius, Commander of the Quicksilver Guard (lightning fast,
Emperor's magnificent ritual and cut to the cunning, undying) and 24 of his finest guard.
action—how will the scoundrels end him? The If your result is a failure (1-3) your coup fails. The Immortal
Mizzik, royal summoner (patient, withholding, curious).
outcome of the revolution will be determined by Emperor is emboldened by your foolish attempts. The
a single action roll, however before that action The First, Overseer of the Spirit Wardens, the will of the consequences are horrific.
can be taken, the crew must first resist all of Emperor (prescient, glowing eyes, gurgling noises).
If the result is a partial success (4/5) or better, but your effect is
the Emperor's wards, via flashbacks to their Lord Strangford, newly appointed head of the Ministry of less than Standard, the Emperor is weakened but maintains his
preparation. In a campaign game, these flashbacks Preservation and Leviathan Hunting fleets and a dozen high hold. Perhaps there will be another opportunity dethrone him
may be one or more scores. In a single session ranking officers of the Ministry. in a thousand years. The consequences, if any, are still horrific.
game, they will be a single scene.
Brance Daava, brigadier general of the Eternal Lions If you succeed with standard effect, the Emperor's defeat
When framing the action consider the means (paranoid, aggressive, sadistic) and five of her prized hunters. includes all of these fallout consequences. If you succeeded
they've select to end the immortal, their with Great effect or better, choose only two:
foil, nature, and drives. When running the Una Farros, Senior Sparkright engineer (curious, vain,
flashbacks use the foundation and fallout famous) and her entourage.  A new tyrant claims the throne.
sheets. Below are some details you can use to fill Lords of House Daros, Rowan, and Ashram.  Sparkcraft fails, darkness closes in.
the Spire.  100 years of war and famine.
Each of these may be resisted (see fallout).

thescore: assimilatio
The Score: Assimilation
“A new day for the Imperium. We now claim
domain over all that the void sea holds!"
Kotar's Rest Time to Strike
—Kaplan, editor of the Imperial City Times Plaza the size of four city blocks, irregular white paving stones, Choose an the action to perform your insurrection. Will you
uncomfortable heat rising up from the ever burning earth Prowl or Skirmish to plunge Lamring into the Emperor's
You've brought Tycheros to the meeting table below them, outdoor gallery the size of four city blocks, visible Quicksilver Heart? Will you Command or Sway the many
knowing their demands will never be met. As a from every tall vantage in the city. people of power to turn on him? Will you Attune to break
sign of good faith though the Emperor is meeting his hold over the Demons of Earth, Sea, Air and Fire?
the delegate on Kotar's Rest, the holiest of places, The Immortal Emperor Starting situation: Desperate Position, Zero Effect. The
where his power is diminished. Here is your time Perhaps this is the first time these mortals have set their sights Emperor and Rhal also have three defenses:
to strike! on him. (GM choose all that are true)  The unbreakable chains of Kotar rise up through the rocks
 His body is sustained by immense clockwork apparatus that and seize all of you, pinning you to the ground.
One Score, One Chance towers over him, infusing him with quicksilver. His teeth  Rhal IV sheds his demonic skin and sends it into the earth.
Open the score by describing the scene of the and nails glint silver in the light. The earthquakes topple the Astral Spire and the lightning
Emperor's magnificent ritual and cut to the  The Emperor bears an ancient wound that will not heal. The field that protects Imperial City. Feral ghost swarm.
action—how will the scoundrels end him? The necrotic skin festers and seeps.  Your most trusted ally had betrayed you, secretly subverting
outcome of the revolution will be determined by
 Lighting courses through is veins, which he can channel your means (swapping Lamring with an imposter, altering
a single action roll, however before that action
through is touch. your ritual to backfire, or turning those who support you).
can be taken, the crew must first resist all of
the Emperor's wards, via flashbacks to their  Psychic tendrils flare from him, blinding any who attune Each of these must be resisted before you can act. After paying
preparation. In a campaign game, these flashbacks in his presence. the stress cost, flashback to the scene (in a one shot) or score
may be one or more scores. In a one shot game, (in a campaign game) where you prepared for these defenses.
they will be a single scene. The Audience The outcome of these flashbacks improves or worsens your
Rhal IV, Delegate of Tycheros, here with impossible demands starting position and effect.
