Gender Lab Reflective Research Report

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 Table of Contents
Executive summary....................................................................................................................2


What is learnt by me?.................................................................................................................3

Questions raised for me..............................................................................................................5

Application of Gender to my field of study...............................................................................5


 Executive summary
In this report, I have discussed my experiences regarding Gender lab research that is
Nongovernmental organization which provides an opportunity to analyze and research
social issues with respect to gender. The lab bring together a broad range of gender as
well as sexuality studies from throughout the faculty, offering an intellectual foundation
as well as encouraging interdisciplinary discussion, cooperation, as well as research. The
main aim of this report to explore what is learnt by me in gender lab and what questions it
has raised for me while studying and conducting the research. After that, I will discuss the
application of Gender to my project management and implementation area of study.

 Introduction
Gender studies seems to be an interesting field of study that looks at how men as well as
women have interacted in the past, present, as well as future (Pilcher and Whelehan,
2016). The Gender lab provides an opportunity to examine social and cultural issues via
the prism of gender from a range of viewpoints. “Girl or boy?” is frequently the first thing
people ask from us, even before they inquire regarding our capacity to communicate for
ourselves. We rarely cease reacting in various ways, whether consciously or
unconsciously. All responses should be automated as well as limited to such two choices
(Cranny-Francis et al., 2017). Our sex, gender, as well as heterosexual or homosexual
needs and wants are assumed to also be natural, personal facts, and they are pressured
into repositories as well as controlled by cultural identity at each and every stage:
throughout the way we dress, contemporary culture people generate, family relationships
we occupy, rules and policy decisions we abide or violate, as well as the quotes we utilize
(Stoller, 2020). How do we deal with the contradiction of sex, gender, as well as sexuality
being completely natural but yet being deeply cultural? How do we recognize and change
the societal inequities that are embedded in these ways of behavior? To put it another
way, how can we see gender, sexuality, need, as well as the intricate relationships
between them as changeable cultural artefacts that change dramatically over time and
between societies? (Hyde, 2007).

I become able to explore all these related issues via various perspectives inside the
humanities as well as social sciences especially with the help of the professors in study
of Gender and Sexuality.

 What is learnt by me?

As a part of the Gender lab that is Non-Governmental organization, I learned that the
issues regarding Gender can be resolved through innovating policy and procedures. With
the help of the lab for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, I am able to investigate methods
from a variety of academic fields. I learn how to do gender research as well as look at
problems like family duties, reproductive technologies, politics, sexuality as well
as culture that influence as well as are influenced by gender roles. At the start of being
part of the Gender lab initiative known as “the Gender Lab Fellowship”, I was not able to
fully understand and aware regarding its objectives such as creating an intersectional as
well as inclusive learning experience for women which focuses on developing self-

awareness, leadership qualities, as well as sisterhood. Allowing women for becoming

socially informed, recognize the implications of gender discrimination in their lives, as
well as consequently shatter their own stewardship.

But after that, I realized and understand the opportunities that Gender lab provides to
students by paying more concentration and going deep into the concepts. Such that, the
lab bring together a broad range of gender as well as sexuality studies from throughout
the faculty, offering an intellectual foundation as well as encouraging interdisciplinary
discussion, cooperation, as well as research inside the city and far beyond (Stoller, 2020).
Furthermore, as time goes on, I am better able to evaluate and study how gender and
sexuality interact with the other social divisions as well as identities in a world that is
constantly changing, promoting interdisciplinary conversation, cooperation, as well as
research (Momsen, 2019).

Furthermore, it was a difficult job to investigate the effect of social, cultural, historical,
economical, as well as political factors on identity, as well as the flexibility of gender
identity as well as sexuality, as well as the interconnections of gender identity as well as
sexuality with other elements of identity. It does, therefore, want to increase awareness of
women's as well as community members' perspectives, economic circumstances,
achievements, as well as human rights issues (Connelly and Barriteau, 2000). I was
encouraged to engage in practical activities such as learning process, internships,
research, as well as study abroad that educate me to gender identity as well as sexuality
within diverse as well as global settings. They gain knowledge how womanist
multinational assessment can also be used to research a variety of fascinating social
phenomenon, such as pasts of identity producing, body political life, ethnicity and
religion, fashion politics, distant intimacy via technology, environmental politics, as well
as sexual rights, by taking lectures with leading feminist scholars and researchers
(Jacobson and Joel, 2019).

