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Wael Zaghariet

Kingdom Of Jordan - Amman ●

Birth : 09-06-1979 ● ●

I have Master Degree In sociology 2003 , worked as :
Trainer and Partner with University of Jordan Training and
Consulting Center on Business and Management area of knowledge .
I worked as a Teacher in Ministry of Education in Jordan.
I worked as Lecturer of psychology in Dept of Psychology for one year at the University of Jordan.
I worked in Petro Rabigh Phase I for three years and several Jobs , and I worked in Petro Rabigh
Phase II for three years .
( Statistical Assistant , General Supervisor for Labors , General Inspector ) for Community and
Support Business Service in Petro Rabigh Phase I . and I worked as : ( Admin Officer , Document
Controller , Cost Engineer Assistant under training , and Secretary ) .

Mu'tah University Bachelor Degree in Sociology
Karak , Jordan .
Graduating February 2001
University of Jordan Master Degree in Sociology
Amman , Jordan
Graduated August 2016

Employment History
Training and Consulting Center – University of Jordan
Trainer and Partner in Training Projects in the Field of Business and Management courses.
Nov 2019- Until Now
School’s Teacher - Ministry of Education .
Teach of Geography, History in School of Ministry of Education . Sept 2019

University of Jordan - Dept of Psychology

Lecturer of Psychology February 2018 - 2019
I teach the Psychology for Dentistry in Faculty of Dentistry & Experimental Psychology
for Psychology Dept .
Sirti Saudi Arabia Ltd
January 2015 - 2017
I worked with PMT ( Project Management Team ) as Secretary in Petro Rabigh Phase II Project , In
Early Work Package , as an Employee provided from Sirti to work with PMT .

Sirti Saudi Arabia Ltd

Document Controller
February 2012 - August 2016
I worked as Document Controller in the begin of my contract with Sirti Saudi Arabia Ltd , for PMT (
Project Management Team ).
then i worked as Document Controller in the Managing Directorate of Petro Rabigh Phase II (as an
Employee Provided from Sirti to Work with Petro Rabigh Management ( Non Process Facilities ) .

Saudi Arabia Ltd

Cost Engineer Assistant
January 2014 - July 2015
I worked as training Cost Engineering Assistant in DO ( Managing Director ) .

Akon International
Admin Officer
February 2012 - August 2013
I worked with Baytur for Construction - Akon International as Admin Officer on Sap System (
Visitors , ID's , Main Gates Pass , Permits for Excavation , getting Approvals for the Company
worked )

Private Hotel
Hotel Supervisor
January 2010 - July 2012
i worked in Three Hotels in the period between Phase I & Phase II Project .
as cashier , supervision for the Employee and Representative for the management , customer care
officer and all of the related works .

Private Service Contract for Water and Electricity Institute

Supervisor for Service Contract
January 2010 - November 2012
I worked in the Period Between Phase I and Phase Project as a Service Contract Supervisor for
Private Institution Providing Services for the Institute of Water and Electricity in Rabigh , that
service contract was including services in Changing Spare Parts , General Daily Inspection for
everything Including Mechanical , Electrical , and Agriculture , and Facilities of the Buildings ..and
so on .

Al Hugayet Contracting East

Statistical Assistant
January 2007 - July 2009
I worked as Statistical Assistant with Al Hugayet Contracting East in Phase I for the Management of
Petro Rabigh in 108 Building.

Al Hugayet Contracting East

General Inspector
August 2016 - July 2009
I worked as General Inspector for the Buildings in the Department of Community and Business
Support Services , in Petro Rabigh Phase I , for all of the Buildings and the streets , agriculture and
so on .

AL Hugayet Contracting East

General Supervisor
January 2007 - August 2009
I worked as General Superior for all types of the Labors who are working as Contractors in the
Services Companies in Petro Rabigh Phase I Project , in the Department of Community & Business
Support Services .

Knight of Success
Managerial Training Center Applied Manager
January 2006 - July 2007
I worked as Applying Manager in Training Center was providing Managerial Courses for the
Companies Employees on them Jobs, after evaluation, or to Improve them or to help them to find
Jobs in the Criteria of the Courses .

Jordanian Research Center for Social Studies

Amman , Jordan
February 2002 - June 2005
I worked as a Researcher on the Jordanian Research Center for Social Studies .
And in New Jordan Research Center .

Hobbies & Interests

Consulting , Innovation , Solving Scientific and Industrial Problems in new ways .

Englis Flue
Evaluating unemployment policy 2011- 2020

Wael Zaghariet

The importance of study :

Although in the period 2000 - 2008 the high growth rates of GDP growth, but the participation of
Jordanians in the labor market does not exceed 40%, and the unemployment rate remained stable at
12-15% of the year 2000 and even 2010. Based on the Jordanian General Statistics estimates that more
than two-thirds of Jordanians between the ages of 15-24 will be of working age.

And the importance of the study of being one of the few studies that have re-reduced demand for
manpower to the overall strategy to fight unemployment interventions, in an attempt to understand the
factors of success and failure in a political fight unemployment, and the study of the direct interventions
effects on all social groups to which he belongs employers and job seekers to understand the rise and
decline in the demand for manpower Jordanian based on knowledge of the effects of policy
interventions on both sides of supply and demand in the market .

