The Effect of Direct and Indirect Hand Heating On Finger Blood Flow and Dexterity During Cold Exposure

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Journal of Thermal Biology 24 (1999) 391±396

The e€ect of direct and indirect hand heating on ®nger

blood ¯ow and dexterity during cold exposure
Michel B. Ducharme*,1, Dragan Brajkovic1, John Frim1
Human Protection and Performance, Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, Toronto, Canada, M3M 3B9


1. The aim of this study was to investigate if ®nger temperature or ®nger blood ¯ow is the critical factor for main-
tenance of ®nger dexterity during cold exposure.
2. Subjects were exposed twice to ÿ258C air for 3 h by using a Torso Heating Test (THT) where the torso was
maintained to 428C with a heating vest while the hands were bare, and a Hand Heating Test (HHT) where the
hands were heated with heated gloves.
3. Despite similar ®nger temperatures, ®nger blood ¯ow was eight times lower and ®nger dexterity was decreased in
HHT as compared to THT.
4. It is concluded that ®nger blood ¯ow is the critical factor to maintain ®nger dexterity in the cold.
Crown Copyright # 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Finger dexterity; Finger temperature; Auxiliary heating; Cold exposure; Heating gloves; Torso heating; Comfort of

1. Introduction auxiliary heating of the hands will result in a signi®-

cant elevation of the skin temperature of the hands to
Maintaining hand dexterity and comfort is a chal- 258C during systemic exposure to cold, but failed to
lenge during exposure to cold, particularly when hand show any improvement of ®nger dexterity when com-
work is involved. This condition may require removal pared to a condition without auxiliary heating where
of protective mitts in favor of working with thin gloves the ®nger temperature was 138C. We hypothesized that
or even bare hands. This condition will result in rapid the reason for this lack of improvement in perform-
cooling of the extremities, a lost of manual dexterity ance may be related to the failure of the auxiliary heat-
and an increased risk of cold injury. ing to elevate blood ¯ow to the hands, despite the
Auxiliary heating with electrically heated gloves has comfortable 258C ®nger skin temperature.
been used in the past to maintain hand performance The purpose of this experiment was to compare the
without real success. Martini et al. (1994) showed that e€ects of heating the hands directly with Electrically
Heated Gloves (EHGs) and heating the hands in-
directly to the same skin temperature by using an
* Corresponding author. Electrically Heated Vest (EHV), on ®nger blood ¯ow
Works for the Department of National Defence. and dexterity during cold exposure.

0306-4565/00/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright # 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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392 M.B. Ducharme et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 24 (1999) 391±396

