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“Ren,” her brother’s laboured hushed coaxing voice, a command to her in the zenith of the

night. She was panting as quietly as she could too; out of breath crouched alert with fear and
adrenalin through her veins behind a trash can at the edge of town Tuscasons. They had been
running, slipping through the shadows hiding from existence more than usual now.
At Thomas’ words she moves then to a further spot at the edge of the alley then beside him.
His hand meets her shoulder, hiding in the shadows from not only the old yellow tinted lights, but
the people lurking in them.
Sound was a death trap for them
They had travelled from the small city suburbia Blaine, along Nowra highway for days across
the country, over the mountains that few would cross alone travelling from little town to town
hiding in plain sights to none at all, and now at the other end all while those rogues continued to
follow them. They were a few days into the Pynny forests now, Tuscasons was the nicer of the small
towns they had by passed through.
They look cautiously around themselves. An instinct. A necessity for survival it had slow but
surely turned out to be. They didn’t exist anymore in government records after their mother died
with the hospital. Their house was a ruin to ashes, their belongings, their identities, no longer viable.
All they had now, was an instinct, a hope, a last desperate strand to follow to survive
She gasps fortunately into her hand then spins at the sound of the trash can she had
moments ago been hiding behind, with a metal cluttering sound, the lid roll to the ground. Karen
pushes her back hard into the cool wall behind her in the shadows while her amber eyes wide,
focused now on where the sound came from. She hardly noticed Thomas pinning her into the wall
beside him now, tight beside him, the wall cold with the night. He was afraid too, for both of them
There were foot steps
With a tired begrudging grunt, the man clumsily lifts the lid. With a metal thump, the lid
clashes and shrieks with the forced meet with the bin’s body twisting pushing and turning, with that
sound, the footsteps too, disappear
Karen hears both of them exhale out a harsh drained shaky breath, either of them unable to
move any other muscle in her body though as she remained fixed on the scene for fear and paranoia
for another few moments as adrenalin flooded their systems.
They had been travelling relentlessly for weeks now like prison escapees or something;
scurraging and veil ourselves constantly from sight.
They never thought anything would be after them.
They never stopped, never showed themselves and if they did it was in disguise with
different names. They had lost most of their things when she had been taken by the rogues after she
had run, then the rest the few other times the rogues had gotten too close
Our people, were different from the rest. They weren’t like their mother Jocie- or rather
Jocelyn. Not like her family, their neighbours, friends, class mates or employers. Most of the time
from what information they had been able to find, the people they were after referred to
themselves as such, but other times they had another name that had stunned Karen and her brother
Their mother had kept a diary. Had kept information, and that information though
encrypted, said enough. Had explained why her and her brother were different, where their amber
eyes had come from, their strong lunar pulls, but more obviously their bodies; their strength, senses,
intuitions, their stealth…
All of which was very alert right now, helping them stay alive now
Because if what they had found out was true, they didn’t just call themselves pack because
of their close knit society. But because they had tails, muzzles and four legs with each their own fur
Wolf Pack

With the hand signal Karen had learnt reluctantly to obey now, Thomas in all his stealth
disappears from in front of her, down into the alley where the dim lights no longer followed. Holding
her breath, hand over mouth and her body taunt for both of their safety, Karen anxiously watches
that space for him to return, for his commands to follow once more, one step at a time behind him,
to be ghosts of the land once more
Karen bit her lip, eyes tight and strained on the spot she had last seen her twin though only
metres in front . She could feel her heart racing in her chest. The search to find their father and their
people was not as easy going or simple as they had thought, nor their discoveries.
Reluctant to turn her back and look away, Karen is rewarded with relief as she meets
Thomas’ sight at the edge of the end. Others wouldn’t be able to see him crouched outside the lights
gaze but with their shared amber eyes, the darkness was never a problem for either of them.
All clear his amber serious eyes, his stiff body and hand told her
Nodding then with a another quick look behind herself, as Thomas turns back towards the
woods with his back to her, Karen pushes up from the wall with a quick breath for strength.