The problem of the study:

The study works to explore the impact of public policy to fight unemployment in Jordan on both ends of
the market interventions (job seekers and employers searching for manpower) through the study of
interventions included in public policy to fight unemployment in Jordan and try to identify the impact
on both sides of the equation group, in order to know the strengths and influence interventions and any
slides after considering the results of the comparison between the control sample and the experimental
sample .
The study questions:

The study's main question: the extent to contribute to the fight against unemployment Jordanian Plan
2011- 2020 to increase the demand for labor and the creation of new jobs? And any groups and social
strata located more impact?

First, investment strategy:

1 / Is there a relationship between the regulatory and legal environment and stimulate the investments?

2 / Do stimulate investments affect legally and administratively and organizationally to hire more
skilled Jordanian workers?

Second, fiscal policy:

1 / Is there a relationship between the increase in capital expenditure and ongoing, and the introduction
of more than a thousand in the private sector?

2 / Is there a relationship between the priorities of fiscal policy in spending in the areas of development
(social, economic, and investment) and the creation of new jobs in these sectors by the increase in

3 / Is there a relationship between the number of jobs being created in the private sector, the source of
funding for financial policy and?

4 / Is there a relationship between giving preference in public tenders for suppliers and contractors
between Jordanians and employ the largest number of Jordanian workers?

5 / Is there a relationship between Aldharab bias in favor of or against one of the sectors and between
high or low employment in this sector ratio?

Third, monetary policy and financial sector:

1 / Is there a relationship between the ease of access to credit by SMEs and microfinance institutions and
between job growth?

Fourth: the demand in the provinces and remote areas of factors:

1 / Do reduces focused business in urban areas of employment opportunities in rural areas and the
2 / Is more than providing incentives for the establishment of investment in rural areas and the
provinces of increasing employment opportunities there?

Fifth: the competitiveness of the Jordanian economy:

1 / Is investments increase with the competitiveness of the Jordanian economy in international


Sixth: The competition in the market:

1 / Is market restructuring and antitrust and competition for investment growth affect?

Seventh: The request of the public sector:

1 / Do most young people remain unemployed in the hope of getting a job in the public sector?

Eighth: Education:

Is the transition from school to work programs play a positive role in reducing the duration of
unemployment for young unemployed until they get a job?

Ninth: training to recruit students:

1 / Do you consider training more than a part of the graduation of opportunities for young people to
work requirements?

Tenth: Vocational training:

1 / Is vocational training programs in line with the requirements of the labor market?

Atheist ten: Immigration Policy:

1 / Do affect immigration policy in the abundance of job opportunities for Jordanians?

XII: youth involvement in the labor market:

1 / Is youth involvement rates are linked in various sectors, the extent of which provide training?

XIII: the participation of women in the labor market:

1 / Is standing social taboos and cultural barrier to women going out to work?

XIV: human resources policy coordination:

Is the coordination between human resource development and employment and investment between
the owners of the public interest and private policies?

XV: demarcation of roles Atidah:

Is it clear lead in the demarcation of roles Atidah to Speed Implementation of the strategy and in an
efficient manner?

XVI: finance employment programs:

Is finance employment programs properly and as it should work?

** Note: In the study will clarify all the paragraphs of the measuring instrument, and how measurement
used to question all the contents of Strategic through 200 questions a tool, part of which prompt for job
seekers, and the other part of the employers.

Include a measurement tool (questions about the various interventions in detail, and questions about the
results of interventions, as well as demographic questions) ... but since they are long will be displayed in
the study .

The study methodology:

The study experimental method relies by asking questions on all kinds of interventions in the fight
against unemployment Jordanian strategy 2011-2020 on more than one million participants in the
survey through modern technical means.

Then sort the participants (Jobseekers and employers) into two groups compared to the control group
and, for each of the questions. In the sense that all of the answers that he was signed by the influence of
one of the types of interventions considered a treatment group or a comparison, and all of the answers
to the questions about politics intervened that he was not affected by this intervention it is one of the
members of the control sample.

This is for data collection, but for data analysis are several stages:

First, T-test comparison of samples and control, to determine the level of significance hypotheses.
Second test dead to examine whether there are differences for the effects of interventions in the
different samples.

Third, the statistical link between the intervention and the result of each intervention (to get a job, or
the demand for more Alaamalh)

Fourth, test the relationship between demographic variables and different kinds of interventions,
according to intervene and by outcome.

Fifth: the use of global analysis to determine the proportion of the effect of each intervention in labor
demand or to get a job percent.

Sixth: The results of the experimental group compared to the results of the control group, offering the
benefits of the control group in terms of demand for labor, for example, the benefits of the comparison

It will be discussed power percentage interventions, and its relationship with connectivity Pantaij
envisaged them, and their relationship to demographic Palmngert and the extent of its impact on the
experimental and control samples.