When framing the action consider the means
they've selected, their nature, and drives. When (confident, patient, stone-plated skin, coalfire eyes)
running the flashbacks use the foundation and
Amar, Inspector General of Imperial City. (burned body,
fallout sheets. Below are some details you can troubled, persistent) and her Severosi attendant Maia Tui. If your result is a failure (1-3) your coup fails. The Immortal
use to fill the Spire. Emperor is emboldened by your foolish attempts. The
Telsius, Commander of the Quicksilver Guard (lightning fast, consequences are horrific.
cunning, undying) and 24 of his finest guard.
If the result is a partial success (4/5) or better, but your effect is
Mizzik, royal summoner (patient, withholding, curious). less than Standard, the Emperor is weakened but maintains his
The First, Overseer of the Spirit Wardens, the will of the hold. Perhaps there will be another opportunity dethrone him
Emperor (prescient, glowing eyes, gurgling noises). in a thousand years. The consequences, if any, are still horrific.
Lord Strangford, newly appointed head of the Ministry of If you succeed with standard effect, the Emperor's defeat
Preservation and Leviathan Hunting fleets and a dozen high includes all of these fallout consequences. If you succeeded
ranking officers of the Ministry. with Great effect or better, choose only two:
Lords of House Daros, Rowan, and Ashram.  A new tyrant claims the throne.
 1001 bound demons are free, full of insatiable wrath.
 Iruvia and the Dagger Islands secede. War is coming.
Each of these may be resisted (see fallout).
thescore: secession
The Score: Secession
“I fear we've pushed the pillared houses too far
and tipped our hand. Ankhayat would have
The Void Sea Time to Strike
endured the occupation of Bright Harbor, but Howling wind. Rumbling in turbines. Ships slowly circling. Choose an the action to perform your insurrection. Will you
we should have known Ankhuset would never Voices amplified by demonic agents to cut through the squall. Prowl or Skirmish to plunge Lamring into the Emperor's
stand for our conscription of the Star Fleet" Quicksilver Heart? Will you Command or Sway the many
—Ministry report sent to the desk of The Immortal Emperor people of power to turn on him? Will you Attune to break
Cornelius Strangford his hold over the Demons of Earth, Sea, Air and Fire?
Perhaps this is the first time these mortals have set their sights
on him. (GM choose all that are true) Starting situation: Desperate Position, Zero Effect. The
The cat and mouse game between the Imperium Emperor also has three defenses:
 His body is made of chipped stone, eyes filled with dying
and Iruvai would have gone on for years, with
flames. All wind dies as it touches him.  Khayat vanishes. The Void Sea churns and boils, from it's
each of them taking hidden jabs at each other
 He wears a mask in the fashion of Spirit Wardens with depths the Leviathan Soul Drinker consumes the Sky fleet.
in the dark. Thanks to your efforts however, the
Empire has overreached and Iruvia is ready to articulating features. The cheeks, lips, and eyebrows parrot  The Navy locks you in manacles and drops your bodies
take action. human expression. into the void sea.
 Blood of the forgotten gods stain his fingers and teeth.  Your most trusted ally had betrayed you, secretly subverting
One Score, One Chance The smell of their fading quintessence evokes memories your means (swapping Lamring with an imposter, altering
of another world. your ritual to backfire, or turning those who support you).
Open the score by describing the scene of the
Sky Fleet meeting the Emperor on Bastion, his  Life withers in his presence. The taste our soured meat fills Each of these must be resisted before you can act. After paying
naval Dreadnought, on the void sea and cut to the mouths of those nearby. the stress cost, flashback to the scene (in a one shot) or score
the action—how will the scoundrels end him? (in a campaign game) where you prepared for these defenses.
The outcome of the revolution will be determined On Board the Bastion The outcome of these flashbacks improves or worsens your
by a single action roll, however before that Lord Strangford, newly appointed head of the Ministry of starting position and effect.
action can be taken, the crew must first resist all Preservation and Leviathan Hunting fleets and a dozen high
of the Emperor's wards, via flashbacks to their ranking officers of the Ministry. Aftermath
preparation. In a campaign game, these flashbacks If your result is a failure (1-3) your coup fails. The Immortal
may be one or more scores. In a one shot game, Brance Daava, brigadier general of the Eternal Lions
(paranoid, aggressive, sadistic) and five of her prized hunters. Emperor is emboldened by your foolish attempts. The
they will be a single scene. consequences are horrific.
