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pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ARP ESSER Health and Safety Plan Guidance & Template Section 2001()(1) of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act requires each local education agency (LEA) tha receives funding under the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Rel ESSER) Fund to develop and make publicly available on the LEA's website {8 Sofe Return to -Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan, herenafier referred 103s ‘Heath and Safety Pan, ‘ated on ARP requirements, 90 percent of ARP ESSER funds willbe distnbuted to schoo! clstits and charter schools based on thei relative share of Tite IA funding in FY 2020-2021 Given Federally required timelines, LEAs eligible to apply for and receive this portion of ‘the ARP ESSER funding must submit a Health and Safety Plan that meets ARP Act requirements to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) by Friday, July 30, 2021, regardless of when the LEA submits Its ARP ESSER application. Each LEA must crate 2 Health and Safety Plan that adéresses how it wal maintain the health ‘and safely of students, educators, and other staf, and which wil serve as local guidelines fora ‘nstuctonal and nor-instructonal school activites dung the period of the LEA's ARP ESSER ‘rant, The Health and Safety Plan shouldbe talored tothe unique needs of each LEA and its schools and must ake Into account public comment related tothe development of, and subsequent revisiens to, the Health and Safely Pian ‘The ARP Act and US. Department of Education rules require Heath and Safety plans include the following components 1, How the LEA wil tothe greatest extent practicable, implement prevention and mitigation policies in tne wih the most up-to-date guidance from the Centers for Disease Contr! and Prevemtion (CDC) forthe reopening and operation of school facies inorder to continuously and safely open and operate schools fr in-person learning: 2, How the LEA will ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to servicesto ‘adaress the students’ academic needs, and students’ and stat! members’ socal, ‘emotional, mental heath, and other needs, which may include student health and food 3. How the LEA wil maitain the health and safely of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy on each ofthe folowing safely recommendations established by the CDC. une 4, 2024 Page 1 of7 ‘4 Universal and correct wearing of masks: 1b Moding facies to allow for physical distancing (e.g, use of cohorts/podding), e hing and co iavete 4. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facies, including improving ventilation; fn collaboration with © Contact tracing in combination wih isolation and quarantine, State and local heath departments; 1. Diagnostic ana screening testing: @. Effons to provide COVIO-19 vaccinations to schoo! communis: hh Approsrate accommodations for children with disabilities wit ‘and safety policies; and pect to health 1 Coordnation with state and ical health officials, ‘The LEA's Heath and Safety Plan must be approved by its governing body and posted on the [LENS publicly avaliable website by July 30, 2021." The ARP Act requires LEAS to pos their Heath and Safely Plans online in a language that parents/caregivers can understand, o, itis ‘no practicable to provide wrtton translations to an incvidval with limited English profcency, be ‘oraly translated. The plan also must be provided in an alternative format accessible, upon request, by 8 parent whois an individual with a dlsabity as defined by the Americans with Dieabilties Act {Each LEA wil upload in the @Grants system its updated Health and Safety Plan and webpage 'URL where the pani located on the LEA's publcly avaiable west. “The ARP Act reques LEAS to review thelr Heath and Safety Plane atleast every six months “during the petiodof the LEA's ARP ESSER granl. LEAs also must review and update their ‘plans whenever there are sigticant changes tothe CDC recommendations for K-12 schools Like the development of the plan, all evsions must be informed by community input and reviewed and approved by the governing body prior to posting on the LEA's publicly avaiable website LEAs may use the template to revise thelr curent Health and Safety Plans to meet ARP fequrements anc ensure ak stakeholders are fly Informed of the LEAS pan (0 safely estar Instructional and ner-nstuctional school activites, including in-person leating, forthe curren ‘school year. An LEA may use a diferent plan template or format provided it includes all the lements required by the ARP Act, a8 listed above tune 4, 2021 Page 2017 +The July 30 deadtine apples only to school districts and charter schools that received federal “Tie LA funds in FY 2020-2021 and intend to apply for and receive ARP ESSER funding, Additional Resources LEAs ae advised to review the folowing resources when developing their Health and Safety Prans + COC K-12 School Operational Salegy + BoE ing COVID-19 + PDE Roacmap for Edveation Leaders + BOE Accelerated Learning Thorough an Integrated System of Suppo + PAL 3 of Health - COVID-19 in Pennayl June 4, 2021 Page 3 of Health and Safety Pian Summary: Canton Area School District Initial Effective Date: 61072021 Date of Last Review: 8/12/2021 Date of Last Revision: 8/2/2024 1. How wil the LEA, to the greatest extent practicable, support prevention and ‘mitigation polloles inl with the most up-to-date guidance from the CDC for the reopening and opesation of schoo! facilites in order to continuously and ‘safely open and operate schools for in-person learning? ‘The Canton Area Schoo! District will continue to implement, tothe maximum extent possible, prevention and mitigation efforts, and develop polcies and procedures that are aligned with the healt and safety guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Pennsylvania Departmert of Health, and the Pennsylvania Department of Education in trder to ensure a tafe reopening of schools for any summer programming and re-entry into schoo! fr the 2021-2022 schocl year. 2. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address the students” academic needs, and students’ and staff ‘emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may Include student health and food services? ‘The Canton Avea Schoo! District will continue to monitor the allocation of resources to students and families while the students are in school and within the community ‘The cistrit will use ESSER funds to address the unfinished learning needs of our ‘students both academically and sociallyemationaly. The istrict nas partnered with the local Minsterium to continue with a food program for eur students throughout th ‘summer months unt the start of school nex fall. Additional resources willbe added to the budget over the next theve years to address the effects thatthe pandemic has hed on stents within cur citric, 3. Use the table below 1o explain how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educatore, and ether staf and the extent to which it has adopted policies, 'and a description of any such policy on each ofthe folowing safety recommendations estabished by the COC. nn) voluntanty wear masks at any time, The istrict wil colaborate with state department of health ofcias, as needed, to determine any large-scale need for | universal wearing of face masks and wall June 4,202 Page 4 of 7 b. Modifying facilis to alow for chysical distancing (e.g. use of eohorts/podding); © Handwashing and respirator etiquette: ‘4. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, incucing improving ventilation, ©. Contact tracing in combination with {solation and quarantine. n collaboration ‘with the State and local heath departments; une 4, 2004 Pertaining to face masks. ‘Therefore, all Students bus drivers, and staff, whe on strict transportatior (bus, van, et) wail be required to wear aface covering. Masks wil be optional forall students staf, and other schon! wasilor while on school propery, [As itpertains to tho SARS-CoV.2 pandemic, the Canton Ares School District wil promote physical distancing to the maximum exten possible. As itpertans lo the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the Canten Area Schoo! Distct wil promote proper handwashing and respiratory etiquette by continung to ‘splay signs/educaton materials. The ‘stil wil also make public service ‘announcements inthe schoals ‘encourage the school nurses fo promote proper handwashing an respiratory tiquetie, and encourage all her temployee groups to promote proper handwashing and respiratory etiquete when practicable and appropeate {si pertains tothe SARS:CoV-2 pandemic, the Canton Area Schoo! District wié coninveto assess and replace HVAC fites when necessary. ‘The district wit provide cleaning and ‘sanitizing solutions and matonts to Classrooms and employees fr clearing 238 needed and prove routine cleaning of ‘acti! classroome/buses by employees, iradicate any ving viruses, spores, or ‘molds that could be presen in the ar {As it periains tothe SARS-CoV-2 ‘pandemic, the Canton Area Schoo! District wil abide by fo the maximum extent possibie, any contact racng, isolation, and quarantine requirements Issued by the Center for Disease ControuPennsylvania Department of Poge Sof? aeons f Diagnowic and sereening testing {9 Efforts io provide vaccinations to schoo! sommunies: h. Appropiate accommodations for ‘students with disabilities with respect to heaith and safety policies, and |. Coordination wth otate and local health oficial, June 4, 2001 SST HoaltvPonneyvania Doperement of Education ‘As itpertans tothe SARS-COV-2 pandemic, the Canton Area Schoo! District il promote ciagnasic and symptom screening by parenfa/studentlemployees who ate Symptomatic o have suspicion of COVID- ‘Wexposure pic to arriving atthe schoo! campus and schoo! buildings. ‘The dati! fs curently considering cftering a vaccination sit ths summer {through a parnership wits CVS to allow students, the famies, and the surrounding community tbe abe to feceWve a vaccination on cur campus. ‘Asi pertains tothe SARS-COV-2 ‘pandemic, the Canton Area School District wil provide reasonable ‘accommodations, a appropriate, to Students wih ekeabiies wih respect to heath and safely strategies. ‘Ae tportaine tothe SARS-COV-2 Pandemic, the Canton Area Schoo! Detrict wal participate incolaborative ‘efforts with local and state health officials ‘who desite coordination related to Fesponses to the pandeme, when contacted directly Page 6 ot7 Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation Statement ‘The Board of Diractors/Trustees for Canton Area Schoo! District reviewed and approved the Health and Safety Plan on August 12, 2021 ‘The plan was approved by a vote of dives [Alferd on: August 12, 2024 By (Signatur of sient) _ dud 4 Sourbeer Pint Name otboar Prior) “Blectroni signatures on his document are acceptable using one ofthe to methods dead below. Option A: The ues of actual signature is encouraged whenaver possible This method reauves thatthe coeamentbe ped, Sgned, scanned, and then submited ‘Option Bf printing and scanning re nol posible, a an electronic sigrature using the resin \Mecrosoft Ofte product signature option, hich is eet eveyone, noinaallstono” purchase needed dure 4, 2021 Page 7 of 7

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