The methodology will be partially explained in detail in the study, God willing .- But the time is not now

The study indicators:

CBM Core Indicators:

A- Health:

1-Proporition of children under 5 years old who died.

2-proporition of women deaths due to pregnancy -related causes.

B- Naturition:

3- Proporition of Children 0-5 yearsold who are malnourished.

C- Housing:

4 - Proporition of household living in makeshift housing.

5 - proporition of houehold who are in formal settlers.

D- Water and Sanitation:

6-Propotition of house hold without access to safe water supply.

7-Proporition of house hold without access to sanitary towilet facilities.

E- Basic Education:

8-Proporition of children 6-11 years old who are not in elementary school.

9- Proporition of children 12-15 years old who are not in secondry school.

F- Income:

10- Proporition of households with income below the poverty threshold.

11-Proporition of household that experianced hunger due to food shortage.

G- Employment:

12-Proporition of persoms who are unemployed.

H- Peace and Order:

13- Proporition of Persons who are victmed in crimes.

By getting these information we will: 1- eradlcate extreme poverty. 2 - achive universal primary
education. 3 -promote gender quaity. 4- reduce child morality. 5-imporve maternal health. 6-ensure
enviromental sustainability. 7- Develop a global partnership For development.
Previous studies and literature:

The first study: the impact of minimum wages on employment and unemployment.

The study was conducted on the developing countries to study the impact of legislative approval of the
minimum wage on a range of variables, such as wages, jobs, Altaenja exchange for demobilization. And
it included as well: the distribution of wages among sectors, employment and unemployment, and
working hours, part-time and full-time, formal and informal sectors.

And the results of the study showed that the adoption of minimum wage impact on: to get out of
poverty, the transition to higher education, the shift towards owning a particular action.

And that the main effects of the adoption of minimum wage: reduce employment by 20%, and the
decline in employment in the private sector, and lay off many workers.

But the positive aspects: increase the likelihood of a family out of poverty, and reduce the likelihood of
the spread of poverty if applied at the head of the family.

And besides, it is an important tool for measuring the flexibility of the labor market, and adapt to the
rapid economic changes, and Bata in employment.

Showing that a large proportion of private-sector workers are not covered by the minimum wage, and
that a large proportion of private sector companies tend to evade tax farming it, and that tax farming by
different between different economic sectors. However, the biggest compliance in large private sector
companies more than small and medium enterprises.

Besides: it is the most important influences: the shift in employment opportunities in the sectors covered
by the minimum wage, and many families out of poverty, and shifts in labor and wage opportunities,
and the transition to work.
The second study: Go for vocational training and academic education in Tanzania.

The study tried to understand the motives behind the choice of workers and the unemployed to teach
academic or vocational training. It shows that there is a preference for education academic because his
revenue and higher profits, and with it has found the study, said: vocational education revenues in
developing countries higher, and that the proceeds from the vocational education linked to the general
level of economic development, and that resorting to vocational training often resolve the weakness of
productivity problems.

In addition, the study that found Presentation Skills markets do not meet the needs of companies, and is
the infrastructure to be paid to the need to involve companies in training support, instead, the study
found a strong preference for education academic, despite low levels of development, and expand very
slowly, and low wages.

The study tried to find out which types of academic investment more profitable (Bunting professional,
technical college, academic education, job training). I found high yields of vocational education in
Turkey, and proved that the turnover has leech company size (large, small or medium), besides the
education budget problems are what stand a barrier to education and training, and is what is called a
cost-sharing with the private sector private, and to provide education and free training.

During the study emerged from the important to the development of a new law for training, and
training support through the contribution of public and private sector.

Also it shows that returns on education and training vary depending on the type of training and
education received by the job seeker (academic / professional), (vocational school, technical college, a
training course or job training) the top level of entering students from the college or course or a
vocational school identifies revenue. And In addition, the training revenues vary according to company
size, as the rise in the larger companies, and revenues also vary depending on the sector. However, the
return on Buallat academic education is much higher than the rates of return on vocational training, for
example, the rate of return on a college education up to 40% -30.6%.

The study also reported: that vocational education is interested in teaching skills, not solving problems,
and that has raised fixed on the volume of returns and outputs of the work, but the cost and Aoidh and
the possibility of the return of the staff is what plays a crucial role in the asylum to him.
However, the employment of a larger number of people with professional and technical qualifications is
a reduction in the quality of work. And overall, the study has found a strong Hang between training and
earnings, but the yield of vocational education does not exceed the yield of the academic education.

The third study: analysis of labor markets for developing Dan.

The study analyzes labor markets in developing countries, the labor market taught through theoretical
models, and proceed from that half of the world's population living on less than two dollars a day.

And reach the study said: Job is the only financial assets for the poor, and that paid work is the
exception in developing countries and not the rule, and that most people in developing countries want
stable jobs and safe, meet labor and social protection standards.

In addition to that, they suffered the most prominent features in the labor market:

The high unemployment rate in developing countries, a very low profit compared to the very long
hours of work, unexpected and irregular financial flows, and the lack of appropriate for those who
manage their money on their own financial instruments. And In addition, the composition of the
various labor in developing countries than in developed economies, where the vast majority work in
agriculture, rather than working in the office or in the industry.

