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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

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Dynamics of an opinion model with threshold-type delay

Redouane Qesmi∗
Superior School of Technology, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez 30000, Morocco

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The process of opinion formation rarely boils down to accepting or rejecting the social consensus of oth-
Received 5 March 2020 ers, despite the considerable research (since Sch, 1956 [5]) that has been focused on such situations. In
Revised 31 May 2020
this paper, we propose a mathematical model of threshold-type delay differential equations describing
Accepted 19 October 2020
the relationship between two subpopulations with opposite opinions and the opinion spread dynam-
Available online xxx
ics. We study the quantitative as well as qualitative properties of our model, and we present results on
Keywords: positivity and boundedness, local stability of equilibria and global stability of the boundary state under
Opinion certain conditions. Further analysis of the model show that the system exhibits either a forward transcrit-
Consensus ical or a backward bifurcation. Furthermore, numerical simulations and sensitivity analysis are performed
Functional differential equation to study the impact of the relevant parameters of the model on the achievement of the consensus.
Threshold-type delay
Transcritical forward bifurcation © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Backward bifurcation

1. Introduction impose emergence of desired opinion which are not spontaneous.

The authors, compute explicit stationary solutions for the result-
An opinion is a statement describing a personal belief or ing constrained dynamic. Using graph theory, Albi et al. [3] built
thought that cannot be tested (or has not been tested) and is un- a model of opinion dynamics spreading accompanied by an opti-
supported by evidence but can be socially influenced [23]. Social mal control problem on a time evolving network, where the to-
influence occurs when a person’s emotions, opinions or behav- tal number of nodes and the total number of edges of the intro-
iors are affected by others intentionally or unintentionally. Further- duced graph are conserved in time. The resulting model has been
more, social influence takes many forms and can be seen in con- numerically solved. In [2], the authors extended the kinetic model
formity, socialization, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, mar- of opinion formation introduced by Toscani et al. [37] to the case
keting, group pressures and interactions resulting from discrepan- where each agent acquires an amount of connections in the net-
cies in opinion. Three distinct manifestations of pressure toward work. The considered model is similar to the one in [3] but in a
uniformity have been observed (See [12–15]): a pressure on the mean-field setting where the number of agents is very large. In a
individual to alter his own opinion so as to bring it in line with model of ordinary differential equations with extremist and mod-
his fellows; a pressure on the individual or group to attempt to in- erate opinion categories, including a fraction of zealots who hold
fluence discrepant individuals so as to bring their opinions in line; moderate opinion, Marvel et al. [24] showed that for a society
a pressure on the group or individuals to redefine the boundaries to adopt a moderate viewpoint, moderation by stimulus remains
of their group, increasing uniformity by rejecting discrepant indi- an effective solution. Wang et al. [39] analyzed and extended the
viduals. The dynamics of social influence has been heavily studied model developed in [24] to include a second zealots fraction in
in sociological science literature (See [9,16,19,30]). extremist opinion and multiple competitors. The authors showed
Mathematical models have proven beneficial to make long-term that there exists bistability when the fraction of committed believ-
predictions about the opinion spread behaviors. Opinion forma- ers in moderate opinion is less then a critical value. Furthermore,
tion models have been extensively considered by many authors they showed that, to achieve consensus, the fraction needs to ex-
(See [2,8,10,11,24,26,39,40] and references therein). In the context ceed the threshold value. The model in [24] is further extended
of opinion problems in a constrained setting, Albi et al. in [1] con- by Bujalski et al. [8] to an ODE with zealots fraction in both ex-
sider a microscopic model of opinion formation, representing re- tremist and moderate opinion on a graph, where the nodes cor-
strictions in terms of economic resources and media availability, to respond to individual cities, and the edges correspond to reaction
rates between the cities. One of the interesting findings in that pa-
per is that increasing interaction strength between individual cities

Corresponding author.
leads to a clustering phenomena. Mathematically, the clustering
E-mail address: was a consequence of a saddle-node bifurcation. Another interest-
0960-0779/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: R. Qesmi, Dynamics of an opinion model with threshold-type delay, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, https://doi.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;October 24, 2020;12:0]

