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Issues about Medical Technology in the Philippines.

1. They have slow medical advancements. They cannot acquire new machines
because of certain financial factors.
2. The population plays a role in the issues. Due to large population, the medical
authorities are are not able to attend the demands of the people.
3. Negligence denotes the conduct practice is lacking in due care.
4. Malpractice professional negligence by act or omission of a health care
provider in which care provided deviates from accepted standards of practice.
5. The country’s shortage in health care professionals is more severe than we
think. Beyond the usual news about the lack of doctors and nurses, we are also in
dire need of more medical technologists in the rural areas.


What are the problems of medical technology in the Philippines?
MT 11 Lecture -

Submitted to: Mr. Kim G. Sarong

Submitted By: Lucy Mariella V. Orozco

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