Besides, the majority of Agalbah are Asavadhm of economic security programs. And that the best jobs
are in paid work, and not in self-employment, even though the pay is not enough. And despite the fact
that many are working in self-employment (projects) owners, but they are not on their way to
capitalism. And besides a large number of jobs are cases of real misery, and misery (in small

The study explained that the problem of developing countries is the high poverty rates among working
(as it there were more than 200 million unemployed in 2009, in addition to the 1.3 million working

As for the labor markets: The study indicated that labor markets in developing countries is fragmented,
so that: (1) the level of the various functions and requires a different skill. 2. access to better jobs is
something codified. 3. Some works on private business to be responsible for himself, but without
Finally: The study has pointed to the level of unemployment in developing countries and it is less than in
developed countries, but the working and pay conditions and social protection are cases of real misery.

The fourth study: the decline of return and the determinants of social participation:

The study aimed to examine the effects of participation in a training program, in order to estimate the
results of the program on profits, and whether the results of the program could be counterproductive.

And was participating in the program parameters are the same between the control sample and the
experimental sample, in terms of the rules of the civil program, which includes: (low family income in
the previous six months of training, and adoption of family income, and the move for several months on
a commitment to work.

In addition, the study Atzt several measures on the labor market:

First: the adoption of the background, and include: (background, race, ethnic indicators, age group,
Alchtsasat, Education, class, marital status indicators, and the presence of children less than 6 years of

The second family income, and considered a barometer conclusive on profits in the crease months prior
to the interview.

(B) measures on employment: and include:

First: What if the person is working first in the preceding twelve months.

The second shifts Altziv: and are four conditions for employment: include (Employed, losing his job, in
accordance with the winner, who does not work) g

Third: converts to other work because of their use in twenty four months prior to the interview.

IV: 18 months in work shifts.

V: 24 months in work shifts.

(C) profit measures: include (total Alarabahqubl the six months, gross profit for each of the four
(D) measures the labor force (the case of the labor force "workers and the unemployed in the labor
force"), while in the case of power in labor (the number of months, and I work with the priority of

The results were: the training program as a form of job search for participants, meaning that
unemployment dynamics and the dynamics of the profits are not participating in the program
parameters. People who have been laid off from work looking for training as a means of finding work.

And showing that training Alyras work may lead to the immediate hiring, In addition, the profits could
fall between the participants in the case of adult education. Also, earnings could fall in the control
group to demographic factors. And also that the most prominent changes were included in that: 1.
Participation rates varied between those who work in the past seven months. 2. participation rate of
people working much less than the non-working. 3. leavers work they have greater likelihood to
participate in the program. 4. old age for females and young males the highest rates of participation in
the program for those who found work. 5 and for adults to Ztor, the participation of outside workforce
Betjaoz ratio of working to a great extent on an ongoing basis.

And show that profits after the program grow much higher than the levels before the program.

Fifth study estimating the return of corporate employees for job training and classroom head.

This study examined the estimated return of staff for training in the workplace.

And show that: the production function and additional benefits play a major role in training decisions,
and that the rate of return to training on-the-job (3.4%), besides the training decision differs from one
company to another because of the quality management, and demand shocks that affect productivity
and training, in addition to the role of the bias factor and selectivity.

The study also pointed out that the training content plays an important role in the results, and it is
detected through the use of techniques GMM.

In addition to that, the training revenues estimated at about 8.6%, and net benefits are paid to do the
training. It's also a distinction between training on-the-job and classroom training in terms of
productivity, and found that the training at the head of his work and that the highest returns informal
training is in high rotation environment for employees in order to maintain a high level of productivity.

And show that external rotation positive impact on productivity in the quantitative results, while the
impact of training on top of the work was negative.
In addition, there is a strong correlation between the volume of sales and training at the head of the
working level, and to do with the content and density in the training, which often includes an intensive

In total, the training and the rate decreases as turnover rates were lower. And proven face cutter that:
training classrooms more productive 11%, and training on-the-job 3.4%.

As for the return to training: the rate of return to coaching at the head of the work is the highest at 40%
of the training elsewhere.

Finally, the average difference between the employees who received training on-the-job and classroom
training at 3.4%.

And the most important result: is that a large part of the training, but it is the pastimes of new
employees and not to enhance productivity.

Sixth study: savings for the poor: a review and research agendas.

The study was conducted on a group of poor countries to learn about the savings behavior of the poor.
And show that: the poor save, but often through non-formal and high risk, may have low resilience to
shocks, along with the variable consumption, and it is often associated with a lack of jobs.

The study indicated that the savings Fiqra characterized by: the inherent ability to save, even though
they do not Imitlok official accounts and in addition to Zlkvan poor do not spend on unnecessary stuff,
but they invest their savings in commercial workers .. and though they often fall into a liquidity trap
Vijznon money precludes that bear fruit.

And the study showed that policy interventions concerned with the promotion of savings without being
aware that debt is the biggest barrier in front of the poor.

The study also proved that there are positive results for manufacturing loans.