R. Qesmi Chaos, Solitons and Fractals xxx (xxxx) xxx

ing opinion formation modelling work is the one by Tanabe et al. ρe--γτ
[35] in which the authors consider a model of ordinary differen-
tial equations with congregator and contrarian agents who try to
run off the opinion fostered by others. Furthermore, the model in-
corporate the number of intercommunication, between individual,
that need to take place for an opinion to be changed. A bifurca- μ μ
tion study was performed and give rise to stable limit cycles when
the number interactions between people exceed a critical value.
Fig. 2.1. Flow diagram of system (2.3)
Other generalizations of the model of Marvel [24] are considered
in [4,18,32]. Table 1
However, there is evidence that many people have to make Parameters illustration
pressure by exposing their opinion several times in order to con- Symbol Definition
vince individuals and achieve consensus (See [29]). In fact, recur-
nA Subpopulation believing in opinion A
rent exposure to an opinion makes people believe the opinion is nB Subpopulation believing in opinion B
more correct. Furthermore, the repetition or restatement of an idea θ Transmitted information amount
at intervals not only promotes clarity, but encourages the accep- τ Period of incubation prior being convinced in opinion B
tance of the idea [25]. Accumulative-threshold models have been Q Threshold of information load
b Number of effective communications
successfully used in the investigation of binary opinion dynam- c Information amount at each contact
ics. (See [6,11,28,32–34] and references therein). An agent-based k Saturation term
model for a population of interconnected individuals who partic- α Rate of entrance in the population believing in opinion A
ipate at the same time in an interaction process has been devel- β Conversion rate to opinion A
γ Leaving rate of individuals believing in opinion A
oped and numerically solved [6]. These artificial interactions give
ρ Conviction rate in opinion B
rise to changes in an opinion that accumulate and create a radical μ Death rate of individuals
change of that opinion once the conviction becomes greater then a
given threshold. In the same work, the masters equations that gov-
ern the process of opinion formation dynamics has been derived
this is the first time such an opinion model has appeared in the
in terms of a system of partial differential equations of hyperbolic
type with nonlocal terms. However, due to the nonlinearities char-
In Section 2, we formulate the opinion model with threshold-
acter, the non-local interactions and the coupling between popu-
type delay, then we reduce it to a system of differential equa-
lations, the obtained nonlinear model was hard to be analytically
tions with state-dependent delay. Section 3 is devoted to the well-
solved. In [28] the authors reduced the complexity of the main
posedness of our model and the existence of steady states. We
model in [6] to a more simple model with only one population and
then concentrate ourselves in Section 4 on the behaviour of the
succeed to develop an analytical framework. Indeed, exploiting a
boundary steady state and come up with a sufficient condition for
method developed by Li and Toscani [20], the authors were able to
its global asymptotic stability using a Lyapunov-Razumikhin func-
solve the partial differential equation explicitly and show that the
tion. Next, we demonstrate that the model undergoes both forward
considered population reaches consensus in finite time. Recently,
transcritical bifurcation and backward bifurcation in Section 5. De-
the dynamics associated with the model introduced by Tanabe and
tailed numerical simulations and sensitivity analysis with respect
Masuda [35] are investigated one more time in [11] by looking at
to initial data in the region of bistability of solutions, that support
the way the model’s parameters are involved to create stable peri-
our analytical results and stress the role of parameters concerned
odic solutions. Furthermore, the author in [11] modify the model in
with the system on the stability of steady states are presented in
[35] by assuming, first, that contrarians join congregators once the
Section 6. We conclude the paper with a brief conclusion and dis-
proportion of the population holding an opinion exceeded a given
cussion of the results.
threshold and, second, that there is a proportion of the popula-
tion who are zealots. It was found that the spectrum of contrarian
proportions, for which periodic behavior arise, get smaller when 2. Model formulation
the threshold decreases and that a small proportion of zealots can
erase that periodic behavior. In this section, we will describe how an outsider opinion Bof a
While these models capture interesting threshold phenomena, subpopulation can spread in a subpopulation with a local opposite
there are still not answered questions like how the information opinion A (See Fig. 2.1 for the model illustration and Table 1 for the
amount transmitted through a direct contact or other sources af- parameters illustration). The population is divided into convinced
fect the change in opinion. Moreover, as far as we know, the study subpopulation of local opinion A and convinced subpopulation of
of the effect of the necessary effective communications between outsider opinion B. We assume that individuals enter the total pop-
individuals with different opinions as well as the necessary full- ulation believes only in local opinion Awith constant rate α .We
length time to persuade people on the achievement of the consen- also assume that the population is sufficiently large such that the
sus are not done yet. In this paper, we shall propose a model of newcomers to the population with opinion Acan be approximated
opinion spread dynamics which incorporates multiple ideological as a constant. Once encountered with subpopulation B,individuals
contacts with an outsider opinion individuals in a given population with opinion A are constantly exposed to a huge amount of in-
with a local opposite opinion. The model is a useful tool, which formation influencing them to change their mind and converting
will be used to predict the threshold level of convinced individuals them to the outsider opinion B.
of one opinion that are needed to achieve consensus on the other The information amount θ transmitted through a direct contact,
opinion. Furthermore, the model is able to study the impact of the mass communication and other sources to an individual from sub-
necessary effective communications between individuals with dif- population A is tracked by the period, a, since the first moment the
ferent opinions as well as the necessary duration to convince an concerned individual receives an information concerning the out-
individual on the achievement of the consensus. The relationship sider opinion B. Let nB denote the subpopulation believing of opin-
between the populations and the opinion spread dynamics leads ion B.According to the principle of mass conservation, the dynam-
to a threshold-type delay model. To the best of our knowledge, ics of the information amount, denoted θ (t, a ), is governed by the