When framing the action consider the means Telsius, Commander of the Quicksilver Guard (lightning fast,
cunning, undying) and his deputy Risus. If the result is a partial success (4/5) or better, but your effect is
they've selected, their nature, and drives. When less than Standard, the Emperor is weakened but maintains his
running the flashbacks use the foundation and Lords of House Daros, Rowan, and Ashram. hold. Perhaps there will be another opportunity dethrone him
fallout sheets. Below are some details you can in a thousand years. The consequences, if any, are still horrific.
use to fill the Spire. On Board the Sky Fleet If you succeed with standard effect, the Emperor's defeat
Lenaya, captains the Sparrow which hosts the delegation includes all of these fallout consequences. If you succeeded
(leviathan hunter captain, adventurous, brave, loyal). with Great effect or better, choose only two:
Eshala, delivers the decree (first-born scion, bold, keen, loyal).  A new tyrant claims the throne.
Sky Fleet captains Makeem, Nissal, and Byarri  Strife with Iruvia, decades or war and famine.
Khuset, a silver falcon, a swarm of metal shards, a woman  Forgotten gods return to the world, horrors are abound.
with eyes burn bright (demon of justice and truth) Each of these may be resisted (see fallout).
Khayat: - a snake of shadows, whirling chains, a man with
eyes that devour light (demon of blood and water) 8
Disarming the Throne
Armed with arcane senses, loyal retainers, and
The Emperor's Failing Grasp
There is no demon or human that can stand against the Emperor,
 The Empire's Coffers. A southbound train is arriving in
Imperial City laden with taxes from Doskvol, Whitehollow,
spectral spies, few things go unnoticed by the but where does immortal vigor fail? How will you weaken his and Ilysia. Taxes soon to be yours. How did you get on board?
Emperor's eyes. How have you infiltrated his inner hold on the empire and bolster your own position? Choose an Did you intend to be caught and detained, or has the plan
sanctum? opportunity below and take turns answering the questions. already gone off the rails? Are you most afraid of the Imperial
Military that guards the coffers with clockwork precision or
Each of the following opportunities may be entire  Spirit Warden Identity. On the eve of Arkenvorn, a new the Demon of Metal and Bone that is counted as part of the
scores or a single scene. Success may gain the crew Master Warden will be appointed and their true name will tribute?
tributary factions, contacts, and influence, as well be taken once and for all. What power will you wield once
as draw heat to the crew and sap them of resources. the name is yours? How will you infiltrate the ritual? What  Pact with Tycheros. Emissary Kelden Vix of Tycheros has
of their wards, notoriously impossible to fool? arrived with a sizable entourage to pay their respects and
These are examples intended to give a sense of the
sign official paperwork. What impossible cost have they given
kind of scores these crews might pull off to weaken  Imperial Military Intelligence. Commander Torren has
the Emperor, but if the crew has a idea of their own, you for their loyalty? What counter offer do you intend to
evidence that House Anixis sabotaged a leviathan hunter make?
figure out the challenges involved and run with it, fleet, sending 300 souls to their deaths. What can you offer
especially in a single session game.  (Other ideas: aiding political rivals, seeking foreign aid,
Torren to make the evidence disappear? Who does he fear?
If the crew accomplishes their goal their effect on the What debt do you owe for this knowledge? sabotaging leviathan blood supplies, sparking a schism
Emperor is improved by one step (e.g. from zero to within the church, letting lose supernatural threats)
 Stonewall the Ministry of Preservation. A vote to approve
limited, or limited to standard). If they do so while
avoiding any detection, their position is improved
the imports of Tycherosi good is vital to the financial How can his scions be turned?
strength of the Ministry and promises made Lord Governors To recruit, you must overcome their fear of (and possibly
as well.
of Doskvol, Lockport, and the Imperial City. How will you loyalty to) the Emperor, and offer something greater than
If the crew fails at their goal, they defense is still stall the ballot so the vote misses it's cutoff? Who among the the incredible rewards they reap now. Select a scion on the
overcome, but they lose one die on the action roll. Ministry knows you're trying to interfere and how have they Emperor whose favor you seek to gain with this score and
thwarted you until now? answer the questions that follow:
 Infighting among the noble houses. Only days after the  Amar, Inspector General of Imperial City, the eyes of the
wedding between Mirron, scion of House Dolos and Aketi, Emperor. What does she gain from your treason?