This was the dangerous part. Because moving from her temporary hiding spot she could be
spotted. But yet if she stayed where she was surely she would eventually be caught as well. Either
way though, they both had something to do, to find their father, their people as Thomas always said.
They had been on the road, running and hiding with their fear from those that chased them, their
searching for weeks now, for discovery, truth and safety.
Her nostrils flare with her eyes widening as she takes in the dread familiar scent of pine wild
spice and hazel. As Thomas flips his gaze quick with almost surprise and anxiety. He takes a few steps
back more like a threatening stalk protectively towards her with his arm outstretched for her, and
Karen reciprocates it before they took off on foot
And there were things out there. Rogues that followed them, tracked them. There were
other things as well though, and they had only encountered them in the last few days now, not just a
couple but from the smell, they were a group. How big? They didn’t want to find out, the way they
were being stalked. They had nearly been caught a few times the past few days, it was only by fluke
it seemed that they had managed to evade their grasps
When they had gotten past the mountain though then they had had no real idea where to
go, at the knowledge of the Pynny forest in these mysterious mountains where not many travelled
lightly, where folklore myths and legends roamed like the mist and rain as thick inevitable and strong
as the trees itself, it seemed they were on the right trail.
Letting out her breath with a silent pray for strength, Karen pushes off down the alley at the
side of Tuscasons without another look behind, instead only watching her twins back, finding
comfort in his musky scent she followed now just like she had when they were little. When he
reaches behind him as they duck once more for her hand she takes it gratefully for the strength it
provided them both with
Like Thomas, she moved light and lithe on her feet. When they were kids playing hide and
seek they were never caught. Not just because they could outrun the others, but because the others,
even the teachers, their mother, didn’t notice them. Just like then they needed that. Only this time,
it wasn’t a game
Because if they got caught the game didn’t start over again
It ended

“Thomas, Tom, stop” she calls a second time pulling him to a halt in tight silence. Karen
plants her bare feet flat into the damp leafy dirt ground, feeling the connection soak deep into her
skin to her bones. Right now though, she stood tense and focused on her other senses, ignoring the
rain seeping through the canopy above them surrounding them like a translucent hazy blanket.
Thomas had much better sight and hearing to her, but the sound of something elusive and
sneaky, he seemed to have missed. Just like the subtle scent of the hazel spice hidden in the
freshness of the rain storm and the forest. Another thing though, was the sudden almost eerie
stillness of the forest around them, watching them and the scene that was playing out before them.
A warning.
Taking another deep breath in, as Karen catches hold of her brothers sudden heightening
acuteness, the tension and readiness in his scent, she knew he had caught the same sound as well
before they both look up and into the same direction.
Feet. Travelling, tracking quiet feet
Fear now tainted his scent like hers as silently without warning hesitation or question,
Thomas grabs her upper arm in a practiced vice grip, and they bolted
The sound of the softest drops and drizzles of rain around them, hitting the leaves and
rolling down trees and their vines, the swaying through the night no longer masked the sound of
their followers. It heightened it
Thomas slows them down. By the way his golden eyes flickered and his nostrils ever so
slightly flared, Karen knew he was focusing at optimum. He was only alert and focused on their
hunters. Nothing else. No reasoning, only instinct
Wolf instinct?
Karen shakes her head once at the thought, automatically denying it for another time. A
startled sound leaves her chest as without notice Thomas with sudden ferocity she was
unaccustomed to, he takes off again moving his hard binding grip to her hand this time. The growling
sound she hears from his chest warns her of something else she didn’t want to address until later as
well though.
As they moved further inland of the forest, its inhabitance seems to flourish and thicken
more and more until unable to keep hold, Thomas lets go of her hand after a squeeze and jumping
first, he goes over the fallen tree with Karen next only inches away
They were fast, quiet, stealthy. Hunters just as much as those hunting them. They wore no
shoes; feeling the land, the vibrations led by instincts for survival.
