A Response by Jávin Kira Ak Athar

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This is a purely IC Document

It doesn’t reflect the opinion of the entire
Democratic Mandate.
Written by Jávin Kira ak Athar of the Institute of Human
Studies also known as Lady Anthropologist Triangulum
Kira ak Athar
A Response to a Misunderstanding by Voidtouched
Legate Navalis Dux Diomikato Aquila Aelius
Vercingetorix Kassius of Legio CCCXIV, Experementalum
- Patriarch of the Aelius Family
Мөрөөдөл нь энх тайван
As a concerned Jávin for my students I have been
thinking to answer a letter to the Sector, a letter clearly
written in anger. A letter written against the Mandate
that I have pledged my assistance to and the school that I
have chosen to teach in, which one day will bring peace
and prosperity to this war ridden sector.
Claiming that the Democratic Mandate are charlatans,
is a bold statement. The Democratic Mandate has sworn
themselves to a Charter, which gives everyone a clear
indication, what we stand for. We stand for Peace. We
stand for Collaboration. We stand for the Truth. We stand
for the Empire and the Emperox.
We are searching for the Truth and the Truth in this
matter is simple. The good Lord has uttered a threat
against the Mandate and the project on the Gleipnir
Incarceration Facility named #SayHello. The Mandate
supports the #sayHello program, spearheaded by the
most prestigious House Crux, who have saved us from
the terror of the Synthetics and the traitorous House
Cygnus, and the most cultured House Lyra, who have
suffered and survived the attacks of the Sector Trade
Organization. Most important the program has the
blessing of the Emperox Pyxis Solanum Rona, also known
as The Eternal Rose, Beacon of Hope, Warden of Hearts,
Salvation of the Lost and Defender of Home.
So yes, you can speak of treason by the words of the
Patriarch. The Empire stands behind this program, three
of its most notable Houses stand behind this program,
the Emperox stands behind this program, but
Voidtouched Legate Navalis Dux Diomikato Aquila Aelius
Vercingetorix Kassius does not stand behind the
program, he stands against it.
He stands against it with force, by his own words. He
stands against the Empire, the three notable Houses and
the Emperox.
These Houses, the Empire and the Emperox all stood
beside him, when he did these vital tasks against the
Artificals and the STO. But he has lost his ways, he has
to understand the gravity of his statement. He has sworn
an oath to protect and follow the Emperox. Has he
forgotten about this oath in the blind rage against the
thing that he does not understand?
And now he decides that the Democratic Mandate has
claimed his treasonous attend without evidence. The
evidence is simple to see. It is simply laid out in front of
everyone. We see the Truth, we follow it, and we are not
scared to call out the Truth. Only the Truth will bring
this Empire to new heights.
While a letter to disprove the Patriach would end here,
myself and many others have stopped themselves over
his last paragraph. Since the ignorance about the
Mandate and its goals seem to manifest within the
Voidtouched Legate Navalis Dux Diomikato Aquila Aelius
Vercingetorix Kassius, I will take him as an example of
what not to do.
It is wrong to claim that a democratic system has to be
run by a mob. If people are too uncultured to see that the
most traditional House of Fornax has organized
themselves around a democratic process. A democratic
process only led by Nobles. A Noble Senate. Are they
overrun by mobs?
The Emperox gets elected by the Houses of the Empire.
The election is a democratic process participated by every
House of the Empire, even House Aquila. Is the empire
ruled by mobs? Has the Legate again uttered treason
against the Emperox?
The Democratic Mandate has a strong connection to
the planet Ias. A planet with a democratic system. A
system run by Nobles of the Grand Diet. A system where
the Chain of Being, written down by the High Church of
Messiah as Emperox, is still hold up. There is no mob in
front of my door. There is no war outside my room.
Now to help the Legate in his anger, I will offer him a
seat at the table at any USEPT campus to talk about
what the Democratic Mandate truly stands for. I will offer
you, Voidtouched Legate Navalis Dux Diomikato Aquila
Aelius Vercingetorix Kassius of Legio CCCXIV,
Experementalum - Patriarch of the Aelius Family the
chance to ask any question you desire to quell your
anger, to quell any misunderstanding, to collaborate in
the future and to stop this mishap from happening again.

Jávin Kira ak Athar of the Institute of Human Studies also
known as Lady Anthropologist Triangulum Kira ak Athar

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