General Information For Convocation

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(Established by Law in 1979, Cap N59, LFN 2004)

COLLEGE PRESIDENT: Dr. M.M. Borodo, FMCP Km. 26 Lagos –Badagry Expressway
Professor of Medicine PMB 2003, Ijanikin, Lagos, Nigeria
COLLEGE VICE PRESIDENT: Dr. Akin Osibogun Tel: 01-2913110,
Professor of Public Health Website:
COLLEGE TREASURER: Dr. A. L. Ladeinde, FMCdS Email:
Professor of Surgery All correspondence to College Registrar
Professor of Medicine 27th August 2021


All Convokes
All MD Degree Graduates
All Fellows

General Information on Activities and Programme of Events for the College Hybrid (Physical and
Virtual components) Convocation Ceremony scheduled for Thursday 16th September 2021.

The College 39th Convocation ceremony has been scheduled to hold on Thursday 16th September 2021. It
is important to celebrate this major milestone in our Convokes/MD degree graduates’ life. The College
Senate approved a hybrid of physical and virtual 39th Convocation ceremony because of the subsisting
Federal Government of Nigeria regulations on restriction of gathering in enclosed space as a result of control
measures for the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The physical component of the convocation involves the traditional use of the College Auditorium for the
physical component at the College premises in Ijanikin and physical conduct of the ceremony by the
Principal Officers of the College (The College President, Vice President, Treasurer and the College
Registrar), the two Deputy Registrars (SGBA and Academic]), and the sixteen (16) Faculty Chairmen and
Faculty Secretaries that will be physically present. The one distinguished Fellowship award (post-humous),
but represented by a member of the family (the late Dr. Stella Ameyo Adedevoh) and the two (2) recipients
of the Honorary Fellowship Award (His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Borno State Prof. Babagana
Umaru Zulum and Alhaji Alhassan Dantata) are also to be physically present at Ijanikin with one (1) guest
each. There will be Convocation Lecture by Prof. Samuel Ohaegbulam, FMCS of the Faculty of Surgery
which will be virtual.

All Convokes and Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree graduates are expected to join the Convocation
ceremony virtually via a link that would be sent to you. All guests are expected to join the live streaming
of the event on College website and Facebook, the links will equally be provided. All Convokes and Doctor
of Medicine (MD) degree graduates are expected to use digital devices (Computer System, Laptops, Smart
Phone, iPad, phone tabs etc) with a functional camera or camcorder that can relay their video back to
College via the link sent.

The College Auditorium will be decorated as for the traditional convocation ceremony and the
Convocation/Graduation ceremony will be conducted in the Auditorium with interphase with the virtual

…………..Service to humanity
components of the Convocation. Big screens will be positioned in the hall at different points for the virtual
component of the Convocation. There will be presentation of Convokes in each Faculty by the Faculty
secretaries and virtual oath taking and pledge by each Convokes. The Convokes and MD degree
graduates will be expected to wear their gown without the Fellow’s cap until being sworn in to be
Fellows/MD degree graduates respectively by the College President.

The invited guests including the special guest of honour, the honourable Minster of Health, his excellency,
the Executive Governor of Lagos state, Presidents and Registrars of Sister Colleges, Heads of Health
Institutions, Vice Chancellors and Provost of college of Medicine/ Health sciences and other guests, past
Presidents, past Registrars, distinguished Fellows, other Governing Board members, other Senate members
and staff of the College will join the Convocation ceremony virtually via a link that would be sent to them.

Activities of the Virtual component of the 39th Convocation Ceremony

The activities for the virtual component of the 39th Convocation Ceremony will involve the following three
major components:
1. Use of online virtual meeting Zoom App for the Convocation ceremony, and
2. Online streaming using Facebook, Microsoft Team, LinkedIn, YouTube etc.
3. Virtual Convocation Live Streaming via the College website.

Virtual Convocation Live Streaming

The 39th hybrid physical/virtual Convocation ceremony is a way to make up for the absence of convocation
rituals to prevent large gathering of Convokes and MD degree graduates and guest due to the COVID-19
pandemic. The virtual component of the Convocation ceremony involve the hosting of part of the
Convocation online by the web-conferencing technology.

The use of Zoom Apps Web-Conference Software

College to use Zoom Apps web conferencing software that will allow the following functions:
i. VIDEO CONFERENCING VIA WEBCAM. The College officials and The College officials and
Convokes/graduates/graduates will need to show their faces to participate
ii. SCREEN-SHARE or upload presentations by the presenter. This will be used to play presentation
slides or music with a picture or video, such as the national anthem or background music at
transitions of functions.
iii. There will be flexibility to ALLOW MULTIPLE PRESENTER ROLES OR SWITCH
BETWEEN PRESENTERS. This allows College to pass the spotlight of the virtual ceremony to
the special guest of honour and invited Presidents of sister Colleges who may not have pre-
recorded their goodwill messages, etc. at any time.
ADDITIONAL PEOPLE, allowing people who do not need to show their faces, such as Faculty
officials, Fellows, families, and friends who are not at the same location as the Convokes/MD
degree graduates to watch on their own devices.
v. College will provide ACCESS FROM MOBILE DEVICES, in case if a desktop or laptop
computer is not available.
vi. College will provide Live chat and cloud recording of the virtual Convocation ceremony to be
shared on request.

College will limit the duration of the 39th Convocation/Graduation ceremony to a maximum of four hours.
College will ensure that speakers will engage with the participants virtually.

…………..Service to humanity
College will require convoking Fellows/MD Degree graduates to wear their gown right and will also be
required to wear Cap at the appropriate time after taking oath and swearing in as Fellows of the College. All
participants in the hybrid physical/virtual convocation ceremony must be properly dressed as if they are in
the College premises for the Convocation ceremony. College will continue to communicate this regularly to
all stakeholders.

Your faithfully,

Dr. S. S. Sule, FMCPH

Deputy Registrar I (SGBA)
For: College Registrar

…………..Service to humanity

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