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Batch plant maintenance

n your efforts to run an efficient and have, manufacturers may recommend differ-
Use this profitable ready mix operation, you ent schedules for lubrication and inspection
report to are forced to deal with many factors of components. When it comes to the batch-
that contribute to a successful busi- ing control panel and its related electrical
record ness. Not only are you responsible for turn- equipment, having a qualified specialist per-
your ing out high-quality concrete, but you must
also juggle such varied managerial tasks as
form the maintenance may be a good idea.
After you have determined the recom-
plant’s dispatching, billing, and customer service. mended maintenance procedures for your
With all of these activities needing atten- batch plant, you then must consider what
mainte- tion, it is easy to see how batch plant main- other items at your plant may not have been
nance tenance can, at times, be put on hold. mentioned in the operation manual. Such
While other matters may require immediate components may include gear boxes, bear-
resolution, maintenance is often viewed as ings, bushings, and an air system. Because
an activity for slow times, and its impor- such items and other devices are common at
tance is underestimated. This attitude, how- ready mix operations, manufacturers may
ever, is a shortsighted one that can cost a not provide specific maintenance instruc-
plant money in both repair costs and lost tions for them. It is necessary for you, there-
business due to downtime. fore, to determine the best schedule for
The way to keep your batch plant in good these components based on your experi-
working condition is to set up and follow a ence and other recommendations.
regular maintenance schedule. Because batch Keep in mind that safety is crucial when
plants come in many different styles with var- maintenance is being performed. Employ-
ious layouts and types of equipment, there is ees should be instructed to lock out equip-
no one maintenance plan that can be used at ment that is being worked on, tag it, and
every plant. There are, however, some gener- notify other employees in the work area
al steps that any plant can follow in develop- that maintenance is under way. Many acci-
ing an effective maintenance schedule. dents can be prevented if all employees at
Carefully examine the operation and the plant are made aware of maintenance
maintenance manuals supplied by the procedures being done.
batch plant manufacturer. Also, take advan- Use the following report as a guide to
tage of any training on maintenance of- necessary batch plant maintenance. Consult
fered by that manufacturer. Some manufac- with manufacturers’ recommended mainte-
turers will send a representative out to your nance and add plant-specific items in the
plant to make sure that equipment is prop- spaces provided. This checklist was provid-
erly used and maintained. ed by Monte Stewart of Ash Grove Materi-
Depending on the specific batch plant you als Corp., Overland Park, Kan. ✥

Copyright © 1996, The Aberdeen Group, All rights reserved
Plant ________________________________ Date ________________________ Week Ending ______________________

Maintenance Item SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Remarks or Repairs Made

1. Inspect oil and filter on air compressor and
drain tank, manifolds, and all water traps.
2. Inspect and fill all oilers on plant.
3. Inspect all air cylinders.
4. Inspect tension on all V-drive belts.
5. Inspect conveyor belts for
alignment and excessive wear.
6. Perform housekeeping items,
such as cleaning up dust and debris.

1. Lubricate all bearings (ONE PUMP ONLY).
Included are head and tail pulleys on all
conveyors, snubber roller on loading conveyor,
head and tail bearings on cement feeder screws,
wheel bearing supports on turn head, etc.
2. Lubricate all aggregate gate pivot points.
3. Replace or blow clean all air filters on air
compressor and aeration blowers.
4. Inspect and tighten all bolts and
bearing set screws.
5. Inspect and/or adjust all belt wipers.
6. Lubricate packing at the bottom and top
ends of the cement feeder screws with oil.
7. Inspect all bags in cement bag filters.

1. Inspect oil level in all gear reducers.
2. Adjust skirtboards as needed.
3. Adjust and tighten conveyor belts as needed.
4. Change oil in air compressor.

1. Change oil in all conveyor gear reducers.
2. Remove bags in cement bag filters and
blow clean.
3. Tighten or replace all V-belts as needed.
4. Inspect scale and water meter accuracy.
5. Inspect hanger bearings in feeder screws
and replace as needed.
6. Inspect and acidize boiler.
7. Inspect and/or replace bin aeration pads.

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