only child of Lady Ashram, rumor began to spread that
Mirron is a member of the cult of the Empty Vessel. How will  Telsius, Commander of the Quicksilver Guard, the arm of
convince Magistrate Dunvil—business partner and lifelong the Emperor. What hold does Telsius have over you now?
friend of Mirron—to annul the wedding ? When leaders of How will that change if you're successful.
the Empty Vessel come with their brands of unmaking, how  The First, Overseer of the Spirit Wardens, the will of the
will you guard your souls? Emperor. Which of you performed the Ritual of Binding that
 Build a coalition of the Foundation and Sparkrights. Two links the fate of their soul to yours?
factions who have forever fought, schemed, and sabotaged  Lord Strangford, newly appointed head of the Ministry
each other,could also hold the great works of the Emperor of Preservation and Leviathan Hunting fleets. What seat of
hostage if the ever saw eye to eye. How will you convince power does he seek to claim?
visiting scholar Senior Engineer Una Farros to sit down with
her rival Architect Emory Whisk? How will you keep this
meeting, of two ever-watched notaries, concealed from the
Emperor's spies?

His grasp is broken. The Emperor is no more.
Without the demons he bound or the gods he
Forestall Disaster Other Ways
mastered, how will you prevent the Shattered Demons, ghosts, forgotten gods and their horrors may be
Lands from falling further into darkness? the least terrible thing that haunt the nights. Citizens of the In the Dagger Isles we have no ore mines or leviathan fleets. Our
former empire, deprived of security and stability are wont to lands produce little so we must rely on the people. That means
The Shattered Lands horde needed supplies, seize power, and turn on each other. our leaders are compelled to give those people certain freedoms.
Spectacular as the Emperor's defeat was, the real Freedom to assemble and ward off the hungry ghosts, freedom
work begins now. For each tributary faction they Demons that Desire to converse through print and through the ghost field, that we
pledge to the task, the crew may prevent one of might warn each other of monsoons, and of fishing opportunities,
the Aftermath consequences. If they do not have How will you ward off the wrath from demons who have and finally freedom to speak up against our leaders when they
sufficient support, they may at best reduce the their first taste of freedom in a millennium? Have you learned fail to act in our interests.
severity of the consequences. Perhaps another means the Emperor's Ritual of Binding and would employ it as he once
of warding off ghosts may eventually be developed, did? Can they be turned inward to war amongst themselves? Is Our leaders are many, three or four from every village, not a
or the war with Iruvia may be delayed. their a price in lives that would appease them? secret cabal of the Emperors chosen. They could horde what
Ghosts that Hunger little wealth we have, but it would not be enough to lift them so
As with the Foundation, each of Fallout challenges
far above the common citizen that wall themselves off from our
may be addressed in a single scene or a score, How will you keep the feral ghosts at bay? Do the Emperor's complaints. So instead they take only a small sum for themselves,
depending on the length of your game. remains contain the means to repulse them? Will the people of invest the rest in the roads and fishing boats and ghost echoes
Severos or the Dagger Isles share their ancient traditions? Will that aid the people. We do not have much, but what we do is
Some people just want to see the world burn. If
the Spirit Wardens don their old garb and become the Devil shared among the people, thus winning favor, thus keeping our
the crew is content to dethrone the Emperor and
Hunters once more? leaders in power. You have more wealth than I can imagine, but
let others pick up the broken pieces, end the game
describing the Aftermath that follows. Gods that Rampage you'll never see any of it.

What of the Forgotten Gods glinting in the sky above and - Jaron Ailes, Dagger Islands Fisher.
the sea below? Will the Unbroken Sun show mercy to those who
pledge to his cause of ending all demons? Will mortals who open
their minds be safe from the Horrors that manifest?
People that Die

Can bonds be formed for the sake of humanity? How will you
prevent a counter revolution by the Ministry and the Imperial
Army that seeks to restore the old order? Can you keep the people
of the Skovlan from seeking vengeance for the death of their
King Aldric? Is there a place for the Deathland Scavengers that
they can call home? And if so, will they share their knowledge?