2. Methods each pair of heaters in the EHV. To ensure that the

skin temperature under the heaters did not reach 458C
Eight, healthy, non-smoking male volunteers with at any time, the computer turned o€ the heater com-
the following mean2 SD characteristics were recruited: pletely if skin temperature reached 448C.
age 32.82 7.4 years, height 176.4 2 6.3 cm, weight
82.4 2 7.5 kg, and body surface area 1.99 2 0.11. Body 2.2. Hand Heating Test
surface area was calculated using the formula of
Dubois and Dubois (1916). During HHT, subjects wore the EHV, but it was not
The eight subjects were exposed to one familiariz- powered. EHGs were worn along with Arctic mitts
ation test (FT) and two treatment tests: a THT and an during the 3 h exposure, except during the dexterity
HHT. The tests were done one week apart over a time tests when the hands were bare. The three layer CF
period spanning from January to July 1998. Subjects Arctic clothing ensemble was worn over the body. The
were exposed to an ambient temperature of ÿ258C EHG heater power was adjusted manually so that the
with a wind speed <0.2 m sÿ1 for 3 h during all tests. mean ®nger skin temperature (T®ng) was the same as
the T®ng established during THT. The EHGs were con-
2.1. Torso Heating Test structed with heating wires covering the ®ngers and
back of the hands and knitted into a tight-®tting,
During THT, the torso was heated using an EHV. nylon glove (Rapier Missle Glove, Vacuum Re¯ex Ltd,
The mean heated torso skin temperature under the Su€olk, UK).
- -
EHV (Ttorso) was maintained at 42 2 0.58C. A Ttorso of
42 2 0.58C was chosen because the objective was to 2.3. Finger dexterity tests performed during THT and
maximally vasodilate the skin without burning the HHT
skin. It has been reported by Hardy (1972) that the
burn threshold for human skin is 458C. Therefore, it During the 3 h cold exposure, the subjects were
was felt that a Ttorso of 428C would be safe, yet warm. asked to perform either a ri¯e disassembly and assem-
No gloves or Arctic mitts were worn during the entire bly test using a Canadian Forces C-7 ri¯e (C-7 test) or
3-h exposure. Heavy insulation was worn over the the Purdue Pegboard test (PP test) every 30 min. The
body which consisted of a three layer Canadian Forces C-7 test was done at time 0, 60, 120, and 180 min. The
(CF) Arctic clothing ensemble. The CF Arctic clothing PP test was done at time 30, 90, and 150 min. The C-7
ensemble consisted of a ¯eece garment (®rst layer), an and PP tests were also done outside the cold chamber
uninsulated inner parka and pants (second layer), and at an ambient temperature of 258C. The C-7 test pro-
an insulated outer parka and pants (third layer). Long, vided an index of gross ®nger dexterity, whereas the
cotton underwear was also worn under the ¯eece PP test measured ®ne ®nger dexterity.
pants. Standard CF mukluks, woollen socks, and bala- The C-7 test was chosen because it was representa-
clava were also worn. The total insulation of the CF tive of the type of ®nger dexterity task that might be
Arctic clothing ensemble (excluding the long, cotton performed by Canadian soldiers in the ®eld. The C-7
underwear) was 3.6 Clo (0.556 m2 k Wÿ1). ri¯e consisted of 10 pieces, most of which were made
The EHV consisted of 10 Kapton ¯exible heaters from metal. The subjects took on average 1 to 2 min
(Omega Engineering, Stanford, Connecticut, USA) to complete the C-7 test outside the cold chamber.
®xed around the torso and covering a total area of The PP test is a ®nger dexterity test which has been
0.266 m2. The heaters were not in direct contact with shown to be a reliable and valid measure of ®nger dex-
the skin, but inside a ®re resistant pocket made of terity (Bass and Stucki, 1951). It consists of assembling
1 1
Nomex fabric with Thinsulate insulation on the as many four-piece units (a small metal pin, collar and
outer surface of the heater. Once the heaters were two washers) into small holes in a 1 min period.
placed inside the pockets, the pockets were sewn Subjects were asked to perform three trials of the 1 min
together to form a vest that covered a total area of test with approximately a 20 to 30 s break between
0.366 m2. A tight, short-sleeved lycra body suit which each trial. An average PP score (in points) was
extended down to the mid-thigh level was worn over recorded for the three trials. During the completion of
the EHV to optimize the contact between the skin and the three trials, the hands were bare for 4 to 5 min.
the EHV. Preselected voltages were sent by ®ve cur- Subjects were asked to practice the C-7 and PP tests
rent-limiting power supplies (two model 6030A, 0 to prior to entering the cold chamber. During the practice
200 V/0 to 17 A, 1000 W; three model 6034A, 0 to sessions subjects wore the same upper body layers of
60 V/0 to 10 A, 200 W; Hewlett Packard) to the ®ve CF Arctic clothing they wore inside the cold chamber.
pairs of heaters to achieve a Ttorso of 42 2 0.58C. The In addition, the balaclava and parka hood were worn
power supplies were controlled by a computer which so that any possible restrictions in vision which
allowed the user to input the desired heater power for occurred in the cold chamber as a result of wearing
M.B. Ducharme et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 24 (1999) 391±396 393