The study discussed the limitations that lead to market failures in the provision of savings products, and
included five restrictions (savings restrictions, material costs, the change in the organization of the bank
and the expansion of savings, lack of trust and regulatory barriers, consumer confidence is low).

And include costs of material savings, fees, costs of operations to have an impact on the decision to
pursue investment in the banks.
And he was found in an experiment to open free accounts, it was the daily investment for participants
by 38% -56% the size, and that the private daily spending 37%, where they have opened accounts at a
cost not exceeding $ 10.

And the results show that the poor spend their savings in banks as follows: 20% on education, 15% for
meat and fish 0.33% -40% on education expenses.

In addition FD found that 7% of the benefits of marriage were opened after three years in Kenya.

Or for the results of savings products: it was to open accounts in the Philippines positive returns on
savings. It shows that the trend among retirees is towards higher-yielding accounts 20% between
Alentqaeidin, as it was surprising that after years of supporting the interest rate (after the withdrawal of
intervention) participants remained within the category of the top 20% income.

The study found that the increase in support has led to the emergence of savings and improve mental
accounting, and improve mental accounting, and improve the care of the business, which resulted in an
increase in income.

It shows that the know-how and the expansion of the savings bank organization contributes to the
reduction of poverty, and improve the credit (and that have an impact on credit, and savings).

In the experiment on wheels Bank increased deposits worth 40 percent, and there was a positive impact
on the ATM cards and savings in Kenya.

It shows that the most important factors in the organization of the bank and the expansion
Khaddmataledjar (comfort, information, increasing the adoption of savings accounts in the official
banks) and that facilitation is a critical factor in making financial decisions.

In addition, the trust factor affects the financial institution prepared to deal with it. Also, regulatory
barriers play a large role, the more the number of the controls below the more money.

The study found that the decline of confidence have increased by 10-15% keep their money in cash. In
Mexico, for example, 89% said that the motivation not to open an account in the bank is a lack of
confidence in the bank for fear of embezzlement.

It shows that the most important regulatory barriers (strict regulation, property control, transactions as
a barrier in front of the poor, accountability denominations, restrict money laundering, control the
movement of funds laws to consider whether her relationship with terrorism, along with costs on banks
and customers). \

In addition, the most important factors that affect the Trust: (reputation, brand to brand, product, price,
role of government through the central bank to protect small depositors, and ensure confidence in the
financial system, and to maintain the stability of the economy) Quality

Also show that intervention in the specifics of the client discourage small investors from getting an
account. And the experience has been extracted identification cards to illegal immigrants led to
increased savings over five months to Mhajrien Mexicans after the intervention.

Did not prove that financial literacy role in saving, clean and there is an exception, it has Tpennan less
than 35% of women over the age of 50 are from Vthn saving for retirement accounts. And that he
referred to in financial literacy is taught people how to manage their money.

In addition, the subsidies have led to the continuous rise in the participation rate and because of

Financial education has no effect on increasing savings, but it raises the financial awareness by 77%. It
was found that no more than Naltdreb savings, but it increases the borrowing and commercial Erardat
among women who face social pressures.

Training results and financial literacy on the negative savings, but training on borrowing and
commercial revenue positive results.

It has been adopted treatment trawl for performance to enhance motivation for learning in the health
field, and proved that financial education does not have a specific impact on the opening of accounts,
but it raises the financial awareness by 77%.

And also proved that financial education has no specific impact on the chances of saving the women,
also it found that financial education does not have a specific impact on the chances of saving among
women. It also found that the training does not increase and savings rather than borrowing and
business income, especially among women who suffer social restrictions.

The results of the training and financial literacy on the negative savings. And was training to borrow
and commercial revenue positive results.
Our study indicated in the United States - according to the study - that there might be a strong social
impact of learning on savings behavior, and that social networks generate ideas on how to exploit these
effects. As the straw that 69% more likely to borrow from the official institutions, 23% more likely to
credit 0.7% less likely to pledge, finally have an interest in following the social marketing approach.

Then study pointed out that the social worker restrictions may contribute to Tkasemk risk, but it plays a
leading role in spending, and the inability to comply with the plans of consumption and savings, and
the social norms discourage savings plans.

As for worker bargaining within the family: It has been shown that women's lack of power within the
family negatively affects the savings of families and social behavior.

And experimentally proved that couples consumption increases when they receive a positive shock to
income, and not when the Klan wives also receive additional income Calendar shows that married
people behave more consumption rather than savings,

And overall it while individuals are dominant in the family savings ratio of 215%, according to the
study. In addition, the homogeneity of the social network plays a role in achieving savings, as to the
existence of accounts leads to a significant increase in investment in small enterprises Although there is
no benefit.

When the interest compensation, and the provision of financial incentives: After a year increased
Al_husaspat and balances of savings by 82%, and increased balances of savings by about 30%, and were
more likely to get compliance, and over two and a half was an increase of 33%, and the savings rate has
fallen after he was withdrawing a lump sum social welfare .

