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According to the influential economist and Harvard Business School professor Theodore

Levitt, the purpose of all business is to “find and keep customers.” Marketing is instrumental
in helping businesses achieve this purpose and is much more than just advertising and selling
products and collecting money. Marketing generates value by creating the connections
between people and products, customers and companies.
Boiled to its essence, the marketing role is to identify, satisfy and retain customers.
Customer demographics are included as a factor that plays a role in determining the brand’s
image and loyalty. According to Toyota Customer Demographic Research, the highest
purchase rate on Toyota vehicles is 78 people aged 20-30 years, and the lowest purchase rate
is 0 persons within 20’s.
Otherwise, from a racial point of view, the Chinese have the largest customer base with 98
people and the smallest number of customers with 8 people. Hence, from a month to month
pay viewpoint, 98 individuals are in the class with a pay of RM 4001-5000, this is the most
elevated classification pay for 2 people, the pay for the remainder of individuals will be less
than 1000 RM.
The quality of Toyota products, the price of Toyota products, there are four main factors to
determine customer satisfaction in Toyota Motor Company where Toyota products are
innovative and creative; And Toyota Services. Respondents were asked questions about the
specific brand they liked and what they preferred to buy. These four factors are the most
important factors influencing or influencing customer decision making when purchasing
Toyota products. Data was collected by asking Toyota customers whether they were satisfied
with the brand they were using. Quantitative research results according to various factors are
shown below. Product quality is a very important factor in determining customer satisfaction
on Toyota products. According to the data collection, most of the respondents agree with the
critical product quality which is 45%. The second highest is 38% who fully agree that product
quality is a key factor when a customer intends to purchase Toyota products. The lowest
percentage strongly disagreed with only 1%. Therefore, another important factor affecting
Toyota customer satisfaction is the product price. As a result of the research, most
respondents strongly agreed that the price of the products was very important when they
chose to buy Toyota products which accounted for 52%. In contrast, only 2% of respondents
strongly disagreed on the price impact of the products. As a result, 32% of respondents
agreed that the product would bring innovative and creative Toyota customer satisfaction.
This is the highest percentage of the rest. Furthermore, the lowest percentage that does not
strongly agree that innovative and creative products on Toyota products affect customer
satisfaction is 11%. Toyota will understand that the imaginative and inventive nature of their
item isn't the best friendship that impacts buyers on the acquisition of their items and results
in client satisfaction.

Toyota’s Pricing Strategy

Toyota could become the second largest automobile manufacturer in the world due to its huge
investment in innovative designs and promotional activities to entice customers across
multiple continents. It manufactures high quality vehicles at affordable prices.
The selling price of a product is often determined by combining cost and profit. A slight
increase in the cost of production directly affects consumers in terms of any selling price.
Nonetheless, Toyota has an alternate methodology. The formula is still the same, but it has
been slightly changed to make a big difference. Toyota first calculates the profit instead of
calculating the selling price. So, it can be sold with the formula price - price = profit. The
company believes that market mechanisms and consumers determine the selling price.
Toyota also takes great care in disposing of waste. This leads to increased profits over time
due to better price, higher quality and lower cost vehicles. According to a 2017 report, Toyota
unit sales worldwide stood at 10,386,000. Vehicles come in a number of price ranges, ranging
from $ 18,990 and up to $ 80,000 depending on model, spare parts and manufacturing cost.
The company uses low cost and differentiation to take advantage of competition in the
automotive industry. Compared to competitors, most consumers can find Toyota products
with better quality, design and technology.