They also brought a foreshadowing of knowledge. That they were closing in, the feet on
either side of them no longer far off tracking but trained in like homing pigeons.
Karen gasps as she spots two shadows to her left moving with the same speed and swiftness
as they were through the night
And we were trapped
“Thomas…” Karen’s voice quivers in the whisper as she sees more shadow figures coming
closer. Trapping them, and it was becoming more apparent they were no matter how fast and
quietly they ran, they were matched
“-Just keep-“ Thomas had interrupted her, but in the same instant, Thomas’ growl was
interrupted back as swift as an eagle, like a swipe of a sharpened knife, their path was completely
cut off so expertly, they knew they hadn’t only been tracked and hunted, they had been played with.
They knew this area well, had followed, tested them. Thomas cursed under his breath, he knew that
too know.
He steps in front of her wrapping his arms half behind him around her like a shield. He was a
protector, a fierce one. Not a just brother right now. But then she changes her statement as she
watches him, taking the protection he provided.
Was that what brothers were? Protectors? The way his body no longer looked her height but
ten feet taller, the muscles, his jaw line, and his eyes so tight and focused on the enemy at hand and
yet still just so over her. Had he not protected her all this time? Rescued her, taken care of her even
when she hadn’t wanted it? Had tried running and he had done everything to get her back with him?
Through all the arguments, her attempts to escape him, leave and run off and yet he continued to
find and bring her with.
The vibration warning rumble from his chest made Karen stiffen, her heart speed up. She
gasps when she looks up and directly meets a pair of brilliant bronzen amber eyes back, beside a tall
older man who looked aged with power, leadership and wisdom as he watched them.
There were maybe 8 people surrounding them. At the sound of animalistic growls and
snarls, looking around Karen spots two wolves and yet she was expecting a pack of them
Until she realized it was the people making the same sound as well. Maybe a little different
but not by much, still the information stunned her and it looked, Thomas as well.
His arms tightened at her sides and he didn’t try to hide the growl snarl so much like theirs
this time. Similarly Karen locks her jaw, her eyes taking on the fierceness of their travels, her posture
changing to defensive and ready that their survival had depended on, at the knowledge

One of mother’s diary passages came to mind in this situation; standing surrounded by
danger. Trapped, vulnerable and determined. Fear and anger, hope all mixing together. Trapped in
the eyes of the beholder… at their mercy
September 21,
The eyes of a good hunter. Experienced, confident with strength, knowledge. Cunning. The
eyes never left mine, lever freed me. I am trapped. Cornered. At his mercy.
How do I escape? How do I flee?
They all surround me. I am at their mercy, at the eyes of the beholder. Him. Sounds that
seem so surreal fill the air around me to the point I stop listening to the horror. Dannaei, a powerful
hunter, the leader, the protector
They are all after the same thing in the end; they follow instincts, it is them. They are after
us. If we are alone, we are caught, if we are together, we are strong. We are always protected
though. A pack, a family. In all families there are those that don’t fit in though. Those that don’t
follow the way.
Those are the most dangerous. Those are the ones we grow to fear most
Who were us? Who were they? The danger was eminent. As she thought over the passage though, it
seemed to mean something different to what they had first thought.
Was ‘us’ Karen, Thomas and Jocelyn? And ‘they’ the rogues? That was what they once
thought. But now, as they were surrounded, just as their mother had explained though vaguely-
secrets hidden in these plain words- as the eyes focused more on Karen than Thomas, comfort and
fear filled her
Comfort, because it seemed, that whatever their mother’s contempt with their father and
their People was, she was once a part of it, she once, didn’t separate herself from their people.
Considered them family
Fear, she was an ‘us’ and someone was a ‘they’. Those once thought family, once had family
and had chosen against it. Those that had gone against their ways and traditions, against their own.
It became apparent they were the rogues. But the fear that filled her right now, as all the
eyes fixed on her with mixes from curiosity and intensity, was that there was something else
someone else, her mother, the ‘us’ referred to as ‘they’.