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R. Qesmi Chaos, Solitons and Fractals xxx (xxxx) xxx

partial differential equation delay equations

n A = α + β nB (t ) − ρ e−γ τ (t ) nA (t − τ (t ))nB (t − τ (t )) − μnA (t ),
∂θ ∂θ
+ = rθ (t, a ) + G(nB (t )), 0 ≤ a ≤ τ , (2.1) n B = ρ e−γ τ (t ) nA (t − τ (t ))nB (t − τ (t )) − (β + μ )nB (t ),
dt da
(τ (t ), nB,t ) = 0.
θ (t, 0 ) =c, (2.3)
Denote by Cthe space of continuous functions defined on
where r is the internal development rate of the information
[−τ ∞ , 0].The following proposition is useful in order to reduce the
amount transmitted to an individual, belonging to subpopulation
threshold-delay system (2.3) to a system of differential equations
A,expound to the outsider opinion B.The internal development rate
with state-dependent delay.
can be explained as follows (See [25] for more details): Subcon-
scious mind is absorbing constantly information that lead to draw Proposition 2. There exists a decreasing and continuously differential
conclusions and form opinions. This information is unconsciously map σ : C → R+ such that, for t ≥ 0, (σ (nB,t ), nB,t ) = 0.Moreover,
ruminated before being digested and assimilated to form the ap- the map σ is unique and σ (0 ) = 1r ln Qc .
propriate opinion. Moreover, there exists in all intellectual en-
deavor a period of incubation, a process in most part subconscious, The proof of Proposition 2 is similar to the one given in [36],
a slow and hidden development through absorption of suitable nu- and hence is omitted here.
trients that provides mental stimulus for thinking. Once an idea For the sake of simplicity, we shall denote by x (resp. y) the
has been accepted, it tends to remain. The longer it is held, the number of individuals in subpopulation A,nA (resp. in subpopula-
more it tends to become a fixed habit of thinking [27]. tion B, nB ). Hence, the threshold-type delay system (2.3)is topolog-
The function Gexpress the external information amount, trans- ically equivalent to the following state-dependent delay system

mitted to an individual with opinion A,due to recurrent exposures x = α + β y(t ) − ρ e−γ σ (yt ) x(t − σ (yt ))y(t − σ (yt )) − μx(t )
to the outsider opinion B.Furthermore, we suppose that, once in- y = ρ e−γ σ (yt ) x(t − σ (yt ))y(t − σ (yt )) − (β + μ )y(t ).
dividuals from A subpopulation are convinced of Bopinion, namely,
the information load reach an amount Qneeded for the individ-
ual from subpopulation Ato convert to opinion Bduring a period 3. Properties of the model and existence of steady states
τ ,more contact with opinion Bindividuals has no effect to increase
the information amount of the A subpopulation. Thus, θ (t, a ) will Since the functions σ is continuously differentiable on
become largely independent of the contact effect when A subpop- C,existence and uniqueness of a solution of (2.4) defined on
ulation adopt opinion B. Hence, the external information amount, [0, +∞ )for an initial condition belonging to the space of continu-
G(nB (t )),could be expressed by ously differential functions on [−σ (0 ), 0] is assured (See [21,38] for
more details). In the following, we concentrate ourselves on posi-
bcnB (t )
G(nB (t )) = . tivity and boundedness of solutions of the state-dependent delay
knB (t ) + 1 system (2.4).
with b is the number of information amounts transmitted by in- Proposition 3. The total population of system (2.4) is bounded.
dividuals from subpopulation B and absorbed by a listener from
subpopulation A (number of effective communications in short), c Proof. Since the total population N = x + y satisfies N (t ) = α −
is the information amount at each contact with opinion B and k μN (t )for all t ≥ 0then, integrating this equation, we obtain, for all
is a saturation parameter. For example, if individuals from A sub- t ≥ 0,    
α α
population are quickly convinced of Bopinion then the saturation min , N (0 ) ≤ N (t ) ≤ max , N (0 ) . (3.1)
parameter need to be high and vice versa. Once encountered with
μ μ
subpopulation B,an individual will either leave the population with This completes the proof.
rate γ or stay in the population with probability e−γ τ to become Let σ ∗ = infφ ∈C + σ (φ ). 
convinced of opinion Bat rate ρ .An Individual with outsider opin- Proposition 4. Let φ and ψ be positive functions on [−τ ∞ , 0].Assume
ion Bmay either keep his opinion or change it to convert back to that
A subpopulation with rate β .Individuals from the both subpopula-  α 2
tions A and Bdie with rate μ. α > ρ e−γ σ sup

max , N (0 ) , sup φ ( θ )ψ ( θ ) .
The following lemma provides some properties of the informa- μ θ ∈[0,τ ∞ ]
tion amount governed by equation (2.1). Then solutions xφ and yψ of (2.4) are bounded and positive.

Lemma 1. There exists a bounded and positive function τ : [0.∞ ) → Proof. Our proof is split into two cases. (a) First, suppose that for
[0.∞ )such that θ (t, a ) ≤ Qfor all a ∈ [0, τ (t )],θ (t, τ (t )) = Qfor all any positive initial conditions (x0 , y0 ),we assume that t1 is the first
t ≥ 0.Furthermore, the map t → t − τ (t )is increasing and, for t ≥ 0, time such that x(t1 )y(t1 ) = 0.Thus, there are two possible cases: (i)
x(t1 ) = 0, y(t ) ≥ 0; (ii)y(t1 ) = 0, x(t ) ≥ 0,for t ≤ t1 .
 0 For case (i), from the first equation of system (2.4) and
(τ (t ), nB,t ) := cerτ (t ) + e−vr G(nB (t + v ))dv − Q = 0 Proposition 3, we have
−τ (t )
(2.2) x (t1 ) = α + β y(t1 ) − ρ e−γ σ (yt1 ) x(t1 − σ (yt1 ))y(t1 − σ (yt1 ))
 α 2
where nB,t are the history functions of the subpopulation believing −γ σ ∗
of opinion Bdefined for ξ ∈ [− maxs∈[0,∞] τ (s ), 0]by ≥ α − ρe sup max , N (0 ) , sup φ (θ )ψ (θ )
μ θ ∈[0,τ ∞ ]