the balaclava could be duplicated during the practice _

minute for 3 h and an average Q fing was taken every
session. The lower half of the CF Arctic ensemble was minute.
not worn during the practice sessions because it was
hypothesized that any decrease in dexterity test per- 2.6. Statistical analyses
formance caused by restrictions in the Arctic clothing
would be limited to the clothing worn on the upper- A two-way ANOVA for repeated measures with
half of the body. The subjects practiced the ®nger dex- heating condition and time as the independent vari-
terity tests until a plateau in performance was ables was used to compare conditions THT and HHT
- _ , PP score and
observed. An average of the two best PP test scores for the dependent measures T®ng, Q fing
and two best C-7 test scores were recorded. C-7 ri¯e time. Results were considered statistically sig-
ni®cant at p R 0.05 (using the Greenhouse±Geisser
2.4. Familiarization Test adjustment for repeated measures). If a signi®cant
`treatment  time' interaction existed, a contrast test
FT was done prior to THT or HHT. The purpose of was performed every 5 min from t0 to t180 min to
FT was four-fold. First, it allowed the subject to determine the time at which a signi®cant di€erence
become familiar with the equipment and the pro- existed between THT and HHT.
cedures that were used during THT and HHT. Second,
it provided an opportunity to establish the EHV heater
power values required to maintain Ttorso at 42 2 0.58C.
Third, it provided an opportunity to establish the ap-
proximate heater power required during the EHG
tests. Fourth, it gave the subjects an opportunity to 3. Results
practice the dexterity tests in the cold. During the hea-
- _
ter power titration test, the subjects were fully dressed The T®ng and Q fing data during THT and HHT were
with all sensors, heaters and all three layers of the CF presented for each min during the time period t0 to
Arctic clothing. During the ®rst 60 min in the cold t180 min. The C-7 ri¯e times were presented for times
chamber, the hands were bare and the EHV was t0, t60, t120, and t180 min and included the C-7 ri¯e
turned on. From time 60 to 120 min, the EHV was times outside the cold chamber (labeled `room' on the
turned o€ and EHGs and Arctic mitts were worn. The graphs). The PP scores were presented for times t30,
EHG heater power was gradually increased until T®ng t90, and t150 min and also included PP scores outside
reached the same T®ng that was achieved during the the cold chamber. All data is presented as a
60 min of torso heating, at which point T®ng was main- mean 2 SE for an n of 8.
tained at this temperature by manually adjusting the
heater power. 3.1. Mean ®nger temperature

2.5. Physiological variables measured during all tests Fig. 1 shows that there was no signi®cant di€erence
in T®ng between THT and HHT from t0 to t180 min
- -
T®ng was measured using a thermistor (YSI 44004 between each dexterity test. This similarity in T®ng
series; Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow Springs, should be observed because the objective of the proto-
Ohio, USA). The probe was placed on the `ring' ®nger col was to maintain the T®ng during HHT at the same
of each hand on the volar side of the tip of the ®nger. T®ng that resulted from heating the torso during THT.
- -
Measurements of T®ng were made ®ve times per minute During THT and HHT, T®ng remained stable at
over the course of 3 h using a data acquisition system 31.2 2 1.28C and 31.02 1.18C, respectively, from t0 to
(model 3497A data acquisition/control unit; Hewlett t180 min after the ®ngers rewarmed after each dexterity
Packard). An average value was printed out each min- test. During the THT C-7 tests from t0 to t180 min,
ute. T®ng decreased to a value between 23 and 268C,
Finger blood ¯ow (Q _ ) was measured using a whereas during the THT PP tests from t0 to t180 min,
780 nm laser Doppler ¯owmeter probe (PF4001 Laser T®ng decreased to value between 26 and 308C. During
Doppler Flowmeter, Perimed, Stockholm, Sweden). A the HHT C-7 tests from t0 to t180 min, T®ng decreased
blood ¯ow probe was placed next to each ®nger tem- to a value between 18 and 268C, whereas during the
perature thermistor. The unit of measurement used to HHT PP tests from t0 to t180 min, T®ng decreased to
represent the skin blood ¯ow is the perfusion unit value between 15 and 188C. After completing the THT
(PU), a relative unit of blood ¯ow. A calibration stan- dexterity tests, the ®ngers warmed up to a stable
dard is used to adjust the laser Doppler ¯owmeter T®ng r 298C within 0 to 7 min, whereas during the
readings to coincide with the readings obtained with a HHT dexterity tests, the ®ngers warmed up to a stable
_ -
motility standard. Q fing was measured 15 times per and comfortable T®ng r 298C within 4 to 9 min.
394 M.B. Ducharme et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 24 (1999) 391±396

Fig. 1. Mean ®nger skin temperature during THT and HHT from t0 to t180 min (mean2SE for n = 8). There was no signi®cant
di€erence ( p > 0.05) between THT and HHT from t0 to t180 min between dexterity tests.