She was a part of their kind, and yet, she feared them. Right now though, and to ever find
that reason, was to find their father. Dannaei Quin

Karen sees their nostrils flare and eyes narrow focusing which was curious. Thomas tilts his
head watching as well. Confusion and curiosity filled the air around them, through the hazel scent
they all shared. The scent that reminded her so much of Thomas, the scent she would track and
chase as a child, only each had a specific scent lying underneath it. The scent of pine and pure wild,
spice, soft natural and musky scents her over sensitive told her. Another came then though, a sweet
one reminding her of peach and frangipani. The scents overwhelming, Karen couldn’t help the
sneeze that followed like she had sniffed a whole heap of potent incenses and it burning her nose
With the sneeze brought a tension breaker though. The male beside the leader, a second in
command, whose eyes had been holding hers, she saw his lips lift in a half smile. Amusement, and
his shoulders like his body, like everyone’s, ready to attack, relaxed to a slightly more casual position.
Like the leader beside him
“Who are you” the older man asks with a no-nonsense voice. This man, you didn’t lie to.
Thomas didn’t respond though, just watched
The wariness and tension was still close to suffocating though. The wolves had stopped
snarling. Now, mild growls of uncertainty and unsettle were rumbling through the group
“Thomas” she whispers going to her toes to look around to see his face when he still
remained tense, unmoving. Her movement made a growl in his chest warn her for moving though,
his body turning to capture her into a more safe hold. She shuts her mouth dismissively to him
He was still in protective mode. He didn’t know these people, the scent that had trailed,
hunted and now had played with them for days so close. He wouldn’t let his guard down. Not when
she was involved as well. She was still his, not there’s-
His? There that possessive understanding logic came to her again years after years it had not
bothered her but in these past weeks, small things like that, after all these secrets and uncertainties
being revealed and challenged, Karen had come to challenge her mind as well
Meeting the man beside the leader again, the male saw her shake her head trying to clear
her thoughts. A smirk lifted his smile again, as if he knew what she had been thinking, the inner
turmoil she was going through
Sudden strange strong anger filled her at that knowledge. At this stranger, this hunter, one
of which had terrified them, taken sleep and peace of mind from them for weeks now, acted as if he
knew her. As if he had the right to smile, to be amused by her
“Karen!” Thomas snarls fiercely, surprised but quick as she within the same second it took
her a moment to recount what had happened, she had half crouched and pounced at the man
laughing at them but Thomas had caught her barely as her feet had left the ground
The leader watched analytical and penetratingly his head tilted slightly to the side
Steaming in his chest, trying hard to rein in her anger at that man Karen felt she was a kettle
ready to spur steaming water. her chest was rumbling strangely, the sensation vibrating through her.
Her heart was racing and hot with her pulse and her breathing laboured and fast, suddenly with the
desire to rip that man. To wipe that appraising, watchful and expectant smug look off his face.
Why the confidence? The smugness?
With sudden understanding and fear, Karen realizes that rumbling, was a growl, just like
Thomas had and just like these people had. These quiet people that had merely stood around them,
said and done nothing but watched with the curiosity and confusion Thomas and Karen didn’t
Taking a deliberate slow deep breath, surprised by how angry she felt and so sudden. Sure
she was pale with fear at her revelation of herself, not leaving the man’s gaze, she exhales it out with
her angry until she is left drained, uneasy and frightened.
All that running, fear, uncertainty had left them fatigued with no sleep and anxiety, starved
and yet not hungry.
Realizing that, Karen turns her eyes away, giving up as she relaxes her posture and accepts
the safety her brother, her rock, had always given.