nB,t (ξ ) = nB (t + ξ ). since, for t ≤ t1 ,x(t ) ≤ x(t ) + y(t ) = N (t ) and y(t ) ≤ x(t ) + y(t ) =
N (t ).It follows that x (t1 ) > 0 so that x(t ) is negative just before
The proof of Lemma 1 is similar to the one given in [36], and t1 , and this is a contradiction to the definition of t1 .
hence is omitted here. For case (ii), from the second equation of system (2.4) we
−γ σ (yt )
Let nA denote the subpopulation believing of opinion A.The have y (t1 ) = ρ e 1 x (t − σ (yt ))y (t − σ (yt )) > 0,which is
1 1 1 1
model is given, for t ≥ 0,by the following system of threshold-type contradiction to the definition of t1 .

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Consequently x and y are both positive and, from Proposition 3,
+  e−γ σ y(t − σ (yt )).

≤ −(β + μ )y(t ) + ρ
are bounded. This completes the proof  μ
We suppose, from now on and in the following, that existence On the other hand, the trivial steady state of equation
and uniqueness of solutions of (2.4) hold for t ∈ [−σ (0 ), +∞ ). α 
+  e−γ σ y(t − σ (yt ))

The model (2.4) has a boundary steady state given by, y˙ (t ) = −(β + μ )y(t ) + ρ (4.4)
α  μ
E0 = ,0 is globally asymptotically stable. Indeed, the characteristic equation
around the trivial steady state y = 0of equation (4.4) is given by
in which there is no individuals believing in opinion α 
+  e−γ σ e−λσ (0) = 0.

B.Furthermore, existence of positive steady states of (2.4) is (λ ) = λ + β + μ − ρ
assured by the following result. μ
Proposition 5. The system (2.4) has : Let λbe any eigenvalue associated to equation (4.4) with non-
At least one positive steady state if negative real part. From the above characteristic equation and (4.2),
we have
μ α 
( β + μ ) ≤ α e −γ σ ( 0 ) . (3.2) −γ σ − Re(λ )σ (0 )
|λ+μ+β | ρ μ + e

ρ =
 e−γ σ ∗
≤ α
ρ μ + e
If μ
ρ (β + μ ) > α e
−γ σ (0 ) then

No  γ σ (y) γ σ (0)  state if, for all y > 0,μy +

positive steady < μ + β,
ρ (β + μ ) e −e > 0.
which is a contradiction since Re(λ ) ≥ 0.Hence, the steady state
At least two positive steady states if there exists y > 0such that
y = 0of the linear equation (4.4) is locally asymptotically stable. It
β + μ γ σ (y )
α − μy − μ e > 0. follows immediately that y = 0of this equation is GAS. Thus, since
Moreover, the positive steady state, E ∗ = (x∗ , y∗ ),satisfies
σ is continuously differentiable and its derivative σ is bounded
on the continuous functions space C,it follows from Theorem 2.4
of [17] that the boundary steady state of equation
μ β + μ γ σ ( y∗ ) α 
(β + μ )eγ σ (y ) = 0 and x∗ =

α − μy ∗ − e . (3.3) y˙ (t ) = ρ e−γ σ (0) +  y(t − σ (yt )) − (β + μ )y(t )
ρ ρ μ
Proof. Let, for y > 0,the function F defined by is GAS as well. Consequently, using comparison princi-
β + μ γ σ (y ) ple, y(t )converges to 0 as ttends to ∞for any solution of
F ( y ) = α − μy − μ e . (3.4)
ρ equation (2.4) of the form (x(t ), y(t ))with positive initial condi-
tion. Furthermore, since the total population N = x + y satisfies
Computing the equilibria of the system (2.4) we see that a pos- α
itive steady state (x∗ , y∗ )must satisfy N (t ) = α − μN (t )for all t ≥ 0then limt→∞ x(t ) = .The proof of
F ( y∗ ) = 0 Theorem 6 is complete. 
x∗ = β + μ γ σ ( y∗ )
ρ e . In the following we shall consider the local asymptotic stability
of the boundary steady state of system (2.4). The linearization of
We have F (0 ) = α − μ β+ μ γ σ (0 )
ρ e and limy→∞ F (y ) =
system (2.4) around any steady state E = (xe , ye )leads to the fol-
−∞.Moreover, for y > 0,F (y ) < F (0 ) is equivalent to lowing linear system
μ   ⎧
μy + ( β + μ ) eγ σ ( y ) − eγ σ ( 0 ) > 0. x (t ) =  β y(t ) − ρ ye e−γσ (y ) x(t − σ (ye ))
ρ ⎪

− ρ xe e−γ σ (y ) − A y(t − σ (ye ) ) − μx(t ),

This proves all the assertions of the proposition.  e −γ σ ( y e )

=  ρy e x(t − σ (ye ))
⎩y (t )