Critical thinking, reporting, research, as well as verbal communication abilities acquired

by me via the Gender and Sexuality Studies degree have allowed me to think
thoroughly and organize inside a global, multinational environment. Several of the
publications, movies, theories, as well as concepts we discussed are still important parts
of my political as well as ethical framework, which informs as well as improves the work
I perform effectively. Students from various backgrounds were able to study and develop

in a caring environment offered by the teachers.   Such academic, social, as well as

political feeling of community was something I didn't find anyplace else on faculty, and
this is something I regret dearly now that I'm no longer a student. If it weren't for the
professors as well as students inside the GSS program, I will not be where I'm at in life.

 Questions raised for me

Sexuality, gender, as well as cultural and social backgrounds are all investigated just at
Gender Lab. In a Gender lab, I found the chance to perform qualitative theme assessments
of interviewing as well as retrieving information, quantitative web-based investigations,
as well as online questionnaires to examine sex or gender differences within brain
structure as well as behaviour utilizing mainly computer-based technology.

As a research student, I raised the question regarding studying how individual as well as

family aspects, and also related factors to the social context, impact the utilization of
verbally violent behaviour in children; implementing innovative research methods for
analyzing how prenatal impacts, such as gonadal hormones, connect with postnatal
perception to form cognitive behaviour and development (Rahman and Jackson, 2010). 

Considering gender as well as individual variations in behavior, especially in terms of

visuospatial abilities. The causes how and why males and females, or people, function
differentially on spatial challenges, taking into account possible variables like hormonal
effects, attentional variations, tactics, as well as societal influences like stereotypes?

I'm now attempting to figure out why some cognitive characteristics exhibit sex
differences in a young age but then seem to stay constant despite shifts in society views.
In my research, I focused on hormonal and maternal influences on babies' mental rotation
skills as underlying reasons of sex variations in mental rotation.

 Application of Gender to my field of study

In any case, a female engineer would almost likely be overwhelmed by her male
counterparts, as well as employers must be interested in new gender ideas in order to
establish a professional atmosphere that encourages adequate and equal chance for all
employees, regardless of gender. Because there's plenty of proof that it is already taking
place. As in 1970s, women accounted for just 7% of STEM-related occupations. That
very same percentage is now at 24%. This may not be the dramatic increase many had

hoped for, but it is evidence that women now have more possibilities than ever before,
and that gender studies is playing an important role in this development.

By applying gender to my project management and implementation course, I am able to

eliminate prejudice and discrimination in the management of any type of project; it is also
a crucial legal issue around the world, seeking to make gender researches an extremely
useful tool with in continual fight for equality as well as chance for all individuals by
studying policy making, critical theory, literary works, background by a gender
viewpoints. To answer that question, gender studies is a undergraduate program that
provides me with a solid foundation in a range of diverse subjects and therefore can lead
to a variety of employment opportunities. Gender studies has a range of career choices
outside of academic circles, such as positions in NGOs, charitable organizations, as well
as women's organisations. Furthermore, many individuals in the professional as well as
service sectors are looking to the topic to learn more about the problems they encounter
on a daily basis. Individuals who volunteer to manage human rights attorneys and who
fight to preserve as well as expand anti-discrimination laws are two examples.

It is also beneficial to my personal life. Gender studies teaches me to see the world in new
ways, and I'm able to utilize my critical thinking abilities to make sure I'm getting the
most out of everything. It may assist me in developing stronger relationships and
connections following a detailed knowledge of me as a person instead of a gender.

 References

1. CONNELLY, J. L. & BARRITEAU, P. 2000. Theoretical perspectives on gender and

development, IDRC.
Gender studies: Terms and debates, Macmillan International Higher Education.
3. HYDE, J. S. 2007. New directions in the study of gender similarities and differences. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 259-263.
4. JACOBSON, R. & JOEL, D. 2019. Self-reported gender identity and sexuality in an online
sample of cisgender, transgender, and gender-diverse individuals: an exploratory study. The
Journal of Sex Research, 56, 249-263.
5. MOMSEN, J. 2019. Gender and development, Routledge.
6. PILCHER, J. & WHELEHAN, I. 2016. Key concepts in gender studies, Sage.
7. RAHMAN, M. & JACKSON, S. 2010. Gender and sexuality: Sociological approaches,
8. STOLLER, R. J. 2020. Sex and gender: The development of masculinity and femininity,

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