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Answer the following questions and mark them on the answer sheet (Each question is 3 points)

1. What is the home-based trip?

a. All Trips that begins at home
b. All Trips that either begins or ends at home
c. All Trips that neither begins or ends at home
d. All Trips that ends at home

2. What is the main purpose of the trip generation model?

a. Establish a functional relationship between travel, land use, and socio-economic
characteristics of an area
b. Estimate trips between zones
c. Estimate trips at production zones only
d. Estimate trips at attraction zones only

3. Which of the following measures are considered affecting traffic demand reduction?
a. General street traffic engineering improvements
b. Ride-sharing and freeway traffic management
c. Paratransit system and shortening work week
d. Staggered work hours and freeway traffic management

4. Which of the following measures increase the supply of transportation system?

a. General street traffic engineering improvements and staggered work hours
b. Ride-sharing and freeway traffic management
c. Paratransit system and shortening work week
d. Shortening work week and freeway traffic management

5. Which of the following is not a member of the USDOT

a. St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
b. Research and Special Programs Administration
c. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
d. None of the above

6. What are the 3 characteristics of land use that have been found to relate closely to trip generation?
a.) Intensity, land use classification, and vacant land use
b.) Character, location of land use activities, and intensity
c.) Location of land use activities , vacant land use study, and land use survey
d.) Land use survey, land use classification, and parking studies

7. What sub-models of cross classification analysis is used by FHWA trip production model?
a. Income and trip production sub-models
b. Auto ownership and trip production sub-models
c. Trip purpose and auto ownership sub-model
d. All of the above
8. What are the methods for the production of trip making?
a. Cross Classification and land use study
b. Cross Classification model and ITE Manual
c. ITE Manual and Socio-economic study
d. All of the above

9. What is described as external trip in data collection

a. Trips where one end inside the survey area and one end outside of the area
b. Trips where both end inside the survey area
c. Trips where both end outside the survey area
d. None of the above

10. What level of service urban freeways are designed for

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

11. What level of service rural freeways are designed for

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

12. A highway having a level of service D is running with a service volume

a. Equal to capacity
b. Above capacity
c. Below capacity
d. None of the above

13. If a railroad passenger service requires 24 trains of 6 cars each to accommodate 3000 passengers per
day, approximately how many trains of 12 cars will be needed to accommodate 6000 passengers per
a. 12
b. 24
c. 48
d. None of the above

14. A peak – hour factor of 1.00 represents

a. Extremely non-uniform demand
b. Uniform demand
c. Mildly non-uniform demand
d. Usual conditions in rural area

15. Staggering work hours is intended to

a. Reduce the total number of trips made in an area
b. Enable employees to shop on the way to or from work
c. Reduce the volumes during the peak period
d. Provide more capacity for non-work trips during peak periods
(15pts.) 16. The following data is available for morning work trips out of a certain suburb:

Family size 1 2 3 4+
Rent - No. of Trips 94 80 84 60
No. of Households 92 90 71 97

Own – No. of Trips 25 73 41 100

No. of Households 23 102 40 205

a) If it is planned to build in that suburb a rental apartment complex (for singles) with
100 dwelling units, how many work-trips can be expected? Assume an 80%
occupancy rate.
b) If the actual population of the suburb is broken down as follows:

Family size 1 2 3 4+
Rent 200 300 200 200
Own 200 300 200 300

Find the total number of morning work trips generated

(20pts.) 17. Using the Shortest Path Labeling algorithm, determine the minimum travel times from
node E to all other nodes. Show the labels and the minimum path tree from E to D on the diagram.
(20Pts.) 18. Compute the capacity (level of service E) for a two-lane rural highway in level terrain with 10 ft.
lanes and 2 ft. shoulder width. The road has 20% no-passing zones and a directional split of 60/40. There are
15% trucks. 5% RVs and 4% buses in the traffic.

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