PLAYER REFERENCE - BROKEN SPIRE After the score, resolve Influence and Tribute, Faction Status, Heat, Entanglements, then Downtime—in that order

1. INFLUENCE AND TRIBUTE 2. FACTION STATUS 3. HEAT  0 heat: Smooth & quiet; low exposure.
The crew earns 2 rep per score by default. If the target Power: +1 status with any faction you After a score or conflict with an opponent, the crew  2 heat: Contained; standard exposure.
of the score is higher Tier, take +1 rep per Tier higher. bolstered. -1 status (or more) with any takes heat. Add +1 heat for a high-profile or  4 heat: Loud & chaotic; high exposure.
If the target of the score is lower Tier, you get -1 rep faction you weakened. well-connected target. Add +1 heat if the situation  6 heat: Wild; devastating exposure.
per Tier lower (minimum zero). (If you keep the job Disruption: -1 status with the happened on hostile turf. Add +1 heat if you're at
completely quiet you earn zero rep instead). war. Add +2 heat if killing was involved. Plus any additional heat from complications
Ministry of Preservation, the Quicksilver
or devil's bargains during the session.
You also earn a coin equal to the total Tier of your Guard or the Spirit Wardens.
tributary factions. Tributary: Mark any factions you have
brought under your heel.
4. ENTANGLEMENTS After each Foundation or Fallout score, your crew may pursue three downtime activities from
Roll dice equal to your Wanted Level, and read the result according to your heat. the list below. During downtime, you may perform additional activities from the list by spending
5 coin or 2 rep for each.
HEAT 0-3 HEAT 4/5 HEAT 6+ For any downtime roll, add +1d to the roll if you get help from a friend or contact. After the roll,
Unwanted Press or Unwanted Press or you may increase the result level by one for each 5 coin spent, by hiring assistance, paying a bribe,
1-3 Internal Dispute 1-3 Foreign Power 1-3 Flipped or Investigation etc. (so, a 1-3 result becomes a 4/5, 4/5 becomes 6, 6 becomes Critical).
Demonic Notice or
4/5 Rivals or Lost Tribute 4/5 Reprisals or Investigation 4/5 Appropriation
Appropriate temporary use of an Fine (Tier +1) asset. Roll the crew's tier. The
6 Mandatory Supplication 6 Appropriation or Taxation 6 Arrest or Taxation peculate result indicates the Heat you gain (1-3: five, 4/5: three, 6: two, Crit: zero).
Appropriation. A faction with whom you have a with 5 coin to interfere, take action dissuade the
negative status makes a play against your holdings. inspector yourself, or take +3 Heat. long term Work on a Long Term Project, if you have the means. Roll a trait and mark 1
Give them 1 tributary faction or go to war (drop Lost Tribute. One of your tributary factions has project segment on the project clock per level (1-3: one, 4/5: two, 6: three, Crit: five).
to -3 status). If you have no tributes, lose 1 hold trouble of their own and can't pay. Cut your losses
instead. (lose -1 status with them and lose their tribute), Work with an ally (+2 status or better) to weaken another faction. Spend
help them out, or wait till they resolve the issue coin equal to target faction's tier and roll your action (1-3: backfire -1 status
Arrest. An Inspector presents a case file of
themselves (fortune roll).
ruin with both factions, 4/5: -1 status with target faction and reduce their hold , 6:
evidence to a magistrate, to begin prosecution of
your crew. The Bluecoats send a detail to arrest you. Mandatory Supplication. The Eternal Lions reduce their hold, Crit: reduce their hold and take +1 status with your ally).
Pay them off with coin (Wanted Level +10), hand capture one the PCs and demand a demonstration
someone over for arrest (this clears your heat), or of loyalty. Why do they suspect you of treason? Sell Say how you shift your Heat to another faction roll your action. Reduce heat by
try to evade capture. out an ally or they beat you up (level 2 harm) and
implicate the result level (1-3: one, 4/5: two, 6: three, Crit: five). -1 status if they know.