−γ σ ( y e )
In the next section, we will focus on the asymptotic stability of + ρ xe e − A y(t − σ (ye ) ) − (β + μ )y(t ),
the boundary steady state of (2.4).
such that
A := ργ σ (ye )xe ye e−γ σ (y ) .
4. Asymptotic Stability of the boundary Steady State

In the following, we provide a sufficient condition for the Substituting the Anstaz S0 eλt ,where S0 = (x0 , y0 ), and eliminat-
boundary steady state of (2.4), when it is unique, to be globally ing eλt ,leads to
asymptotically stable (GAS). Recall that σ ∗ = infφ ∈C + σ (φ ) ≥ 0. ⎧ e −γ σ ( y ) −σ ( y ) λ
λx β y0 −−γρσy(yee )
e e
⎪ =  e e x0
⎨ 0
Theorem 6. Assume that − ρ xe e − A e − σ ( y ) λ y 0 − μx 0 ,
= ρ ye e−γ σ (y ) e−σ (y )λ x0
e e

ρα e−γ σ < μ(μ + β ).

(4.1) ⎪
−γ σ ( y e )
+ ρ xe e − A e−σ (y )λ y0 − (β + μ )y0

Then, the boundary steady state of (2.4) is globally asymptotically

stable. Without loss of generality, we may assume y0 = 1.We obtain
α and, from
Proof. We have lim supt→∞ x(t ) ≤ lim supt→∞ N (t ) = μ β − ρ x e e −γ σ ( y ) − A e −σ ( y ) λ
e e

∗ x0 =
(4.1), ρα e−γ σ < μ(μ + β ).Then, for a sufficiently small  ,we ob- λ + ρ y e e −γ σ ( y e ) e −σ ( y e ) λ + μ
tain α 
where λeither takes the negative value −μor a root of the charac-
+  e −γ σ < μ + β

ρ (4.2)
μ teristic function
and, moreover, there exists T1 > 0 such that, for t ≥ T1 + (λ ) = λ + μ + β + ρ ye e−γ σ (y ) e−σ (y )λ − ρ xe e−γ σ (y ) − A e−σ (y )λ.
e e e e

σ (0 ),x(t ) ≤ μα +  .Hence, (4.5)

α  The local behavior of the boundary steady state of system
y˙ (t ) ≤ −(β + μ )y(t ) + ρ e−γ σ (yt ) +  y(t − σ (yt )) (4.3)
μ (2.4) is given by the following theorem.

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8000 8000

7000 7000

6000 6000

5000 5000


4000 4000

3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 5.1. Left panel corresponds to forward transcritical bifurcation where positive steady states exist only below the critical value ν =47.48. Right panel corresponds to
backward bifurcation branch with critical value ν =47.48 and turning point at ν0 = 67.27.

Theorem 7. The boundary steady state E0 = , 0 of (2.4) is unsta- We will choose the positive steady state (x∗ , y∗ )for which y∗ is
μ the first root of the function F given in (3.4). It follows that
α −γ σ (0)
ble when μ + β < e ,and locally asymptotically stable when β + μ γ σ ( y∗ )
μ F (y∗ ) = −μ − γ σ (y∗ )μ e < 0. (5.2)
α ρ
μ + β > ρ e−γ σ (0) .
Condition (3.2) is equivalent to
Proof. Thecharacteristic
 equation (4.5) associated with the steady  
α 1 ρα
state E0 = , 0 is given by 0≤ν < ln := ν . (5.3)
μ γ σ˜ (0 ) μ (β + μ )
 ρα −γ σ (0) −σ (0)λ 
(λ ) = (λ + μ ) λ + μ + β − e e . (4.6) Thus, for each ν ∈ {0, ν )there exists a positive steady state
μ y∗ (ν ) satisfying
Thus, the roots of  are given by λ = −μ and the roots of the μ
(β + μ )eγ ν σ˜ (y (ν )) = 0,

following equation α − μy ∗ ( ν ) − ν ∈ [0, ν ). (5.4)
ρα −γ σ (0) −σ (0)λ
ξ (λ ) = λ + μ + β − e e . Furthermore, applying the Implicit Functions Theorem, it is ob-
vious that ν → y∗ (ν ) is a continuously differentiable function of ν
We have limλ→∞ ξ (λ ) = +∞, and ξ (0 ) < 0when μ + β < such that
ρ μα e−γ σ (0) .Consequently, there exists an eigenvalue with positive
γ σ˜ (y∗ (ν ) ) μρ (β + μ )eγ ν σ˜ (y (ν ))