“What is it you want” Thomas demands unthreatening. His voice even to the man
apparently in charge in front of them
The people around them stiffened at his demand and eyes turned to the apparent leader for
the reaction. Straightening up, he replies with the same unthreatening yet unconcerned voice back
“This is Shyioh territory you are encroaching on. These mountains, this forest are not places
for travellers. What is it you want Thomas” the leader asks cool, calm collected arms old but
frighteningly powerful folded with intimidation across his chest, like he was belittling a child for
doing wrong. Karen and her twin stiffen at the use of his name. she leaves the talking to her brother
though. Neither of them knew how to talk to a male in such a way, especially Karen. Thomas was the
lead for her
“If you want us off your territory we will leave” he answers, untrusting. After weeks of being
chased he had every right to be
This time, the leader shakes his head. Her heart rate thumps hard with the start of panic in
her chest. The leader and Thomas never leaving eyes, Karen glances back at the male meting his
gaze that seemed to be reading her like a book.
This time there is no smirk, instead he seems to watch her acutely before wordlessly, looks
back to her brother with the leader like he had the weight of his shoulders on him. Like he was the
leader too
“You will come to the village. You and your mate” the leader demands confidently back,
raising his chin daring defiance from her brother. Karen holds her breath, silently wondering what
her brother would do, what his mind was thinking with his arms still wrapped supportive and
possessive around her, with his index fingers underneath her arms hidden, gently tapping the skin;
his mind working
Our mouths hang open at his last word though as it hits them. Utter shock hit them like a
kick in the stomach. Mate? Mate? Several million things ran through her head from what did Mate
mean to were the farfetched stories Tom and her mother’s diary been true? And they thought they
were mates? Meaning they thought they were- one of them as well? Which was what?
“Excuse me?” Thomas was the first to ask, his fingers digging unconsciously into her skin
before hastily and reluctantly releasing her
The leader and male raised their eyebrow like a mock question then curiosity.
Then they stiffened
“You need to come. Please” the last word was added but it wasn’t for politeness, if anything
it was more emphasis on the command
“No” he replies and Karen can’t help the wince she gives
Suddenly the forest went deathly quiet, the tension building back to the first moment of
confrontation all over again. All eyes to the two males; her brother, the leader and male in front
Both male’s eyes were unwavering on him, the older man’s head tilted slightly down, eyes
intense, body strong. All to intimidate and show his confidence and strength. His nostrils always
working, taking in and testing their scent
Slowly, after a long moment he speaks. “that, isn’t an option” he straightens, “you have
been watched for 2 days now. Both of you. We won’t allow rogues rummaging through here” He
looks to Karen in emphasis, his voice low growl in warning to them. Anger seemed to hint his scent,
his eyes acute with that confusion again.
When Thomas tightens his grip of her at it, the male steps forwards at the leaders nod,
making Thomas growl a warning then push Karen behind both protective and possessive. Wary,
while the leader seemed expectant. A test. He raises one eyebrow at them
They both stiffen at the insult though, then at the surprise of being called one
Karen gasps and spins around out of Thomas’ arms startled and more skittish than she would
even want to admit to her twin, when two of the wolves howl out suddenly, and she looks up. Even
through the canopy she could see the soft light of the moon shining around them, caressing her face
like the rain. As if it were part of the moon rather than water. she stiffens when a response, closer
then further away, comes to the wolves though.
Doing a full circle she focuses back onto Thomas and the leader defying his wishes
“No, Thomas” she growls quietly again trying to get his attention and hits his back twice
with no affect, ignoring her shaking voice and the male watching her like the rest while the two
males tried to stare each other down pointless.
“Tom…” she whispers too low for anyone but him, pulling subtly at his arm this time. Never
in all her life had she ever been frightened of her brother, but his cold furious voice and eyes, those
flared nostrils, now she was.
He blinks in respectful defeat, realizing his wrong. Looking up to assess the leader and the
male’s reactions, the leader seemed to take it easily and understandingly while the younger male
was still watching her casually.
If not for such a hard durable few weeks, things Karen knew, would be different. They would
have used their minds, logic to survive. But instead, after being hunted for so long, being on the edge
for so long, they had quickly learnt another way to survive- not live. They had been caught at a time
when they were thin- emotionally drained and skittish. They had been through so much, even more
so these past few days. Because not only did we have this village on their back watching, we had
rogues. Rogues they believed we were as well. Karen would have never attacked a stranger like this
group, nor would have Thomas. We had been on the edge for too long, surviving on nothing for too
long, and this was one of the results. One moment they were drained, the next they had too much
energy to know what to do with; they had survived off adrenalin, from fear.