3.2. Mean ®nger blood ¯ow 3.4. Purdue Pegboard score

Fig. 2 shows that Q _

fing was signi®cantly higher Fig. 4 shows that there was no signi®cant di€erence
during THT from t17 to t180 when compared to HHT in the PP score between the practice sessions done out-
during the same time period. During THT, Q _ side the cold chamber at `room' temperature (258C)
decreased from 2392 22 PU to 1852 29 PU from t5 and the PP test at t0 during THT and HHT. In ad-

to t180 min, whereas during HHT, Q_ fing decreased from dition, there was no signi®cant di€erence in the PP
2022 19 PU to 24 2 9 PU from t5 to t180 min. score between THT and HHT at t30; however, the PP
scores at t90 and t150 were signi®cantly lower during
3.3. C-7 Ri¯e test time HHT when compared to THT.

Fig. 3 shows that there was no signi®cant di€erence

in C-7 test time between the practice sessions done out- 4. Discussion
side the cold chamber at `room' temperature (258C)
and the C-7 test at t0 during THT and HHT. In ad- The results of the present study show that despite
dition, there was no signi®cant di€erence in C-7 test maintaining ®nger temperature at the same comforta-
time between THT and HHT from t0 to t120 min; how- ble value of 318C during exposure to cold by using
ever the C-7 test time at t180 was signi®cantly lower two di€erent auxiliary heating approaches (see Fig. 1),
during THT when compared to HHT. THT maintained a skin ®nger blood ¯ow (185 2 29

Fig. 2. Mean ®nger skin blood ¯ow during THT and HHT from t0 to t180 min (mean2SE for n = 8). Speci®es time of ®rst sig-
ni®cant di€erence ( p R 0.05) between THT and HHT.
M.B. Ducharme et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 24 (1999) 391±396 395

Fig. 3. C-7 ri¯e test time during THT and HHT from t0 to t180 min (mean2SE for n = 8). Speci®es signi®cant di€erence

Fig. 4. Purdue Pegboard score during THT and HHT from t30 to t150 min (mean2SE for n = 8). Speci®es signi®cant di€erence
( p R 0.05) between THT and HHT.

PU) nearly eight times larger than HHT (24 2 9 PU; perature of the hands and ®ngers comfortable with the
see Fig. 2). In a previous study, Ducharme et al. HHT auxiliary heating induced a progressive and sig-
(1995) and Brajkovic et al. (1998) showed that when ni®cant decrement of the ®nger dexterity as re¯ected
®nger temperature reached an uncomfortable value of by the two dexterity tests performed during the cold
138C, the skin ®nger blood ¯ow was approximately 25 exposure. These results support the observations of
PU and the ®ngers were vasoconstricted. This level of Martini et al. (1994), which showed that despite an el-
perfusion is virtually the same as in the present study evated skin temperature of the hands to 258C, direct
during the HHT auxiliary heating, which let us con- auxiliary heating failed to maintain ®nger dexterity
cluded that HHT can maintain the skin temperature of during systemic cold exposure.
the ®ngers comfortable during cold exposure but is Keeping the hands and ®ngers at a comfortable tem-
keeping the ®ngers vasoconstricted. As opposed to perature during exposure to cold is not sucient to
HHT, THT can maintain the ®ngers comfortable by assure the maintenance of ®nger and manual dexterity.
increasing the skin perfusion, probably through the It is required that the blood ¯ow to the hands and ®n-
opening of the arterio-venous anastomosis. gers be sucient for their proper function.
Keeping the temperature of the hands and ®ngers It is concluded that direct hand heating, while keep-
comfortable with the THT auxiliary heating allowed ing the ®nger comfortable, maintains ®nger vasocon-
the subjects to maintain their ®nger dexterity during striction and causes a decrease of ®nger dexterity. In
the full cold exposure period while their bare hands contrast, indirect hand heating using torso auxiliary
were exposed to ÿ258C. In contrast, keeping the tem- heating keeps comfortable temperature on the extremi-
396 M.B. Ducharme et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 24 (1999) 391±396

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Operations, Burlington, VT, U.S. Army Cold Regions
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