Eighth study: Occupational Health and Safety:

The study refers to the types of employment in terms of working conditions, and rated using one of
which some labor "weak labor" categories, and they include: women, older workers, workers with
disabilities, young people and migrant workers, temporary workers and Mnkhvadwa rehabilitation

The study considers that there are sensitive categories of employment, characterized by often be
associated with temporary contracts, and atypical (caused by globalization and migration), as well as
women join the labor market, as well as geriatric compared to demographic trends.
The most important thing are concerned with the study of occupational accidents, mental disorders,
structural and psychological Almsakl, and social.

And the study suggests that vulnerable groups of workers include: workers, workers with disabilities,
the elderly, workers young workers, migrant workers, temporary workers, workers with rehabilitation.

43.7% of these groups working in the mob of services (education, health) .. and they are exposed to
occupational stress and shift work.

Remember the study that the most important risk factors faced by the workers: the separation of the
sexes, technical risks, physically stressful working conditions, muscular system disorders, depression
and stress, and sexual harassment. As well as other incidents faced by women: such as working part-
time, less likely to fold, training, along with Mmarsthn home business.

Also, most of the work accidents and work-related problems are after age, and can be avoided by
learning and preventive skills to reduce accidents, and legislation safety laws and Health, which focuses
on the functions of motherhood, and the awareness of health problems and professional, focusing on
occupational hazards , the development of legislation for workers' health and safety.

This study and remember that each class of vulnerable groups of workers who have a special kind of
health problems and occupational hazards.

For young workers: the younger workers less in experience, and prone to error estimate their strength.
Also, their rates high in hazardous work which is causing psychological and physical stress. In addition,
they work in the form of non-standard in terms of pension arrangements, or temporary contracts, and
they have a healthy and professional problems.

And figures, the rate of 40% of the professional non-fatal injuries are among young people. Based on
this, the young people deserve special attention from the policy.

Go study that improve health and occupational safety for young people in the EU options fall under:
more research and more legislation for workers under the age of 18, and a review of the health
situation in Amaknalaml, in addition to promoting training and professional integrity, and focus on
educational programs and Altrdabah and raise awareness about the health hazards and occupational

The second form of Include much vulnerable employment or Al_hussh employment understand:
Workers Alaqton: and they are the workers who are working on temporary contracts and fixed-term,
and that they face the risk associated with a type of business, in addition to the quality of the tasks
performed and the difficult working conditions in which they work, and therefore they vulnerable to
health disorders and psychological disorders. As that evolves over time.

Li added that the temporary workers are less likely to get training, health care and psychological offered
them a small level, and they are prone to high levels of frustration and tension and Akitab.

And spent a policy include: to ensure that temporary workers enjoy the same level of social protection,
and care of the permanent workers, and ensure training on occupational hazards.

And it can address the problems of temporary workers health: through health monitoring in the long
term and ensure coverage of research to health risks.

The third form of sensitive employment: they are workers Mnkhvadwa rehabilitation, and in this must
distinguish between jobs that require low skills and of low workers' rehabilitation this kind of labor is
exposed to the high infection rate of more than highly qualified jobs, besides they are more exploited
with higher education and suffer job insecurity also suffer stress and pressure.

As for the training: the temporary workers get temporary contracts, and are less likely to attend the
training because it is interest-free. Also, with higher education in greater rates of occupational
accidents, either with low qualifications are suffering the most with higher education to health
problems. They are often targeted training programs and rehabilitation for people with low
qualifications, such as immigrants, young workers, temporary workers).

And consider options for policy for the safety of workers with low Rehabilitation: enforcement of
legislation on safety and occupational health professional, the expansion of the integration of safety
issues and occupational health that target vulnerable jobs, encourage initiatives that focus on the
psychological risks, as well as raise the level of awareness of the risks, and the expansion of the Almadra
support, and support research and data.

The study suggests that it must focus on vulnerable groups through: employment policies, old age,
retirement policies.

It also calls for adherence to four areas: public health, social and regional development, public
procurement, employment and Aaadah restructuring.
Besides, the employment policies should support the labor market flexibility, in terms of: (health issues
and occupational safety, training programs and other youth initiatives, highlighting certain categories
of workers such as young people, women and immigrants).

The most vulnerable groups are the most vulnerable groups, in the new work environments and in
situations of economic, social and demographic changes .. and therefore it must be to develop a strategy
to reduce risks and meet the needs of workers.

And for the legislation, it must be to be a professional safety of the most important concerns of social
policy issues, improve health conditions and occupational safety for workers, improve the level of
workers and their health, take measures to promote the health and safety of workers. It should lay the
anti-legislation for excellence in order to regulate contractual relations.

This includes the framework agreement and in the European Union (the pressures of work, raising the
level of awareness and understanding, develop frameworks for risk management, as well as focus on the
Aatsal and understanding of the workplace, and the training of staff and managers, and the provision of

Either from a gender perspective, it must focus on the inequality between males and females, as it
highlights the strategic need of several factors such as: the challenges in the field of health and
occupational safety, demographic change and the aging of the working population, employment trends
towards self-employment and Alstaanh sources external, migratory flows towards Aruba, and increase
the number of women in the labor market.