real part and, the boundary steady state is unstable. Now as- (ν ) = − .
sume that μ + β > ρ μ α e−γ σ (0 ) .Let λbe any eigenvalue associated dν μ + γ ν σ˜ (y∗ (ν ) ) μρ (β + μ )eγ ν σ˜ (y∗ (ν ))
to equation (4.4) with nonnegative real part. From the characteris-
It follows, from (5.2), that y∗ (. ) is decreasing. Furthermore,
tic equation (4.6) we obtain
we have F (y∗ (ν )) < F (0 )for ν ∈ [0, ν ] and limν →ν F (y∗ (ν )) =
ρα −γ σ (0 ) − Re(λ )σ (0 )
|λ+μ+β | = μ e e F (0 ).Thus, using (5.3), one obtains
ρα −γ σ (0 )
≤ μ e α 1
< μ+β y∗ ( ν = 0 ) = − (β + μ ) and lim y∗ (ν ) = 0. (5.5)
μ ρ ν →ν
which is a contradiction since Re(λ ) ≥ 0. Therefore, the boundary Let us consider ν as a bifurcation parameter. Our goal is
steady state E0 is locally asymptotically stable.  to show the occurrence of forward transcritical bifurcation of
(5.1). In this case, characteristic equation (4.5) associated with
5. Bifurcation analysis
(x∗ (ν ), y∗ (ν ) )reads as follows
In what follows, we shall prove that system (2.4) produces two (λ, ν ) = λ + μ + β
+ ρ y∗ (ν )e−γ ν σ˜ (y (ν )) − ρ x∗ (ν )e−γ ν σ˜ (y (ν )) −A e−ν σ˜ (y (ν ))λ
∗ ∗ ∗
potential cases of bifurcation, shown in Fig. 5.1, depending on the
chosen parameter values.
In the rest of this section, we suppose that the delay σ can be
written as σ (φ ) = ν σ˜ (φ )with ν is a positive real parameter and where
σ˜ : C + → R+ is a bounded, decreasing and continuously differen- β + μ γ σ ( y∗ )
A := ργ ν σ˜ (y∗ (ν ) )x∗ (ν )y∗ (ν )e−γ ν σ˜ (y (ν ) ) and x∗ =

tiable function. Thus, equation (2.4) reads e .
x = α + β y(t ) − ρ e−γ ν σ˜ (yt ) x(t − ν σ˜ (yt ))y(t − ν σ˜ (yt )) − μx(t ) The forward transcritical bifurcation of the positive steady state
y = ρ e−γ ν σ˜ (yt ) x(t − ν σ˜ (yt ))y(t − ν σ˜ (yt )) − (β + μ )y(t ). as ν moves through ν is stated as follows.
We assume that condition (3.2) holds, to guarantee the exis- Theorem 8. When ν < ν and ν close to ν ,the positive steady state of
tence of the positive steady state (x∗ , y∗ )of (2.4). Moreover, we as- system (5.1) is locally asymptotically stable while the boundary steady
sume that state is unstable, and for ν > ν the boundary steady state is unique
μ   and locally asymptotically stable. That is, forward transcritical bifur-
μy + (β + μ ) eγ σ (y) − eγ σ (0) > 0 for all y > 0. cation occurs at ν = ν .
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Proof. From Theorem 7 we deduce the local behaviour of bound- we obtain

ary steady state E0 when ν > ν . Now, we study the local asymptotic
(λ, ν0 ) = λ + μ + β − (β + μ )e−ν0 σ˜ (yM (ν0 ))λ
stability of the positive steady state (x∗ (ν ), y∗ (ν ) )when ν moves
through ν and ν < ν . First, notice that when ν is close to ν +ρ yM (ν0 )e−ν σ˜ (yM (ν0 ))λ e−γ ν0 σ˜ (yM (ν0 ))
and ν < ν then y∗ (ν )becomes close to zero (see (5.5)) and, there- β +μ γ ν0σ
˜ (yM (ν0 ))

fore, ρ x∗ (ν )e−γ ν σ˜ (y (ν )) − Abecomes close to the positive value × 1+ γ ν0 σ˜ (yM (ν0 ) )e
γ ν σ ( )
ρμe − ˜ 0

.We claim that, when ρ x∗ (ν )e−γ ν σ˜ (y (ν )) − A > 0,all = λ + μ + β − (β + μ )e−ν σ˜ (yM (ν0 ))λ
roots of equation (5.6) have negative real parts. In fact, in this case
Now, let λbe a root of (λ, ν0 )with nonnegative real part. Then
it is easy to see that the map R
λ → (λ, μ ) is increasing and
| e−ν0 σ˜ (yM (ν0 ))λ ≤ 1 and
limλ→+∞ (λ, ν ) = +∞.On the other hand, we have
| λ + μ + β | = (β + μ ) | e−ν0 σ˜ (yM (ν ))λ |
y∗ (ν )ρ e−γ ν σ˜ (y (ν ) )

