Lindsey Graham Censure

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A Resolution of the York County Republican Party

Regarding Senator Lindsey Graham

Whereas, The South Carolina Republican Party, of which Senator Lindsey Graham is a member,
has a platform with clear statements and objectives for all party members to use as a compass, to
guide decisions according to our shared values; and

Whereas, The South Carolina Republican Party firmly believes in the original intent of Home
Rule. We believe that Affirmative Action, discrimination, preferential treatment, including
treatment based on race or gender, are in direct conflict with our nation s founding documents and
violate the fourteenth amendment. We believe in tax policies that will help the economy grow, not
stunt the taxpayer, or punish achievement. We believe in privatization and believe that it is an
important alternative to expanded government services. Finally, we believe in Free Enterprise.
Senator Graham violated these most basic tenants contained in the South Carolina Republican
Party Platform when he voted three times with the Democrats allowing the American Jobs Plan to
move forward in July and August 2021; and

Whereas, Senator Graham’s vote in support of continuing debate on H3684, opened the door for
the budget resolution which could reshape the American economy and expand the Government’s
control over many areas of people’s lives in a way that will have lasting effects; Allowing
amnesty of illegal aliens, the increase of cash welfare while eliminating the work requirement
which will bring back the worst of the pre-reform welfare system, and budgeting more money
towards failing educational policies including CRT; and

Whereas, In Supporting H3684, Senator Lindsey Graham voted to saddle the US Economy with
unprecedented debt. The CBO projected the trillion-dollar infrastructure bill alone will add $256
Billion; and

Whereas, Senator Graham’s support of the infrastructure bill forwards CRT, broadband “equity
mandates” that will hurt SC while paving the way for tax increases that will diminish the paychecks
of the average person with inflation and weak growth; and

Whereas, through voting contrary to conservatism ideals, Senator Graham has turned his back on
the Republican Party Platform, those who worked to get him elected, and has put America’s
interest’s second to China, and the rise of Marxism in the United States; and

Therefore, be it resolved, that the York County Republican Party asserts that Senator Lindsey
Graham has failed in his duty to uphold the Republican Platform and to represent his South
Carolina constituents as well as all Republicans. He is hereby reprimanded, censured and his vote,

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