Everyone had to come down back to earth eventually though, there was only so much luck,
so much anyone could endure.
Placing a hand on Thomas’ chest for comfort, she faces the leader before looking down,
trying not to look like she was challenging him.
“I'm sorry we trespassed on your land” she tells him giving her brother a look at the end
when he would have objected, not bothering to try and hide the weariness in her voice any longer.
The group all listened to her, even the wolves, so she continued, taking a leap of faith.
Because there was nothing to lose.
Karen takes a step towards the leader and watches his nostrils take in her scent again. This
time his eyes seemed to zero in on them with far more interest.
“We are tired and on edge, we have been travelling for weeks and just passing through. We
don’t mean any harm” Karen whispers the end. When the silence lengthens she sneaks a peek at the
male to find him watching but in thought
“Who are you” he asks. His voice seemed not so controlled now and it reminded her of
outrage, making her head snap up surprised. The male beside him had a similar reaction, looking to
his leader with confusion and surprise
When the leader stumbles a few steps forward his hand ready to snatch her before watching
her stumble back from him he stills controlling himself better. Everyone this time watches him warily
while Karen takes a step back skittishly to her brother who put a hand on her shoulder, his chest
growling a warning. The leader didn’t note it though. There was a deep troubling frown between his
eyes, and wrinkles formed on his head creasing as if he were trying to solve a difficult problem
“Who are you” he demands this time, it sounded like a plead though. Just like other people
used to being in charge, they weren’t used to people turning them down. Still, the look in his face,
the desperation hint had her confessing
“Karen... and Thomas--” she answers barely over a wary whisper, he wasn’t interested in
that answer though. It wasn’t what he was after
Who are you. His question echoed in her mind
Who am i?
Words again, reflected her mother’s diary
The older man’s golden eyes now, flickered intensely across hers, searching for something
she had no clue he was after. A lie? Did it matter their names? Was he looking at how filthy she was?
The bruises and the deep face scar she had gotten from the rogue at the beginning of their travels?
Something tightened in her chest though
Did he recognize something about us? Karen noted her brother had stopped growling now-
big grizzly- his fingers on her shoulders were like stakes though. They wouldn’t let her go for
anything in the world
“Karen Loch…” he repeats then looks just as strong at Thomas “and Thomas.” Karen quickly
glances again to the man now behind the leader, looking for some reassurance but it failed. The man
was just as confused by their leaders odd behaviour as well
“Dannaei?...” the man behind him asks cautiously and concerned. Karen and Thomas both
gasp loudly and spin facing each other before abruptly spinning back to the older man, eyes wide.
He wasn’t that old though. He looked… maybe in his late-30’s whereas their mother would
have been 50.
Karen steps back again, then again from their leader who was so focused on them- her- it
felt like her skin was crawling. Getting her defence back up, her face hardens from shock to anger-
and everything in between, trying to desperately hide the vulnerable feeling she felt welling in her,
just like tears at him reminding her of her mother
Still, she couldn’t help but ask.
“Dannaei? Dannaei… Quin?” she breathes fearful of her voice
All eyes to her was enough of an answer for her though

Karen starts shaking her head. A few weak ones but then, she shook it more violently,
denying what her mind was telling her, that this man with the same amber golden eyes, the scent
that reminded her so much of her brother was there.