(0, ν ) = ≤ (β + μ )
    which is false since λ = 0 and Re(λ ) > 0.Therefore, every root has
β + μ γ ν σ˜ (y∗ (ν ))
× μ + γ ν σ˜ (y∗ (ν ) )μ e . (5.7) negative real part and the steady state EM (ν ) is locally asymptoti-
cally stable for ν close to ν0 .
It follows from (5.2) that (0, ν ) > 0 and, consequently, there The characteristic equation associated to Em ( ν ) =
exists a unique real value λ∗ < 0 such that (λ∗ , ν ) = 0. Finally, (xm (ν ), ym (ν ) )for ν ∈]ν , ν0 [ satisfies
one can easily show, by separating real and imaginary parts in
y (ν )ρ e−γ ν σ˜ (ym (ν ) )
(5.6), that all characteristic roots λ = λ∗ satisfy Re(λ ) < λ∗ .Thus, (0, ν ) = m
the local asymptotic stability of the positive steady state, when ν
is close to ν and ν < ν , immediately follows.  β + μ γ ν σ˜ (ym (ν ))
× μ + γ ν σ˜ (ym (ν ) )μ e .
When condition (3.2) does not hold, then there exists at
least two positive steady states, Em = (xm (ν ), ym (ν ) ) and EM =
However, from (5.8), μ + γ ν σ˜ (ym (ν ) )μ β + ρ
μ γ ν σ˜ (ym (ν ) )
e <
(xM (ν ), yM (ν ) ),provided that there exists y > 0 such that F (y ) >
0or equivalently ν ∈]ν , ν0 [where ν0 is given by 0 and, consequently, (0, ν ) < 0.Furthermore limλ→∞ (λ, ν ) =
  +∞.Thus, there exists λ∗ > 0 such that (λ∗ , ν ) = 0. This com-
1 ρ ( α − μy ) pletes the proof of the theorem. 
ν0 = ln .
γ σ˜ (y ) μ (β + μ )
6. Numerical simulations
The selected equilibria Em and EM we will use are such that the
first two solutions ym (ν ) and yM (ν )of equation F (y ) = 0 are given
We use MATLAB ddesd solver [31] for state-dependent delay
by (3.4) with F (ym (ν ) ) < 0 and F (yM (ν ) ) > 0,i.e.
differential equations to compute the solutions of (5.1) numerically.
β + μ γ ν σ˜ (yM (ν )) Note that simulating the behaviour of solutions of system (5.1) for
μ + γ σ ( yM )μ e
ρ the general state-dependent delay σ is a challenging task. To over-
β + μ γ ν σ˜ (ym (ν )) come this difficulty we will perform our simulations using constant
> 0 and μ + γ σ (ym )μ e < 0. (5.8) initial data. Let C˜ = {φ ∈ C : φ (s ) = φ (0 ) for all s ∈ [−τ ∞ , 0]}be the
space of constant initial data. Thus, for φ ∈ C˜,the equation
Therefore, backward bifurcation can take place for parameter (σ (φ ), φ ) = 0given by (2.2) is equivalent to
values of ν ∈ (ν , ν0 ).Moreover, when ν = ν0 ,we have F (y ) = 0 and  0
the two steady states Em and EM coincide. In particular, we obtain cerν σ˜ (φ ) + e−rs G(φ (0 ))dv − Q = 0.
F ( y M ( ν0 ) ) = F ( y m ( ν0 ) ) = 0 . −ν σ˜ (φ )
We state and prove the following theorem. Solving this equation for σ˜ (φ ),we obtain
Theorem 9. When condition (3.2) is not satisfied then backward bi- 1 rQ + G(φ (0 ))
furcation, for system (5.1), occurs at ν = ν0 .That is, for ν > ν0 such σ˜ (φ ) = ln . (6.1)
rν cr + G(φ (0 ))
that ν close to ν0 ,the boundary steady state is the unique equilibrium
which is locally asymptotically stable; and for ν < ν0 such that ν close We explore the behavior of the solution using the fol-
to ν0 ,the boundary steady state together with a positive steady state lowing values of relevant parameters: α = 100,β = 0.05,ρ =
are locally asymptotically stable while another positive steady state 0.0 0 07,γ = 1/17,μ = 0.0125,r = 1,c = 10,ν ∈ [0, 70],b ∈ {0, 1, ..., 5}
exists and is unstable. and k = 1.1.We show in Figs. 6.1 typical behaviors of the sub-
population Bfor different values of the parameter ν and initial
Proof. Let us show that EM (ν ) is locally asymptotically stable data. In the left panel of Fig 6.1, ν = 40 and nB (0 ) = 60,whereas
and Em (ν ) is unstable when μ ρ (β + μ ) > α e
−γ ν σ˜ (0 ) or equivalently
ν = 60 and nB (0 ) = 10 0 0in the right panel of Fig. 6.1. In particular,
ν > ν and ν close to ν0 .The characteristic equation associated to Fig. 6.1 shows that long contact periods (ν )can not help the total
EM (ν ) = (xM (ν ), yM (ν ) ) satisfies population to achieve consensus on opinion Beven if the initial
y (ν )ρ e−γ ν σ˜ (yM (ν ) ) B subpopulation is large in size. Furthermore, when ν = 60,the
(0, ν ) = M entire population reaches a consensus on opinion A.
    This is meaningful since more time needed to convince indi-
β + μ γ ν σ˜ (yM (ν ))
× μ + γ ν σ˜ (yM (ν ) )μ e , viduals from subpopulation Alet more people from subpopulation
ρ Bchange their minds (with rate β ) to convert back to opinion A.
An interesting query that emanates from the backward bifurca-
Thus, from (5.8), (0, ν ) > 0 and, consequently, λ = 0 is not a
tion is “What is the maximum convinced subpopulation of the out-
root of the characteristic equation (5.6). Therefore, since
  sider opinion Bunder which the total population reaches the con-
β + μ γ ν0 σ˜ (yM (ν0 )) sensus on the local opinion A?” The parameters that lead to the
F (yM (ν0 )) = μ + γ ν0 σ˜ (yM (ν0 ) )μ e = 0,
ρ emergence of the backward bifurcation grants the determination

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4500 1000

4000 900



500 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
time (days) time (days)

Fig. 6.1. Time series plot using two initial data for the initial B subpopulation (nB (0 ) ∈ {60, 10 0 0}for curves from left to right) of system (5.1). Left panel corresponds to the
stable positive steady state for ν = 40 and nB (0 ) = 60, and right panel corresponds to the stable boundary steady state for ν = 60 and nB (0 ) = 10 0 0. The parameter kwas
chosen to be 100 in this simulation.

