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Lucy Mariella V.

Orozco CHS-L July 10,2019

1. Identify yourself as one of the characters in the story (Isaac, Jacob, Esau, Rebecca)
How would you deal this kind of conflict in the family?

- In the story, I think I’m Esau. Not in a way that I’m a “future inheritance” or
something. But there are instances in my life, that actually belongs or meant for me.
Having a envious sibling is very difficult to handle. For example: there is a room in
our house which has a massive space for things and etc. And my mother said that, that
room belongs to me because I’m the only girl and girls have a lot of stuffs and I must
have a study table with me because I’m the only one who is studying in our family.
But because he wants all the things for him, my mom just gave the room to him to
avoid conflict. Just like Esau, I sometimes fail to appreciate the truth of who I am and
in failing to appreciate, and I sometimes loses my own unique identity. And yet, the
truth is that I had no particular interest in such things because all I want is my own
room and privacy.

2. How would you define deception? How does it feel? Cite instance in your life
when you where taken advantage?

- For me the word deception means, the fact or condition of being deceived. You can
never believe that the closest person in your life can betray you .Or may be you don't
want to believe just to protect yourself from the heart wrenching pain.Or may be you
get so numb after the betrayal that you lose the ability to feel anything. For instance in
my life when I was taken advantage that I can never forget is, when someone that is
very close to me betrayed or abuse my kindness, trust and especially my feelings.

3. Based on Joseph’s story. How would you define Divine Providence? What is one
thing you learned from Joseph’s story that would be most helpful to share to someone
who is experiencing tough times?

-Divine providence is a doctrine which describes God's ability to manage

or rule all things in His desire to express His love and care. In short: God
is in control. In a nutshell, it is the idea that God is working behind the scenes to
bring about His fixed will even though it seems like He isn’t working at all.I can
understand why some people would become deists.Sometimes it really does seem like
God created everything and then just left us on our own.When we look around at all
the evil in the world, all the wars, all the people in third world countries barely
surviving, all the diseases that decimate whole populations, or all of the natural
disasters that occur, such events can bring even the strongest, most faithful believer to
his or her knees in confusion crying out “God where are you?!“. For me, the most
helpful to share to someone who is experiencing tough times is to let him or her feel
that you will be always there for them and to listen what are their problems in life.
Because a friend who listens, give guidance to you and being direct to you whenever
you are at fault is very rare to find. That’s why it is essential to talk to your friends
and family when you are experiencing hardships in life.

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