EU relations strategy in 2020 included several Aattabart: demographic changes, reduced the workforce
in Europe, growth based on knowledge and innovation, employment and cut through training
measures. And he indicated that the rate of employment between the ages of 20-64 must be no more
than 69% -75%. After the increase of women's work and the integration of immigrants into the labor
market. And by increasing demand for Alamahlh through the best and secure workforce more skillful

And he pointed out that the work must be done on two axes: First: to combine the flexibility of the labor
market and enhancing social protection, and the second: the quality of work and working conditions
through the implementation of legislation relating to employment (as a time to work, labor legislation,
employment contracts).
In addition, there have been positive effects of globalization on human resources, represented in:
Alaptcareltknulogi, the development of information technologies can connect, low employment in the
mining sector ratio, and increase the employment of women in the health sectors and social, and the
high proportion of workers in the service sector as well as low working in agriculture, industry and

In addition there has been a range of demographic changes, including: low fertility rates, increasing life
and therefore health consequences in the occupational safety, in addition to high rates of aging.

And is something which is supposed new contractual forms: such as increasing the proportion of
migrant workers, and young people are the majority of immigrants in 20-24 years, in addition to the
impact of technology on the labor market, which led to a shift towards more complex functions and
associated information technology.

As a result of these changes: there has been greater to idle, and the lack of job security, and the demand
for labor and increased especially in the field of working with hazardous substances.

The major social changes and economic / labor force has become fragmented between different
categories of workers, and has become the total labor force in Europe, 222,000,000 factor.

It should be noted that the risks are increasing in the age group 15-65 years, and there are a number of
important figures in this regard:

1 / 222.000.000 factor is the total employment in Europe.

2/73% of accidents are caused by the absence of a single day.

22.3% of the accidents is a sick leave for several months.

4/83 million jobs lost due to work-related accidents.

5 / 25.000 stopped working cause of work-related accidents.

6 / 350.000 change jobs each year after the incident.

7 / 300,000 suffer permanent disability.

It refers to the types of work-related health problems (bone problems, muscle, neck, arms, stress,
Alakitab, legs, breathing, heart disease, blood circulation, headaches and strain the eyes, infectious
diseases, hearing problems, skin problems, in addition to other types of the complaint).

Temporary employment include: seasonal labor, work through a third party, unless there is a written
contract and fixed-term, as well as people with training contracts. And those involved in the / most
important work in the business less than Mahlahm, and they get lower wages, 45% of the low-skilled,
and frustrated.

And the main results of the study are as follows: Most of the functions of women in education and social
work, working part-time are less likely to receive training, women suffer from harassment in the
workplace, there are problems related to repeat business, most of the women performing household
functions. Besides the employment of women was 53.7% in 2000 rate. And often the women were
working part-time, and often the women were engaged in non-market services. Besides, there was the
risk of women to work in hazardous places exposed, and work in an atmosphere of high pressure, the
study indicated that he did not that occupational stress is taken into consideration, and that there are
physical problems women may face, such as overheating.

Also show that there are a number of external risks, for example, most women / working in the health
sector, and there is a separation between the sexes and even in the same functions as performing the
same roles. And there is a chapter in managerial positions, and the women Aaadan same tasks t
performed by males, and they do not bear the same responsibilities, and hold positions pay less. Besides
what they dearly Aamn in jobs is not rewarding, and lack of control and autonomy in the task.

As for the functions that work where women, they are often jobs such as health care, education, retail,
exposure to violence by employers. And for the risks to which they are exposed they often include:
physical violence in the manufacturing sector, attention is unwanted and are subject to partial time and
have serious consequences for them, and come to play domestic responsibilities and brings them to the
pressure of work at peak hours Portal are vulnerable to job security less, less jobs, less development
skills. There are also a few them recognition from the national compensation systems and less
recognition in the workplace. \ This and includes the legal framework of the policy of the European
Union: (anti-legislation for excellence in the Treaty of Rome and the states should get equal labor wages
(Article 119), and equality in social security systems and move away from discrimination on the basis of
gender, equality in employment and vocational training and training conditions of them all ... Besides,
equality include (job opportunities, vocational training, recreation, working conditions, guidance).
And from a policy perspective, it is necessary to increase the participation of women as one of the goals
of 2020 Europe strategies, increase the proportion of work Alant for the population, strengthening the
autonomy of women, to promote equal pay, gender balance in decision-making, attention to issues of
safety and occupational health.

Safety strategies and national health 2007-2012 include:

Promote safety and occupational health of women in certain sectors, addressing specific sectors such as:
(Workers local, clean hospitals, childcare and elderly) Add. To raise awareness among workers and
provide training for them, to encourage employers to improve safety management and occupational
health, prevention of stress at work, raising the psychological and social issues is Almlimh.

And include the fields of politics: attention to reproductive health, and extensive use of the muscles, the
psychological effects on health, directing and improving the knowledge, women working part-time,
obtaining the necessary work training, psychological risk, social, and exposure to harassment, public
Mbdaratalqtaa and private, to raise guidance the level of awareness.