140 delay system and one can easily show that backward bifurcation
y =126.7
M cannot occur regardless of the range of parameters considered for
120 system (5.1). In the following, we investigated the influence of the
parameter bon the achievement of consensus on opinion A.More
100 exactly, we examined how variation in bcan affect the intensity of
backward bifurcation (see Fig. 6.4).
80 y =71.24
m We found that variation in bleads to a notable change in bifur-

cation diagrams. Fig. 6.4 shows that when the number bof effective
60 communications is not less then unity, the forward bifurcation dis-
appears and the backward bifurcation appears. Moreover, the left
40 panel of Fig. 6.4 shows that the increase of effective communica-
tions (b = 1, b = 2, b = 3) leads to an increase of the threshold sizes
20 of subpopulation B(T1 = 53.33, T2 = 57.6, T3 = 70) corresponding to
the turning points of bifurcation diagrams. Thus, since it was al-
0 ready shown that the upper branch EM is locally asymptotically
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
stable for ν close to ν0 ,we deduce that the more effective com-
time (days)
munications, b,needed for an individual from subpopulation Ato be
Fig. 6.2. Time series plot, for model (5.1), using various initial data for the sub- convinced of opinion B,the more individuals from subpopulation B
population B(nB ∈ {68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75}). Parameters used are given in the are necessary in order to loose the consensus on opinion A. Fur-
thermore, the right panel of Fig. 6.4shows that each added neces-
sary effective contact to convince an individual from subpopulation
Aneeds between three to four days more to achieve the consensus
on opinion A.
of a critical initial convinced subpopulation, ncB ,for which the con-
Sensitivity analysis is used to determine how “sensitive” a
sensus on opinion A is achieved if the subpopulation B is below
model output is to changes in the value of the model parame-
ncB and lost when it becomes above this critical value. This will be
ters and to changes in the structure of the model. Here, we focus
illustrated through several simulations of the state-dependent de-
on initial data sensitivity in the region of bistability (in the case
lay system (5.1) with the above parameter values, ν = 67.26 and
of a backward bifurcation) by using the Latin Hypercube Sampling
b = 5.A time series of the convinced subpopulation nB is shown
(LHS) process, which is numerically computed using the method
in Fig. 6.2, showing the boundary steady state and two positive
described in [7,22]. In the LHS method, by using a uniform dis-
steady states (corresponding to ym = 71.24 and yM = 126.7).
tribution, values are chosen randomly without replacement from
Further, Fig. 6.2 shows that one of the positive steady state
each of the 2 initial conditions in specified ranges. Following this
(yM = 126.7) is locally asymptotically stable for initial values larger
procedure, for each of these initial data, a partial rank correlation
then ncB = 72 (the steady state moves away from the boundary
coefficient (PRCC) value is calculated. PRCC values provide a mea-
steady state), the other (ym = 71.24) is unstable (saddle), and the
sure of the relationship between model inputs and outputs and
boundary steady state is locally asymptotically stable for initial val-
are particularly useful for such relationships that are nonlinear but
ues lower then ncB = 72. This clearly shows that achievement of
monotonic. PRCC values range between -1 and 1 with the sign
consensus on local opinion Acould be strongly affected by the size
determining whether an increase in the parameter value will de-
of the initial subpopulation B. The related bifurcation diagram is
crease or increase the specified model output.
portrayed in the right panel of Fig. 5.1.
The sensitivity results for opinion dynamics of the model
Next we investigate the role of the rate β on the opinion behav-
(2.4) are shown in Fig. 6.5. The left panel of Fig. 6.5 indicates that
ior. From Fig. 6.3 it follows that in order to achieve the consensus
the initial values of the subpopulations A and B are statistically
on opinion A,individuals from subpopulation Bmust change their
significant but subpopulation B is slightly more significant. Right
mind to convert back to opinion Aat rates larger then β0 = 0.089.
panel of Fig. 6.5 shows the basins of attraction by means of initial
It is obvious that in the absence of effective communications
data. The results highlight the importance of initial sizes of both
(i.e. b = 0 ),the threshold delay system (5.1) becomes a constant

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0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

Fig. 6.3. Bifurcation diagram corresponds to backward bifurcation branch with turning point at β0 = 0.089. In this simulation, ν was chosen to be 60.
8000 1000



4000 500
300 T3 =70
T2 =53.33 T2 =57.6

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 45 50 55 60

Fig. 6.4. Change in effective communications b. Numerical simulations show that the severity of bifurcation changes with different values of the parameter b. Right panel
represents a close-up of left panel. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

nA 700
Boubdary steady state
Positive steady state
nB (0) 600

nA (0) 500

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 400

nB (0)


nB 300

nB (0) 200

nA (0) 100

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0

PRCC 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
nA (0) 104

Fig. 6.5. Sensitivity analysis. Left panel: The partial rank correlation coefficients are shown using the subpopulations A and Bas index. Right panel: Basins of attraction for
system (2.4) in terms of nA (0 ) and nB (0 ).The both figures are simulated with the system in the regime of bistability. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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