“No… no”
Thomas who was a little in front of her, was just staring lost in thought at the man that
claimed to be Dannaei Quin. The younger man was switching his eyes from their leader to her, then
back again
“Who is your mother” the man stood watching them seeming cool and collected all except
his eyes that swelled with so much emotion it was unsettling. And his clenched hands to his sides,
like he was struggling not to pounce like before on them. To hold them to him
So much emotion and pain
“None of your business” Karen surprises herself with her hot response, ending with a quick
glare his direction that the leader just watched. But damn it, she wanted a reaction! She and her
brother were and yet this man… this man…
“Thomas” she calls. “Thomas, we’re leaving” backing up another step from the group,
watching as the leader kept her gaze hostage. So she saw the hint of disbelief and determination
when she had said those words
“Was your mother Jocelyn? Jocelyn Jonan. Who was your other?” he calls back coolly, his
voice was a light mocking as well though hidden in a growl of pain sorrow, anger and sadness she
Her heart stopped and by the look of it, Thomas’ did as well, meeting her eyes with the same
vulnerable lost feeling it was unbearable. Other, he meant their paternal side. To the maternal he
already knew. He knew their mother
Unshed tears filled her eyes and outrage. How dare this man say things like this!
She went to run. To run and never turn back, never stop, but the look of hope and then
victory. And the vulnerablilty in the leader’s eyes as he saw her reaction had made her go numb and
cold for some reason
“You don’t know anything! This is none-“ her voice cracks and she swallows furious at
herself for showing such weakness. Then simultaneously she jumps with genuine terror at the sound
of movement in the forest, making her let out a hysterical sound before she can cut it off. Thomas
grimaces at them and they realize they weren’t just travellers but something was terribly wrong as
“Ren-” Thomas starts but as soon as he puts his hand on her she starts fighting, making him
wrap his arms around her more in a restrain
The smell of salt water filled her senses. Then, she burst into his chest, her arms locked tight
around his that held on like un-giving vices to her. Like they always did
She was vaguely aware of Thomas explaining and asking questions to Dannaei Quin
“…we’ve been running for weeks and searching to see if we could find you. We’re twins,
Karen and I are 19” Thomas explains. All Karen was really listening to though, was his heart beat
against her ear, the heat, the comfort. Her rock, his musky comforting scent that filled her lungs
joyously. How could she have thought he hated her so? Would leave her?- how could she think she
would be able to survive without him? Though a dark thought entered her saying he kept her around
for this reason, in case they did find their father and he wanted to find her.
This would stop all of that.
The way his hands soothed her so absently though, the affectionate side of him though, told
her otherwise
“Twins?” he puffs out a awed-happy sound and smiles with wonder through the sorrow and
anguish he seemed to carry. The world that the young man beside him had been helping with. His
mate, his soul mate, had not only a child, but twins. She hears him murmur softly as if to himself
“yes, it has been 20 years since I saw my Jocie…” looking for that moment from the sound of his
voice, Karen saw him hold onto something around his neck. A key.
‘Seal away my lock and key, my hearts desires’
“Mother…” she breathes
“What?” Thomas asks but she doesn’t respond. Her nerves and energy rattled to oblivion
and back just about
When she was done, aware of watching eyes, she whispers hiding in his chest “I want to go
home Tom. I want to go home”. She was an emotional wreck. They both were
“You will” the sound of the younger male voice and his words despite all, soothed her, like
Dannaei’s soft voice.
Meeting Thomas’ gaze, Dannaei tells him gently “come,” with a nod she feels, they begin
walking with them.
“… It is a different world to what you have grown up to I imagine. I was the Pack leader of
Shyioh, but when I lost your mother…” his voice fades heavy with pain then a forced smile replaces it
as he puts a hand to the man beside him. “then Kaedan here took over when he was ready. 22 this
one now. He’s only young but he’s got the right stuff don’t you boy?” he further explains
Kaedan smiles though obviously flattered, he teases “nah old man, you just felt sorry for
me,” Kaedan winks at Karen and Thomas and explains “I came from another Pack across the east of
the mountains’,” he points, “I got orphaned young when a wild fire took my pack and I wondered
out here then ended up stay' in” he finishes with a warm smile to Dannaei.
His accent was interesting and comforting. Her eyes droop until all she can hear, is the hum
of his voice filling her mind and for the first time, Karen slept peacefully

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