Demonic Notice. A demon approaches the crew you tell them what they want to know (+3 heat).
with a dark offer. Accept, hide until it loses interest Reprisals. An enemy faction makes a move Spend 1 coin per tier and say how you bribe an important member of a faction,
(forfeit 3 rep), or deal with it another way. against you (or a friend, contact, or vice purveyor). bribe then roll your action (1-3: Backfire, -1 status with their faction, 4/5: gain them
Flipped. One of your contacts, patrons, clients, or a Pay them (1 rep and 1 coin) per Tier of the as a contact 6: gain a contact that is a friend, Crit: 1 status with the faction).
group of your customers switches allegiances due to enemy as an apology, allow them to mess with you
the heat on you. They're loyal to another faction now. or yours, or fight back and show them who's boss. If you have reduced another factions tier (either through a score or through ruin)
Rivals. A neutral faction throws their weight around. and they have not had a chance to recover, say how you convince them to give you
Foreign Power. A well known foreign political
figure takes notice of your activities and seeks an They threaten you, a friend or contact, or one of your vice fortify tribute and roll your action. (1-3: backfire -1 status, 4/5: begrudging support
audience with you. Rebuff them and lose 1 status purveyors. Forfeit (1 rep or 1 coin) per Tier of the and -1 status and mark them as tribute, 6: mark as tributary, Crit: mark as
with them, or agree and take +2 Heat. rival, or stand up to them and lose 1 status with them. tributary and collect coin equal to their tier immediately.)
Internal Dispute. One of your allied or Taxation. The Ministry determines that you owe
the Spire coin equal your tier +5. Acquire the Each crew member may recover (instead of rolling, add 4 ticks to your
tributary factions crosses one of their enemies. Stay
services or solicitor to refute the charges, pay the
personal healing clock), indulge vice (as normal), and train (in one attribute or
quiet (forfeit rep equal to their tier), find a way time
to broker peace, or face reprisals. bill, or lose 1 hold as they confiscate your wealth. playbook).
Investigation. An Inspector looks into your Unwanted Press. The Imperial City Times learns
holdings and recent activities. How do you find out of your activities. Pay 3 coin to silence the story,
about their probing into your past? Bribe a magistrate or take +2 Heat when it breaks. 11
gm goals names: Adric, Aldo, Amison, Andrel, locations Imperial City notables
Play to find out what happens. Arcy, Arden, Arilyn, Arquo, Arvus, Ashlyn,
The Astral Spire, 25-stories tall, a Amar, Inspector General of Imperial City. Harassed
Bring Imperial City to Life. Branon, Brace, Brance, Brena, Bricks,
rotating hexagonal lightning tower for her ongoing investigations into Iruvian espionage
Convey the world honestly. Candra, Canter, Carissa, Carro, Casslyn,
in the center of the city. Each of the and corruption (burned body, troubled, persistent)
Hail the Emperor and his defeat. Cavelle, Clave, Corille, Cornelius, Cross,
six corners hawk, ram, hound, lion,
Crowl, Cyrene, Daphnia, Drav, Edlun, Sheltz, Bluecoat information broker, trades access
boar, and owl arc lighting down to the
gm principles Emeline, Grell, Helles, Hix, Holtz, Kamelin,
Kelyr, Kobb, Kristov, Laudius, Lauria,
towers at the cities edge, forming an to the hated criminal Koro for favors (jovial, crass,
Be a fan of the PCs. umbrella over the city. A demon earth uncaring)
Lenia, Lizete, Lorette, Lucella, Lynthia,
Let everything flow from the where a door would be.
Mara, Milos, Morlan, Myre, Narcus, Naria, Penthorst, artist commissioned by nobility for her
fiction. Dolos Landing, raised airstrip and
Noggs, Odrienne, Orlan, Phin, Polonia, lifelike sculptures. Seeks to make a rendition of the
Hold on lightly. home of the Emperor's aetheric lifts.
Quess, Remira, Ring, Roethe, Sesereth, Emperor (bold, interrupts others, sings to himself)
Address the characters. Each ship has a lower passenger level
Sethla, Skannon, Stavrul, Stev, Syra, Talitha,
Address the players. and a top "flight deck" where avian Benalize, Deathalnds "explorer". Charges exorbitant
Tesslyn, Thena, Timoth, Tocker, Typhania,
Paint the world w/ a haunted specters are chained by lightning rates to take those seeking adventure on a tour of
Una, Vaurin, Veleris, Veretta, Vestine, Vey,
brush. hooks and prodded by sky captains.