As for young workers:

It has been shown that in young people 40% of the injuries Giralmmath, and that young people in
control of the specific occupations have specific risks, and they are prone to Taatibat contractual non-
standard, such as part-time and temporary contracts, and they have less experience and susceptible to
health risks associated with Bmhahm.

And Ajmla: I found the know-how that youth aged 16-34 passing Bmrahlhy transition, and they have
difficulty getting a job by virtue of lack of experience, along with that accounted for 35.2% in the
Europe of young people working, compared to 72.2% between the ages of 25 -54 years. In addition,
younger workers more likely to be unemployed, and they are vulnerable to pressure, and working in the
greater functionality of their energies or they do not correspond with their qualifications, and their pay
is low compared to the elderly. Attracted by seasonal or temporary contracts, and have family
responsibilities, and do not have permanent contracts. 34% of temporary contracts because of the
education and training, and many of them began their non-standard contracts and fixed-term
contractual agreements. And working order of apprenticeship.

Besides representing 13% of young part-time workers, 31.2% of workers employed Bdoamdzia n 6.5%
of workers employed full time.
There Zhardantertbtan Login gradual labor market, seen as the young is always that they are still
studying or they just finished the study, and so it must be hired based on temporary contracts or part-
time for reasons of training. In addition, the single most important risk facing young people is lack of
experience, as they lack the experience and maturity with attachment to a particular function.

Young people are the most vulnerable and occupational health, lack of experience and training, lack the
ability to deal with health conditions and pressures at work, and often requires work (experience,
training and knowledge).

In addition to the risk factors for professional, there is the psychological risk factors include job
satisfaction and sexual harassment for female problems.

In general, most of the risks: (1) related to the environment, social pressures, toxic substances, etc fears
muscle. 2-psychological risks and social (stress, work at peak periods, Alaatadaouat colleagues, lack of
self-control, division of labor) g 3- and risks include: prolonged sitting, time pressure, psychological
demands and social high, poor work environment, control reduced employment opportunities. 4. The
occupational hazards: inexperience and lack of training, take a stand unmodified.

In addition to this, most of the health and occupational safety strategies focused on: (1) organize the
work conditions of people, 2. Training. 3. working hours.

And along with the safety-related workers' initiatives, and increase the proportion of young people in
certain professions, and administrative Tktt.

These include measures in the Union Alaolorobi: educational programs for students, the initial training
for new work, to ensure that young people working on temporary contracts have access to adequate
training, awareness of the risk sectors for young people, raise awareness, a review of operating
procedures and exposure to hazardous materials, focusing on the period of exposure to hazardous
substances and their consequences.
Seventh study: Global Employment Trends for Youth: the impact of the global financial crisis on youth

ILO study that he and the end of 2009, there are an estimated 81 million unemployed people in the
world was, even though they were about 7.8 million people before the onset of the crisis Maya in early
2007. Which points out that there are Arepettvaa sharply in the unemployment rate from 11% - 13.0%,
and the report is expected to continue to rise until 2010 to reach 13.1%.

As for the rate of youth participation in the work for the population it was the unemployment rate was
12.1%, compared with 5.8% of adults in 2008. It was the young suffer disproportionately from the
inability to work.

The study found that among the effects of the financial crisis: the different unemployment rates by
emotion for the regions of the world, and that influenced Alzkro differently affected by females, and
that the interim working were not sensitive to the crisis, along with the effects of her youth, such as
high frustration rates and lethargy, and the trend towards jobs in the informal sector and join the
vulnerable employment. It was followed by young people give up looking for work and the emergence
of patterns of behavior is appropriate, rather than excluding them socially and for causing other costs
and burdens borne by the economy.

Instead, it is the consequences abandon the search for work: growth opportunities for crime,
delinquency, conflict, reduced ability to productivity for young people, and gravity Alykahl government
in the social security systems (such as increased spending on remedial services, anti-crime efforts,
unemployment benefits, and Wazzqaah of drugs). As I found that the most important obstacles to young
people in order to find a job is the lack of experience.

Madjlat and show that participation in the labor force depends on: cultural traditions, social norms,
collection Informed, lethargy type (forced, or voluntary).

As for the females in the Middle East, the majority of women entering the labor market are Alavd
educated, despite the bias against them by employers They always low-skilled, least charges. This, along
with the gap between them in the labor market and among males, and belonging to the cultural
divisions, social and economic strong.

And the beautiful young people lack the know-how in the market, social Ashbkat and compete for
vacancies to work .. and despite the large increase in the labor force, there are no decent jobs and
Note: The preceding my studies (after the minimum wage on employment and unemployment, labor
market analysis for developing countries, to return for vocational training and academic education in
Tanzania, the decline in the yield and the determinants of social participation, estimating the return of
corporate officers for training on-the-job and classroom, the savings for the poor: a review of research
and agendas, Health and safety, a look at the African economy, the middle class and the middle classes
in the world, law and labor: lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean, the review of interventions
to support youth, global youth employment trends: the impact of global financial crisis on youth

*** Studied readings 1900 page as required, but do not have time now to print five studies them now. **
Will be included in the study, God willing. Because the summaries are ready.

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