Sales Promotion

Toyota uses a number of different advertising strategies to increase sales volume. It

advertises on billboards, radio, newspapers, flyers, television, the Internet, yellow pages,
word of mouth and brochures. Attractive slogans are often used to attract brand attention.
Since 2004, the slogan has been "Move On". However, a new tagline in the form of "Let's go
places" has been used in the US market.
Uses personal sales to Toyota dealerships to personally promote Toyota products to potential
customers. Good public relations and a commitment to environmentally friendly solutions
build a positive brand image for Toyota. On the other hand, customers are offered special
deals with low sales incentives. In addition, it sometimes uses direct selling to provide better
deals for corporate customers. Through a flexible advertising strategy, Toyota has a
comprehensive way of promoting the brand and its products.
Toyota Motor Corporation's Marketing Mix (4P) company reflects strategies for interaction
with its target market. As one of the leading companies in the global automotive industry,
Toyota’s target market varies in terms of customer preferences and regional and local market
conditions. Also, the company marketing mix is designed to address these differences.
Established in 1937, Toyota has developed from a nearby business to a main worldwide part
in the auto business. The company now operates in all regional markets except Mongolia and
parts of the Middle East and Africa. Toyota's global success highlights the company's
influence in developing and implementing its marketing mix.
Toyota Marketing Mix (4P) company determines strategies for its product mix, location or
distribution, marketing communications‌ or promotional mix and pricing. Its current global
success will have some impact on Toyota implementing its marketing mix.

Toyota’s Products (Product Mix)

Toyota has a diverse set of products. This element of the marketing mix identifies
organizational outputs for the target customers. The following are the product lines in
Toyota’s product mix:

1. Toyota automobiles
2. Lexus automobiles
3. Welcab series
4. Marine products
5. Spare parts and accessories
6. Engines

Toyota Automobiles are the most well known in this item blend. Lexus Automobiles
Company Luxury Product. On the other hand, the Welcab series is a modified Toyota
automobile for the elderly and disabled. The company also manufactures spare parts and
accessories for boats, engines and automobiles and marine products. This piece of the
promoting mix shows that Toyota will arrive at a more extensive market and lessen market-
based misfortunes through a blend of various items.

Place/Distribution in Toyota’s Marketing Mix

Vendors are the principle areas for the conveyance of Toyota items. This element of the
marketing mix determines where customers can reach the company's products. Toyota's
distribution strategy includes the following key positions:

1. Dealership

2. Retail

Toyota dealerships have the highest sales volume. However, some retailers, such as auto
supply stores, also sell company products such as spare parts and accessories. This part of the
marketing blend shows that Toyota relies heavily on dealerships to sell its products to the
target market.

Toyota Promotion (Promotional Mix)

Toyota's campaign strategy includes all marketing communications strategies. This element
of the marketing mix is related to how the company communicates with the target market.
Toyota uses the following promotional campaigns established by Priority:

1. Personal sale

2. Statement

3. Public relations

4. Sales promotion

5. Direct selling

Toyota uses personal sales through dealership sales staff who personally promote products to
potential buyers. The company uses advertising in various media such as TV, newspapers and
websites. In addition, the company promotes its products through public relations, such as the
Toyota Together Green program, which supports environmental programs, and the Meals
Everly program, which feeds the food bank. These promoting practices make a positive brand
picture for Toyota. On the other hand, rare sales promotion is used through special deals.
Likewise, the organization in some cases utilizes direct selling for corporate customers. This
part of Toyota's marketing mix indicates that the company has a comprehensive strategy to
promote its business and products.

Toyota’s Prices and Pricing Strategy

Toyota prices vary widely depending on the product range and product type or model. This
element of the marketing mix identifies how the company sets prices for its products. Toyota
utilizes a mix of the accompanying valuing techniques:
1. Market Oriented Price
2. Value based pricing
Toyota uses a market-based pricing strategy to determine prices based on market conditions
and competitors' prices. This pricing strategy is noticeable in most Toyota products, such as
sedans and trucks. However, the company also uses a price-based pricing strategy, which
determines prices based on the actual and perceived value of the product. The company uses
value-based pricing for high-priced or expensive products such as Price and Lexus cars. This
component of Toyota's marketing mix suggests that the company sets price levels based on
market conditions and customer perceptions.

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