Volette, Vond, Weaver, Wester, Zamira. the Deathlands (charming, always selling something)
Surround them political power.
Fill the world with fragile magic. family names: Arran, Athanoch, Basran, Kotar's Rest, outdoor gallery the size Kaplan, editor of the Imperial City Times. Sneaks
Consider the risk. Bede, Boden, Booker, Ankhayat, Bowman, of four city blocks. Tightly packed subliminal seditious into the paper (erudite, anarchist)
Breakiron, Brogan, Clelland, Clermont, paving stones warmed by the every
Telsius, Commander of the Quicksilver Guard
gm actions Coleburn, Comber, Daava, Dalmore, burning earth below. Visible from
every tall vantage in the city. (lightning fast, cunning, undying)
When things are getting started: Danfield, Dunvil, Edrad, Farros, Grine,
 What's your goal? Haig, Helker, Helles, Hellyers, Jayan, Emperor's Gate, a gleaming brass rail Koro, Iruvian under interrogation for crimes against
 What plan did you make? (and Jeduin, Kardera, Karstas, Keel, Kessarin, system that provides transportation the empire. Real name unknown. Refuses to speak
what's the detail?) Kinclaith, Lommel, Lomond, Maroden, for the elite, towering over the sullied to anyone but Elstera Avrathi (obdurate, young, still)
Michter, Morriston, Penderyn, Prichard, streets below.
And when things are underway: Rowan, Salkara, Sevoy, Slane, Strangford, Captain Soon, a sky pirate who liberated one of the
 How do you do that? (which Strathmill, Templeton, Tyrconnell, Vakt, Museum of Forgotten Worlds, pre- aetheric lifts. Communes with the ghost bound to it
action do you use?) Vale, Vedat, Walund. cataclysmic artifacts are displayed in and helps them exact vengeance on the nobles that
 What's your goal? (what's the glass spheres and lighting cages.
effect?) aliases: Bell, Birch, Bird, Bliss, Bricks, bound them. (enthusiastic, driven, Whisper)
Bug, Chime, Coil, Cricket, Cross, Crow, Two Ends, a long narrow building
Cut to the moment of crisis. Wren, a lieutenant in the Imperial Army that regularly
Echo, Flint, Frog, Frost, Grip, Hook, Ink, with draft houses at either end.
Telegraph trouble before it strikes. Admittance to the center is restricted bucks above her station. Awarded medals of valor and
Junker, Mist, Moon, Nail, Needle, Ogre,
Tell them the consequences and ask. Pool, Ring, Ruby, Silver, Skinner, Song, to the Cult of Ecstasy and their held in contempt for insubordination. Caught the spy
Offer a devil's bargain. "guests". Koro, hunting Captain Soon. (loyal, fierce, fearless)
Spur, Tackle, Thistle, Thorn, Thunderer,
Make a progress clock or tick one.
Tick Tock, Trick, Vesper, Vixen, Whip, The Burning Oak, struck by lightning Mizzik, royal summoner. Granted special
Ask the players.
Wicker, Wraith. called by the Emperor before the dispensation to commune with ghosts for state
Actions ripple through the network.
Think off-screen. unity war, it still burns from inside. intelligence. (patient, withholding, curious)
A training ground for new recruits.
What do you do? Carcosa, ex-deathlands scavenger, now mentor to the
Moroc Haig, a half finished statue of
Imperial Whispers (cold, disciplined, candid)
the Emperor said to be curse any who
try to complete it. Named after the Vandrair, Ministry clerk siphoning information to
first artisan who died working on it. Captain Soon (innocuous, quick, vengeful)
Lord Governor Dolos, a powerless figurehead
city descriptors
marble spires, aetheric lifts, (bitter, wary, intransigent)
electroplasmic braziers, engraved Brance Daava, brigadier general of the Eternal
cobblestones, fireworks, sulphur smell, Lions (paranoid, aggressive, sadistic)
ghost-goat driven carriages, clear Lucella Dolos, grand duchess, captain of the Secret
fountains, blue-hue electroplasmic light
Police, heir to the Governorship of Imperial City,
displays, ornate bronze hulls, wares from
Iruvia and Severos (bored, intrigued, ambitious).

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